Newborns With Congenital Heart Diseases: Epidemiological Data From A Single Reference Center in Brazil
Newborns With Congenital Heart Diseases: Epidemiological Data From A Single Reference Center in Brazil
Newborns With Congenital Heart Diseases: Epidemiological Data From A Single Reference Center in Brazil
Original article
mon congenital malformations (11). This early detec- sis, parity, gestational age at the time of birth, birth
tion enables appropriate family counseling, pro- weight and Apgar at the first and fifth minutes. The
grammed intrauterine intervention (when necessary) means, standard deviations and maximum and mini-
and planned delivery assisted by a specialized multi- mum values were calculated for these variables. The
disciplinary team (1, 11-13). qualitative variables evaluated were the indication to
In addition to an adequate screening program for CHDs produce a fetal echocardiogram, karyotype analysis,
during the fetal period, knowledge of the epidemiologi- presence of associated extracardiac malformations,
cal data of this population needs to be promoted within type of delivery, sex of the newborn, diagnosis of
a hospital structure, so as to draw up a plan of action CHD, newborns that underwent surgical treatment
that optimizes good results in the service. Thus, the ob- and neonatal death.
jective of the present study was to describe the epi- The CHDs were categorized in four major groups:
demiological data of the population born at our service complex lesions, significant lesions, minor lesions
with a diagnosis of CHD between January 2008 and and others, in accordance with the classifications of
December 2012. Moreover, we sought to compare the Hunter et al. (14) and Wren et al. (15) (Tab. 1). Rela-
diagnoses made using fetal echocardiography with the tive and absolute values were calculated to compare
findings from postnatal echocardiography or anato- the types of CHD found through pre and postnatal
mopathological examination of the heart (gold stan- echocardiography.
dard) and to evaluate mortality among the newborns
that underwent surgical treatment.
Table 1. Classification system for congenital heart diseases used, according to the complexity of the heart anatom-
ical abnormalities.
lected for nine patients. In only 31% of the cases de- pected cardiomegaly, one with restrictive ductus arte-
livery took place vaginally. The mean gestational age riosus, one with suspected coarctation of the aorta,
at birth was 38 weeks, the mean weight of the new- one with a small interventricular communication and
borns was 2,644.5 grams and the Apgar score at the one with persistent left vena cava drainage into the
first minute was 6 and at the fifth minute 8. Female coronary sinus. Only one newborn presented an al-
newborns represented 51.7% of our sample (Tab. 2). tered postnatal echocardiogram with a normal fetal
Regarding the diagnosis of CHD, taking either the echocardiogram. The diagnosis in this case was an
postnatal echocardiogram or the anatomopathologi- interventricular communication with no need for surgi-
cal examination as gold standards, there were 23 cal treatment (Tab. 3).
complex lesions (39%), 15 significant lesions (26%), The diagnosis of CHD made on the fetus and postna-
10 minor lesions (17%), 4 other lesions (7%) and 6 tally coincided in 77.6% of the cases, considering the
normal anatomies (10%) (Tab. 3). classification used in the present study. Among the
Six cases were considered to have normal hearts in patients diagnosed with CHD, 16 cases led to death
the neonatal period, but had been considered to be within the first year of follow-up, while 12 newborns
abnormal in the records from the fetal period. These survived. A total of 27 patients (60%) underwent
cases consisted of two fetuses diagnosed with sus- surgery, among whom five evolved to neonatal death,
Maternal age in years (mean / min-max) 28.3 (14 - 48)
≥ 35 years – N (%) 10 (21.3%)
Gestational age of the fetal echocardiogram in weeks (mean / min-max) 27.8 (20 - 34.5)
Gestational history (mean / min–max)
Gestation 2.4 (1 - 5)
Parity 1 (0 - 3)
Abortion 0.3 (0 - 3)
Indication for a fetal heart examination – N (%)
Maternal 16 (33%)
Fetal 29 (60%)
Family 3 (6.2%)
Presence of fetal malformation – N (%) 29 (50%)
Karyotype – N 9
Sex of the newborn
Female – N (%) 30 (51.7%)
Gestational age at birth (mean / min–max) 38 (32.8 - 41.4)
Type of birth
Normal – N (%) 18 (31%)
Birth weight in grams (mean / min-max) 2644.5 (1310 - 3700)
Apgar (mean / min-max)
1st minute 6.5 (1 - 9)
5th minute 8 (1 - 10)
SD – standard deviation, N – Absolute number, (%) – Relative number, min – minimum, max – maximum.
Table 3. Diagnosis of congenital heart diseases during the fetal and neonatal periods, classified according to
the degree of complexity of the clinical and/or surgical treatment.
and one of these was a case of early death, with a di- was in accordance with recommendations in the cur-
agnosis of critical pulmonary valve stenosis, which rent literature, thus demonstrating the extent to which
was classified as a significant lesion. fetal causes are associated with CHDs (3, 6, 22, 23).
The Figure 1 presents four cases of prenatal echo- There are still some difficulties in analyzing the kary-
cardiogram diagnosis of CHD: double outlet right ven- otype, probably because some pregnant women refuse
tricle, tetralogy of Fallot, atrioventricular septum de- to undergo sample collection for this examination, and
fect, and pulmonary stenosis. also because of financial difficulties, since the analysis
for this examination is only carried out in private labora-
tories, while the vast majority of our patients are of a
Discussion lower socioeconomic level.
The birth weight of the patients with CHD maintained
This retrospective study described the sample of a mean of more than 2,500 grams, with no relation-
CHD diagnoses at a tertiary-level service between ship with low birth weight due to the presence of
January 2008 and December 2012. Our aim was to CHDs, as reported in some studies. This was proba-
find information about the population of children with bility due to the fact that, in the present assessment,
CHDs diagnosed at this service so as to improve our patients diagnosed with persistent ductus arteriosus
structure for specialized treatment of these patients. were excluded (24).
The postnatal incidence of CHDs at the service was Among the diagnoses of CHD, 65% of the cases pre-
1.9%, i.e. slightly higher than the data from the world- sented complex and significant lesions. The explana-
wide literature, which ranges from 0.3 to 1.2%. This tion for this is that our service is at tertiary level,
corroborates the importance of better planning for which creates selection bias. This also reinforces the
early detection of these diseases and better-struc- idea that stronger fetal screening should be imple-
tured hospital support (8, 9). mented so that the multidisciplinary team that will fol-
Approximately 20% of the pregnant women who pre- low-up the pregnant woman and her newborn can be-
sented fetuses with CHD were more advanced in come better prepared. Among the fetal echocardio-
age, and this has been reported in several studies on grams performed, only one did not detect a heart ab-
CHDs (16-18). Also, we observed that although the normality that was considered to be a small lesions
fetal diagnosis of CHD should be made between the (small interventricular communication). Moreover, the
18 th and 24 th weeks, it is still performed at a later pre and postnatal diagnoses coincided in 77.6% of
stage of pregnancy, at approximately the 28th week the cases, respecting the classification used in the
(19-21). This is because these pregnant women are present study. This may demonstrate the efficiency of
referred late to primary services, thereby delaying the the fetal screening and diagnosis services. However,
diagnosis and, consequently, adequate specialized these numbers need to be improved, and performing
prenatal follow-up and delivery management by a this examination on the fetus earlier needs to be pro-
multidisciplinary team. moted (19-21).
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