Aki 2018
Aki 2018
Aki 2018
Definition of AKI
Epidemiology of AKI
Etiology of AKI
Pathophysiology of AKI
Evaluation of AKI
Complications of AKI
Treatments of AKI
General Considerations
Pendidikan Kedokteran
Definition of AKI
↓ Kidney Function
• Pre-Renal
Causes of AKI • Sudden and severe drop in blood
pressure(Shock) or interruption of blood
1 flow to the kidneys
• Renal
• Direct damage to the kidneys by
inflammation, toxins, drugs, infection, or
2 reduced blood supply
• Post-Renal
• Sudden obstruction of urine flow due to
enlarged prostate, kidney stones, bladder
3 tumor, or injury
Sharfuddin A, Weisbord S, Palevsky P, Molitoris B. Brenner and Rectors: Acute Kidney Injury. 2015.
Philadelphia. 1059-1085.
Etiology of AKI
Sharfuddin A, Weisbord S, Palevsky P, Molitoris B. Brenner and Rectors: Acute Kidney Injury. 2015.
Philadelphia. 1059-1085.
Etiology of AKI
Jefferson JA, Thurman JM, Schrier RW. Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology : Acute Kidney Injury. 2010.
Philadelphia. 797-870
Pathophysiology of AKI
Prerenal Azotemia
On Acute Tubular Necrosis
The (ATN)
Post-renal Acute Kidney
Sharfuddin A, Weisbord S, Palevsky P, Molitoris B. Brenner and Rectors: Acute Kidney Injury. 2015.
Philadelphia. 1059-1085.
Pathophysiology of AKI
Prerenal Azotemia
Innere Medizin,
Time / days
Tubular damage
Combination of
ischemic injury & direct
Obstruction of the extrarenal collecting Jefferson JA, Thurman JM, Schrier RW.
system at “any” level (renal pelvis, Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology :
ureters, bladder, urethra) Acute Kidney Injury. 2010. Philadelphia.
Evaluations of AKI
Sharfuddin A, Weisbord S, Palevsky P, Molitoris B. Brenner and Rectors: Acute Kidney Injury. 2015.
Philadelphia. 1059-1085.
Evaluations of AKI
Sharfuddin A, Weisbord S, Palevsky P, Molitoris B. Brenner and Rectors: Acute Kidney Injury. 2015.
Philadelphia. 1059-1085.
Evaluations of AKI Lab Results
Novel Renal
IL-8 Serum kreatinin
Volume urine
New Biomarkers in AKI
Alternatives to Serum Creatinine
• Urinary Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated
Lipocalin (NGAL)
• Ann Intern Med 2008;148:810-819
• Urinary Interleukin 18
• Am J Kidney Dis 2004;43:405-414
• Urinary Kidney Injury Molecule 1 (KIM-1)
• J Am Soc Nephrol 2007;18:904-912
Evaluations of AKI
Basic Principles
Roesli R. Pengelolaan Konservatif (Supportif) “Memilih pengobatan yang tepat di saat yang
tepat”. Diagnosis & Pengelolaan Gangguan Ginjal Akut. Jakarta. 2011: 79-93.
Treatments of AKI
National Kidney Foundation. KDIGO. Acute Kidney Injury Guidelines. Kidney International
Supplements (2012) 2, 19-36.
Treatments of AKI
Dysnatremic Relative
pH<7,15 Absolute
RIFLE – I Relative
RIFLE – F Relative
Gibney N, Hoste E. Timing and Discontinuation of renal replacement therapy in AKI: Unanswered Key
Questions. Clin J Am Soe Nephrol 2008; 3: 876-880.
• A common critical condition with high mortality
• Early recognition favors better prognosis
• The causes divided into prerenal, renal /intrinsic
and post renal
• Loss of autoregulation, vasoconstriction,
glomerulotubular damage, and inflammation is a
main pathogenesis
• Some modality of treatments with a different