Index: 2 1.2 History 4 1.3 Development 5 1.4 Challenges in Humanoid Robots 5

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To be able to satisfyingly answer the title question, this introductory chapter will define the terms
“humanoid robots” and “be like us”.

1.1.1 Humanoid robots, a definition

"A humanoid robot is a robot with an overall appearance based on that of the human body"
(Hirai et al., 1998, Hirukawa et al., 2004).
Humanoid robots designs physically resemble the human torso, that means, they have at least
arms, legs and a head. Additional human likeness can be achieved through approximate human
size and proportions or by mimicking a face by placing input sensors into the head, resembling
eyes and ears. Constructing such a robot faces, at today's level of robotics, certain technical
problems. Among these problems are battery weight and their short life, noisy sensory
input data and nonlinear actuator responses.

1.1.2Definition of “being like us”

To "become like us", a robot should be indistinguishable from humans by non-experts. Like in a
Turing Test, an average human should not be able to find out if his opponent is a robot or not by
usual interaction. Experts in the field of robotics or artificial intelligence might, however, find
out that a certain humanoid is in fact a robot by the means of well-formulated questions or upon
deeper investigation of the robots movement.

1.1.3 Motivation of constructing humanoid robots

Before one elaborates on the moral question whether we want humanoid robots among humans,
and the ethical implications which would arise from this, one should investigate on the
motivation needed to design humanlike robots, posing the question: "Why should we want to
construct humanoid robots?"

1.1.4 Industrial use

Many industries so far have shown a tendency towards production automation using machines to
replace human workers, but the decision to prefer robots over humans is made either on
commercial reasoning (robots are cheaper to maintain) or on an ability basis - robots are used for
tasks that exceed human possibilities. Both arguments do not support humanoid robots. Humans
are multi-purpose workers, and a humanoid robot would have to be able to perform a variety of
tasks, like humans can. When money is the issue, there is no reason to invest millions in a
product that has a multitude of features that are not needed to perform the tasks considered.
Designing humanoid robots to outperform humans in general, so that they can perform a larger
variety of tasks, is, in theory, possible. But the newly designed humanoid also has to compete the
highly specialized robots that are already available. It is highly unlikely that a robot in humanoid

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shape will be able to perform both coal excavations and micro-surgery better than its already
existing and viability-proven competitors.

Industries switched to robots that are specialized on one task, replacing multifunctional human
workers. There is no evidence that suggests that this trend will change. Thus, it seems unlikely
that industrial robots will ever become more human.

1.1.5 Human-machine interface

Some industries specially design humanoid robots for eased human-machine-interaction. The
resulting robots should be able to assist or replace humans in certain cases. In contrast to the
industrial robot, here, the performance of the robot only needs to be equal to the human
performance. Robots like this can be used for assistance of elderly or disabled people and for
therapeutic purposes, like robot assisted therapy. The goal is to create a user interface that acts
like a human, reducing human-machine-interaction to human interaction. Designing humanoid
interfaces faces one major problem: the uncanny valley. When robot design approaches human
likeness, the uncanny valley effect produces a sudden drop in emotional acceptance towards a
robot, until the robot is so lifelike that one can barely distinguish it from a human.

Usually, imperfect or simply different 6 visual appearance and motion cause an entity to be
placed in the uncanny valley. But any system that can be regarded as having humanlike qualities
can provoke a negative emotional response, when the user is confronted with its inhuman side.
Much research has been made on this topic, and recently, companies adapt their strategies
towards designing emotionally acceptable interfaces in such a way that they clearly do not
attempt to resemble a human. Usually, cartoonish features and enhanced cuteness are used to
alter the human look. Such robots neither require human-machine interaction expertise, and solve
the uncanny valley problem in an elegant way. It seems that, although humans can pretty well
communicate with each other, using a humanoid robot as a humanlike interface for machines is
not desired, if the uncanny valley is hit, or needed, if alternative looks are chosen.

1.1.6 Questionable use of humanoid robots

In conclusion, one can say that, at least currently, there is no economic striving for robotic copies
of humans, leaving only one way for humanoid robots to become like us: The pure technical
challenge of creating it, and ambitious engineers to develop it for scientific reasons only, without
expecting great business profit. While there are many technological hurdles, humans themselves
are nothing more than complicated machines, so the theoretic proof of feasibility has already
been made.

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The word robot was introduced by Czech writer Karel

Čapek in his play R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal
Robots) written in 1920 derived from the word
“Robotovat” which means “to slave” or “to work”

first recorded designs of a humanoid robot -Leonardo

da Vinci (1495)

1.2.1 Early Stages

The notion of putting machines to work can be

credited to
great thinkers
like Aristotle.
Figure 1_Karel Čapek
Westinghouse Electric Corp.
creates two of the first robots that use the electric motor
for entire body motion.

1968…’Shaky’ build at Stanford Research Institute.

Shakey could perform tasks that required planning,
route-finding, and the rearranging of simple objects.

Alexander constructed statues, doors and small

mechanical animals that could be animated by water, air
Figure 2_shaky and steam pressure By the eighteenth century, elaborate
mechanical dolls were able to write short phrases, play
musical instruments, and perform other simple, life-like acts.

The first humanoid robot was Elektro, he was introduced on the world show New York in 1939.

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 More rational reasons

 They can work in human environment without a need to adapt themselves or to change
the environment
 Our environment and our tools are adapted for us

Why adapt all to robots?!

 It is easier for a human being to interact with a human-like being

 They can work in human environment without a need to adapt themselves or to change
the environment

 It is easier for a human being to interact with a human-like being


 Bipedal human-like locomotion

 Changing model during one/two feet support walking
 Two legs, two arms, head, torso
 Hyper DOF system (>20)
 Complex kinematics and dynamics
 Complex real-time control architecture

1.4.1 Bipedism and Cognition

Bipedism and cognition has a very close relationship

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1.4.2 Humanoid evolution

 Nowadays, humanoid robot researchers are focusing on bipedism more than they do in
 Stable and robust bipedal locomotion is still a good lab example
 It is mandatory to solve it in order to be able to implement cognition
 We are in the pre-robotic era compared with the human evolution

1.4.3 Bipedal Locomotion

 ZMP (Zero Moment Point) specifies the point with respect to which dynamic reaction
force at the contact of the foot with the ground does not produce any moment, i.e. the
point where total inertia force equals 0 (zero).

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 ZMP is the indicator of the stability of the robot:

 if it is in the foot shadow – stable,
 İf not – unstable.
 The shadow depends on single or double support phase.

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1.4.4 Active vs. Passive Locomotion

 Common humanoid uses all their DOF to perform the movement:

 Continuous motor consumption (including arms)
 Continuous motor control and synchronization
 Extremely complex real-time control
 How is possible to reduce complexity?
 Reducing number of active DOF
 Using DOF only when it is strictly necessary
 Using energy of previous step to generate the next
 These actions reduce also the consumption

1.4.5 Passive Dynamic Walking

 Human walking strategy

 Let their legs swing as they would on their own,
 Then add a little control and power, yielding a gait with inherently low energetic and
control demands.
 Advantages:
 In contrast to rigidly joint-controlled robots, walking robots based on passive-dynamic
principles can have human-like efficiency and actuation requirements.
 Disadvantages:
 Movements are mostly in sagital plane and in straight line, being extremely difficult to
turn, go back, seat etc. The motion is mostly symmetrical
 Active Gait : Always stable
 Passive Gait : Sometimes unstable

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2.1 Outline

In this, two different processes for humanoid robot design are suggested. One is the design
deployment based on role-character implantation and the other is application of concurrent
engineering design method. After completion of both design processes, through the design
visualization process, design development is finalized.

2.1.1 Role-character based humanoid robot design (role-character design process)

For higher level of interaction with human, humanoid robot is required to have specific type of
personality because human tend to treat another human with specific personality. Thus in the
design development of social humanoid robot, personality design and step wised process for this
is required.
Firstly the classification of existing robot according to role and environment is explored and
analyses on appearance and interaction behavior are conducted. Secondly scenario method is
employed to design specific personality and role of a robot. Scenario method is applied to predict
and visualize robot in simulated situation and for priority measurement, MSO methodology is
used. After the completion of scenario design, specific personality and roles are decided
and the results are transmitted to concurrent engineering design process.

2.1.2 Concurrent engineering for humanoid robot design (concurrent engineering design
The appearance of a humanoid robot consists of frame structures which function as skeletons and
housings for frame components which support weight of humanoid robot and generate
movement, very precise engineering approach is required but for housing components, industrial
design concerned-approach is indispensable because appearance aspects function as emotional
man-machine interface.
To combine two different properties and approaches more efficiently, concurrent engineering
method is required. In concurrent engineering process for humanoid robot design, scenario and
questionnaire which is made up of visual images play an important role as a communication tool
between design team and engineering team.

2.1.3 Visualization of design

After the iterative process of the previous steps, appearance design is refined and finished with
image mapping for the visualization stage and through the final turn of questionnaire and
scenario, structural defect and confliction is modified and corrected in accordance with both
sides. In the line with this, for humanoid robot design development, concurrent engineering
design approach is indispensable and design team also need to participate in the project from the
bottom stage of development process

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2.2 Robot Design Process

Bartneck, robot design researcher, proposed properties of social robots in his literature: form,
modality, social norms, autonomy, and interactivity. Based on the Bartneck’s research, we
classified robot design elements into three groups for the humanoid robot design:
 Character design,
 Appearance design
 Interaction design.

Character design is the designing of properties and status felt from the type of feature as an
example of ‘Pino(2000, Japan)’ motivated by Pinocchio. In this stage, designer defines the role
and characteristic of robot and then, builds a design scenario to represent detailed personality.
The scenario methodology make robot technology can operate effectively and friendly to human.

Appearance design is the designing of the exterior view style of a robot. In this step, designers
should consider the engineering specification for practical performance and the use and
environment defined by role and character of robot. This design stage includes structure as well
as mechanism, shape, material and color. Besides, interaction design is a process of finding the
robot’s appropriate behavior model and designing visual, auditory and haptic interaction. To
realize easy, speedy and comfortable interaction, simulation technique like a software-robot
(Sobot) is needed

These design elements are correlative and fulfilled in consecutive order. In this research we gave
priority to the basic robot appearance, thus character design and appearance design were
conducted with the excluding of interaction design. The processes of character design and
appearance design are treated in role-character design stage and concurrent engineering stage
shown in above figure.

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2.2.1 Role-Character Design Process

Each person has a specific type of personality. If a passive person speaks actively and behaves
energetically, many people would feel embarrassed and uncomfortable toward him. People tend
to treat others with their specific personalities, so should humanoid robots which have human-
like appearances should have static characteristics.

2.3 Classification of robot as role-character and establishment of design direction.

For establishing humanoid robot’s characteristics, we classified humanoid according to several

features: robot’s role, using space, properties of appearance.

2.3.1 Classification by living territory and roles:

According to the research of JARA(Japan Robot Association) and IFR(International Federation
of Robotics), robots could be grouped in home, industry and public place by living territories.
And they could be classified in five by the roles: entertainment, information, help, security,

Classification by living territory and roles

In the point of robot’s role, tasks related with security and chores are suitable for differentiated
form better than humanoid form. And in the point of robot’s territory, very high level of
interaction which would be impossible to embody with current technology is needed to home
robot. Accordingly we focused on characteristics of ‘Infotainment (information + entertainment)
robot for public use’ as the first step. And the technology getting more developed, the direction
of humanoid design could move from public robot to home robot.

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2.3.2 Classification by physiognomy:

Physiognomy is a study on the character or personality by face-looking. Cognition of behavior

model and personality varies with the shape of a face. For the consistency between face-looking
and characteristics of humanoid robot, we applied physiognomy to humanoid robot design. There
are representative eight shapes in physiognomy: inverse triangular type, oval shaped type, round
type, square type, rectangular type, triangular type, trapezoidal type, elliptical type.

In this research, we took two types, a round face type which stands for sociable and passionate
personality and a square face type which stands for strong-willed and staunch character.

Types of character

To apply stationary character pattern like human to humanoid robot, we studied character types
on MBTI (Myers- Briggs Type Indicator) which is representative classifying test of humane

Examples of the Myers-Briggs personality type indicator (MBTI)

Through the questionnaire to design and engineering team, we fixed ENTP character pattern to
our humanoid robot. ENTP stands for extraversion and intuitive.

Classification by etcetera:

The gender of humanoid robot is an important design factor. But there are many disputes
regarding how the gender of robots reflects the social-cultural common idea and how much it is
necessary to operate. For few related researches and dimmed logics, designer’s subjective view
intervenes in that matter. In this research, we selected neutral gender near the male in aspect of
strong and stability.

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2.3.3 Design scenario according to MSO techniques

Scenario methodology is employed to design specific personality and role of robot. According to
5W-1H principle (Where, Whom, When, What, Why, How), we divided robot situations to three
level of MSO: Must (robot’s minimum duty of basic role which must be done), Should
(additional element to enhance elasticity), Ought to (applicable element as techniques developed
afterward). Through this methodology, we could determine the priority between the present
condition of techniques and requirements and set up hierarchical structure by robot’s role.

2.3.4 Concurrent engineering design process

Intelligent humanoid robot will be the result of interdisciplinary research which extends over
long time. In this research, contrary to widely used sequential process such as first engineering-
second designing approach we took the concurrent engineering method which could help smooth
communication between design team and engineering team.

In this process, we progressed considering the appearance properties in design part and frame
properties in engineering part. Firstly in engineering team, they gave the extra shape space to
final level of design by creating maximum available space in structure planning stage. And for
the next in design team, we suggest expected robot appearance image to engineering team, so we
help them to apply design image to their building structure process.

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For the concurrent engineering process, robot designer need to grasp robot structure planning in
engineering team. And at the same time, it is required for designer to analyze of composition
element of robot which influence on design process. In this research, we searched for the outline
of humanoid robot structure and movement mechanism. After that, we arranged the important
component concerned with design process: proportion, position of battery, visualization of
articulation joint. Components of robot are divided as research parts for the concurrent
engineering process and according to the figure communication with engineering team are

Analysis chart of robot component

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2.4.1 Communication through questionnaire and scenario image.

The most important thing in concurrent engineering design process is the procedure to integrate
engineering proposal and design idea. The planning processes of engineering team generally tend
to focuses on the partial solutions and are decided by superficial observation because robot
development is composition of so many sophisticated and independent technologies. For solving
this problem and converge engineering proposal upon design process efficiently, designer have
to get opinions of engineering team through the visual image by presenting partial design
suggestion in questionnaire. The restriction of engineering team is concerned with the numerical
problem, so designer could take the concrete definition of engineering team by visualizing
numerical value or proportion of humanoid robot in communication. For the communication we
made questionnaire sheet based on the previous analysis chart of robot component, and variable
proportion or visualization investigated by partial sketch were applied to that shown in figure.

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In the result, we took the concrete specification of appearance design, and additionally we
required acceptable behavior scenario of engineering team which could be developed in the near
future to understand technical restriction and possibility. This scenario was the final procedure
about how robot design reflects the questionnaire result. And we examined the partial
engineering suggestion with that. We seized the engineering scenario as the four research part:
heat, arm, leg, integration. Scenario 1 was that robot walks to hand in flowers and to shake
hands. Scenario 2 was that robot shift cart together when human call robot and scenario 3 was
that robot read e-mail by PDA command. Scenario written by engineering team and previous
questionnaire results is the core to decide design element, so we set up guideline of design
visualization of robot on the basis of that.

2.4.2 Visualization of Humanoid Robot Design

Through the role-character design process and concurrent engineering design process, we took
the visualization of design. The process of visualization is composed of image-mapping,
extracting concept, sketch and 3D modeling.

2.4.3 Image mapping

Based on research, robot image is divided into joint, color, whole image, and face. In detail, joint
and color is divided into machine and toy style, while the whole image and face is divided into
animal and human type. Existing robots are grouped into four regions by the above factors.

2.4.4 Concept making

We defined humanoid robot design concepts into three types:

1. Concept 1 pursues the image that is mechanical in joint shape and color, and humane in the
whole image and face. Robots in this concept have strong mechanical impression, and they are
built with straight lines.

2. Concept 2 has a toy image in the joint shape, color and face. Robots in this concept have
curvilinear shapes, and could have child-like looks by the colors.

3. Concept 3 has an animal and toy shape. Robots in this concept could be developed to mascot-
like image

2.4.5 Abstraction of adjective words

Abstracting adjective words is a useful method for designers to visualize their idea in the idea
sketching process. This step has various advantages for understanding, expanding concept and
communicating with other fields. We focused on expressing of each joints, one of the most
important design point, especially at shoulders and knee parts. Good joint shapes shows the
rotating lines of flow, so people could predict the movement. The face image is a major factor
because it decides whether people feel familiar with the robot or not.
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Concept 1 is neutral gender near to the male, strong, and simple mood. Concept 2 is a round, cute
and child-like looks. Concept 3 is a humanoid, but has characteristics of an animal such as a cat
or dog. Silver and white colors which are popular and acceptable in robots were applied on all
concepts. Pastel tone or vivid colors were used in concept 2 and 3 as accent points.

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3.1 Humanoid robots used for surveillance

Before Da Vinci there was Al-Jazari – the Engineering genius of the Islamic world in the middle
Ages. He designed and built a number of automatas including the first programmable humanoid
robot. He is also invented the Crank-shank. A 13th Century Programmable Robot team from the
USA history channel was on campus last month in the Faculty of Engineering to talk about some
very old robots. They were there to film a replica of the mechanism for al-Jazari’s drinking boat;
a boat full of musical automata first constructed in 1206. Professor Noel Sharkey from Computer
Science built the core of the device –”bogged it together from a pile of rubbish”, he says – to
demonstrate how it could have been programmed. The previous claim for the world’s oldest
programmable automata is for a machine built by Leonardo da Vinci in 1478.
Al-Jazari’s machine was originally a boat with four automatic musicians that floated on a lake to
entertain guests at royal drinking parties. It had two drummers, a harpist and a flautist. Professor
Sharkey’s machine has just the one drummer with a drum, cymbals, bells and no body. The
flautist is replaced with an Irish penny whistle. He says he wouldn’t risk taking this to any
drinking parties round here.
The heart of the mechanism is a rotating cylindrical beam with pegs (cams) protruding from it.
These just bump into little levers that operate the percussion. The point of the model is to
demonstrate that the drummer can be made to play different rhythms and different drum patterns
if the pegs are moved around. In other words it is a programmable drum machine.

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“Whether or not al-Jazari dynamically programmed his machines is an intriguing question”, he

says, “it is quite likely that he used this method, at the very least, for fine tuning the rhythm of
the musicians”. Professor Sharkey is currently looking at a much older mobile automaton device
by Heron of Alexandria, 1st Century AD, which he now suspects may also have been

Today in modern era of development of robot has come in great extent. ROBOT means servant.
The word has been derived from word ROBOTA.
A humanoid robot is a robot with its overall appearance, based on that of the human body,
allowing interaction with made-for-human tools or environments. In general humanoid robots
have a torso with a head, two arms and two legs, although some forms of humanoid robots may
model only part of the body, for example, from the waist up. Some humanoid robots may also
have a 'face', with 'eyes' and 'mouth'. Androids are humanoid robots built to aesthetically
resemble a human. A humanoid robot is an autonomous robot because it can adapt to changes in
its environment or itself and continue to reach its goal. This is the main difference between
humanoid and other kinds of robots. In this context, some of the capacities of a humanoid robot
may include, among others:
 self-maintenance (like recharging itself)
 autonomous learning (learn or gain new capabilities
without outside assistance, adjust strategies based on the
surroundings and adapt to new situations)
 avoiding harmful situations to people, property, and itself
 safe interacting with human beings and the environment
Like other mechanical robots, humanoid refer to the following
basic components too: Sensing, Actuating and Planning and
Control. Since they try to simulate the human structure and behavior and they are autonomous
systems, most of the times humanoid robots are more complex than other kinds of robots. This
complexity affects all robotic scales (mechanical, spatial, time, power density, system and
computational complexity), but it is more noticeable on power density and system complexity
scales. In the first place, most current humanoids aren’t strong enough even to jump and this
happens because the power/weight ratio is not as good as in the human body. The dynamically
balancing Dexter can jump, but poorly so far. On the other hand, there are very good algorithms
for the several areas of humanoid construction, but it is very difficult to merge all of them into
one efficient system (the system complexity is very high). Nowadays, these are the main
difficulties that humanoid robots development has to deal with. Humanoid robots are created to
imitate some of the same physical and mental tasks that humans undergo daily. Scientists and
specialists from many different fields including engineering, cognitive science, and linguistics
combine their efforts to create a robot as human-like as possible. Their creators' goal for the
robot is that one day it will be able to both understand human intelligence, reason and act like
humans. If humanoids are able to do so, they could eventually work in cohesion with humans to
create a more productive and higher quality future. Another important benefit of developing

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androids is to understand the human body's biological and mental processes, from the seemingly
simple act of walking to the concepts of consciousness and spirituality. Right now they are used
for welding. In the future they can greatly assist humans by welding and mining for coal. There
are currently two ways to model a humanoid robot. The first one models the robot like a set of
rigid links, which are connected with joints. This kind of structure is similar to the one that can
be found in industrial robots. Although this approach is used for most of the humanoid robots, a
new one is emerging in some research works that use the knowledge acquired on biomechanics.
In this one, the humanoid robot's bottom line is a resemblance of the human skeleton.
Enon was created to be a personal assistant. It is self-guiding and has limited speech recognition
and synthesis. It can also carry things. Humanoid robots are used as a research tool in several
scientific areas. Researchers need to understand the human body structure and behavior
(biomechanics) to build and study humanoid robots. On the other side, the attempt to simulate
the human body leads to a better understanding of it.

Human cognition is a field of study which is focused on how humans learn from sensory
information in order to acquire perceptual and motor skills. This knowledge is used to develop
computational models of human behavior and it has been improving over time. It has been
suggested that very advanced robotics will facilitate the enhancement of ordinary humans
Although the initial aim of humanoid research was to build better orthosis and prosthesis for
human beings, knowledge has been transferred between both disciplines. A few examples are:
powered leg prosthesis for neuromuscular impaired, ankle-foot orthosis, biological realistic leg
prosthesis and forearm prosthesis.

Besides the research, humanoid robots are being developed to perform human tasks like personal
assistance, where they should be able to assist the sick and elderly, and dirty or dangerous jobs.
Regular jobs like being a receptionist or a worker of an automotive manufacturing line are also
suitable for humanoids. In essence, since they can use tools and operate equipment and vehicles
designed for the human form, humanoids could theoretically perform any task a human being
can, so long as they have the proper software. However, the complexity of doing so is
deceptively great.

They are becoming increasingly popular for providing entertainment too. For example, Ursula, a
female robot, sings, dances, and speaks to her audiences at Universal Studios. Several Disney
attractions employ the use of animatrons, robots that look, move, and speak much like human
beings, in some of their theme park shows. These animatrons look so realistic that it can be hard
to decipher from a distance whether or not they are actually human. Although they have a
realistic look, they have no cognition or physical autonomy. Humanoid robots, especially with
artificial intelligence algorithms, could be useful for future dangerous and/or distant space
exploration missions, without having the need to turn back around again and return to Earth once
the mission is completed.


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A sensor is a device that measures some attribute of the world. Being one of the three primitives
of robotics (besides planning and control), sensing plays an important role in robotic paradigms.
Sensors can be classified according to the physical process with which they work or according to
the type of measurement information that they give as output. In this case, the second approach
was used Proprioceptive Sensors

Proprioceptive sensors sense the position, the orientation and the speed of the humanoid's body
and joints. In human beings inner ears are used to maintain balance and orientation. Humanoid
robots use accelerometers to measure the acceleration, from which velocity can be calculated by
integration; tilt sensors to measure inclination; force sensors placed in robot's hands and feet to
measure contact force with environment; position sensors, that indicate the actual position of the
robot (from which the velocity can be calculated by derivation) or even speed sensors.

3.1.2 Exteroceptive Sensors

Exteroceptive sensors give the robot information about the surrounding environment allowing
the robot to interact with the world. The exteroceptive sensors are classified according to their

Proximity sensors are used to measure the relative distance (range) between the sensor and
objects in the environment. They perform the same task that vision and tactile senses do in
human beings. There are other kinds of proximity measurements, like laser ranging, the usage of
stereo cameras, or the projection of a colored line, grid or pattern of dots to observe how the
pattern is distorted by the environment. To sense proximity, humanoid robots can use sonars and
infrared sensors, or tactile sensors like bump sensors, whiskers (or feelers), capacitive and
piezoresistive sensors.

Arrays of tactels can be used to provide data on what has been touched. The Shadow Hand uses
an array of 34 tactels arranged beneath its polyurethane skin on each finger tip. Tactile sensors
also provide information about forces and torques transferred between the robot and other
objects. Vision refers to processing data from any modality which uses the electromagnetic
spectrum to produce an image. In humanoid robots it is used to recognize objects and determine
their properties. Vision sensors work most similarly to the eyes of human beings. Most humanoid
robots use CCD cameras as vision sensors. Sound sensors allow humanoid robots to hear speech

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and environmental sounds, and perform as the ears of the human being. Microphones are usually
used for this task.


Actuators are the motors responsible for motion in the robot. Humanoid robots are constructed in
such a way that they mimic the human body, so they use actuators that perform like muscles and
joints, though with a different structure. To achieve the same effect as human motion, humanoid
robots use mainly rotary actuators. They can be electric, pneumatic, hydraulic, piezoelectric or

Hydraulic and electric actuators have a very rigid behavior and can only be made to act in a
compliant manner through the use of relatively complex feedback control strategies. While
electric coreless motor actuators are better suited for high speed and low load applications,
hydraulic ones operate well at low speed and high load applications.

Piezoelectric actuators generate a small movement with a high force capability when voltage is
applied. They can be used for ultra-precise positioning and for generating and handling high
forces or pressures in static or dynamic situations.

Ultrasonic actuators are designed to produce movements in a micrometer order at ultrasonic

frequencies (over 20 kHz). They are useful for controlling vibration, positioning applications and
quick switching.

Pneumatic actuators operate on the basis of gas compressibility. As they are inflated, they
expand along the axis, and as they deflate, they contract. If one end is fixed, the other will move
in a linear trajectory. These actuators are intended for low speed and low/medium load
applications. Between pneumatic actuators there are: cylinders, bellows, pneumatic engines,
pneumatic stepper motors and pneumatic artificial muscles.


In planning and control the essential difference between humanoids and other kinds of robots
(like industrial ones) is that the movement of the robot has to be human-like, using legged
locomotion, especially biped gait. The ideal planning for humanoid movements during normal
walking should result in minimum energy consumption, like it happens in the human body. For
this reason, studies on dynamics and control of these kinds of structures become more and more

To maintain dynamic balance during the walk, a robot needs information about contact force and
its current and desired motion. The solution to this problem relies on a major concept, the Zero
Moment Point (ZMP).

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Another characteristic about humanoid robots is that they move, gather information (using
sensors) on the "real world" and interact with it, they don’t stay still like factory manipulators
and other robots that work in highly structured environments. Planning and Control have to focus
about self-collision detection, path planning and obstacle avoidance to allow humanoids to move
in complex environments.

There are features in the human body that can’t be found in humanoids yet. They include
structures with variable flexibility, which provide safety (to the robot itself and to the people),
and redundancy of movements, i.e., more degrees of freedom and therefore wide task
availability. Although these characteristics are desirable to humanoid robots, they will bring
more complexity and new problems to planning and control.


Scientists at Dublin City University have researched a subset of human movements called
bimanual movements. At different stages of this research they have approached the problems
from the novel points of view. They believe that many machine learning problems can
accommodate neuroscience and perceptual aspects of human movements for learning and
recognizing human behaviors.

Learning and recognizing human movements have been given great attention of researchers
around the world in the recent years. A broad range of applications from medicine to surveillance
and security can benefit from this technology. Learning hand movements and recognizing
gestures are significant components of such technologies.

Bimanual movements in general form a large subset of hand movements in which both hands
move simultaneously in order to do a task or imply a meaning. Clapping, opening a bottle, typing
on a keyboard and drumming are some usual bimanual movements. Sign Languages also use
bimanual movements to accommodate sets of gestures for communication.

Due to the involvement of both hands, understanding bimanual movements requires not only
computer vision and pattern recognition techniques but also neuroscientific studies as a
background to perceive the movements.

A cognitive system for bimanual movements learning and understanding entails three
fundamental components low-level image processing to deal with sensory data, intelligent hand
tracking to recognize the left hand from the right hand, and machine learning for understanding
the movements

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Using a monochrome surveillance CCD camera the hands are extracted based on the hand grey-
levels within the high contrast images. The second component is hand tracking, which is a
significant problem due to the presence of hand-hand occlusion. When one hand covers the other
partially or completely, they must be re-acquired correctly at the end of the occlusion period.
Studies in neuroscience show that the two hands are temporally and spatially coordinated in
bimanual movements. In addition, the components of one hand are temporally coordinated too.

These coordination’s form the basis of our algorithm to track the hands in bimanual movements.
We have taken a general view of the tracking problem to cover many challenging problems in
this area. For example, from a pure pattern recognition point of view a movement can be
understood differently when it is seen from different camera view directions. By defining a
general set of movement models independent of view angle we have developed the tracking
algorithm so that it covers almost every camera view direction. It is trained in just one direction
and can be used in other directions. This makes the algorithm independent of the position of the
visual system.

Using the temporal coordination’s both between limbs (the two hands) and within a limb (a hand
and the fingers) the algorithm tracks the hands independent of the hand shapes even in
movements where the shapes change. This is especially important from the processing speed
point of view. Since processing and understanding the hands shapes is usually a time consuming
process, as a component of an integrated real-time recognition system, the tracking algorithm
must be fast enough to leave enough room for the other components.

The view-direction and hand-shape independence naturally lends itself to extending the concept
of tracking towards mobile vision environments (eg active vision in robotics). We have
developed a model to make the algorithm independent from the actual position and velocities.
Consequently, it can be used in applications where the visual system (the camera) moves or
turns. For example, assuming that the camera is installed on a humanoid robot, the algorithm
tracks the hands of a subject while the robot walks.

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The third component of the system is the recognizer. As a hierarchical cognitive system, it
analyses the hand shapes at the bottom level, learns the individual partial movement of each hand
at the intermediate level, and combines them at the top level to recognize the whole movement.
Statistical and spatio-temporal pattern recognition methods such as Principal Component
Analysis and Hidden Markov Models form the bottom and intermediate levels of the system. A
Bayesian inference network at the top level perceives the movements as a combination of a set of
recognized partial hands movements.

The recognizer has been developed so that it learns single movements and recognizes both single
and concatenated periodic bimanual movements. The concatenated periodic bimanual
movements are used particularly in Virtual Reality simulators for interacting with virtual
environments. A virtual spacecraft controlled by bimanual gestures is an example. In all parts of
this research we have looked at the problems from the general point of view and developed
general solutions. The tracking algorithm can be employed in a wide range of applications
including recognition, Virtual Reality, and surveillance/security systems. The recognizer can be
used in recognizing both single and concatenated periodic bimanual movements.

Our plan for the future is to make the recognition component independent from the camera view
direction. This will result in a system that can recognize the movements from the view directions
that has not been trained for. Results of the ongoing research in this area will open significant
doors towards the general learning and understanding of human movements.


WEB CAM: This web cam will be mounted on the top of the robot and it is free to rotate in 360
degrees in any direction. Webcams typically include a lens, an image sensor, and some support

Various lenses are available, the most common in consumer-grade webcams being a plastic lens
that can be screwed in and out to set the camera's focus. Fixed focus lenses, which have no
provision for adjustment, are also available. As a camera system's depth of field is greater for
small imager formats and is greater for lenses with a large f-number (small aperture), the systems
used in webcams have sufficiently large depth of field that the use of a fixed focus lens does not
impact image sharpness much. Image sensors can be CMOS or CCD, the former being dominant
for low-cost cameras, but CCD cameras do not necessarily outperform CMOS-based cameras in
the low cost price range. Most consumer webcams are capable of providing VGA-resolution
video at a frame rate of 30 frames per second. Many newer devices can produce video in multi-
megapixel resolutions, and a few can run at high frame rates such as the PlayStation Eye, which
can produce 320×240 video at 120 frames per second.
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Metal detector is mounted on the lower part of robot so that it can detect all the guns and other
unwanted metals used by the terrorist in the process of hostages etc.

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Every aspect of this seminar report presentation has been interesting throughout. Concluding a report
presentation doesn’t simply, the report ending without serving a purpose that it should be. Conclusion
includes all the summary of a seminar report which may have in them-the literature survey, preparatory
data collection, choosing proper reference to support this presentation, detailed information of the topics
covered etc.

In this report, discussion on the full details of humanoid robots,

 their brief history

 classification
 development
 challenges In designing humanoids
 designing process
 Analysis and application of humanoids in various fields mainly in surveillance has done.

Now today is the day of safety. Every country wants to be safe in all modes of terror attack
inside or outside the country. My aim for presenting this report is to tell you about how good
these humanoid robots can carry their task without any harm to the human. It decreases the
human effort and carries their job in very best manner.

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