Brazil Real Estate

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Brazil is the largest and most populous country in South America; and the fifth largest in the world in both area
and population. Spanning a vast area between central South America and the Atlantic Ocean, it is the
easternmost country of America and borders every other South American country except Ecuador and Chile.

Brazil was colonised by Portugal and it is the only Portuguese-speaking country in the Americas. It is a
multiracial country with a population composed of European, Amerindian, African and Asian elements. It has
the largest Roman Catholic population in the world.

The Federal Republic of Brazil

Brazil is a federation consisting of twenty-six states (estados) and one federal district (Distrito Federal),
making a total of 27 "federate units".

The Brazilian states enjoy a significant autonomy of government, law making, public security and taxation.
The government of a state is headed by a Governor (governador), elected by popular vote, and also comprises
its own legislative body (assembléia legislativa). Each state is divided into municipalities (municípios) with
their own legislative council (câmara de vereadores) and a mayor (prefeito), which are autonomous and
hierarchically independent from both federal and state government. A municipality may include other towns
(distritos) besides the municipal seat; those, however, have no separate government.

The judiciary is organised at the state and federal levels within districts called comarcas. One comarca may
include several municipalities.

Brazilian culture is a Latin American culture of a very diverse nature. Its chief early influence was Portuguese
culture, due to strong colonial ties with the Portuguese empire that spread the Portuguese language, legal
system and other cultural inheritances. Other important influences came from other parts of Europe, the Native
South American peoples (such as the Tupi), Africa and Asia. Although some countries pride themselves on the
diversity of multiple cultures and their generally peaceful coexistence, the Brazilian idea of culture is one of
mixed unity.

Brazil is characterised by the extensive low-lying Amazon Rainforest in the north and a more open terrain of
hills and low mountains to the south — home to most of the Brazilian population and its agricultural base.
Along the Atlantic coast are also found several mountain ranges, reaching roughly 2,900 metres (9,500 ft)

The highest peak is the 3,014 metre (9,735 ft) Pico da Neblina (Myst`s Peak) in Guiana`s highlands. Major
rivers include the Amazon, the largest river in the world in flowing water volume, and the second-longest in
the world; the Paraná and its major tributary, the Iguaçu River, where the Iguaçu falls are located; the Negro,
São Francisco, Xingu, Madeira and the Tapajós rivers.

Located mainly within the tropics, Brazil`s climate has little seasonal variation. In southern most Brazil,
however, there is subtropical temperate weather, occasionally experiencing frost and snow in the higher
regions. Precipitation is abundant in the humid Amazon Basin, but more arid landscapes are found as well,
particularly in the northeast. A number of islands in the Atlantic Ocean are part of Brazil:
* Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago
* Rocas Atoll
* Fernando de Noronha
* Trindade and Martim Vaz

Geographically, mainland Brazil is commonly divided into five regions: North, Northeast, Central-West,
Southeast and South.

The North constitutes 45.27% of the surface of Brazil and it is the region with the lowest number of
inhabitants. With the exception of Manaus, which hosts a tax-free industrial zone, and Belém, with the biggest
metropolitan area of the region, it is a fairly unindustrialised and undeveloped region. It accommodates most of
the largest rainforest of the world and many indigenous tribes.

The Northeast has one third of Brazil`s population. The region is culturally diverse, with roots from the
Portuguese colonial period, Afro-Brazilian culture and some Brazilian Indian influence. It is well-known for its
beautiful coast.

The Central-West has a low demographic density compared to the other regions, mostly because of the
Pantanal, the world`s largest marshlands area, and a small part of the Amazon rainforest, in the northwest.
However, much of the region is covered by Cerrado, the largest savanna in the world. It is also the most
important area for agriculture in the country. The most important cities of this region are: Brasília (the capital),
Goiânia, Campo Grande and Cuiabá.

The Southeast is the richest and most densely populated region. It has more inhabitants than any other South
American country, and hosts one of the largest megalopolis in the world, whereof the main cities are the
country`s two biggest ones; São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The region is very diverse, including the major
business centre of São Paulo, the historical cities of Minas Gerais and its capital Belo Horizonte, the third-
largest metropolitan area in Brazil, the world famous beaches of Rio de Janeiro, and the acclaimed coast of
Espírito Santo.

The South is the wealthiest region by GDP per capita and has the best standard of living in the country. It is
also the coldest region of Brazil, with occasional occurrences of frosts and snow in some of the higher altitude
regions. The region has been heavily settled by European immigrants, mainly of Italian, German, Portuguese
and Slavic genealogy, and shows clear influences from these cultures. The most important cities of this region
are: Porto Alegre, Curitiba, Florianópolis, Blumenau, Novo Hamburgo, Londrina, Caxias do Sul, Pelotas,
Passo Fundo and Joinville.

In recent decades, faced with the advance in the macroeconomic balance, Brazil
has been transformed into a great attraction for investors. Political stability
has brought inflation under control, and next, economic stability. The gradual
growth of production activity, the growth of exportations and the respect of the
rights of the investor has created a new vision.

Evaluated positively by the international agencies that guide investors, Brazil

has been constantly reclassified and has achieved a reduction in risk evaluation
rates, which depicts sustained economic growth, stability attained in currency
and politics, and the success of fiscal responsibility practiced by city, state
and federal governments. One must also consider the competitivity of Brazilian
products which, despite the devaluation of the dollar, continue to gain
preference in the international market.

Indisputably, the series of factors pointed out here reveal an enduring phase of
economic growth with unequaled benefits for investors and the consolidation of
an outstanding position, for Brazil, in the international scenario. In addition
to this, recent discoveries of new oil and natural gas wells reinforce the sense
of economic vitality, creating important reserves and making it possible for the
country to enter into the group of oil exporters. The natural gas reserves meet
the needs of industry, reducing costs and increasing the competititivy of
Brazilian products in the international market.

Recently the Brazilian government announced the accumulation of international

reserves in an amount exceeding the country's total foreign debt, showing the
correct fulfillment of economic goals and reducing even further the so-called
"Brazil risk." It is important also to remember the increase in the harvest of
grain, which is in a new record production, and the rise in value of
agricultural commodities in the main international stock markets, pointing to
new surpluses in the Brazilian commercial scale.

Brazil has the ninth-largest economy in the world at purchasing power parity, with a diversified middle income
economy with wide variations in development levels.

As an emerging property market, Brazil currently sits on the brink of a boom period with investment growth
inevitable. The election of President Lula Da Silva in 2003 has resulted in inflation currently standing at about
7.6 % with the North-eastern coastal area of Brazil enjoying increased investment focus as inflation has
decreased to manageable levels and Brazil is now politically more stable than ever before.

The Northeast is the poorest region of Brazil, but is attracting new investment as the Government encourages
the growth of tourism in this location. International flights arriving in Brazil have increased by 13% per annum
over the last 3 years.

Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries in Brazil with a growth of over 20% last year. However the
vast majority of tourism is still home grown and Brazilians make up over 90% of the tourist market.

This proportion is changing substantially as more and more international tourists are considering Brazil as their
holiday destination. At present Brazil is generally better known among Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and other
South American tourists but there are an ever increasing number of UK, Scandinavian and North American
tourists now visiting the country.

Brazil`s rapid growth in tourism is creating a huge demand for property and shrewd property investors are
acting early, purchasing good value properties with a view to generating good rental yields. The market is
gaining momentum from the purchasing power of the international market and property prices are steadily
pushing upwards.

The Brazilian lending base rate has fallen from a high of 42% in 1996 to 12% in 2007. Brazil`s economic
expansion and low inflation levels could well result in central bankers in Brazil dramatically cutting their
lending rates.

A reduced cost of borrowing for Brazilian citizens, making loans affordable will be another lever to accelerate
property price growth.
Brazil Economy
The Brazilian economy has become significantly more stable in recent years and much more foreign
capital is now invested in national activities. Brazil is attractive because of the levels of returning capital,
the open economy with low competition costs, low risks and high yields. Besides, there are other
economic highlights.

• Brazil, alongside China, India and Russia, is part of the BRIC, i.e. it will be one of the five largest
economies in the world by 2050, according to a Goldman Sachs study.

• With solid democratic institutions, credit macroeconomic management and respect for foreign
companies rights and agreements, Brazil is an example for Latin America and a paradise for international

• Political and economic stability in the country are additional guarantees for foreign investors.

• Brazil is only one step away from reaching “investment grade”, assuming that there will be an explosion
in international investment in the country.

• The Brazilian economy represents almost half of Latin American GDP.

• The country presents massive opportunities because of the size of the domestic market, 186 million

• Brazil is nowadays one of the world’s 20 major exporters, selling $137.5 billion in products and services
to other countries.

• Economic stability and inflation control are reducing poverty and increasing the size of the middle class.
The new Brazilian middle class alone ( 35 million families ) is 8% bigger than the population of
Germany, or bigger than the populations of the Czech Republic. Belgium, Hungary, Portugal, Sweden,
Austria, Finland Denmark, Norway, Ireland, New Zealand, Luxembourg and Iceland all together.

• Brazil is the fifth country worldwide in terms of purchasing power, with more than $ 1 trillion in
Purchasing Power Parity.

• According to a Goldman Sachs survey, the number of people living on more than $ 3,000 per year will
double in Brazil by 2015.

• There are no restrictions on exporting profits or disinvesting capital for foreign investors.
Brazil has varied mineral reserves that boost its economy and provide raw material for its industrial base and for
exportation. Economic stability, with controlled inflation under 5% per year is a safe and optimistic sign for the
investor. The country has significant currency reserves capable of meeting its international commitments and
guaranteeing security with regard to the variations in the global economy.
With 170 million inhabitants, the internal demand for goods and services shows a growing curve, representing a
potential that cannot be overlooked. The recent discoveries of oil and natural gas fields indicate that Brazil in a short
time will become an exporter of these raw materials, as well as guaranteeing the supply of gas to the industrial sector.
Such a position permits the reduction of internal costs and creates confidence, whether in new plant projects or in
expansion projects for existing units. In any case, the benefits are immense, principally in the creation of jobs and
increase in competitivity.

The investments programmed for the infrastructure sector will increase the operational capacity of ports, stimulate
exportations and allow better drainage for agricultural and industrial production. The reduction in costs will benefit the
economy as a whole, improving even more the competitivity of Brazilian products in the international market as well as
reducing prices of products for internal supply.

Economic growth, established on concrete foundations, offers the Brazilian worker better salary conditions and
consequently greater participation in the consumer market. This lends more vigor to the economy, broadening the bases
of credit to the consumer and forming a cycle of satisfaction that reaches every sector.

Real estate credit should expand from the current 2% to 10% of the GDP by 2015, and the structure of the Real Estate
Financing System, by uniting the securitization mechanisms of receivable real estate, similar to those in international
markets, will leverage the growth of Real Estate Receivables Certificates with the consequent attraction of institutional
investors, such as private pension plan entities, insurance companies and investment funds.
Brazil / Why Investing in Brazil
The Federative Republic of Brazil is the largest and most populous country in Latin America, covering 47.3% of
South America’s territory, and is the fifth largest country in population and area in the world – covering 8.5
million square meters. It’s population is over 186 million inhabitants. The Brazilian economy is the biggest in
Latin America, with a gross domestic product of US$ 1,066 trillion, placed 10th in the world, more than
countries such as India, Russia, South Korea, Mexico and Australia.
Brazil is recognized as one of the most open and tolerant countries for different cultures and is attractive because
of the miscegenation of its people. The country is looked positively worldwide because of its happy and friendly
people and the absence of ethnic and cultural conflicts.
Besides its natural beauties, Brazil has many other potentials which make it attractive for investments in many
sectors, for instance, Tourism ands Real Estate. The following factors give Brazil good alternatives of
Brazil / Real Estate Market
The Brazilian real estate market is now in a very positive phase. The sector has suffered in recent years, but has
gained strength and has already exceeded its previous best results, with substantial increases in investments and
credit availability and lower interest rates, maintaining the economy stability which has become more prevalent
in Brazil. The strength of the Brazilian real estate market has attracted a significant amount of foreign capital
and there are strong grounds to look forward to continued industry growth.

• Great potential and high growth rates in the real estate market based on a 7.9 million habitation unit
deficit, as well as additional requirements to build 1.4 million houses a year.

• Falling interest rates have generated a succession of real estate financing records, set to exceed 2% of
GDP and reach 12% in 2014.

• The great number of young people joining the labor market in the coming years, is generating an impact
on the real estate market.

• Foreigners have the same rights when it comes to purchase property.

• A growing number of business are being open and issuing shares on the stock market. This has led the
market to an increase in investments.
Brazil Tourism

Tourism is one of the highest growth activities in Brazil. In recent years, the government has started paying
attention to the industry potential, setting development targets and increasing investment. Nowadays, this sector
is going through a massive transformation causing an impact on the national economy. Besides natural beauty,
cultural diversity and hospitality, improvements to Brazilian infrastructure have made it one of the best tourist
destinations in the world.

• Brazilian tourism is growing substantially and the country has explosive potential because of the variety
of natural and cultural attractions.

• The options that offer both natural beauty and rich historical expression and culture are creating
additional interest in the country.

• According to data from the Ministry of Tourism (Mtur), Brazil received 5 million foreign tourists in
2006, and registered 46,345,828 passengers on all domestic flights.

• Foreign currency revenues from tourism in 2006 reached $4.3 billion ( 11.78% up on the $ 3.9 billion
registered in 2005, which had been a record-breaking figure since surveys began in 1969).

• As a result of the growing flow of investors and foreign tourists towards Brazil, the Federal Government
is forecasting continued investment in the tourism sector, by building airports, Highways, improving
basic sanitation, training labor, investing in energy and waste treatment.

• When it comes to events, Brazil is the seventh worldwide in terms of number of international shows. In
2006, it welcomed 207 international events taking the seventh place on the ICCA ( International
Congress and Convention Association ) ranking. The ICCA is the leading international association for
the industry events.

• Brazil received 804 regular international flights a week, operated by 38 airlines from 30 countries.

• According to the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), the number of tourism-related jobs is set to
rise more than 6% throughout Brazil in the coming years. The industry already employs more than 2
million people nationwide.

• In recent years, the number of foreign tourists has risen 70%.

• Of the 150 new developments being made in Brazil, according to data from the Exame Tourism Annual,
around 20% are funded by international investors. According to data research for publication, in the next
3 years, Portuguese companies are set to invest about RS$ 2.2 billion in new tourism projects in Brazil –
almost 100% of this money will be invested in the Northeast. The biggest investors are the Portuguese,
followed by the Spanish, who intend to invest RS$ 1.3 billion by 2010.

• According to the World Tourism Organization ( WTO ), while the number of international travelers grew
on average 50% worldwide, between 1995 and 2005, the increase over the same period in Brazil was
Northeast / Presentation
Made up of the states of Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Maranhão. Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte e
Sergipe, the Brazilian northeast stands out as one of the best destinations for real estate and tourism business
Its area covers approximately 1.558.196 km2, equivalent to France, Italy, United Kingdom and Germany all
together. The region has over 51 million inhabitants – almost 30% of the national population. – living in 1.793
municipalities, whose average annual temperature ranges around 24 to 28 degrees Centigrade. The geographical
position of the region is very strategic, for the northeast is the closest Brazilian region regarding European and
American markets. There are 18 airports, 9 international, that connect the nine states with the major destinations
in the country and the world, making it possible the crescent increase of real estate and tourism business.
The GNP is US$ 95 billion – bigger than countries like New Zealand, Nigeria, the Philippines, Egypt and
Rumania – and it shows a significant growth in recent years, what projects the northeast as a land of great
opportunities for those who want to invest.
With 3.300 km of beautiful beaches, the region attracts people not only for its exuberant and diverse nature but
for other reasons. In all the states, the presence of culture celebrations is very strong, such as, typical
celebrations in Alagoas, Iemanjá and Nosso Senhor do Bonfim celebrations in Bahia, the São João in Paraíba
and the carnival in Olinda and Recife, always accompanied by the rhythm of “frevo”. Traveling to each
northeast state is discovering different cultures, scenery and ways of life, but always with something in common,
the joy and hospitality of the people. Once you get to the region the tourist has a hearty welcome and no soon he
can feel at home and begins to explore all that is to be explored. The exotic sceneries, that range from busy
beaches like Pipa, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte and Porto de Galinhas, in Pernambuco, to even wilder
sceneries make the Brazilian northeast a place with nice itineraries that satisfy all tastes, from clear and tranquil
waters to extreme sports practice, such as surfing and others.

The gastronomy is a special part: the dishes are made of seafood and other typical items from the northeast and
the visitors go wild with so many discoveries. For demonstrating so much diversity, together with contagious
receptivity of its people, the Brazilian northeast is standing out as one of the most tourist destinations in the
Northeast / Why invest in the Northeast
The Northeast of Brazil has been the target of an explosion of investments on the part of international real estate
and tourism groups. It is a general consensus among market specialists that the region will be one of the world’s
greatest tourist destinations and second-home destinations within the next few years. To consolidate the security in
getting and generating investments in the region, companies, associations, entities, State and Federal Government
have increased their interest in promoting the Brazilian northeast before potential investors, drawing the attention
to the principal reasons to invest in the region, such as:
• The Brazilian northeast is the only tropical region on the planet that is not affected by terrorism, natural
disasters and so on.
• Over 3.300 kilometers of dazzling tropical beaches and more than 300 sunny days a year.
• A pleasant and hearty people, always willing to receive visitors and encourage good business.
• Extremely attractive prices on the real estate market and cost of living, specially when compared to Europe
• Excellent quality private healthcare system.
• The region has a diverse culture and the folklore is strong among its people. Each state preserves its roots and
culture, what makes the Brazilian northeast a truly mosaic of rhythms, dances and habits
• The Brazilian northeast has a diverse cuisine with typical dishes done from proper ingredients ( corn, cassava,
dry meat, seafood and tropical juices. The gastronomy of the northeast is unique, for it gathers different
peoples influence – Indians, Africans and Europeans – together with elements found in each state.
• 1,6 million km2 of natural wonders where fascinating scenery is revealed such as Parque dos Lençois no
Maranhão – a truly ecological paradise with 155.000 hectare of dunes, rivers, lagoons and mangrove swamps
– Chapada Diamantina – mountain ridge region, located in central Bahia state, that features its beautiful
vegetation and natural shaped landmarks such as Cachoeira da Fumaça that has 380 meters of free fall,
Canyons , stony walls that rise from the waters of São Francisco river. These canyons are the favorite place
for those who enjoy extreme sports.

Real estate opportunities are happening in the already-built property segment as well as in the segment of residential
and hotel enterprises yet to be constructed. Compared with other tourism or investment destinations, the cost of property
in Brazil is lower and the price of labor for construction is very accessible. Constant appreciation makes investment
extremely attractive and the diversity of offers meets the desires of the most demanding investors.

Because of its characteristics, the Northeast is the preference of those who are seeking to unite recreation with
investment, encouraging new projects and alternatives where nature always stands out. Environmental preservation is a
constant concern, which gives value to the enterprises and creates agreeable spaces to be inhabited. The region has
earned special attention from governmental agencies, and large foreign groups have invested in hotel and recreational
projects, creating complementary and support business opportunities for these enterprises.

In the interest of security, the expansion of gated condominiums and enterprises of the club-condominium type are

The internationalization of the Brazilian real estate market has stimulated an increase in the flow of foreign investments.
International companies have sought opportunities for investment in a direct way as well as through association with
Brazilian companies. Some Brazilian construction companies that have made initial public offers have become
associates of foreign groups determined to invest in the Brazilian real estate market.

Constant investments, both public and private, in the tourism sector have given Brazil an appreciable increase in the
preference of foreign tourists. Following the European trend, residential tourism has grown in the country, offering an
excellent financial return, making vacations "self-sustaining" and enabling the maintenance of property without cost.
The broadening of this segment demands greater diversification, and various enterprises have appeared with privileged
coastline locations.

Functional projects, designed by renowned architects, facilitate rental of the property during the period when it is not
being used by the owner. The growth of this segment has awakened the interest of specialized companies that place the
property in the international market for rental during a period of idleness. In fact, the success achieved by these real
estate management companies has increased the demand for new units in order to expand the range of options, not only
in terms of space, but also in finishing and location.

The aforementioned internationalization of the Brazilian real estate market makes it possible to reach various consumer
markets with different vacation times that represent the highest occupation rate of the properties during the year. The
long period of sun in the Northeast makes this a privileged region and competes, in an advantageous way, with other
regions. It is a long summer available to all those inclined to make the most of it.
The Brazilian Goverment Plans in infrastucture & Comunicatios.
Survey indicates that by 2014 it’s expected 7.2 thousand new real estate units in the Northeast

A survey conducted by HVS Consulting & Valuation and the Newmark Knight Frank by request of the
Association for the Real Estate and Tourism Development and in the Northeast of Brazil (ADIT Nordeste),
organized by the consultants Diogo Canteras and Raymond Smith, sets out the main trends in the property
market and tourism in the Northeastern Brazil. The study was presented during the Nordeste Invest 2008 -
which occurred on May 28-30 in Recife - and examined the coast of the nine states of the Northeast, primarily
in the area of resorts, hotels and areas where they will implement the projects.
According to the survey, by 2014 it’s expected over 7.2 thousand new units for the real estate market of the
second home, 480 of these are of high standard, designed to luxury tourism. Alagoas and Bahia have this kind
of initiative in the process of installation. For the same period it will be constructed more 7.6 thousand new
rooms in major hotels and resorts.
Survey data show that in six years the Northeast will receive more than 4 thousand new units of resorts,
with 310 of these enterprises will be tourist-type high-end real estate, which is aimed to a public with high
purchasing power.
The study showed 80-tourism ventures hotels in the Northeast, among them 12 are in operation and the
other in the phase of construction, licensing or planning. They add a total of 78 thousand units announced.
These ventures have different values regarding the square meter. The survey indicated that the value of the
square meter for the second home luxury sector in Brazil costs on average U.S. $ 3 thousand. The estimate is
that by 2014 this figure t reaches nearly U$ 5 thousand, which is currently practiced in Mexico (U$ 4.9 mil)
and Punta del Leste (U.S. $ 4.8 mil). The first place belongs to the Principality of Monaco, France, which
sells the square meter for more than U$ 62.5 thousand.
According to survey data, in 2008, the demographic factors and national and international economy will be
significantly satisfactory for the real estate and tourist market; the tourist attractiveness of Brazil and the
regulatory environment will be neutral, while the exchange and international financial environment will be
unfavorable to the industry. The opportunities for the growth of this market will be the world cup, the
increasing of the airflow and the Investment Grade achieved by Brazil in the last month. The major threats to
the development of international tourism of Brazil are the oil prices and the growing concern about the social
and environmental sustainability.
The survey evaluated the figures and the climate from 60 in-depth interviews with key players in the real
estate and tourism market, including entrepreneurs and developers, operators of resorts, state prosecutors, in
addition to the use of data from secondary sources.
Brazil is in 11° place in popularity for British and Irish investors

Over 100 national and international representatives of some of the most important companies of Brazil and
abroad, attended the last meeting of ADIT Nordeste, that took place last Monday (25). Felipe Cavalcante,
president of ADIT opened the event by presenting, with satisfaction, the importance of the meeting in
Besides the president of ADIT Nordeste, the event had the presence of Virgínio Loureiro, Secretary of
Tourism, representing the Alagoas Government; Hélio Abreu, vice-president of ADIT in Alagoas; Jubson
Uchoa, president of ADEMI AL and Marco Fireman, Secretary of Infra-structure.
Several companies and presidents of well known national and international hotel entities were present in
the meeting. Among them, the Global Estúdios from Barcelona, one of the most important consultancies,
national and international architecture companies, and resorts, the RCI Brazil and HVS International,
companies that are world leaders in hotel consultancy and timeshare, the HIFX, one of the most important
exchange rates companies of the world. Besides those companies, the CB Richard Ellis, Cushman & Wakefiel
and Newmark Frank, the three biggest real estate agencies and consultancies of the world, were also present.
On the occasion, ADIT Nordeste promoted a day of presentations directed to the real estate and tourism
segments of the Northeast as well as the second-home market. The British journalist Trevor Little, from
Overseas property Professional (Opp Magazine), spoke about “The expansive real estate international
business and how they operate”. According to Trevor, the British and Irish spend 122 million euros, a day,
with offers pf second homes.
11° place in the popularity of British and Irish buyers: this was the perspective of the journalist to Brazil.
Factors like the media coverage, the economic growth and return on investments, together with the low cost
of living and an easy process of buying, were named as responsible for Brazil to be the target for
opportunities of investment.
Still in the meeting, João Crestana, president of Secovi, spoke about the potentials of the São Paulo Market
for second home in the Brazilian northeast. According to Crestana, the Northeast has a great potential on this
market, for, besides the natural beauties, the low cost of the square meter, is a determining factor for the
Besides these, the guests José Carlos Mesquita, from Sol Corretora de Cambio, Pedro Klumb, from MSFI
Serviçoa Financeiros and Diogo Canteras, director of HVS International, spoke about the real estate market,
contributing to let the entrepreneurs to get to know the buying- and- selling process of real estate
The participants had a positive evaluation of the meeting approving the new format that added to the
agenda lectures in the afternoon.
For Emílio Tramullas, president of Gobal Sudios,” this ADIT meeting gathered a selected group of
executives which permits to do a good networking and contributes a lot to the development of the Northeast
once it is possible to get in touch with companies and form future business partnerships.”
For Jorge Chaskelmann, director of the Aquiraz project, this meeting is very important, for it shows, to
potential investors, that the Northeast is the future of Brazil. For him, the participation of ADIT is vital for the
development of the Brazilian northeast, for it encourages the developers to act in a correct manner so that this
region may grow as the real estate sector is growing.
Financial Times and Irish Mail on Sunday visit the Brazilian Northeast

Alagoas, Bahia and Pernambuco: these were the tourist destinations visited by the team of British
journalists, recently in Brazil. The group came to the country, from January 19 to 25, result of a partnership
between ADIT Nordeste and APEX/ Brazil, through the Image Project. The aim of the visit was to get to
know the natural beauties of the Brazilian northeast and to visit high-level real estate and tourism
It participated in the Image Project, the journalist Liz Gill, Financial Times correspondent, a British
newspaper that has a circulation of 440 copies. Gill is also a free-lance, specialized in writing about real estate
property. Also present were Gordon Miller, the Irish Mail on Sunday correspondent, a paper that has a
circulation of 2,5 copies. Miller writes for B and C classes, in the section of real estate property, and, the
Public Relations for Tideway Communications, Kerry Clark, who writes for magazines that circulate in great
part of Europe, and for sites, revealing the Brazilian northeast and the actions of ADIT.
During the visit, the journalists marveled over the tourist and real estate potential of the region, especially
the natural beauties of the visited states and had the opportunity to get to know several developments. They
showed great interest and said that they see many possibilities of business in the Brazilian northeast,
principally in lots with standardized architectural projects.
This British attitude let all the Brazilian investors aware of the demands of the British market, once they
begin to think about a new segment towards the high profitability foreign public.
For the journalist Kerry Clark, the first edition of the Image Project was a success, and opened a great
opportunity for the journalists to get to know the Brazilian northeast, as well as its potential. The British
journalist was mesmerized by the Brazilian developments, once, in the northeast, they respect the cultural
identity of the region. “We can say we had a good impression and, we noticed the existence of international
high-level hotels and restaurants.
Pernambuco: The Brazilian Venice
During the week of visits, Gordon Miller, Liz Gill and Kerry Clark paid a visit to developments in the three
states. In Pernambuco, the journalists were welcomed by Anderson Rocha, director of Strategic Development
of Empetur, and José Antonio Simon, vice-president of ADIT in Pernambuco.
In Pernambuco, the English group had the chance to get to know the Qualta Resorts development, the Reef
Club. They were welcomed by the commercial director, David Gordon and the president of the Qualta
Resorts, Rodrigo Lowdes who introduced them to the most recent news about the real estate sector. Still, in
the state of Pernambuco, the journalists visited the Eco Resort do Cabo and were impressed by the structure
and services of the resort.
Following the itinerary, the group of journalists visited the Reserva do Paiva, that belongs to the Odebrecht
group, where they were welcomed by the director Ruy Gomes do Rego who explained about the plans of the
company for the region, and, especially in the Reserva do Paiva, they were mesmerized by the design work of
interiors in Brazil. They didn’t know about this Brazilian potential, compared to the best international
The trip across the state of Pernambuco ended in Porto de Galinhas, in the under construction Pestana
Beach & Bungalows, of the Pestana Group. João Carlos Sampaio, from the Consultório Imobiliário presented
the project and featured the importance of the environmental conscience when constructing a development.
A flying over Alagoas
The state of Alagoas was also included in this itinerary. In Maceió the group could be in contact with the
natural beauties. They enjoyed a helicopter flying over the coast of Alagoas, an event that came in partnership
with the State Government. Landing in the Condomínio Laguna, from Cipesa Engenharia, the group was
welcomed by the Business Manager, Francisco Di Marco who presented the Laguna, highlighting the
investors profile and the values invested in it.
Following the visit itinerary, the vice-president of ADIT in Alagoas, Hélio Abreu, presented the
development Barra Bali, from Record Engenharia, which arouse a great interest in the British group for being
a space directed to leisure and family. Among other developments during the visits are JTR, from Cipesa
Engenharia, Edifício Anthurium, from Teto Planejamento.
Developments in Bahia
Going on with the visit, the group of journalists went to Salvador accompanied by the vice-president of
ADIT in Bahia, Roberto Carlos, where they were introduced to the Paradiso Laguna development, from
Canadá Empreendimentos, in which the journalists showed great interest due to a vast work done with the
species and native vegetation conducted by the Federal University of Bahia. Besides, the vice-president of
ADIT Bahia, together with the journalists, visited the Paraíso do Mar, from the Paraíso Empreendimentos.
This development gained fame before the journalists, once, in the project, there is the intention to offer pre-set
architectural projects. Beside these developments, the journalists got to know the Mansão Wildberger project,
from the INCOPAR and MRM Construtora,, visited the Sauípe Golf Terraces, from the Odebrecht group and
Paraíso dos Lagos, from Paraíso Empreendimentos.
Besides visiting the developments, the journalists took advantage of the occasion to carry out interviews
and press conferences with some of the executives and personalities who were present during the visits.
In Pernambuco, during a dinner at the Restaurante Mingus, the Strategic Development Director of Empetur,
Anderson Rocha, gave some information about the economic climate in the state and the intentions of
Still, in the state of Pernambuco, the journalists had the chance of having a word with Luiz Lobo, a Funcef
partner, who presented a view about the investments that will be made in the northeast, especially in the real
estate and tourism sectors.
Other press conference was held during a dinner with the president of ADIT Nordeste, Felipe Cavalcante,
who spoke of the perspectives for the region, of the northeast potential, besides explaining the procedures that
the foreign investors should take when coming to Brazil.
Pedro Miranda, president of Itacaré Capital, gathered the journalists to give information about the values of
investment in the Brazilian northeast. He also presented the Itacaré Capital developments.
In Salvador, the city mayor, João Henrique Carneiro, talked to the British group and gave information
about the economic climate of the state as well as the expected investments for the real estate and tourism
sectors that will come from the acceptance of the new City Director Plan. In the capital of Salvador, the
journalists were able to enjoy and interview the composer Carlinhos Brown currently performing in the
Museu do Ritmo, downtown. For the ADIT Projects Manager, Jayme Queiroz,” the press conferences were
very productive for they caused the travel context to be enriched with the opinion of those who are familiar
with the sector and, as a matter of fact, promote the Brazilian northeast abroad”.
Japanese entrepreneurs want to invest in Brazil, says Serys

The Forum of Legislators Tokyo G8 +5 - which happens this week in Japan - already produces positive
contacts for Brazil. According to Senator Serys Slhessarenko (PT-MT), who runs the Frente Parlamentar
Mista para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Apoio ás Agendas 21 and participates in the meeting, many
Japanese businessmen are interested in making investments in the country. This Wednesday (26) the senator
met with the representatives of the company Tunibra, one of the largest telephone operators in Japan and was
informed of possible investments in Brazilian states.
"They are very interested in doing business with Brazil. I am seeking various contacts, in order to facilitate
a link between the Japanese businessmen and the Brazilian government, "said Serys. She stressed that the
main areas of interest are those of tourism and mineral reserves, especially the prospection of phosphate and
Together with the Senator, are also two other congreessmen, Senator Renato Casagrande (PSB-ES) and
federal representative Antonio Palocci (PT-SP). The idea of the event is came from the World Legislators
Organization for a Balanced Environment (GLOBE International), that takes the authorities, by paying all
expenses. The goal is to bring together congressmen of the G8 (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan,
Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States), and Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa, to
discuss climate changes in the world, problems and proposed solutions.
At the end of this meeting, there will be the issuing of documents with the following themes: Climate
Change framework for after 2012, the final report of the Commission on biofuels and on illegal logging
activities, market mechanisms and transfer of technology and efficiency, among others.
Fonte: O Documento
High investment leaves behind 'stop and go', says Ipea
The investments in Brazil have grown at an average rate 2.4 times higher than the Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) and leave behind the dynamic "stop and go", which marked the economy of the country at the end of
the 90 decade to mid-2005. And not even the high-cycle of Selic rate will stop that process.
The evaluation is present in the Carta de Conjuntura of the Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada
(Ipea) disclosed yesterday.
The analysis on the little interference on the money problem in investments is based on two facts: The
investment plans are already underway and the current level of exchange rate also encourages and facilitates
imports of capital goods, which increases the productive capacity. Because of this, they estimate that the rate
of investment may make high between 12.4% and 14.1%.
By continuing this pace of increase in investment, there are conditions to cool inflation. "We have the
leasing of capital in machinery, equipment and infrastructure, a dynamic able to expand the production
capacity installed and respond to the pressures of demand, by attacking inflation by the side of supply," said
the coordinator of the group of the Análise e Previsões of Ipea, Miguel Bruno.
High productivity
Although the levels invested are at a constant growth, the team of Ipea sees that the degree of used capacity
remains high (83%), "possibly reflecting the maturation of investments in the sector." They suggest, in the
document, that it be taken together the productivity gains of the industry, so that the real condition of the offer
is known to face the demand.
According to the text, between January 2006 and April this year, the Gross Fixed Capital (GFC) enter into
a regular path of growth and, in parallel, the level of use of installed capacity and productivity trends share a
common-tendency of developments, a sign that the Brazilian economy has already entered a path of growth.
Expectations contaminated
The worsening of inflationary index, say the economists of Ipea, has contaminated the expectations for next
year. This way, in 2009, they appear above the central target of 4.5%. According to the Carta, this raising of
future expectations is worrying because it may lead to a possible indexing process that in itself guarantees an
increase in inflation for next year. "The recent high inflation, mainly because it is guided by adjustments of
food, has already triggered a sense of monetary loss by consumers, particularly those belonging to lower
income classes of the population."
The positive factor, say the economists, is on the performance of administered prices that even accelerating
in relation to 2007, should remain below the free prices Part of the behavior of the administered prices due to
the effect of tax policy that, by reducing the contribution of Contribuição de Intervenção no Domínio
Econômico (Cide), held by the edge, the readjustment of oil prices "Additionally, the fact that the tarifs for
public services are less indexed to the Índice Gerais de Preços (IGPs) than in the recent past, has caused the
strong high indices in 2007 to have an impact on the administered prices eased, according to our predictions. "
Collection and surplus
Ipea also highlights the growth of higher revenue. The federal revenue recorded high of 12.1% in real
values deflated by the IPCA (Índice de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo) between January to April compared to
the same period of 2007. This has established a primary surplus record of 6.82% of GDP, a result that led to
an unprecedented nominal surplus. Fonte: Gazeta Mercantil
Another private equity comes to the Country

Sâo Paulo, June 27, 2008 - The growth potential of the Brazilian real estate market has attracted the
attention of another international private equity fund, JER Partners, arm of Robert Companies, which opened
its Brazilian office at the end of May this year and is already calculating investments in the country. To lead
its activities in the country, the fund hired Roberto Perroni, who has worked for over two decades in that
segment. Perroni held the post of chief superintendent of Camargo Correa Desenvolvimento Imobiliário.
Last year, the real estate sector was highlighted by the attraction of investments in private equity. A study
by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) shows that in 2007 there were 21 private equity investments in shopping
centers and 16 in construction. The previous year, it was only one in shopping centers and 13 in construction.
For this year, the prediction is for expansion. That's because the window of opportunity for the attraction of
resources with public offerings of shares, which opened for companies in the industry in 2006 and 2007, has
closed, says the executive.
Brazil and Latin America were chosen as key markets for expansion of JER, which in early May opened its
office in Mexico, also under the command of Perroni. The target of the fund in Brazil is residential and
shopping centers segments. The amount to be invested, however, Perroni does not reveal. Currently the fund
is present in the United States, Europe and Russia, with total investments of US$ 4.5 billion. The next step is
to go to the Middle East and to Asia.
Special Moment
The special moment of the property market in Latin America guided the choice of the fund, which focused
on the region before the emerging markets of strong economic growth like China and India. Several reasons
weighed in that choice. The crisis of subprime, which reduced the property loans in the international market,
was very heavy.
The credit, crucial factor in the expansion of the sector, was scarce with the crisis, reducing the appetite for
investment in the regions affected. In Latin America, the risk of happening the same is very small, Perroni
said. In Brazil, it practically doesn’t exist. "Here the banks are very cautious when they finance and the values
never reach 100% of the value of the property. The financing is of 80% of the value of the property. This way,
the property remains secure."
The caution did not affect the good conditions of financing in Brazil, which along with the demand are
attracting the private equities. There is a big difference between what happened in the past and what happens
today in the Brazilian property loans. The terms, the rates and the relationship between the developers and
banks have changed. "The situation is favorable to the point that many customers who go to show rooms
discover that the conditions of financing permit them to buy a building much larger than that they wanted,"
says the executive.
Until 2004, banks did not work with developers; the interests were IGP-M more 12%, the developers
offered direct credit of only up to three years. Now, banks and developers work together, the terms of
financing come to 30 years and the rates are TR (less than the IGP-M), plus interest of 9% to 12% per annum.
"The conditions of financing are leading people to postpone the purchase of new car to buy a real estate.
Diluted by the lengthening of the term of financing, the monthly pay for the car becomes equal to the
Migration to Class C
The ease of credit and stability of the economy warm the demand. It is being created a very strong
emerging class C: 20 million people have left the classes D and E. The growth of class C affects the overall
scenario, benefiting the industry, shopping centers, in addition to the residential segment. In 2007, sales in
shopping malls reached R$ 58 billion, an important increase in relation to R$ 45 billion in 2005. As to the
current visits to these consumption paradises rose from 180 million to 300 million people from 2005 to 2007.
Fonte: Gazeta Mercantil
Hotel industry must invest R$ 1 bi in Rio and in Niterói in the next 5 years

Private investments in the order of R$ 1 billion will be implemented in the next five years, in the
construction and restructuring of at least 18 hotels in the city of Rio and Niterói, as informed by the article of
Isabela Bastos published in the Friday edition of the newspaper O Globo (full access only to subscribers).
Among the licensed ventures, in the process of analysis or already in progress, according to the Associação
Brasileira da Indústria de Hotéis do Rio (ABIH-RJ), nine are in Barra da Tijuca, five in Copacabana, one in
Recreio dos Bandeirantes, one downtown and two in Niterói. The developments must add at least another five
thousand new hotel rooms to the network, which has currently 38 thousand units in the state, and 28 thousand
in the capital.
The detail of investments in the industry should be the dossier of the candidacy of Rio to host the Olympics
in 2016, which will be handed in to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) until February 12, 2009.
Although the great number of new hotels has, on the distant horizon, the Olympics and the 2014 World Cup
in Brazil, it is in the short term that lies the greatest motivation of the sector. According to the chairman of the
ABIH-RJ, Alfredo Lopes, the hotel boom is due more to the growing demand caused by economic
development of the state, which already accounts for 60% of the occupation of rooms.
According to Lopes, the creation of poles of economic development as the metal-mechanical of Resende,
the steel of Itaguaí, petrochemical of Itaboraí, and the oil of Macaé, is attracting to Rio important companies
and, consequently, business events that generate demand for hotels. Data from ABIH-RJ show that the
number of rooms in the state is increasing the ratio of two thousand units per year, being half in the city of
Most of the new ventures should be four stars, the average size of the hotels of Rio. The focus in Barra,
says the chairman of the ABIH-RJ, is the result of the shortage of large spaces - capable of harboring
enterprises of 300 to 400 units, international standard, so that the hotels are economically viable - in other
parts of the shoreline.
The optimism, however, may not materialize the way it is expected by ABIH. This is because the list of
hotels originally had 19 enterprises and now it is shorter: a hotel of Brascan, in an address in Barra, not
Another factor that may create obstacles to the plans of the sector is the controversial urban legislation of
APA from Marapendi.
The Minister of Tourism, Luiz Barretto, and the governor Sergio Cabral sign two agreements this Friday in
a total of R$ 25.3 million. Part of the resources will be used to the development of technical feasibility studies
for construction of convention centers in the fluminense municipalities.
Fonte: Ademi
CMN assures more credit for property loans

Banks operating in the rural segment of the savings can allocate 10% of new resources for property loans.
Among the five financial institutions benefited, the biggest advantage will go to Banco do Brasil (BB), which
aims to reach the second place on the market for these funds with estimates of approximately $ 5 billion in
portfolio in 2012. Currently, the Caixa Econômica Federal is the leader, with about 70% in participation.
The change is anticipated in resolution passed by the Conselho Monetário Nacional (CMN) and the law
also allows financial institutions operating in the real estate industry to target 10% of new loans to rural credit.
The new portfolios will have to be authorized by the Banco Central (Central Bank) (BC).
The CMN also equaled the remuneration (Taxa Refencial Plena) (Full Reference Rate) for the values that
necessarily have to be transferred to BC in cases of breach of chargeability to apply 25% of the cash deposits
and 65% of rural saving deposits to rural credit. By the current rule, the institutions that comprise the Sistema
Brasileiro de Poupança e Empréstimos (Brazilian System of Savings and Loan) (SBPE) have a monetary
correction by 80% of TR.
The director of Liquidaçoes e Desestatização do Banco Central (BC), Antonio Gustavo Matos do Vale, said
that the aim of the CMN resolution is to ease the norms so that all institutions can operate with two forms of
credit. According to their estimates, the potential supply of banks that can hire real estate funds is $ 3.2
billion. In the case of rural credit, not considering Caixa Econômica, this potential is $ 7 billion. With Caixa,
the value goes to additional $ 12 billion.
Vale said that the five public and private banks have already expressed interest in working in property
loans. Currently, Banco do Brasil, Banco do Nordeste (BNB), Banco da Amazônia (Basa), Bansicredi and
Bancoob are entitled to get resources of the rural savings. "We hope neutrality on the measure. The margin of
10% was defined as an adequate level to prevent the cannibalization of a segment," said the director of the
BC, to provide that the rural credit will be preserved.
The Vice President of Finanças of BB, Aldo Luiz Mendes, revealed that the institution has already
submitted a request to BC to work with property loans and expects to close 2008 with a volume of $ 2.35
billion in loans in that area. He admitted that the resolution of the CMN is unclear and, at first, he felt that the
10% would be related to new resources. The bank has $ 45 billion in saving accounts.
The director of Novos Negócios of BB, Paulo Caffarelli, said that the permission by the Banco Central will
enable the institution to integrate the Sistema Financeiro de Habitação (SFH), which will allow the use of the
deposits on Fundo de Garantia de Tempo de Serviç (FGTS) for property loans.
In addition, the bank already operates in this segment with its own resources ($ 350 million) in contracts in
the cities of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia. Adding up these values to the estimates of use of $ 1
billion of the FGTS and $ 1 billion of new resources, it reaches $ 2.35 billion in 2008. This volume would
have, on average, the value of $ 85 thousand and would be divided into 27.6 thousand contracts.
According to Caffarelli, BB has already agreements with the association of savings and loans, Poupex and
also set a central of operations of property loans in São Paulo. "We target customers that earn between five
and ten minimum wages. We will not dispute market with Caixa Economica Federal. What we most wish is to
increase the supply of products to our customers, using the capillarity of four thousand agencies," he said
The market for real estate loans, according to Mendes, has been doubling each year and the performance of
BB, with its own resources, is not competitive because the cost of money is higher than the deposits on
savings accounts.
Fonte: Andima
BC estimates a GDP growth and higher inflation in 2008

The Brazilian economy can grow by 4.8% this year, according to estimates of the Banco Central (BC) in
the Relatório Trimestral de Inflação, referring to March. The projection is higher than December, when the
expansion was supposed to be by 4.5%.
For the BC, the scenario is possible because of the behavior "more intense" than the one expected on the
economic activity by the end of 2007 and "the fact that the indicators available do not show a slowdown at the
beginning of this year. The domestic consumption should give rhythm to this expansion, representing the third
consecutive year in which the growth takes place exclusively, thanks to the dynamism of the internal demand.
The BC also raised its estimate of inflation for this and next year. The Índice de Preços ao Consumidor
Amplo (IPCA) should reach 4.6% in 2008, above the center of the thought target by the government (4.5%)
and 4.4% in 2009. The projection is higher than that held in December, by 4.3% and 4.2% respectively for the
In the market scenario, the estimate for inflation rose by 4.3% to 4.7% in 2008 and 4.7% to 4.8% by the
end of next year. Commenting on the report, the director of Política Econômica of the BC, Mario Mesquita,
highlighted the deterioration of the inflationary scenario since the end of last year and stressed that it is the
role of the monetary authority to act to prevent the behavior of prices to be far from the goals. "The Banco
Central, that expects that inflation be much different in relation to the target, ends up acting, in a very intense
way, for a long time, which tends to be harmful from the point of view of economic activity," he said.
In addition to the concern about the strong growth of domestic demand, the uncertainty regarding the
slowdown of the American economy and volatility in the price of oil, were also evaluated by BC for drawing
this scenario. "There are also concerns over the wholesale prices. There are signs of pressure that can
contaminate the retail," said the economist of the LCA Consultores, Raphael Castro
To analysts, the scenario for inflation, however, showed no tendency in worsening and signals that the base
rate of interest, today at 11.25% annually, should be maintained. There are several favorable factors: the
indicators are at levels below the targets, the current inflation shows that the pressures recorded earlier were
temporary. These elements, associated to the benign trajectory of exchange, indicate that there will be no
worsening in the scenario.
According to Marcela Prada, an analyst at Tendências Consultoria, there was a worsening on the scenario
that led the market to adjust their estimate, but no new changes. The demand is growing at a strong rhythm
and should remain with this profile in the coming months, but there is a significant increase of investments
coming since 2006 that should add sufficient capacity to supply the market. "The indicators are going down,"
completes Castro, adding that there is no cause for a high rate of interest.
The economist-in-chief of MB Associados, Sergio Vale, thinks that there conditions not to raise the Selic,
at the moment, for, pressures, mainly from food are diminishing. "But the tone of the report, along with the
last record of Copom, emphasizes the concern of BC with the demand. As the tendency for the coming
months is a stronger demand, the possibility of an increase in the Selic should not be discarded . "
Fonte: Andima
Deficit of the tourist balance of Brazil grows 300%. Even though there is a rise by 21.4% on the
Information from the Banco Central do Brazil also indicates that the revenue for the country generated by
visits of foreigners grew to two digits in the first two months of this year, but at a rate more than three times
lower than the outflows of capital, which is translated into a worsening of the deficit in this account by 300%
to 696 million dollars (around 452 million euros).
The Brazilian press reported, moreover, that the Banco Central revised, upwards in the order of 500 million
dollars, the projected deficit of the account of travel and tourism, to four billion (about 2.6 billion euros),
which is equivalent to almost 750 million that the deficit in the year 2007, which already represented a
deterioration in 1.8 billion over 2006.
This deficit does not include costs on the air tickets, which is included in the account of transport, along
with the freights, which accumulates a negative balance in the first two months of this year of 992 million
Information from the Central Bank of Brazil indicates that the revenue for Brazil, of visits by foreigners,
amounted to 414 million dollars (about 268.8 million dollars) in February and that in all the first two months
of the year it reached 1,090 million ( about 707.8 million dollars).
These revenues have, thus, increases counterparts at 19.6% in the month of February and 21.4% in all of
the first two months of the year.
As to 2006, the value of revenue in the first two months increases by 43.2%.
"It's an exceptional performance for a month of fewer days and confirms the consistency of the recent
reached results. It reflects a panorama of continued and consolidated growth," said the president of Embratur
(Instituto Brasileiro de Turismo), Jeanine Pires, mentioned in the release of the Institute .
The release also stresses that this is the first time that the revenue go beyond one billion dollars during the
first two months of the year, which "are months of large flow of foreign tourists in Brazil, mainly from South
America - like the Argentines and Chileans who visit the South - and Europeans, "and that the amount of
February is the second best since the start of counting, in 1969, leaving behind only 595 million recorded last
Fonte: Presstur
Nordeste Invest 2008 exceeds expectation of sales; investment potential draws foreigners

Natural beauty and tourist potential of the northeast coast attract international investors The organization of
the Nortdeste Invest 2008, the most important event in tourism and real estate investments in Brazil,
celebrates sales at the Exhibition Hall, which already have reached 85% of the offered units. To meet the
increasing demand, the organizing committee tripled the number of stands in relation to the previous edition
of the event.
Among the companies that have confirmed participation in the meeting of business are Odebrecht, the
biggest construction company of Latin America, and CB Richard Ellis, Cushman & Wakefield and Newmark
Knight Frank, three of the biggest real estate consultants ofthe world.
The Nordeste Invest 2008 is promoted by the Association for the Real Estate and Tourism Development in
the Northeast of Braziland (ADIT) and will be held from May 28 to 30, at the Convention Centre of
Pernambuco, Recife (PE).
Tourism revenue exceeds expectations
Rio de Janeiro - The revenue from the 92 largest companies in the tourism sector grew by 14.8% in 2007,
generating a total of $ 34.1 billion. The main segments that contributed to this performance were: rental car
agencies, airlines and “receptivo” agencies (transfers). The result appears in the IV Pesquisa Anual de
Conjuntura Econômica do Turismo (PACET). In view of the performance of the sector in 2007, the leaders
believe that the revenue will continue rising, and for 2008, they think that the average increase will be
The PACET is done by the FGV / Ebape and ordered by the Ministry of Tourism / Embratur. The results of
last year, collected in last January and February l, were announced this week by the Minister of Tourism,
Marta Suplicy,in a press conference at FGV-RJ.
"I am very happy with the result of the survey and the best news is the generation of jobs, which had an
increase by 23.5% over 2006. The industry is generating employment and that means that people are moving,
enjoying democratic and economically stability. This creates a climate of trust, which is also perceived by
hoteliers who have been reducing prices and allowing the families to travel even more, "commemorated
Minister Marta Suplicy.
The minister also stressed the importance of the creation of the Ministry of Tourism for the growth of the
sector. "Tourism turned out to be considered as an area that deserved investment, guidelines and public policy
in 2003 with the creation of the Ministry of Tourism.
Our challenge is to create that culture to Brazilians: to buy a trip. We have been working this culture, with
campaigns and programs such as Viaja Mais Melhor Idade, and the tourism has already collected the fruits of
investments in the sector.
The IV PACET is the tool that we have to measure the good prospects of the market. The 92 businessmen
interviewed were optimistic, mainly because they recorded a turnover of 14.8% in 2007. This resulted in the
increase by 23.5% of the hiring of workmanship, proving that tourism is a source of generation of
employment and income. For 2008, the interviewed remain confident: 70% bet in maintaining the growth of
the Brazilian economy and 83% believe that the tourism industry will monitor this favorable pace, "she
FGV - The coordinator of the Centro de Estudos de Turismo from FGV, Luiz Gustavo Barbosa, considered
"significant", the growth in turnover by 14.8%, mainly because this growth was registered in the past five
years. "That means that growth is already on top of a high base. Another relevant figure is that the prices
charged by companies in the sector have decreased. A growing turnover and the reduction of price indicate an
increase in the volume: the industry sold more, that is, more people traveled at a lower price. This has made
the sectors of tourism to show individual revenue growth "
The director of the Escola Brasileira de Administração Púbica e de Empresas, from the FGV, Bianor
Cavalcanti, also present at the press conference, said that "every decision requires, invariably, a lot of
information. With the IV PAET, the Ministry of Tourism can know the perspectives of the sector and direct
its actions. "
The interviewed companies in this study are the following segments: travel agencies, airlines, rental car
agencies, lodging and accommodation agencies, operators of tourism, road and promoters of fairs and events.
Fonte: Turi News
In 2007, the country accumulated $ 94.7 billion, with a growing rate two times higher than Russia and
In 2007, year of record in foreign trade and historical entry of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Brazil has
accumulated more dollars that any other emerging country in the world. Last year, the Brazilian reserves
jumped 110.77% - the equivalent of $ 94.7 billion – a growing rate two times higher than that reached in
Russia and China.
This strategy, widely supported by the Central Bank (BC), increases the protection of the country in
situations like the present, in which investors look for markets considered as safer.
A survey based on data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the central banks of emerging
countries, shows that Brazil beat Russia and was the emerging country that showed the largest proportional
growth of reserves in 2007. This ranking was led between 2003 and 2006 by Russia. At that time, the rise of
oil prices fattened the Russian trade balance. Part of these resources was channeled by the Central Bank of
that country into the reserves.
It was exactly this commercial revenue that Brazil used in 2007. "Brazil has been benefited by a
conjunction not seen for a long time. The fast rise of commodities strongly increased the balance. On
investment, Brazil again attracted companies interested mainly on the domestic market," says the professor of
economics from the Universidade de São paulo (USP), Fabio Kanczuk. "The Banco Central took advantage of
the international liquidity and the result of external accounts. It was a very positive period that included an
avalanche of release of shares on the stock market," reinforces the chief economist of the brokerage Lopéz
Leon, Flávio Serrano.
With so many new dollars, the BC acquired $ 78.6 billion in market last year. These purchases occurred
almost daily. It is as if BC had acquired all the dollars that entered Brazil through the trade balance, which
had a surplus of $ 40 billion, and direct investment, that brought $ 34.5 billion. In a total, this entry meant
US$74,5 million.
The reserves, however, grew more: $ 94.7 billion. The difference is explained by the securities
compensation and value that make it, usually papers of the American debt. The strategy of BC in
accumulating reserves, was the subject of harsh criticism in recent years, because the operation involves costs
for the National Treasury.
The real estate crisis the United States, however, weakened the contrary speech, which criticized mainly the
high cost of maintenance of dollars.
Kanczuk, one of the critics, believes the BC should continue with the strategy of buying dollars, but that the
increase in reserves should be less in 2008. "With the expectation of lower world growth and a strong increase
in imports, there must be less US dollars in Brazil." He adds that if the BC increases the interest, the foreigner
will have greater financial return in the country, which could give new impetus to the inflow of dollars. Thus,
the BC will, again, have more space and dollars to act.
Balance favors Tourism
According to the World Tourism Organization, this activity grew by 6% between 2006 and 2007, measured
by the number of international passenger arrivals - 898 million last year. South America was the destination
of 2.2% of tourists from around the world, and Brazil, 0.6%. The largest local companies believe that 2007
was a good year and 2008 will be better, according to the Quarta Pesquisa Anual de Conjuntura Econômica
do Turismo from FGV.
The position of the country in the world market of tourism, however, keeps on being unsatisfactory. With
the 5 th largest area of the planet, 7.3 thousand kilometers of coastline and countless natural beauty, it is
estimated the weight of tourism in Brazil in only 2.8% of GDP. And at the moment, with the dollar
depreciated, tourism has become more expensive for foreign visitors.
A survey by the FGV shows the continuous expansion since 2004, from the 92 largest tourism companies
of the country, which employs 90 thousand people and had a revenue, in 2007, of $ 34.1 billion, 14.8% more
than in 2006. And it was not the international market, but the domestic one that was the major responsible for
the expansion.
The number of domestic trips, measured by national landings, increased 7.89% over 2006, reaching 50
million passengers, while international landings grew only 1.22%, corresponding to 6.4 million passengers.
The difficulties with the currency and the air crisis did not affect all companies in the same way. The
operators who work with transfers of foreign tourists had to cut costs and vacancies to adapt, but the rental
cars and the tourism operators employed more staff and grew more than the GDP.
Moreover, according to the coordinator of the Núcleo de Turismo from FGV, Luiz Gustavo Barbosa, the
results of last year must be considered as very good, data that ,in 2006, the revenue had been high and had
increased (29.3 %).
The increase in income and employment stimulated the industry a lot, whose number of employees grew
23.5% in 2007. With more employees, the costs of the operators and rental grew 7%. Now, due to the
demand, the airlines want to increase by 15.3% on average, the prices of tickets, after the real fall of 10.2% in
The biggest obstacles to the expansion of the public sector come from the public area: airports and security.
Fonte: Estadão
FGV realeases economic tourism climate
Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) realeases this Monday, the 6th Pesquisa Anual de Conjuntura Econômica
do Turismo, requested by the Ministry of Tourism and the Instituto Brasileiro do Turismo (Embratur).
It will be at noon in the auditorium of the FGV, at Praia de Botafogo, in Rio de Janeiro. According to a
notice released by the institution, the survey shows the action of entrepreneurs and executives from the 92
largest companies in the sector of tourism. The Minister of Tourism, Marta Suplicy, participates in the release
of the survey.
Earlier, at 11am, the Instituto Brasileiro de Economia (Ibre) of the Fundação Getúlio Vargas releases the
General Index of Prices 10 (IGP-10), for the period from February 11th to March 10th. The coordinator of the
Análises Econômicas of Ibre, Salomão Quadros, will present the results at the headquarters of the institution,
in Botafogo.
Fonte: Agência Brasil
Tourism grows for the sixth consecutive year
The Minister of Tourism, Marta Suplicy, announces today (17/03), at 12h, in the auditorium of the
Fundação Getúlio Vargas, in Rio de Janeiro, that the industry maintained for the sixth consecutive year its
tendency of growth. The data are in the 4th Pesquisa Anual de Conjuntura Econômica do Turismo and show
that the revenue of the 92 largest companies in the sector had last year, is an expressive result, totaling $ 34.1
The survey conducted in partnership with the Fundação Getúlio Vargas, reflects the views of entrepreneurs
and executives from the 92 largest companies, consulted in thesegments of operators, travel agencies, airlines,
rental and road tourism, among others.
According to Marta Suplicy, the figures show the growth of the sector. "The revenue earned in 2006 was
116.02% higher than that of 2002 ($ 2 billion), and the results of the last year maintain this trajectory of
growth," she notes.
Fonte: Mercado e Eventos
Real Estate Funds, advantages and challenges with new rules and regulations
We all know someone who has a relevant part of their assets invested in real estate for the for leasing to
third parties. In general, these people have no great appetite for taking great risks and prefer to invest in real
assets that can "see" and they guarantee a fixed monthly income, without necessarily having any relation with
the value of the investment made. We also know that many companies still carry on their balance sheets large
amount of property, instead of concentrating their capital in their main activities.
Therefore, if we look objectively, many times, the risk-return equation of the property does not seem to
compensate the investment. The owner of the property is prone to the risk of default and vacancy son a
concentrated way, in addition to having to pay part of the income of such property or administrators of the
estate property, without mentioning the payment of their income tax that in the case of individuals, reaches
27.5% of the total income.
Today, increasingly, individual investors are discovering the real estate investment funds (FIIs) as a smarter
alternative to investing in property.
The FIIs are administered by financial institutions supervised by the Banco central, and regulated and
supervised by the Comissão de Valôres Imobiliários (CVM). They are made in the form of a fenced
condominium, that is, the pay off of the quotas is allowed only after the end of the period of duration of the
fund. This means that, for funds with a maturity of indefinite duration, the only way to get the investment is
the sale of the quota to others. Therefore, in order to stimulate the market, they created special rules that
encourage the registration of quota of funds for trading on stock exchange or organized counter-market.
The fund must distribute at least, every six months, 95% of the income from their assets (income, rent, for
example), which are taxed at the origin to the rate of 20% at the time of distribution. But, in the event that an
investment fund property has more than 50 shareholders, have their quota admitted only and exclusively to
trading on stock exchange, the individual shareholder, holder of up to 10% of their quota, will be exempt from
Thus, the individual investor, investing in quotas of a real estate investment fund, would be diluting its risk,
getting a tax benefit immediately, besides relying on the liquidity of its assets. How many times an owner,
requiring a liquidity of $ 100 thousand, for example, has to sell a property that is worth five times more?
Moreover, the process of selling may take months or years, and the seller still has to consider how reinvest the
remaining balance.
At present, the CVM studies the relaxation the characteristics and the operation of FIIs. Among these
proposed changes, we mention the possibility of the funds to invest in securities and other assets related to
real estate, the streamlining of the process of formation and registration in the CVM, the creation of more
flexible procedures for funds restricted to qualified investors, etc.. We believe that these changes would do
well to the market and we suggest some additions to the CVM, exclusions or adjustments to the draft of the
new inquiry, whose public hearing ends today, as a result of meetings under the Anbid, ANDIMA and
However, one of the proposals concerns us. The CVM established that the assembly of shareholders from
one fund can approve of transactions that represent a conflict of interest between the fund and the
administrator. At present, these transactions are closed, and we believe they should remain so, even in
situations where there is only an "indication of a conflict of interest" for the good of the industry as a whole.
In the United States, the REITs (American version of our FIIs) reach a volume of over $ 400 billion ($ 680
billion), while in Brazil, this volume reaches only $ 3 billion. We believe that the FIIs have much potential for
growth, and in times like now, where there is some mistrust on the part of the market, in view of the recent
American crisis, this may be an ideal investment for individuals, pension funds or even institutional investors
wishing to diversify their investments. (With the colaboration of Martin Fass and Claudio Ferreira de Araujo)
Luiz Figueiredo Eugenio Junqueira is the director of the Rio Bravo Investimentos
Fonte: Andima
The Northeast remains as the goal for big investors
Of the nearly 150 new tourism ventures under construction in the country, about 20% are owned by
international investors. Over the next three years, companies of Portuguese capital will invest about $ 2.2
billion in new tourist projects in Brazil. Almost 100% of these resources will be applied in the Northeast.
After the Portuguese, the Spanish are the ones that invest most in the region, with an estimated volume of $
1.9 billion.
In the last four years, the Brazilian Northeast became the principal goal for large international real estate
and tourist groups. It is estimated that it will be invested over the next three years, more than $ 20 billion in
condominiums and resorts integrated - five-star hotels, sport complexes and houses and apartments for a
second home. The survey is of the Association for the Real Estate and Tourism Development in the Northeast
of Brazil (Adit Norsdeste).
According to Adit Northeast, Rio Grande do Norte, Bahia and Ceara lead the volume of new investment in
the region. Pernambuco comes in second, and then Alagoas. The president of Adit Nordeste, Luiz Felipe
Cavalcante, foresees that in the coming years Sergipe and Paraiba will also receive large investments from
international groups. Sergipe, in fact, has already major projects in the process the study of environmental
impact. More recently, Maranhão and Piauí, also endowed with a beautiful coastline, began to draw the
attention of international investors.
Fonte: Antonio Roberto Rocha - Diário de Natal
Europeans buy homes in the Northeast and attract new investors
In 1500, the Portuguese discovered Porto Seguro. More than half a century later, accompanied by Spanish,
English and German, now they come only to spend the holidays.
And throughout the coast of the Northeast. In the last two years, the flow of Europeans in search of a
summer property on the beaches of Ceara, Alagoas, Paraiba, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte, and Bahia,
has increased.
They do not come in caravels any longer, but on flights of TAP. Instead of baffled indians, they find real
estate agents who know, in advance, of their arrival - and calculate, euro by euro converted to real, the
valorization of each square meter.
It’s a big jump: in the most targeted areas, the price went from $ 4, eight years ago, to $ 100, says Felipe
Cavalcante, president of Adit (Association for the Real Estate and Tourism Development in the Northeast of
"The European purchases, and not to leave the house closed in most part of the year, they rent it to others,"
he explains.
And they hardly buy isolated houses. Most of the constructions, whose prices reach $ 4.5 million, use the
hotel system.
The vein attracts investors from other parts of the country - and the world, like the British firm Alexander
Richards, that specializes in our market.
Its director, the Indian Manoj Chawla, spoke with Folha in the hall of a hotel in Sao Paulo. "For the
European standards, the cost of ownership (in the Northeast) is incredibly low, and the quality of life,
incredibly high," he says.
For the next eight years, Adit foresees 80 thousand new units of second home to Europeans in the region.
Fonte: Folha
The Northeast
The explosion of investments on the part of international real estate and tourist groups in the Northeast
region - what Maranhão has in a timid way, despite the large volume of launches in recent months - must
reach, in the next ten years to $ 20 billion, as estimated by the Association for the Real Estate and Tourism
Development in the Northeast of Brazil - Adit Nordeste.
So far, the sum of the already implemented Portuguese projects -($ 2.4 billion) with the Spanish -($ 1.3
billion)- reached $ 3.7 billion. There are also devepolments in the region with French, English and even
Nordic capital, demonstrating the immense potential of the region, which is consolidating to be, with more
determination, part of the world market, including substantial investments in infrastructure, such as
international airports.
Fonte: O Imparcial
Ministry of Tourism launches Prodetur Nacional this Thursday
On this Thursday (13) at a ceremony in the auditorium of the Ministry of Tourism, at 10am, with the
presence of the governors Cid Gomes (Ceará), Wilma de Faria (Rio Grande do Norte) and Alcides Filho
(Goias),state tourism secretaries and members of the parliament, the Minister of Tourism, Marta Suplicy, and
the representative of Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (BID) in Brazil, José Luis Lupo, sigh an
understanding memorandum for the creation of a line of credit of US$ 1 billion dollars to be accessed by
states and municipalities. In reality, this is the beginning of a process to release the resources for the Programa
de Desenvolvimento do Turismo (Prodetur Nacional), which aims to develop tourism in Brazilian states and
Through the Prodetur Nacional, the Brazilian states and municipalities interested in developing tourism
resources may request directly to BID, in their respective capacities of debt and criteria agreed between the
Ministry of Tourism and the BID.
The states and municipalities will count on federal resources and technical assistance to the MTur for the
elaboration of the proposals with a view to ensure that they comply with the Tourism National Plan 2007-
Fonte: Turismo em Foco
Number of hotels run by networks grows in Brazil
A survey, conducted by the Hotel On Line agency, based on figures from December 2007, found that the
number of accommodation networks operated by hotels have increased. According to the data of the agency,
from December 2003 to the same period last year, the number of hotels operated by networks increased from
711 to 903 establishments, which represents a growth of 27% in five years.
The survey also found an increase of 12.3% in the number of hotels operated by networks last year. Despite
managing the major hotels in the country, the national and international hotels chains were responsible, until
the end of last year, for only 903 hotels, resorts and flats, while 8,373 shops were run by their owners, also
called independents.
The study also concluded that the national networks had a higher growth in the number of hotels operated,
in relation to international companies. In December 2006, the national networks administrated 520 hotels, a
number that reached 610 hotels in December 2007, representing a growth of 17.31%. As to international
networks, which operate 284 means of hosting in 2006, started to operate 293 hotels in the same period, a
growth of 3.17%.
Among the ten largest hotel companies in the country, Accor Hospitality keeps on leading the ranking with
the largest number of units. In December, 2007, the company operated 139 hotels. The Atlantica Hotels
International and Blue Tree Hotels network, were in second and third positions, with 58 units and 27 units,
respectively. If compared with the data of five years ago in 2003 Accor led the ranking with 117 enterprises,
followed by Atlantica, with 42 hotels and the third place was occupied by Sol Meliá with 26 establishments.
When considered the number of Unidades Habitacionais (UH) ,in 2007,the position on the ranking remains
the same, with Accor on top of the list with.195 apartments followed by, Atlantica with 9.205 and Blue Tree
with 5.575 units.
Among domestic companies, Blue Tree Hotels leads the ranking with 27 ventures in December 2007,
followed by the companies Hotels Othon S / A (26) and National Network - Shelton Inn (21).
If considered the ranking by the number of apartments, the ranking in the list also does not change, placing
the Blue Tree with 5,575 units first, Othon with 3,258 apartments in second and National - Shelton Inn with
2,647 in the third position.
The ranking of the hotel chains in Brazil that is being done by the Hotel On Line agency since the year
2000O, shows an increase both in the number of operated hotels and the quantity of companies that work with
this market.
Fonte: Mercado e Eventos
Profitability of Brazilian companies reaches 16% and now exceeds the American’s
A strong wave of global growth has increased the profitability of Brazilian companies and improved their
capacity for investment. Last year, the return on equity of the companies traded on the Bolsa de Valores de
Sao Paulo (Bovespa) reached 16.02% and surpassed even the rate of American (14.6%). In the case of the
financial sector, for example, the return was almost twice as verified in the institutions of the United States:
19.6% versus 11.5%.
But, despite registering the biggest difference in relation to American institutions, the financial sector was
not the champion of profitability in 2007. According to a survey, the industry of steel and metallurgy recorded
the highest return on equity among all segments. The profitability of companies beat 31.3% in 2007 and
stayed ahead of the sector of oil, with 31%, and mining, 27.5%.
According to the president of Economática, Fernando Exel, in spite of the season, balance sheets have not
reached the end, the numbers of Brazilian companies already point to a record of profitability in 2007. "These
companies (open capital) are fantastic and the world market is now discovering the quality of them," says the
chief executive of the Instituto de Estudos para o Desenvolvimento (Iedi), Julio Sergio Gomes de Almeida.
He explains that after suffering with international crises and foreign exchange, the Brazilian companies
entered into a process of transformation and become more efficient. "It was a matter of survival." With the
economic opening of the country from the 90s , they had to live with large multinationals and increasingly
competitive products, which demanded changes in their strategies.
With the damage caused by the exchange rate devaluation of 1999, companies learned to work with lower
levels of debt, says Almeida. At the same time, they had more access to the capital market, which has enabled
them to get money cheaper than that obtained through bank financing. To have an idea, between 2004 and
2007, 106 companies have made Oferta Pública Inicial (IPO, in English). In addition, 28 companies issued
new shares and injected more resources in the business.
More competitive, the companies began to conquer foreign markets, and recently began a process of
internationalization. It has also helped to improve the profitability and professionalism of business.
"In the past, companies had a financial management much more than economic. They earned a lot of
money with the high inflation because it anticipated the future inflation, "says the professor of the Escola de
Administração de Empresas of Sao Paulo of the Fundação Getílio Vargas (FGV), Ernesto Lozardo. Today, he
says, the environment is different. With the economic opening, companies have been forced to be more
competitive. "And now with the dollar down and increased imports, they have to be even more efficient."
The fact that the country has a strong culture in the production and export of commodities also counts to
improve the rates of return of open companies. It is no coincidence that the champions of profitability in 2007
were the sectors of metallurgy and steel and oil and gas. The price of aluminum, for example, rose 20% in 12
months; oil, more than 70%, and natural gas, more than 20%.
With the strong external demand, the national companies have benefited and they managed to compensate
with the fall of dollar. Also there was an improvement in the economic activity in the internal market, with an
increase in wages and consumption. "They ended up winning twice," says Almeida.
For the professor of strategy of the Fundação Dom Cabral, Aldemir Drumond, another important point to
the advances in the indexes of efficiency and profitability of the companies is the improvement on the
management level.According to him, the increase in the number of capital opening in the Bovespa contributed
to the change in the conduct of business of the companies. "Today they need management practices more
transparent than in the past."
He adds to the list of explanations for the performance of Brazilian companies the fact that they have
worked for a long time with high idle capacity. "This has enabled them to increase the production without
cost. Now, with the occupation of installed capacity, they will have to make new investments. And the dollar
low is great to import machinery and equipment with lower costs. "
The researcher of the Instituro de Pesquisas Econômicas e Aplicadas (IPEA), Joao Alberto de Negri,
completes that the occupation of idle capacity enabled a significant increase in productivity of the national
companies. "The larger the scale is the best performance of the company," he says.
But, despite all the recent progress, there is still a long way to be undertaken for Brazilian companies to
increase their competitiveness in the international market. One of the important steps is technological
innovation, which today is through the purchase of modern equipment, launching products and research. "For
the country to reach higher productivity there is the necessity to invest in research and knowledge", highlights
Another factor identified by the experts is the high tax burden in the country, which undermines the
competitiveness of Brazilian products. "When the government is forced to raise more, it forces the high cost
of capital", completes Drumond.
Fonte: Estado
State will invest over R$220 million in services and preparations
Fortaleza – the Tourism Secretary of State, Bismarck Maia, spent the weekend working in a general plan
that will be established in order to make Ceará meet the estimated growing demand, with the involvement of
the land accessibility infrastructure, directions, basic sanitation, professional training and qualification.
With recourses around R$ 227,46 millions, the government of Ceará has already begun project auctions,
presented by the secretary as “ the package of tourism works”. In order to speed up a number of details related
to the project, the secretary Bismarck did not travel to take part in the ITB, in Berlin.
Among the priority projects that the government has for the tourist preparation of the future are the
construction of seven roads, besides the restoration and duplication of others. This way it will give better
access to the principal coastal points in the east and west. They expect to have finished the works by the end
of 2009 that will receive investment of more R$ 200 millions.
Bismarck explained that the decision in investing in infrastructure – besides training and social promotion –
came after verifying that the State was losing tourist flow for the neighbors of the northeast, in the beginning
of last year. The increase of plans came in all directions, and the own budget of Setur went from R$ 10
millions in 2007 to R$ 200 millions this year according to the determination of the governor Cid Gomes.
“Tourism is the great vector to improve Ceará economically and socially,” said the secretary. The
government has defined four tourist complexes: Canoa Quebrada, Fortaleza and region, Jerocoacoara and
In the area of environment and with direct involvement with tourism, recourses of R$2,40 will be invested
in fixation . As to sanitation, it will be invested R$10,135 million, with the highlight for the Aterro Sanitário
Regional I in Paracuru and the basic sanitation of Cumbuco. For the signaling, they will invest around
Ceará is also going to invest in a new segment of the littoral tourism. the boutic hotels. According to
Bismarck, a partnership done with Banco do Nordeste (BNB), will supply recourses for financing and
constructions of “pousadas de charme” (boutic hotels) along the coast of Ceará. It’s expected to be invested
R$80 millions, half and half.
The boutic hotels are luxury means of accommodation, with few units that gathers sophistication and
service of a five star equipment, with a more personalized service.
Brazil has few establishments of this size, some in Santa Catarina, others in the northeast. Ceará intends to
encourage this luxury segment, with an eye on the international market, with the air perspectives of new
flights to the USA and Europe.
A former building of Dnosc ( Departamento Nacional de Obras Contra a Seca), will be used for a new
attraction in Fortaleza. On the beach of Iracema they will construct an oceanarium connected to other
attractions. The secretary said that the government is still studying the location feasibility for the new
Convention Center. They have four possible locations but the basic criterion is that the place faces the sea.
For the personnel training, Bismarck highlights the project that will be established in partnership with
Sebrae/Ce, to be detailed this week, with recourses of R$ 10,44 millions. In the marketing and commercial
promotion, Ceará is going to invest R$18,27 millions, in 2008, with own recourses and capital from the
Ministry of Tourism (MTur), and from Embratur.The secretary classifies all this effort in the improvement of
the services and qualification as a work directed to the city of Fortaleza with the objective of making it one of
the chosen locations to hold soccer games of the world cup that will happen in Brazil in 2014, and a global
preparation for the tourism in Ceará for the next 20 years. Fonte:
Acciona buys land to build a tourist residential complex in Penedo
The real estate division of Acciona has confirmed its admittance in the real estate and tourism Brazilian
market with investments of 28 million euros in the purchase of a piece of land in Penedo, 150 km from Rio de
Janeiro, for the construction of a group of homes with 372 units.
According to the international expansion plan, the Spanish Group, constructor of service and energy areas,
closed a deal for an area of 213 thousand square meters whose residential project will cover 98 thousand
square meters, besides a social club, pools and sports facilities. The units will be according to the
sustainability criteria that the real estate agency applies to its projects.
Acciona also confirmed that it intends to reinforce its presence in Brazil with new acquisitions and
developments in different regions of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Minas Gerais, in residential and tourist
Following the same line of expansion for the international market, the company, presided by José Manuel
Entrecanales, is already present in countries such as Poland ,Mexico and Portugal.
Works will support the tourist growth
With recourses of about R$ 227,46 million, the government of the state opened auctions for projects in the
area of infrastructure designed to support the growth of the tourist demand. According to the secretary of the
Secretaria de Turismo (Setur), Bismarck Maia, the goal is to endow Ceará with land accessibility, signaling
and basic sanitation, among others.
“The main objective is to program the Ceará destination for 20 or 30 years from today”, he says.
The “work package”, included in the so called Monitoramento de Ações e Projetos Prioritários do Governo
do Estatdo (Mapp), predicts the construction of seven pieces of roads in addition to the renovation,
duplication and construction of highways, making the access easier to some important points of the east and
west coast.
“Up to 2009, the part of works related to land access should be concluded”. Only on this area it will be
spent R$204,93 millions. According to the secretary, the Setur budget has gone from R$10 millions in 2007 to
over R$200 millions this year.” Everything is assured by the governor Cid Gomes. All you have to do is run
the project”, he said.
According to what he said, the decision to invest in infrastructure – besides training and commercial
promotion – came after verifying that the state was loosing tourist flow to the neighbor states of the northeast,
in the beginning of last year.
“Tourism is the great vector to improve the estate of Ceará economically and socially”, he said. For this
reason the government established pillars and defined four tourist poles: Canoa Quebrada, Fortaleza,
Jericoacoara and Cariri. “We cannot limit Ceará to Fortaleza
Our products were deteriorating and the Capita was losing competitiveness”, he commented.
In the area of environment, the state foresees to allocate R$ 2,40 millions. As to basic sanitation, it will be
invested R$10,135 millions with the highlight of the Aterro Sanitário Regional I in Paracuru and basic
sanitation of Cumbuco.
“We are also investing in road signs and in the signaling of cities in the east and west coasts, Fortaleza and
Cariri”. For signaling we anticipate costs around R$7,78 millions.
For personnel training, Maia mentioned the project that will be established in partnership with Sebrae/CE,
still this week. At least R$10,44 millions are assured. In the area of marketing and commercial promotion, the
State will allocate R$18,27 millions, by joining recourses from the Ministry of Tourism (MTur), Embratur
and from the state treasure.”In tourism we do not sell beauty, we sell service. All the states are qualifying to
try to be one of the locations for the World Cup in 2014”, said the secretary.
Iracema beach will receive a new project
Bismarck Maia has informed that the state is changing the legislation that allowed the creation of Social
Organizations (OS), to include the tourism segment. Thus, they will be promoted and administrated by the
OS. That includes the Fair Pavillion, the Convention Center and the Emcetur. “We are going to create a new
product where today there is the former building of Dnocs, on Iracema beach, said the secretary.
Without giving more details, he said that the Dnocs building will hold an oceanarium and other
differentials. “It is going to be a new product with an approach that will make Fortaleza a national reference”,
he said. The secretary was the speaker of the “Encontros de Redação”, held periodically with press sources
and the professionals from the Diário do Nordeste. Maia said that the state is still doing the feasibility study of
the new site for the capital Convention Center.”We have up to the end of the year to choose the area. Before
hand I think that it has to be an area facing the sea, to add value to what we have as a natural aspect.”, he said.
The boutic hotels are luxury means of accommodation with few units, that gather sophistication and service
of a five star equipment, together with a more personalized service. We have few establishments of this kind
in Brazil. In a boutic hotel you spend an average of R$1,500,00 for a one-day stay, differently from a resort,
where the guest does not want to leave the hotel. In this kind of accommodation he likes to be in contact with
the local culture, buy handcrafting and to know attractions.”.
I criticize when the subject is the implantation of hotel equipments in the northeast. The secretary
emphasized that it is necessary to be careful when you intend to implement projects according to the demand
of Ceará. For him, there was a real estate speculation and the conquests announced by the neighbor states are
still on paper.
Maia defends the construction of the resorts Vila Galé Cumbuco, Aquiraz Riviera and Playa Mansa. “
There are only vertical hotels in Fortaleza.
Tourism foresees revenue of R$ 14 millions and generation of 66,9 thousand new jobs this year
According to the Boletim de Desempenho Econômico of February of this year, prepared by Fundação
Getúlio Vargas, and released this week by Embratur , in which were polled 779 companies from the main
tourism segments, around 90% estimated a growth of 17% on the revenue for this year. Likewise, at least 66%
believe in an increment in the hiring of workmanship. The most promising segments, according to the poll,
are aviation and tourism operators.
Based on the data of the quarterly analysis carried by FGV, the revenue from the companies, that in the last
quarterly reached R$ 4 millions, should close the year on the mark of R$14 billions. The poll showed that the
tourism should reach a new level in its participation in the GNP, by reaching 4,5%.
According to Luiz Gustavo Barbosa, coordinator of the Núcleo de Estudos Avançados em Turismo e
Hotelaria from the Fundação Getúlio Vargas, among the segments polled just gastronomy could not be
evaluated for the fact that it does not represent just the tourism sector. ”It is impossible to evaluate who uses
the restaurant, if the tourist or the local inhabitant, what forces us to exclude this segment”, he admitted.
They polled travel agencies, events, hotels, operators, theme parks, and air transportation. “ In April we
will begin a new poll before the market to release the results in May”, he said.
Revenue – As to the sector revenue, the Boletim showed that the last quarterly of the last year had an
increment of 59% when compared to the period of July/September. The sector that showed more good results
was the “turismo receptivo” ( the kind of service that welcomes passengers at airports and takes them to their
hotels), with an increase of 95%, followed by air, with 92&, and events, with 63%. The sectors that accused
the lowest growth were travel agencies and theme parks.
Data of 2007 – In the comparison of the last three months of the last year with the same period of 2006, at
least 77% of the surveyed said that there was an increase in the revenue, 11% found there was stability and
12% a decrease. The most benefited sectors were the “turismo receptivo”, 89% and air transportation, 84%.
As to the hiring of people, 665 admitted that there was an increase. The most benefited segments were air
transportation, 64% and operators, 66% an the least was hotels, with just a 18% increase.
Perspectives for 2008 – According to the FGV analysis, the perspectives for this year are very optimist
when comparing to the last year. At least 90% of the surveyed believe that there may an increment and only
2% thought of the possibility of loss. The most optimists are the air transportation companies and the
operators, and the least optimists are the companies of events and theme parks sectors.
From the 778 companies surveyed, at least 66% admit that there will be an increment in the hiring of
workmanship and just 45 foresees a reduction.
Fonte: Mercado de Eventos
Governors of the Northeast discuss infrastructure, transposition and tax reform
The proposal for the government tax reform, sent to the National Congress yesterday 28th, is also in the
agenda of the meeting
Aracaju (SE) – The governors of the nine states of the Northeast discuss today the investments in
infrastructure for the region, actions to fight violence, the transposition of the São Francisco river and plans
for the semi-arid. The discussions will happen during the 6° Fórum de Governadores of the region. The
proposal for the government tax reform, sent yesterday (28) to the Congresso Nacional, is also in the agenda
of the meeting.
President Luis Inácio Lula da Silva who will open the forum, will speak about this subject, followed by the
presentation of the chief-minister of the civil home, Dilma Rousseff ,about the investments of the Programa
de Aceleração do Crescimento (PAC) in the region.. The minister of justice, Tarso Genro, will speak about
the plans of the Programa Nacional de Segurança Pública com Cidadania (Pronasci) for the northeastern
The new chairman of the Superintendência do Desenvolvimento do Nordeste (Sudene), Paulo Fontana, will
present the working plan and the new board of directors of the autarchy, which took office last 12.
The situation of the children and adolescents in the semi-arid will be showed by the delegate of Brazil for
UNICEF, Marie-Pierre, who is going to reinforce the Pacto do Semi-árido, launched in 2004 and renewed in
2007 by president Lula, by the governors of the states of the northeast and over 60 civil society organizations.
The initiative of UNICEF has the objective of reducing the negative indicators related to the infancy and
adolescence in the region.
According to the forum programming, two governors will make a formal intervention: Wilma de Faria
(PSB) from Rio Grande do Norte, that will defend the implantation of wind power plants in the Northeast and
the governor Alagoas, Teotônio Vilela Filho (PSDB), will present the rural debt situation in the states of the
northeast. On the other hand, the governor of Paraíba, Cássio Cunha Lima (PSDB), will take advantage of the
forum to invite his colleagues for a regional protest in favor of the transposition project of Sâo Francisco
river, in the middle of March.
The sixth edition of the Fórum de Governadores do Nordeste will take place at the Starfish Ilha de Santa
Luzia resort, in the city of Barra dos Coqueiros, Aracaju(SE) metropolitan area. The pieces of information are
from Agência Brasil.
Fonte: Portugal Digital
Rules and Regulations ( Plano Diretor ) should provoke strong disputes for pieces of land
While aldermen, social movement representatives and other opponents of the Plano Diretor de
Desenvolvimento Urbano (PDDU) regret the sanction of the project, executives and leaders of the real estate
sector receive the news with satisfaction. They believe that, in the short term, Salvador will be
“rediscovered”, with the opening of new pieces of land and, consequently, new investments for the city.
Foreseeing the strong dispute in the market for spaces on the shore of Salvador, the director of Construtora
Andrade Mendonça, Antônio Andrade Júnior, says that the company has already begun to prospect pieces of
land in the region since yesterday, as soon as the PDDU was approved. “ We bet on new projects and will
look for this new address in the city to develop there. With the PDDU, Salvador has the ugliest shoreline of
Brazil, with striptease houses, supermarkets and restaurants.That will be transformed into a usable place. I
find the “plano diretor”, one of the most important events of Salvador, in the last 5 centuries”, he says.
For the executive, the PDDU could go beyond. “The pattern of the shoreline could be more audacious and
should allow buildings with more the 15 floors. In Recife, for instance, up to 15-story buildings are being
demolished to be replaced by taller ones, because of the valorization of the region, he says.
The president of the Associação de Dirigentes das Empresas do Mercado Imobiliário in Bahia (ADEMI –
Ba), Luiz Augusto Amoedo, points out that the PDDU is going far beyond the shoreline pattern. “The PDDU
is highly beneficial to Salvador, even to plan the rest of the city that has been growing the hard way. The plan
teaches about the infrastructure, commerce and services, and predicts a peaceful occupation, with quality and
Amoedo also points out that the PDDU will open more options of lots and services for the society. He
believes that, within three months, new developments must appear in the capital of Bahia.” With the
reorganization and redistribution of the constructions, the population will be able to choose apartments in
other districts such as Pituba,Vitória and Patamares, that no pattern limit and were economically unviable”, he
The director of the Sindicato da Indústria da Construção Civil da Bahia (Sinduscon-Ba), Marcos Galondl,
reinforces the opinion by saying that the PDDU will encourage the occupation of new areas and will be new
jobs and income generator. “The “Plano diretor” allows the real estate market to have expansion fields within
Salvador, by influencing positively, the development of the city. When one encourages the developments in
certain areas, in return, infrastructure actions also appear.
Soon, the city will notice the positive effects of the changes”, he believes.
During the sanction event of the PDDU, yesterday morning, at the Associação Comercial da Bahia, the
mayor, João Henrique, commented that, with the PDDU, many construction companies that were prioritizing
the north littoral and the region of Lauro de Freitas due to the difficulty of approving projects in the capital of
Bahia, will go back to investing in the city. In some years, Salvador will become internationally competitive,
with cities like Miami, Punta del Leste and Buenos Aires”, he said.
Fonte: Correio da Bahia
Rules and Regulations ( Plano Diretor ) should provoke strong disputes for pieces of land
While aldermen, social movement representatives and other opponents of the Plano Diretor de
Desenvolvimento Urbano (PDDU) regret the sanction of the project, executives and leaders of the real estate
sector receive the news with satisfaction. They believe that, in the short term, Salvador will be
“rediscovered”, with the opening of new pieces of land and, consequently, new investments for the city.
Foreseeing the strong dispute in the market for spaces on the shore of Salvador, the director of Construtora
Andrade Mendonça, Antônio Andrade Júnior, says that the company has already begun to prospect pieces of
land in the region since yesterday, as soon as the PDDU was approved. “ We bet on new projects and will
look for this new address in the city to develop there. With the PDDU, Salvador has the ugliest shoreline of
Brazil, with striptease houses, supermarkets and restaurants.That will be transformed into a usable place. I
find the “plano diretor”, one of the most important events of Salvador, in the last 5 centuries”, he says.
For the executive, the PDDU could go beyond. “The pattern of the shoreline could be more audacious and
should allow buildings with more the 15 floors. In Recife, for instance, up to 15-story buildings are being
demolished to be replaced by taller ones, because of the valorization of the region, he says.
The president of the Associação de Dirigentes das Empresas do Mercado Imobiliário in Bahia (ADEMI –
Ba), Luiz Augusto Amoedo, points out that the PDDU is going far beyond the shoreline pattern. “The PDDU
is highly beneficial to Salvador, even to plan the rest of the city that has been growing the hard way. The plan
teaches about the infrastructure, commerce and services, and predicts a peaceful occupation, with quality and
Amoedo also points out that the PDDU will open more options of lots and services for the society. He
believes that, within three months, new developments must appear in the capital of Bahia.” With the
reorganization and redistribution of the constructions, the population will be able to choose apartments in
other districts such as Pituba,Vitória and Patamares, that no pattern limit and were economically unviable”, he
The director of the Sindicato da Indústria da Construção Civil da Bahia (Sinduscon-Ba), Marcos Galondl,
reinforces the opinion by saying that the PDDU will encourage the occupation of new areas and will be new
jobs and income generator. “The “Plano diretor” allows the real estate market to have expansion fields within
Salvador, by influencing positively, the development of the city. When one encourages the developments in
certain areas, in return, infrastructure actions also appear.
Soon, the city will notice the positive effects of the changes”, he believes.
During the sanction event of the PDDU, yesterday morning, at the Associação Comercial da Bahia, the
mayor, João Henrique, commented that, with the PDDU, many construction companies that were prioritizing
the north littoral and the region of Lauro de Freitas due to the difficulty of approving projects in the capital of
Bahia, will go back to investing in the city. In some years, Salvador will become internationally competitive,
with cities like Miami, Punta del Leste and Buenos Aires”, he said.
Fonte: Correio da Bahia
R$ 1,7 billion for the tourism development
The Ministry of Tourism closed 2007 by investing R$ 1,7 billion in our tourism, being R$1,1 in tourism
infrastructure work in all Brazil. Last year, Prodetur Nordeste II ( Tourism Development Program) was other
highlight for the tourism. Other R$128,3 million (Government recourse) was spent on structural work for the
tourist activity in the Northeast. The professional labor force and entrepreneurial qualification was other
important action of MTur: it was invested R$ 42 million, that, if compared to the previous years average
(2006,2005 and 2004), R$9 million, the investment done in the last year, in qualification, is 4,6 times bigger
and benefited 166 thousand people.
Better age
For 2008, aiming the Plano Nacional de Turismo 2007-2010, with the objective of encouraging trips in the
domestic market the Viaja Mais Melhor Idade, will keep on offering the people over 60, good benefits, now,
with more departure and destination points. From the end of the month of February on, this year, when the
program will be resumed, the trips will originate, besides SãoPaulo and Distrito Federal, in Espírito Santo,
Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Goiás, Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Pernambuco, Bahia and
According to the minister of tourism, Marta Suplici, the program came to stay and is being carrying out its
objectives of increasing the trips for the tourist destinations during the low season and promoting the elderly
social inclusion.” The Viaja Mais is not an occasional program, it came to stay. Programs that encourage the
trips of old people already exist in other countries and they had some difficulties during the implantation of
them. In our case, we were successful very quickly”. The prices of the tourist packages will keep on being
more accessible and will have lower interests.
More destinations
In 2007, the program began by offering 14 cities as trip destinations and soon, yet in the first stage, jumped
to 23. From March, 2008, there will be 35 cities, providing more diversity of itineraries to those benefits by
Viaja Mais. The objective, for this year, is to sell 50 thousand packages which represents an increase of
almost five times, in relation to the total of trips taken on the first months of the Viaja mais melhor Idade, in
Fonte: Turinews

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