Clinicopathological Case Conference:: A 17 Year Old With Progressive Gait Difficulty and A Complex Family History
Clinicopathological Case Conference:: A 17 Year Old With Progressive Gait Difficulty and A Complex Family History
Clinicopathological Case Conference:: A 17 Year Old With Progressive Gait Difficulty and A Complex Family History
This case was presented and discussed at the Annual Neurology Course, held in Johannesburg, October 2004. The content
represents a narrative account of the actual presentation and discussion.
Received: 27.01.05
Accepted: 07.03.05
Case presentation prematurely; KM had an abnormal foot and had delayed develop-
A 17 year old (BM) presented for the first time in 2004 accompanied mental milestones.
by her maternal grandmother. Over the past 3 years she had experi- Her mother (aged 37) had seizures as a small child, but has not
enced insidiously progressive “fatigue” in her legs on walking. She suffered from seizures off medication for many years. However, the
complained of tiring easily and said that children at school laughed grandmother remarked that her daughter was emotionally labile and
at her because of her “funny” gait. She had never been able to play recently (over the past 2 months), people had commented that she
sport. She stopped attending school 2 years ago because she was no sometimes walked as if she were drunk. The family was unaware of
longer able to walk the long distance to school, difficulty in climb- a drinking problem. Her maternal grandmother, aged 56, had hyper-
ing stairs at school and the embarrassment of being ridiculed at school. tension and apparently suffered two strokes (1990 and 1996) and her
She could now only manage to walk short distances. She had passed maternal grandfather died in his 30’s with hypertension.
grade IX and had not experienced any learning difficulties. Her general examination was normal with a regular pulse of 80
BM was apparently born 2 months prematurely and spent the per minute and a blood pressure of 110/70 mmHg. She had no evi-
first 2 months in hospital. Thereafter she developed normally, and dence of lymphadenopathy or thyroidmegaly. The respiratory, cardio-
was able to walk and talk at appropriate times according to her grand- vascular and abdominal system examinations were unremarkable.
mother. At 5 months of age she was accidentally dropped and the Higher functions were not formally tested but the patient gave a
family attribute her current problem to this incident. good account of herself with a careful, clear history. The pupils were
She also complained of deep pain in the right leg but no equal and reactive to light. The optic discs appeared normal on fun-
paraesthesiae or back pain. There were no bladder or bowel symp- doscopy. The extra-ocular eye movements were normal and the cra-
toms or symptoms related to her arms. On direct questioning she nial nerves were intact. Upper limb examination showed normal
admitted to depressed mood, insomnia and tearfulness. power, tone, reflexes, sensation and co-ordination.
BM did not have any other contributory past medical and surgi- There was mild wasting of the distal lower limbs. The tone was in-
cal history. She did not have allergies and did not smoke or drink creased at the knees. There was evidence of a mild upper motor neu-
alcohol. She said that she had a boyfriend and wanted to start contra- rone pattern of weakness; hip flexors 4- to 4, knee flexion 4 with the
ception. remainder at 5/5. The reflexes were brisk at the knees but the ankles
On direct questioning she revealed a family history of neurologi- were barely present. The plantar responses were extensor. The sen-
cal disease. Her younger half-sister TM, aged 12 (different father), sory modalities of touch and pain were normal in the legs. There was
had been paralysed from the hips down since “early childhood” and minimal proprioceptive loss with fine toe movement (8/10 responses
was confined to a wheelchair. TM attended a school for cerebral correct). Co-ordination was normal in the upper and lower limbs.
palsied children and was followed at a paediatric neurological clinic The gait was broad-based with stiff legs and evidence of bilateral
for her problems associated with “cerebral palsy”. She had another circumduction.
half-sister KM, aged 1, from a 3rd father, who was born 2 months There was no evidence of musculoskeletal abnormality and no
spinal tenderness.
Laboratory investigations revealed a haemoglobin of 12.2 (13-17
Correspondence: g/dl), white cell count of 9.9 (4-10 x109/L) and platelet count of 420
Dr MD Connor, Division of Neurology, Department of Neurosciences, (137-373 x109/L); the differential blood count and smear were nor-
University of the Witwatersrand. mal. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate 19 (0-31 in 1 hr). The thy-
email: [email protected] roid stimulating hormone was not performed (possibly the result of
insufficient blood for testing) and the T4 was 10.5. The serum so- and spastic. Romberg’s sign is not mentioned.
dium was 136 mmol/L (135-147 mmol/L), potassium 4.6 mmol/L Her blood investigations were normal as were the ECG and radiol-
(3.3-5.3 mmol/L), creatinine 60 µmol/L (60-120 µmol/L) and urea ogy as mentioned. The MRI of her spine was normal, but on FLAIR
2.1 mmol/L (2.6-7.0 mmol/L). The serum HTLV-1&2 antibody screen images of her brain a few mild patchy periventricular white matter
was negative. A serum vitamin B12 was 293 pmol/L (133-675 pmol/ changes were visible asymmetrically.
L). In assessment at this point we think that this is probably an inher-
The ECG was normal. A lumbar spine and chest X-ray were nor- ited disorder affecting primarily the females of this family. There is
mal. The T1- and T2-weighted images on MRI of the cervical and a wide variation of clinical presentation though, including: spastic
thoracic cord were normal. The FLAIR image of the brain showed paraparesis, mental retardation and cognitive impairment, neuropa-
mild, patchy, ill-defined signal changes in the peri-ventricular white thy, visual involvement and MRI white matter changes.
matter of the occipital horns of the lateral ventricles and centrum To further clarify what disorder this might be we will consider
semi-ovale on the right. the inheritance pattern.
The paediatric neurologist looking after TM mentioned that she
had heard BM was seen at the adult clinic. Despite TM’s diagnosis Genetic patterns
of “cerebral palsy” for more than 8 years they were concerned as she Although genetic patterns include autosomal dominant, autosomal
recently started complaining of visual difficulties. On re-examina- recessive, X-linked, mitochondrial, repeat expansion disease and
tion of TM recently she appeared to be losing her lower limb re- polygenic patterns, we will briefly highlight the patterns that could
flexes. most likely explain a complex family pedigree such as this one (Fig-
A diagnostic procedure was performed…... ure 1).
Autosomal dominant disorders are caused by a single disease
Discussion copy of the gene i.e. a mutation in one allele (of one chromo-
Dr D Anderson and Dr B Cheyip some) of the diseased gene. Heterozygotes manifest the disease
and both males and females may be affected. Penetrance may be
Clinical features variable. Phenotypes may also differ in individuals with the same
We will start by summarising the key features of BM’s clinical pre- genetic disorder due to genetic imprinting in which differences
sentation. She presented complaining of an insidiously progressive in expression of maternal and paternal alleles result in differing
‘fatigue’ in her legs on walking which was most noticeable over the phenotpyes.
last three years. This was severe enough to prevent her walking to Diseases due to DNA repeat expansions may present with domi-
school now and had also been noticed by other children at school nant, recessive or X-linked inheritance patterns and primarily present
resulting in her being ridiculed for having a funny walk. She had no as neurological disorders. Mutations are dynamic and change in size
associated back pain, no bladder and bowel problems and no from generation to generation most often getting bigger in subse-
paraesthesiae. She complained of insomnia and depressed mood. quent generations. Clinically this is seen as the disease often being
Her past medical history included being born prematurely with a more severe and with earlier onset in subsequent generations such
two month hospital stay. However, she then apparently achieved her as seen myotonic dystrophy.
milestones normally and has passed grade IX and has no obvious Mitochondrial disease results from mutations in genes within the
learning difficulties. Although she was dropped at 5 months of age it mitochondrial genome. Mutations are maternally inherited and the
is not clear that this has any direct bearing on her current problems. manifestation of disease depends on the ratio of mutant to wild-type
The most striking feature of BM’s history is her family history. mitochondria (heteroplasmy). Both males and females are affected
Although we are not told exactly how many siblings she has, we but males cannot transmit the mutations to offspring. Examples in-
are told that she has two half sisters from different fathers and both clude MELAS (mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and
of them seem to have either clear cut or potential neurological prob- stroke), Kearns-Sayre syndrome, NARP (Neuropathy, Ataxia, Re-
lems. tinitis Pigmentosa Syndrome), MERRF (myoclonic epilepsy and
TM, aged 12, is thought to have cerebral palsy and was paralysed ragged red fibers in muscle)..
since early childhood. However she has recently been noted to have
developed visual difficulties and has begun to lose reflexes. KM
aged 1, was born 2 months premature with an abnormal foot (possi- Figure 1. Family pedigree
bly a clubbed foot) and has delayed milestones.
BM’s mother is 37 years old and had seizures as a child. She is
considered emotionally labile and recently her gait has become ataxic
with no clear history of alcohol use. BM’s grandparents both had
hypertension and her maternal grandmother had suffered two strokes.
BM’s general examination including musculoskeletal examina-
tion was normal. Her higher functions although not fully assessed
appeared normal. Her cranial nerves were normal including the op-
tic nerves. Unfortunately we are not told about the rest of the fundo-
scopic examination and the appearance of the retina. The upper limb
examination was normal, but the lower limbs revealed an upper motor
pattern weakness with spasticity and she had an extensor plantar
response. Although the sensory examination was normal for light
touch and pain, there was possibly minimal proprioception impair-
ment and she had decreased ankle reflexes. Her gait was broad based