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Fuel Cell Generator

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Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator.
Clean, silent affordable power for off-grid applications.
02 BOC HYMERA® Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator

BOC HYMERA® Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator.

Clean, silent, affordable power for off-grid

When jobs just can’t be done effectively It’s the world’s first commercially-viable, low- railway and tunnel maintenance work, for
with traditional diesel or petrol generators, carbon, hydrogen fuel cell alternative to small example), security cameras, environmental
there’s BOC HYMERA®. petrol and diesel generators or large battery monitoring and process control systems.
banks. It can provide up to 175 watts of peak
power whenever and wherever you need it. This flexible, effective alternative solution to
traditional generators incorporates ground-
The new HYMERA® can easily cope with breaking hydrogen fuel cell technology,
today’s high efficiency, lower power electrical which produces electricity from the reaction
loads and it offers cost savings of up to 75% between hydrogen and oxygen from the air.
for loads up to 150 watts.
The HYMERA® is also environmentally-friendly,
Supplied with readily available compressed producing water as the only by-product. And
hydrogen from BOC, HYMERA® can support a it is extremely quiet, typically less than 45
wide range of commercial and industrial off- decibels at five metres – similar to a desktop
grid applications, such as task lighting (for computer
BOC HYMERA® Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator 03

Reap the benefits.

Cost saving Carbon saving

For many applications, the BOC HYMERA® can Carbon savings with HYMERA® can be very
offer very significant cost savings compared to significant. A 50W camera powered by a
conventional diesel generators with lower fuel conventional diesel generator will emit 2.5kg
costs and much lower service costs. The lower of CO2 per hour. The CO2 footprint of the
the power of the application, the greater the same camera, when powered by HYMERA®
cost savings. and hydrogen will be less than 20g per hour.

Quiet operation Operates in all weather conditions

HYMERA® is almost silent in operation The unit is rated to operate at -10 degrees and
providing an ideal power solution for covert in temperatures up to 40 degrees. It can self
operations or in environments where noise start* in low temperatures ensuring you do
pollution must be avoided. not waste hydrogen keeping the unit warm to
operate when needed.

Emission free

The only exhaust is water vapour so HYMERA®

is good for the environment and it can be
used in sensitive areas such as near water and
in tunnels and other restricted spaces.
04 BOC HYMERA® Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator

Markets and solutions.

CCTV remote monitoring Process monitoring and control

Until HYMERA® came on the market, the only commercially sensible For process and control applications, used widely by many service
power solutions for intelligent CCTV systems applications were industries such as water and power, HYMERA® is the only system
diesel generators, batteries, or in some cases, solar power – all of which can give all year round power without the limitations of
which have technical and economic limitations. stand-alone solar and/or battery systems.

HYMERA® is the intelligent power source for intelligent CCTV systems. Other relevant applications include: noise and pollution monitoring,
With typical power demands of around 60 watts and used for site filming wildlife and security alarm systems.
surveillance and protection, off-grid CCTV is an active and low-cost
alternative to manned guarding. HYMERA® can also be used on projects where conventional diesel
generators cannot, due to risks of environmental damage from diesel
Within its power range, HYMERA® costs much less than diesel spillage or emissions.
generators to run and hardly needs any servicing throughout its life.
Batteries are heavy and impractical and solar PV only works for very In many cases the HYMERA® unit can be placed into a BOC supplied
low loads during winter months. HYMERA® is much more practical than cabinet which houses the fuel cell, external battery and the application
batteries and is a viable alternative to solar PV or it can work together control electronics. This system can also be used with renewable
with solar PV to provide the lowest cost solution possible. energy sources, such as solar, for the most economical solution

BOC also offers cabinets or cages which hold the cylinders in a

separate compartment for both protective and aesthetic purposes.
BOC HYMERA® Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator 05

Lighting the way

For decades, the construction and rail industry has relied on diesel It works with today’s efficient LED light systems to provide an
generators to power temporary lighting for safety access or area affordable, silent and truly green alternative to the diesel generators
tasks at night or in winter. you’re used to.

These noisy, inefficient units were the only viable power solution until →→ Low noise to avoid disturbing neighbours
HYMERA® came along. →→ Ideal for use in demanding environments
→→ Cleaner than sooty diesel fuel
Now the low noise and low emission solution offered by HYMERA® →→ Zero risk of fuel spill
allows lighting systems to be operated in the most demanding →→ Minimal glare and light flicker
environments with a minimum amount of support, while providing →→ Affordable, green alternative to diesel
higher functionality periods for your lighting system.
06 BOC HYMERA® Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator

Stronger together. GENIE® hydrogen cylinder.

GENIE® cylinder

The HYMERA® generator runs on hydrogen and is supported by the Linde hydrogen GENIE® cylinder
new lightweight 54-G20, GENIE® hydrogen cylinder.
BOC name 54-G20
By combining the HYMERA® and the new GENIE® cylinder you get Product high purity hydrogen (99.995%)
an ideal solution to today’s new low-power electrical devices and Contents (g) 424 @ 300 barg
operating costs. It’s just one of the benefits this solution can offer TARE weight (kg) 22.4
when compared to today’s traditional power generation units. Another Fill pressure (barg) 300
is that it provides the user with a greatly reduced carbon footprint. Max height (mm) 660
Max diameter (mm) 325
When the cylinder is full it weighs approximately 22kg and a single Handle diameter (top) 270
cylinder contains enough hydrogen to generate 6-7kWh of electricity. Handle diameter (bottom) 294
When used with a battery, for example, it can support a 3W monitoring Base width (mm) 305
and alarm system for nearly three months or a 20W security camera kWh electrical (assuming 50% 7kWh @ 300 barg*
system for almost 300 hours. efficient fuel cell)

Cylinders can also be manifolded together for much longer run-times

or alternatively the unit can be coupled with solar powered panels for
further prolonged energy requirements.
BOC HYMERA® Hydrogen Fuel Cell Generator 07

GENIE® Hydrogen 10 bar regulator. GENIE® Hydrogen 6 bar regulator.

Approximate Cylinder Run Times for range of DC electrical loads

Cylinder Options and H2 contents in grams

GENIE Other Standard Cylinder Options
54-G20 54-B 54-ZB** 54-K 54-WK
425g 120g 170g 621g 9315g
Constant Electrical Load (Watts) Approximate run time in hours at constant load
0 1100 310 440 1600 24100
20* 300 85 120 438 6575
40* 164 46 66 239 3595
60 121 34 48 176 2655
80 88 25 35 128 1930
100 70 20 28 100 1535
120 57 16 23 83 1250
140 48 14 19 70 1050
150 45 13 18 65 990
*for powers below 40W, recommend using HYMERA in hybrid mode (with external battery)
** not available until March 2016


Product Part number Item description

0-10 barg H2 GENIE® Regulator 77004 0-10 barg variable hydrogen regulator for GENIE®
fixed 6.5 barg H2 GENIE® regulator 79005 fixed 6 barg hydrogen regulator for GENIE®
3 Way manifold 72618 3 cylinder, low pressure manifold with pressure switch
4 Way manifold 75385 4 cylinder, low pressure manifold with pressure switch
5 Way manifold 75216 5 cylinder, low pressure manifold with pressure switch
Hose Assembly 19318971 1.2 Metre Reinforced hydrogen hose for manifold systems
with hand tight regulator fitting
Hose Assembly 73328 3 Metre Reinforced hydrogen hose for manifold systems
with hand tight regulator fitting
Battery Watch 72619 Prevents external battery running totally flat, when system out of gas
BOC – turning ideas into solutions.
BOC is a member of The Linde Group, the leading global gases and engineering company. BOC is the UK’s largest provider of
industrial, specialist and medical gases, as well as related products and services. As a leader in the application of technology,
we are constantly looking for new ways to provide our customers with high quality products and innovative solutions.

At BOC we help our customers to create added value, clearly discernible competitive advantage and hence greater profitability.
To achieve this we have a comprehensive range of products and services, and technical support which can be customised to
meet the individual requirements of our clients.

To keep ahead of the competition in today’s market, you need a partner for whom quality, service, process and productivity
optimisation are an integral part of customer support. We are there for you and with you, helping to build your success.

BOC’s reputation has been forged through partnerships – with customers, with relevant regulatory authorities and with key
suppliers. In this way, we deliver comprehensive and consistent benefits to you.

BOC – world-leading knowledge and resources adapted to local requirements.

To find out more about HYMERA and how it can help your business, contact us at:
BOC BOC Ireland
Customer Service Centre, PO Box 201,
Priestley Road, Worsley, Bluebell, Dublin 12,
Manchester M28 2UT Republic of Ireland

Tel 0800 111 333 Tel 1890 355 255

Fax 0800 111 555 Fax (0)1 409 1801

[email protected] [email protected]


BOC Limited
The Priestley Centre, 10 Priestley Road, The Surrey Research Park, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XY, United Kingdom
Tel +44 1483 579 857, Fax +44 1483 505 211, www.BOConline.co.uk
GENIE® and HYMERA® are registered trademarks of The Linde Group.
BOC Limited registered office, The Priestley Centre, 10 Priestley Road, Surrey Research Park, Guildford, GU2 7XY, England. Number 337663 – English Register. Authorised and regulated
by the Financial Conduct Authority.The stripe symbol and the letters BOC are registered trade marks. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. © BOC Limited 2016

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