Marriage Inventory
Marriage Inventory
Marriage Inventory
1. Indicate which of you tends more (in relation to the other) to be:
(mark “M” for the man “W” for the woman; “B” for both; “N” for no one)
Aug 2009
2. What makes you tick? What lights up your world? What really matters to you? _____
3. On the lines below, indicate the relative levels of maturity which you think you and
your fiancé(e) have reached respectively, as compared with your age group. (On each
line place an “M” for the man, and a “W” for the woman at the appropriate spot.)
Immature Mature
Emotionally ____________________________________________________________________________
Intellectually ____________________________________________________________________________
Socially ____________________________________________________________________________
Spiritually ____________________________________________________________________________
1 2 3 4 5
4. List some of your fiancé(e)’s characteristics which are most attractive to you. _________
8. In which areas would you like your fiancé(e) to help you improve yourself? ____________
Aug 2009
9. In which areas would you like to help your fiancé(e) improve? _________________________
10. Name a few significant life events (good and bad) that have significantly shaped you?
1. Mark on the list below things you or your fiancée have struggled with previously or
still continue to struggle with presently: mark “P” for past struggles and/or “C” for
current struggles. For those that don’t apply, you can leave blank.
apathy _____ apathy _____
appetite _____ appetite _____
argumentative _____ argumentative _____
arrogant _____ arrogant _____
bitterness _____ bitterness _____
deception _____ deception _____
depression _____ depression _____
doubts _____ doubts _____
drunkenness _____ drunkenness _____
envy _____ envy _____
finances/debt _____ finances/debt _____
guilt _____ guilt _____
homosexuality _____ homosexuality _____
indecisive _____ indecisive _____
indifferent _____ indifferent _____
irresponsible _____ irresponsible _____
judgmental attitude _____ judgmental attitude _____
laziness _____ laziness _____
loneliness _____ loneliness _____
lust _____ lust _____
lying _____ lying _____
memory _____ memory _____
moodiness _____ moodiness _____
perfectionist _____ perfectionist _____
rebellion _____ rebellion _____
sex _____ sex _____
sleep _____ sleep _____
worry, anxiety _____ worry, anxiety _____
uncontrolled tongue _____ uncontrolled tongue _____
Aug 2009
2. On the list above, pick one sin that has been harmful for your relationship with our
fiance(e). Describe why it has hurt the relationship; what you need to do to change this
pattern; and how your fiancé(e) can help. _________________________________________________
3. Which of these sins have ruined, worsened, or compromised a particular season of your life
(either previously or currently)? ________________________________________________________
4. If there are sins from your past or present (i.e., suicide attempts, eating disorders,
pornography viewing, etc.) that you don’t want to talk about in front of your fiancé,
please let the pastor know (you can call during the week or send an email) and he will
set up a separate time to discuss things with you.
5. What are your idols or false gods? What do you do with these idols? ____________
6. How do you react to stress? Which sins come out when you are stressed? ____________
7. Where do you find refuge/ safety/ comfort/ security when you are stressed? ___________
8. How would you like your fiancé(e) to help you fight stress? ___________________________
1. How long have you known your fiancé (e)? ______________ When did you become
convinced that you wanted to be married? (approximate date) ____________________________
2. Indicate your parents’ attitude toward your fiancé(e): total acceptance _______;
acceptance with reservations _______; disapproval _______.
Aug 2009
3. How do you perceive your prospective in-laws’ attitude toward you: total acceptance
_______; acceptance with reservations _______; disapproval _______.
4. Comment on the familiar statement, “You don’t just marry the individual; you marry
the whole family,” in terms of how you see it applying in your case. _______________________
6. Have you been married before? ___________ To Whom were you married?_______________
7. Have you been in any other relationship that you thought would lead to marriage?
________ If so, what happened? _______________________________________________________________
8. Describe the marriage you have observed which you most want yours to resemble. ____
9. List the strengths of your parents’ marriage that you most want to experience in your
own. _________________________________________________________________________________________
10. What weaknesses in your parents’ marriage do you wish to avoid? ____________________
Aug 2009
1. What does biblical leadership and submission look like in a marriage? _________________
2. In what ways were your parents a good or poor example of biblical leadership and
submission in a marriage? __________________________________________________________________
3. For the man: What are your fears, struggles, or concerns in learning to lead your future
wife? _______________________________________________________________________________________
4. For the woman: What are your fears, struggles, or concerns in learning to submit to your
future husband? ______________________________________________________________________
2. What do you usually fight about and when do you usually fight?_________________________
3. How do you feel about arguing with him/her? Enjoyable _____; unpleasant _____;
destructive _____; (other) ______________________
Aug 2009
5. Mark any communication weaknesses that you or your fiancée have struggled with
previously or still continue to struggle with presently: mark “P” for past struggles and/or
“C” for current struggles. For those that don’t apply, you can leave blank.
always gets the last word _____ always gets the last word _____
argumentative _____ argumentative _____
blame-shifting _____ blame-shifting _____
blows up _____ blows up _____
brash, harsh, rude _____ brash, harsh, rude _____
clams up _____ clams up _____
complaining/nagging _____ complaining/nagging _____
correcting _____ correcting _____
domineering _____ domineering _____
impatient _____ impatient _____
insulting/slanderous _____ insulting/slanderous _____
interrupting _____ interrupting _____
gossip _____ gossip _____
manipulative _____ manipulative _____
accurate/precise with words _____ accurate/precise with words _____
encouraging/affirming _____ encouraging/affirming _____
gentle/soft tone _____ gentle/soft tone _____
good at listening _____ good at listening _____
hopeful/optimistic _____ hopeful/optimistic _____
honest/truthful _____ honest/truthful _____
keeps no record of wrongs _____ keeps no record of wrongs _____
kind _____ kind _____
loving _____ loving _____
not easily angered _____ not easily angered _____
open to correction _____ open to correction _____
patient _____ patient _____
rejoices in the truth _____ rejoices in the truth _____
slow to speak _____ slow to speak _____
quick to forgive _____ quick to forgive _____
vulnerable _____ vulnerable _____
welcoming _____ welcoming _____
puts off confronting _____ puts off confronting _____
shuts-down in arguments _____ shuts down in arguments _____
sarcastic _____ sarcastic _____
tactless _____ tactless _____
Aug 2009
7. Looking at #5 above, pick one or two communication struggles that have been
harmful for your relationship with our fiancé(e). Describe why it has hurt the
relationship; what you need to do to change this pattern; and how your fiancé(e) can
help. ________________________________________________________________________________________
8. Looking at #6 above, pick one or two of your fiancé’s greatest communication strengths
and list them here. Explain briefly why you picked them. ________________________________
3. Is the time you spend with your other close friends usually with _____, or without _____
your fiancé(e) also present?
6. What are some of the relational strengths which you can bring to the marriage? _______
Aug 2009
8. State honestly any fears, concerns, or apprehensions you feel about your anticipated
10. What are some matters about which the two of you have different opinions? _________
11. Are there any areas in which you are struggling to trust your fiance(e)? _______________
2. If you are not a virgin, how would you describe your previous sexual experiences?
Numerous_____; rare_____; destructive _____; abusive_____; ( other) ____________________
3. Do you sometimes feel guilty about the sexual involvement you have had with your
fiancée? ________________________
Aug 2009
3. What are the main influences that have shaped that relationship? _____________________
4. How does your expression of your faith differ from that of your fiancé(e)? _____________
5. As you see it, how does a Christian marriage differ from any other? ____________________
6. How do you expect to cultivate your faith together after you are married? _____________
7. After marriage, where to you plan to go to church? Will this church be a good place
for you both to grow spiritually?
Aug 2009
Indicate relative inclinations to spend money in the following areas: (“M” for man, “W”
for woman at the appropriate spot)
Least Likely Most Likely
New clothes _____________________________________________
Hobbies, recreation _____________________________________________
Automobile _____________________________________________
Books, magazines _____________________________________________
Movies, concerts _____________________________________________
Music equipment, tapes, CDs _____________________________________________
Home furnishings _____________________________________________
Groceries _____________________________________________
Eating out _____________________________________________
Entertaining guests _____________________________________________
Gifts for spouse _____________________________________________
Gifts for others _____________________________________________
Vacations _____________________________________________
1. In which of the areas above would you say that your fiancé(e) might spend money
3. For which does each of you tend to spend money more freely: experiences __________ or
things __________? (Indicate with “M” or “W”)
7. Will the wife be employed after you are married? __________ If so, are the reasons
primarily financial __________, or commitment to a career __________?
Aug 2009
1. If both plan careers, whose job determines where you will live? _________________________
2. How soon would you like to have children? _______________ How many? ________________
5. If you should be unable to have your own, would you adopt a child? ___________________
6. What methods of discipline were most effective for you as a child? _____________________
7. How would your discipline of your children differ from that which you received? _____
8. What do you consider to be your primary responsibility for your spouse’s growth and
development during the years of your marriage?
9. What would you like for him/her to say in answer to the previous question? __________
11. Have you ever struggled with forgiving someone? If so, give an example. ______________
Aug 2009
12. If your answer to #11 was “yes”, how can you prevent this from ever happening with
your fiancée? _______________________________________________________________________________
13. What circumstances, as you see it now, would lead you to seek a divorce? ____________
14. If you specified a circumstance in #13, what will you do to prevent it? _________________
15. If your answer to #13 was “none”, on what do you base that confidence? ______________
16. In regards to the future, what do you tend to worry about? ___________________________
17. On your deathbed, what would sum up your life as worthwhile? What would give
meaning to your life?
Aug 2009