Career Feb2019 PDF

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CS Form No.

9 ElectlOflic oopy to
Republic of the Philippines
Request for Publication of Vacant Positions - - ··

We hereby request the re-publication of the following vacant positions, which are authorized to be filled, at the LAND TRANSPORTATION OFFICE in the CSC website:

OIC, HRD Section

Date: 28 February 2019

Qualification Standards
Position Trtle
Salary I Job t Pay
No. (Parenthetical Title, if Plantilla Item No. Monthly Salary Place of Assignment
Grade Competency
applicable) Education Experience Training Eligibility
(if applicable)

1 year of relevant 4 hours of relevant Office of the Assistant

OSEC-DOTrB- Bachelor of Laws
1 Attorney Ill 21 52,554 .00 experience R.A. 1080 Secretary, LTO Central
ATY3-107-2017 training

Administrative Officer V Career Service Office of the Assistant

OSEC-DOTrB- 2 years of relevant 8 hours of relevant
2 (Public Relations Officer 18 38,085.00 Bachelor's degree Professional I Second Secretary. LTO Central
ADOF5-149-2017 experience training
111) Level Eligibility Office

Career Service Offtce of the Assistant

Adrninistrat."•e Aide Vt OSEC-DOTrS- Completion of two y;;ars
3 6 14,340.00 None required None required Subprofessional I First Secretary, LTO Cenlral
(Stenographer 11) ADA6-13 1-2017 studies in college
Level Eligibility Office
Bachelor's degree in
OSEC-DOTrB- 3 years of relevant 16 hours of relevant Plate Making Plant, LTO
4 EngineerN 22 58,717.00 Engineering relevant to R.A. 1080
ENG-4-47-2017 experience training Central Office
the job

Administrative Aide V OSEC-DOTrB- Elementary School Painter Plate Making Plant, LTO
5 5 13,481 .00 None required None required
(Painter II) ADAS-59-2017 Graduate (MC 11, s. 96 - Cat. 11) Central Office

Traffic Adjudication
OSEC-DOTrB- 1 year of relevant 4 hours of relevant
6 Attorney Ill 21 52,554.00 Bachelor of Laws R.A. 1080 Service, LTO Central
ATY3-108-2017 experience training

Traffic Adjudication
OSEC-DOTrB- 1 year of relevant 4 hours of relevant
7 Attomeytll 21 52,554.00 Bachelor of Laws R.A. 1080 Service, LTO Central
ATY3-109-2017 experience training

Traffic Adjudication
OSEC-DOTrB- 1 year of relevant 4 hours of relevant
8 Attorney Ill 21 52,554.00 Bachelor of Laws R.A. 1080 Service, LTO Central
ATY3-110-2017 experience training

Traffic Adjudication
OSEC-DOTrB- 38,085.00 Bachelor of Laws None required None required
9 Atlomeyll 18 R.A. 1080 Service. LTO Central

Administrative Assistant Career Service Traffic Adjudication

II OSEC-DOTrB- Completion of two years 1 year of relevant 4 hours of relevant
10 9 17 ,473.00 Subprofessional I First Service, LTO Central
(Stenographic Reporter ADASJ-126-2017 studies in college experience !raining
Level Eligibility Office

Career Service Traffic Adjudication

Administralilll! Assistant I OSEC-DOTrB- Completion of two years
11 7 15,254.00 None required None required Subprofessional I First Service, LTO Central
(Secretary I) ADAS1-106-2017 studies in college
Level Eligibility Office

40 hours of
Master's Degree or supeivisory/managernent
4 years of Career Service Law Enforcement
Chief Transportation OSEC-DOTrB- Certificate in Leadership learning and
12 24 73,299.00 supervisory/management Professional I Second Service, LTO Central
Regulation Officer CTR0-98-2017 amd Management from development intervention
experience Level Efigibility Office
csc undertaken within the last
five (5) years

Career Service Law Enforcement

OSEC-DOTrB- Bachelor's degree 2 years of relevant 8 hours of relevant
13 Special Investigator Ill 18 38,085.00 Professional I Second Service, LTO Central
SPl3-89-2017 relevant to the job experience training
Level Eligibility Office

Bachelo(s degree Career Service Law Enforcement
Senior Transportation OSEC-DOTrB- 2 years of relevant 8 hours of re)evant
14 13 38,085.00 Professional I Second Service. LTO Central
Regulation Off1Cer SRTR0-116-2017 relevant to the job experience training
Level Eligibilil'/ Office

Career Service law Enforcement

Senior Transportation OSEC-DOTrB- Bachelor's degree 2 years of relevant 8 hours or relevar.t
15 18 38,085.00 Professional I Second Service, LTO Central
Regulation Off1Cer SRTR0-129-2017 relevan1 to the job experience training
Level Eligibility Office

Career Service Law Enforcement

Transportation OSEC-DOTrB- Bachelor's degree 1 year of relevant 4 hours of relevant
16 15 29,010.00 Professional I Second Service, l TO Cenlral
Regulation Officer II TRNSR02-132-2017 relevant lo the job experience !raining
Level Eligibility Office

BachelO(s degree Career Service Law Enforcement

Tra nsportation OSEC-DOTrB- 1 year of relevant 4 hours or relevant
17 15 29,010.00 Professional I Second Service, LTO Central
Regulation OfflCer II TRN SR02-133-2017 relevant to the job experierlCe !raining
Level Eligibility Office

OSEC-DOTrB- Career Service Law Enforcement

Transportation Bachelor's degree 1 year of relevant 4 hours of relevant
18 15 29,010.00 Professional I Second Service. LTO Central
Regulation Officer II TRNSR02-144-2017 relevant to the job experierlCe training
Level Eligibility Office

Career Service Law Enforcement

T ranspertation OSEC-DOTrB- BachelO(s degree 1 year of relevant 4 hours of relevant
19 15 29,010.00 Professional I Second Service, LTO Central
Regulation Officer II TRNSR02-145-2017 relevanl to the job experierlCe training
Level Eligibility OfflCe

Bachelor's degree in
OSEC-DOTrB- Commerce/Business 1 year of relevant RA 1080
4 hours or relevant Financial Division, LTO
20 Accountant II 16 31 ,765 00 (Certified Public
A2-116-2017 Administration major in experience training Central Office

Bachelor's degree in
Commerce/Business RA 1080
OSEC-DOTrB- 1 year or relevant 4 hours or relevant Financial Division, LTO
21 Accountant II 16 31,765.00 (Certified Public
A2-117-2017 Administration major in experierlCe training Central Office

B:;chelor's deQree in
R.A. 1080
OSEC-DOTrB- Commerce/Business 1 year of relevant 4 hours of relevant Financial Division , LTO
22 Accountanl II 16 31,765.00 (Certified Public
A2-119-2017 Ad:oiinistration major in experience training Cer.tral Office

Career Service
Administrative Officer IV OSEC-DOTrS- eact.elor's dE:l)ree 1 year of relevant 4 hours of relev2r:t Fin2ncial Division, LTO
23 15 29,010.00 Professional I Second
(Budget Offteer II) ADOF4-136-2017 rele·1ant to the job experience training Central Office
Level Eligibility

Career Service
Administralive Officer Iii OSEC-DOTrB- 1 year of relevant 4 hours of relevant Financial Division. LTO
24 14 26,494.00 Bachelor's degree Professional I Second
(Cashier II) ADOF3-152-2017 experience traini11g Central Office
Level Eligibility


Career Service
AdministraUve Officer Ill OSEC-DOTrB- 1 year of relevant 4 hours of relevant Financial Dii.ision. L10
25 14 26,494.00 Bachelor's degree Professional I Second
(Cashier II) ADOF3-154-2017 experience training Cen:ral Office
Level Eligibility

Administralive Assistant Career Service

OSEC-DOTrB· Comr,!elion of two years 1 year of relevant 4 hours of relevant Financial Division, LTO
26 II 8 16,282.00 Subprofessional I Firs!
ADAS2-155-2017 studies in college experience training Central Office
(Bookkeeper) Level Elii;ib!lity

Career Seivice
Admlnistralive Aide V1 OSEC-DOTrB- Completion of two years Financial Division, LTO
27 6 14,340.00 None required None required Subprofessional I First
(Accounting Clerk II) ADAG-148-2017 studies in college Central Office
Level Eligibility

Career Service
Administrabve Aide VI OSEC-DOTrB- Completion of two years Financial Division, LTO
28 6 14,340 00 None required None required Subprofessional I Fir:;t
(Accounting Clerk II) ADAG-1 49-2017 studies in college Cer.tral Office
Level Eligibility

Career Service
Administrative Officer OSEC-DOTrB- Bachelor's degree 3 years of relevant 16 hours of relevant Management Division.
29 22 59,717 00 Professional I Second
(Management and Audit SADOF-116-2017 relevant to the iob experience training LTO Central Office
Level Eligibility
Analyst IV)
.- I -i- I I I 1'

Admindraliva Offi~r IV '

I ~.-:."e:or'J oegree ! C':•1..-t-r Service

I "·'"" I ""'""' "' '"" I

OSEC-DOTr8 - 1 ye;;r c.f relcv3n! of rcle~ant Fro:~siomi! / !>eroud

(Man3gcr.l!'nt and Audit
Analyst II)
-I ; •ours
tr.uning L~'\lel Eligibility I1 Man:.qe1ne•1t
LTO Centr;::I
o ;•: i•io:i,

I- -----·-- -------t,--·- ----L~.~,,~~ --~I----'---·~--+----1:·

AOm111is!J'2t!ve Officer IV
(Human Resourra
LL~awemer.t Cffi'..;er II)
ADOF~-139-~017 iS 29 .:irn.c:; ' 1:,1cva:1t t:> the Joi,
1 "'"of rel"""
<"""" of<>'•~,.t C.'~' S.M~
Profec:iioncl l Secor.d
, ..,..,.
,e~e18 ·°l:'"•'·!fy
I ,~,::.::O"·' M..
LTO Q.l'!ltn! Ot:1c.P. :

Career Service
Administrative Olftcer IV OSEC-DOTr8- Bachelor ~ <i!!g•ee 1 y.:ar of rele'Jant 4 hours of 1e!evant
32 (Human Resource ADOF4-140-2017 15 29.0~0 . 00
relevant 10 the job experience training
('rcfessional /·Second "'"''·''"""
LTO Central o;,1<1001
Office n;

Ltmr Eligibility

r, -0-S-
OO_T_rfl_, - -

Ccm;>letio.'l of :WO years
None required
C;;reer Service
Subprofessional I Fir :;t • lI
Acl.nt'lislrative D•vi:~ion.
studies ii• college

(Clerll 111; ADAS- Hi2-2017 LTO C"!nl1'31 Of:i::e
I.eve! Eligibility

L-~-l-~~~--~~~---J.~~--~ ~--~~-J.~~~~~~~~~1-~~~~~~~~-t-~~~~-~~~~&-~~~~~~~~4-~~~~~~--~-.+--~~~~~~~-l~--~~~~~~-1-~~~~~--~1

Admin•stralive Aide VI
(Commu'1ications OSEC-OOTrS- ti
II 14,340 00
Completion of two years
stlY.lies in Colle{)e or
High S<:hool graduate Nor.e 1eql •ired llJunr. rcquir~
."~rupria•e License
.,.,.. ' Admini~lrative D•vrsio:i. II
Equipment Operator II) ADA6-169-2017 j ~ith r'3levant (MC ~ 1, s. 96 - Cal. •I) LTO C':!nltal 0ffice
I vocation:illtmde co;~s&

L-~-1-~~ ~~~~~~-..._~----·~~~~~~l~------~~-----!----~-~--~~~-+~~~~~~~--~f--~--~~~ ---'---~-~~~--~1-~~~-~~~-'-~~--~·~~~~-+-~~·-''--~~~-:'

lnformaliOll Systems
Analy~t 11
31. 765.00
I Bachelor's degree
rele11ar.1 10 Ille job
1 year or relevant
4 hours of 1e:evant
Car.i~r Service
Professional I Second
Level Eligibiiity
Management Information
Division, I.TO Centrdl

Chief Transponaticn
Devek>pmenl Officer
(;TiX>-28-20 17
Master's Degree or
Certificate ir. Leader<...t;;p
amd Management from
4 ears ol
• Y I
supPrvrsory/managemem de .
ex rience
4::1 hcurs of
learning and
vet<>pmen mlerventlOO
unde:".aken within the iast
~00·~ I
Profession.~! / ~n1
Level Eligibility
live (5) years

Career Service
Senior Trar.sportation OSEC-COTrC- Bachclcr's degrac 2 years of relevant 8 hours of relevant Opera~ons Oiv!!;icn, LTO
37 18 38,085.00 Professional I Second
Oevo!oµment Officer SRTD0-61-2017 relevant to the job experience training Central Office
Level Eligibility
Career Service
Transportation OSEC-DOJ"rB- Bachelor's degree 1 year of relevant 4 hours of relevant Operations Division, LTO
38 15 .29,010 00 Professional I Second
Regulation Officer II TRNSR02-153-2017 relevant to the job experience training Central Office
Level Eligibility

Career Service
Transportation osEc~oo:rrB· Bachelor's degree 1 year of relevant 4 hours of relevant Operations Division, LTO
39 15 29,010.00 Professional I Second
~egulation Officer ll TRNSR02-154-2017 relevant to the job experieroce tra1n1ng Central Office
Level Eligibility

Career Seflllce
Transportation OSEC-D9T.rB- Bachelor's degree 1 year of relevant 4 hours of relevant Operalions Division, LTO
40 15 29,010.00 Professional I Second
Regulation Officer II TRNSR02-155-2.Q17 relevant to the job experience training Central Office
Level Elig1b11ity

Interested and qualified applicants should signify jn wntong Attach the following documents to the applicahon letter and send to the address below not later than March 15, 2019.

1,.Application Letter indicating the Position Title and Item Number,

2. Latest and duly accomplished Personal Data Sheet (PDS) with recent passport-sized picture (CS Form No. 212, Revised 2017) and Work Experience Sheet. which may be downloaded from the CSC website;
3. Performance roting in the last rating period (if applicable),
4. Authenticated copy of Certificate of Eligibility I Certification of Bar or Board Examination Results and Rating
5 Authenticated copy Transcnpt of Records and Diploma.
6. Recent NBI Clearance I Ombl.'dsman Clearance of No Pending Cnmonal and Administrative Case for SG-24 Positions,
7. Certificate of Previous Employment (if applicable),
8. Certificate of Trainings and Seminars Attended,
9. Certificate of AwardstC"ommendat1ons Received (1f any), and
10. Other credentials.

Where photocopies are submitted, the documents must be cert1f1ed as true copies oy me proper a_utnonues or me applicant may present lhe originals for companson with the photocopies.

All qualified employees occupying next-in-rank positions shall be automatically considered candidates for promotion for the next higher pos1l1on provided they submit a letter of intent signifying interest in promotion. Non-submission of a letter of intent shall be constr ued as
a waiver from inclusion in the selection line up.

The LTO highly encourages all interested and qualified apphcants 1nduding persons with d1sab11ity (PWD). members of the 1nd1genous communities. 1rrespeci1ve of sexual onentatoon. gender 1den~hes. age. civil status. ethnicity, belief, religion and polillcal affiliation. lo

QUALIFIED APPLICANTS are advised lo hand in their apphcalion lo:

Executive Di rector ROMEO G. VERA CRUZ

HRD Section. Land Transportation Office, East Avenue. Quezon City
Ito [email protected]


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