Search Engines Information Retrieval in Practice: W. Bruce Croft Donald Metzler Trevor Strohman

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Search Engines

Information Retrieval
in Practice
University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Yahoo! Research

Google Inc.

Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River
Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto
Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo

Search Engines and Information Retrieval 1

1.1 What Is Information Retrieval? 1
1.2 The Big Issues 4
1.3 Search Engines 6
1.4 Search Engineers 9

Architecture of a Search Engine 13

2.1 What Is an Architecture? 13
2.2 Basic Building Blocks 14
2 3 Breaking It Down 17
2.3.1 Text Acquisition 17
2.3.2 Text Transformation 19
2.3.3 Index Creation 22
2.3.4 User Interaction 23
2.3.5 Ranking 25
2.3.6 Evaluation 27
2.4 How Does it Really Work? 28

Crawls and F e e d s . 31
3.1 Deciding What to Search 31
3.2 Crawling the Web 32
3.2.1 Retrieving Web Pages 33
3.2.2 The Web Crawler 35
3.2.3 Freshness 37
3.2.4 Focused Crawling 41
3.2.5 Deep Web 41

3.2.6 Sitemaps 43
3.2.7 Distributed Crawling 44
3.3 Crawling Documents and Email 46
3.4 Document Feeds 47
3.5 The Conversion Problem 49
3.5.1 Character Encodings 50
3.6 Storing the Documents 52
3.6.1 Using a Database System 53
3.6.2 Random Access 53
3.6.3 Compression and Large Files 54
3.6.4 Update 56
3.6.5 BigTable 57
3.7 Detecting Duplicates 60
3.8 Removing Noise................................. 63

Processing Text 75
4.1 From Words to Terms 75
4.2 Text Statistics 77
4.2.1 Vocabulary Growth 82
4.2.2 Estimating Collection and Result Set Sizes 85
4.3 Document Parsing 88
4.3.1 Overview 88
4.3.2 Tokenizing 89
4.3.3 Stopping 92
4.3.4 Stemming 93
4.3.5 Phrases and N-grams 99
4.4 Document Structure and Markup 103
4.5 Link Analysis 106
4.5.1 Anchor Text 107
4.5.2 PageRank 107
4.5.3 LinkQuality 113
4.6 Information Extraction 115
4.6.1 Hidden Markov Models for Extraction 117
4.7 Internationalization 120
Contents XI

5 Ranking with Indexes 127

5.1 Overview 127
5.2 Abstract Model of Ranking 128
5.3 Inverted Indexes 131
5.3.1 Documents 133
5.3.2 Counts 135
5.3.3 Positions 136
5.3.4 Fields and Extents 138
5.3.5 Scores 140
5.3.6 Ordering 141
5.4 Compression 142
5.4.1 Entropy and Ambiguity 144
5.4.2 Delta Encoding 146
5.4.3 Bit-Aligned Codes 147
5.4.4 Byte-Aligned Codes 150
5.4.5 Compression in Practice 151
5.4.6 Looking Ahead 153
5.4.7 Skipping and Skip Pointers 153
5.5 Auxiliary Structures 156
5.6 Index Construction 158
5.6.1 Simple Construction 158
5.6.2 Merging 159
5.6.3 Parallelism and Distribution 160
5.6.4 Update 166
5.7 Query Processing 167
5.7.1 Document-at-a-time Evaluation 168
5.7.2 Term-at-a-time Evaluation 170
5.7.3 Optimization Techniques 172
5.7.4 Structured Queries 180
5.7.5 Distributed Evaluation 182
5.7.6 Caching 183

6 Queries and Interfaces 191

6.1 Information Needs and Queries 191
6.2 Query Transformation and Refinement 194
6.2.1 Stopping and Stemming Revisited 194
6.2.2 Spell Checking and Suggestions 197
XII Contents

6.2.3 Query Expansion 203

6.2.4 Relevance Feedback 212
6.2.5 Context and Personalization 215
6.3 Showing the Results 219
6.3.1 Result Pages and Snippets 219
6.3.2 Advertising and Search 222
6.3.3 Clustering the Results 225
6.4 Cross-Language Search 230

7 Retrieval Models 237

7.1 Overview of Retrieval Models 237
7.1.1 Boolean Retrieval 239
7.1.2 The Vector Space Model 241
7.2 Probabilistic Models 247
7.2.1 Information Retrieval as Classification 248
7.2.2 The BM25 Ranking Algorithm 254
7.3 Ranking Based on Language Models 256
7.3.1 Query Likelihood Ranking 258
7.3.2 Relevance Models and Pseudo-Relevance Feedback 265
7.4 Complex Queries and Combining Evidence 271
7.4.1 The Inference Network Model 272
7.4.2 The Galago Query Language 277
7.5 Web Search 283
7.6 Machine Learning and Information Retrieval 287
7.6.1 Learning to Rank 288
7.6.2 Topic Models and Vocabulary Mismatch 292
7.7 Application-Based Models 295

8 Evaluating Search Engines 301

8.1 Why Evaluate? 301
8.2 The Evaluation Corpus 303
8.3 Logging 309
8.4 Effectiveness Metrics 312
8.4.1 Recall and Precision 312
8.4.2 Averaging and Interpolation 317
8.4.3 Focusing on the Top Documents 322
8.4.4 Using Preferences 325
Contents XIII

8.5 Efficiency Metrics 326

8.6 Training, Testing, and Statistics 329
8.6.1 Significance Tests 329
8.6.2 Setting Parameter Values 334
8.6.3 Online Testing 336
8.7 The Bottom Line 337

9 Classification and Clustering 343

9.1 Classification and Categorization 344
9.1.1 Naive Bayes 346
9.1.2 Support Vector Machines 355
9.1.3 Evaluation 363
9.1.4 Classifier and Feature Selection 363
9.1.5 Spam, Sentiment, and Online Advertising 368
9.2 Clustering 377
9.2.1 Hierarchical and K-Means Clustering 379
9.2.2 Κ Nearest Neighbor Clustering 388
9.2.3 Evaluation 390
9.2.4 How to Choose k 391
9.2.5 Clustering and Search 393

10 Social Search 401

10.1 What Is Social Search? 401
10.2 User Tags and Manual Indexing 404
10.2.1 Searching Tags 406
10.2.2 Inferring Missing Tags 408
10.2.3 Browsing and Tag Clouds 410
10.3 Searching with Communities 412
10.3.1 What Is a Community? 412
10.3.2 Finding Communities 413
10.3.3 Community-Based Question Answering 419
10.3.4 Collaborative Searching 424
10.4 Filtering and Recommending 427
10.4.1 Document Filtering 427
10.4.2 Collaborative Filtering 436
10.5 Peer-to-Peer and Metasearch 442
10.5.1 Distributed Search 442
XIV Contents

10.5.2 P2P Networks 446

11 Beyond Bag of Words 455

11.1 Overview 455
11.2 Feature-Based Retrieval Models 456
11.3 Term Dependence Models 458
11.4 Structure Revisited 463
11.4.1 XML Retrieval 465
11.4.2 Entity Search 468
11.5 Longer Questions, Better Answers 470
11.6 Words, Pictures, and Music 474
11.7 One Search Fits All? 483

References 491

Index 517

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