Final Intro B.R
Final Intro B.R
Final Intro B.R
In the field of IT tacit knowledge plays an essential role. Organizations need to consider tacit
KS a critical component of KS processes and organization should actively adopt strategies to
promote tacit KS behaviors. Organizations can promote KS initiatives by identifying critical
cultural factors. The research conducted in Brazil and Indonesia by (Borges et al., 2018)
explore that in the Brazilian and Indonesian IT sectors there is a relationship between cultural,
individual and social factors and tacit KS, organizational commitment is mediating their
relationship in a cross-cultural comparison.
In the era of rapid development of technology knowledge sharing (KS) among employees is
vital in companies to maintain their competitive ability. KS is essential and beneficial in
achieving better organizational outcomes. leaders are essential in shaping KS behavior.
(Matošková et al., 2018) pointed out those manager behaviors that facilitate KS in the
Self-efficacy and collective efficacy are related to performance and other team-level outcomes.
Transpersonal efficacy that specifically focuses on individual teammates plays a significant
role in team functioning. Moreover, participants with greater transpersonal efficacy performed
better that’s lead to positive outcomes. (Dubrow et al., 2018 ) explore how different team
contexts (i.e. task interdependence and team virtualness) affect transpersonal efficacy and
examine the relationship between transpersonal efficacy and interpersonal behaviors and
Training is closely linked with job performance. Individual-level training outcomes aggregate
to create valued outcomes at higher levels. Individual training effect collective efficacy, the
groups in which at least a majority of group members were trained had higher collective
efficacy than groups where fewer members were trained. (Budworth, 2011)
Paternalistic leadership and work performance are closely interlinked in Chinese culture.
Employers who provide paternalistic leadership style promote employee satisfaction and
improved performance. Leadership style often accounts for the success or failure of knowledge
transfer within a given business context. Scholars such as (Lee et al., 2018) demonstrate the
relationship between paternalistic leadership and external knowledge sharing via the emotional
bonds created between employees and leaders or employers. paternalistic leadership may result
in smooth knowledge sharing with outsiders.
Innovation capability depends upon many factors such as interpersonal trust, leadership and
knowledge sharing (KS). Knowledge sharing is widely known as one of the critical
organizational resources and it stimulates innovation. Interpersonal trust enhance knowledge
sharing among employees to foster innovation capability. (Lei et al., 2019) investigates the
mediating role of KS between interpersonal trust and specific aspects of innovation.
Open innovation is directly linked with customer involvement. A proper coordination and
interaction between members is necessary for innovation process. This interaction enhances
knowledge sharing which in turn enhances success and overcome failures. (Arfi et al., 2019)
pointed out how KSP contribute to the creation and enhancement of the OI process. Knowledge
sharing plays a key role in innovation success. This study focus was that how the knowledge
sharing between the parties had its impact on the consumers reception of the new product.
In health care organizations inter professional teamwork is one of the most important quality
criteria. Several factors contribute to the development of successful patient centered inter
professional teams. (Körner et al., 2016) focuses on the knowledge integration of different
health professional groups and its influence on patient centered team work and team
In the 21st century the main challenge for management scholars and strategists was to increase
knowledge worker productivity. The ultimate outcome of knowledge management is
innovation and knowledge management can nurture knowledge-worker productivity.
(Shujahata, et al., 2017) tested the mediating role of knowledge- worker productivity on the
relationships between knowledge management processes and innovation.