Mcasem1&2 (CBSGS) Syllabus

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AC 6/6/2012 

Item No. 4.77 


Syllabus for the

M. C. A.
(Master of Computer Application)

(As per Credit Based Semester and Grading System

with effect from the academic year 2012–2013)
Program Structure for
Master of Computer Application (MCA)
Mumbai University
(With Effect from 2012-2013)
Semester I
Teaching Scheme
Subject Credits Assigned
Subject Name (Contact Hours)
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
Object Oriented
MCA101 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA102 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA103 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA104 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
Principals and
MCA105 Perspective of 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
Lab I –
L101 Programming -- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03
and S.E. Lab
Lab II – Web
Technology &
L102 Web Project -- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03
Total 20 12 -- 20 06 -- 26

Examination Scheme
Subject Name
Code Theory Course
Internal Assessment End Sem. Pract. Oral Total
Test1 Test 2 Avg. Exam.
Object Oriented 100
MCA101 20  20  20  80 -- -- --
Computer 100
MCA102 Organization and 20  20  20  80  -- -- --
Software 100
MCA103 20  20  20  80  -- -- --
MCA104 Discrete 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
Principals and 100
MCA105 Perspective of 20  20  20  80 -- -- --
Lab I – 100
L101 Programming and -- -- -- -- 25 50 25
S.E. Lab
Lab II – Web 100
Technology &
L102 -- -- -- -- 25 50 25
Web Project
Development Lab
Total 100 100 100 400 50 100 50 700

Program Structure for

Master of Computer Application (MCA)
Mumbai University
(With Effect from 2012-2013)

Semester II
Teaching Scheme
Subject Credits Assigned
Subject Name (Contact Hours)
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
MCA201 Data Structure 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA202 Operating System 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA203 Computer Network 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
Probability and
MCA204 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
MCA205 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
Lab I –
L201 Programming and -- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03
Statistical Lab
Lab II – Operating
L202 System and DCN -- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03
Total 20 12 -- 20 06 -- 26

Examination Scheme
Subject Name
Code Theory Course
Internal Assessment End Sem. Pract. Oral
Test1 Test 2 Avg. Exam. Total
MCA201 Data Structure 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA202 Operating System 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
MCA203 Computer Network 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
Probability and 100
MCA204 20  20  20  80  -- -- --
Financial 100
MCA205 20  20  20  80 -- -- --
Lab I – 100
L201 Programming and -- -- -- -- 25 50 25
Statistical Lab
Lab II – Operating 100
L202 System and DCN -- -- -- -- 25 50 25
Total 100 100 100 400 50 100 50 700

Teaching Scheme
Subject Credits Assigned
Subject Name (Contact Hours per week)
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
Object Oriented
MCA101 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
  Examination Scheme
Internal Assessment End Sem. Exam. Pract. Oral Total
Test1 Test 2 Avg. [ Once in a semester ]
20  20  20  80 -- -- -- 100

Unit Contents
1 C++ Fundamentals: 4 Hrs
Data types, Operators, Preprocessor directives, Declarations, Input & Output,
control structures, structures, functions and arrays.

2 Functions: Concept of function in C++, function prototypes in C++, function with 3 Hrs
parameters, Returning values From Functions. Reference Arguments, Overloaded
Function, Default Arguments. Returning By Reference.

3 Object oriented programming, Object And Classes: -Characteristics of object 8 Hrs

oriented programming, Making sense of core object concepts (Encapsulation
Abstraction, Polymorphism, Classes, Massages Association, Inheritance)
Implementation of Class in C++, C++ Objects As Physical Object, C++ Object As
Data Types, Constructor, Object As Function Arguments. The Default constructor,
Copy Constructor, Returning Object From Function. Structures And Classes. Inline
functions, static, virtual and friend function. Classes Objects And Memory Static
Class Data. Const Data. Const And Classes.
4 Arrays and String: Arrays Fundamentals. Arrays as Class Member Data. Arrays Of 4 Hrs
Object. String. The Standard C++ String Class.

5 Operator Overloading: Overloading Unary Operators. Overloading. Binary 4 Hrs

Operators. Data Conversion. Pitfalls of Operators Overloading And Conversion.
Keywords Explicit And Mutable

6 Inheritance: Concept of Inheritance, Derived Class And Base Class, Derived Class 4 Hrs
Constructors, Overriding Member Function, Class Hierarchies, Public And Private
Inheritance, Levels Of Inheritance, Multiple Inheritance, Ambiguity In Multiple
Inheritance, Aggregation: Classes Within Classes, Inheritance And program

7 Pointer. Addresses And pointer, The Address-Of Operator “&”, Pointer And 4Hrs
Arrays, Pointer And Function, Pointer And C- Types String, Memory Management:
New And Delete operator, Pointers to Objects, Debugging pointers.

8 Virtual Function and Polymorphism 4Hrs

Virtual Function, Assignment And Copy Initialization, this Pointer, Dynamic Type

9 Streams and Files. 5 Hrs

Streams Classes. Stream Errors. Disk File I/O with Streams, File Pointers, Error
Handling In File I/O, File I/O With Member Function, Overloading the Extraction
And Insertion Operators, Memory As A Stream Object, Command line Arguments,
and Printer Output.

10 Templates And Exceptions 2Hrs

Function Templates, Class Templates Exceptions.

11 The Standard Template Library 3Hrs

Introduction Algorithms, Sequence Containers, Iterators, Specialized Iterators,
Associative Containers, Storing User- Defined Object, Function Objects.

12 References :-
1. Object Oriented Programming in-C++ By Robert Lafore Techmedia
2. The Complete Reference C ++ - By Herbert Sehlidt Tata Megraw-hill
3. Object Oriented Programming in C++ Saurav Sahay Oxford University Press
4. Object Oriented Programming and C++ R. Rajaram New Age International
Publishers 2nd
5. OOPS C++ Big C++ Cay Horstmann Wiley Publication
6. C++ How to Program, 8/E Paul Deitel & Harvey Deitel

Teaching Scheme
Subject Credits Assigned
Subject Name (Contact Hours per week)
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
MCA102 Organization and 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
  Examination Scheme
Internal Assessment End Sem. Exam. Pract. Oral Total
Test1 Test 2 Avg. [ Once in a semester ]
20  20  20  80 -- -- -- 100

Unit Contents Hrs


Number system
Boolean Algebra,
Logic Gates
Combinational Circuits
Implementation of Boolean Functions
Algebraic Simplification
Karnaugh maps
Multiplexers / Demultiplexers
Decoders / Encoders
Adders :Half, Full
Sequential Circuits
Flip- Flops: S-R, J-K, D
Registers: Parallel, Shift
Counters: Ripple,


Computer function and Interconnection
Computer functions
Interconnection Structures
Bus Interconnection
Memory System Design
Memory hierarchy and SRAM
Advanced DRAM Organisation
Interleaved and Associative memory
Nonvolatile memory
Cache Memory
Cache memory Principles
Elements of Cache design
Improving Cache Performance
Input / Output
Programmed I/O
Interrupt-driven I/O
Direct Memory Access
I/O Channels and Processors


Instruction Set: characteristics & functions
Machine Instruction characteristics
Type of Operands
Types of Operations
Instruction set : addressing modes & formats
Instruction Formats
CPU structure and Function
Processor Organization
Register Organization
Instruction Cycle
Instruction Pipelining
Instruction Level Parallelism and Superscalar Processors
Superscalar versus super pipelined
Instruction level parallelism and machine parallelism
Instruction issue policy
Register Renaming
Branch Prediction
Superscalar Execution
Superscalar Implementation
Example: 8086 and Pentium Processor


Control Unit Operation
Control of the processor
Hardwired Implementation
Microprogrammed Control (Basic concepts )


Multiprocessor organizations
UMA, NUMA NORMA, Distributed memory  
Types of Parallel Processor Systems
Parallel organizations
Symmetric Multiprocessors
Interconnection networks
– single bus, crossbar, mesh, tree & ring network
Cluster Configurations
Cluster Computer Architecture
Cloud computing

6 Case Study: 2 hrs

Processor Specification & Design

References Books:
1. Digital Computer Fundamentals, Bartee C. Thomas , McGraw-Hill
International Edition
2. Computer Architecture by Nicholas Carter , Schaum’s outlines, McGraw-
3. Computer Organization by Hamacher C., Zaky S. McGraw Hill
4. Computer Organisation and Architecture: Stallings, W Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi
5. Computer Architecture, Behrooz Parhami, Oxford University Press
6. Digital Computer Fundamentals, Bartee C. Thomas , McGraw-Hill
International Edition
7. Computer Fundamentals Architecture & Organization B. Ram New Age
8. Computer Organization Tata Mc Graw Hill


Teaching Scheme
Subject Credits Assigned
Subject Name (Contact Hours per week)
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
MCA103 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
  Examination Scheme
Internal Assessment End Sem. Exam. Pract. Oral Total
Test1 Test 2 Avg. [ Once in a semester ]
20  20  20  80 -- -- -- 100

Unit Hrs
Software Engineering: 4Hrs
1 The evolving role of software
What is Software engineering?
Changing nature of software
Software Myths.
2 Approaches to system development 5 Hrs
Different models their advantages and disadvantages
o Waterfall approach
o Iterative approach
o Extreme programming
o Rad model, JAD
o Unified process
o Evolutionary software process model
ƒ Incremental model
ƒ Spiral model
Concurrent development model
Agile Model
3 Software Analysis and Design 8 Hrs
Activities of the analysis phase
Fact finding methods
o Review existing reports forms and procedure descriptions
o Conduct interviews
o Observe & document business processes
o Build prototypes
o Questionnaires
o Conduct jad sessions
Validate the requirements
o Structured walkthroughs
Feasibility Analysis: Types of feasibilities, Cost- benefit analysis, Payback
analysis, ROI analysis, cash flow analysis.
Requirement Engineering
Software engineering task
Requirement elicitation techniques
Software Requirements Specification (SRS)
Software requirements: functional and non- functional domain
Requirement characteristics and characterization
Requirement qualities, requirement specification, requirement traceability,
Requirement prioritization

4 Software Project Planning: 6 Hrs.

Size Estimation
Cost Estimation
5 Software Scheduling and Tracking 6 Hrs.
Relationship between people and Effort: Staffing Levci Estimation, Effect of
schedule Change on Cost
Selecting Software Engineering Tasks: Degree of Rigor, Task set selector, Task
Schedules: Work breakdown Structure. Task Network/Activity Networks, Gantt
Charts, PERT Charts, CPM
6 Design phase activities 6 Hrs.
Develop system flowchart
Structure chart
o Transaction analysis
o Transform analysis
Software design and documentation tools
Hipo chart
Warnier orr diagram
Designing databases
7 Software Quality 3 Hrs
Software Quality Management Systems
Software Quality Assurance
Software reviews
Formal Technical Reviews
Overview of ISO 9001 , SEI Capability Maturity Model, Mc Calls Quality
8 Software Reliability and Maintenance 5 Hrs
• Software Reliability
• Reliability Metrics
• Reliability Growth Modeling
• Software Reveres Engineering
• Software Maintenance Costs
• Estimation of Maintenance Costs

1. Software Engineering- A Practioner’s Approach”, Seventh Edition , Pressman
R.S, Tata McGraw Hill Publication.
2. “ Software Engineering” : PankajJalote.
3. “Software Engineering Concepts”, Richard Fairley,Tata McGraw Hill
4. “Software Engineering – Principles and Practice”, Waman S. Jawadekar, Tata
McGraw Hill Publication.
5. System Analysis and Design- Elias M. Awad
6. System Analysis and Design- in a changing world –John Satzinger, Robert
Jackson, Stephen Burd

Teaching Scheme
Subject Credits Assigned
Subject Name (Contact Hours per week)
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
MCA104 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
  Examination Scheme
Internal Assessment End Sem. Exam. Pract. Oral Total
Test1 Test 2 Avg. [ Once in a semester ]
20  20  20  80 -- -- -- 100

Unit Hrs
1 Mathematical logic 9 Hrs
Propositions and logical operations
Conditional Statements
Methods of Proof
Mathematical Induction
Mathematical Statements
Logic and Problem Solving
Normal Forms
Theory of Inference of statement calculus and predicate calculus

2 Relations 9 Hrs
Product sets and partitions
Relations and digraphs
Paths in Relations and Digraphs
Properties of Relations
Equivalence Relations
Operations on Relations
Partially Orders Sets, Hasse diagram

3 Semigroups and Groups 7 Hrs

Semigroups, Monoids
Products and Quotients of Semigroups
Products and Quotients of Groups

4 Groups and Coding 4 Hrs

Coding of Binary Information and Error Detection
Decoding and Error Correction

5 Recurrence Relations  8 Hrs

  Tower of Hanoi
Homogenous linear equations with constant coefficients
Particular Solution, Total Solution, Generating function
Line in a plane in general position
Divide and Conquer Recurrence Relations (Fast Multiplication of Integers,
Fast matrix Multiplication)

6 Graphs     5 Hrs
Representation of Graph
Adjacency matrix, Adjacency list
Euler paths and Circuits
Hamiltonian Paths and Circuits

7 Language and Finite State Machines   3 Hrs

Finite-State Machines

1. Discrete Mathematical Structures for Computer S Science by Kolman B and
Bushy R
2. Discrete Mathematical Structures with applications to Computer Science by
Tremblay and Manohar
3. Discrete Mathematics by C L Liu
4. Discrete Mathematics by Rosen
5. Discrete Mathematics by Johnsonbaugh, 6th ed.

Teaching Scheme
Subject Credits Assigned
Subject Name (Contact Hours per week)
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
Principals and
MCA105 Perspective of 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
  Examination Scheme
Internal Assessment End Sem. Exam. Pract. Oral Total
Test1 Test 2 Avg. [ Once in a semester ]
20  20  20  80 -- -- -- 100

Unit Contents Hrs

1 Nature and functions of management: importance of management, definition of 5 hrs

management, management functions, development f management thought,
contribution of F. W. Taylor, Henri Fayol, Elton Mayo, system contingency
approaches to management

2 Planning : nature of planning, importance, forms, types of planning, steps in 5 hrs

planning, making planning effective, planning skills, strategic planning in the Indian

3 Decision-making: meaning, types, steps in rational decision-making, environment 5 hrs

of decision-making, common difficulties in decision-making

4 Organization & authority delegation and decentralization: meaning, process of 7 hrs

organizing, span of management, principles of organizing, organization structure,
authority, responsibility. Role and Importance of Control Process, Budgeting and
Variance Analysis .

5 Motivation & Leadership: meaning and Maslow, Herzberg and Macgregor’s 5 hrs
theory of motivation, meaning of leadership, characteristics of leadership,
approaches to leadership, theories of leadership

6 Staffing & training and development: importance and need for proper staffing, 5 hrs
recruitment, selection, placement, induction, types of training programmes, methods
and selection of training method, training practices in India.

7 Performance appraisal & compensation plan: purpose of appraisal, criteria of 5hrs

PA, PA methods, primary compensation, incentive compensation, pay-for-
performance, non-monetary incentives.
8 Marketing: Understanding the concept of marketing, marketing mix, Product 5 hrs
policy, New product development, Product life cycle, Channels of distribution,
Marketing research.

  Reference books:  
1. Principals & Practice of Management : L.M.Prasad
2. Principles of management: P.C. Tripathi and P.N. Reddy 4th edition, TMH  
3. Marketing Management , Rama Swamy, Nama Kumari
4. Essential of Management , Koontz O’Donnell  
5. HR & Personnel Management , Ashwathappa

Teaching Scheme
Subject Credits Assigned
Subject Name (Contact Hours per week)
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
Programming and
-- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03
S.E. Lab
Programming Lab 04 02
S.E. Lab 02 01
  Examination Scheme
End Sem. Exam. [ Once in a semester]

Laboratory Name Term

Pract. Oral Total
Programming and Project Development Lab 25 50 25 100
Programming Lab 15 25 15 55
S.E. Lab 10 15 10 35
Journal/Documentation 10

Session Contents Hrs

C++ Programming Lab:

1 Assignment based on control structures, structures, functions 3 hr

2 Assignment based on Arrays and String 3 hr
3 Assignment based on Operator Overloading, Object And Classes 3 hr
4 Assignment based on Inheritance 3 hr
5 Assignment based on Pointer 3 hr
6 Assignment based on Virtual Function and Polymorphism 3 hr
7 Assignment based on Streams and Files 4 hr
8 Assignment based on Templates And Exceptions 4 hr
9 Assignment based on The Standard Template Library 4 hr
10 Mini project in C++ 10 hr
Software Engineering Lab:

1 Introduction to Software Engineering CASE tools.

2 Hrs
2 Creating a Project Plan or WBS

ƒ Establishing the Project Start or Finish Date

ƒ Entering Tasks
ƒ Attach Supporting Information
3 Hrs
ƒ Entering Task Durations
ƒ Setting Task Constraints (Milestones)
ƒ Gantt chart
ƒ Pert/CPM chart

3 Working with

• Degree of Rigor, Task set selector, Task Network

3 Hrs
ƒ Estimate the Man power effort required for a project.
ƒ Calculate size the project.

4 Managing Project Cost 3 Hrs

5 Solving examples using COCOMO and COCOMO II models 3 Hrs
6 Case studies on Quality Standards.
3 Hrs

7 Case Study of any sample Project using MS Project 3 Hrs

Teaching Scheme
Subject Credits Assigned
Subject Name (Contact Hours per week)
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
Lab II – Web
Technology &
-- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03
Web Project
Development Lab
Web Technology
04 02
Web Project
02 01
Development Lab
  Examination Scheme
End Sem. Exam. [ Once in a semester]

Laboratory Name Term

Pract. Oral Total
Lab II – Web Technology & Web Project
25 50 25 100
Development Lab
Web Technology Lab 15 25 15 55
Web Project Development Lab 10 15 10 35
Journal/Documentation 10

Session Contents Hrs

1 Introduction to the Web 6 hrs

Web Browser, Web Server, XAMPP, Web Development Cycle

Web publishing, Static Web contents, Dynamic Web contents

Introduction to HTML

HTML fundamentals, HTML Tags, Elements and Attributes

Structure of HTML code, Lists

Block Level tags

Block formatting, Heading, Paragraph, Comments,

Text alignments and Font size.

Text Level tags

Bold Italic, Underlined, Strikethrough, Superscript, Subscript

(Lab Assignment: Develop web pages based on above tags)

HTML 6 hrs
Inserting graphics, Linking and Scaling images.
2 Table, Frameset, Forms

(Lab Assignment: Develop web pages based on above tags)

3 Cascading Style Sheets 6 hrs

The usefulness of Style Sheets, Creating Style sheets, Classes and Pseudo

Classes, CSS Tags

(Lab Assignment: Develop small website based on above HTML tags & by using CSS)

4 PHP 6 hrs
PHP Essentials, Installation and Configuration files

Variables, constants, Operators, Control Structures,

(Lab Assignment: Develop small web application based on above Syllabus)

5 PHP 6 hrs
Strings, Array

(Lab Assignment: Develop small web application based on above Syllabus)

6 PHP 6 hrs
Functions , Built-in PHP Function Libraries, Forms

(Lab Assignment: Develop small web application based on above Syllabus)

7 PHP 6 hrs
Data Validation, File Handling (Including and Requiring Files,

Reading and Writing Files, Allowing Users to Download Files)

(Lab Assignment: Develop small web application based on above Syllabus)

8 MYSQL 6 hrs
Introduction about Database, Data Types, DML, DDL, Aggregate functions

Data Time functions

(Lab Assignment: Develop small web application based on above Syllabus)

9 PHP 6 hrs
PHP ODBC, Sessions, Cookies, FTP, GET and POST data, HTTP Headers,

HTTP Authentication

(Lab Assignment: Develop small web application based on above Syllabus)

10 PHP 6 hrs
GET and POST data, HTTP Headers, HTTP Authentication

(Lab Assignment: Develop small web application based on above Syllabus)

Reference Books:

1. Textbook of Web Design – Joel Sklar, Cengage Learning

2. HTML: The Complete Reference – Thomas A. Powel
3. Web Technologies – Uttam K. Roy, Oxford
4. Head First PHP and MySQL- Oreilly Publication
5. PHP: The Complete Reference – Steven Holzner
6. PHP and MySQL Web Development (3rd Edition)- Luke Welling, Laura
7. Developing Web Applications, Ralph Moseley, WSEwiley
8. PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide, 4/e - Larry Ullman, Pearson
9. PHP 6 and MySQL 5 for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual Quick Pro Guide, Larry
Ullman, Pearson Education

Teaching Scheme
Subject Credits Assigned
Subject Name (Contact Hours per week)
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
MCA201 Data Structures 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
Examination Scheme
Internal Assessment End Sem. Exam. Pract. Oral Total
Test1 Test 2 Avg. [ Once in a semester ]
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Unit Contents
1 Introductions Algorithm 7 hrs 
specification: Pseudo code conventions, Recursive Algorithms, Recursion Tree
Method. Performance Analysis: Space Complexity, Time Complexity, Amortized
complexity, Asymptotic Notations (Big O, Omega, Theta).Practical complexities,
Performance measurement .
Sorting Techniques: Bubble, Insertion, Selection, Shell, Radix, Quick.
Searching Technique: Sequential Search & Binary Search.

2 Algorithms to implement Link list (create structure, insert, delete, sort, search), 6 hrs
Doubly Link List(create structure , insert, delete, sort, search), Circular link
list(create structure , insert, delete, sort, search). Multi link list: (Insertion &
Deletion) Stack (PUSH , POP Delete), Queue(Add , Remove): Simple queue,
Double ended queue, circular queue, Priority Queue.

3 Hash Function: 6 hrs

Different Hashing Techniques, Address calculation Techniques, Common hashing
functions, Collision resolution techniques: Linear probe, quadratic prob, Key Offset.
Rehashing. Double hashing. Link list addressing.

4 Introduction to Trees : 8 hrs

General trees, Binary Tree, Binary tree traversal (Pre Order, In order, Post Order)
DFS & BFS traversal of binary tree, Conversion from Tree to binary tree.
Expression Tree: Prefix, Infix , Post fix notations of expression tree, Algorithms to
Convert from prefix to infix & post fix etc. Binary Search Tree algorithm to
implement BST, AVL Trees: concept and problems. Algorithms to rotate AVL Tree.
Binary Threaded Tree, Huffman Tree.

5 Heap: Heap Structure, Min heap , Max heap, Basic algorithms: Reheap up & 4 hrs
Reheap down, Build Heap, Insertion and Deletion in Heap Tree.

6 Multi ways Trees: 4 hrs

B-Tree( Insert node, delete node, search node, split node), Traversal of B Tree.
Introduction to B* Tree.
Comparison between B & B* Tree

7 Graphs: Terminology & Operations 6 hrs

Graph Traversals( DFS and BFS)
Graph Storage Structure(Adjacency Matrix, Adjacency list)
Cost Adjacency Matrix
Minimum spanning Tree( using Prims & Krushkal Algorithms)

8 Divide and Conquer, Back Tracking Method. 4 hrs

Dynamic programming: All pair shortest Path, Single source Shortest Path
( Dijkstra, Warshell etc.)

1. Data Structure A Pseudocode Approach with C “Richard F Gilberg
Behrouz A Forouzan
2. Shaum’s Outlines Data Structure Seymour Lipschutz TMH
3. Data Structures & Program Design in C “ Robert Kruse C L Tondo
Bruce Leung Pearson
4. Data Structure using C “ AM Tanenbaum , Y Langsam & MJ Augenstein
Prentice Hall”.
5. An Introduction to Structure with application “ Jean Paul Trembly and
Paul Sorenson”
6. Data Structure and Program Design in C “ RL Kruse, BP Leung & CL
Tondo Prentice Hall
7. Data Structure & Algorithm Analysis in C “ Weiss, Mark Allen Addison
Teaching Scheme
Subject Credits Assigned
Subject Name (Contact Hours per week)
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
MCA202 Operating System 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
Examination Scheme
Internal Assessment End Sem. Exam. Pract. Oral Total
Test1 Test 2 Avg. [ Once in a semester ]
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Unit Contents Hrs

1 Introduction to System Software 3 hrs
¾ Overview of all system softwares :-
- Compiler
- Assembler
- Linker
- Loader
- Operating system
- I/O manager

2 Fundamentals of Operating System:- 3 hrs

¾ OS services and Components
¾ Multitasking , Multiprogramming, Multiprocessing
¾ Time Sharing
¾ Buffering
¾ Spooling
¾ Distributed OS

3 Process and Thread Management 5 hrs

¾ Concept of process and threads
¾ Process states
¾ Process management
¾ Context switching
¾ Interaction between processes and OS
¾ Multithreading
¾ Example OS : Linux

4 Concurrency Control 7 hrs

¾ Concurrency and Race Conditions
¾ Mutual exclusion requirements
¾ Software and hardware solutions
¾ Semaphores
¾ Monitors
¾ Classical IPC problems and solutions
¾ Deadlock
- Characterization
- Detection
- Recovery
- Avoidance and Prevention

5 Memory Management 7 hrs

¾ Memory partitioning
¾ Swapping
¾ Paging
¾ Segmentation
¾ Virtual memory
- Overlays
- Demand paging
- Performance of Demand paging
- Virtual memory concepts
¾ Page replacement algorithms
¾ Allocation algorithms
¾ Example OS : Linux

6 I/O Systems 4 hrs

¾ Secondary-Storage Structure
- Disk structure
- Disk scheduling
- Disk management
- Swap-space management
- Disk reliability
- Stable storage implementation
¾ Introduction to clock
- Clock hardware
- Clock software

7 File systems 5 hrs

¾ File concept
¾ File support
¾ Access methods
¾ Allocation methods
¾ Directory systems
¾ File protection
¾ Free space management
¾ Example OS : Linux

8 Protection & Security 3 hrs

¾ Protection
- Goals of protection
- Domain of protection
- Access matrix
- Implementation of access matrix
- Revocation of access rights
¾ Security
- The security problem
- Authentication
- One-Time passwords
- Threats
¾ Example OS: Linux

9 Case Study 3 hrs

¾ Android OS

Reference Books
1. Operating System Concepts (7th Ed) by Silberschatz and Galvin, Wiley,
2. Operating Systems (5th Ed) – Internals and Design Principles by William
Stallings, Prentice Hall, 2000.
3. Modern Operating Systems by Andrew S Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall India,
4. Operating Systems (3rd edition) by Gary Nutt, Nabendu Chaki, Sarmishtha
Neogy, Pearson
5. Operating Systems Design & Implementation Andrew S. Tanenbam, Albert
S. Woodhull Pearson
6. Operating Systems Achyut S. Godbole Tata Mc Graw Hill
7. Operating Systems D.M.Dhardhere Tata Mc Graw Hill

Teaching Scheme
Subject Credits Assigned
Subject Name (Contact Hours per week)
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
MCA203 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
Examination Scheme
Internal Assessment End Sem. Exam. Pract. Oral Total
Test1 Test 2 Avg. [ Once in a semester ]
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Unit Contents
1 Introduction to digital communication, signal propagation, signal types, signal 4 hrs
parameters, channel effects on transmission –attenuation, effects of limited
bandwidth, delay distortion, noise, data rate limits-Nyquist’s theorem and Shannon’s
2 Basics of computer Network, topology & types of topologies, types of 3 hrs
networks(LAN, MAN, WAN), types of communications(Asynchronous and
synchronous) , modes of communications(simplex, half duplex, full duplex),
protocols and standards
3 Networking models, Design issues of the layer, ISO-OSI Reference Model, Internet 4 hrs
Model (TCP/IP), Comparison of ISO-OSI & TCP/IP Model
Connectivity Devices : Passive & Active Hubs, Repeaters, , Switches (2-Layer
Switch, 3-Layer Switch(Router)), Bridges (Transparent Bridges, Spanning Tree,
Bridges, Source Routing Bridges) , Gateways

4 Concept of Intranet & Extranet, Internet Information Server(IIS), Principles of 7 hrs

Application Layer Protocols, The Web and HTTP, FTP, Electronic Mail in the
Internet , DNS: The Internet's Directory Service.
5 Transport-Layer Services, port addressing, Multiplexing and Demultiplexing, 8 hrs
Principles of Reliable Data
Transfer, Congestion Control, TCP’s Congestion Control. Quality of Service :
Introduction, Application, Queue Analysis: M/M/1 as a packet processing Model,
QoS Mechanisms Queue management Algorithms, Feedback, Resource, reservation;
Queued data and Packet switched traffic modeling. Application and QoS.
6 Network Service Model, IP addressing and subnetting, Routing Principles, 8 hrs
Hierarchical Routing, the Internet Protocol, Router’s internal features, Routing
Algorithms.,classfull and classless addressing
Routing in the Internet: Intra and interdomain routing; Unicast Routing Protocols :
RIP, OSPF, BGP; Multicast Routing Protocols : MOSPF, DVMRP. Drawbacks of
traditional routing methods, Idea of TE, TE and Different Traffic classes. IP over
ATM, Multi protocol Label switching (MPLS), Storage Area Network (SAN).
7 Data Link Layer, Error Detection and Correction Techniques, Multiple Access 8 hrs
Protocols, LAN Addresses and ARP, PPP: The Point-to-Point Protocol , Ethernet
standards – IEEE 802.3, 802.4, 802.5, 802.11,

8 Physical Layer, types of media(wired and wireless media, study of wired and 4 hrs
wireless media )

1. Kurose, J.F. and Ross K.W., "Computer Networking: A Top-Down
Approach Featuring the Internet", Third Edition, 2005, Addison-Wesley.
2. An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking, S. Keshav,
3. Forouzan B A., "Data Communication and Networking", Third Edition,
2004, McGraw Hill.Andrew Tenenbaum, Computer Networks, PHI
4. TCP/IP Protocol Suite, (B. A. Forouzan), Tata McGraw Hill edition, Third
5. Computer Networks: Principles, Technologies and Protocols for Network
design, (N. Olifer, V. Olifer), Wiley India Edition (1 st Edition).
6. TCP/IP Volume 1, 2, 3, (W. Richard Stevens), Addison Wesley.
7. TCP/IP Volume I and II, (D. E. Comer), Pearson Education.
8. Unix Network Programming (W. R. Stevens), Vol. 1, Pearson Education.
9. High Performance Communication Networks, (J. Walrand, P. Varaiya),
Morgan Kaufmann

Teaching Scheme
Subject Credits Assigned
Subject Name (Contact Hours per week)
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
Probability and
MCA204 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
Examination Scheme
Internal Assessment End Sem. Exam. Pract. Oral Total
Test1 Test 2 Avg. [ Once in a semester ]
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
Unit Contents Hrs
1 Frequency Distribution and Measures of Central Tendency 3 Hrs
Continuous Frequency Distribution
Frequency Polygon
Mean, Median, Mode

2 Measures of Dispersion 4 Hrs

Quartile Deviation
Mean Deviation
Standard Deviation
Coefficient of Variation
3 3 Hrs 
Skewness and Kurtosis                                   
Karl Pearson’s coefficient of Skewness
Bowley’s coefficient of Skewness  
4 Correlation and Regression               5 hrs 
Regression lines
Coefficients of regression
Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation
Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient

5 Testing of Hypothesis 8 hrs 

Means and proportions – Hypothesis concerning one and
Two means. Type I and Type II errors. One tail, two-tail tests.
Tests of significance – Student's t-test, F- test, Chi-Square test.
Analysis of Variance – One way and two-way analysis

6 Probability 6 Hrs
Random experiment, sample space, events, axiomatic Probability, Algebra of
events, Conditional Probability, Multiplication theorem of Probability, Independent
events, System reliability, Baye’s Theorem

7 Random variables 4 Hrs

Discrete random variable
Continuous random variable
Two-dimensional random variable
Joint probability distribution
Stochastic independence

8 Mathematical Expectation 3 Hrs 

Properties of expectation, properties of variance, Covariance

9 Probability Distributions of Discrete Random Variable 5 hrs

Bernoulli, Binomial, Poisson, Geometric distribution

10 Probability Distributions of Continuous Random Variable 5 hrs

Normal, Uniform, Exponential, Gamma, Beta distribution

References :
1. Introduction to Probability & Statistics J.Susan Milton, Jesse C. Arnold Tata
McGraw Hill
2. Probability and its computer applications : Kishore Trivedi, PHI
3. Schaum’s Outlines Probability, Random Variables & Random Process Tata
McGraw Hill
4. Fundamental of Mathematical Statistics – S.C.Gupta, V.K.Kapoor
Teaching Scheme
Subject Credits Assigned
Subject Name (Contact Hours per week)
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
MCA205 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
Examination Scheme
Internal Assessment End Sem. Exam. Pract. Oral Total
Test1 Test 2 Avg. [ Once in a semester ]
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Unit Hrs
1 Financial Accounting: Nature and scope, Limitations of Financial Accounting.
(ii) Basic Concepts and Conventions. Accounting Standards: Meaning, Procedure 12 hrs
for issue of Accounting Standards in India, Significance, Generally Accepted ( Theory +
Accounting Principles (GAAP). Numerical)
(iii) Accounting Process: Journal, Ledger and Cash Book
2 12 hrs
i) Final Accounts of a Sole-Trader and Partnership Firms ( Theory +
3 i) Cash Flow Statements: Meaning, Usefulness, Preparation of a cash flow
statement in accordance with Accounting Standard 3(Revised) issued by the
9 hrs (only
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. (only indirect method), Limitations of
cash flow statement. (only theory)
ii) Cash Budget (Theory + Numerical)
4 Financial Statements Analysis: Meaning and objectives, Techniques of Analysis,
Ratio Analysis: Advantages, significance and limitations - Liquidity Ratios:
Current Ratio, Acid Test Ratio. Solvency Ratios: Debt-equity Ratio, Capital
9 hrs
gearing Ratio, Interest Coverage Ratio, proprietary ratio. Profitability Ratios related
(Theory +
to sales: Gross profit Ratio, Net Profit Ratio, Operating profit ratio, Profitability
Ratios related to investments: Return on total assests (ROTA), Return on
investment (ROI), Return on equity (ROE), Return on equity share holders fund,
EPS, DPS and Price – earning ratio. Activity Ratios: Stock turnover Ratio and
Debtors turnover Ratio.

1. Book Keeping & Accountancy by L.N.Chopde and D.H. Choudhari
2. Financial Management by Kishorilal S. N. Maheshwari, Financial
Accounting,4th edition, Vikas Publication, New Delhi.
3. Dr. IM Pandey, Essentials of Financial Management ,3rd edition, vikas
4. Dr. S.N. Maheshwari, A text book of -Accounting for management , 2nd
editon, Vikas
5. P.C. Tulsian, Financial Accounting, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
6. “Financial Management” Text and Problems : M.Y.Khan, P.K.Jain
Teaching Scheme
Subject Credits Assigned
Subject Name (Contact Hours per week)
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
Lab I – Data
Structures and -- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03
L201 Statistics Lab
Data Structures Lab 04 02
Statistics Lab 02 01
Examination Scheme
End Sem. Exam. [ Once in a semester]

Laboratory Name Term

Pract. Oral Total
Programming and Project Development Lab 25 50 25 100
Data Structures Lab 15 25 15 55
Statistics Lab 10 15 10 35
Journal/Documentation 10

Session Title Hrs

Data Structures Lab:

1 Assignment in sorting Techniques

Bubble , Insertion , Selection , Shell , Quick , Radix

3 hrs
Searching Techniques

Sequential search Binary Search

2 Implementation of Stack(using Array & Link list).

3 hrs
3 Implement all the different types of queues(eg: Queue, Doubly Ended
3 hrs
Queue, Circular Queue etc.)

4 A menu driven program that implements singly linked list for the following

3 hrs
Create , Display ,count , merge , union , intersection Reverse , Sort ,

5 a menu driven program that implements doubly linked list for the following
3 hrs

Create , Display , Count , Insert , Delete , Search , Copy

Reverse , Sort , Append,

6 A menu driven program that implements Singly circular linked list for the

following operations.
3 hrs
Create , Display , Count , Insert , Delete , Search , Copy, Reverse , Sort

7 A menu driven program

a. Create a Binary search tree

3 hrs
b. Traverse the tree in Inorder, Preorder and Post order

c. Search the tree for a given node and delete the node

8 A menu driven program that implements Heap tree ( Maximum and Minimum
Heap tree )for the following operations. ( Using Array ) Insert , Delete 4 hrs

9 A program to implement double hashing technique to map given key to the address
space. Also write code for collision resolution (linear probing) 4 hrs

10 Implementation of Shortest path Algorithm for a given directed graph & undirected
graph. 4 hrs

11 Implementation of insert and delete nodes in a graph using adjacency matrix

4 hrs
12 Implementation of Graph Traversal and minimum spanning Tree. 3 hrs

Statistics Lab:

1 Introduction to the software (Environment, Entering data and formatting , handling

2 Hrs
data files, performing calculations, handling utilities, formulae and functions)
2 Visualizing ( Handling different types of data variables, Creating tables, frequency
distribution tables and presenting the data (Charts, Diagrams, graphs, polygons and 2 Hrs
3 Data Descriptors ( Measure of Central Tendencies, Dispersions), correlation,
3 Hrs
4 Probability Distributions 2 Hrs
5 Sampling Distributions and Estimation 2 Hrs
6 Linear Correlation Analysis
3 Hrs
Linear Regression Analysis
7 Hypothesis Testing 3 Hrs
8 ANOVA 3 Hrs
Students will perform the practicals using advanced excel or C or XL miner or

Teaching Scheme
Subject Credits Assigned
Subject Name (Contact Hours per week)
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
Lab II –
Operating System
-- 06 -- -- 03 -- 03
Lab and
L202 Networking Lab
Operating System
04 02
Networking Lab 02 01
Examination Scheme
End Sem. Exam. [ Once in a semester]

Laboratory Name Term

Pract. Oral Total
Lab II – Operating System Lab and Networking Lab 25 50 25 100
Operating System Lab 15 25 15 55
L202 Networking Lab 10 15 10 35
Journal/Documentation 10

Session Contents Hrs

Operating System Lab

1 Linux System (PROGRAMMING LAB)Linux introduction and file system - Basic

Features, Advantages, Installing requirement, Basic Architecture of Unix/Linux
9 hr
system, Kernel, Shell.

2 Commands for files and directories cd, ls, cp, md, rm, mkdir, rmdir, more, less,
creating and viewing files, using cat, file comparisons, View files, disk related
commands, checking disk free spaces. Essential linux commands Understanding
9 hr
shells, Processes in linux-process fundamentals, connecting processes with pipes,
Redirecting input output, manual help, Background processing, managing multiple
processes, changing process priority, scheduling of processes at command, batch
commands, kill, ps, who, sleep, Printing commands, grape, fgrep, find, sort, Cal,
banner, touch, file, file related commands-ws, sat, cut, grep, dd, etc. Mathematical
commands- bc, expr, factor, units. vi, joe, vim editor

3 Shell programming :- Shell programming, Basic of shell programming, Various

types of shell, shell programming in bash, conditional and looping statements, case
statements, parameter passing and arguments, Shell variables, shell keywords,
9 hr
Creating Shell programs for automate system tasks and report printing, use of grep
in shell, awk programming

4 Study of gcc
4 hr
5 Linux installation demo
3 hr
6 Samba server configuration (Linux +Windows access)
6 hr
Reference Books (for LAB)

1. Unix – Sumitaba Das

2. Unix Shell Programming – Yashwant Kanetkar, BPB Publications
3. Linux Programming A Begineer’s Guide – Richard Petersen

Networking Lab - Practical’s to be done Packet Tracer (or other simulating


1 Study of Packet Tracer software interface 1 hr

2 Basic Configuration of router 1 hr
3 Assigning ipv4 & ipv6 addresses to the interfaces of the routers 1 hr
4 Configure VLANs on the router, Spanning tree 3 hr
5 Configuration of PPP 3 hr
6 Configure RIPv2, Configure EIGRP 3 hr
7 Configure OSPF 3 hr
8 Access List Configuration, Configuration of NAT 3 hr
9 Configuration of DCHP, Configuration of switch 3 hr

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