2019 COURSE INFO SCE551 (March)
2019 COURSE INFO SCE551 (March)
2019 COURSE INFO SCE551 (March)
Course Information
Course: School Science
Semester: March – July 2019 Phone: 012-2703907
Core Person En. Muhamad Furkan Mat Salleh Email: [email protected]
Office Hours By appointment
Texts Compulsory Texts
Ministry of Education Malaysia (2012) Integrated Curriculum for Secondary
School Science Form 1 - 5: CDD, Ministry of Education Malaysia.
Current school science textbooks: Forms 1-6
Additional Readings
Driver, R., Guesne, E., and Tiberghien (1985) Children’s Ideas in Science. Open
University Press, Milton Keynes
Osborne, R. and Freyberg (1989) Learning in Science, Hienemann.
Keely, P.D. (2008) Science Formative Assessment: 75 Practical Strategies for
Linking Assessment, Instruction, and Learning, London: Corwin.
Tweed, A. (2009) Designing Effective Science Instruction: What Works in Science
Classrooms, National Science Teachers Association
Course Description
This course reviews in detail the science curriculum as specified in the Malaysian Standard and Integrated
Curriculum for Secondary Schools Science. It encompasses the various components of the curriculum,
including its philosophy, goals and objectives. Students will examine the thematic contents of the curriculum
from the perspectives of (i) learning outcomes (ii) key scientific concepts, (iii) suggested learning activities,
and (iv) assessment. Exploration of students’ misconceptions in various major ideas in science will be
Course Outcomes
E2: Lesson Book Development (LBD) √ √
F a c u l t y o f E d u c a t i o n
2 0 1 3
Program PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11
Outcomes √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Program Outcomes
1. Ability to acquire and apply the relevant scientific content knowledge in science teaching and
2. Ability to acquire, apply, and create relevant pedagogical content knowledge in science teaching and
3. Ability to plan, and facilitate learning in science classroom
4. Ability to use science laboratory apparatus/equipments and some basic computer software
5. Ability to recognize the role and impact of science education in the perspective of learning, teaching
and curriculum at large
6. Ability to recognize and apply values, ethics and professionalism in the teaching profession
7. Ability to communicate clearly and effectively in science classroom teaching
8. Ability to work as a team and motivate others.
9. Ability to identify, devise a plan, execute and verify solutions of a science based issues/problems.
10. Ability to undertake life-long learning and attain knowledge of contemporary issues.
11. Ability to acquire and apply managerial and entrepreneur skills in teaching profession.
Soft Skills
√ √ √ √ √ √
Soft Skills
1. Communication Skills (CS)
2. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills (CTPS)
3. Life-long learning and informational Management (LLIM)
4. Team work (TS)
5. Entrepreneurship (ES)
6. Professional Ethics and Moral (EM)
7. Leadership Skills (LS)
F a c u l t y o f E d u c a t i o n
2 0 1 3
2. Students will work In developing their creative lesson 20% for the individual work
individually and book, students must first identify a A score of 16.0 – 20% will show evidence of
produce a chapter of a specific theme for the content of work quality reflective of 80% and above in the
specific science topic their lesson book and creatively grading matrix.
that consists of content display their ability to apply the A score of 14.0 – 15.9% will show evidence of
and a set of questions knowledge gained from this course work quality reflective of between 70 -79% in
related to the content. to come out with the lesson as well the grading matrix.
Students will also work as questions related to the content
A score of 12.0 – 13.9% will show evidence of
in the group of 4/5 to of the lesson.
work quality reflective of between 60 - 69% in
compile the chapters in
the grading matrix.
a book.
A score of 0 – 11.9% will show evidence of
work quality reflective of between 0 - 59% in
the grading matrix.
Students are also required to 10% for the group work
compile the lessons/chapters have
prepared as a book. In group, the A score of 8 – 10% will show evidence of work
students need to work on quality reflective of 80% and above in the
standardization of the book format grading matrix.
and subsequently design and
produce a book cover for the
compiled work. The final product
F a c u l t y o f E d u c a t i o n
2 0 1 3
Students are required to produce
20% for the tangible product
tangible materials addressing
misconceptions that can improve A score of 16.0 – 20% will show evidence of
science learning. work quality reflective of 80% and above in the
grading matrix.
A score of 14.0 – 15.9% will show evidence of
work quality reflective of between 70 -79% in
the grading matrix.
A score of 12.0 – 13.9% will show evidence of
work quality reflective of between 60 - 69% in
the grading matrix.
A score of 0 – 11.9% will show evidence of
work quality reflective of between 0 - 59% in
the grading matrix.
Additionally, students are required 10% for oral presentation
to demonstrate how the products A score of 8 – 10% will show evidence of work
they develop will address quality reflective of 80% and above in the
misconceptions and enhance grading matrix.
science learning.
A score of 7 – 7.9% will show evidence of work
quality reflective of between 70 - 79% in the
grading matrix.
A score of 6 – 6.9% will show evidence of work
quality reflective of between 60 – 69% in the
grading matrix.
A score of 0 – 5.9% will show evidence of work
quality reflective of between 0 - 59% in the
grading matrix.
F a c u l t y o f E d u c a t i o n
2 0 1 3
F a c u l t y o f E d u c a t i o n
2 0 1 3
Lecture II Discussion
Teaching Strategies, Approaches, Methods and Techniques Questioning
Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners technique practice
2 Focusing on 21st century classroom (group)
Lead questioning
Lecture III activity (individual)
Questioning Technique for Active Learning
Socratic Dialogue
Lead questioning activity
Using stimulus in asking question
Lecture IV
Misconception in Science Discussion
Instructor to provide
3 science materials and
Lecture V get students to
Lesson Book Development briefing identify the
The Dos’ and Donts’ misconception(s)
Constructing objective
Constructing items for evaluation
F a c u l t y o f E d u c a t i o n
2 0 1 3
F a c u l t y o f E d u c a t i o n
2 0 1 3
Presentation on Students’ Misconception in Science(1) Discussion
12 Addressing misconception on particular science concept
Presentation and critiques on tangible products
Presentation on Students’ Misconception in Science(2) Discussion
13 Addressing misconception on particular science concept
Presentation and critiques on tangible products
F a c u l t y o f E d u c a t i o n
2 0 1 3