ACTG 326 Fall '17

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College of Business Administration

Accounting 326: Cost Accounting
Fall 2017

Instructor: Ron Jastrzebski

Office: University Hall 2320
E-mail: [email protected]
Blackboard Site:
Office hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10:00-11:30 AM
and by appointment

ForAccounting majors: an average of B or higher in Accounting 210 and 211, or a passing grade
in the departmental Accounting Qualifying Exam. For other majors: a grdae of C or higher in
both Accounting 210 and 211.


Horngren’s Cost Accounting A Managerial Emphasis, 16th edition Student Value Edition with
MyAccounting Lab Access Code. Authors: Datar and Rajan. Publisher: Pearson.
ISBN: 978-0-13-464246-8.

Publisher’s website for the text can be found at for additional

MyAccountingLab Registration: See separate Student Registration Instruction Handout

To create an account on MyAccountingLab, use your name and email address as they appear in
the UIC Blackboard system. This will ensure easy transfer of grades between the two systems.
Other aspects of MyAccountingLab will be discussed in class.

Course Websites:
Blackboard URL: Course announcements, and other course
information, will be posted on the blackboard website. You are responsible for keeping yourself
informed through this website and should check it daily for updates.

Accounting Department Mission Statement:

The accounting department is committed to quality educational programming, research pursuits
and community service. We significantly contribute to the College of Business Administration’s
mission to create new knowledge, new business, new value and new leaders for Chicago and the
world beyond. Students admitted to our degree programs must show the potential and
demonstrate proficiency in contemporary management skills such as information technology,
communication techniques and teamwork. The program will promote a prospective of the global
economy and cultural diversification necessary for the knowledge worker of the 21 century.

Course Description:
Design of cost accounting systems; alternative cost methods; costing for decision making;
budgeting and performance evaluation.

Course Objectives:
The main objective of this course is for each student to gain an understanding of the role of
managerial accounting in supporting managers in making resource allocation decisions.
Additionally, the course will examine in depth the production, analysis and interpretation of
managerial accounting information. It will be broadly divided into the following three sections:

 Accounting for Planning and Control including Performance Evaluation

 Accounting for Cost Management and identification of actual product costs
 Accounting for non-routine managerial decision making


There will be nine quizzes with each quiz worth ten points. There is one extra quiz built into the
MyAccountingLab system. The lowest quiz score will be dropped. As a result, the final course
grade will be based on eight quizzes (8 x 10 pts each = 80 pts). The only way to prepare for a
quiz is to do the assigned reading and the homework. No make-up quizzes will be allowed.
Quizzes are due by 11:59 pm Central Time on the dates noted in our Course Schedule

Exercises, problems, and any case assignments are primarily designed to reinforce the subject matter.
Skip appendices unless specified. Each student is responsible for reading the assigned material
and doing all of the assigned homework. MyAccountingLab will grade your homework.
You will not be allowed to make up any homework assignment missed. Homework
assignments are due by 11:59 pm Central Time on the dates noted in the
Course Schedule AND in MyAccountingLab


Regular class attendance is essential and expected. There is a direct correlation between
attendance and success in the course. If you miss a class session due to sickness or emergency, it
is your responsibility to obtain the class notes from a classmate. You are responsible for
everything covered in all class sessions.

Late arrivals and early departures from class are disruptive and unwelcome. If you come to class
late, you will miss announcements, handouts and homework tips. Exams in other classes are not
an excuse for absences from this course. Exams are scheduled well in advance, so plan ahead. If
you cannot make the commitment to be on time and present at all of our classes then drop the
course and take it in a semester when you can.

Cell Phones, Laptops, Tablets
Turn them off before coming to class. Laptops may not be used during class. Texting is
allowed before and after class, but not during lecture time.

UIC Email
Many times during the semester I will be sending the class email messages. These messages
will alert you to any changes in lecture classes, and updates on homework assignments. It is
essential that you receive these messages. As a result students need to make certain that they are regularly
checking their UIC email.


Course final grades will be determined based upon the following criteria:

Exam 1 20% 100 points

Exam 2 20% 100 points
Exam 3 20% 100 points
Quizzes 16% 80 points
Homework 24% 120 points
Total 100% 500 points

Final grades will be based on a straight 90, 80, 70, 60, scale for an A, B, C, D, etc. However, the
scale may be lowered if deemed necessary.

Incompletes will be granted only in documented cases of undue hardship or clearly extraordinary
circumstances, and according to university policies.

Exams will consist of both multiple choice questions and computational type problem. Exams
are to be taken as scheduled as noted in the course schedule. Please make a note of the dates and
time for each of our course exams. There will be no make-up exams.

Every effort will be made to adhere to the information and schedule set forth in the syllabus. Any
changes, which are necessitated as the semester progresses, will be announced on a timely basis.
Regular attendance will insure that you are aware of any modifications made.


As a student in the College of Business Administration, you are subject to the following Honor Code:

As an academic community the College of Business Administration at the University of Illinois at

Chicago is committed to providing an environment in which teaching, learning, research, and scholarship
can flourish and in which all endeavors are guided by academic and professional integrity. All members
of the college community – students, faculty, staff, and administrators – share the responsibility of
insuring that high standards of integrity are upheld so that such an environment exists.

In pursuit of these high ideas and standards of academic life, as a student I hereby commit myself to
respect and uphold the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) College of Business Administration Honor
Code during my entire matriculation at UIC. I agree to maintain the highest moral and ethical standards in
all academic and business endeavors and to conduct myself honorably as a responsible member of the
college academic community. This includes the following:

 Not to seek unfair advantage over other students, including, but not limited to giving or receiving
unauthorized aid during completion of academic requirements;
 To represent fact and self truthfully at all times;
 To respect the property and personal rights of all members of the academic community.

Honor Code implications for Accounting 326 include, but are not limited to, the following:
 You may not obtain any assistance during an exam from any person or material.
 All assignments handed in must be your own work. Although you may discuss
approaches to doing assignments with other students currently enrolled in the class, you must
complete them individually. You may not obtain assistance from anyone not currently enrolled in
the course.
 You may question the grading of any assignment, however, any alteration of a graded assignment
that is then misrepresented as the original work will be considered a severe honor code violation.
As will the claim that an assignment was handed in when it was not.

Sanctions for Honor Code violations range from failure on an assignment, to failure for the course, to
expulsion from the university.

Please familiarize yourself with the University and the College of Business Administration's
HONOR CODE 'Code of Conduct' See the link to the CBA site below:

Accounting 326

Lab Assignments Due 11:59pm
# Date Day Activity and Assignment
1 Aug 28 M Course introduction and policies and
Ch. 1:The Manager and Management Accting
2 Aug 30 W Ch. 1: Continued
3 Sept 1 F Ch. 2: Introduction to Cost Terms and Purposes

Sept 4 M Labor Day Holiday - No Class

4 Sept 6 W Ch. 2: Continued Ch. 2 HW Sept 6

5 Sept 8 F Ch. 4: Job Costing Ch. 2 QUIZ Sept 8

6 Sept 11 M Ch. 4: Continued

7 Sept 13 W Ch. 4: Continued Ch. 4 HW Sept 13
8 Sept 15 F Ch. 17: Process Costing Ch. 4 QUIZ Sept 15

9 Sept 18 M Ch. 17: Continued.

10 Sept 20 W Ch. 17: Continued
11 Sept 22 F Review Exam 1 Ch. 17 HW Sept 22

12 Sept 25 M Exam 1 - Part 1 (Chapters 1, 2, 4 and 17)

13 Sept 27 W Exam 1 - Part 2 (Chapters 1, 2, 4 and 17)
14 Sept 29 F Ch. 12: Strategy, Balanced Scorecard, and
Strategic Profitability Analysis

15 Oct 2 M Ch. 12: Continued

16 Oct 4 W Ch. 12: Continued Ch. 12 HW Oct 4
17 Oct 6 F Ch. 13: Pricing Decisions and Cost Management Ch. 12 QUIZ Oct 6

18 Oct 9 M Ch. 13: Continued

19 Oct 11 W Ch. 13: Continued Ch. 13 HW Oct 11
20 Oct 13 F Ch. 14: Cost Allocation, Customer-Profitability Ch. 13 QUIZ Oct 13
Analysis, and Sales-Variance Analysis

21 Oct 16 M Ch. 14: Continued

22 Oct 18 W Ch. 14: Continued Ch. 14 HW Oct 18
23 Oct 20 F Ch. 15: Allocation of Support-Department Ch. 14 QUIZ Oct 20
Costs, Common Costs, and Revenues

24 Oct 23 M Ch. 15: Continued

25 Oct 25 W Ch. 15: Continued Ch. 15 HW Oct 25
26 Oct 27 F Ch. 16: Cost Allocation: Joint Products and Ch. 15 QUIZ Oct 27

# Date Day Activity and Assignment Lab Assignments Due 11:59 pm

27 Oct 30 M Ch. 16: Continued.

28 Nov 1 W Ch. 16: Continued
29 Nov 3 F Review – Exam 2 Ch. 16 HW Nov 3

30 Nov 6 M Exam 2-Part 1 (Chapters 12-16)

31 Nov 8 W Exam 2-Part 2 (Chapters 12- 16)
32 Nov 10 F Ch. 18: Spoilage, Rework, and Scrap

33 Nov 13 M Ch. 18: Continued

34 Nov 15 W Ch. 18: Continued Ch. 18 HW Nov 15
35 Nov 17 F Ch. 21: Capital Budgeting and Cost Analysis Ch. 18 QUIZ Nov 17

36 Nov 20 M Ch. 21: Continued

37 Nov 22 W Ch. 21: Continued. Ch. 21 HW Nov 22

Nov 24 F Thanksgiving Break – No Class

38 Nov 27 M Ch. 22: Management Control Systems, Transfer Ch. 21 QUIZ Nov 27
Pricing, and Multinational Considerations
39 Nov 29 W Ch. 22: Continued.
40 Dec 1 F Ch. 22: Continued

41 Dec 4 M Ch. 23: Performance Management, Ch. 22 HW Dec 4

Compensation, and Multinational Ch. 22 QUIZ Dec 4
42 Dec 6 W Ch. 23: Continued
43 Dec 8 F Ch. 23: Continued Ch. 23 HW Dec 8
Review – Exam 3

Finals TB FINALS WEEK Exam 3 (Ch. 18 and 21-23)

Week A Time, Date and Location TBA – Per University
Dec11-15th Schedule

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