AML Business BluePrint - Finance and Controlling 1.1
AML Business BluePrint - Finance and Controlling 1.1
AML Business BluePrint - Finance and Controlling 1.1
Presented to:
Sankar Rao
G M (Finance)
April 1, 2019
ALKALI Metals Finance Business Scope and Blueprint
Table of contents
1. List of Business Processes________________________________________________6
2. Organization structure_____________________________________________________7
3. Business Process Scenario – AMFI01 - Master Data_________________________7
3.1 General Ledger Master Data:____________________________________________________8
3.2 Vendor Master Data:___________________________________________________________11
3.3 Customer Master Data:________________________________________________________11
3.4 Bank Master Data:_____________________________________________________________12
3.5 Fixed Asset Master Data:______________________________________________________12
3.6 Tax Master Data:______________________________________________________________12
3.7 Cost Center Master Data:______________________________________________________13
3.8 Profit Center Master Data:_____________________________________________________13
3.9 Activity Type:__________________________________________________________________13
4. Business Process Scenario – AMFI02 - Cash Accounting___________________13
4.1 Brief Business Process Description:___________________________________________13
4.2 Business Process Flow Diagram:______________________________________________14
4.3 Solution Feasibility Analysis in SAP:___________________________________________15
5. Business Process Scenario – AMFI03 - Bank Accounting___________________15
5.1 Brief Business Process Description____________________________________________15
5.2 Business Process Flow Diagram :______________________________________________16
5.3 Solution Feasibility Analysis in SAP____________________________________________17
5.4 Business Process Flow Diagram :______________________________________________17
6. Business Process Scenario – AMFI04 - Collection Process_________________17
6.1 Brief Business Process Description____________________________________________17
6.2 Business Process Flow Diagram :______________________________________________19
6.3 Solution Feasibility Analysis in SAP_______________________________________________20
6.4 Business Process Flow Diagram:__________________________________________________21
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7. Business Process Scenario – AMFI05 - Payment Process___________________21
7.1 Brief Business Process Description____________________________________________21
7.2 Business Process Flow Diagram :______________________________________________22
7.3 Solution Feasibility Analysis in SAP____________________________________________23
7.4 Business Process Flow Diagram :______________________________________________25
8. Business Process Scenario – AMFI06 - Letter of Credit/Bank Guarantees____26
8.1 Brief Business Process Description____________________________________________26
8.2 Solution Feasibility Analysis in SAP_______________________________________________26
8.3 Business Process Flow Diagram:______________________________________________27
9. Business Process Scenario – AMFI07 - Taxes______________________________27
9.1 Brief Business Process Description____________________________________________27
9.2 Solution Feasibility Analysis in SAP____________________________________________________28
9.3 Business Process Flow Diagram : (Sales/Excise)________________________________29
9.4 Business Process Flow Diagram : (TDS)________________________________________30
10. Business Process Scenario – AMFI08 - Fixed Asset Management____________30
10.1 Brief Business Process Description____________________________________________30
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10.3 Solution Feasibility Analysis in SAP_______________________________________________32
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Carry forward
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A master record contains information relating to an individual object, which remains unchanged
for a long period of time. Basically, Master data consists of all the details which would be easier
to facilitate identify the best possible source.
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Chart of Accounts is a grouping of General Ledger (GL) accounts used to post transactions from across
module and FI modules. These can be further used for reporting like Trial Balance, Profit & Loss
account, Balance Sheet etc., The GL accounts that are contained in the Chart of Accounts
can be used by one or more Company codes.
The General Ledger master is consisting of different details; the following are the views,
a. Type/Description :
In this, system expects the information relating to the Account Group, Type of General Ledger
along with Description of the Account.
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b. Control Data :
Currency of the Account, whether a particular General Ledger is an Open Item Account, the
way of sorting in information etc., are details which the system expects from this view.
c. Create/Bank/Interest :
The important fields which to be appeared at the time of using a particular General Ledger,
whether a particular Account is an automatic account etc., are the details which has to be
entered under this view.
The vendor master is consisting of different details in the different views, the following are the
a. General Data :
In this view, system expects the data relating to the complete Address of the Vendor along
with Bank details and the Contact person details.
b. Tax :
Following are the details have to mention for a particular vendor, so that whenever we do a
transaction system takes the relevant data automatically. This data includes, the data relating
to Excise details, Sales Tax/Service Tax No. and Withholding Tax (TDS).
All vendor accounts are considered as Sub ledgers in SAP. These will be linked to the
General Ledger through an Account called Reconciliation Account with the help of this we can
come to know whether the Vendor is a Domestic or Foreign. The payment terms applicable
to the respective vendor also to be mentioned in this area.
This data is necessary only when the Materials are being procured from this vendor. Order
Currency, Inco terms, Schema group (Tax procedure), Partner Functions are covered under
this head of Data.
The customer master is consisting of different details in the different views, which are as follows
General View:
In this view, system expects the data relating to the complete Address of the Customer along with
Bank details and the Contact person details.
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All customer accounts are considered as Sub ledgers in SAP. These will be linked to the General
Ledger through an Account called Reconciliation Account with the help of this we can come to
know whether the Customer is a Domestic or Foreign. The payment terms applicable to the
respective customer also to be mentioned in this area along with the Withholding Tax (TDS) if any
Under this, information relating to shipping conditions, pricing procedure to this customer, Inco
terms, along with Account Assignment Group will be mentioned. Account Assignment Group
helps in finding the General Ledger when the Sales process completes in SAP.
This master data requires information in relation to the address of the Bank and its Account
A fixed asset is an object, a right, or another item owned by an enterprise that is intended for
long-term use and can be individually identified in the balance sheet. Maintaining fixed assets
involves creating, changing, and displaying asset master records.
The different items of information are structured according to area of use and functions in the
system to make it easier for users to create, maintain, and evaluate master data. Each asset
master record consists of two parts that are described below.
This part of master data contains general information about the Fixed Asset. The information
includes Name of the Asset, Capitalization date, the plant where it is to be located, cost center
where it is to be located along with Leasing information (if any).
Valuation Parameters:
The main valuation parameters are the start date for ordinary depreciation, which is determined
by the depreciation key and the asset value date of the acquisition posting, the depreciation key,
and the useful life.
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While creating the Tax Code, system asks whether a particular Tax code is an Input Tax Code or
Output Tax code and the country in which this is to be created.
Once the Tax Code is created, the Tax rates are to be assigned in Condition Records through,
which in turn is to be assigned to the respective GLs.
When we consider the respective Tax Code, system calculates the tax amount and posts to the
General Ledgers which are assigned in the above.
Will be creating all Cost Centers Master Data in the respective Controlling Area. The information
which requires in this Master Data includes the name of the cost center, address and the Profit
Center where the costs which are captured to flow.
The information required in this Master Data includes the name of the Profit Center, Address, and
Validity period along with the hierarchy if any.
Cash Book is maintained in each of the plants separately in the Legacy system to report the daily
Cash balances and all the transactions relating to Receipts & Payments transacted.
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Cash Payments are made based on the withdrawal from the respective Bank in each of the plant,
the Accounts executive of the respective will pass an entry in the existing system
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b. Cash Receipts from Customers, Cash Advances from Customers are to be tracked from SAP
system separately.
c. The Cash Journal helps to see the Cash Balance of the plant at any given point of time.
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a. All the receipts from the Customers are received through cheques from each unit. All Units
bank accounts will be reconciled at the end of each month.
b. All the payments to the Vendors are paid through cheques from each unit. Sometimes
payments made thru Unit I on behalf of Unit II all transactions will be reconciled at the end of
the month.
c. All Customer cheques are deposited into the Bank, will be reconciled when the Bank
Reconciliation Statement is executed. Currently the users of AML are preparing the Bank
Reconciliation Statement once in each month in the books of each plant. All Bank charges
and Interest charges debited by the Bank are accounted as on the date of reconciliation.
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b. All Bank transactions are transacted through sub-ledgers and when the Bank
Reconciliation Statement is executed manually, the balances of all sub-ledgers would be
updated in the Main Bank Account.
c. With the help of sub-ledgers, the user would be knowing the pending transactions the
Bank individually.
a. The area of sales of AML includes intra-state, inter-state and Export Sales
b. Sales include Sale of Custom Specific Products, Proprietary Products and Scrap Sales
c. Sales process includes Advances from the Customer, Invoices to the Customers, and
Payment from customers based on Payment terms
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d. Sometimes Cheques received from the Customers by way of Advance which will be adjusted
against the respective invoice.
e. Accounts assistant of AML applies the receipt against the invoice for which payment is
f. If the payment details are not known, the accounts assistant records an incoming payment
and follows up with the customer to understand the details. Once the details are available,
Accounts assistant matches the receipt against the invoice
g. It is also possible, when there is no exact amount match of the payment against the invoice,
customer is actually making partial amount. If this is the case, the Accounts assistant will
apply the receipt against the invoice as a partial amount
h. If it is not a partial amount, the Accounts Assistant will follow up the Sales, to check whether
there is any credit memo has occurred which has not been updated in the system.
i. The payments received from the Customers are based on the payment terms
j. AML is maintaining the bad debts provision for every six months once. If we get the amount
from customers then we reverse provision entry otherwise we will reduce the amount from
customer in later period. Until AML wants to show the balance separately.
k. Sometimes AML is receiving Letter of Credits from customer and immediately they are
discounting in bank. In due date customer will pay the amount and AML will clear the
customer invoice as well as LC. Until they want to show the balances separately.
m. Some times company will sale the products thru commission basis. We need to give the
commission on sales for consignee .On that commission we need to remit the TDS and repay
the amount to Government.
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b. Customer pays the due amount, In SAP system should clear the open item automatically.
c. The system should consider the taxes proportionately in the case of Returns from Customer
d. Bad debts provision purpose we will use special g/l indicator and we will route the value thru
separate g/l account. Whenever they want to clear then at that time they can nullify the
f. AML needs Customer Account Group based on Domestic, Foreign & Inter Company.
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a. The area of purchases of AML includes intra-state, inter-state, and Import purchases
b. Purchases process includes Advances to Vendor, invoices to vendor, and payment to vendor
based on Payment terms.
c. Two types of Advances are using in AML those are Normal Down payments and Capital
work in progress Down payments
d. Purchase of Materials will be done by each unit they have three Units Unit II and Unit III is
purely for export.
e. Sometimes, there will be some difference in value in Invoice when compare to the Purchase
Order. Accounts personnel will send back the Invoice to the Stores Department for changing
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the price, in turn the Stores Department will consult the supplier. Director approval is required
for changing the price both in Purchase Order and Invoice if the Supplier doesn’t accept.
h. Cash and Cheque Advances will be given to the Vendor which will be adjusted against the
respective Invoice.
j. Payment to the Vendor is made based on the Payment Terms. The general Payment Terms
are Cash/Cheque payments, 15 days, 30 days, 45 days, 60 days and 90 days. However,
these can be changed at the time of invoice entry.
k. The cheque paid to the vendor against an invoice for which the payment is made, the date of
issuing the cheque will be considered as date of clearing.
l. All purchase of services are generally for service based on requirements but service
purchases also will route thru service purchase order.
m. Withholding tax is deducting on service invoices this tax will deduct at the time of invoice or at
the time of payment which is comes earlier.
n. Work Contract Tax: sometimes AML receive material as well as service from specific parties
then at that time AML will use Work contract tax. Here we will calculate WCT on 70% and
service tax we will calculate on 30%.
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b. For Advances purpose we will use two separate special g/l accounts one for normal down
payments and another one for CWIP down payments.
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c. When we pays the due amount, In SAP system should clear the open item automatically.
d. For Import scenario before receiving the goods we will issue the LC’s to respective suppliers.
When due date comes into picture AML will remit the amount in bank and bank will pay the
amount to that respective party.
e. The system should consider the taxes proportionately in the case of Returns to Vendor
f. Withholding tax purpose we will create separate TDS tax codes and we will maintain in
vendor masters and at the time of invoice/payment posting it will deduct the TDS accordingly.
g. Work contract tax purpose we will create one TDS tax code for 70% amount purpose and
30% amount purpose we will create one service tax code. Based on tax codes tax amount
will calculate.
h. AML needs Vendor Account Group based on Domestic, Foreign & Inter Company.
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b. Whenever the due date comes into picture then we remit the amount into bank and banker
will pay the amount to respective parties.
e. At the time of Issuing LC’s/BG’s we will route thru special g/l indicator along with respective
f. In case of LC/BG charges, manual entry is passed for the amount in the advice given by the
g. At the time of making payment LC/BG is cleared. We will select vendor invoice and we will
nullify the LC/BG.
h. Changes are carried out in LC/BG on the basis of instructions from supplier. Changes such
as change in due dates can be carried out, but the LC amount cannot be changed.
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a. Currently all the applicable Taxes like Excise, Customs, VAT, CST, Tax Deducted at Source
(Withholding tax), Service Tax, Additional Taxes etc., are being manually calculated as and
when required.
b. The person responsible for deducting tax at source and collecting tax at source should obtain
tax deduction account number. It is mandatory to deduct TDS on salaries, Interest on
securities, Dividends, Contractors/Sub contractors, Commission, Rent and Profession &
Technical services
c. The transport services rendered by Transporters would come under Service Tax coverage.
The Transport vendor should raise the bill including service tax. The whole amount is
considered as Expenditure, if the invoice contains the Service Tax
d. All monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, and annual returns are being prepared manually and
remitted on the due date.
b. All forms and returns to be submitted to the statutory authorities are to be generated from
the system itself.
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c. System to post all the Tax amounts to the respective General Ledgers automatically in FI
d. All required forms for submission of monthly, quarterly and annually returns are updated
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Credit can take only after making the payment; it is purely on payment basis.
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a. All Assets are bought by issuing a Purchase Order & the Acquisition is considered as Cost of
c. All purchased Assets will be capitalized on the date when the asset is put to use.
d. Assets built within the organization (capitalized work in progress) will be capitalized on the
date of commencement of commercial production.
e. Two types of Depreciation rates are being followed in calculating depreciation on Assets.
One as per Companies Act and the other as per Income Tax Act
f. The Straight line method (SLM) is using for Companies act and Written down value method
(WDM) is using for Income tax act.
g. Retirement of Fixed Assets, the gain or loss on sale/scrapping of Asset, gain or loss realized
on such transaction would be recorded in Profit or Loss on sale of Asset Account.
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b. While settling the CWIP asset it will settle the values to respective assets.
c. System to post to the respective General Ledgers when the Depreciation run is done on
monthly basis
d. While selling/scrapping the asset respective G/L accounts will post automatically.
f. Asset Register and analysis can be done by any parameter like Cost Center, Plant, Location,
Business center etc.,
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b. All Expenses are segregated into Direct and Indirect Expenses. Direct Expenses are
captured through Production cost center whereas Indirect Expenses are captured through
Service cost centers
c. System to show the Cost center wise expenses along with Plan and Variance
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Profit Center Accounting is a powerful tool that evaluates the financial strength and profit or loss
of an individual unit within the Organization. These areas are responsible for their Costs and
Revenues. Profit Center Accounting provides the companies the ability to report profitability on
their various product lines. It is a pooling of the costs data (from Cost Center Accounting) and the
revenues data (from Sales Billing data and manual revenue entries in Finance) combine to
generate the reports on financial position.
Profitability can be measured and the company’s management can make more informed
decisions about resource allocation.
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Expenses &
b. System to provide Plant wise Financial Statements i.e., Profit & Loss account, Balance Sheet
b. Reverse Documents
c. Financial Statements i.e., Profit & Loss account and Balance Sheet
f. Settlement of AUC
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h. Adjustment entries
i. Running Depreciation
l. Statutory Reports
The following are activities which are to take at the end of each fiscal year. Apart from the above
mentioned month end activities, the following are the additionals
e. Schedule VI reports
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FI Exclusions List:
1. Cash Voucher- Email based Approval Procedure for Cash Payments with entry by Clerk
notifications and Workflow. and approval, post by Manager.
Vendor Ageing Analysis Not a std SAP report. Vendor aging Category II
based on Material Type analysis in SAP shows vendor
payables on a timescale
Tracking of Post Dated Not Available in Std SAP . Not Category III
Cheques Vendor-wise decided by Jyoti so far whether
required or not
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