1511t CWC Tax
1511t CWC Tax
1511t CWC Tax
Phase 1 suc- > Brunei (83), Panama (72), Niue (n.a.) Botswana (71),
cessful Dominica (76),
(October 2015):
Partially > Antigua & Barbuda (81), Andorra (77), Curacao (68), Samoa (86) Costa Rica (55),
compliant Anguilla (69), Barbados (78) Indonesia (n.a.),
(Phase1&2) Israel (53), St
Maarten (n.a.),
Turkey (64)
Largely > Bahamas (70), Belize (79), Bermuda Aruba (68), Bahrain (74),
compliant (66), British Virgin Islands (60), Cayman Ghana (67), Malaysia (75),
(Phase1&2) Islands (65), Cook Islands (76), Grenada Gibraltar (67) Jersey (65),
(76), Guernsey (64), Hong Kong (72), Macao (70), St Lucia (83),
Liechtenstein (76), Mauritius (72), San Marino (80),
Monaco (74), Montserrat (67), Singapore (69),
St Kitts & Nevis (78), St Vincent & Uruguay (71)
Grenadines (78), The Seychelles (71),
Turks & Caicos (71)
Future indicators #7. Profit rates compared to effective tax rates for MNE domestic (HQ) firm-level
& foreign operations
#8. Differential rates of return on FDI investment related to special macro-level
purpose entities (SPEs)
Source: Measuring and Monitoring BEPS, Action 11 - 2015 Final Report, October 05, 201521
1 4
Analyse the risks associated with Communicate the statement
aggressive tax planning and tax evasion and goals with plan members;
from the fund’s perspective;
2 5
Determine the fund’s in house
Survey investment managers and other
management capacities and expertise to
relevant service providers regarding their
address tax risks, as well as the role and
capacity and commitment to effectively
possibility of outside consultants;
observe the fund’s statement.
Establish a formal statement, including
how to vote and/or how to engage with
individual companies. The statement
could address:
◆◆ Corporate governance related indicators
• non-audit fees; ENGAGE
• companies’ domicile of incorporation; Engage with key companies to encourage
• exposure to countries for which tax voluntary disclosure of tax payments,
secrecy remains of concern; including country-by-country breakdowns
• integration of tax in the risk of revenue, tax and use of subsidiaries in
management oversight by the Board of secrecy jurisdictions.
Review the fund’s portfolio holdings in
• tax drivers of business restructuring, light of the expectations contained in the
mergers and acquisitions; Statement,
• tax treatment of executive
compensations. With due regard for the fund’s internal
◆◆ Economic and financial indicators capacity, conduct a screening process
• public disclosure of country-by-country identifying portfolio companies where tax
reporting; risk may be significant;
• use of the OECD BEPS indicators at
Engage with the management of
firm-level. companies at risk.
Report annually on the observance
of the statement and on any other
specific measure taken to address or
mitigate tax risks.
2600-1055 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 3R5 Canada T: ++.604.695.2023 F: +1 604 408.252 www.workerscapital.org