Jeevan Pramaaan Client Installation 3.5
Jeevan Pramaaan Client Installation 3.5
Jeevan Pramaaan Client Installation 3.5
For Windows
(Version 3.5 )
Sept 2018
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3
1. About JeevanPramaan ver 3.0............................................................................................................. 3
2. Pre-requisites for pensioners ............................................................................................................... 3
3. System requirements........................................................................................................................... 3
4. What’s new in version 3.5.................................................................................................................... 4
5. JeevanPramaan Installation Procedure ............................................................................................... 4
Step 1 - Download Jeevan Pramaan software .......................................................................................... 4
Step 2 - Install Jeevan Pramaan Application ............................................................................................. 5
Step 3 - Running the Jeevan Pramaan Application .................................................................................. 6
6. Installation of RD Service ................................................................................................................... 12
Appendix A – Frequently Asked Questions............................................................................................. 13
Annexure I : Biometric Devices supported by JeevanPramaan Application ( as on 01 Sept 2018 ) .......... 14
Jeevan Pramaan
JeevanPramaan client application captures basic data of the pensioner which has to be
provided by the pensioner like aadhaar number/Virtual ID , mobile number, name, pension
related information viz. PPO No., Pension Sanctioning Authority, Bank Details etc. On
successful biometric-authentication by UIDAI, JeevanPramaan i.e Digital Life Cetificate with
a unique Id known as Pramaan Id is generated. The DLC thus generated is available online
to the pensioner as well as the pension disbursing authority.
JeevanPramaan versions prior to 3.0, are for ‘public biometric devices’. UIDAI has decided
to discontinue the use of “public biometric devices” and it will only allow Registered
Biometric Devices for Aadhaar enabled Authentication. A biometric device which is
registered with UIDAI is termed as a Registered Device. To convert a ‘public biometric
device’ to a Registered device a software called “Registered Device service’ ( here-after
referred to as RD service ) is required. Version 3.0 of Jeevan Pramaan provides support for
the ‘RD service framework’ only.
3. System requirements
1. Operating System - Windows 7 onwards
2. Microsoft .Net Framework version 4 - Full (or) Higher
3. STQC certified Registered Biometric device is required. List is available on
JeevanPramaan portal as well as in Appendix B.
4. RD Service of the biometric device should be installed on the system.( See section -
Installation of RD Service )
Jeevan Pramaan
5. Internet connection is required to communicate with Jeevan Pramaan Server
4.Click on ‘Jeevan Pramaan 3.0 Installer’ under ‘PC Installer’ to download the application
Jeevan Pramaan
Jeevan Pramaan
Step 3 - Running the Jeevan Pramaan Application
Please note that before installing JeevanPramaan ensure that RD service is installed and
1. Plug in your biometric device to the system and wait for a few minutes( 2-5 minutes)
for device updation. ‘Device Updated’ or ‘Device Ready’ notification message shall
2. Run JeevanPramaan application by Double Clicking on JeevanPramaan shortcut
(which exists on Desktop). Following screen will appear. You may get ‘Client not
Registered’ Message. Click on Ok.
3. Enter and Aadhaar number or Virtual ID. Fill in your Mobile Number, email ID and
click on Generate OTP ( Kindly give correct mobile number and emailID as One Time
Password will be sent to this Mobile Number and e-mailId ) You will receive the One
Time Password on mobile number as well as e-mailId you have mentioned above. On
clicking ‘Generate OTP’ below shown screen is presented
Jeevan Pramaan
4. Enter the OTP and click OK ( In case OTP is not received on the mobile number, click
on ‘Resend Otp’ shall be re-sent )
5. On entering the correct OTP, Operator Authentication screen shall be presented.
6. Provide Name and Email ID, and check the check-box provided and click ‘Submit’
Jeevan Pramaan
9. On Clicking OK, the application will close and restart and application is ready for
JeevanPramaan generation.
10. Now you will be presented with the Pensioner Authentication Screen.
Jeevan Pramaan
Pensioner Authentication and Certificate Generation.
2. Provide the Mobile number and e-mail ID. E-mail Id is not mandatory. ( Pl note the
One Time Password i.e OTP shall be sent to the mobile no. and e-mail-id provided )
3. The Pensioner will receive the OTP on the mobile number given in Step 1 above.
4. Enter the OTP and click OK. ( See Screen Shot below )
Jeevan Pramaan
5. On entering the correct OTP, you will be presented with following screen.
6. Fill in Pensioner's Name, PPO Number, Account No, e-mail. Choose appropriate
Pension-type, Sanctioning Authority, Disbursing Agency, Agency from Drop-down
list, Select Remarried options, Re-Employed Options.
7. Also Click small grey box, Read the consent before clicking submit
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Jeevan Pramaan
10. This will complete the Authentication and DLC generation process.
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Jeevan Pramaan
6. Installation of RD Service
1.Download the ‘RD service setup and drivers’ and ‘user manual’ for your particular
biometric device from the link
2. Install the RD Service as per the installation instructions provided in the installation/user
3. Plug in biometric device, ‘device ready to use’ or ‘device inserted’ notification shall come
up as shown below.
4. In case of issues related to RD service activation, software etc, please contact device
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Jeevan Pramaan
If you are facing any issue during installation, search in internet “how to install or enable .Net
framework 3.5 in operating system”. Replace the word “operating system” with the OS version.
For e.g., windows 7 or windows 8
1.Download “e_Mudhra.cer” file from “Possible solutions for windows client usage issues” link of
Jeevan Pramaan ‘FAQ’ section
3) What have I to do, when I get “Unable to parse Jeevan Pramaan Server response”
Please try again (or) restart the application.
This is not a error messge, but a informatory message. Please click on OK button appearing below
the message and proceed with operator authentication.
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Jeevan Pramaan
Please send email along with error information and screen-shot to [email protected]
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