Vocabulary Summit 1 Unit 6-10

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biodiversity biodiversidad variety of living things

habitat habitat the place animals live

extinction extinción disappearance of a species
conservation conservación trying to protect animals
ecosystem ecosistema how plants and animals work together
gullible crédulo too trusting of othershav
vain vano too proud
sincere sincero saying what one really feels or believes
adorable adorable cute and charming
affectionate cariñoso exceptionally friendly and loving
good-natured bondadoso easygoing
devoted devoto attentive to the other
agressive agresivo behaving in a threatening way
filthy inmundo makes a mess
egotistical ególatra thinking oneself is better than others
eccentric excéntrico behaving or appearing in an unusual way
passionate apasionado showing a strong liking for something
moody temperamental emotional
energetic energético very active, physically and mentally
difficult difícil never satisfied
to talk someone into doing hablar con alguien para que haga convince
something algo
to have it made tenerlo hecho life is easier
modest modesto conservative
workaholic trabajador obsesivo addicted to getting things done
irritating irritante annoying
slaughter sacrificio kill
emissions emisiones substance being sent out into the air
solar solar having to do with the sun
unrivaled sin rivalidad most important ever
cling to aferrarse a hold on
decimate diezmar to reduce in size/destroy
irreversible irreversible cannot turn back
in captivity en cautiverio to be cooped up
modify modificar alter
head off atajar prevent
monitor monitor watch
endangered en peligro de extinción soon to disappear
mean media saying or doing unkind things to others
having good judgement on Tener buen juicio en asuntos de wise
matters of importance importancia.
inhumane inhumano extremely cruel causing unacceptable suffering

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

bargain-hunt caza de ganga look around for goods that one can buy cheaply
billboard cartelera a large outdoor board for displaying advertisements
blows me away me golpea it amazes me
Looking at goods in a shop without necessarily wanting
browse vistazo to buy anything
chokes me up me ahoga it makes me very emotional
commercial comercial a type of advertisement on the radio or TV
comparison shop tienda de comparación shop around; go to different stores to compare prices

a person who purchases goods and services for personal

consumer consumidor use
cracks me up me mata it makes me laugh so much
elderly mayor Pertaining to a person who is 65 years of age or older.

personally recommend a product in exchange for

endorse endosar payment
get the urge obtener el impulso feel a strong wish to do something
gets on my nerves me pone nervioso it really annoys me
go overboard ir por la borda v. do too much of something
to bargain; to discuss the amount of money one is
haggle regatear willing to pay
Me gustaría tener en mis
I'd like to get my hands on... I'd really love to have...
manos ...
suggest that something is true, without saying or
imply implicar showing it directly
buying something just because you want it at the
impulse buying comprador impulsivo moment

indulge ourselves disfrutar de nosotros mismos v. to let ourselves have or do something we enjoy
It could come in really handy Podría ser muy útil It might be very useful
overspending gastar demasiado spending more than you have
make sure people know about a new product in order
promote promover to persuade them to buy it
show that something is definitely true, especially by
prove probar providing facts and information
resent resentirse de to feel angry or bitter at something
resist the temptation resistir la tentación not do something you have a strong wish to do
splurge on derrochar en buy something indulgent or luxurious
technique técnica a special method or way of doing something
tolerate tolerar put up with
What on earth for? ¿Para qué diablos? Why would you do that?
window-shop Vidriera de tienda looks at goods in store windows without going inside
You've got to be kidding Tienes que estar bromeando You can't be serious

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

act up hacer de las suyas misbehave, behave awkwardly or badly
birthrate tasa de natalidad the number of live births each year per 1,000 people
burden carga A hardship; something difficult to bear, a heavy load
burgeon brote to grow and flourish
courtesy cortesía Politeness originating in kindness and exercised habitually.
democracy family familia de democracia a family where everyone can express their opinions
didn't work out no funcionó not able to be fixed up
disrespectful irrespetuoso not polite; rude; not courteous
elderly mayor appearing old, old aged
extended family Familia extendida closely related people of several generations
The cultural seperation (different opinions and behavior) between
generation gap brecha generacional children and their parents
get back together volver a estar juntos restart a relationship
having a falling out teniendo una pelea have a serious argument
immediate family Familia inmediata consists of parents, children, brothers and sister
intent intención purpose
lenient indulgente inclined not to be strict
average number of years an individual can expect to live given their
life expectance esperanza de vida present age.
make ends meet llegar a fin de mes to have just enough money to pay for the things that you need
maturity madurez The state of being fully grown or developed
more and more más y más increasingly
nursing homes hogares de ancianos homes for the elderly, or people with very serious health problems
outnumber superar numéricamente be larger in number
overprotective sobreprotector too concerned about someone
patch things up arreglar las cosas repair the friendship
pose pose present, position or attitude
rebellious rebelde resisting control or authority, acting against the authorities
move your eyes upwards as a way of showing that you are annoyed or
roll up eyes poner los ojos en blanco bored afer someone has done or said something
develop in a positive way / improve to reach an acceptable standard,
shape up ponerse en forma learn to behave
shif cambio change
smart move movimiento inteligente an intelligent way to solve a problem
split up separar separate, break up, get divorced, end a relationship
pampered, get anything one wants, ruined, when parents do or give
spoiled estropeado everything their child want

good luck, a bird that has traditionally associated with childbirth. In the
stork cigüeña story the stork delivers the newborn babies to their mothers

strict estricto exigent, severe, expecting kids to obey rules

talk back replicar reply rudely back to someone:
the more, the better mientras más, mejor said when something will get better if something else is added
trend tendencia a pattern of change over time, tendency
troublemaker alborotador person who ofen causes problems
well-behaved bien educado a. good-natured, willing to do what to be told
You have it easy! Lo tienes fácil! If you say this to someone you mean things are so easy for that person

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

believable creíble can be accepted as true because it seems possible

claramente se quedó atascada en very certain-claramente ella se quedó atrapada en

clearly she got stuck in traffic el tráfico el tráfico
debatable discutible more than one explanation is possible
This paragraph doesn't make sense. What are you
doesn't make sense no tiene sentido trying to say?
don't really buy that realmente no compre eso disagree; to not be convinced
far-fetched to me descabellado para mí very unlikely to be true, and difficult to believe

I suppose she got stuck in traffic Supongo que se quedó atascada almost certain-Supongo que se quedó atrapada en
en el tráfico. el tráfico

I wonder if she got stuck in traffic Me pregunto si se quedó not certain-Me pregunto si ella se quedó atrapada
atascada en el tráfico. en el tráfico
He doesn't want to go out on a limb, but he really
I'm going out on a limb Voy a arriesgarme should give it a try. (arriesgarse)
it's obvious she got stuck in es obvio que se quedó atascada very certain-es obvio que ella se quedó atrapada
traffic en el tráfico en el tráfico
it's possible she got stuck in es posible que se haya quedado not certain-es posible que ella se atascó en el
traffic atascada en el tráfico tráfico
tal vez ella se quedó atascada en not certain-tal vez ella se quedó atrapada en el
maybe she got stuck in traffic el tráfico tráfico

most likely she got stuck in traffic lo más probable es que se quedó almost certain-lo más probable es que se quedó
atascada en el tráfico atrapada en el tráfico
probablemente se quedó almost certain-probablemente ella se atascó en el
probably she got stuck in traffic atascada en el tráfico tráfico
questionable cuestionable likely to be untrue
there's no question she got stuck No hay duda de que se quedó very certain-no hay duda de que se quedó
in traffic atascada en el tráfico atrapada en el tráfico
they are barking up the wrong están ladrando el árbol to be wrong about the reason for something or the
tree equivocado way to achieve something
unprovable no demostrable cannot be shown to be true
vanish without a trace desaparecer sin dejar rastro One day he lef, disappeared without a trace

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

a Big T una gran t risk-taking personality
a poll Una encuesta a survey
a small T una pequeña T risk-avoiding personality
subidón de a feeling of great energy you get when you are excited or
adrenaline rush adrenalina frightened.
antiques antigüedades art, furniture, or objects that are old and valuable

assemble (models) ensamblar put pieces together

in a turned or twisted position or direction; wrong, out of
awry torcido the right or hoped-for course

be a nervous wreck ser un desastre be anxious or worried about something

bound ligado tied up
burden carga a heavy load
catch up alcanzar get to the same point as someone else
chores quehaceres everyday jobs or responsibilities around a home
churn something batir algo produce something quickly and in large amounts

clincher punto clave a fact, argument, or event that settles a matter conclusively.

crochet tejer a form of knitting or needlework

cut back reducir spend less, do less, or use less of something
dare atrevimiento take risk to do something that is dangerous
defeat derrota win a victory over
demanding exigente needing a lot of your time, attention, or effort
draw the line dibujar la línea make it clear that something is unacceptable
decorative needlework, patterns or pictures that consist of
embroidery bordado stitches sewn directly onto cloth
engage in sth participar en algo participate in
enhance mejorar improve, augment
facility instalaciones a place where a particular activity happens
faculty facultad department in a university
lacking the courage to face something difficult or
faint of heart debil de corazon dangerous
for the thrill por la emoción a sudden feeling of excitement and pleasure

get away from it all alejarse de todo escape stress, get somewhere relaxing

goof off goof off waste time

groundbreaking innovador introducing new ideas or methods
a skilled activity in which something is made in a traditional
handicraf artesanía way with the hands
hang out colgar spend time relaxing (informal)
have a lot on one's tener mucho en el have lots of things that need to get done
plate plato

I can't take it No lo soporto más it is said when a person is furious so bad that they cannot
anymore mentally, emotionally, or physically take it anymore

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

Estoy hasta mis
I'm up to my ears being really busy with something
immerse oneself in sumergirse en algo become completely involved in an activity
fundamental manipulative skill in which the foot strikes an
kicking pateando object
knitting tejido de punto Looping yarns together to make fabric
dispositivo de (of an appliance) designed to reduce the amount of work
laborsaving device ahorro de trabajo needed to complete a task
leisure time ocio free time
live on the edge Vivir al límite have an adventurous or perilous lifestyle
no sweat sin sudar said when you can do something easily
off-duty fuera de servicio not at work
one-of-a-kind Único en su clase unique
punching puñetazos strike with the fist.
R&R R&R Rest and Relaxation
a small railway that carries people up and down a steep
roller coaster montaña rusa track very fast for fun

run errands hacer diligencias go out to buy something, pay a bill, or do something else

scary de miedo frightening

set limits Pon límites draw a line
set you back retroceder cost
sew coser create clothes by using a sewing machine
staggering asombroso astonishing, overwhelming
mantenerse en
stay in shape to keep in good health
stuck atascado unable to move
take a nap tomar una siesta have a short sleep
take it easy tómalo con calma relax and not worry about anything

take some time off Tómate un tiempo stop working for a short time
to begin to study, practice, or do (a hobby / a sport / a job /
take up comenzar etc.).
technological avance tecnológico discovery that brings progress.

technological boom auge tecnológico the process when we have a lot of inventions

throw off deshacerse de make something not work

timesaving ahorrar tiempo reducing the amount of time needed to do something
unwind relajarse relax afer a period of work or tension
in such a way that the upper and the lower parts are
upside down al revés reversed in position
the process of cutting into the surface of wood to create a
wood carving talla de madera decorative shape or pattern

work out rutina de ejercicio exercise

yarns hilos a string used to knit

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

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