Listening Comprehension Test For 8 Form Students Advice For Exams
Listening Comprehension Test For 8 Form Students Advice For Exams
Listening Comprehension Test For 8 Form Students Advice For Exams
Remember: you are NOT allowed to take notes at ANY time when the text is being
read to you.
Text 2
Read through the text and choose one answer for each question. Mark the
correct letter A, B, C or D.
Bigfoot is a humanlike creature reportedly living in the Pacific Northwest.
Bigfoot sightings have been noted most often in the mountainous areas of Northern
California, Oregon, and Washington in the United States. The creature has also been
spotted numerous times in British Columbia in Canada, where it is known as
The creature described by witnesses is tall by human standards, measuring 7 to
10 feet (2 to 3 meters) in height. It resembles an ape with its thick, powerful, fur-
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covered arms and short, strong neck; however, its manner of walking erect is more
like that of Homo sapiens.
Although there have been hundreds of reported sightings of Bigfoot, most
experts have not seen enough evidence to be convinced of its existence. The fact that
some purported evidence has been proven fake may have served to discredit other
more credible information.
2. How does weather affect people’s moods? Which are some of the problems
caused by bad weather? What climate is there in your country?