AJ020119-Adventurers Journal I3 PDF
AJ020119-Adventurers Journal I3 PDF
AJ020119-Adventurers Journal I3 PDF
In Th is Issu e
Distant Suns by Dustin Hawk ..................................................... 6
Nimbus Commandos by Jason Dray ........................................ 14
True Blue: A Star W ars Story by Dustin Hawk ........................ 20
The Pirates Lair: A Solo Adventure featuring Jorin Gar
by Mark Dowson .......................................................................... 42
Kira's Corsairs by Ray Napoli .................................................. 59
Location Scout: Cathor Hills, featuring Aurek Jenth
by Josh Moore .......................................................................... 68
Task Force 88 .by Brandon Bragg ......................................... 110
Planetary Defense Forces by Daniel Sturman ..................... 128
Jedi Resurgence: A Solo Adventure by Mark Dowson ........ 134
Artillery : Lord of the Battlefield & Re-balancing the Scales
by Charles McNeill. ..................................................................... 154
HoloNet New s and Reports from Caerra Andin of TNN
Blank Character Sheet
General Quarters .......................................................... 1
Target Locked!: Rotgut Ruckus by David O. Little ......... 30
New Template: Antarian Ranger .............................. 45
PAH Startfighter ...STAT! ............................................ 102
A Little Short for a Stormtrooper by John Gendall ... 118
About the Authors & Artists ....................................... 180
STA R WA R S Contr ibutor s: Aleksandra B. Brian L. Bird, Brandon Bragg, Cliff Chiang,
Mark Dowson, Jason Dray, Mark Elwood, John Gendall, Dustin Hawk,
Timelines David O. Little, Charles McNeill, Josh Moore, Ray Napoli , Yvan Quinet,
Daniel Sturman
These articles take place within the canon Star Wars universe, Gr aphics: Brian L. Bird, John Gendall, Daniel Sturman,
any characters that are owned by Lucasfilms Ltd., cannot be used Cover Illustr ation: Aleksandra B
as the focal or Point of View characters in any submissions and
Cover Design: Brian L. Bird
may only be used as background NPCs. They can be mentioned
very briefly, perhaps a line or two, and are never directly Inter ior Illustr ations & Photogr aphs: Aleksandra B, Barndon Bragg,
interacted with. Cliff Chiang, Mark Dowson, Mark Elwood, John Gendall, NASA Images,
Yvan Quinet, Chris Shaylor, Daniel Sturman
Le g e n d s / In f i n i t i e s
Formerly known as the Expanded Universe (abbreviated EU), Publisher & Managing Editor: Br ian L. Bir d + Continuity Editor: Vacant
encompasses every one of the officially licensed, fictional Assignment Editor: Vacant + Chief Copy Editor: Vacant Art Director:
background stories of the Star Wars universe, outside of the John Gendall + Graphic Artists: John Gendall, Daniel Stur man
original six Star Wars films produced by George Lucas and certain
other material such as Star Wars: The Clone Wars, created before
April 25, 2014. These characters may be used in a limited Published with special thanks to: West End Games, George Lucas, Eric
capacity. Trautmann, Bill Smith, Bill Slavicsek, and all the members of
The Adventur er 's Jour nal Facebook Gr oup.
i.e. Gen. Reiken meets with the characters in the article to give them
a mission, and they will report to him HOWEVER these missions
can not have a direct impact on the canon characters or canon This material is UNOFFICIAL. Star Wars and all related images,
events. logos,characters, situations, names and other references are wholly
owned by Walt Disney Studios and Lucasfilm Ltd.
Within the Legends continuity timeline are the Infinities stories.
Written as parodies or presenting "what-if" circumstances, these This is a fan produced work, and offers no challenge to the rights
stories are considered non-canonical within the officially licensed holders copyrights and trademarks, and is NONPROFIT and is not
Legends continuity. intended for commercial sale or any profit making venture.
It is a pure expression of a shared love for Star Wars: The Roleplaying
ADVENTURER'S Game as originally published by West End Games.
D i s t a n t Established just over ten years before the outbreak of the Clone
Wars, Distant Suns Squadron was created by former officers of the
Republic Judicial Forces who were dissatisfied with the overall
by Dustin Haw k Tann closed his eyes just briefly, before witnessing the Executor
crash bow first into the battlestation in the largest column of
plasma and fire that he had ever personally-witnessed.
Pa r t o n e
We won?t forget you, old buddy. May the Force?
?Concentrate all your fire on that super star destroyer!?
In this adventure you have the option of either playing Jorin
Gar, the Anatarian Ranger or creating your own character.
From looking at the template, you can see you have six
attributes; Dexterity, Knowledge, Mechanical, Perception, Strength
and Technical. These attributes each have values next to them in
the form of a number, followed by the letter ?D?, which stands for
dice. Most of them also have either ?+1? or ?+2? after the ?D?. At
times during the adventure, when you are attempting a task where
the outcome is not certain, you will be asked to roll either the
number of dice you have in a specified attribute or more likely a
stated skill based off it (more about skills later). For example, with
having for an attribute, Dexterity 3D+1, you would roll three
six-sided dice and add up the total and add +1 to the total. You will
be then told to go to one section number if this result is equal or
over a certain value or to another section number if it is less than
this. on the Wild Dice however, you must discard the highest result
rolled on one of the other dice in that roll and the 1 the Wild Dice
If you are creating your own character you have 18 dice or if rolled.
you are a Jedi, 17 15 dice, to split among your six attributes with
you being allowed to put no less than 2D in an attribute and no As mentioned earlier on, you also have skills based off the
more than 4D if you are playing a human or near human. Other attributes. These can be up to one or two dice higher than the
tospecies have different minimums and maximums, which you attributes they are based on. Essentially you have six dice to put
will have to refer to either the D6 Star Wars Role Playing Game for into your skills if you are playing the Antarian Ranger or seven
or issue 2 of the Adventurers Journal. The former will also give dice for any other character and you need to pick which ones you
you rules for creating Jedi characters, which can also be used in will put dice into before starting the adventure. You could pick six
this adventure! Magnified Senses or Force Powers for enhancing skills and place one dice in each of them or three skills and place
your combat skills are the only ones which will be useful in this two dice in each of them. Alternatively, you could opt to have dice
adventure and the next one. in five skills with just one with two dice in, or four skills with two
with two dice in.
With attribute and skill rolls you can if you want use the Wild
Dice rules from the second edition Star Wars rules. One of the
dice you roll, before rolling it, is designated the Wild Dice. If it
rolls a 6 you get to roll another dice, which also counts as a Wild
Dice, and add the result from that one to the total. If you roll a 1
42- Adventurers Journal IssueThree IssueThree Adventurers Journal - 43
The total value for a skill equals the attribute it is based off plus THE ANTARIAN RANGER
the number of dice you have put in the skill. For example, if you
put two dice into Dodge, which is based off Dexterity, and you Backgr ound: You?ve always been fascinated with tales of the
have 3D+1 in Dexterity, that would give you 5D+1 in Dodge! If you Jedi. As a child you would annoy your parents running around
have not placed any dice in a skill, you just roll the dice for the swinging sticks at your siblings, pretending to be one of those
attribute the skill is based off has and if this attribute is a high one, great warriors. When you came of age you even made a
you can still do well. pilgrimage to the Jedi temple on Coruscant and attempted to join
The twelve skills you have the opportunity to use during this the Order. It was disappointing to learn it wasn?t that easy, and
adventure are: Blaster, Dodge, Intimidation, Sensors, Space that you were too old anyway.
Transports, Starship Gunnery, Search, Sneak, Stamina, Computer But you did manage to catch the eye of a generous Jedi Knight
Programming/Repair, First Aid, Security. who, when he saw your determination and sensed your courage,
First Aid is only useful if you use the full Star Wars Roleplaying was kind enough to recommend you to his aide, an experienced
Game rules and then you will need to have at least 4D in it! Antarian Ranger.
Blaster, Dodge, Space Transports, Starship Gunnery, Search, It took years of tough training and sacrifice to hone your skills
Sneak, are also useful in Jedi Resurgence, the adventure which in preparation, but the time finally came for you to be called into
follows on from this one? service of the Jedi. You were afraid that merely serving a great
The Antarian Ranger also has three skill specialisations, which cause might not be enough, but you?ve found that it suits you well.
are Blaster Rifle, Jedi Lore and Laser Cannons. These you get at You might not wield a lightsaber in battle, but you?ve travelled the
one dice higher than the skill directly above each of them so if known galaxy and seen sights that very few can claim to have
you put no dice in Starship Gunnery, you would get Starship witnessed.
Gunnery 2D+2 and Laser Cannons 3D+2. Effectively during this That was before the dark times. Since the rise of Empire, you?ve
adventure you will never get to use skills the specialisations are been on the run, hiding when you can and assisting the handful of
based off, only the specialisations themselves. They are worth Jedi who escaped Palpatine?s purge. When you can find them.
increasing to get the specialisations high values. If you are asked The ones that haven?t been killed don?t want to be found. Either
to make a Blaster skill roll, always use your Blaster Rifle way, you?ll keep fighting for their noble cause.
specialisation! If you put two dice in Starship Gunnery, that would
give you Laser Cannons 5D+2. Per sonality: You?re known for your loyalty and your ability to
get things done. It?s all about the mission. You?re not afraid of the
You are strongly advised to put dice in Blaster and Dodge, Jedi,like some. Instead, you like to hold yourself up to their
unless you are using other combat skills, like Lightsaber, if a Jedi, example, and if you?re being honest you might even aspire to their
or Brawling and Brawling parry if a Wookiee! ranks.
You also have five Character Points you can spend during the Objectives: To further the ideals and agenda of the Jedi Order,
adventure. Each Character Point spent allows you to roll a dice and to seek and assist them in their travels and missions.
and add the result to the total you have already rolled for a skill or
attribute roll. In addition to that, if the dice rolls a 6, you also get to A Quote: ?Retreat? That?s not in my vocabulary.?
roll another dice and add that to the total, just like with the Wild Connection WIth Char acter s: You might be the aide to an
Dice. established Jedi. You might agree to accompany a failed Jedi
Force Points can be spent before making a skill or attribute roll wishing to redeem herself. You might have befriended a group of
and will double the dice for that roll! Rebels who seek to re-establish the Republic.
Character Pts
Physical Description
Height / Weight / Age
Species / Gender
Player Name
Character Name
Combat Rules
As there is no narrated combat in this solo adventure, you have
the choice of using the full rules from the Star Wars Role Playing
Game or these simpler and faster rules detailed below.
Light / DarkPts
and then the dice in the Perception attribute of your enemy with
the highest Perception. If your roll is equal or higher than theirs
you attack first. If it is lower, they attack first.
To make an attack, roll one less than the dice in your attack
skill, be it Blaster, Lightsaber or some other skill. If you roll equal
or higher than the value in brackets next to your opponent?s
Dodge value then you have beaten them. If not then they shoot
back at you.
To defend, roll one less than the dice in your Dodge skill, or if
electrically nonconductive; Sur vival Pak
Jumpsuit: Multi-pocketed coverall, ?reproof and
STR+1D+1; Leather jacket: +1 resist physical
horizontal Blast Radius: 20 meters; Combat knife:
vibro-bayonet. Flar e: 5 km vertical, 10 km
launcher. Glow rod replaceable with (STR+1D+2)
Melee parry; Vehicle blasters;
Brawling parry; Melee combat;
Blaster: blaster rifle; Dodge;
operation, Sensors, Space
Beast Riding; Repulsorlift
Gr eff-Timms AR-1 Blaster : 5D with ?are
using a lightsaber, one less than the dice in your Sense skill if you
have it higher than your Dodge (see Issue 4 for how to do this). If
you roll equal or higher than the value in brackets next to your
opponent?s Blaster skill value then they have failed to hit you and
you can attack back. Note that if you are up against two opponents
you make just one roll against their ?combined fire? number.
If you are hit you can either spend Character Points to make
your roll a success if you have any left, otherwise make a Strength
roll. On a Strength roll total of 10 or less you are either dead or
sufficiently wounded that your enemies can quickly finish you off.
On 11 to 14 you are Stunned and at a -1D penalty to all your skills
on both your next attack and defence rolls. On a 15+ the blaster
burn is light enough for you to ignore.
Now if you have assigned your skill dice, make sure your
blaster?s power pack is fully charged and turn to the section
Hide, Investigation, Search, Sneak,
Demolitions; Security
Lightsaber repair; First aid;
Armor repair; Blaster repair;
Stamina; Swimming
Brawling; Climbing/ Jumping;
Good luck and may the Force be w ith you!
To go through the left door, go to 15. On a total of 18 or more you manage to evade the cannon
emplacement?s laser fire and can shoot back at it.
To go through the door in the left side of the wall facing you, go
to 45. On rolling under 17, your ship is hit and you must roll 6D for its
hull and shields.
To go through the one next to it, go to 20. To return to the turbolift,
go to 17. On a total of 12 or less, turn to 49.
7 The pirate laid dead on the floor you suspect was this lots On a 13 to 17 your ship suffers damage and you are at an
Captain, judging by his fine waistcoat and shirt and his opulent additional -1D penalty to your Space Transport skill rolls and for
look, suggesting he was hardly one doing any heavy work, more your Hull and shields rolls.
like barking orders. On an 18 to 21 your Shields start to fail, inflicting a -1D penalty
The room you are in, which you assume was his, features a bed to your Hull and shields rolls.
to your left, against the wall behind you. There is a computer On shooting back at the laser cannon emplacement, roll the
station in the wall facing you, from which the ?music? is coming dice in your Starship Gunnery skill.
from. A large view screen in the wall to your left shows the starry
blackness of space outside and to your right is a wardrobe. There On a total of 6 or more, go to 5.
are also shelves around the room stuffed with data cards, many of If you roll less than this, you miss and the laser cannon
them probably having more bad music on them. emplacement fires at you again, as described in the paragraph
To leave the Captain?s room, go to 10. To see if you can get into above.
the files on the computer, if you have not already tried to, go to 18. 10 Leaving the Captain?s room, you see in the hall beyond the
To search through the Captain?s data cards to see if you can find doors of a turbolift facing you. To enter it, go to 17. To your right
any useful information that way, if you have not done so already, is a door. To go through it, go to 15. To the left of the door
go to 38. behind you is a third door. To go through it, go to 20.
8 You manage to blast a hole in the blast doors with your scout 11 You enter a workshop with a plasma forge against the wall
ship?s weapons for you to fly through. A containment field springs to your left with smaller machines on a bench further along. There
up fast enough to prevent any serious decompression and is a sanitiser unit on the wall facing you and a work bench long
bringing your scout ship to land to the left of a YT-2400 light stock the wall to your right.
freighter, you open your canopy and jump out. Go to 3.
To go back through the door behind you, go to 34.
9 Wherever the blast-door to the docking bay is, it is too well
shielded for your first focused scan to find. Before you can 12 The last pirate falls dead to the deck. In the wall to your
attempt a more thorough scan, a hidden laser cannon right you can see in an alcove a small workshop for repairing
emplacement pops out and opens fire at you. Your ship is as parts of ships but apart from that, there is nothing of interest.
follows: Entering the turbolift, go to 17.
To enter the turbolift facing you, go to 17. 43 The turbolift doors open and you see in the wall facing you
are two doors and there is a third door to your left. Coming
To go through the door to your right, go to 11. through from one of the doors you can hear bad music. If this is
To go through the door in the left side of the wall behind you, your first visit to Level Two, go to 30, otherwise go to 6.
go to 19. 44 Roll the dice in either your Perception attribute or if you
38 Roll the dice in your Search skill. On a total of 11 or more, have it and it is higher, your Sense skill. On a total of 11 or more,
go to 13. On less than this, go to 27. go to 21. On less than this, go to 33.
39 A hit to the head from you results in the last of the pirates 45 It becomes evident on opening the door that it is from the
falling dead to the ground. Go to 40. room beyond the bad music is coming from. If this is your first
time entering this room, go to 26, otherwise go to 7.
40 Looking around the communications and weapons control
room, you see to the left of the pirates laid on the floor, a 46 A few of your footfalls are louder than you would have liked
comfortable couch. To the right of them is the main so it is possible any pirates in this area know that you are coming.
communication console, complete with sensor readouts and the Go to 32.
targeting controls for the laser cannon emplacements. There is 47 You enter a chamber stretching to your left, which appears
also a large view screen in that direction. With nothing further to be a communal area. If this is your first time here, go to 48,
here of interest you return to the hall through the door behind otherwise go to 37.
48 Two pirates see you and draw their blasters.
To enter the turbolift facing you, go to 17.
They have all stats 2D except Blaster 2D+2 (7, combined fire 10),
To go through the door to your right, go to 11. Dodge 2D+1 (5). Blaster Damage 4D.
To go through the door in the right side of the wall behind you, If you defeat them, go to 37. If you are defeated, go to 52.
go to 47.
49 Laser cannon blasts tear through your scout ship and you
41 You find in the files a list of all the contacts the pirates have, die in the explosions.
including those they sell their stolen goods to. You copy this data
to a data card before you leave. Go to 10.
42 Before you can enter the turbolift, its doors close and you The End
hear the sound of it ascending. To your right you hear a hissing
sound coming from the air circulation vents. From a com system
56 - Adventurers Journal IssueThree IssueThree Adventurers Journal - 57
50 You move through the hall like a shadow with perfect
stealth, not making a sound. Note down that in your first fight on
this level you do not need to roll for initiative but automatically
get to attack first. Go to 32.
51 The turbolift doors open, revealing a dimly lit cargo bay,
filled with stacks of crates. If this is your first visit to the cargo
bay, go to 44, otherwise, go to 28.
52 A blaster bolt hits you in the chest and you fall to the
by Ray Napoli
ground, dead.
Depending on the timeline and
The End events, the Corsairs are
generally a Battalion strength
roster or around 550 personnel
including Adventurers and
53 With your lungs burning you collapse to the floor and die. support personnel.
[ Kendra Aklund
a Corsair Designated Marksman ]
58 - Adventurers Journal IssueThree IssueThree Adventurers Journal - 59
proficient at fielding Irregulars in Light Freighters and have been History
known to use them to great effect.
Kira?s Corsairs were initially formed shortly after the Clone
Home Base Wars around 16 BBY. Appropriately enough, many of the Corsairs
are former members of the Republic Navy, but just as many are
Kira?s Corsairs call the Outer Rim system Andurin home.
independent spacers from all over the Galaxy.
Additionally, they operate an asteroid starbase known as ?The
HyperSpace Lighthouse? with a Hyperspace Beacon that forms a Kira?s Corsairs started as a Company-Sized element, moving
shortcut between two major trade routes. The Lighthouse itself is from one system to the next looking for work. Kira?s record of
patrolled by a pair of G-1A Starfighters. During larger operations, successes led to a reputation as a ruthlessly efficient mercenary
they also use an Imperial Customs Corvette The Krayt as a mobile outfit and Kira?s own reputation as a cunning pragmatist. As The
Headquarters. Corsair?s reputation grew, so too did their ranks. New members
were vetted by Commander Kira ?Krestfall? Krestlind herself, or
Zone of Operations Rendall Firendown, the Corsair?s XO. In spite of the Corsair?s elite
Andurin is an ?original? planet, so GMs at their discretion can reputation, Kira was also known to headhunt or recruit more
put it between the Perlemian Trade Route and Corellian Run as junior individuals that she believed showed considerable
originally intended, or somewhere else if it suits their story or potential.
campaign better. After a few years of moving from location to location, Kira?s
General Mission Corsairs had burgeoned to the size of Two Companies. Moving as
a private fleet consisting of a Corvette, a pair of Freighters and
An Elite unit of spacers and veterans from all walks of life, The
group of Starfighters ? The Corsair?s reputation was beginning to
Corsairs missions range from Private Security to discretionary
out grow them. The perfect opportunity showed itself in the
operations, sometimes seconding out adventurers when regular
Andurin system in 5 BBY.
military forces would be less appropriate.
The Corsairs also operate as the private Law Enforcement The Andurin-5 Colony as established in 8 BBY, but was barely
and protection service of the Andurin system. successful until around the end of 6 BBY. An Ithorian Prospector
had helped the colonists establish regular irrigation and grow
Affiliations their crops better, and the Andurin System was an occasional stop
Kira?s Corsairs are an independent (unaffiliated) outfit emerging for traders or merchants needing to stop to refuel on their way
after the close of the Clone Wars on the Outer Rim. There are back to the Core or traveling in the Outer Rim. Pirates had begun
rumors their independent adventurers have worked with the to make things difficult for the locals shortly after the Colony had
Empire, but not many spacers put too much weight in anecdotes only just found it?s legs.
or space stories. It is worth noting that around 0-2 ABY Kira?s Kira?s Corsairs needed a home, and Andurin-5 needed? well,
Corsairs were a significant thorn in the side to Black Sun, and law. A deal was struck, and by 3 BBY,
have resisted recruiting efforts from the Rebellion.
Kira w ould claim that the Corsairs w ere ?w hat passed for
Success Rate law ?in the Andurin System.
Kira?s Corsairs have a strong reputation and are well sought Kira continued to cultivate a reputation as an efficient, ruthless
after for both Private Security and Discretionary Operations, given mercenary outfit. In spite of their rough reputation, some began to
the nature of their work it is hard to say what percentage of their understand the ?Corsairs? as an outfit with a somewhat different
missions would be successful. character and even? virtue.
By 0 BBY The Corsairs has a firmly established reputation as a
protection outfit ? used by systems within a few Light Years of the
Ithor ian SkyYar ds Her d ship
Type: Modified Ithorian herd ship
Affiliation: Ithorians (publicly), Rebel Alliance and Antarian
Rangers (secretly)
by Josh Moore
Scale: Capital
Length: 1,800 meters
Skill: Capital ship piloting: herd ship
theoneswho aredifferent and don't Cr ew Skill: Astrogation 4D, capital ship piloting 4D, capital ship
gunnery 4D, capital ship shields 5D, sensors 4D+2
Ithorians as a whole are adverse to enlisting in any sort of Survival 3D+1, survival: space 5D+1
combat training, Captain Jayel Chaim knew this from the outset. MECHANICAL 1D+1
At the same time she knew how effective and unexpected a
Capital ship gunnery 2D, starship gunnery 2D, rocket pack
special operations unit could be in zero gravity; With judicious
operation 3D+1
usage a Zero-G unit could disable vessels, conduct boarding
actions and extract targets. Anything would be preferable to the PERCEPTION 2D+1
high casualty rate of space battles. She only needed to justify it in
Command 3D, search 2D+2, sneak 3D+2
a way that Ithorians would find palatable. Thus the first Ithorian
Air & Space Rescue unit was commissioned. STRENGTH 2D
Nominally speaking the Air & Space Rescue is not primarily a Brawling 3D, stamina 2D+2
combat unit. In theory they are a unit that responds to medical TECHNICAL 1D+2
emergencies, crash scenarios, and recovery missions in
low-gravity, high-altitude situations. These humanitarian missions Blaster repair 3D, capital ship repair 2D+2, first aid 2D+2, security
is what they train for, but the procedure to blow an airlock on a 2D+2, space transport repair 2D+2
crashing transport or enemy cruiser is much the same. These Char acter Points: Varies; typically between 0-5
commandos understand the necessity and are fine with combat
so long as they are well-informed and intentional fatalities are a Move: 12
last resort. Still, even with weapons on stun and bandoliers of Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), blaster carbine (5D), 2
DEMP and stun grenades the Ithorian Air & Space Rescue are grenades(either stun or DEMP) (5D), rocket pack (12 charges,
very capable of boarding vessels, disabling equipment, and Space Move: 1), Merr-Sonn Armored Space suit (+2D energy, +1D
extracting targets. physical, 25 hours of atmosphere), vibroknife (STR+1D)
Captain Chaim and the Cathor Hills have spared no expense in
their training. The Rebel Alliance was more than willing to lend a
hand. As Ithorians are not the most physically imposing species
they use specialized equipment and training to get the job done.
e t n e a r yo u . about your self and send it along with a one page sample of
...STAT! Shields: 3D
Car go Capacity: 34 kilograms
Consumables: 1 week
Cost: 245,000 (new)
Hyper dr ive Multiplier : x2
Nav Computer : 0 (See Notes)
Maneuver ability: 4D+1
Space: 12
Atmospher e: 450; 1,300 kmh
Hull: 2D
W hat follow s is the entry w e received for Shields: 1D
our Starship...STAT! Article as introduced in Sensor s:
Galactic Guide One: Rotgut Station. Passive: 30/ 0D
A testament to the engineering ingenuity of Scan: 50/ 1D
Cordova Shipyards formerly know n as
Cordova Garage & Salvage. The PAH Search: 75/ 2D
Starfighter though limited in its production Focus: 4/ 4D+1
has earned itself an honored position Weapons:
amongst the squadrons of ships deployed in
support of the Rebel Alliance. 1 CS-Enhanced Laser Cannon (See Notes)
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Starship gunnery: CS-E Laser Cannon
Fire Control: 1D
Tr iNebulon News
33:07:04/TRI/H5YT/HEL.9.HAN/MIL Not everyone would share this sentiment, as our
Helie?s Town, Hanon, Hanon system interview with Terril Dahl, the owner of the Mynock
Attachment, would reveal.
Post-Exer cise Debaucher y Depletes Planet?s Alcohol
Stor es ?I mean, if they?re payin?, we?re gonna sell it,? he
explained from his personal account. ?We sold out all
The annual Imperial Army?s Exercise Emperor?s Zeal, our stock in less than two hours. I ain?t never seen that
normally held on Carida, was a resounding success, with kinda business before. That night just paid all of my
the 594th Infantry and 595th Walker Divisions receiving expenses for the rest of the year! I can?t wait till the next
an ?Outstanding? rating for the simulated destruction of one!?
seventy-five aerial and ground vehicles, and two
thousand and twelve combatants with an effectiveness of The commanders of the 594th and 595th had this to
98.4%. It was hoped by both units?commanders that this say: ?We cannot thank the population of Hanon enough
year?s relocation of the exercise to Hanon wouldn?t affect for their unyielding support and overwhelming
their overall readiness in the field, which subsequently hospitality during and after Exercise Emperor?s Zeal.
Although our training requirements may very well
wasn?t a significant factor.
change in the near-future based on the needs of the
While welcomed by most of the planet?s inhabitants Empire, we hope to return next year for the opportunity
and businesses, both who viewed the exercise as a of attaining even superior performance.?
much-needed boost to the local economy, some were
outraged by the aftermath of the exercise?s closing
celebration. Helie?s Town, the largest settlement on-world,
took in the influx of over one thousand two hundred
troops over the weekend following the concluding
ceremony. Cantina goers of many species found their
favorite watering holes and convenience stores devoid of
alcoholic beverages the following morning, igniting the
tempers of many locals.
?It?s ridiculous!? complained Jenne Kavas, a young
Twi?lek customer. ?No Gruvian Torvash, no Lum, no
Bespin Port, no IllumiWine! The last bottle of Whyren?s
Reserve, the one I saved up for all year? gone! All that?s
left is fraggin?Blue Milk and Fizzyglug. All because some
off-worlder bucketheads had a rough couple of weeks on
the hillside!?
Tr iNebulon News CaerraAndin- REBELLIONERA[2 BBY]
Caerra Andin Intuitive Reaction: Able to sense others' emotions, Zeltrons are
able to react quicker and receive a +1 bonus to initiative checks.
NewsNet Repor ter
Pher omones: Zeltrons can project their emotions onto others
Species: Zeltron around them. This ability grants a +1D bonus on all attempts to
Sex: Female influence others.
Age: 25 A rising star in TriNebulon News, Caerra Andin is one of the top
beat reporters in the Outer Rim Territories, bouncing from sector
Height: 1.6 meters to sector in search of the latest, hottest news to bring to the
Weight: 118 lbs attention of the galaxy at large. While she exercises due diligence
with respect to accurate data-gathering and quality
Homeworld: Zeltros up-to-the-minute coverage, somehow, Caerra winds up with rather
Dexterity 3D odd, trivial, and often humorous, stories at the expense of her
overall professional development. Her peers often remark Caerra?s
Dodge 4D, running 4D+1 unlucky streak as the ?Curse of the Eager Womprat,? though they
Know ledge 3D+2 assure her that every reporter has gone through this spell at some
point in their early careers. Still, Caerra?s big break continues to
Alien species 4D+2, bureaucracy 5D, business 5D, cultures 5D,
elude her, but hasn?t stifled her drive or her willpower.
languages 4D+1, law enforcement 4D+2, planetary systems 4D+1,
streetwise 5D, willpower 6D Stor y Factor s:
Mechanical 2D+2 Emotional Extr emes: Zeltrons express their emotions more
Repulsorlift operation 4D deeply than most other galactic residents. An aroused Zeltron
very rarely takes "no" for an answer and mourn to the exclusion
Perception 4D of all else.
Bargain 6D, con 5D, investigation 6D+2, persuasion 7D, search 6D, Empathy: Zeltrons are able to feel others' emotions as though
sneak 5D they were their own. When in the presence of characters strong in
Strength 2D the Dark Side of the Force or anyone exhibiting strong negative
emotions, Zeltrons suffer from a -1D penalty to all rolls.
Brawling 3D, stamina 4D
Appear ance: Slender and attractive, with lavender skin, blue hair
Technical 2D+2 and blue eyes. Professional in both dress and demeanor.
Computer programming/repair 3D, droid programming/repair 3D, Per sonality Tr aits: Eager, curious and inquisitive. Caerra is
security 5D typically friendly and personable, but can also be very sly and
For ce points: 1 cunning when attempting to gather information for the next big
Char acter points: 7
Move: 10
Special Abilities:
Exceptional Per for mer : Zeltrons are natural performers and
excel at entertaining others. Any attempt to perform grants a +1D
bonus to the appropriate skill.
t ask f o r c e 88
commander. A rotating trooper acts as the commander's assistant
squad leader (mission specialty dependent) and conducts all
administration within the squad.
Hanger 18
Given their special circumstances, Task Force 88 does not
Unofficially known in some circles as "Madine's Mauraders" or generally mix with other units and has been given their own
"Shadow Squad", Task Force 88 operates primarily out of Imperial barracks, in Hangar 18, which include a small mess, a garage, and
Outpost 5330, on the planet Crelt in the Outer Rim, Reltaras Sector. a private gym. Target practice and general training is conducted
Handpicked by Captain Voren Foss, Task Force 88 is made up of a on shared Outpost base facilities, but often at different times. On
variety of troops from various special forces, intelligence black the occasions when Task Force 88 intermixes with regular units,
ops teams, and criminal specialists serving to work off prison or base personnel, it is usually in the context of a training exercise
sentences. Unique among Imperial units, they draw their where they play the part of the enemy. Needless to say, these
members from a number of alien species. Due to this makeup, and exercises are not popular amongst the general rank and file, as
their general outsider position, the task force is often ostracized they usually end up on the losing side.
by other units, though at a distance and usually very quietly.
In addition to their own barracks in Hangar 18, the unit also has
Unique among even other irregular units, they have been a dedicated encrypted communications station through which
tasked to handle rebel uprisings on backwater planets, industrial orders may be issued by directly by Imperial High Command,
espionage, sabotage, and both assassination and extraction of bypassing Col. Madine. This is not the normal route, but exists in
high level military and political targets. Many times they have the event that the Colonel is unavailable. Madine has been known
acted as couriers for classified intel packages, or as bodyguards to remark with a wry bit of humor that this is High Command's
for important delegates or members of Imperial High Command. "insurance policy" should he ever decide to step on any toes.
Their unique makeup also allows for easier insertion and
undercover missions within Partisan and Rebel terrorist cells. The Hangar 18 garage doubles as a small engineering station
and general munitions depot for the group. Standard loadout of
While not every member of Task Force 88 has an official equipment is as follows:
Imperial military rank, all members have had intense training in
their specialty in addition to whatever prior experience they had Vehicles
upon selection by Foss for the unit. For most members, this ? 5 Speeder Bikes; 1 Air Speeder ( 8-seater)
includes paramilitary or defense force training on their home
world, experience as agents of various criminal organizations Ar ms and Equipment
such as Black Sun, or experience from many years as ? 10 light repeating blaster rifles; 10 blaster pistols; 2 cases of
independent operators. grenades ( 20 a case)
Command Structure
? Various other heavy arms ( flamethrower units, grenade
Task Force 88 is under command of Colonel Crix Madine, the launchers, etc? ) depending on what has been requisitioned.
celebrated Imperial Officer and founder of the elite Storm
? 15 sets of modified Stormtrooper armor (dark gray coloring; no
Commando unit. The unit is led by Imperial Intelligence Liason
helmets but headsets)
Officer Captain Voren Foss, though occasions have arisen where
superior officers have requisitioned their services for various ? Full load out of survival and comm gear
operations. Captain Foss is responsible for the unit's training and ? Medical equipment for first aid treatment of entire group, and a
discipline, as well as interpreting, planning, and execution of small auxiliary surgical space with 2 med units, including a bacta
Imperial Intelligence orders. tank.
A Little Short to their hated enemy the droid army, ?I may be a clone, but I?m
human and not a mindless clanker?.
As the war drags on, there are less Jedi and more clones ? have
For A Stormtrooper the game shift gear from normal citizens to more military
adventures with fewer Jedi taking part. Then there is Order 66
when the vast majority of the clones lose
by John Gendall their humanity and blindly gun down
their Jedi allies. Does this happen to a
player character clone or do they do a
Throughout the history of the Star W ars Captain Rex and discover the chip in
universe there has been the armoured trooper, them and get it removed? I had a
be they Sith, Old Republic, Clone, Storm or New player play a Bounty Hunter who
Order. They are one of the most recognisable was an ex-clone during a
aspects of the Star W ars saga. Rebellion Era campaign, now in
the body of a 60 plus-year-old
In the D6 version of the RPG, they are ?the orcs?of the game, a and dumped by the Empire; he
mild threat which needs a good number to be of any problem to
was riddled with guilt over
the player characters. Troopers can be far more if we use them as
Order 66. He spent his time
the movie/ TV shows/ comics use them.
hunting Force sensitives for
Troopers as Metaphor the Empire while in reality he
was finding them safe
The troopers of the galaxy are legion, and with the odd passage and faking their
exception, troopers are never just individuals. They are always deaths.
encountered at the very least in squads. They are not just used as
an army, but as a police force too, their strength is in their Stormtroopers, ironically,
numbers as it seems the Republic/ Empire has unlimited numbers are the opposite to the
of them. You can use this faceless enemy as a way of emphasising Clones. Normal conscripts
aspects of your game. For example, take a neutral planet slowly trained and brainwashed
taken over by the Empire. Each time the players go to the said to lose their humanity and
planet, have them notice more and more stormtroopers, the first obey orders to the death.
time a small squad patrolling; later the building of a barracks until According to the new
the planet?s cities have troopers on every corner checking IDs and Canon, the system must be very
imposing curfews. effective, as the character of Finn is
seen as very rare in his rejection of
Humanity the programming so that his
During the Clone Wars, many troopers strived to become more humanity shines through. In your
?human.?Encouraged by their Jedi generals, they developed more campaigns, however, maybe there
individuality and developed different personalities. A campaign are other ?good? Stormtroopers, in
set in the Clone Wars can use this to a greater extent. Plots with fact, a Rebellion adventure could be to infiltrate a stormtrooper
moral choices can mess with not only the Jedi but the clones too. training compound to disrupt the brainwashing process.
Do they strictly obey orders or will they listen to the Jedi
Padawan who is screaming at them that this is wrong? The
troopers grasp at humanity and individualism is a direct response
De f e n s e
people, and military service as well. A planet that sees ground
units as being lowly may have most of the lower ranks filled with
whatever group of beings they see as being low as well. A planet
that is humancentric may not allow certain aliens into their ranks,
or into certain occupations. A planet that highly esteems military
Fo r c e s
service might not let the lower caste of beings into military
service. The GM can use this to their advantage to show what
kind of planet the characters are dealing with.
Fir st, we will figure out what the basic training does to the skills
by Daniel Sturman of an average being. Their attributes will be different as well. This
is less because the training changes them, and more because
Planets and systems in Star W ars have had their ow n individuals with those traits tend to enter training.
security forces and militaries as long as anyone can
remember. During the time of the Old Republic, there w as
no grand, galaxy w ide fleet to protect against raiders, BASIC TRAINING
pirates, and smugglers. There w as no ?Imperial Customs?. (modifiers in pips)
Systems had to protect themselves. Even during the time
of the Empire, this custom continued. The Empire did not Attribute Modifiers Skills
have the resources to protect every planet from incursions (basic member of the species) lear ned r egar dless of occupation
or regulate their population. The planetary and system
governors w ere left to their ow n devices in that regard as +1 Braw l, Climb/ Jump,
long as they didn?t cause the Empire any trouble. +1 Strength
Dodge, First Aid & Search
-1 Know ledge
Not every local military bowed before the Empire. Some +2 Blaster, Running
became units in service of the Rebellion, and served as uniformed
combatants on their behalf. Whereas the Empire had a fairly
standardized military, the Rebellion would use distinct units from So, a generic human that went through training have all stats 2D
around the galaxy rather than try to break them up and reorganize
them into new units. except Blaster 2D+2, Dodge 2D+1, Running 2D+2, Knowledge 1D+2,
Search 2D+1, Strength 2D+1, Climbing/Jumping 2D+2, Brawling
We are going to generate basic skill stats that all of a planet?s 2D+2, First Aid 2D+1.
defensive forces have in common, ?basic training? if you will. We
will then add skills from their actual job training on top of that,
figure out equipment, and add some random skill and appearance
traits to make some of them stand out. These aren?t clones after all
(unless they actually are clones).
For the ground units we will go over how teams and squads are
structured. These are the organizational units the players are most
likely to encounter. We will gloss over the higher organizational
groupings, just so we have an idea of what they are.
+1 to Dodge, Running,
+1 Know ledge Alien Species, & Survival
+1 Technical +2 to Lifting
+1D to First Aid
+1 to Blaster, Lifting,
+1 Mechanical Survival, & Tactics
+1 Technical +2 to Repulsorlift Repair
+1D to Repulsorlift Ops They are organized into teams and squads.
The setup shown here is for the basic troops that patrol
spaceports and guard important installations. This is because they
The human in the previous example has gone through security are what the players are most likely to encounter. Since this is a
training, and now has all stats 2D except Blaster 3D, Dodge 2D+2, fan article for a fan-made sourcebook (for a game they quit
Melee Combat 2D+1, Running 3D, Knowledge 1D+2, Law publishing twenty years ago) you can alter this and anything else
Enforcement 2D+1, Perception 2D+1, Search 3D, Strength 2D+2, as you see fit.
Climbing/Jumping 3D, Brawling 3D+1, First Aid 2D+2. The basic troops at the bottom of the squad have already been
The appearance and equipment of a planetary unit are generated. The heavies will have repeating blasters, grenades,
important. If they are outside in the weather, they have gear to detpacks, or whatever the GM needs them to have. They are a
protect them from it. The GM can use this to bolster their combination of the real-world grenadier and machine gunner.
narrative about the general climate of a planet. If the planet is Their purpose is similar. The squad and team leaders will usually
rainy and miserable, the troops will have rain gear. The GM might have the same weapons and equipment as the basic troops,
even describe them as looking miserable. If it is cold, they will except maybe better comlinks.
have cold weather gear. They will also have some basic
equipment, and special equipment for their job or current task.
If you are the Antarian Ranger, to shoot at him with your blaster Looking down through the lower part of the cockpit canopy, you
rifle, go to 24 . see the curvature of the planet, Chision, green and blue beneath you.
Before you can get any further away the bulk of an Imperial Patrol
If you are the Jedi, to ignite your lightsaber, go to 7 or to use a Craft comes into view?
With one hand you increase power to the ion drive and get ready On less than this, go to 51 .
for evasive manoeuvres, while with the other you start entering the 21 Unfortunately you still have not fully managed to complete the
calculations for a jump to hyperspace. Through the intercom
jump calculations and as the System Patrol Craft fires more red laser
connecting you to the laser cannon turret, you inform your
cannon blasts at your ship, you are forced to make more evasive
companion that you have company.
manoeuvres. Roll the dice in your Space Transports skill.
?Unidentified transport, if you do not immediately power down and
On a total of 9 or more, go to 29 .
prepare to be boarded, we will open fire,? continues the voice
through your comm system. ?This is your only warning? ? On less than this, go to 42 .
A few seconds later they follow through with their promise. Roll the 22 While keeping you between him and any blaster shots from
dice in your Space Transports skill. Jorin Gar, Claudius parries your attack, beating your blade down low
On a total of 9 or more, go to 29 . then swings his green-white energy blade up in a high attack at you.
Roll one less than the dice in your Lightsaber skill or Sense skill.
On less than this, go to 42 .
On a total of 18 or more, go to 40 .
19 Out of the corner of your eye, to your left, you see something On less than this, go to 77 .
move and glance around just in time to see a large rock levitating over
a metre above the ground, before it comes hurtling at you. Roll the 23 Your blaster shot hits Claudius. Roll five dice.
dice in your Dodge skill.
On a total of 15 or less, go to 33 .
On a total of 15 or over, go to 5 .
On 16 or more, go to 43 .
On less than this, go to 11 .
24 Hastily aiming your blaster rifle at Claudius, you open fire,
while behind you there is the hiss-hum of Zerun igniting his
lightsaber. Roll the dice in your Blaster skill.
On a result of 17 or more, go to 48 .
On less than this, go to 34 .
25 Hastily aiming your blaster rifles at Claudius, you and Jorin Gar
open fire. Roll the dice in your Blaster skill and add an extra dice due
to the Antarian Ranger also firing.
On a result of 17 or more, go to 48 .
On less than this, go to 39 .
On less than this, go to 21 . Wounded as he is, Zerun is struggling and looks like he will not
come out of this duel alive unaided. Roll the dice in your Blaster skill.
30 The blade of your lightsaber slices through Claudius?s arm and
On a result of 14 or more, go to 43 .
deep into his chest and he falls to the ground. Go to 64 .
On less than this, go to 73 .
31 While your laser blasts hit with the System Patrol Craft being
over a hundred metres long, they do no significant damage thanks 35 When the bodies of the Stormtroopers are found, it should be
both to its size, shields and armour. You also feel your ship shake believed they were just killed by common smugglers or the like, so
from the impact of one of the patrol craft?s four laser cannon turrets the New Republic and the Jedi will be in no way implicated.
hitting it. Roll 6 dice.
Pulling out a remote activator, you lower the boarding ramp of your
On a total of 7 or less, either spend Character Points to make the space transport and both you and your comrade run up it and into
roll higher or go to 71 . the ship.
On an 8 to 16, go to 46 . To head left to the cockpit and take on the task of piloting the ship,
go to 18 .
On a 17 or more, go to 57 .
48 Your blaster shot hits Claudius. Roll five dice. On less than this, go to 60 .
On a total of 15 or less, go to 58 . 51 Through the entrance you enter a tunnel you proceed along
until it opens out into a chamber, illuminated by a fusion lantern, near
On 16 or more, go to 43 . a bed roll on the ground with a backpack and a data pad near it. From
49 Reaching the laser cannon turret access opening, you go one side Claudius leaps at the two of you with an ignited green-white
bladed lightsaber, its distinctive hum of energy filling the chamber.
through it and clamber up the ladder, into the turret. Through the
turret?s transteel canopy you see the dark green of the trees If you are the Antarian Ranger, go to 67 .
surrounding the ship and from the sky above two of Chision?s moons
If you are the Jedi and have your lightsaber in your hand, go to
cast a white light down on you.
59 , or if it is your blaster rifle you have at the ready, go to 68 .
As you sit down in the gunner chair and activate the controls and
targeting display, you hear the whine of your companion in the 52 Unfortunately you still have not fully managed to complete the
cockpit starting up the repulsorlift engines and the hydraulic sound of jump calculations. Go to 53 .
the boarding ramp in the ship below you closing, sealing shut the 53 With warning lights flashing, shields failing and damage to your
opening in the underneath of the space transport.
engines you struggle with the control stick to avoid the hit which
On lifting off, you see the trees surrounding the ship fall away to be would probably finish your damaged ship. Roll the dice in your Space
replaced by the night sky then clouds before the starry vastness of Transports skill.
outer space visible through the upper atmosphere. By pressing down
On a total of 15 or more, go to 63 .
one of the pedals at your feet, you rotate the turret to face back at the
planet. There you see the curvature of the planet, Chision, green and On less than this, either spend Character Points to make the roll a
blue beneath you. Before you get any further away the long shape of a success or go to 71 .
System Patrol Craft comes into view?
54 You manage to interpose your blaster rifle?s barrel between
?We have bad company,? says your companion?s voice through the you and Claudius?s lightsaber. The green-white energy blade slices
intercom connecting you to the cockpit. ?Feel free to open fire.? straight through it but it saves you and that along with another shot
Needing no encouragement, you use the control pedals at your feet fired at Claudius by Jorin Gar, buys you enough time to grab and
and the control stick in your hand to line up on the larger ship then ignite your own lightsaber. Go to 59 .
fire at it, sending red laser blasts lancing at it. Roll the dice in your
Starship Gunnery skill. 55 From the ground you pick up Claudius?s dropped lightsaber
and place it in your pack. If you are the Antarian Ranger and you have
On a total of 10 or more, go to 79 .
a tranquiliser which works on Jedi, or you are the Jedi, go to 65 ,
On less than this, go to 31 . otherwise go to 66 .
Fire Control
Ballistic Ar tiller y pr esents a unique pr oblem in a gaming
In the history of w arfare, no invention has session, as its most useful tr ait in a science-fiction setting is
been more lethal than artillery. W hether in the ability to hit tar gets that it cannot dir ectly see. As such,
the form of ballistic fired projectiles or rockets, fir ing an ar tiller y weapon at tar gets beyond line-of-sight
or direct-fired energy w eapons fired from hills r equir es a thir d par ty to act as the gun cr ew's eyes.
or from orbit, artillery can drastically increase For gaming pur poses, Ar tiller y is fir ed just like a
the effectiveness of a surface-deployed line-of-sight weapon, subject to the following penalties:
military unit. The course of an entire battle - 1D to Gunner y when fir ing a low-velocity ballistic
can be altered by a single soldier on a shot at a tar get that is visible to its own sensor s
com-link calling in accurate fire from w eapons (some ar tiller y platfor ms include integr ated ter r ain
dozens or even hundreds of kilometers aw ay. following sensor s that negate Concealment
pr ovided by Ter r ain Featur es within Sensor Range).
Unfortunately, the Rules as w ritten by W EG Some cannon use EM or gr avitic systems
don?t really address this, apart from a few and can var y the velocity of their STSQUAD2
shot; shells fir ed at high velocity
stats and mentions in other rules. In this may be fir ed
article, rules w ill be provided to flesh out the without
use of artillery in your game. penalty.
If the resulting value is 1D or more, roll Damage as normal against Common Types of Artillery Shells
the affected target (in the event of a group of characters with
differing Dodge roll values, this can result in some characters The other major advantage of projectile artillery is that the
having to soak damage while others do not). weapon effect can be tailored for a specific target by using
different kinds of warheads. Examples include:
After the initial attack, characters may choose to dive for Cover
(counts as a Full Dodge) but cannot Move at the same time. Proton (Explosive)
While it is not pertinent to this rule set to know exactly how far Damage: 7D
away the artillery hit, GMs may use the following formulae to Damage Reduction: Standard (Every -1 Miss = -1D Damage)
generate exact numbers in meters.
Concussion (Bunker Buster)
Damage: 9D
Calculating Miss Distance in Meters
Damage Reduction: Point (Every -1 Miss = -2D Damage)
Scale Modifier Distance Cluster (Anti-Personnel)
Speeder -1 Miss 1 meter Damage: 3D
Damage Reduction: Area (Every -2 Miss = -1D Damage)
W alker -1 Miss 2 meters
Flare Cluster (Illumination)
Starfighter -1 Miss 10 meters
Effect: Negates up to 4D of Darkness Concealment
Capital Ship -1 Miss 50 meters Effect Reduction: Every -5 Miss = -1D to Concealment Modifier
Duration: Lasts 6 rounds, then Effect reduces by 1D per round as
flares burn out.
Damage: 6D
Damage Reduction: Standard (Every -1 Miss = -1D Damage) Artillery & The Alliance
Artillery can be a very potent force multiplier if used properly,
Special: +4D to Fire Control if Target is using Active Sensors or
which in turn makes it very attractive to the Rebel Alliance.
transmitting on Comms. However, while Alliance ground forces make use of man-portable
mortars to support guerilla warfare, the Alliance has struggled to
Guided find an effective method of using heavier, emplaced artillery.
Damage: 8D While the Alliance has access to a small stock of Golan M102
Damage Reduction: Point (Every -1 Miss = -2D Damage) Fire Arc projectile cannon, the weapon has proved completely
unsuited to the guerilla tactics practiced by the Alliance. Fire Arcs
Special: +4D to Fire Control if Target is being "painted" by an must be towed into place, require precious time to set up, and
Active Sensor Lock-On from an allied unit. rarely get off more than a half-dozen shots until they are destroyer
by counter-battery fire from Imperial Army units, or from strafing
Shield Buster TIE fighters.
Damage: 4D (ionization) However, the Alliance has recently fielded a workable solution
to this problem. By mounting a stripped down Fire Arc cannon on
Damage Reduction: Point (Every -1 Miss = -2D Damage) the ubiquitous KAAC Freerunner chassis, the Alliance is able to
Special: On a successful hit on a Shield, roll Damage against just field a vehicle with a potent combination of firepower and
the Shield Dice, then apply the Controls Ionized modified to the mobility. The artillery Freerunner excels at what is referred to as
Shield Strength. ?Shoot and Scoot,? firing a few rounds in rapid succession, then
using the Freerunner?s speed and maneuverability to relocate to a
new position before the Empire can muster an effective response.
Hayw ire (ECM)
This formidable weapon system is also used for artillery raids,
Effect: -4D to Sensors and Communications in affected area.
moving in close to priority targets to bombard them with shells,
Effect Reduction: Every -5 Miss = -1D to Penalty then retreating or evading at high speed.
Duration: Lasts 1 Minute (12 rounds)
Stealth Systems
+1D to Sneak
Truncheon-Series Kinetic Strike Missile
Kinetic Str ike Warhead
-1D to Enemy Sensors
Skill: As Launcher
Blaster (Equivalent to a Blaster Rifle) Space Range: 2-12/ 30/ 60
Range: 3-30/100/300 Or bital Range: 4km-24km/ 60km/ 120km
Damage: 5D Atmospher e Range: 200m-1.2km/ 2km/ 6km
Aleksandr a B is a digital illustrator born and currently living in Yvan Quinet hails from Geneva Switzerland and has produced
Macedonia. "I work in my own private studio where I create fan art that spans the universes of DC, Marvel, Predator, Mad Max,
artworks inspired mostly by history, mythology but also by various science fiction concepts, and of course Star Wars. You can
medieval fantasy and science-fiction. Aside from making find more of his work on his personal website
illustrations, concept art and character designs in Photoshop, I https:/ / www.yvanquinet.com/ or https:/ / www.artstation.com/ wyv
use 3D software to further improve my artistic skills and sculpt Chr is Shaylor has been an avid Sci-Fi toy collector since the
my own creature and character creations which I hope will one mid 70?s. He rarely actually played many table top games but
day be implemented in a video game. You can find out more voraciously collected and read the sourcebooks and companion
about my work on my instagram page: Nidhogge_art" issues for the WEG Star Wars series since they were first released
Cliff Chiang?s artwork has been hailed for its ?fluid and in the late 80?s. Using much of that expanded material and artwork
confident storytelling? and ?sweeping linework and nuanced as inspiration for his own custom creations for 1:18 toylines.
style.? Graduating from Harvard University with a joint degree in
English Literature and Visual Arts, he worked in editorial at Eventually building the city-sized spaceport Rotgut Station,
Disney Adventures Magazine and Vertigo/ DC Comics before which acts as a truckstop nexus for all sci-fi universes, he shared
making the leap into freelance illustration. Clients include DC what he created with the world to show that toys don?t have to
Comics, GQ Magazine, Lucasfilm, Warner Animation, Dark Horse just sit on shelves. After word spread and requests came pouring
Comics, Dynamic Forces Entertainment, and the ACLU. in, he was able to turn his hobby of creating wood & plastic
playsets into a successful full time toy business of Empire Toy
He is currently working on Paper Girls with writer Brian K. Works.
Vaughan. He lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.
?I now wake up and eat/ breathe toys all day everyday, and I
Mark Elwood works in an Aerospace Engineering company wouldn?t have it any other way.? Chris lives with his wife and two
called SpaceWorks. ?I consider myself a ?space artist?, but I really sons in Virginia.
do a little of everything. On my blog ArtSpace you?ll find a lot of
the random things I either get roped into, volunteer for, or just Daniel Stur man lives in New Mexico with his wife and
come up with on my own. On my blog Living With Star Wars I children, where he and his wife work as professional artists, raise
geek out about Star Wars. I live in Atlanta with my wife and cats.? children, and try to enjoy life in general. He is a retired U.S. Army
You can check out more of his work at his portfolio site: tank mechanic, maker of clocks and incense burners, old truck
www.markelwood.com guy, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu blue belt, and a big geek/ nerd in general.
Some of the work within is copyrighted. We have performed our Perez M (2015) Yardangs in Arsinoes Chaos, Mars. In: NASA.
due diligence to contact each artist for permission to use his or her https:/ / www.nasa.gov/ jpl/ mro/ yardangs-arsinoes-chaos-mars-
respective works. Some of the art has been previously used in an pia19140. Accessed 31 Jan 2019
online article or wiki like Wookiepedia. By placing it in the Rayne E, Rayne E (2018) NASA might end up nuking this killer
Adventurer?s Journal, we assert that this qualifies as fair use of the asteroid. In: Syfy.
material under United States copyright law. https:/ / www.syfy.com/ syfywire/ nasa-might-end-up-nuking-this-
killer-asteroid. Accessed 31 Jan 2019
Character Name
Player Name
Species / Gender
Height / Weight / Age - STUNNED
Physical Description - WOUNDED
Movement ForceSensitive? - INCAPACITATED
Character Pts Light / Dark Pts / - MORTALLYWOUNDED
STA R WA R S 020119
Armed Forces of the Galaxy!