Vocabulary Summit 1 Unit 6-10
Vocabulary Summit 1 Unit 6-10
Vocabulary Summit 1 Unit 6-10
indulge ourselves disfrutar de nosotros mismos v. to let ourselves have or do something we enjoy
It could come in really handy Podría ser muy útil It might be very useful
overspending gastar demasiado spending more than you have
make sure people know about a new product in order
promote promover to persuade them to buy it
show that something is definitely true, especially by
prove probar providing facts and information
resent resentirse de to feel angry or bitter at something
resist the temptation resistir la tentación not do something you have a strong wish to do
splurge on derrochar en buy something indulgent or luxurious
technique técnica a special method or way of doing something
tolerate tolerar put up with
What on earth for? ¿Para qué diablos? Why would you do that?
window-shop Vidriera de tienda looks at goods in store windows without going inside
You've got to be kidding Tienes que estar bromeando You can't be serious
good luck, a bird that has traditionally associated with childbirth. In the
stork cigüeña story the stork delivers the newborn babies to their mothers
I suppose she got stuck in traffic Supongo que se quedó atascada almost certain-Supongo que se quedó atrapada en
en el tráfico. el tráfico
I wonder if she got stuck in traffic Me pregunto si se quedó not certain-Me pregunto si ella se quedó atrapada
atascada en el tráfico. en el tráfico
He doesn't want to go out on a limb, but he really
I'm going out on a limb Voy a arriesgarme should give it a try. (arriesgarse)
it's obvious she got stuck in es obvio que se quedó atascada very certain-es obvio que ella se quedó atrapada
traffic en el tráfico en el tráfico
it's possible she got stuck in es posible que se haya quedado not certain-es posible que ella se atascó en el
traffic atascada en el tráfico tráfico
tal vez ella se quedó atascada en not certain-tal vez ella se quedó atrapada en el
maybe she got stuck in traffic el tráfico tráfico
most likely she got stuck in traffic lo más probable es que se quedó almost certain-lo más probable es que se quedó
atascada en el tráfico atrapada en el tráfico
probablemente se quedó almost certain-probablemente ella se atascó en el
probably she got stuck in traffic atascada en el tráfico tráfico
questionable cuestionable likely to be untrue
there's no question she got stuck No hay duda de que se quedó very certain-no hay duda de que se quedó
in traffic atascada en el tráfico atrapada en el tráfico
they are barking up the wrong están ladrando el árbol to be wrong about the reason for something or the
tree equivocado way to achieve something
unprovable no demostrable cannot be shown to be true
vanish without a trace desaparecer sin dejar rastro One day he lef, disappeared without a trace
clincher punto clave a fact, argument, or event that settles a matter conclusively.
get away from it all alejarse de todo escape stress, get somewhere relaxing
I can't take it No lo soporto más it is said when a person is furious so bad that they cannot
anymore mentally, emotionally, or physically take it anymore
run errands hacer diligencias go out to buy something, pay a bill, or do something else
take some time off Tómate un tiempo stop working for a short time
to begin to study, practice, or do (a hobby / a sport / a job /
take up comenzar etc.).
technological avance tecnológico discovery that brings progress.
technological boom auge tecnológico the process when we have a lot of inventions