ECSS E HB 32 25A (14july2015) PDF
ECSS E HB 32 25A (14july2015) PDF
ECSS E HB 32 25A (14july2015) PDF
14 July 2015
Space engineering
Mechanical shock design and
verification handbook
ECSS Secretariat
Requirements & Standards Division
Noordwijk, The Netherlands
14 July 2015
This Handbook is one document of the series of ECSS Documents intended to be used as supporting
material for ECSS Standards in space projects and applications. ECSS is a cooperative effort of the
European Space Agency, national space agencies and European industry associations for the purpose
of developing and maintaining common standards.
The material in this Handbook is defined in terms of description and recommendation how to
organize and perform mechanical load analyses of spacecraft and payloads.
This handbook has been prepared by the ECSS-E-HB-32-25A Working Group, reviewed by the ECSS
Executive Secretariat and approved by the ECSS Technical Authority.
ECSS does not provide any warranty whatsoever, whether expressed, implied, or statutory, including,
but not limited to, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or any warranty
that the contents of the item are error-free. In no respect shall ECSS incur any liability for any
damages, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages arising out
of, resulting from, or in any way connected to the use of this Standard, whether or not based upon
warranty, business agreement, tort, or otherwise; whether or not injury was sustained by persons or
property or otherwise; and whether or not loss was sustained from, or arose out of, the results of, the
item, or any services that may be provided by ECSS.
14 July 2015
Change log
14 July 2015
Table of contents
1 3BScope .................................................................................................................... 13
2 4BReferences............................................................................................................ 14
2.1 21BReferences of Part 1 ............................................................................................... 14
2.2 2BReferences of Part 2 ............................................................................................... 14
2.3 23BReferences of Part 3 ............................................................................................... 16
2.4 24BReferences of Part 4 ............................................................................................... 18
Part 2 Shock input derivation to space segment elements and equipment ....... 39
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7.3 35BShocks devices description..................................................................................... 41
7.4 36BDetailed information on specific shock events......................................................... 44
7.4.1 93BOverview ................................................................................................... 44
7.4.2 94BLauncher induced shocks.......................................................................... 44
7.4.3 95BClampband release ................................................................................... 51
7.4.4 96BOther S/C separation systems................................................................... 58
7.4.5 97BInternal shock sources .............................................................................. 66
7.4.6 98BLanding and splashdown........................................................................... 71
7.5 37BConclusion .............................................................................................................. 74
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9.3.3 18BPrediction of shock response by Local Modal Phase Reconstruction
(LMPR) ................................................................................................... 155
9.3.4 19BVirtual SEA modelling for robust SEA modelling in the mid-frequency..... 157
9.4 4BBest practices for shock derivation by simulation .................................................. 159
9.5 45BExamples of methodology for numerical simulation .............................................. 160
9.5.1 120BNumerical simulation for clampband release ........................................... 160
9.5.2 12BNumerical simulation for Shogun............................................................. 163
9.5.3 12BNumerical simulation for launcher induced shock .................................... 167
9.5.4 123BImplicit vs. explicit method: Example of a shock prediction on a
complex structure .................................................................................... 176
9.5.5 124BShock prediction analysis examples using SEA-Shock module of
SEA+ software ........................................................................................ 178
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11.6 54BExisting attenuator products ................................................................................. 216
11.6.1 14BOverview ................................................................................................. 216
11.6.2 142BCompact shock attenuators for electronic equipment .............................. 216
11.6.3 143BSASSA (shock attenuator system for spacecraft and adaptor) ................ 218
11.6.4 14BShock isolators for EXPERT on-board equipment ................................... 223
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13.1.5 16BSafety and cleanliness ............................................................................ 287
13.1.6 167BInstrumentation ....................................................................................... 287
13.1.7 168BTest tolerances ....................................................................................... 287
13.1.8 169BTest success criteria ............................................................................... 288
13.2 63BCriteria for test facility selection ............................................................................ 289
13.3 64BTest methods and facilities ................................................................................... 290
13.3.1 170BBasis ....................................................................................................... 290
13.3.2 17BProcedure I – System level shock test..................................................... 290
13.3.3 172BProcedure II – Equipment shock test by pyrotechnic device (explosive
detonation) .............................................................................................. 304
13.3.4 173BProcedure III – Equipment shock test by mechanical impact (metal-
metal impact) .......................................................................................... 310
13.3.5 174BProcedure IV – Equipment shock test with an electrodynamic shaker ..... 322
13.4 65BTest monitoring ..................................................................................................... 338
13.4.1 175BAccelerometers ....................................................................................... 338
13.4.2 176BStrain gauges .......................................................................................... 353
13.4.3 17BLoad cells ................................................................................................ 358
13.4.4 178BLaser vibrometer ..................................................................................... 361
13.4.5 179BAcquisition systems................................................................................. 368
13.5 6BIn-flight shock monitoring ...................................................................................... 382
13.5.1 180BOverview ................................................................................................. 382
13.5.2 18BVEGA in-flight acquisition systems .......................................................... 382
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14.4.3 193BQuadratic Time-Frequency Transform..................................................... 399
14.4.4 194BInterpretation and precautions ................................................................. 403
14.5 71BProny decomposition ............................................................................................ 403
14.5.1 195BDefinition ................................................................................................. 403
14.5.2 196BBasic scheme.......................................................................................... 403
14.5.3 197BAdvanced scheme................................................................................... 405
14.5.4 198BUse and limitation ................................................................................... 406
14.6 72BDigital filters .......................................................................................................... 408
14.6.1 19BBasis ....................................................................................................... 408
14.6.2 20BDefinition and parameters ....................................................................... 408
14.6.3 201BFIR filters ................................................................................................ 409
14.6.4 20BIIR filters.................................................................................................. 410
14.6.5 203BPrecautions ............................................................................................. 411
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17.5.1 210BOverview ................................................................................................. 433
17.5.2 21BElectronic components and associated degradation modes .................... 434
17.5.3 21BFunctional mechanical assemblies .......................................................... 458
17.5.4 213BMechanisms and associated degradation modes .................................... 461
14 July 2015
The key idea of the Handbook is to document the current know-how on mechanical shock design and
verification. This was implemented in steps by an ECSS working group, leading to the present ECSS
For this continuous effort, ECSS would like to thanks the following experts:
Sonia AITZAID CNES Daniel KEIL Jena Optronik
Stéphanie BEHAR- Thalès Alenia Space Andy KILEY ASTRIUM
The completion and the harmonization of the handbook was a complex undertaking, this was made
possible thanks to the dedication of all, under technical management by S. Kiryenko (ECSS WG
Comments concerning the technical content of this handbook are welcomed by the European
Cooperation for Space Standardization, Noordwijk, the Netherlands,
14 July 2015
In recent years, discussions concerning “what to do about shock” in relation to spacecraft have taken
more importance. During launch and deployment operations, a spacecraft can be exposed to energetic
shock environments. As spacecraft have become more capable, more equipment can be flown, and
components are closer together. In addition, more sophisticated and delicate instruments are flown to
maximize mission results.
As such, the shock environment has become a source of concern for spacecraft and payload
developers. However, not only the definition of the environment, but also the analysis and test
verification is complex.
In the same way than for other mechanical environment, it is important to properly address the shock
early in the development phase until the final verification of the shock environment, to ensure a
successful qualification.
The experience, gained over the past years by Agencies and industries, greatly improves the state of
the art in this domain and has helped clear a large number of equipment and spacecraft for launch.
However, one of the problems with respect to mechanical shock design and verification is the fact that
relevant information is spread over ESA and industry documents and specialists. To improve this, the
current know-how on mechanical shock design and verification is documented in the present
handbook in order to make this expertise available to all European spacecraft and payload developers.
The handbook is divided into four parts:
Part 1 Overview
Part 2 Shock input derivation to space segment elements and equipment
Part 3 Shock verification approach
Part 4 Shock damage risk assessment
14 July 2015
The intended users of the “Mechanical shock design and verification handbook” are engineers
involved in design, analysis and verification in relation to shock environment in spacecraft. The
current know-how relevant to mechanical shock design and verification is documented in this
handbook in order to make this expertise available to all European spacecraft and payload developers.
The handbook provides adequate guidelines for shock design and verification; therefore it includes
advisory information, recommendations and good practices, rather than requirements.
The handbook covers the shock in its globally, from the derivation of shock input to equipment and
sub-systems inside a satellite structure, until its verification to ensure a successful qualification, and
including its consequences on equipment and sub-systems. However the following aspects are not
treated herein:
No internal launcher shock is treated in the frame of this handbook even if some aspects are
common to those presented hereafter. They are just considered as a shock source (after
propagation in the launcher structure) at launcher/spacecraft interface.
Shocks due to fall of structure or equipment are not taken into account as they are not in the
frame of normal development of a spacecraft.
14 July 2015
[RD-03] Harris’ Shock and Vibration Handbook, CM Harris, AG Piersol, Fifth edition
[RD-04] Pyroshock Test Criteria, NASA Technical Standard, NASA-STD-7003, May 1999
[RD-05] Environmental Engineering considerations and laboratory tests, MIL Technical Standard,
MIL-STD-810F, Jan. 2000
[RD-06] Pyrotechnic Shock Loads, Test evaluation, equipment protection, E. Hornung, Daimler-
Benz Aerospace AG, Space infrastructure, Bremen, Germany, H. Öery, University
Aaschen, Germany – 48th Congress of the International Astronautical Federation – Turin,
Oct. 1997
[RD-08] An introduction to the shock response spectrum, Tom Irvine, May 2002.
[RD-09] The shock response spectrum at low frequencies, D. O. Smallwood, Sandia National
Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
[RD-012] Dynamics simulation of pyro actuated "ball lock" separation system for micro-satellites to
evaluate release shock, S. Somanath, E.J. Francis, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (India) –
ESA - 9th European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium – Liege Belgium 19-
21th September 2001
14 July 2015
[RD-013] TO5 - Shock Measurement:- Exploitation des essais de chocs réalisés sur les composants
pyrotechniques, Valerio Cippola, CNES, 2002
[RD-014] Shock predictions for aerospace applications - return of experience from ESA
programmes, Kiryenko, Kasper, Ngan, 6th International Symposium on Launcher
Technologies, Munich, 2005
[RD-015] Shock environment in spacecraft from an early definition to a final verification, Kiryenko,
Parquet, ESA/ESTEC, Dec. 2002
[RD-017] Aerospace Systems Pyrotechnic Shock Data (Ground Test and Flight), Martin Marietta
Corporation, Mars 1970
[RD-018] A Comparison of the Normal Tolerance Limit and Bootstrap Methods With Application
to Spacecraft Acoustic Environments, William O. Hughes, July 2005
[RD-019] Factors for One-Sided Tolerance Limits and for Variables Sampling Plans, Owen, D.B.,
Sandia Monograph SC-R-607, Sandia Corporation,1963
[RD-020] Pyroshock Test Criteria, NASA Technical Standard, NASA-STD-7003, May 1999
[RD-022] Harris’ Shock and Vibration Handbook, CM Harris, AG Piersol, Fifth edition
[RD-023] Pyroshock Test Criteria, NASA Technical Standard, NASA-STD-7003, May 1999
[RD-024] Environmental Engineering considerations and laboratory tests, MIL Technical Standard,
MIL-STD-810F, Jan. 2000
[RD-026] R&D Propagation de choc – Rapport final, Pichon, EADS-Astrium, July 2002
[RD-028] Pyroshock modelling using mechanical shock sources, J.B. Bernaudin, EADS-Astrium,
Dec. 2002
[RD-029] Shock propagation prediction in satellite structures, Pichon, EADS-Astrium, Dec. 2002
[RD-030] Shock propagation simulation using FEM software, S. Mary, V. Cipolla, CNES, May 2005
[RD-031] Ariane 5 shock environment qualification for an earth observation satellite, E. Courau,
May 2005
[RD-032] W. Westphall, "Ausbreitung vor Körperschall in Gebäuden", Acustica, Vol 7, 1957, p.335-
[RD-033] Richard H. Lyon, Gideon Maidanik, "Power Flow between Linearly Coupled Oscillators",
Acoust. Soc. Am. 34, 623 (1962)
14 July 2015
[RD-034] R. H. Lyon and Dejong, "Statistical Energy Analysis", Sd Edition 1995 Butterworth-
[RD-037] G. Borello, “ Influence sur le niveau de bruit sous coiffe Ariane 4 de l’interaction satellite-
cavité acoustique », Intespace report D090.152.EIA/GB, 20 Août 1990
[RD-043] A. Klembczyk (Taylor device, INC), “Presentation to European Space Agency”, Taylor
device, February 4, 2010
[RD-046] S. Mary (CNES), Shock Environment Qualification for Small Satellite, Shock workshop
ESTEC, May 2008
[RD-047] ESA/ESTEC shock bench presentation, Kiryenko, Piret, Kasper, European Conference on
Spacecraft Structures, Material and Mechanical Testing, Noordwijk, 2005
[RD-048] Shock predictions for aerospace applications - return of experience from ESA
programmes, S. Kiryenko, J. Kasper, Ngan, ESA/ESTEC, Oct 2005
[RD-051] Test requirements for launch, upper stages and space vehicles, MIL Technical Standard,
MIL-HDBK-340A, April 1999
14 July 2015
[RD-053] Pyroshock Test Criteria, NASA Technical Standard, NASA-STD-7003, May 1999
[RD-055] ESA/ESTEC shock bench presentation, S. Kiryenko, Kasper, ESA/ESTEC, May 2005
[RD-057] Selecting Accelerometers for and Assessing Data from Mechanical Shock Measurements,
PCB Piezotronics
[RD-061] Isotron and charge mode piezoelectric accelerometers pros and cons, Endevco
[RD-066] The shock response spectrum at low frequencies, D. O. Smallwood, Sandia National
Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
[RD-067] Digital calculation of shock response spectra from strong-motion earthquake records,
Navin C. Nigam, Paul C. Jennings, California Institute Of Technology, June 1968
[RD-068] The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing, Second Edition, Steven
W. Smith, California Technical Publishing, San Diego, California, 1999
[RD-069] Time-Frequency Toolbox – For use with Matlab, François Auger, P. Flandrin, P.
Gonçalvès, O. Lemoine, CNRS France, 1996
[RD-072] Shock qualification methods for equipment, J.B. Bernaudin, EADS-Astrium, May 2005
[RD-073] Handbook for Dynamic Data Acquisition and Analysis, Himelblau, H., Piersol, A.G.,
Wise, J.H., and Grundvig, M.R., Institute of Environmental Sciences-Reference
Publication-DTE012.1, Inst. Envir. Sc., Mt Prospect, IL, Mar. 1994.
[RD-074] Pyroshock Data Acquisition and Analysis, A. G. Piersol, Piersol Engineering Company,
Woodland Hills, California
[RD-075] A shock amplifier evaluation, Anthony S. Chu Endevco Corporation, San Juan
Capistrano, CA 92675
14 July 2015
[RD-076] The effects of digitizing rate and phase distortion errors on the shock response spectrum,
James H. Wise, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
[RD-078] Practical Measurement Analyze, 2.2 Reconstruction of the digitalized signal, C. Lalanne,
[RD-079] Techniques For The Normalization of Shock Data, S. Smith and W. Hollowell, 62nd Shock
and Vibration Symposium, October 1991
[RD-082] Shock Analysis Using The Pseudo Velocity Shock Spectrum, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, H.
[RD-083] Pyro Shock mount investigation for Ariane 5 Components, E. Hornung (ERNO Deutsche
Aerospace) et H.Ory (Aachen University – Germany) - 1992
[RD-084] Pyrotechnic Shock Loads; Test evaluation, Equipment protection - E. Hornung (ERNO
Deutsche Aerospace) et H.Ory (Aachen University – Germany)
[RD-086] Relation contrainte – vitesse et interet du SRC des pseudo vitesses, Christian Lalanne,
XVIII symposium Vibrations Chocs et Bruit & ASTELAB, July 2012
[RD-088] Stress and Strain limits on the attainable velocity in mechanical vibration, Hunt Journal of
acoustics Society of America, 32,1123-1128 (1960)
[RD-091] Smallwood, David: “An Improved Recursive Formula for Calculating Shock Response
Spectra” 51st Shock and Vibration Bulletin, 1980
[RD-092] Kelly, R.D. and Richman, G., “Principals and Techniques of Shock Analysis”, SVM-5, Sec.
6.7, Shock and Vibration Information Center. 1969
[RD-093] Shock predictions for aerospace applications - return of experience from ESA
programmes, S. Kiryenko, J. Kasper, Ngan, ESA/ESTEC, Oct 2005
14 July 2015
[RD-096] ESCC Generic Specification n°3601 Issue 3 – Relays, Electromagnetic, Non-latching
[RD-097] Shock Test Report for ENVISAT P/L Relays, Test N° 2229 doc n° YTO/REP/VIB/1070 issue
1 dated 13/8/1996 issued by ESA/ESTEC
[RD-098] ENVISAT Relay Report Shock Test – Facility Data Report, Test n°3526” doc. N°
MTT/REP/VIB/2299 ISSUE 1 DATED 15/01/2000
[RD-099] Test requirements for launch, upper stages and space vehicles, MIL Technical Standard,
MIL-HDBK-340A, April 1999
[RD-0100] Equipment Design - Chapter 41 Harris and Crede Shock and Vibration Handbook – A.
[RD-0101] MIL-STD-883E NOTICE 3 Method 2020.7 22 March 1989 Method 2020.7 “Particle Impact
Noise Detection Test”
[RD-0102] CARES (Ceramics Analysis and Reliability Evaluation of Structures) Theory Guide,
September 13, 2007
[RD-0104] TIE-33: Design strength of optical glass and ZERODUR®, Technical Information, Oct
[RD-0105] ZERODUR® Glass Ceramics - Strength Data for the Design of Structures with High
Mechanical Stresses, Peter Hartmann, Kurt Nattermann, Thorsten Döhring, Markus
Kuhr, Peter Thomas, Guenther Kling, Peter Gath, Stefano Lucarelli
[RD-0106] Pyrotechnic shock response predictions combining statistical energy analysis and local
random phase reconstruction, Bodin E., Brévart B., Wagstaff P., Borello G., Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America, 112 (1), July 2002
[RD-0107] Simulation des niveaux vibratoires générés par les chocs pyrotechniques en vue de
prédire les dysfonctionnements électriques des équipements embarqués, D. Wattiaux,
PhD dissertation, Faculté Polytechnique de Mons, Belgium, 2009.
[RD-0108] Shock analysis philosophy for electronic units, B. Brévart, V. Cipolla, Proceedings of the
European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials & Mechanical Testing, ESTEC,
NL, 2005
14 July 2015
[RD-0112] Shock Analysis of the Sentinel-3 SLSTR Parabolic Mirror Assembly, B. Braun, D. Keil, D,
European Conference on Spacecraft Structures Materials & Environmental Testing, 1-4
April 2014, Braunschweig, Germany.
[RD-0113] Vibration Analysis for electronic equipment, 2nd EDITION, D. S. Steinberg, JOHN
WILEY, 1988, vol. 1.
[RD-0114] Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication, D. Dowson., & G.R. Higginson, Pub. Pergammon, 1977
[RD-0115] Simplified solution for elliptical-contact deformation between two elastic solids, D.E.
Brewe & B.J. Hamrock, Jnl. Of Lubrication Technology Trans ASME, 1977, Series F, Vol.
99 p 485.
[RD-0117] Effects of Axial Vibration on Ball Bearings & Draft Design Guidelines for Vibration-
Induced Gapping, S.D. Lewis, ESA-ESTL-TM-0019
[RD-0118] Test Method Standard, Electronic and Electrical Component Parts, MIL-STD-202G, 2002
[RD-0119] ROARKS’s Formulas for Stress and Strain, 6th edition, Chapter 13, Bodies under Direct
Bearing and Shear Stress
14 July 2015
Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
For the purpose of the present document, the terms and definitions from ECSS-S-ST-00-01 and ECSS-
E-ST-32 apply.
3.2.1 shock
local transient mechanical loading of short duration, high frequency and high amplitude, with
substantial initial rise time
NOTE For additional details, see 4.1.1.
3.2.3 similarity
degree to which different specimens show the same behaviour when exposed to the same shock
NOTE See para 12.6.2, for an example of process for verification by
similarity. Verification by similarity is part of the verification by
14 July 2015
LV launch vehicle
MAC modal assurance criteria
MAF maximal analysed frequency
14 July 2015
Abbreviation Meaning
QL qualification level
R&D research and development
RRS random response spectrum
S/C spacecraft
SDRA shock damage risk analysis
WT wavelet transform
14 July 2015
Part 1
14 July 2015
Background – Shock environment
A shock is a local transient mechanical loading characterised by its short duration (order of
magnitude from 50 s to 20 ms), its high frequency (>1 kHz up to 1 MHz in case of pyroshock) and
high amplitude with substantial initial rise time (approaching 10 s).
It is usually very difficult to precisely measure or characterise the loading itself. Therefore a shock is
classically observed through acceleration measurements which constitute the system response to the
shock loading. These measurements are characterised in terms of time history by:
Highly oscillatory response with large positive and negative peak amplitudes with the same
order of magnitude;
An envelope by a decreasing form of exponential function.
In terms of frequency, typical acceleration response to a shock loading are characterised by:
Forced response at frequencies contained in the external shock loading (usually at high
System natural frequencies (usually at lower frequency).
As an example, Figure 4-1 presents the typical acceleration profile resulting from a pyroshock.
14 July 2015
The shock environment is an important matter of interest as it can induce major failure resulting in
the total or partial loss of a space mission [RD-01][RD-07].
A non-exhaustive list of problems that can be caused by shocks at equipment level is given hereafter:
Impact on electronics: material electronic card malfunction due to failure or degradation of
electronic components such as for example relay, quartz, transformer, and self.
Structural impact on materials: cracks and fractures in brittle materials (ceramics, crystals,
epoxies or glass envelopes), local plastic deformation, or accelerated fatigue of materials for
repeated shocks;
14 July 2015
Impacts on mechanisms: the components used in the mechanisms, which are reputed sensitive
are the bearings, gears, worm gears; their degradation mode is an excessive marking. The life
duration impacts on the selection and the severity of the damage criteria. In this way, the
residual marking is practically forbidden for long life duration mechanisms. In the opposite, for
the mechanisms which are activated only a few times during their life, the residual marking size
allowed are limited by their functionalities.
Impacts on valves: the valve degradation modes are a limited leakage in quantity and time, a
significant or permanent leakage and a structural degradation, which involves a malfunction of
the valve mechanism. Overview
Time history constitutes the primary (and the most natural) accessible data since almost all physical
signals are obtained by receivers recording variations with time. It contains obviously all the pertinent
information and it is essential to save any time history in order not to lose any information.
However, a shock measurement in the form of a time-history is not directly useful for engineering
purposes, e.g. comparing shocks severities and frequency contents, or understanding its effect on
components. A reduction to a different form is widely used to deal with shocks: the Shock Response
Spectrum (SRS).
The shock response spectrum (SRS) is a calculated function based on an input transient. It allows
characterizing the shock effect on a dynamical standardized system in order to estimate its severity
or its damaging potential. Thus it allows to compare shocks with each other or to establish
equivalence criterion between a measured transient environment and a laboratory simulation of that
transient environment.
The method consists in applying a time history as a base excitation to an array of single-degree-of-
freedom (SDOF) systems and then calculating for each of them the temporal maximum of their
response. The SRS can be defined for any input or response parameters of interest (displacement,
velocity, or acceleration). For aerospace structures, it is common to define the input transient in terms
of an acceleration. See Figure 4-2 and Figure 4-3.
The natural frequency of each SDOF is an independent variable. Thus, the calculation is performed for
a number of independent SDOF systems, each with a unique quality factor Q=10, assuming
conventionally the same damping (5 %) for each SDOF.
The choice of damping should be carried out according the structure subjected to the shock under
consideration. When this is not known, or studies are being carried out with a view to comparison
with already calculated spectra, a Q factor Q=10 is conventionally chosen.
Any arbitrary set of unique natural frequencies can be used for the shock response spectrum
calculation. A typical scheme, however, is based on a proportional bandwidth, such as 1/24 octave.
This means that each successive natural frequency is 2 1/24 times the previous natural frequency. The
SRS resolution is determined by this bandwidth and is independent of the transient duration. There
are several SRS values that can be of interest for different applications, namely, the maximum absolute
response of the SDOF versus frequency that occurs:
during the application of the transient, called the primary SRS,
after the transient is over, called the residual SRS,
in the positive direction, called the positive SRS or SRS+,
14 July 2015
in the negative direction, called the negative SRS or SRS-,
at any time in either direction, called the maximax SRS (most usually used).
A typical maximax SRS is shown hereafter. The SRS acceleration is also called the maximum or peak
absolute response.
NOTE 1 Primary and maximax SRS can differ when time signal has a non-
negligible zero shift (also called DC-offset). See Paragraph 14 of the Part 3.
NOTE 2 SRS are often presented on a log-log graph. It is important to take care with
this representation because of the real gap between two curves are visually
minimized at high frequencies. A lin-lin representation allows sometimes
to clearly visualise gaps.
SHOCK SRS direct
2 3 4
10 10 10
Frequency (Hz)
14 July 2015
14 July 2015
The value of the SRS approaches the absolute maximum value of the transient acceleration as
the natural frequency of the SDOF exceeds the lesser of the highest frequency in the Fourier
spectrum of the transient, or the upper frequency limit of the data acquisition system. The time
history at the base of the considered SDOF acts indeed as a quasi-static excitation at this
frequency. The SDOF’s response follows consequently the time history oscillations. (see Figure
The amplification factor of a component in a signal depends on the signal form (see Figure 4-5).
Considering a Q-factor of 10 for SRS calculation, it is comprised between 1,6 , corresponding to
a half-sine time signal, up to 10, corresponding to a perfect sine signal with a sufficient number
of periods. SRS of real signals have generally an amplification comprised between 3 and 4. In
other words, a shock spectrum response (Q=10) performed on a shock signal has an amplitude
about 3 to 4 times higher than the maximum of the time history due to the transient (non-
harmonic) nature of the signal. This order of magnitude is useful to determine accelerometers
calibration during a test campaign.
time freq
Figure 4-5: SRS peak amplitude derived from typical transient shock signal
The SRS is not linear with regard to the addition of time signals. That is to say that the SRS of
time signals sum is not equal to the sum of the individual time signals SRS.
The SRS is, in return, linear with regard to a scalar multiplication. That is to say that the SRS
of a time signal multiplied by a scalar is equal to times the SRS of the time signal.
The SRS calculation is not a bijective calculation. Some information is definitively lost (like the
phase or the effective duration information). It is thus essential to save any time history in order
not to lose any information. Both the transient time history and resulting spectrum are critical to
the environmental definition and test verification.
14 July 2015
The notion of severity is relative to the considered dynamical system. Thus, real systems do never
correspond to the standardized system: they do not have the same natural frequencies, and the real
damping can be very different from 5 % (Q = 10).
Damage can be caused by amplification on an eigenmode. A source time signal with a frequency
component near this eigenfrequency can be very severe, whereas another time signal with a high but
different frequency component can be less severe for the considered unit. The difficulty comes
generally from a very approximate knowledge of the mid and high frequency eigenmodes of real
The SRS tool allows to compare shocks transients with each other, to consider envelopes and then
specify shocks levels. This is today the universal tool for describing shocks, specify them or
pronouncing qualification. However, it is not a perfect tool:
The SRS does not have a unique relationship with the transient signal from which it is
computed; i.e., it is possible for different transients to have the same SRS. These shocks have
consequently the same effect on any of the SDOF with a Q-factor of 10 but can have a different
effect on the considered system. In particular, it is often possible to at least coarsely
approximate the maximax SRS for a complex, multi-cycle transient environment by an
appropriately shaped single pulse transient in the laboratory. Of course, the required single
pulse used for the simulation can have a much higher maximum level and a different effective
duration than the actual environment, raising serious questions about the real severity of the
The SRS does not allow to describe completely the frequency content of a signal. Some
frequencies can be hidden by others peaks. Changing the Q-factor is the method to reveal these
hidden peaks.
The SRS is based on the response of a 1-DOF system which is not representative of real multi-
DOF systems. This limitation is all the more important that the studied system has eigenmodes
at close frequencies.
14 July 2015
Shock events
Spacecraft can sustain various types of shock during their development and mission.
From the launch to its mission end, a spacecraft can for instance sustain the following shocks:
Launcher induced shocks such as fairing or stage separation. They propagate in the launcher
structure, reach the launcher-spacecraft interface and then propagate in the spacecraft structure.
These shocks are usually comprised in the launcher specification.
Spacecraft release shock. They are directly generated at the launcher-spacecraft interface by the
separation system (clampband release or other system). These shocks are also usually
comprised in the launcher specification.
Appendage release shocks or subsystem actuating shocks. Some appendages which are
clamped for launch are released when in function (solar arrays, antenna reflectors, instruments).
In the same way some subsystems can be actuated by devices producing shocks, such as
pyrovalves or mechanisms. These shocks occur generally during stationing or at the beginning
of mission, but can occur even later after an interplanetary travel for instance.
These shocks can sometimes be generated by low shock devices, which significantly reduces their
During spacecraft development, some shocks can also occur: they are usually qualification or
acceptance shock tests at system (spacecraft release shock) or subsystem level (equipment
qualification on shock machine or test bench); they can also be characterisation tests (SHOck
Generator UNit or Shogun to evaluate propagation w.r.t. launcher induced shocks).
Shock environment is usually divided into three categories, basically near-field, medium-field and far-
field. The distinction between these categories is based on the magnitude and the spectral content of
the environment. There is however neither formal separation nor precise limit value, especially in
terms of distance from the source: such a classification depends on the type and strength of the
considered device and the detailed configuration of the structure (that drives the shock propagation
path). However these categories can have a strong influence on the hardware design or selection.
These categories are generally described as follows:
The near-field environment is dominated by direct wave propagation from the source with
very high peak accelerations (that can exceed 5000 g) and a very high frequency content (well
above 10 kHz for pyrotechnic sources). Depending of the source such a near-field environment
is located from several to a dozen centimetres from the source.
14 July 2015
The mid-field environment is characterised by a combination of the propagating waves and
the structural resonances, issued from recombination of reflecting waves on the boundary
conditions. The maximum acceleration peak is weaker than in near-field (down to a fifth of the
near-field peak values) and the frequency content still presents high frequency components (up
to 10 kHz). Depending on the source, mid-field environment is located from a dozen to several
dozen centimetres from the source.
The far-field environment is dominated by the structural resonances issued from
recombination of reflecting waves on the boundary conditions. The resulting peak accelerations
are really weaker (up to a fifth of the near-field peak values) as compared to those in near- or
medium-field and most of the frequency content is below 10 kHz. The far-field environment is
located outside the mid-field environment.
As illustrated in Figure 5-1, the severity (characterised here by its Shock Response Spectrum, see 4.1.4)
of a far-field environment is not necessarily decreasing when the distance from the source to the
response point of interest is increasing. This is especially true in the frequency range dominated by
high structural resonances (typically below 2 kHz).
14 July 2015
Near field
SRS – Q=10
Little attenuation
in mid freq. range
Figure 5-1: Comparison of shock severity of two signals, one close to the shock
source (near field) and the other several meters from the source (far field)
14 July 2015
Introduction to shock design and
verification process
14 July 2015
Derivation methods
Internal shocks
S/C architecture Limitations derivation
Margin policy
FEM Isolation aspects
Test database rules
Equipment sensitivity
and failure modes
Risk analysis w.r.t.
equipment type
Derivation methods Risk
at component level analysis
Figure 6-1: Overall logic of shock handbook w.r.t. shock design and verification
14 July 2015
14 July 2015
Part 2
Shock input derivation to space segment
elements and equipment
14 July 2015
Shocks in spacecraft
7.1 Overview
This chapter lists the different shock events and associated devices. Its aim is to remind that the use of
certain devices should always make shock a matter of concern.
The different shock events are separated in two different categories: shocks during service life and
shocks related to testing as described in Figure 7-1.
Mechanical shock test External shock test Stages separation Clampband Pyrotechnic shock Impact shock
Shocks devices
14 July 2015
Shock devices used for these different shock events are quickly presented in Table 7-1 for ground
shock tests and in Table 7-2 for shocks in service life, for which indication of shock origin
(external/internal with respect to spacecraft) is given.
Table 7-1: List of potential shock sources for ground shock tests
Ground shock tests
Mechanical and pyrotechnic shock machine used for equipment testing: several
kinds of shock machines have been developed to qualify equipment to shocks.
They can be either mechanical (usually by the mean of a hammer hitting a
Subsystem shock dedicated shock table) or pyrotechnic. See Part 3 of this handbook for further
test information.
Electrodynamic means (shaker): shakers can be used to qualify equipment to shock
with short excitation pulses. They are however relatively limited in terms of level
and frequency band capacities.
SHOGUN: this device is intended to represent Ariane 5 launcher shocks, especially
fairing separation. It is composed of a pyrotechnic linear cord charge inside a
weakened aluminium structure. The shock wave is generated by the expansion of
Specific shock tests the tube causing a controlled rupture of the lower flange screw section.
at system level (i.e. VESTA: this device is intended to represent VEGA launcher shocks, especially
not on-ground tests fairing separation. It is represented by a full scale mock-up of the VEGA upper
of flight devices) composite and the shock is generated by the release of the HSS belt achieved
through the activation of bolt cutters.
Pyrotechnic Ariane 5 ASAP kit: such a device is intended to be representative of an
ASAP 5 microsatellite separation system shock. See 7.4.4 for further information.
14 July 2015
Table 7-2: List of potential shock sources for shocks in service life
Shocks in service life
Shock Description
(w.r.t. S/C)
This category gathers all shock sources inside the launcher,
Launcher induced
such as stages separations or fairing jettisoning. Different
shock before External
systems exist: for instance separation by pyrojets, symmetric
spacecraft release or asymmetric tight barrier.
14 July 2015
Low shock devices are used for internal appendages release, in order to protect very sensitive
equipment or instruments which are implemented in direct vicinity of the release device (shock
source). This allows facilitating or even making possible the spacecraft or sub-system architecture, e.g.
on optical instruments where systems are installed close to the secondary mirror for opening a
protection cap.
The implementation of such devices is very complex, as most of the time a lot of electrical energy is
needed to actuate them the routing of adequate cables can, in some cases, be complex, and therefore it
is very important to take this into account as early as possible in the design process.
It is also noticeable that “low-shock” can be an abusive term where it consists only in replacing the
pyrotechnic actuator (thus reducing a primary shock) without changing the released mechanical
element. For instance, when a low-shock device is used to release a highly preloaded tie-rod, high
shock loads can still be generated by the relaxation of the stored energy into the tie-rod.
A specific list of current low shock technologies is shown hereafter to sum up the currently available
shock devices technologies ([RD-010][RD-011]):
Electro-mechanical spool: a spring is loaded by a sectioned spool, overwrapped by a retaining
wire, the latter held in-place by a linkwire. Current passing through the linkwire causes it to
fail, thereby releasing the retainer wire and allowing separation of the spool halves.
Paraffin actuator: High Output Paraffin (HOP) actuator uses constrained volumetric expansion
of highly refined polymer at a given transition temperature to produce large hydrostatic
pressure that is translated to actuator through a hermetic seal.
Shape Memory Alloy (SMA): such system uses the shape memory effect which is based on a
transformation which is reversible upon heating. Thus SMAs can undergo deformation which is
retained until they are heated above a transition temperature at which point a reverse
transformation occurs and the original non-deformed shape is restored.
Pyrosoft: the Pyrosoft is a low shock device. The release of the screw is initiated by the melting
of a thermite composition. Those thermite allow the debasing of a threaded ring which releases
the piston and the threaded segment. The duration of the process, at least 0,5 second allows a
progressive release of the screw in two phases; first the release of the tension and in a second
part the liberation of the screw.
Thermal knife: this kind of device is based on thermal degradation of a pre-tensioned cable (for
instance Kevlar/Aramid). An electrically heated knife gradually melts through the cable causing
degraded fibres to fail reducing cable cross section until the cable to fail under the residual
14 July 2015
7.4.1 Overview
This paragraph 7.4 describes the different shock events and their main characteristics (notably in
terms of frequency content with an SRS representation). A distinction is made between external
shocks originating from payload fairing jettison, launcher stage separation or spacecraft release and
internal shocks occurring in the spacecraft, typically for appendage release.
Launcher induced shocks gather all shocks occurring in the launcher structure that propagate through
the launcher structure and the payload adaptor up to the spacecraft interface. Such shocks are mainly
due to stage separation and fairing jettisoning. Clampband release is not considered, in this handbook,
as a launcher induced shock and is specifically addressed in the paragraph 7.4.3.
The severity of the launcher induced shock seen by the spacecraft, mainly depends on:
The type of separation devices used for the stage separation or fairing jettisoning, with a lower
severity for bi-rupture (symmetric) separation or punctual separation systems compared to
mono-rupture or pyrojet separation systems.
The overall architecture of the launcher, and especially distance and loadpath characteristics
between the shock sources and the spacecraft interface.
There is therefore no absolute rule valid for all launchers, each of them having its own specificities:
ARIANE 5: Owing to continuous improvements of the launch vehicle, the severity of the
launcher induced shocks has been significantly reduced, through the introduction of a bi-rupture
separation system for the upper stage separation (replacing mono-rupture separation system),
and of a quasi-symmetric separation device for the fairing (so-called HSS3+, with recurring
production target in mid 2015).
NOTE With the introduction of the HSS3+, the fairing separation shock level
is equivalent to the upper stage separation shock and below 0.2 x f.
The dimensioning shock event for the spacecraft becomes the clamp-
band release.
NOTE The handbook currently presents the shock environment of the earlier
and current launch vehicle definition (excluding HSS3+) and
associated verification method (i.e. Shogun test method, see Para., and Part 3).
VEGA: Dimensioning shock is induced by the fairing separation especially for frequencies up to
about 3kHz. For higher frequencies, the upper stage separation is dimensioning.
In general these specificities are presented and continuously updated in user manuals. For other
launcher, user manuals should be consulted.
14 July 2015
The launch induced shocks have specific characteristics depending on the type of separation.
Frequency content of the excitation: There can be important low frequency components in
launcher induced shock, typically from 300 Hz to 1kHz. These components are due to modal
response of some elements of the launcher that are well transmitted to the spacecraft-launcher
interface. An important parameter driving these low frequency components is the stiffness and
the diameter of the interface where the separation occurs.
Figure 7-2 here below presents the envelope spectrum for stage and fairing separations (HSS1)
and for clampband release. The existence of specific modal responses between 400 and 700 Hz is
here indicated through the particular shape of the stage/fairing spectrum at these frequencies.
Thus level is higher in this band in comparison with a continuously increasing slope (of 12 dB
or 9dB per octave) up to the elbow point at 1000 Hz. This is not seen for clampband release for
which response is driven by interface ring mode around 1000 Hz, depending from the
spacecraft ring diameter.
Figure 7-2: Envelope shock spectrum for the upper stage separation and fairing
jettisoning and envelope shock spectrum for clampband release at spacecraft
interface – From Ariane 5 User’s Manual Issue 5
Due to dissipation and diffraction effects, the further the separation occurs from the spacecraft-
launcher interface, the greater is the attenuation of the high frequency levels. This notion of
distance is based on both the physical distance and the complexity of the propagation path
(number of structural joints). This is usually not true for low or medium frequency levels. An
example of the dependency of high frequencies shock levels with respect to the distance is
shown in Figure 7-3, with the comparison of shock levels along the primary loadpath and for
increasing distances with respect to the shock source. As such, the excitation of lower frequency
modes are well transmitted to the spacecraft-launcher interface and beyond, whereas the high
frequencies shock levels are more quickly attenuated.
14 July 2015
Figure 7-3: Comparison of shock levels with increasing distances from the shock
source (system level shock test performed on CLUSTER satellite)
Severity: A mono-rupture separation creates more levels at low and medium frequencies up to
6000Hz than a bi-rupture separation. An example of such an impact of the separation type is
shown in Figure 7-4.
14 July 2015
The best way to have a representative characterisation of such a launcher induced environment
is to conduct a test at system level with launcher structures and a payload dummy, with a flight
representative separation system being fired. In this case a particular attention should be paid
to boundary conditions.
As the pyrotechnic separation device is very well controlled, if the mechanical characteristic on
the propagation path toward the spacecraft are identical, a good repeatability is achieved.
The launcher induced shock specification is derived from flight measurement and statistics
made on a spacecraft family using a given launcher position and a given adaptor. An
illustration of consistency between launcher induced specification and the shock flight
measurement for two spacecraft within the same family (same platform in same launcher
position with same adaptor) on Ariane 5 is presented on Figure 7-5. It shows the good
repeatability of launcher induced shock and the adequacy of the specification at spacecraft
Figure 7-5: Consistency between flight shock measurement and launcher induced
specification for Ariane 5 at spacecraft interface in launcher Axial direction.
14 July 2015
Shogun stands for SHock Generator UNit: it is a characterisation mean designed for dealing with the
specificity of shocks generated by the Ariane 5 launcher. It is a pyrotechnic device based on the
expansion of a pyrotechnic tube that breaks a weakened section (Figure 7-6). In this way the principle
is similar to the of a launcher stage separation, which it is intended to represent.
LV adapter
Figure 7-7: Comparison between Shogun and launcher induced shocks levels at
the spacecraft interface
A Shogun test occurs immediately at the base of the payload adapter, which is far closer to the
spacecraft interface than for a real launcher shock. As a consequence high frequency levels are
less attenuated than for a real launcher shock event. This can also be seen in Figure 7-7.
14 July 2015
Therefore the use of such a test is limited to the characterisation of the transfer function between
spacecraft launcher interface and an equipment inside the spacecraft. As a matter of fact the Shogun
test is considered representative of the shock propagation inside the structure for launcher induced
shocks type of source.
Details on the associated extrapolation method to derive qualifying environment at unit levels, can be
found in paragraph
VESTA is the acronym for VEga Shock Test Apparatus. It is a test method designed and developed in
order to support the qualification of spacecraft to be flown on the VEGA launcher. It aims at
reproducing the shock generated during the VEGA fairing jettisoning phase.
The test method (see Figure 7-8) is built from several stage/component full scale mock-ups used
during the VEGA development and consists in a flight representative model of the VEGA upper
composite. VESTA simulates the release of the fairing belt at the base of the payload adapter using the
same hardware available during a typical VEGA flight (fairing belt and bolt cutters), then the shock
generated is fully representative with respect to the one experienced in flight.
14 July 2015
The main characteristics of the shock generated by VESTA are given hereafter:
The shock level at the spacecraft base is driven by the tension applied in the HSS belt. The SRS
is mainly dominated by the response of the adapter ring mode at about 800 Hz
The shock levels can be tuned by adjusting the tension of the HSS belt (from typically 20kN up
to the HSS tension foreseen at the time of the Fairing separation).
Several tests have already been performed in order to characterize and validate this test tool. Some
results in terms of shock at spacecraft interface are shown in Figure 7-9.
Figure 7-9: Results from VESTA test method for different configurations (shock at
S/C interface, on the LV side)
Details on the associated extrapolation method to derive qualifying environment at unit levels, can be
found in paragraph
14 July 2015 Overview
Two kinds of Clampband devices are treated here: standard one and low shock. These two kinds of
devices are treated separately due to their differences in terms of generated shocks.
This usual kind of separation system consists of a Clampband set, release mechanism, and separation
springs (see Figure 7-10). The Clampband usually includes clamp segments that hold the payload
adapter and spacecraft rings together and a retaining band that applies the clamping forces to the
clamp segments. The ends of the retaining band are held together by tension bolts. For separation, a
pyrotechnically activated system (bolt-cutters for instance) cuts the tension bolts, allowing the end of
the clamp segments to move apart and release the payload adapter and spacecraft mating rings.
14 July 2015
As a consequence, several general characteristics of Clampband shocks can be put forward.
For homogeneous, uniform and unsupported circular rings, the pre-tension release induces an
excitation of the first breathing mode (n=0) corresponding radial expansion and contraction of the
ring. This is not exactly true if for some reasons the cylindrical symmetry is lost but this remains a
meaningful hypothesis which provides correct approximation. The frequency of this mode is directly
linked to the interface diameter and to the material used for the pre-loaded structure.
Frequency and the maximum associated acceleration (corresponding to SRS plateau) of the first
breathing mode can be analytically approached by the following formulas:
E Tb
2 a
.R2 AR
E is the Young Modulus of the spacecraft lower ring material;
is the material density of the spacecraft lower ring material;
R is the spacecraft ring radius;
is the tensile load distribution factor between the spacecraft lower ring and the
adaptor upper ring. It is recommended to use = ½;
Tb is the total band tensile load acting on both spacecraft lower ring and the
adaptor upper ring;
A is the cross-section area of the spacecraft lower ring. It is recommended to
consider an effective ring area up to an height h=5cm along the spacecraft lower
cylindrical shell. Examples of such calculated cross-section area are given hereafter.
The use of such formula is illustrated in Table 7-3 and Figure 7-11 to Figure 7-14.
14 July 2015
Table 7-3: Frequency of the first main radial mode – comparison between theory
and test measurements
Diameter of spacecraft interface (mm) 937 1194 1666 2624 3936
Theoretical frequency (Hz) 1699 1333 955 607 404
Measured frequency (Hz) 1600 1350 920 580 350-600
SRS (g) - Q=10
100 1000 10000
Freq (Hz)
Figure 7-11: Comparison between theory and test measurements for Clampband
radial SRS levels (I/F diameter 937 mm – SMART-1 interface ring)
SRS (g) - Q=10
100 1000 10000
Freq (Hz)
Figure 7-12: Comparison between theory and test measurements for Clampband
radial SRS levels (I/F diameter 1194 mm – ROSETTA interface ring)
14 July 2015
SRS (g) - Q=10
100,0 1000,0 10000,0
Freq (Hz)
Figure 7-13: Comparison between theory and test measurements for Clampband
radial SRS levels (I/F diameter 1666 mm – MSG interface ring)
10000 10000
2624 mm dia. interface 3936 mm dia. interface
SRS (g) - Q=10
1000 1000
10 10
100 1000 10000 100 1000 10000
Freq (Hz) Freq (Hz)
Figure 7-14: Comparison between theory and test measurements for Clampband
radial SRS levels (I/F diameter 2624 mm (INTEGRAL) and I/F diameter 3936 mm
As it has been explained, if for some reasons the cylindrical symmetry is lost, some in-plane flexural
modes can be excited. It is important to emphasize that flexural modes have fundamental natural
frequencies lower than the fundamental natural frequencies of the extensional or breathing mode. On
the Figure 7-15, the first two flexural modes are illustrated. Frequencies of in-plane flexural modes can
be analytically approached by the following formula:
n(n2 1) EIy
with n=2,3 …
R 2 n2 1
E is the Young Modulus of the spacecraft lower ring material
is the mass per unit length of ring
R is the spacecraft ring radius
Iy area moments of inertia about y axis (see Figure 7-15 for corresponding axis)
14 July 2015
Figure 7-15: Example of ring in-plane flexural modes n=2 and n=3
If no flexural modes are excited, there is no important frequency content below the main breathing
mode at medium frequency. Therefore the SRS is characterised in this frequency range (~100 Hz - 800
Hz) by a constant slope of 12 dB/octave.
Another point is the important difference in the acceleration levels at the spacecraft interface between
longitudinal and radial components. General rules based on experience are given below and
illustrated in Figure 7-16:
The radial component is always higher than the longitudinal one, in low and medium
This difference generally rises from about 6 dB in low frequency (~100 Hz) to about 12 dB at the
frequency of the main breathing mode.
The lower the frequency of the first main breathing mode, the larger is the difference between
radial and longitudinal levels.
This difference then decreases at very high frequency: the levels are resulting from three-
dimensional pyrotechnic effects in this frequency range. The radial and longitudinal
components have equivalent levels from about 5 kHz.
14 July 2015
Breathing mode
Beyond the frequency of the main breathing mode, high frequency components are usually measured.
These components are mainly due to pyrotechnic parts of the Clampband releases mechanism.
Therefore the SRS magnitude and frequency content depend on the specific case.
Clampband release shock has a good reproducibility at least in low and medium frequency because of
its predominant mechanical component (i.e. release of stored energy in the ring and adjacent
14 July 2015
Low shock clampband device are designed to reduce shock level at spacecraft interface compared to
clampband including pyro actuation. The overall concept of low shock device is to introduce constrain
relaxation mechanisms in order to distribute energy over a longer period of time (compared to short
spike introduce by pyro actuation) in order to reduce global levels (as illustrated in Figure 7-17).
Several types of low shock device are proposed by launcher with different concepts and designs. The
main ones used by European launchers are:
Low shock device can be dissymmetric. Thus, with some low shock clampband design, the levels
measured at the spacecraft interface can be inhomogeneous in both radial and longitudinal response
directions. This could be the case when the pre-load release is made in a single point in a progressive
way. As a matter of fact some examples have already shown a large discrepancy of level around the
interface (up to factor 5)
It is important to notice that all the rules and remarks made in the previous sections to characterise a
Clampband release shock source do not strictly apply to low shock Clampband devices especially if
the distribution of level along the circular interface is not axisymmetric on spacecraft side.
Similarly, for the shock input derivation in various location inside the spacecraft (as described in
paragraph 8.3), a distinction should be made between:
the shock environment induced by the release of the pretension (excitation of spacecraft ring
breathing mode) – See method 8.3.2
the shock environment induced by the actuation device (point source excitation) – See method
Figure 7-17: Example of spacecraft shock level induced by pyro clampband (blue
curves) and low shock clampband (red curves) on similar telecom spacecraft with
similar clampband tension (35kN)
14 July 2015
Mechanical Lock Systems are offered by EUROCKOT for use with spacecraft that are attached to the
launch vehicle at discrete points, rather than via a ring as in a standard Clampband system. The
adapter system developed for CRYOSAT launch is shown in Figure 7-18 to Figure 7-19 as an example
for single satellite adapter using mechanical lock system. It incorporates the mechanical lock
separation components including pyroactuator, rods, spring pushers, connectors and bonding
provisions. The satellite is fastened to the launch vehicle payload adapter via four (or three)
mechanical locks using four (or three) brackets at the base of each satellite. The number of attachment
points depends on the satellite shape and mass. Separation is achieved by igniting the pyroactuator
which in turn rotates the mechanical locks via the mechanism rods releasing the spacecraft adapter
frame. The spacecraft is then pushed away by spring pushers. Shock is not exerted directly on the
spacecraft interfaces but on the parts of the mechanical drive, thus significantly attenuating the
pyrotechnic shock levels at spacecraft level.
Figure 7-18: Adapter system for single satellite accommodation (KSRC / Courtesy)
14 July 2015
Figure 7-19: Adapter system for single satellite accommodation using the
mechanical lock system (KSRC / Courtesy)
Figure 7-20 provides a typical shock specification for the Mechanical Lock System [MLS] (generic
specification with typical pre-tension of 40 kN), and the maximum recorded shock during the
CRYOSAT MLS release test (specific application of the MLS).
SRS (g) - Q=10
100 1000 10000
Freq (Hz)
Figure 7-20: Typical shock specification for the Rockot mechanical lock system
14 July 2015
The PSLV separation system [RD-012] consists in three rings. The fore end ring interfaces with the
satellite. The aft end ring is attached to the launch vehicle deck. These rings are held together using a
ball lock which is radially pre-loaded using a retainer ring providing the required joint stiffness. The
retainer ring is locked in position using two shear screws. The system is released by rotating the
retainer ring. The holes on the retainer align with the balls in the aft ring and jettisoning springs cause
the separation of the fore end ring. The rotation is achieved by two pyrothrusters.
The configuration of the separation system is shown in Figure 7-21.
14 July 2015 Dnepr explosive bolts
The micro satellites in the 120 kg class are fixed on the Dnepr launcher using 3 pyrotechnic devices,
operating like pyrotechnic bolts. A view of the bracket at the satellite interface, and a view of the
pyrotechnic device are shown in Figure 7-23.
View of the bracket at the satellite interface on the left; view of the pyrotechnic device on the right
Figure 7-24 illustrate SRS at satellite / launcher interface (excitation dominated by axial component).
14 July 2015
A qualification kit (officially referenced as 5SSASAP 5SCH) exists to qualify small payloads, whose
mass does not exceed 150 kg, to be set up on ASAP 5 structure (Figure 7-26). The shock is generated by
both a pyrotechnic device and a projectile.
14 July 2015
Mechanical assembly on the left and impactor after use on the right
Figure 7-27: Dassault impactor description
14 July 2015
A typical SRS at 10 cm from the ASAP5 qualification system is shown in Figure 7-28.
It should be noticed that the measured environment generated by this device proved to be relatively
dispersive. The shock source at launcher interface is extremely difficult to measure due to the extreme
level at high frequency, typically above 100 kHz.
Figure 7-28: Temporal data of acceleration and the linked SRS at 10 cm from the
ASAP5 qualification system
The repeatability of the ASAP 5 pyroshock qualification kit is rather satisfactory. A 3 dB scattering on
the SRS is usually recorded. This variation comes from the scattering of the pyrotechnic charge and
the shearing section of the pyroshock hammers. A special attention should be paid to the selection of
an appropriate firing unit to guarantee the synchronisation of the “N” firing current pulses (better
than 0,5ms) .
The repeatability is evidenced in Figure 7-30, where SRS of two consecutive tests are superimposed.
To cover this variability, and satisfy the purpose of qualification, a least two tests are executed.
S R S _ M a x iM a x _ P C 2 _ X A S A P 1 S R S _ M a x iM a x _ P C 2 _ X A S A P 2
1 ·1 0 4
1 ·1 0 3
1 ·1 0 2
1 ·1 0 1
1 ·1 0 2 1 ·1 0 3 1 ·1 0 4
Figure 7-29: Myriade Platform Figure 7-30: SRS of two identical tests using
structural model with PICARD the ASAP 5 qualification kit
Payload Flight model
14 July 2015
The Soyuz launcher enables multiple launches using mission specific dispensers. These mission
specific dispensers have been purposely developed in the frame of Globalstar, Galileo and O3b
constellation deployment missions. As an example of the dispenser that has been used for the Galileo
launches; it primarily comprises of an aluminium sandwich panel “box” structure that allows the
structural support to the 2 integrated Galileo Spacecraft and an arrangement of struts that allow the
interconnection to the FREGAT upper stage for load transfer. Figure 7-31 depicts the unloaded
Dispenser, and the dispenser loaded with the Galileo satellites during final integration.
Each spacecraft has four dedicated interface points with the dispenser. The Dispenser System
Separation subsystem consists of four dedicated Hold and Release Separation Units (HRS Units) that
attach the spacecraft to the Dispenser and four separation and distancing spring actuators. Each of the
4 HRS units comprise of a pyro-nut/bolt and the corresponding pyrotechnic initiation (or charge) unit.
The induced shock environment during the spacecraft release depends on the selection of the pyro-
nut/bolt, and typical levels dispenser/spacecraft interface are shown in Figure 7-32.
14 July 2015
Release devices are extensively used inside satellites, covering various functions, such as:
Solar array release
Antenna deployment
Radiator deployment
Release of sub-spacecraft
Depending on the application and on the type of release system selected, high shock loads can be
experienced and propagated through the satellite structure. Among the family of release devices
commonly used inside satellites, the ones actuated by pyrotechnic cutter or pyrotechnic nut are
inducing higher shock loads.
In addition to release devices, another stringent shock source is the pyrovalve. The function of a
pyrovalve is to definitely shut down or open a fluid circuit. The energy needed for actuation is
supplied by a pyrotechnic system, and as most of the other propulsion units are accommodated in
direct vicinity to the pyrovalve(s), they are exposed to very high shock levels. The pyrovalves are
specifically addressed in the paragraph 12.7.2
Each shock source has a particular signature, but their comparison is often not straightforward, as
their signatures are identified using different test configurations and methods. In order to allow the
comparison of the induced shock environment by different release devices and to generate a test
database, a specific test bench has been developed through an ESA and CNES contract ([RD-013], [RD-
046]). The configuration of this test bench, together with the list of tested devices is presented in
Figure 7-33.
The main interest in such test bench (and its associated test database), lies in the possibility to compare
in the same test configuration, the induced shocks for different release devices. It allows in particular:
to bench mark new release devices,
to identify the parameters having an influence on the induced shocks.
With respect to the latter point, it has been observed that the diameter and the preload (for pyronut or
pyrocutter) are directly influencing the induced shocks (the higher the diameter or preload, the higher
the induced shocks).
The signatures of each of the tested devices are provided in Figure 7-34.
The presented signatures give qualitative and relative information, for comparison of severities
between different devices, and therefore to support the selection of a release device. However, it
cannot be used to define a shock specification due to the influence of the supporting structure itself in
the shock levels (mounting conditions, bracketry). Additional characterization testing is therefore
recommended at that stage.
14 July 2015
Pyro devices
14 July 2015
14 July 2015
14 July 2015
14 July 2015
In several ESA space programs, it is planned to develop space systems in which it is expected the
landing on asteroids, on Moon and Mars and also the return of space system on Earth's surface and/or
on water.
In order to ensure a successful final landing phase on asteroids, Moon or Mars surface, a landing
crushable or airbag system is needed, capable of absorbing the residual velocities (vertical, horizontal
and angular) at touch-down, limiting the landing loads and insuring stability.
While for an Earth-Entry vehicle it is necessary to design a reliable capsule that can use an energy
absorber or parachute system to safely return a payload to the Earth’s or water surface.
In the final seconds before touchdown phase, after parachute deceleration, the purpose of all energy
absorbing systems is to limit the maximum acceleration of the payload. The energy absorbing systems
can be subdivided into the following two main categories:
o Air-bag system (vented or no-vented)
o Crushable system (legs or platform)
o Skycrane system
o Leg with active (i.e. electromagnetic) damper system
Loading scenarios include a wide range of different initial impact parameters as:
Impact velocity
o Vertical velocity
o Clocking horizontal velocity
o Clocking angular velocity (roll, pitch and yaw)
Lander orientation (roll, pitch and yaw attitude) and clocking
Impacting surface
o from rigid to soft soil and its friction
o water
Surfaces slope
Rock height, position and numbers
Wave slopes and clocking
Lander mass, stiffness and damping
Although the landing/splashdown event can be basically associated to a shock event, differently from
the behaviour of the most common spacecraft shock sources, the landing/splashdown load has also
significant low-frequency content that induces a quasi-static load. Therefore this load can be
considered as additional design load case to the stress verification. Nevertheless a contribution at the
medium-high frequency contest is also present. For this reason the general approach to the
touchdown (landing/splashdown) is to consider both the design loads and shock effects derivations.
14 July 2015
The approach to the design loads derivation and stability verification analysis can be described as
a) Take into account conservative touchdown conditions,
b) Derive limit loads in terms of acceleration and/or pressure levels at vehicle CoG and at
equipment locations from the worst case loads by exploiting a wide matrix of touchdown load
c) Consider case-consistent (i.e. assuming that the peaks occur simultaneously) but not time-
consistent loads,
d) Apply a load uncertainty factor to account the model uncertainty and unpredicted load cases.
During a crash event, the structure experiences high impact loads which produce localized plastic
hinges and buckling. This can ultimately lead to large deformations and rotations with contact and
stacking among the various components.
In the past, this kind of mechanical engineering problems were always verified by experimental drop
test campaign because they were too complicated to be solved in a closed form (analytically) but
recent advancement in the high-speed computing technology for large-scale analyses and the
development of the advanced explicit nonlinear dynamic finite element techniques provide a
powerful capability for solving the fluid and flexible structure interaction problems.
The numerical method, which can be used for solving this touchdown impact problem, is usually
based on the Finite Element Method (FEM). There are two general schemes for calculating an
approximate solution: explicit and implicit methods. Between the two methods, the explicit one is the
most suitable.
The explicit finite element code is able to analyse non-linear dynamic problems in three dimensions
including the computation of explicit dynamic relaxations and static implicit solutions. Also
interaction between fluid and structures can be analysed. Some specialized capabilities allow an easily
modelling of airbags and sensors.
In the current available commercial codes, such as Altair-Radioss, LS-DYNA and MSC.Dytran,
different algorithms are implemented to treat this explicit non-linear dynamic problem as:
Pure Lagrangian algorithm
Pure Eulerian algorithm
Coupled Arbitrary Lagrange Euler (ALE) algorithm
Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) algorithm
14 July 2015
Lagrangian solution techniques are usually preferred for speed and accuracy, but fail in case of large
deformations and rotations; consequently, the Eulerian approach becomes a necessity.
Explicit nonlinear dynamic finite element codes based on an Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE)
solver are recommended especially to analyze the interaction between Lagrangian (structures) and
Eulerian (air/water) meshes. An example of the application of this algorithm is represented by the IXV
splashdown simulation (Figure 7-35).
The Smooth-Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) technique is a meshless numerical method based on
interpolation theory and it can be used to model the motion of a fluid and its interaction with the
Figure 7-35: Time evolution of the motion during IXV Water Landing simulation
14 July 2015
It is important to pay attention during the post-processing phase of the analysis results because the
correctness of the outputs depends on correct application of the following post-processing conditions:
Aliasing prevention
Due to the presence of high frequency content of landing impact event in crash analysis, it is
important to prevent aliasing errors by using a time-step sufficiently small for writing out the
output time histories. This is done by considering a minimum sampling frequency sufficiently
high, however this value is in any case superseded by the computational time step if it is
Energy considerations
To validate the model some quality checks on the output results are needed, such as carefully
observing the system and component energies for growth or instabilities.
The laws of physics cannot be violated in the model thus the total energy should not grow as
the model progress in time. The time histories of the various forms of energy (i.e. kinetic
energy, internal strain energy, hourglass energy and interface energy) should be examined
individually as well as the total energy.
Filtering of crash data
For the design load derivation purpose, due to the high frequency content typically seen in
analytical acceleration time-histories, it is necessary to filter the acceleration data obtained as
output from the simulation (Figure 7-36).
In order to post-process acceleration data it is possible to refer to filter standards. Present
practice is to use a low-pass filter based on a 4th-order Butterworth low pass with forwards
and backwards linear phase processing. Engineering judgment is required in the choice of the
filtering frequency in order to extract the important physical information such as rise time and
peak acceleration.
Often the choice of the filtering frequency is usually driven by the need to correlate the
numerical results with experimental data, in this case the filtering rule used for the numerical
data is recommended to be the same as for the experimental ones.
AZ_IMU(CoG) AZ_IMU(CoG)_Filter Low 100Hz
Acc [m/s^2]
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
Time [s]
Figure 7-36: Acceleration time history unfiltered vs. 100 Hz low pass filter
7.5 Conclusion
As a conclusion there are many different shock sources acting on satellites. Some induce high shock
levels, at spacecraft-launcher interface or at discrete locations inside the satellites. A specification
based only on a SRS is not sufficient piece of information to precisely know how to deal with this
specification, and therefore it should be completed by the description of the shock origin.
14 July 2015
Shock inputs derivation by
8.1 Overview
Although the state of the art for shock environment prediction in spacecraft have not yet reached the
maturity of other environmental disciplines due to the high-frequency nature of pyroshocks, recent
advances in prediction techniques bring more confidence and a better understanding of this
The derivation of a consolidated shock environment is an achievable goal, under the condition that
a consistent approach is strictly followed. This goal can be achieved through similarity-heritage-
extrapolation, based on past experiences, and through good engineering practices in shock FEA [RD-
In this respect, the shock inputs derivation to sub-systems by similarity-heritage-extrapolation is
discussed herein.
Early definition or consolidation of the shock environment is an essential aspect, in order to avoid
facing spacecraft and equipment qualification problems later in the qualification phase. The derived
shock environment is finally used to establish shock specification for equipment or subsystems.
Similarity-heritage-extrapolation methods are widely used because of the lack of good predictive
methods of shock levels inside a spacecraft in contrast to what exists for other mechanical
environment (e.g. static and sine). The aim of such methods is to compare the studied spacecraft
structure with already tested spacecraft structures presenting similar architecture, design and/or
configuration. This is always a tough job requiring experience as the similarity between spacecraft is a
rather subjective evaluation that thus requires a justification.
A more precise definition of these methods is given hereafter:
Similarity-heritage methods aim at evaluating shock levels using data from different
structures considered as similar for possibly different (but physically similar) shock sources.
Such methods are usually used early in a programme when no data on the studied structure is
available. The main question, which drives the analysis validity, is about the degree of
similarity between the studied structure and the reference structure(s).
Extrapolation methods aim at evaluating shock levels using data for the same structure
(typically from a structural model to a protoflight model) for possibly different (but physically
similar, typically Shogun to launcher induced shock) shock sources. Such methods are usually
used later in a programme when some shock tests have been performed on structural model or
representative structures.
14 July 2015
8.2.1 Overview
The spectra of the responses measured on one system during its operation or ground simulation can
often be used to predict the spectra in another spacecraft, assuming the old and new systems are of
broadly similar design. In such cases, the shock responses of the new system can be predicted, at least
coarsely, by scaling the measurements made on the previous system. This philosophy based on
similarity and heritage is often the most reliable way to derive shock levels at equipment interface.
Since shock transient analysis cannot be considered mature enough to predict accurately the shock
propagation in a complex structure like a satellite or a launcher, empirical derivation is often a good
manner to estimate, even coarsely, sub-system levels.
As a result, engineers have established some relevant shock databases containing test results from
various spacecraft or R&D projects, even if the availability of a meaningful shock database is difficult
to obtain.
These databases collect results from standardised shock tests to get an evaluation of shock levels in
precise conditions which can be described with a few parameters. These test results are usually not
suitable for direct derivation of shock levels as the standardised conditions of the tests are generally
idealisation of real spacecraft conditions. However they can be used as a comparison tool in order to
derive some extrapolation rules (extrapolation from a local configuration to another). These rules can
be used at spacecraft level to represent the local configuration change.
Two examples of such characterisation databases are given hereafter:
Lockheed-Marietta database [RD-016][RD-017]
The so-called “Lockheed-Marietta” database aimed at compiling representative pyroshock data
in order to characterize shock sources (e.g. linear explosive sources, explosive bolts, separation
nuts, pin-pullers, and bolt cutters) in terms of e.g. frequency content, amplitude, attenuation
with distance, influence of structural configuration on waves propagation, compared severity,
and recommendations on test simulation.
ESA-CNES database for characterisation of internal pyrotechnic devices [RD-013]
The database on the ESA/CNES test bench was developed more recently to characterize
different shock sources corresponding to shocks produced during appendages release. Different
pyrotechnic cutter and nuts (used by European companies) have been tested on two different
plates (one aluminium plate and one aluminium sandwich plate). See 7.4.5.
14 July 2015
Large amount of shock tests, at system level, have been performed over the past years. Pyroshock data
has been acquired and analysed on different spacecraft and for different excitations. These data can be
used as reference as no better knowledge of shocks levels are available than those given by tests.
Before these data are utilized, the quality of these data should be ascertained based on the data
acquisition and analysis criteria provided in 15.3.
Such a database is useful only if it collects all possible details in term of test configuration such as:
Spacecraft configuration: e.g. presence of appendages, and dummies or real equipment;
Type of excitation: Clampband release (with pre-load), Shogun, appendage release (pre-tension
of an eventual tie rod);
Boundaries conditions: free-free, clamped on launcher adaptor;
Instrumentation plan and if possible photos of all accelerometers;
Accelerometers type and characteristics;
Acquisition chain with its limitation (filter, acquisition frequency).
This type of database permits pairing of new spacecraft with already tested spacecraft. And the
possibility of cross checking the results, considering different spacecraft presenting the same
characteristics, brings more confidence in the final evaluation of the shock environment.
Even though the data have been acquired for different spacecraft designs and different pyrotechnic
devices, at least crude estimates for the shock environment to be expected on a new spacecraft
design can be determined by extrapolations from measurements on a previous spacecraft of similar
design, commonly referred to as the reference spacecraft. Of course, the closer the design details of the
new and reference spacecraft, the more accurate the extrapolations.
This concept of similarity is a little bit subjective and usually needs experience to be used wisely. It is
based on a general principle to be respected: the similarity of the compared structures in terms of
shock propagation.
The notion of similarity can be derived on different topics that should be taken into account to assess
the similarity between structures:
Spacecraft class (small, medium, heavy): the size of the structure has a tremendous importance
for shock propagation. It is nonsense to directly use shock propagation data achieved on a big
telecommunication satellite to a micro satellite.
Type of primary structure: the global type of structure is the main driver of the shock
propagation paths. Some of the most common characteristics that define a structure type are
given hereafter: general shape (e.g. box type, and cylindrical structure), presence of a central
tube, presence of shear walls, presence of supporting struts, and presence of intermediate plat-
Interfaces: different types of interfaces between parts can lead to different propagation in the
structure. This element has less influence than the previous one but is important when focusing
on a local area. For instance the presence of interface parts (angle parts between two panels or
supporting ring for a plat-form) has a role in shock propagation compared to a direct interface.
An example of such an assessment is given below. It deals with the comparison of a new
structure to two structures that have already been shock tested at system level and are
potentially used as reference for shock level evaluation. See Table 8-1 and Figure 8-1.
14 July 2015
The results of such a comparison can be used differently according to the couple excitation/structure.
If both structures and shock excitation are similar, the measured levels can be directly used as an
evaluation of the shock environment. However, these data are usually better used to extrapolate shock
levels from a couple shock excitation / structure to another using calculated attenuation between
launcher I/F and different points in the spacecraft structure. This is further discussed in 8.2.4.
Finally the possibility of cross checking the results, considering different spacecraft presenting the
same characteristics, brings more confidence in the final evaluation of the shock environment.
14 July 2015
Top floor
Payload Floor
Launcher I/F Launcher I/F Lower Closure Panel
(non structural)
Upper Floor
3 cone
cône Shear Walls
1 Lower Floor
Launcher I/F
14 July 2015
In the early phase of a project, to achieve the most accurate prediction is not a goal in itself. Indeed the
design of a spacecraft can be subjected to modifications. The most important is to have a better
understanding of the shock severity in different zones of the spacecraft. Therefore the spacecraft is
divided into different parts with respect to their supposed shock environment: this is the zoning
The objective of zoning is to divide the spacecraft structure into regions or zones such that the
responses at all points within each zone are reasonably homogeneous. Speaking in terms of SRS,
this means that the SRS magnitudes of the responses at all points within each zone can be described
by a single SRS that exceeds most or all of the SRS magnitudes at the individual points without
severely exceeding the SRS magnitude at any one point. This definition has been kept relatively
subjective as the zoning refinement can differ depending on the real objective of the zoning procedure:
such a zoning can be either rough or somewhat precise.
Some tips are given hereafter to help building a correct zoning:
The main concern is the importance of that the defined zones respect the physical aspects of
shock propagation. The best way to deal with that principle is to imagine the different possible
propagation paths with the idea that shock prefers stiff paths. Then the main geometry of the
structure is always a main driver of zoning because physical joints and links have an important
role in shock propagation physics. Thus the zoning usually results in a division based on
physical substructures of the global structure. This can be considered sufficient or not,
depending essentially on the size of the different substructures.
It should be noticed that it is illusory to hope getting very homogeneous levels on a given
substructures or zone. As a matter of fact, shock measurements have shown that the real shock
levels are strongly depending on many parameters such as local boundary conditions, local
loading or precise position of the accelerometer with respect to its direct environment.
Therefore a defined zone does not necessarily group areas where the shock levels are
completely similar.
An example is given in Figure 8-2. It deals with an a posteriori zoning, which means that the
zoning is made with measured data. The two plots concern the same substructure, an external
wall of a satellite, for the same Shogun excitation in out-of-plane response (plot on the left) and
in in-plane response (plot on the right). The measurements points differ by their positions but
also and primarily by their local boundary conditions and loading. As shown on the left plot
(out of plane responses), at least two or even three groups can be identified, whereas the right
plot shows only two groups (in plane responses). Moreover the yellow curve would be in the
low level group on the left plot but in the high level group on the right plot. Consequently, for a
same sub-structure, two different zones can be defined: out of plane and in plane zones.
14 July 2015
This illustrates that zoning is a tough job that need compromises and has intrinsic limitations even
when the shock levels are known. That means that it is not useful to try to get a very precise zoning in
a spacecraft structure.
The above equation uses the transfer function of frequency response function terminology. It is
important to note that the above equation can be considered as a strong hypothesis. It relies however
on experimental observations. Approximation is rather precise in low frequency but is approximate in
high frequency domain
14 July 2015
SRS ratio is thus the direct ratio between the SRS at the studied area and the SRS at the source on the
complete frequency range. The attenuation calculated by SRS ratio is sometimes called transmissibility
by reference to the FRF terminology.
Several means can be used to calculate attenuation factor. Some of them are listed hereafter:
ratio for each frequency: this is the easiest and most used way to calculate an attenuation factor
att f IF
on a given frequency range around the frequency of interest, the maximum value of response is
divided by the maximum value at the source. It aims at taking into account some potential
frequency shifts between the excitation frequency and the response frequency (shifts due to
measurement uncertainty or to particular modal behaviour). Such a method results in a
smoother attenuation function.
Max f1 f f 2 SRS
att f
Max f1 f f 2 f
the maximum ratio calculated at each frequency over a given frequency range around the
frequency of interest is retained as the attenuation factor at the frequency of interest. This is
another way to represent the dispersion in frequency that can appear between excitation and
response. Such a method results in an even smoother attenuation function.
eqpt f
att f Max f1 f f 2 SRS
Calling such a ratio an attenuation is a misuse of language as values higher than 0dB are amplification
and values lower than 0dB are attenuation, physically speaking.
Figure 8-4: Calculation of the attenuation by SRS ratio with the three previously
described methods
14 July 2015
Several limitations of methodologies and analyses using SRS ratio should be kept in mind:
Attenuation is a piece of information difficult to interpret. As a ratio it loses some
information with respect to what is present in the initial data constituted by the SRS level at
the shock source and the SRS level in the studied zone. A peak in the transmissibility function
can be due to different causes: either a direct peak on the response with a relatively flat
excitation or a peak-valley-peak configuration on the excitation with a relatively flat response.
The consequence is that such SRS ratios are preferably used as order of magnitude. This
remark is particularly true for SRS ratios calculated with the first method. The other methods
try to minimise these difficulties.
Another important point is that there are many ways to calculate SRS ratios. The Choice of
reference at interface (mean average, radial/longitudinal) is a major assumption and should be
consistent with the rest of derivation analysis. The main choice focuses on the reference levels
used at launcher-spacecraft interface. Levels at this interface are usually composed of several
measurements which implies the necessity of combining these different measurements to
produce a unique reference. This combination can be based on mean value, maximum
envelope or minimum envelope. Moreover the levels at launcher-spacecraft interface are
three-dimensional which means that several components are measured. Usually, two
components (longitudinal and radial) are measured, taking benefit from a circular interface.
There are several possibilities to combine these levels in different directions, e.g. to consider
their mean value, their maximum value, or to consider them separately. All of them are
theoretically interesting. For instance it has been shown that considering an attenuation based
only on longitudinal levels leads to attenuation for a single structure that is less dependent
from the shock source than using an attenuation based on a combination of both radial and
longitudinal components. This is due to the high attenuation of the high radial component in
a Clampband release test in regard with launcher induced shocks. However the calculated
attenuation is most of the time used directly in combination with specified levels at launcher
interface. These specified levels are usually composed of a unique SRS concerning all
directions of excitation (sometimes specification is composed of several curves, one for each
direction of response). Therefore, the most common way to calculate SRS ratio is to use a
reference based on maximum levels, taking into account all directions of response at the
launcher-spacecraft interface, which is the most consistent with the specifying philosophy.
When using a SRS ratio method, attention has also to be paid to the excitation type, since
past experiences have shown that the attenuations are strongly dependent with regard to the
configuration of the system test set-up used to identify them. In particular, the attenuation
resulting from a Clampband release test can be – depending on the chosen reference – higher
than the ones resulting from a Shogun or a launcher induced shock test. This is due to the fact
that attenuation calculated by SRS ratio has no rigorous theoretical justification as it assumes a
linear behaviour to a shock phenomenon that is well known to be highly non-linear.
Therefore, when applying SRS ratio method, it is strongly recommended to use the
attenuation corresponding to the right excitation type (Clampband or Shogun for instance),
and to avoid the extrapolation from one excitation type to another. See paragraph, for
illustration of the limitation.
14 July 2015
Several types of model philosophies can be employed according to verification requirements, with the
final shock verification achieved either on SM or PFM/FM (typically consisting in characterisation
testing on SM early in the development programme, and/or acceptance testing on PFM/FM).
In the case where the test baseline requires the performance of shock testing on a SM satellite (for
early definition of the qualification shock environment at equipment level), attention should be paid
to the representativeness of the satellite Structural Model SM, and in particular to the equipment
dummies definition and distribution.
The following two cases can then be encountered:
Case1 – Fully representative SM structure, with representative equipment dummies definition
and distribution: This is typically the case for a one-off satellite (e.g. scientific or earth
observation satellite), for which the SM structure can eventually be refurbished later on in PFM.
The equipment dummies are usually defined to be representative at least in terms of
interface/mass/CoG, and are accommodated at their correct locations. The only differences
between SM and PFM satellites, are then limited to the absence of harness and omission of some
light equipment or bracketry in the SM satellite.
Under case 1, the experience shows that the shock environment is adequately captured on the
SM satellite, with a sufficient agreement over the entire frequency range, and something with a
beneficial effect from the presence of harness in the PFM/FM satellite above 3kHz.
Case 2 – SM structure representative of spacecraft family, with generic equipment dummies
distribution: Falls under this case, a SM satellite representative of a spacecraft family (e.g.
telecom satellite), where the equipment dummies are defined to be representative of a typical
mass distribution within the satellite structure.
Under case 2, the experience shows that the shock environment can differ significantly between
SM and PFM, but usually with the trend that the environment characterised on the SM satellite
is enveloping the environment seen on any spacecraft of the family, which is the primary
purpose of such shock test on SM satellite.
Illustrations of these 2 cases are provided in Figure 8-5 and Figure 8-6.
14 July 2015
0 5
-5 0
Amplification (dB)
Amplification (dB)
-10 Structural Model
Structural Model
Flight Model Flight Model
-30 -30
-35 -35
100 1000 10000 100 1000 10000
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
environment Overview
The documents [RD-018] and [RD-019] can be consulted for more details on statistical processing of
measured data.
Statistical processing is one method to define a maximum expected environment (MEE) or to build a
zoning of a spacecraft. This processing is rarely employed in the aerospace industry because relevant
database are not often available. However, with spacecraft families, satellite manufacturers can more
and more dispose of a shock test database allowing thus a statistical processing of the SRS in order to
define or refine statistically a maximum expected shock environment.
The specification process begins by defining some zones or regions where it is expected that the shock
environment within that zone is reasonably similar. Similar means that some limited scattering is
expected within the particular zone, which is necessary to characterize. This phase is of paramount
importance for the statistical processing because it is of no use to perform some statistical computation
on very dissimilar or scattered data since the results are not meaningful.
It is well known that for a given launch or ground shock test, there are some flight-to-flight or
spacecraft-to-spacecraft variability. Some of this variability can be due to unavoidable differences
between the flight and payload configuration. However, some variability can also be linked to the
randomness of the launch or ground test events themselves. These uncertainties should also be
characterized in order to define the so-called maximum expected environment as a level that would
typically not be exceeded or be exceeded exceptionally. Therefore, the MEE should account for both
the expected spatial variation within a particular zone as well as the flight-to-flight changeability. This
MEE is usually described in terms of spectrum of a motion parameter, commonly the acceleration.
Most frequently one uses the Normal Tolerance limit (NTL) method to compute statistically the MEE.
An alternative method is also described: the Bootstrap technique. The Bootstrap is a statistical
subsampling method which uses sample data to generate replicates that are utilized for parameter and
confidence interval estimation. An important feature of this method is that it does not make any
assumption on the underlying distribution of data.
In practice, the statistical method is only applicable when a database with similar spacecraft and
shock source is available. There is no link with the level specified by launcher, as the database covers
the specific launcher-spacecraft configuration, including however the effect of randomness of repeated
similar events.
14 July 2015
The obtained Maximum Expected Environment is used to derive reliable specification to
equipment units based on experience and therefore avoiding over-testing at unit level. This is a tool
to reduce risks for the system shock test that remains however the formal verification that the
spacecraft is qualified versus the required qualification level: the satellite qualification is achieved
when the qualification status of each sub-systems covers the required qualification level (derived from
satellite system test, as per procedure I, described in paragraph 13.3.2), hence including a qualification
margin of 3dB.
The NTL method is described in numerous American NASA standards and military standards [RD-
020] [RD-021] and is used to derive the MEE from random vibration, vibroacoustic, and shock
environments [RD-018]. It consists in computing a normal tolerance limit for the predicted spectra in
each frequency resolution bandwidth. NTL method should be applied only to normally distributed
random variables. If this is true, then the one-sided normal tolerance limit for the set of y variables, yi ,
i = 1, 2,…, n is given by:
NTLy (n, p, ) Y Kn,p, .Sy
Y is the sample mean,
(yi Y)2
n 1
i1 is the sample standard deviation,
the one-sided tolerance factor with p the percentile of data (e.g. 95 %) and g
the confidence level (e.g. 50 %). See Table 8-2 for K values as function of the
desired percentile and the chosen confidence.
14 July 2015
The K factor is both a function of the desired percentile and the chosen confidence. This uncertainty in
the confidence results from using a sample mean and sample standard deviation instead of the true or
entire population’s mean and standard deviation values which are by nature unknown. For the special
case where n is infinite, the K one-sided normal tolerance factor becomes the percentile point of the
standardized Gaussian distribution (last row of Table 8-2). It means that there is no more uncertainty
in the mean and standard deviation of the population. One notices that increasing the level of
confidence, particularly when n is small is very costly and can lead to over-conservative results.
Both NASA and the U.S. AFSSD have standardized their MEE to be the p=0,95, =0,50 level. This is
commonly referred to as the P95/C50 or P95/50 level. This level can be interpreted as follows: there is a
50-50 chance of one exceeding of the P95/50 level in 20 flights or ground test.
The qualification level is not yet completely standardized as the MEE. NASA and European Agencies
use generally the following definition:
QL=MEE + 3 dB.
The return on experience using such method is that shock data set are generally not normally
distributed but indeed lognormal [RD-022]. In order to apply correctly the NTL method, one should
use the following transformation on the data.
z log10 y
NTLy (n, p, ) 10NTLz (n,p, )
An illustration is given in Figure 8-7 (radial direction) and Figure 8-9 (longitudinal direction)
representing the normal tolerance limits of clampband interface data for Telecom spacecraft family,
computed with p = 95 % and = 50 %.
The P95/50 level is logically exceeded on some frequency bandwidth by some measurements. It is
interesting to verify the percentage of points that exceeds the defined level. This percentage should be
compliant with the chosen percentile (i.e. 95 %) with a confidence of 50 % if the main assumption of
this method is valid, that is to say if the measurements follow a lognormal distribution (or
equivalently if the logarithm of the data follow a normal distribution).
For the radial direction: 7 % of the points are higher P95/50 shock level: the NTL method is
slightly less conservative as expected.
For the longitudinal direction: 5 % of the points are higher P95/50 shock level: the NTL method
performs as expected.
To understand these numerical results, the best approach consists in plotting the empirical probability
distribution function (PDF) and/or cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the data and compare
them with the standardized normal one. Figure 8-8 and Figure 8-10 provide an example of such
empirical distribution functions and the comparison with the theoretical standardized normal one
(red curves). One notices that the radial direction data are not perfectly normal whereas the
longitudinal ones are very close to the normal distribution.
As a general result, it is considered as very important to verify that the spectral test data (SRS for
shock data) follow a lognormal distribution by computing the empirical distribution functions. The
defined level can indeed be very conservative if the major hypothesis of normal distribution has a low
degree of validity. If this method is used to specify a zone, then this recommended procedure should
be carefully followed to avoid any over specification that can drive the structural hardware design
(e.g. added mass) or alternatively, lead to late and then costly mitigation treatments as isolation
systems. If the distribution of the data is not lognormal, it is then necessary to find an alternative
solution, or at least to compare the NTL level with another approach to determine the degree of
conservatism it has generated.
14 July 2015
All SPACEBUS Herita ge of Cla mpba nd Relea se test
a t the la uncher I/ F - Ra dia l direction
MEE (NASA P95/ 50 rule) - Radial
SB 3000 B2 - TSA2S1Y (Filt.)
SB 3000 B2 - TSA4S1X
SB 3000 B3 n°1 - TSA6S1Y (Filt.)
SB 3000 B3 n°1 - TSA8S1X
SB 3000 B3 n°1 - TSA10S1X
Acceleration (g)
Figure 8-7: Statistical processing of clamp band test data at S/C I/F - radial
100 0.2
0 0
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
z values z values
14 July 2015
All SPACEBUS Herita ge of Cla mpba nd Relea se test
a t the la uncher I/ F - Longitudina l direction
MEE (NASA P95/ 50 rule) - Longi
SB 3000 B2 - TSA3S1Z - Filt
SB 3000 B2 - TSA5S1Z
STENTOR - TSA15S1Z[] - Filt.
SB 3000 B3 n°1 - TSA7S1Z
1000 SB 3000 B3 n°1 - TSA9S1Z
SB 3000 B3 n°1 - TSA11S1Z
Acceleration (g)
Figure 8-9: Statistical processing of clamp band test data at S/C I/F - longitudinal
200 0.6
0 1.661
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
z values z values
14 July 2015
The main idea of such technique is that the data arise as a sample from some existing probability
distribution, f (most of the time, the normal distribution is assumed). Uncertainties of our inferences
can be measured if f can be estimated. The most fundamental idea of the Bootstrap method is that one
computes measures of our inference uncertainty from that estimated sampling distribution of f.
The method consists of:
Generating B Bootstrap replicate samples of the same size n as the original data sample. Each
value in the original data sample is assigned an equal probability of 1/n. The elements of these
Bootstrap samples are randomly chosen from the original data, with replacements. It means
that a particular data can be chosen several times or not at all in a given replicate.
Evaluating a parameter or statistic of interest for each of the B Bootstrap samples generated.
Each computation produces a Bootstrap replicate of the statistic of interest (e.g. mean, standard
deviation, P95, and P99).
Estimating an empirical cumulative distribution function (CDF) for this parameter by using the
numerous Bootstrap replicates of this parameter.
Establishing confidence intervals from this distribution.
The method principle is summarized in Figure 8-11.
The set of B Bootstrap samples is a proxy for a set of B independent real samples from f (in reality we
have only one actual sample of data). Properties expected from replicate real samples are inferred
from the Bootstrap samples by analysing each Bootstrap sample exactly as the real data sample were
first analysed. From the set of results of sample size B we measure our inference uncertainties from
sample to population. In other words, the Bootstrap allows assessment of the accuracy and
uncertainty of estimated parameters (even if no closed form exists) from small samples, without any
prior assumptions about the underlying distribution (particularly the usual normal distribution). In
that case, when no assumption or inference on the distribution f is made, the bootstrap is called non
parametric. Other forms of parametric Bootstrap have been described in literature but have not been
treated in the frame of this work.
As explained in [RD-018] for vibroacoustic data, the statistics of interest for the Bootstrap analysis are
the P95 or P99 probability levels. This requires that the bootstrap mean and bootstrap standard
deviation be used as a bootstrap pair to compute the desired probability level. In other words, the
statistic of interest mentioned previously is not just the mean and standard deviation but instead the
values generated by these that are associated with the P95 or P99 probability levels.
14 July 2015
In practice, the Bootstrap mean and standard deviation are computed for each replicate. Then, in order
to derive the level P95 or P99 levels which can be expressed as P95 xb kb , one needs to
determine the coefficient k. Several methods can be used. The k factor could be chosen as the
Kn,p, one-sided tolerance factor. However, that method would assume a normal distribution of the
data which is not known, reducing consequently the generality of the problem. The k factor can be
computed using the original data sample. By using the CDF of the standard normalized data
z (about which the underlying distribution is not known). This solution can be retained.
For SRS, the size of each sample at a given frequency is usually very small and does not allow to
correctly define a CDF and its tails per frequency. It is assumed thus that the CDF can be computed by
combining all the frequencies of the SRS together. This assumption introduces an error that is
generally found acceptable.
The previous procedure leads to B replicate values of the P95 or P99 level. The confidence level is finally
computed by sorting all the values of the statistic of interest and then selecting the percentage of the
empirical sampling distribution of the P95 or P99 level. For instance, for a confidence level of 50 % with
1000 Bootstrap replicates, the 500th = 0,5 x 1000 sorted value is chosen.
1000 to 2000 replicates are usually found acceptable for defining correctly a Bootstrap statistic.
The bootstrap method has been used to compute the P95/50 and P99/90 levels of the clampband SRS
data shown in Figure 8-7 and Figure 8-9. For that case, the k factor can be found using the CDF of the
data. The k factors for the P95 level can be read on Figure 8-8 and Figure 8-10 and are respectively
1,786 and 1,661.
The computed levels are compared with the NTL method: Figure 8-12 and Figure 8-13 show the
results. The two methods gives similar results especially in the longitudinal direction where the PDF
of the data are quite close to the standard distribution (see Figure 8-10). This result is quite reassuring
since the Bootstrap method is quite different from the NTL one.
3 10
2 10
1 1
10 10
3 4 3 4
10 10 10 10
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
Figure 8-12: P95/50 level for clamp band test data at S/C I/F – NTL and Bootstrap –
radial and longitudinal direction
14 July 2015
10 10
P99C90_NTL P99C90_NTL
3 3
10 10
2 2
10 10
1 1
10 10
3 4 3 4
10 10 10 10
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
Figure 8-13: P99/90 level for clamp band test data at S/C I/F – NTL and Bootstrap –
radial and longitudinal direction
Figure 8-12 and Figure 8-13 are very interesting since they provide the influence of the non-normality
of the original data sample on the probability levels. They clearly show that non-normality increases
the scattering of probability levels between the three methods when using high percentile/confidence
values. In the radial direction, the PDF are not so close to the standard distribution than in the
longitudinal direction. As a consequence, the NTL method provides more conservative results for the
P99/90 level in radial direction than the Bootstrap method. For the longitudinal direction, the P99/90
levels given by the two methods are still in a good agreement because the original data sample is close
to the normal distribution.
This comparison aims at determining the qualification level that is defined by NASA as MEE+3 dB, i.e.
P95/50+3 dB and by AFSSD and ECSS as P99/90 level. As the data in general cannot be for sure
associated with the normal distribution, it was decided to compare these probability levels thanks to
the Bootstrap method.
Figure 8-14 shows empirically that the P95/50+3 dB and the P99/90 level are quite equivalent and can
both be utilized to define a qualification level. The usual 3 dB margin for qualification [RD-023] finds
with the P99/90 level a statistical justification.
10 4
10 10
10 2
10 1
2 3 4 10
10 10 10 2 3 4
10 10 10
Frequency (Hz)
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 8-14: P95/50+3 dB and P99/90 levels for clamp band test data at S/C I/F –
radial and longitudinal direction
The P95/50 + 3dB statistics therefore appears as a reasonable level to be used for units shock
specification, in order to anticipate the results of a system test.
14 July 2015 Conclusions
Statistical processing of shock test data constitutes one method to define the MEE with regards to the
shock environment as other classical methods like extrapolation techniques or numerical analysis. The
classical NTL method is widely used in the US aerospace industry with success since more than 40
years. The simplicity of the NTL method should not hide its fundamental assumption that the original
data is normally distributed. If it is not the case, the NTL method can become over-conservative,
especially for small samples. Another statistical technique has been presented to be used with shock
test data aiming at correcting the NTL defaults.
The return of experience using these methods shows the following:
When database is available, a statistical method is an efficient way to have a good reliability in
specification derivation.
The two methods (NTL and Bootstrap) give similar results for normally distributed data.
Non-normality increases the scattering of evaluation between the two methods when using
high percentile/confidence values (NTL seems too conservative).
If the data are not distributed normally, the Bootstrap method seems to give the most reliable
results but with an increased computation time (linked to the number of replicates).
14 July 2015
Propagation of shock energy depends strongly on the geometry of the intervening structure. The
involved energy does not propagate the same way in a 1D (struts), 2D (panels) or 3D (massive parts or
panels junction) structure because the interested volume is not identical. In the same way, the notion
of distance evocated in the following sections refers to the geometry and interested volume where the
shock energy can propagate.
The following rules are only relevant for shock propagation along the primary load path
(propagation of shock along main spacecraft structure e.g. central tube, shear-wall and lateral
panel). And they should not be considered valid for bracket and supported equipment (e.g.
instrument mounted on isotactic mounts), as their responses are dominated by modal behaviour
(see paragraph 8.3.6 for specificities in this case).
The following rules are, a priori, defined in a conservative way: a margin policy (to cover uncertainties
and to derive the Maximum Expected Environment MEE) should be taken when used to derive shock
specification for equipment but it can be user dependant depending on the way the source
specification (input specification already defined as MEE, or single test result envelope) is taken and
the maturity of project definition. On the top of this, a qualification margin of 3dB is added(see 10.2).
A special care should be taken when using generic attenuation factors for the following reasons:
They do not cover modal responses of the different substructures: amplification or reduction of
attenuation which can occur at some specific frequencies (especially below 1000 Hz) due to
modal responses in some specific cases are not taken into account.
These attenuation factors can be used to derive shock levels from measured data on the same or
very similar structure at another location or other local interface conditions.
Attenuation at interfaces should be used with particular caution
Shock levels just before a mechanical link are higher than those measured without
mechanical interface due to wave reflection
Shock levels after a mechanical link are lower but in a limited extent than those
measured without mechanical interface. Such phenomenon can lead to
overestimating attenuation by mechanical link in a wrong way.
Adding attenuation factors is always dangerous as shock is not a linear phenomenon: As a
general rule, and when applying the attenuation rules described in the following paragraphs
8.3.1 and 8.3.4, no more than 3 junctions should be cumulated along the loadpath.
14 July 2015
In Europe with the advent of smaller spacecraft (earth observation and constellation types of satellites)
which are usually interfaced to the launcher through discrete interface points, there is a growing
interest in attenuation factors applicable for point source excitation. Furthermore, pyrodevices such as
pyronut are extensively used for deployment of appendages (e.g. solar array and antenna).
A number of empirically derived shock attenuation rules have been proposed over the years (see [RD-
023], [RD-024], [RD-025]). Relevance of those rules has been assessed, based on Galileo-IOV, Terrasar-X
(satellite by DLR & Astrium) and Cryosat heritages. In the case of point source excitation on a
conventional spacecraft structure, the attenuation rule is best represented by an attenuation of the
plateau in the SRS and attenuation of the ramp in the SRS of the point sources, with distance from the
Illustrations of both the original attenuation rule (MIL-810-F method 517) and the ESTEC attenuation
rule are illustrated in Figure 8-15.
MIL-810F attenuation rule (method 517) ESTEC attenuation rule for point source
- Attenuation of SRS peak and SRS ramp with - Inspired by MIL method and consolidated with
distance from the source ESTEC shock database
- 40% attenuation per joint up to 3 joints (no - Slightly more conservative than MIL method
attenuation in the ramp portion) - Plateau attenuation: 40% attenuation per joint (1)
up to 3 joints
- Ramp attenuation: 40% attenuation per joint (1) ,
but counting 1 joint less than for plateau (2)
- Percentage of source value remaining to be capped
to 100%, for distance lower than 30cm and 15cm for
SRS Ramp and SRS peak respectively
100 100
90 90
SRS Ramp (ESTEC database)
Percentage of Source Value Remaining (%)
80 80 4 3 2
y = 0.98x - 12x + 58.3x - 130.4x + 133.5
70 SRS Peak (MIL 517) 70
SRS Ramp (MIL 517)
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
Figure 8-15: Comparison btw MIL-810-F (method 517) and ESTEC attenuation rules
14 July 2015
(1) A joint is defined as clear change along the load path: bifurcation, change of impedance,
junction between panels. For instance 2 panels connected together through screwed cleats is one
junction (in this example, the bolted connection from panel to cleat should not be counted as an
additional junction).
(2) For the ramp, the formula of attenuation with respect to distance is different from the one used
for plateau and the number of joints to take into account is 1 less than for the plateau, this
induce a drift in low frequency (as illustrated on Figure 8-17).
separation from LV
As an example of implementation of the method, these attenuation rules have been utilized to define
the shock mapping of the EXPERT re-entry vehicle.
The zoning operation consisted in dividing the EXPERT structure into zones (bottom panel – cross
panel lower zone – cross panel upper zone – upper platform – TPS – nose), and the shortest load path
for each zone, and in particular the number of junctions between the shock source and the zones of
interest were identified (see Figure 8-16).
Figure 8-16: Loadpaths identification (number of junctions and distance from source)
Subsequently the attenuations have been computed for each zone according to ESTEC-rules. The responses
at all points within each zone are considered to be homogeneous. Finally, these attenuations were applied
to the LV shock specification (2000 g @ 1 kHz for the type of pyrodevice used for the EXPERT separation
from the launch vehicle), in order to derive the shock levels in different zones of EXPERT S/C.
As a general observation for propagation of shocks induced by point sources, one can say that despite a
severe shock input to the spacecraft, the shock levels are quickly attenuated with the distance from the
source and with the number of joints.
This type of excitation could remain of concern at direct vicinity to the source. Therefore as a general rule,
there should be no sensitive equipment installed close to the source (20 cm to 30 cm could be considered as
a “safe” distance).
14 July 2015
This second example could be treated using the method previously presented. But in that specific case,
a number of system level tests have been performed (Deployments of Solar Array and antennas on a
large telecom platform family), with the main purpose to better characterize the shock propagation.
During these tests, a large attenuation with the distance and with the number of junctions has been
evidenced. The Figure 8-18 shows the SRS of eight successive shocks measured on the same
accelerometer corresponding to the eight solar array Hold-Down and Release Mechanism (HDRM)
releases of a telecom spacecraft. The distances from the shock source to the location of the
accelerometer vary from a HDRM to another and thus explain the difference between SRS. It can be
seen on the figure that high frequencies vanish quickly with the distance whereas low frequencies can
propagate without practically any attenuation.
14 July 2015
The above figure clearly shows on the higher frequencies the attenuation with distance to the shock
source. The absence of effect at lower frequency is due to some measurement artefact.
The shock zoning operation for internal shocks consisted in evaluating concentric circular zones
around the shock sources on external and internal faces of the panels. The further the point of
interest from the source is, the less severe the shock becomes. Hereunder is an example of shock
zoning of the north communication module panel of a telecom spacecraft. eight shock sources
corresponding to the eight pods of the solar array can be visualized through concentric circular zones
around the bipod or tripod I/F. Several zones are considered with the distance. In the mentioned
example, three zones are specified. The first one, called Spec1, is the most severe since it is near the
shock source. Then the second one, called Spec2, is less severe as the distance from the source
increases. Finally, the rest of the panel for the considered shock is in the Spec3 zone. Defining zones
finally consists in determining a radius and an associated level.
It can be seen on the attenuation factors (Figure 8-20) that high frequencies are naturally more
attenuated than low frequencies.
14 July 2015
Spec1 AREA
R2 R1
Spec3 AREA
Spec2 AREA
14 July 2015
The next example illustrates another category of internal shocks: antenna release. Figure 8-21 shows
the shock zoning of an earth panel of a telecom spacecraft. Four antenna hold down points can be
visualized through four concentric circular zones. As it has been seen on the previous example, three
different areas are defined corresponding to three specifications. An important point to underline is
the sensitivity of these specifications to the type of HDRM. Specifically for antennas and reflectors
where architecture constraints are relatively strong, HDRM can be of several types: single blocks or
tripod following the available volume. Empirical verifications show that single block HDRM produces
higher shocks or shocks that propagate further than tripod ones. Thus the different specification and
areas take into account the type of mounting of the appendages.
R2 Spec3
R1 Spec1 Spec2
14 July 2015
As mentioned in paragraph a number of empirically derived shock attenuation rules have been
proposed over the years (see [RD-023], [RD-024], [RD-025]). They are generally known as NASA rules.
Although the NASA rules are in principle limited to discrete shock sources (e.g. internal shock
sources), they are sometimes used for other purposes (e.g. spacecraft separation by means of a
Clampband or pyrozip system).
NASA 0.25
NASA 0.5
NASA 0.75
NASA 1.0
NASA 1.25
NASA 1.5
NASA 2.5
100 1000 10000
Figure 8-23: Correction of SRS for distance from pyrotechnic source – NASA rule
for point source excitation on a complex truss structure
It is evident that this type of scaling relationship presents the advantage to be easily programmed and
allows a quick derivation of attenuation factors. This probably explains why it has been sometimes
wrongly applied to every excitation type.
However, based on the observation that for a Clampband excitation, the attenuation factor follows a
similar profile, it has been assessed by ESA-ESTEC, if this equation could be adapted to derive the
attenuation factors applicable for a clampband excitation.
14 July 2015
Based on SMART-1, Cluster, ROSETTA, Spot5 and Eurostar 3000 heritages, the applicability of the
NASA rules has been assessed. Some correlated rules (so-called ESTEC rules) have been derived [RD-
014]. The investigations yielded in the following equation
att exp 8.104. f 2,515. f
0 ,115
, See Figure 8-24
.0,0144.d 3 0,2.d 2 0,93.d 0,024
Where “d” is the minimum distance along the load path between the shock source and the zones of
It is fundamental to note that the proposed rules are only valid for prediction of shock environment
induced by a clampband separation.
In this respect, the attenuations are computed considering the radial average at the spacecraft
interface (the axial specification is usually not given in the user’s manuals, therefore the derivation of
attenuation rules based on the axial average at the spacecraft I/F would be of little use).
The junction effect is implicitly included in the attenuation rule; hence additional attenuation
through joint should not be added.
The different steps, leading to the ESTEC rules, are not discussed in detail. In short, the NASA rules
were found to be too conservative at proximity to the source (up to 0,7 m) and not conservative
enough above. See Figure 8-25, using the ESTEC-rules the attenuation profile is better approximated
over the whole frequency range.
14 July 2015
NASA 1.4
71 R
72 R
73 R
74 R
100 1000 10000
A special attention has been given to the low frequency range. It is important that a good correlation is
achieved in the lower frequency range, whereas the prediction of the higher frequency range (above
1500 Hz) can be less accurate. Indeed the shock environment, seen around 500 Hz to 2000 Hz, is
considered to be the most stringent at unit level, due to the greater energy involved and
displacements associated.
As mentioned before, the procedure of shock mapping by means of attenuation rules has been verified
based on SMART-1, Cluster, ROSETTA, Spot5 and Eurostar 3000 heritages.
As an example of implementation of the method, these attenuation rules have been utilized to define
the shock mapping of AEOLUS spacecraft. As the level of similarity with AEOLUS was considered as
adequate it provided justification for extrapolation to AEOLUS case.
The zoning operation consisted in dividing the AEOLUS structure into zones (lower deck – side wall
lower half – side wall upper half – shear wall lower half – shear wall upper half – top floor), and the
load paths between the shock source and the zones of interest have been identified.
Subsequently the attenuations have been computed for each zone according to ESTEC-rules. The
responses at all points within each zone are considered to be homogeneous.
Finally, these attenuations were applied to the LV shock specification (radial Clampband specification
(1500 g @ 1500 Hz)), in order to derive the shock mapping for AEOLUS spacecraft.
14 July 2015
The shock zoning of a spacecraft excited by a Clampband excitation can be realized by means of
analytical attenuation rules, making the identification of problem areas very easy to be conducted.
It is nevertheless recommended to consolidate the shock zoning through good engineering practices in
shock Finite Element Analysis (see chapter 9), in order to identify local responses, which can affect the
shock levels of equipment mounted in that area.
14 July 2015
The effect of this pre-tension is local as the deformed area is rather small (Figure 8-28).
A general observation made also on clampband data is that such the radial component does not
propagate in an efficient way in the longitudinal direction: the deformation and thus the high
acceleration levels are concentrated at the base of the structure and are fast decreasing when running
up in the structure. This phenomena has been modelled using FEM, see Figure 8-29.
This effect concerns the radial component. However the longitudinal component is not affected in the
same way, as its physical origin is not directly the radial pre-load.
14 July 2015
Figure 8-29: View of the deformed shape resulting from a radial pre-load release at
the base of a cylinder
Such a propagation physics result in attenuation curves significantly different between a clampband
test and launcher induced shocks or Shogun: There are two major reasons explaining this difference:
The shock source components and frequency content are different
The spacecraft boundary conditions are different: still clamped on LVA for launcher events
and released after clampband release. The whispering modes of the central cylinder are thus
different for the 2 types of event.
For instance attenuation curves calculated as the ratio between the SRS response at a given point in
the structure and the maximum SRS at the launcher interface are presented in Figure 8-30. This point
emphasizes the fact that clampband release data should never be used directly to predict launcher
induced shock levels.
14 July 2015
The second example presents the shock zoning of the Herschel-Planck service module [RD-014]. The
launcher of Herschel and Planck is an Ariane5 ECA; the dimensioning shock event is generated by the
fairing jettisoning, as the assessment was made at this time with and HSS1 fairing.
The Herschel Planck service module is closely derived from XMM. However only a clampband test
has been performed on XMM, making this past heritage inadequate for the shock zoning definition of
Considering the recommendation on the dependence of SRS ratios w.r.t. the experimental conditions,
the extrapolation for Herschel-Planck SVM should only be based on representative shock test data
(Shogun).Among the ESA satellites tested in ESTEC, Envisat/PPF was the most suitable candidate
(Shogun tests both on STM and PFM). Indeed the level of similarity with HP SVM was found
adequate: Both spacecraft present the same interface diameter (2624), the central structure consists of
a cone on which are attached the shear walls, most of the equipment/units are fitted on the lateral
walls/shear walls and their main structures are of sandwich type.
All these aspects are essential drivers to the shock propagation inside the spacecraft, and this adequate
level of similarity brings confidence in the derived attenuation factors.
With the difference with a Clampband excitation, the propagation of shock inside the spacecraft does
not follow simple attenuation rules (as the distance from the source to the point of interest, or the
number of joints along the load path). In case of a launcher induced shock, the level of similarities
between the new and the reference spacecraft is directly driving the accuracy of the extrapolations.
The results of this assessment are provided in the Figure 8-32. Herschel-Planck SVM has been divided
into 5 zones and the load paths between the shock source and the zones of interest have been
14 July 2015
Based on the Envisat/PPF Shogun tests data, the attenuation factors have been computed for each
central cone (blue)
shear walls (red)
lower floor (green)
upper floor (orange)
side walls (grey)
The responses at all points within each zone are considered to be homogeneous.
For each zone, an attenuation factor has been defined. It is then applied to the LV shock specification,
in order to derive the estimated flight levels for equipment mounted in that area induced by the
fairing jettisoning event:
. flight.level ATT _ FACTOR SHOCK _ SPEC
SRS estimated
The resulting shock mapping for Herschel-Planck SVMs as upper passenger is shown in the Figure
A qualification margin should be considered in the final derivation of shock inputs to the sub-systems.
14 July 2015
The closer the design details of the new and reference spacecraft, the more accurate the extrapolations
are. It is nevertheless recommended to consolidate the shock zoning through good engineering
practices in shock FEA (see 9), in order to identify local responses, which can affect the shock levels of
equipment mounted in that area.
The adequacy of this derivation method based on past heritage for the identification of attenuation
factors within each zone of interest has been demonstrated on Herschel/Planck, by comparing the test
prediction (Figure 8-33) with the actual test data. An example of such comparison is shown in Figure
8-34, where the prediction for the zone of interest is depicted by the black line (defined at qualification
level), and where the test data is depicted by the red curve.
14 July 2015
shock propagation
As discussed in paragraph 8.2.3, the zoning operation is essentially based upon engineering judgment
and experience. In order to improve the understanding of launcher induced shock propagation and to
get a reasonable physical sense of the phenomena, an attempt has been made to define general rules
for shock transmission. This investigation has been carried out using the ESTEC shock database; six
satellites have been considered (PPF-Envisat, ROSETTA, SMART-1, METOP, CLUSTER, MSG).
Some precautions should be taken with respect to these observations as they are made on a limited
range of spacecraft. Moreover these global phenomena are always superimposed to local phenomena
due to local loading, interfaces, and stiffness, resulting in observations different from those listed here.
Therefore these statements are true “on average” but can be contradicted at some locations because of
local phenomena.
The following observations can be made (see illustration on general observation regarding shock
propagation in spacecraft in Figure 8-35 and Figure 8-36):
Central cone and cylinder:
Better shock transmission when travelling through a cone - Radial excitation
quickly recombined into axial radial components
In contrast to a central cone, a central cylinder limits the shock transmission
towards adjacent panels
Central cylinder is also more favourable with shock longitudinal transmission
Side wall
induced shock
14 July 2015
Horizontal platform connected to central cone/cylinder:
Connection to a central cone: Higher IP levels close to the junction
Connection to a central cylinder: Consistent IP and OOP levels (lower IP level than
with a cone)
Higher OOP levels in the free areas of the platform (further away from junction)
Side walls:
Responses generally dominated by OOP levels, this is especially true for large side
IP levels gain importance close to junctions (with horizontal platform or shear
Boundaries conditions (connected along 3 or 4 edges) influence the repartition
between IP and OOP. OOP and IP become close together in case the side wall is
connected along 3 edges only.
Strong interaction between heavy equipment and side wall usually happen in the
centre region of the panel
Shear walls:
Good transmissibility through short shear wall connected to a central cone
Better transmissibility of IP waves (OOP at least 2 dB lower)
Size of shear wall influence the repartition between IP and OOP, OOP levels tend
to increase with the size of the shear wall
Influence of supporting struts (see Figure 8-36):
Shock transmission strongly influenced by supporting struts, this generally results
in increased levels (both OOP and IP) into the supported platform (example: outer
edge of cylindrical platform on MSG or CLUSTER)
Central cyl
p po
induced shock
14 July 2015
14 July 2015
This paragraph highlights the complexity to derive launcher event level with clampband test data,
and should not be understood as a guideline for the extrapolation of one excitation type to another
(for example from clampband induced shock to a launcher induced shock).
It is recommended in any case to perform a representative test to demonstrate the qualification of
spacecraft even if in some cases, when a reference test in available (for instance on one specimen
representative of the family in the critical areas of the spacecraft, e.g. close to S/C interface), a
correction factor based on this experience can be agreed with launcher authorities and applied on
clampband results.
As mentioned previously, it is important to pay dedicated attention to the excitation type in
extrapolation methods, since past experiences have shown that the transfer functions are strongly
dependent with regard to the configuration of the system test set-up used to identify them. In
particular, the transfer functions resulting from a clampband release test are lower than the ones
resulting from a Shogun test.
In a zoning procedure, it is strongly recommended to take into account the excitation type
(Clampband or Shogun), and to avoid the extrapolation from one excitation type to another.
However, for some special cases, and with the agreement of the launcher authority, this
recommendation can need to be re-examined/tailored. Recently this was necessary for MSG2 [RD-
014], for which the recording of shock response data during Shogun test were affected by electrical
pollution. Only the clampband data could be used to derive a LV “representative” shock environment.
In this frame, some correction factors have been defined based on Shogun and Clampband test data of
SMART, CLUSTER, ROSETTA, SPOT5 and E3000 spacecraft. This assessment consisted in comparing
SRS ratios identified using two different types of pyroshock tests, Shogun test and Clampband test.
The comparison is based on the ratio:
14 July 2015
The ratios R , identified from different experiences (SMART, CLUSTER, ROSETTA, SPOT5 and
E3000), allow the definition of the correction factors.
Figure 8-39 presents two results of such ratios computed for SMART-1:
0 dB
-6 dB
0 dB
-15 dB
14 July 2015
+/- 10%
around fn
R (f n )
fn -10%
fn fn +10% frequency
f. The final correction factors (Figure 8-41) are enveloping all the considered spacecraft (including
Correction factors CB X & SH X
Correction factors CB R & SH R
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
This extrapolation method is closely linked to the standard SRS ratio method as recommended by the
launcher authorities, but it has been improved taking advantage of the experience gained by ESA in
this domain. Different correction factors are identified for axial and radial directions:
γ1 R C/B
axial I/F .Spec axial correction factorSH axial
γ 2 R C/B
radial I/F .Spec radial correction factorSH radial
γ unit Max( 1, 2)
SRS C/B test
14 July 2015
Methodologies for estimating the junction attenuation factors Att Joint(axial, radial) , and the distance
attenuation factors Att Distance(axial, radial) , as well as scaling to the input shock specification and
consideration of correction factors, are discussed in the following paragraphs.
In order to calculate the attenuation over a joint, the orientations of the sections before and after the
joint should be taken into consideration. This is realized by introducing the following section
orientation factors e and f (where j is the angle between section i and section (i+1), see Figure 8-42,
i referring to section number):
1 cos 2 ( j )
Axial direction: fj
1 sin 2 ( j )
Radial direction: ej
ej fj
Ratios rax and rrad of these factors are now calculated: rax, j and rrad, j
fj ej
14 July 2015
K jo int
Att Joint (axial) 1 rax, j
K jo int
Att Joint (radial) 1 rrad, j
K jo int is an additional factor that gives the opportunity to influence the junction attenuation factor by
empirically considering different types of joints:
The axial/radial total junction attenuation factors Att Joint (axial) and Att Joint(radial) are the product
of all single junction attenuation factors:
Att Joint (axial) Att Joint
(axial) and Att Joint (radial) Att Joint
j j
14 July 2015
The following figure provides the junction attenuation factors Att Joint (axial, radial) , as function on
the junction angle, and computed for a direct joint ( K jo int 1 ).
Figure 8-44: Junction attenuation factors Att Joint (axial, radial) depending on section
angle, for K jo int 1
If structures, as there are long struts or beams, are part of the shock load path, the length is of minor
importance because these elements guide shock waves without significant attenuation.
At first, an "adjusted" length Li is calculated in order to consider different types of sections influencing
the section attenuation factors with the help of an additional factor K struct , which depends from the
structural characteristic of the section.
Li li K struct where li is the length of the section i and K struct defined as follows:
Then, it has to be taken into account that the shock attenuation along sections depends on the
direction of shock propagation and the orientation of the section. For example, the axial orientated (0°)
part of a shock would propagate without significant attenuation through an equal orientated section.
1 sin 2 ( i )
Att Distance (axial) e
i -ei . Li ei
, where 2
1 cos 2 ( i )
Att iDistance (radial) e-f i .Li , where f i
14 July 2015
The axial/radial total distance attenuation factors Att Distance(axial) and Att Distance(radial) are the
product of all single distance attenuation factors:
Att Distance(axial) Att Dis
tan ce (axial) and Att Distance(radial) Att Distance (radial)
i i
The following figure provides the distance attenuation factors Att iDistance (axial, radial) , computed for
a sandwich panel ( K struct 1 ).
Figure 8-46: Distance attenuation factors Att iDistance (axial, radial) , for K struct 1
The total shock attenuation factors result from the combination of junction and distance attenuation
factors, which may need to be corrected to account for possible uncertainties such as modal responses
in low frequency (up to typically around 500-800Hz), or for additional attenuation in high frequency
(typically above 5kHz). Opportunity for considering a correction factor is further discussed in
At this stage, two total attenuation factors are defined:
Att (axial ) Corr. Att Jo int (axial ).Att Distance(axial) , where Corr refers to the correction
factor to account for modal responses in low frequencies, or additional attenuation in high
14 July 2015
Case of shock specification dominated by axial input to the spacecraft (e.g. VEGA HSS
separation, or point source excitation):
Test evaluations have shown that correction factors are necessary in the following cases:
Case of launcher induced shock (egg stage and fairing separations) – As the excitation is
occurring below the spacecraft interface, the responses inside the spacecraft are
influenced/promoted by the launcher modes (such as breathing modes of main interfaces or
membrane modes of payload adapter). Correction factor to account for modal responses
occurring at low frequency (up to typically 500-800Hz, mainly depending on the size of the
spacecraft and on the type of launch vehicle) is by principle spacecraft/launcher dependent,
and as such a correction factor identified on one spacecraft can become inaccurate when
applied to another spacecraft.
An attempt has been made to identified a set of correction factors from comparison between
analytical predictions and system shock test results, depending on the type of launcher shock
(VEGA or Ariane 5) and on the type of spacecraft structure (structure with internal cone or
box structure). Those correction factors are provided as an illustration (Figure 8-47), and may
change when additional system shock test results become available. Applicability of those
correction factors is therefore not guaranteed for any type of spacecraft configurations and for
any type of launchers.
NOTE In the following example, correction factors are defined both in low
frequency (to account for modal responses), and in higher frequency
(resulting from observations made from test results).
14 July 2015
Case of Point source excitation – As compared to the attenuation rules specifically identified
for point source excitation (see paragraph 8.3.1), the distance attenuation factor considered
herein (see Figure 8-46) overestimates the attenuation close to the shock source. A correction
factor should be then considered up to 30 cm from the shock source in order to maintain the
full transmissibility to 100%.
Adequacy of the methodology 8.3.4 has been checked with respect to various type of shock excitation
(Clampband, point source, launcher shock).
In the following Figure 8-48, the attenuations measured during tests (launcher shock – Type Shogun)
have been conservatively predicted using the methodology 8.3.4 (with consideration of correction
factors for launcher induced shock, in this case):
The RED curves corresponds to the prediction using the methodology 8.3.4 (including
correction factors in low and high frequency) for different zones of the considered spacecraft
(Smart-1, Rosetta, Artemis, PPF, Herschel).
The BLUE curves corresponds to the prediction using direct heritage (methodology 8.3.3).
14 July 2015
Once the attenuation factors are defined for each location, they should then be scaled to their
respective input specification, applying the combination procedure as explained in the paragraph At this stage, the correction factors from paragraph, should also be applied when
relevant (launcher shock, and point source shock). And finally, a qualification margin of 3dB should
be added to all scaled environment.
14 July 2015
Figure 8-50: SRS attenuation in plane (blue) out of plan (red) due to Heatpipe
Effect of equipment mass: for equipment heavier than 5 kg, an attenuation of -3 dB on the entire
frequency range can be taken into account with respect to a non-loaded or very lightly loaded
structure (for a given location).
14 July 2015
The different methods presented in previous paragraphs 8.3.1 (A), 8.3.2 (B), 8.3.3 (C) and 8.3.4 (D), can
only be applied along the primary load path of a satellite structure (propagation of shock along main
spacecraft structure e.g. central tube, shear-wall and panels), hence valid up to the interface with
equipment and instruments.
Once the shock input is derived at the equipment or instrument interface, the general approach for
shock verification, as presented in paragraph 12.1 (Part 3), should be followed; covering some
considerations on compliance to severity criteria (paragraph 12.4), equivalence with other mechanical
environment (paragraph 12.5), or verification by similarity (paragraph 12.6). In case the capability to
withstand the qualifying shock environment cannot be established, a coherent test programme is
established, encompassing shock testing.
If this approach is well established for equipment shock verification, the case of instrument usually
requires a specific verification logic (see paragraph 12.7).
For instruments, typically mounted on Iso-Static-Mounts, the dynamic behaviour is dominated by the
main global modes, which tend to filter the higher frequency environment. The so-called isolation
effect depends on the frequency decoupling between the main global modes and the frequency
content of the shock excitation, depends on the effective masses of those global modes and on their
associated damping.
Ideally for instruments suspended at low frequency around 100Hz (or below) with most of the mass
participating on the main global mode, the isolation effect will be more efficient, as compared to
instruments suspended at higher frequency than 100Hz or with complex dynamic behaviour (i.e.
effective masses split in between several modes). These two cases are illustrated in the following
Case 1 – In the Figure 8-51, is illustrated the case of an instrument having a main axial mode
with a large effective mass (90% in this case). A dominant axial mode with low damping, and
excited in this case with an axial excitation (from a fully representative system shock test),
results in the situation where the response on the Optical Bench is amplified in
correspondence to the main mode, but at the same time an effective isolation can be observed
in the higher frequency range.
Case 2 – In the Figure 8-52, is illustrated the case of an instrument presenting a more complex
dynamic behaviour (Optical Bench with main modes up to 200Hz, mounted on a Main
Structure with modes up to 1kHz). The responses on the Main Structure and on the Optical
Bench, as observed during a fully representative system level shock test, are clearly driven by
the modal response of the main modes. The amplification region extends to about 300Hz, and
at the same time a less effective isolation can be observed in the higher frequency range.
In a general case, the shock response inside an instrument is driven by its dynamic behaviour, in
conjunction with the nature of the shock excitation (i.e. on the ability of the shock input to excite the
main modes of an instrument). As such, the shock response inside an instrument cannot be derived
from application of some shock attenuation rules, as function of distance and number of junctions.
NOTE The nature of the shock excitation as seen at the instrument interface,
namely in terms of direction of application and spatial coherence,
directly influences the response of the main modes. For example, a
shock input seen as spatially coherent at the instrument interfaces,
promotes the response of the main modes in the direction of the shock
excitation, and may lead to a situation where the shock input is
actually amplified.
14 July 2015
Figure 8-51: Instrument shock response – Instrument presenting main mode with
large effective mass – Optical Bench on Lisa Path Finder
Considering the above, the prediction method for shock responses in instruments should be defined,
such that the dynamic behaviour is taken into account. Some general methods are herein proposed,
however they may not cover all application cases and variations around those are possible. From the
proposed methods E-1 and E-2 (see paragraphs, some analogies can be clearly
established with equipment shock analysis (see paragraph 18.2.4), and therefore the related paragraph
in Part 4 is a useful complement to the proposed Methods E-1 and E-2.
14 July 2015
In all cases, the prediction should be made at qualification level (including 3dB qualification factor)
and should account for an additional uncertainty factor, which depends from:
The design maturity of the instrument – with instrument design still subject to changes or
model uncorrelated, implying an uncertainty factor of at least 3dB,
The availability of test or consolidated data – with consolidation activity of the selected
method based on a representative heritage or prediction based on instrument level test data
(either with correlated model or with direct usage of test data), allowing reducing the
uncertainty factor accordingly.
14 July 2015 Method E-2: Transient analysis approach – coupled analysis with
The second method is based on a transient analysis, performed on the complete satellite model, hence
including detailed models of the platform and of the instrument. Examples of such predictions are
presented in paragraph 9.5, and are repeated herein.
This method has the advantage to better represent the mechanical impedance at the instrument
interface, as well as the coupling between the instrument and platform modes. On the other hand, the
method assumes that a detailed model of the satellite is available, as well as knowledge on the
modelling aspects (see paragraph 9.2.4) and forcing functions definition (see paragraph 9.5).
14 July 2015
Shock inputs derivation by numerical
Numerical simulation (based on FEA and/or SEA approaches) is another tool that can be used to
evaluate a shock environment in a spacecraft.
Concerning FEA approach, the aim is to use a standard FEM (i.e. the model used for dynamic
analyses), to modify it (as low as possible) in order to make it suitable for shock prediction analysis
and to run a transient response analysis to get the acceleration levels at desired locations in the
spacecraft. Several FEA numerical methods exist to deal with these shock prediction analyses (see 9.2).
There are many limitations to such methods. As the physics of shock is complex, it can only be
modelled by simplifying the reality. Important modelling aspects are presented hereafter to help users
to have a FEM as suitable as possible for shock prediction analysis: e.g. meshing (see, damping
(see, source modelling (see, equipment modelling and junctions modelling (see
Even with a FEM as good as possible shock predictions at system level remains a tough job which
does not provide perfect results. As a matter of fact such a numerical method does not produce well-
correlated results with test results at every location. For instance, the measured levels at a given
point can be very different from the measured levels at very close points just because very local
conditions differ (positions with respect to local boundary conditions, local loading, even by the
accelerometer itself). This is never precisely reproduced by FEM analysis.
Experience has shown that the best predictions are made in the following domains:
Frequency range of validity: generally low or medium frequency (at the most < 2 kHz) rather
than high frequency. Clampband release can be properly evaluated up to those frequencies
thanks to its excitation specificity (see 7.4.3). However for more complex shock source such as
Shogun, the upper limit of validity is lower: this upper limit is rather about 600 Hz - 800 Hz for
an implicit code such as Nastran. Nevertheless explicit codes give usually better prediction at
higher frequencies (up to several kHz) provided the Finite Element Model has been adapted to
such a frequency range (especially in terms of meshing size).
Spatial range of validity: limited to far-field. The high levels seen in near-field area are mainly
driven by non-linear phenomena with especially badly known damping. That is why the shock
evaluation can only be valid in far-field area where modal content, correctly modelled in the
usual FEM, are important contributors to shock levels.
14 July 2015
As a consequence numerical analysis is a tool that should be used in conjunction with other ones
(such as similarity methods) to consolidate results or design choices. It should never be used alone.
Experience has shown that system level FEM, which are usually available at PDR/CDR, can be used to
derive a conservative shock environment in the intermediate phase of a project. The simulation results
allow consolidating the spacecraft zoning that has been based on similarity methods during early
project phase (SRR level).
An example of such a combination between shock level evaluation at low frequency by FEM analysis
and shock level evaluation by similarity methods is given hereafter (Figure 9-1): the left figure shows the
result of numerical analysis and the left figure shows the test data to which the studied case has been
considered similar. The essential point is to evaluate the consistency between the two approaches: here it
is based on attenuation and presence of low frequency modes but not on absolute shock levels.
In plane response
Figure 9-1: Comparison of results from numerical analysis and similarity methods
During final verification process (QR level) detailed numerical analyses can indeed be used to
consolidate qualification status of certain equipment by deriving shock levels at unit interface. Special
attention needs to be paid to a proper representation of equipment (according to test conditions – e.g.
dummy or real equipment) and the selection of appropriate restitution points (according to sensor
location during test). More detailed descriptions are given in paragraph 9.2.4.
Table 9-1 compares advantages and disadvantages of the transient explicit and implicit solution
14 July 2015
Elasticity V
The use of implicit solution is indicated to solve transient linear problems directly because all
boundary conditions at all nodes are simultaneously satisfied, whereas with explicit methods,
boundary condition or load are propagated one row of elements per time step.
14 July 2015
The principle of both solutions can be explained on a linear spring-mass system without damping or
SDOF as follows (Figure 9-3):
fext(t) m k
mx kx f ext t
t n1 t n 1 tn t n 1 t n1 time
2 2
xn1 xn xn1
x n 1 x n 1
2 2
known unknown
The advantage of the explicit method is that only the mass appears in the denominator. The main
disadvantage of this solution is that the requirement on stability puts an upper limit on the time step
t (see
The advantage of the implicit method is that the integration scheme is independent of the value of t .
But the main disadvantage is the need to invert that both K and M matrices.
A non-exhaustive list of commercial FE codes able to drive shock numerical simulations is given in
Table 9-2.
14 July 2015
Model adaptation from one simulation code to another is often a delicate problem. Dynamical system
model are often available, but they are initially designed for low frequency analysis. They are not a
priori relevant for wave propagation problem of short duration.
Guidelines to improve the FE model fidelity at higher frequency are discussed in the following
paragraph 9.2.4, covering meshing size, element type, modelling of equipment/junction, restitution
point, damping and time step.
The simulation code should be selected according to the effect/response which need to be identified
taking into consideration advantages and drawbacks of transient implicit and explicit methods
summarized in paragraph 9.2.1. For example, for system that can be approximated as linear in the
frequency domain of interest, then implicit codes are well suited and easier to use. On the contrary, if
non-linear effects and/or highly dynamic are expected then an explicit code becomes more suited.
Implicit simulation codes are generally well suited to address most of the shock prediction problems
in spacecraft (as discussed in paragraphs 9.5.1, 9.5.2 and 9.5.3), however some problems involving
non-linear and fast systems imply that an explicit simulation code should be used. In complement to
the already provided examples of such explicit simulations within this handbook (see paragraphs 7.4.6
and 9.5.4), the following one presents the detailed definition of the ESA/ESTEC shock test facility,
namely for the material selection of anvil plate, hammer radii and masses (see [RD-047]). The anvil
plate and its plastic deformation has been taken into consideration (yield model) and multi-body
motions have been modelled allowing simulating the hammer impact from different drop heights.
During the test campaign, aluminium, copper and steel have been used for the anvil plates.
Simulations with these different materials showed that the choice of the anvil plate material effects
only frequencies above 1000Hz.This complies fully with test results.
14 July 2015
This paragraph addresses the modelling aspects related to FE Analysis (implicit or explicit) needed to
increase the model FE fidelity especially at high frequency.
Dynamic simulations consist first in meshing the considered system. If elements size should be the
biggest as possible to limit the CPU time, their definition is first of all guided by minimal acceleration
wavelength susceptible to propagate into the system for an observation frequency fmax . The mesh size
is therefore guided by the shortest wavelength corresponding to a shear, flexural or traction-
compression wave.
Aerospace structures are generally composed of aluminium or carbon-epoxy sandwich. Dimensioning
wavelengths are thus generally:
Flexural wave in aluminium sandwich
Shear wave in CFRP plates.
The definition of the mesh size is a very important task in the frame of the shock FEM numerical
simulation because numerical errors can be caused by the non-correct selection of the number of
element per wavelength.
In the following example the influence on the results due to the choice of different mesh size is shown.
A sample square aluminium plate with 2D shell elements (Figure 9-5) has been modelled with
different element length to ensure diverse numbers of elements per bending wavelength up to 40 kHz
(Table 9-3) and an half-sine pulse has been applied to the FE model to simulate a shock event.
0.5 m
8 6.0
16 3.0
28 1.71
14 July 2015
Displacement contour plots at different time step, for the different element lengths, are illustrated in
Figure 9-6, Figure 9-7 and Figure 9-8. The simulation cases related to 16 and 28 numbers of elements
per bending wavelength provide the same responses while the responses coming from the simulation
cases related to 8 and 4 numbers of elements per bending wavelength are less accurate.
Moreover the FE numerical analysis results was also assessed with respect to the shock response
spectra at different locations (i.e. at the input and output nodes). Results are plotted in Figure 9-9.
Outcome of this SRS comparison indicates that the accuracy of the FE numerical analysis is of the
same order of magnitude for all simulation cases, also showing that a mesh size with 4 numbers of
elements per bending wavelength can provide good enough SRS spectra.
14 July 2015
14 July 2015
14 July 2015
Size 12.0mm
acce_input SRS
Size 6.0mm
acce_input SRS
SRS (m/s^2)
Size 3.0mm
acce_input SRS
Size 1.71mm
10000 acce_input SRS
100 1000 10000
Freq. (Hz)
14 July 2015
Size 12.0mm
acce_output SRS
Size 6.0mm
acce_output SRS
SRS (m/s^2)
Size 3.0mm
acce_output SRS
100 1000 10000
Freq. (Hz)
4 elements
14 July 2015
G G: Shear modulus
D: bending stiffness
1/ 2 1/ 4 1/ 2 1/ 4
2. D 2. Et 2
: mass per surface
f f 12 area
t: thickness
Remark: only flexural waves are dispersive, i.e. flexural wave celerity expression depends directly
from the frequency.
A common value for mesh size of aluminium structure is between 5 and 10 mm (especially true for
explicit computation) on a satellite for a frequency bandwidth of interest [100-5000] Hz. This
requirement can be achieved by refining the original mesh.
For flat surface, there is no critical aspect.
Figure 9-11: Deformed shape of a central tube with and without ridges effect
14 July 2015
The refinement of the mesh is thus not always trivial. It is important to take cautions for the validation
of the new mesh.
The following rule for model limitation is proposed, when using an implicit code such as
The particularity of far-field environment lies in the fact that the response is dominated by modal
structural resonances. This environment is considered to be the most stringent at unit level, due to the
great energy involved and displacements associated. This fact makes possible to use implicit codes
such as NASTRAN to predict the shock environment (in the frequency range where these kinds of
analysis make a sense, i.e. up to 1500 Hz, where modal responses are encountered).
It is important that the mesh is fine enough to accurately represent the deformed shape of the
modes of interest. In order to provide sufficient accuracy for numerical shock simulation at around
1200 Hz, a ½ octave margin has been imposed to give a good representation of modes up to 2000 Hz.
To achieve this, the following rules, extrapolated from the element per wavelength criteria used in the
explicit method, are proposed:
Model the mesh of the structural parts in a way such that the following conditions are met:
Longitudinal modes up to 2000 Hz limit case (4 to 6 segments per wavelength of
the deformation pattern). Assuming an in plane speed of sound of typically 6000
m/s in the face sheets; at 2000 Hz, this corresponds to a wavelength of 3 m. i.e., a
maximum element length between 0,75 m and 0,5 m.
Bending modes up to 2000 Hz limit case (4 to 6 segments per wavelength of the
deformation pattern). Assuming a bending speed up to 1000 m/s in the face sheets;
at 2000 Hz, this corresponds to a wavelength of 0,5 m. i.e., a maximum element
length between 0,125 m and 0,083 m.
Local deformation of the structure due to a bending load (10 to 8 segments per
Assume that the propagation of a shock in plane is covered by the propagation with respect to
bending (element mesh size as resulting from condition on bending modes is smaller, as
compared to condition in plane shock). Hence, if a mesh is adequate to represent properly
propagation of bending modes, it should provide also a good prediction for longitudinal modes.
Table 9-5 presents the element mesh sizes in meter (square mesh), taking into account the typical
diameters of Ariane 5 interfaces and some typical node number at the interface (36, 72 and 144 nodes):
Table 9-5: Element mesh size for different interface diameter and different number
of nodes along the circumference
Ø 5400 mm Ø 3936 mm Ø 2624 mm Ø 1666 mm Ø 1194 mm Ø 937 mm Min. bending
14 July 2015
Table 9-6: Upper frequency limit for different interface diameter and different
number of nodes along the circumference
Ø 5400 mm Ø 3936 mm Ø 2624 mm Ø 1666 mm Ø 1194 mm Ø 937 mm limit case
Based on these data, it can be concluded that 72 nodes at 5400 mm diameter interface would limit the
accuracy of the model (up to 1000 Hz) and that 144 nodes would be more appropriate. For interfaces
with a diameter of 3936 mm, 2624 mm or 1666 mm, a 72 nodes distribution would be adequate. For
smaller diameters e.g. 1194 and 937 mm, 36 nodes would properly represent the modes up to at least
2000 Hz.
The simulation time step in transient analyses needs to be sufficiently small in order to assure a proper
representation of all relevant frequencies and to capture the travelling shock wave in the structure
In both transient explicit and implicit solution methods the computational time step t is firstly
based on the sampling rate of the shock input signal. It is recommended to consider a sampling rate at
least 5 times per cycle to be able to fully reproduce the shock input signal.
In dynamic FE codes with explicit integration scheme such as Central Difference Method (CDM) the
numerical stability is ensured by the verification of the Courant condition.
c t max
C 1
This condition imposes that the distance travelled by the fastest sound wave inside the FE model
( ct max ) is smaller than the characteristic element size ( x ) in the mesh.
Consequently the time step t, which is of the order of magnitude of µs, can be obtained imposing in
the analysis: the maximum frequency of interest f max , taking into consideration the element per
wavelength criteria and the sampling rate of the shock input signal.
In dynamic FE codes with implicit integration scheme the time step t 1 , which is of the
f Sampling
order of magnitude of ms or less, can be obtained imposing in the analysis the minimum sampling
frequency f Sampling considering the Nyquist Criterion that is stated as:
f Sampling 2 f Max
1 1 NT
Where the maximum frequency of interest f max is obtained by the application of the
2t 2 T
Shannon’s Theorem with T N T t (having: T= total time period and NT=number of samples).
14 July 2015 Elements type
The choice of element type is essentially a matter of elements library, material laws and also CPU
time. For aerospace structures shell elements are obviously privileged.
As a general rule, the increasing of the maximum frequency of interest f max means that the selection
of the element type has to be reviewed with care, for example changing the FE model from 2D to 3D
For composite sandwich, the choice is not trivial. On one hand, one can use homogenisation
techniques to model sandwich properties with simple shells elements but it is not possible then to
recover stress and strain at ply level. On the other hand, each ply can be modelled (if the software’s
elements library allows it) but the properties description (shear property of the core, L-W orientation
of the core, ply-by-ply orientation and material) is more complicated and the CPU time increases
because of increased gauss points.
A 3D model is also possible to model accurately the core of the sandwich. Faces can then either be
detailed ply-by-ply or homogenized as for shell model. The number of elements and consequently the
CPU time is also increased.
With respect to the mesh quality the following recommendations should be respected:
The shell mesh is recommended to be as homogeneous as possible.
Triangle shell are not recommended; if the mesh includes triangle elements due to a difficult
mesh or mesh transition, it is recommended to reduce its number to 5% per part.
To realize an accurate mesh it is usually recommended to set a minimum of 5 to 10 elements
in a structural characteristic length, however at least 3 elements are necessary to reproduce
an elasto-plastic behaviour with a low accuracy.
The applicability of a FE model based on a 2D mesh versus a 3D mesh schematization
should be verified taking into consideration the type of the structure to be modelled.
14 July 2015
The equipment model is a key problem for wave propagation calculation. The main FEM adaptation
usually concerns this point. The experience gained from Envisat/PPF and SMART-1 programmes has
shown that a conventional modelling of equipment (lumped mass rigidly connected to a few points) is
not appropriate for shock analysis [RD-014]. The equipment representation by lumped mass rigidly
connected is valid only for low frequency response analysis (typically up to 100Hz). For shock
calculation, equipment cannot be considered as infinitely rigid. This kind of modelling leads indeed to
overstress the region close to the hard mounting points, making the predictions inadequate. This
problem is paradoxically amplified with refined meshing because the rigid element distributes the
whole equipment mass to the connecting nodes which are part of small, and consequently light, shell
elements. Node dynamic is thus completely modified: a “heavy” node cannot move as a “light” one.
High frequency has tendency to be filtered by the local mass effect.
The way in which equipment are represented in the spacecraft FEM strongly depends on the purpose
of the investigation.
To achieve a global understanding of the shock propagation inside the spacecraft and to define critical
areas, as it is intended in early and intermediate project phases, it does not require a detailed
equipment modelling. Indeed equipment design and location can still be subject to changes during
further development process. Hence it is recommended to adopt a NSM (Non Structural Mass)
formulation and to distribute the equipment mass over the panel on which they are accommodated.
This formulation is of course not entirely satisfactory because the dynamic filtering of the equipment
is not modelled. On the contrary, suppressing completely the equipment model leads to a substantial
increase of acceleration level, notably at low frequency because the absence of equipment mass makes
the supporting structures more excitable. The consequence is an appropriate prediction in areas
without lightweight equipment and a conservative shock prediction in areas with heavy equipment.
In order to explain/understand local behaviours, which can affect the shock levels of equipment
mounted in that area the NSM formulation is not appropriate anymore. Instead a refined modelling
of equipment should be adopted. This can in some cases even justify a local relaxation of the unit
shock specification in later project phases. (e.g. in case the local behaviour identified during test is
inherent to a non-representative dummy for instance).
Experience has shown that it is advisable to use three-dimensional SOLID elements to generate
refined equipment. It is evident that the refined units are representative particularly in terms of mass,
footprint and centre of gravity (COG) at least in an out-of-plane direction. Figure 9-12 shows
exemplarily computed transfer functions for a SMART-1 equipment dummy using different
modelling techniques:
Lumped mass rigidly connected to a few nodes – blue
Non-structural mass formulation – green
SOLID equipment with representative mass and footprint – red
SOLID equipment with representative mass, footprint and CoG in out-of-plane direction – pink
in comparison with test results (black) for the out-of-plane response on the left and the in-plane
response on the right.
14 July 2015
Since a very detailed equipment modelling does not appear to be absolutely necessary this way of
modelling could even be feasible for the whole spacecraft or at least for the most heavy equipment.
However in a general case, a refined modelling of equipment is an exercise, which can be done once
the shock test has been performed to evaluate local effects. In the early phases of a project, this is not
of major interest but can be very helpful later in the project.
If the purpose of the numerical shock simulation is to support or consolidate a similarity based zoning
of the spacecraft in an early project phase it is recommended to evaluate the response of a couple of
nodes per zone. These restitution points should be chosen preferably in areas without equipment or at
least far away from heavy equipment.
For more detailed analyses in later project phases, experience has shown that a proper representation
of the sensor location is critical for the accuracy of the shock predictions. The following
recommendations are given for the selection of the restitution point representing a sensor close to a
heavy equipment. It is important to ensure that the following guidelines for the selected FEM-node
are met:
The selected FEM node is located close to the real sensor location but still a few centimetres
away from the unit (one gridline next to the equipment)
The selected FEM node does not belong to the rigid body link representing the investigated unit
The selected FEM node is not a part of the solid element representing the unit (e.g. not be a
node of the equipment edge)
The selected FEM node is not located under the equipment in terms the unit is represented by
solid elements
Another point that should not be neglected when going into detailed analysis is the sensor effect.
Sensors are generally installed on cubes (
14 July 2015
Figure 9-13). Those cubes lead to an offset on the measurement with the structure. One of the main
consequences of this offset is that a part of the measured translation is in fact a rotation of the base. If
this offset is not taken into account, the rotation effect is neglected and the imposed signal is thus
Taking the rotation into account modifies the imposed acceleration, and, as a consequence, alters the
shock response spectrum (Figure 9-14).
Two modifications of the SRC can be seen: a global modification of the SRS level and a modification of
the frequency of the peaks, as those peaks are due to important rotation effects.
14 July 2015
14 July 2015
The main difficulty lies in the fact that those parameters (stiffness and damping) need specific study
and test characterization in order to have validated values. Hence, for simplicity, damping is often
taken into account globally in the model by equivalent model of damping.
Another detailed study on a SMART-1 equipment showed the necessity of representing all junctions
between equipment and panel. It turned out that it is not sufficient to model only joints like inserts
and screws but also glued connections. The representation of the glued connection between
equipment and panel particularly effects the out-of-plane response as to be seen below.
14 July 2015
test data
The understanding of damping forces in vibrating structures is not well developed. A major reason
for this is that, by contrast with inertia and stiffness forces, the physics behind the damping forces is in
general not clear. As a consequence, modelling of damping appears to be difficult.
Different formulations (only most current ones are described here) are used depending on the type of
solutions used and on the FEM code used:
Table 9-7: Most current formulation for damping modelling in shock transient
Direct transient (explicit and
Types of damping Modal transient (implicit only)
Structural damping
Viscous damping
Modal damping
Direct transient response analysis does not permit the use of complex coefficients because solutions
are expressed in the real plane. Therefore, structural damping and/or modal damping cannot be
modelled directly. Structural damping is included by means of equivalent viscous damping. The
impact of this on the solution can be appreciated by defining a relation between structural damping
and equivalent viscous damping, assuming constant amplitude oscillatory response for an SDOF
14 July 2015
Fs i.g .k .u
Fv c.i..u
For information only, qualitative order of magnitude of equivalent structural damping for aluminium
is around 0,1 % at 10000 Hz. For aluminium sandwich, value around 2 % at 10000 Hz can be
Generally, viscous damping and its derivative are the most widely used because they allow some
mathematical simplifications useful to solve the mechanical equations. It is thus common to assume a
special type of viscous damping: the proportional damping. This model expresses the damping matrix
as a linear combination of the mass and stiffness matrices, that is:
C .M .K
where and are real scalars. This damping model is also known as “Rayleigh damping” or
“classical damping”. Eigenmodes of systems with “Rayleigh damping” preserve the simplicity of the
real normal modes as in the undamped case. It is important to note that generalization of “Rayleigh
damping” expressed in terms of a series expression of the mass and stiffness matrices so that the
system can be decoupled by the undamped modal matrix have also been developed. This
generalization is nevertheless beyond the scope of this paragraph. The “Rayleigh damping” is a
14 July 2015
mathematical artefact to solve more easily the mechanical equation. It is not directly linked with
physical considerations.
Another source of damping in FE analysis is the numerical damping. It has no physical meaning. But
it is systematically added to stabilize the numerical integration. The numerical damping dampens
only the contributions in the high frequency response. Example of instability in explicit code is given
by the Hourglass effect. It is a purely numerical phenomenon which implies, for under-integrated
element, deformation mode without any induced strain and consequently no stress or internal forces
to resist this deformation mode. It can therefore grow unboundedly. This kind of instability can be
controlled notably by introducing numerical viscous damping.
There are two ways suggested to overcome the damping limitations in direct transient analyses:
The first method requires for example 3 different simulation runs with damping adjusted at 3 different
frequencies with a specific structural damping. It is considered that the structural damping is higher
in the low frequency range, and decreases when the frequency increases. In a post processing
procedure the results of the 3 different runs (resulting SRS or SRS-ratio) are linearly merged to
compute the final solution.
The second method is based on a pseudo inversion of the modal damping matrix. This is a way to
impose in the same time a modal damping, with in addition a viscous damping for direct transient
B i
Eigenvecto r
i Modal damping , frequency i
14 July 2015
From this we can define a pseudo inversion of the matrix [i].
B M i T M
This equation defines the modal damping matrix [i] on the physical degrees of freedom of the direct
damping matrix. This matrix can be used in the transient direct solution to impose a damping
equivalent to modal damping [i].
The combination of modal damping and viscous damping allows a complete definition of the
In the FEM solver, we can add the two damping to get a global damping
0 5000 10000 15000 20000
Frequency Hz
Figure 9-20: Illustration of the total damping composed of modal and viscous
This modelling of the damping leads to link different degrees of freedom by the damping matrix. The
consequence of this coupling is that the damping does not only modify the level, but also the modes.
14 July 2015
Without modal
With modal
The use of this type of damping modelling can improve the quality of the results.
The shock source can be introduced in the FE model either by imposing a synthetic or measured load
or by imposing locally a displacement or acceleration coming from measurements or not. It is
important to note that it is very difficult to measure accurately and properly acceleration at less than
50 mm of a pyroshock and that the measurements during a long time include the response of the
Excitation imposed by load: the force is the origin of the shock. When feasible (hammer tests
for instance), the force recording is used as input for the corresponding calculation. If it is not
possible, build an approximation that respects form and duration. The purpose is not to have an
input signal as close as possible of the physical reality, but only to obtain results near the
measures, with a likely signal, as simple as possible. As inverse allowable methods are not well
developed, the definition of the input is obtained after successive iterations. It seems possible to
represent a pyrotechnic input with a superposition of triangles or other simple elementary
signals (rectangular, ½ sinus, low sustained sinus, damped sinus) of different durations in the
relevant directions (for instance out of plane and in plane directions or radial direction in the
case of Clampband). The content of the synthetic signal can slightly differ of the real physical
signal (e.g. even if the input signal has a continuous spectrum, the representation of the only
frequencies generating a significant response is sufficient). It is important that all the excited
points are included in the source model, and that the time structure of the source is respected.
The latter implies that:
If it is a scrolling excitation like a linear explosive source, the time lag between each
excitation node, standing for the cutting celerity, is integrated in the model.
If the sources are not perfectly synchronised like different pyrotechnic point
sources, the delay between each node is introduced in the calculation.
If the analysis aims at evaluating the SRS ratio or attenuations between the source and inside
nodes in a linear model, it has been noticed that the knowledge of form, amplitude and
14 July 2015
duration of the source is not mandatory. The use of simple normalised signals like ½ sine or
crenel signal is thus recommended. However, if the source is not well known, it can be
modelled by a high frequency simple signal like a ½ sinus which can excite a broad frequency
Another advantage of imposing a force at the source resides in the boundary conditions choice.
They are generally chosen free (example of SHOGUN simulation) but it is not systematic. For
example, the case of a clampband calculation has enlightened the fact that leaving the ACU
boundary conditions free brings out important bending deformation in the axial direction. This
deformation does not seem physical because of the contact between ACU and spacecraft
interface during the first few milliseconds after shock. It has been considered consequently that
the ACU imposes a symmetry condition at the spacecraft interface and the rotations around in-
plane axes have been blocked on the interface frame.
Excitation imposed by displacement or acceleration: the use of acceleration seems easier
because tests data can be used. In order to minimize the structure response and consequently to
avoid introducing energy in the structure after the shock end, the use of measures as near as
possible from the real source is mandatory. Those near field measurements are often disturbed
by measurement problems like noise, electrical contamination, static and/or dynamic offsets…
Before performing a simulation with test input, it is thus mandatory to perform some digital
signal processing in order to reduce unwished effects that could be amplified by the calculation.
The use of punctual measured acceleration raises the problem of the other interface points
where no measure is available (e.g. a clampband test where often only four measurements are
available). If no validated and accurate measurement is available, a method consists in
introducing displacement or acceleration in the form of synthetic signals like a combination of
damped sine (e.g. Prony type) that stands a priori for the real excitation in term of frequency
content and amplitude. The advantage of this synthetic input is that it does not contain any
noise or zero-shift as measures do.
One of the main disadvantages of this method is that boundary conditions are thus imposed for
the source DOF.
14 July 2015
SEA method has been introduced end of fifties. Formalized in next decades ([RD-032], [RD-033], [RD-
033]), SEA describes behaviour of complex systems by a set of energy-balanced equations between the
various domains (subsystems) of the analyzed system. SEA assumes both perfect diffusion and weak
coupling of subsystem vibrations. From these, coefficients of energy exchange driving the equations
are predicted classically from analytical wave theory by decomposing modes into uncorrelated waves
(diffusion of energy).
In an analysis band of central radian frequency and width , the total energy (spaced and
frequency integrated), of a subsystem denoted by i, is defined as: Eï mv (, x)ddx .
Given the intrinsic Damping Loss Factors (DLF), i and the Coupling Loss Factors (CLF) between
connected subsystems, ij , SEA energy-balanced equations are written in a matrix form as:
P / E where P and E are respectively the power vector injected by external applied loads
to subsystems and the subsystem total energy vector. is the loss matrix of which diagonal is given
by: i
j coupled to i
ij where i is the index of the subsystem equation and j the index of coupled
subsystems to i.
By introducing modal density of subsystems, n( ) , the energy-balanced equations may also be
formulated as P / n En with E n , vector of subsystem modal energy Ei / ni .
As soon as injected power, Pi , provided by the external loads to subsystem is calculable, assuming
DLF and CLF are known quantities and providing a reasonable estimate of subsystem modal
densities, previous energy-based equations are solved with energy or modal energy as unknowns.
In practice n( ) is derived from simple-shaped analytical dynamical system (beam, plate, shell,
acoustic cavity). CLF are computed most of the time by wave theory applied to coupled plates but
may also be extracted by inverse methods from finite element model or test data ([RD-034], [RD-
Size of subsystems should be large enough to include several local resonant modes when analyzed in
a frequency band of given width.
SEA is then not suited to low frequency and variance of SEA results is generally decreasing when
frequency increases providing confident mean energies above some frequency threshold
depending of both subsystem size and frequency bandwidth. SEA assumes also steady-state
random excitation, but as shown in the next paragraph the theory has been extended to predict
transient events.
14 July 2015
In the framework of transient SEA, energy and power are time-dependent quantities related by:
dEi (t , , t )
P(t , , t ) E(t , , t )
E(t , , t ) represents the energy at time t, averaged over time-constant t , filtered in a frequency
band centred around (generally 1/3rd octave band). t is chosen large enough for modal behaviour
to be established in all subsystems.
Transient SEA formulation is in practice very effective to predict time decay rate of mean
subsystem responses [RD-036] but gives biased information on instantaneous levels when dealing
with short duration pyroshock transients [RD-037].
Reconstruction (LMPR)
Here, instantaneous levels prediction is required involving previous SEA transient equations are no
more applicable. Nevertheless, SEA still provides estimate of mean vibrational transfer over
between two coupled subsystems. This transfer is independent of the force process as soon as the
response points are far enough from the excitation, thanks to diffusion assumption.
Valid for steady-state, SEA equations need to be complemented by extra theory for predicting highly
transient pyroshock events in time domain. LMPR algorithm provides fast solution to this problem.
The SEA model is used to predict transfer velocity Vr/Fe between excited subsystem (emitter) and
targeted subsystem (receiver). Vr/Fe is real-valued as SEA only provides power spectral density
outputs. Vr/Fe is an estimate of the actual modulus of the mean complex transfer velocity between
source and receiver.
A pyroshock source delivers a large amount of shear power. Thus structural SEA subsystems should
incorporate energy of both flexural, extensional and shear waves. They are usually considered as three
coupled separate subsystem energy entities inside the physical structural subsystem. These energies
are cross coupled between subsystems at junctions due to force projection.
The full SEA transfer between emitter and receiver is then a 3 x 3 matrix relating source and wave
velocity of receiver and expressed as:
viF2 H ² FF H ² FE H ² FS S 2jF
viE2 H ² EF H ² EE H ² ES S 2jE
v 2
H ² SF H ² SE H ² SS S 2jS
i is the index of receiver subsystem and j emitter one. F, E, S are respectively the flexural, extensional
and shear energies, H is the modulus of SEA transfer between various wave-type energies. v² is the
velocity of a given wave type in the receiver subsystem while S² is the PSD of the source ( force or
constrained velocity of emitter).
Given a time-history descriptor f e (t ) of the shock source and its Fourier’s transform Fe ( ) , Vr/Fe
and f e (t ) are jointly used to deliver a mean time history profile V(t) of receiver.
Receiver response is first developed in modal series based on local mode shapes and eigenvalues,
k k (x) extracted from the subsystem analytical differential equation driving its modes.
14 July 2015
amplitude of mode k,. r is received index and e emitter. The generalized force propagated to the
receiver is represented by an equivalent point force with Fe amplitude where is a force
calibration coefficient assumed to be constant over .
j ( ,k )
From this, an admissible narrow band transfer function, hre (, xr , xe ) H re (, xr , xe )e
between source and receiver is built from interpolation procedures in the complex number domain.
e j ( ,k ) is the phase term provided by the local modes of the receiver.
By inverse Fourier’s transform the impulse response hre (t ) of hre is processed.
For each energy type indexed i (flexural, shear and extensional), the response in the receiver is finally
obtained by convoluting hire (t ) and with the source term fie (t ) as shown in Figure 9-22.
As vire is still dependent of an arbitrary choice of observation and response points in the receiver,
location points within source and receiver are randomized and the final SRS is an average over all
point-to-point SRS. The computed variance of final SRS allows some engineering judgment over
sensitivity to point location which generally falls within 1 or 2 dB.
Application examples of this technique are given in [RD-038] describes early application of LMPR to
SPOT payload response to SHOGUN test. [RD-038] describes joint use of LMPR and VSEA technique
(see next paragraph) to the prediction of four shock tests of SMART1 payload and VEGA upper part.
These latter predictions were validation procedures of the SEA-Shock module of SEA+ software
implementing LMPR technique. VEGA subsystem partitioning is shown in Figure 9-23. On the emitter
side, in-plane and flexural source powers are simulated by dedicated SEA+ theory and are applied on
reinforced junction between annular source ring and upper part skirt cylinder. SEA+ VEGA
subsystems incorporate the three wave types. In same figure, predicted flexural SRS at payload
interface is compared with pyroshock related test SRS.
NOTE To predict a robust SEA mean transfer function between source and
receiver, both flexural and in-plane wave energies are required as in-
plane energy is generally dominant at very high frequency and cannot
be neglected. At junctions the three energies carried by structural
subsystems are cross-coupled and specific attention should be paid on
CLF calculation by taking into account curvature effects. CLF
computed using plate-to-plate coupling theory used in analytical SEA
software are overestimating CLF between curved structures below
their ring frequency. In these cases, CLF may be computed from FEM
related model following the Virtual SEA technique.
14 July 2015
Figure 9-22: Left, coupling of wave energy between 2 subsystems due to flexural,
extensional and shear waves and right, LMPR data flow
Figure 9-23: SEA model of VEGA upper part (SEA+) for pyroshock prediction
9.3.4 Virtual SEA modelling for robust SEA modelling in the mid-
In MF range (200-2000 Hz), SEA transfers may be difficult to derive with accuracy with standard
analytical theory for two main following reasons:
Analytical description is not enough informative or too simple,
Geometry is too complex and is difficult to subdivide into set of weakly coupled flat panels or
cylindrical shell.
VSEA technique has been developed to override previous difficulties by relying on FEM modeling for
predicting a rationale subsystem partitioning, the modal density and CLF of related subsystems. To
avoid arbitrary user’s choice, the FEM-to-SEA process is automated following steps sketched in Figure
First, an original FEM model is post-processed in a classic way by extracting global eigenvalues
and eigenmode amplitudes on a grid of nodes which maps the system.
Second, transfer functions are synthesized between all nodes.
Third, the node set is sorted into groups (or subsystems) by a specific attractive algorithm that
detects energy gap between groups.
Fourth, the FRF matrix is compressed on this subsystem decomposition to get mean transfer
velocity per subsystem (compressed FRF matrix).
Fifth, this latter matrix is used to identify the SEA loss factors by inverting the compressed
energy matrix as in experimental SEA.
14 July 2015
On output, it provides modal density, CLF and wave number of the various subsystems. DLF is an
input in VSEA as FRF are synthesized with given user-defined damping. The identified CLF are
shown to be independent of damping as soon as they stay in a reasonable range (0,001 up to 0,1)
which covers most of the vibrational problems. Actual DLF are then introduced afterwards in the
VSEA model to fit to physical damping.
VSEA models are frequency-band limited due to FEM mesh size. For high frequency pyroshock
applications, VSEA models are expended at high frequency using embedded analytical modeling.
Time to setup a SEA model from FEM representation is drastically reduced to a few hours of
processing, making any FEM developed throughout projects easily reusable for pyroshock prediction
as no particular request is made by VSEA regarding FEM characteristics.
(PUNCH file)
Velocity matrix
Input power
14 July 2015
The evaluation of the shock environment in a spacecraft can be also obtained using numerical
simulations based on FEA and/or SEA approaches although these methods have many limitations.
In fact, as noted in the examples related to the numerical simulation reported in this handbook, the
shock prediction remains a difficult task and does not produce well-correlated results with test results
at every location.
For this reason the shock environment derivation by simulation should never be used alone but it is
recommended to use it in conjunction with other ones (such as similarity / extrapolation methods).
The range of validity of the FE method shock predictions is usually limited to the shock far-field range
and at generally low or medium frequency (< 2 kHz) rather than high frequency.
The simulation methods are recommended to consolidate the spacecraft zoning shock environment
obtained by the similarity /extrapolation methods used, during the early project phase, and eventually
to derive the shock levels at the equipment interfaces.
In the shock transient analysis based on FE method both explicit and implicit solutions are available
and the explicit solution is more recommended when the shock event is highly dynamic and when the
event’s duration is relatively short.
14 July 2015
Besides the analytical shock zoning of SMART-1 a time domain analysis has been carried out to
consolidate the shock environment generated by the clampband release [RD-014].
Special attention has been given to the model limitation with regard to shock. Rules, as presented in
paragraph, have been followed for the adaptation of SMART-1 FEM model to a dedicated
model compatible with shock analysis (Figure 9-25). In particular, 64 nodes at 937 mm diameter
interface are enough to properly represent modes up to the main breathing mode (around 1600 Hz). A
Non Structural Mass formulation has also been adopted for all equipment.
Upper panel
Eqt deck
Central cone
Bottom panel
Side walls (S/A not displayed)
F (N)
0 0.5ms 10ms 20ms
Figure 9-26: Force vs. time scheme used for source modelling
14 July 2015
The time dependant load is applied radially at 64 equally spaced locations around the bottom of the
interface ring (64 times F0). The amplitude of the radial force F0 (equivalent to the clampband pre-
tension) can be derived from the preload, as follows (Figure 9-27):
In the test campaign, the clampband had a preload of P=21,8 kN.
P φ.cosθ.dl with φ (induced flux around the ring)
It comes F 2140 N
Then, assuming the stiffness of the spacecraft ring and the ACU ring to be roughly the same, we can
derive the radial force to be applied on the model:
F0 1070 N
S/C ring
The external load is assumed to be axially symmetrical at any time step. This leads to excite preferably
the first breathing mode (n = 0). Some special techniques exist to excite other breathing modes (e.g. n =
2, 4, …), but bring more complexity than advantage. Therefore, it is expected that the SRS levels are
under-estimated in the lower frequency band.
Various aspects have been studied, such as input change (different shape of forcing functions,
different release time) or loads applied with delay (to take into account the relaxation in the band).
Resulting outputs have been evaluated and confronted to both relevant test data and analytical SRS
prediction (based on ESTEC attenuation rules – see 0).
Figure 9-28 present two examples of achieved correlations with test data. These figures also show the
analytical SRS prediction based on ESTEC attenuation rules (see 8.3.2)
14 July 2015
100 100
1 1
100 1000 10000 100 1000 10000
Figure 9-28: Comparison between analytical prediction, FEM prediction and test
Generally speaking, a sufficient correlation between FEA results and test data is achieved:
The maximum levels (at the corner frequency of 1600 Hz) are in the same order of magnitude
(around 3 dB inaccuracy).
In the lower frequency band, the FEA results are usually under-estimated. The loading
condition leads to excite preferably the first breathing mode (n = 0), other contributions (e.g. n =
2, 4, …) are not excited.
Finally, the analytical SRS predictions (correlated ESTEC rules applied to the radial shock
specification at the spacecraft interface) are in agreement with both test data and FEA results.
This fact allows to get more confidence in the shock zoning operation, and to consolidate the
shock specification at unit interface.
14 July 2015
In addition to the C/B test SMART-1 was also subjected to a Shogun test in the frame of the
qualification of SMART-1 with respect to shock.
A study has been carried out aiming first at refining and improving the forcing function
representative for the Shogun shock event. Further aspects such as damping parameters, equipment
modelling and selection of restitution points (effect of sensor location) have been studied to improve
confidence in implicit computations and assess their robustness. Resulting outputs were evaluated in
terms of SRS levels or SRS ratios (transfer function).
SRS (Q 10) EQT _ I / F
SRS (Q 10) S / C _ I / F
The test configuration was made up of SMART-1 STM connected to the payload adapter (ACU937).
The simulation was conducted on a fully representative configuration, as shown in Figure 9-29.
The shock was applied in the form of a rectangular force impulse at 64 equally spaced locations
around the bottom of the payload adapter.
An impulse of 0,2 ms (-7500 N in radial direction and 15000 N in axial direction) was found as an
optimum for a proper correlation of the shock response between test and simulation at S/C I/F. The
figure below compares the maximum envelope (of radial and axial levels) of test and simulation for
structural damping of 1 % at 600 Hz.
14 July 2015
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
Time [ms]
As shown in Figure 9-31 a good correlation is achieved at the S/C I/F over the entire frequency range
with only a local exceeding around 1500 Hz.
Test data
Subsequent to the forcing function definition and based on the above correlation the Shogun NSM-
model was used to derive SRS ratios between spacecraft interface and unit interface. These ratios are
independent from the energy actually introduced into the system and confronted towards system test
data measured in areas without or at least lightweight equipment. In terms of definition of suitable
damping parameters the method of adjusting the structural damping at 3 different frequencies (1,5 %
at 300 Hz, 1% at 600 Hz and 0,5 % at 1000 Hz) was used. Examples of typical correlations which have
been achieved inside the spacecraft can be seen in Figure 9-32.
The achieved correlation is considered sufficient and gives evidence that a conservative global shock
environment derivation, as it is done during zoning procedure, can be supported and consolidated by
numerical analysis.
14 July 2015
test data
In order to assess the opportunities and robustness of detailed shock predictions at equipment
interface using implicit codes (such as NASTRAN), the SMART-1 STM-model was modified with
respect to equipment modelling. Different methods have been evaluated using lumped mass
formulation, solid boxes and detailed unit modelling. To limit the effort the heaviest unit (PPU-
dummy) was selected and served as example case (see Figure 9-33). As described in special
attention has been paid to the proper selection of the restitution point representing the sensor location.
It turned out that already with a limited effort (equipment modelled as a box with solid elements and
representative in terms of mass, footprint, CoG in out-of-plane direction) a good agreement between
test and analysis is indeed feasible.
As shown in Figure 9-34, a sufficient correlation with test data is achieved in in-plane as well as out-
of-plane direction. Analyses showed that the way equipment are modelled is critical particularly in
terms of response in out-of-plane direction.
The investigations on SMART-1 Shogun test give confidence that numerical simulations are adequate
for early prediction of far-field shock environment (shock zoning) as well as for more detailed
analyses in qualification phase of projects.
14 July 2015
detailed model
solid box
test data
detailed model
test data
solid box
14 July 2015 Overview
Full coupled shock analysis capabilities have been developed over the past years and have been used
for the consolidation of launch configuration. Such numerical analysis aims at predicting the shock
level at the spacecraft interface, taking the coupling effect with the adjacent structures into account.
For Ariane5, this capability is particularly used for “off-nominal” launch configurations, for which the
return of experience from previous flights is limited. A5 /MSG configurations were in this situation,
and dedicated analyses performed by ESA/ESTEC [RD-014] are presented in paragraph below.
Studies performed recently in the frame of the A5 Low Shock Recovery Plan aimed at limiting shock
levels at payload interface were also based on a model (see paragraph
In both cases, this capability consists in a database of dedicated shock FE Models of the Ariane 5
upper composite stage (JAV, VEBs, EPS, ECA, SYLDA, ACY, ACUs, SADs, Payloads), and it consists
in a set of forcing functions (with an associated methodology) representing the main shock events
(VEB and fairing). Introduction
This capability was first used for the consolidation of MSG1 launch configuration. The dimensioning
shock environment was generated by the VEB separation (1 st generation of A5 family). A stack of
attenuation systems was necessary to bring the shock environment (generated by the VEB separation)
down to levels compatible with the qualification status of MSG.
14 July 2015
Figure 9-35: Ar5 upper composite model for MSG1 Coupled Shock Analysis (VEB
A step-by-step approach has been undertaken, aiming at deriving a consolidated prediction. Aspects
such as test correlations, configuration changes, study of interactions between different LV elements,
and the resulting uncertainties have been evaluated.
100 Freq. (Hz) 1000
It is important to note that these predictions were performed prior the MSG1 flight V513.
The predictions, of the shock environment induced by the VEB separation event, were presented as a
form of a band (in green), in which the MSG1 flight data should be contained.
As shown in Figure 9-36, the comparison between the prediction and the flight data shows a very
good agreement. A sufficient correlation with flight data is achieved (flight data within predicted
range of ± 3 dB).
14 July 2015
The predictions were initially limited to the dimensioning shock event (VEB separation). In prevision
of the next launch of MSG2, and in order to demonstrate the adequacy of the proposed methodology,
the Coupled Shock Analysis capability has been extended to the prediction of the shock environment
induced by the fairing jettisoning event.
The results of this investigation, including the correlation with flight data, are presented here below.
Two methodologies, for deriving the shock environment at the spacecraft interface, have been
investigated. Method - Direct Computation
The shock environment at the spacecraft interface is a direct output of a direct transient analysis.
Pulse forces are introduced into the system (at fairing separation interface), propagate through the
structures and excite the structure mode shapes.
Some detailed investigations have been conducted to derive a consolidated forcing function. Aspects
such as repartition of amplitudes between axial and radial excitations, duration, and delay have been
studied in details.
Pulse forces are applied, in axial and radial directions, at 144 equally spaced locations around the top
of the ACY interface ring. The output is directly predicted at the spacecraft interface.
Figure 9-37: Applied forcing function for MSG2 Coupled Shock analysis
14 July 2015
Method Method
Flight data
Flight data
Figure 9-38: Comparison between both predictive methods and V513 flight data
It can be concluded that the first method correlates well with V513 flight data. Adequate correlation in
both directions (axial and radial) has been achieved. Underestimation occurs only in axial direction
below 200 Hz, but it is due to the damping assumption (centred at 400 Hz), and due to the boundary
conditions of JAV-EPC.
Same quality of results is also achieved when following the 2 nd method. Adequate correlation with
flight data is evidenced in both directions, bringing high confidence in the adequacy of the predictive
The adequacy of the Coupled Shock Analysis capability is demonstrated and builds up the basis for
MSG2 predictions.
All MSG satellites (FM1 to 4) are identical with regard to sensitivity to shock events and
environmental qualification status. The launch configuration adopted for MSG1 had to be reviewed in
order to be in line with the modifications implemented on the Ariane 5GS Launch Vehicle, and to
become more flexible in finding a suitable co-passenger. The main modification, among others,
concerns the VEB separation system, which induces a lower excitation to the spacecraft. The
dimensioning shock event becomes the fairing jettisoning event.
14 July 2015
Although the severity of the shock environment has decreased, it is still outside the qualification
status of MSG. Due to a lower attenuation need, the stack of attenuation systems has been adapted.
In complement to the Arianespace predictions, based on flight and experimental data, a Coupled
Shock Analysis has been carried out by ESA/ESTEC to consolidate the MSG2 launch configuration.
As for MSG1, a step-by-step approach has been undertaken, aiming at deriving a consolidated
prediction. Aspects such as V513 (MSG1) correlation, test correlations, configuration changes (e.g.
ACY and SYLDA effects, SADs combined attenuation), Study of interactions between different LV
elements, and the resulting uncertainties have been evaluated.
Figure 9-40: Ar5 upper composite model for MSG2 coupled shock analysis (PLF sep.)
14 July 2015
As shown in Figure 9-41, the MSG-2 post flight evaluation evidenced the adequacy of the prediction.
The comparison between the prediction and the flight data shows a very good agreement (flight data
within predicted range of ± 3 dB).
In blue: MSG-2
Predicted SRS levels at S/C I/F shock allowable
MSG2 - Axial Direction V513
SRS (g) - Q=10
ESTEC Prediction - Upper limit (g)
ESTEC Prediction - Lower limit (g)
SDRA ultimate levels - X
V525 - Fairing shock - AXIAL
100 Freq. (Hz) 1000
Finite Element Model has been built for NASTRAN software analyses. It represents all structural parts
involved in fairing shock propagation towards payloads: HSS1 ring, SYLDA5, PAS, VEB, ECA, 3936
Cone, ESC-A and Payload (here represented by MAQSATB). Generally models are derived from
14 July 2015
static/dynamic models available in the context of Ariane 5 Programs and provided by System or Sub-
Contractor teams. In some cases meshes have been refined in order to roughly reach a 1000 Hz
capability (actual capability of the global model being estimated at 800 Hz).
Model assembly is validated through longitudinal and lateral first modes restitution of both lower and
upper branches.
It is important to pay specific attention to the mesh refinement and model assembly for good
simulation results, which needs experienced people on this kind of topic.
Shock induced by HSS1 fairing separation is represented through a running force imposed in the
model at the cutting location. Running forces are imposed from the initiation points of these
pyrocords. Time delay between point initiations can be represented according to physical parameters
of the separation device. Ratio between longitudinal and radial forces has been set to get the best
correlation with flight data.
As it has been said before, this model cannot been understood as a fully predictive tool but has been
very useful for analysis and comprehension of shock propagation in the Ariane 5 upper part. Main
conclusions which were derived from analyses based on this model are presented hereafter:
Flight levels comparison:
Comparisons obtained with flight data are satisfactory as shown below for example in the frequency
validity domain expected:
14 July 2015
SRC (Q=10)
100 Fréquence (Hz) 1000
Model result is among flight measurement acquired with similar upper part configuration (A5-ECA
with same PAS, but discrepancies induced by payloads are not tackled by the model).
Launcher / Payload Interface levels discrepancies:
One other outcome of the model is the demonstration of spectrum dispersion at the payload interface
with regard to azimuth location. Figure below give illustrations of the difference obtained at payload
interface in two different configurations:
Figure 9-44: spectrum dispersion at the payload interface with regard to azimuth
14 July 2015
This kind of results has been used for the improvement of flight measurement plan and for the
explanation of flight anomalies. (Analysis of local geometrical or mechanical details for example).
Attenuator development:
The tool has also been widely used in the frame of attenuator improvement giving a comparison
between SHOGUN ground test, A5 lower position and A5 upper position configurations.
This had an impact on specifications for attenuator devices like SASSA and also helped in MFD
improvement which is now achieved (light MFD has successfully flown on flight L563 with MSG3 in
lower position and on L566 in upper position with attenuation performance in accordance with
prevision). Synthesis
For Ariane 5 shocks for which mid frequencies (~[200 – 1000 Hz]) is the domain of interest, numerical
simulations can provide good information for shock levels at payload interface. It is recommended to
pay attention to the model constitution, and excitation should be relevant with regards to actual
separation device. In these conditions, numerical analyses can be very useful for the comprehension of
physical phenomena involved in shock propagation towards payload and is a good tool for solution
identification, classification and evaluation.
14 July 2015
on a complex structure
In the frame of a R&T CNES, different computations methods have been compared to predict the
shock propagation on a satellite structure. The MSTH SPOT5/HELIOS2 model was chosen. Explicit,
implicit and energetic methods have been used through commercial codes (NASTRAN, MARC,
PAMSHOCK, RADIOSS and AUTOSEA2) to predict propagation inside the spacecraft with notably a
SHOGUN type excitation. The initial FEM was the model designed for sine prediction, namely for low
frequency study. This particular choice aimed at verifying the availability or the necessary adaptations
to lead a shock propagation analysis in a complex structure until the ambitious objective of 10000 Hz.
The results have been compared between codes and with SHOGUN test data. Finally, the last aspect
of the study was a sensitivity analysis on important parameters (link, equipment, damping …)
The first step of this study was the adaptations of the FEM to the method, codes or type of loading. It
is important to note that this step arose some serious difficulties (see and was time consuming
especially for explicit codes. The automatic gateway between commercial codes are indeed often
insufficient to ensure a rapid and complete translation of the model, boundary conditions and loading
(loading possibilities are often a particularity of each code). Moreover, it is important that the updated
model is checked with regard to the initial one (e.g. modal behaviour, global stiffness, and stiffness
matrix conditioning).
Figure 9-45: NASTRAN initial model (a) and PAMSHOCK model after adaptation
for SHOGUN (b)
It can be seen on the Figure 9-45 that for explicit methods, as it is mentioned in paragraph, the
mesh density and homogeneity are far above the implicit method needs. It was also necessary for this
first step to refer to the plane for improving the model.
The computations results (see Figure 9-46 ) and sensitivity analysis have shown:
Predictions are globally and logically better for low frequencies independently of the method
(below 2000 Hz for explicit method and below 1000 Hz for implicit ones).
Correlation quality for explicit method does not depend on the considered zone but on local
Correlation quality for implicit method seems relatively homogeneous.
14 July 2015
The excitation is a key parameter, notably for SHOGUN test. For instance, the initiator
synchronization when known, is included in the source model.
Equipment level prediction is strongly dependent on equipment modelling, sensor and
associated node.
Position, number, stiffness and damping of links. These parameters become crucial with
complex structure like spacecraft structure.
14 July 2015
14 July 2015
compared to Pwr_F_rectangle) is modified compared to the one due to the fixed point force, The
propagation of the pyroforce is thus boosting BF and lowering HF spectral content of the injected
power. Extensional and shear wave injected powers are also modified, mainly increased at low
Figure 9-49 shows the prediction of SRS on a wall subsystem of the SMART1 payload for the Shogun
test and the comparison with some test SRS in this subsystem. Within the latter, it is possible to also
describe local mass attenuation of the response due to the presence of massive equipment by
introducing a local mass correction factor in the frequency range where subsystems are described by
analytical theory. When there are described by VSEA and if the original FEM maps also the
equipment, this correction is not necessary.
Figure 9-50 shows similar comparison between prediction and test-SRS for VEGA upper part
performed with SEA-Shock.
The integrated user interface has then allowed an important gain in accuracy compared to SPOT5
prediction seen in Figure 9-23: . In SPOT 5 prediction, the source was the measured acceleration
constraining the subsystem source and results were found acceptable far away from the source,
mainly on the dummy payload used for the SHOGUN test. Now the model is fully theoretical. The
input data from the user is a generic time domain force characterized by amplitude and duration. Both
amplitude and force duration are strongly tight to the shock mechanism. Simple force profiles such as
triangles have been used with success in the four shock simulations.
In clampband separation, the ring frequency of the pre-stressed source subsystem is involved in the
force duration due to the liberation of its internal stored potential energy contained in n=0 mode
which is transformed into vibrational energy feeding all modes of the system.
In a pyrozip separation, the duration of the force is mainly related to the time the shock device needs
to reach fracture stress.
In the four simulations A, B, C and D, both force duration and amplitude were set to fit the
measurement available near the source.
14 July 2015
Figure 9-48: Injected power in the SMART1 ACU for a pyrozip and a “static” unit
rectangular force
14 July 2015
In thick red with bare panel velocity and thick brown for mass corrected bare velocity
Figure 9-49: X+Wall SRS predicted by LMPR and SRS computed from SHOGUN
measured responses
Figure 9-50: SRS prediction (red and blue)/tests results on equipment platform for
AVUM stage separation for VEGA system
The degree of accuracy of LMPR-SEA technique has proven to be satisfactory for all simulations. The
same SEA model can be used for predicting several loading cases by changing only the source and its
location on the subsystem.
The main steps for the prediction are then shortened here below
Building a structural SEA model from scratch using SEA+ analytical library of subsystems
(plate, shell, beam) or post-processing with SEAVirt software representative FEM of the system
up to its maximal limit of validity and import it in SEA+ where it is possible to expand it to HF
by setting each virtual subsystem to a related asymptotic analytic subsystem,
Generate force input using the force profile generator
Apply it to the source subsystem and set the associated options
Select the receiver subsystem and perform a LMPR solve for which additional options are asked
such as number of reconstructed points inside subsystem and mass correction factors.
Both SRS and time histories of responses related to flexural and in-plane wave energies are provided
as output of the simulation.
Main benefits of this technique is the quickness of the calculation which takes only a few minutes on a
PC, diagnosing and transmission path ranking capabilities and ability to perform parametric
sensitivity analysis.
14 July 2015
Deriving a specification from a shock
The most popular way to specify a shock test is the use of the maximax SRS with a standard Q-factor
of 10. The SRS is indeed the simplest method to compare severities and damage potential between
shocks. The data reduction technique of SRS computation, whose purpose is to make the source signal
more readable, has naturally a more reduced range of applicability compared to the original time
history because of the loss of information (shock duration and form) generated by its calculation:
whereas the Fourier spectrum defines the shock in terms of the amplitudes and phase relations of its
frequency components and is completely reversible, the SRS describes only the effect of the shock
upon a structure in terms of peak responses and is therefore irreversible. But the fact of reducing
complex time history to the peak response of a SDOF damped linear system is of importance in the
design of equipment and in the specification of tests because the limited number of parameters (SDOF
frequency and damping) allows to characterize simply and systematically a shock excitation.
The SRS specification is generally composed of line portions on a log-log graph: for aerospace
structures, far-field specification is often composed of an initial line of constant slope between 100 Hz
and a cut-off frequency. Then, from this frequency up to 10000 Hz the specification follows a constant
plateau. Figure 10-1 shows a typical example of this type of shock specification.
NOTE The full definition of the specification includes description of the
expected time signal shape and duration, as detailed in Part 3.
Otherwise infinity of time signals can give the right SRS without
representing the real expected shape.
14 July 2015
2 3
10 10
Frequency (Hz)
Another way to specify a shock test is the half-sine acceleration specification. It corresponds to a half-
sine pulse of acceleration roughly representative of an impact. It is specified through two parameters
only: its magnitude u 0 and duration . Moreover, this kind of specification has been often used in the
past because of its simplicity and reproducibility in laboratory tests. Impact machine, electro-
dynamic shaker, drop table are indeed able to reproduce accurately this kind of specification. It is
however important to notice that this type of specification become obsolete for aerospace structures
where real shocks are generally complex waveform and, therefore, very different from a half-sine
pulse. This particular shock induces notably a non-zero velocity change (Figure 10-2), counter to real
pyrotechnic devices, that has a tendency to increase mainly the very low frequency leading sometimes
to aberrant value at the beginning of the spectrum (i.e. at 100 Hz). High frequencies are generally less
excited and consequently this type of specification cannot reproduce with fidelity pyrotechnic devices.
14 July 2015
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-1 0
10 10
The SRS peak occurs at 0,8 / thalf sine (where thalf sine is the duration of the half sine signal) and
reaches 1,65 times the signal amplitude.
One can also remark on Figure 10-3 that high frequencies are not excited. The spectrum
converges towards the signal maximum amplitude.
14 July 2015
qualification margin
The unit shock specification is based upon the Maximum Expected shock Environment (MEE)
augmented by a qualification margin.
The Maximum Expected shock Environment is a guaranteed level which is not expected to be
exceeded during the operational life of the item with a certain level of confidence, accounting
for randomness and inherent variability of the environment. The MEE may be estimated from
(a) analytical and numerical shock analysis (see paragraphs 8 and 9), (b) envelope of system test
measurements with associated scaling method where relevant (see Procedure I, in paragraph
13.3.2) , or (c) a statistical analysis based on shock test database to derive a reliable unit level
shock specification (see paragraph 8.2.6).
The Qualification margin that increases the environmental range to account for hardware
strength variability (it is indeed possible that a test article would pass a specified test, and the
flight hardware fails the same test conditions because of hardware strength variability and
shock test jig variability). It ensures (with an acceptable level of confidence) that a failure does
not occur during the product lifetime of the item. A qualification margin of minimum 3 dB is
added to the MEE.
Once the level has been measured or derived with the appropriate methodology in a particular zone
or region, one needs to build a usable and correct specification by using the SRS tool (with a Q-factor
of 10). This phase aims both at enveloping and simplifying the measures and/or predictions SRS
including the 3dB qualification margin to create a specification that can be easily reproduced in
laboratory tests with any kind of shock testing machine (mechanical, pyrotechnical device…). That is
why specifications result generally into constant slope lines and plateau on a log-log graph. This
procedure tends obviously to mask some eventual eigenmodes in the measures and/or predictions.
Unlike random specification where some sharp peaks can be cut off during specification construction,
it is preferable to completely envelop all the peaks due to modal behaviour in a shock specification.
This rule engenders some hidden margin on certain frequency bands as it can be seen hereunder on
Figure 10-4. In return, at the transition between line of constant slope and plateau, there is often no
margin. This transition band often expresses the presence of a peak in the real shock and is
consequently of great importance. Some precautions are useful to be reminded concerning the Q-
factor effect. If the real Q-factor of a specified item is largely different from 10, it can engender greater
amplification on some eigenmodes than it was initially forecast and can cause some damage. So before
designing a specification, it is always interesting to let the Q-factor vary in the measures and/or
predictions SRS computations in order to avoid this particular phenomenon.
Another key point to survey in the construction of a shock specification is the value of the initial slope
and the very first value of the SRS specification (i.e. value at 100 Hz for far-field specification). The
initial slope is a priori superior to 6 dB/octave. So when enveloping the measures and/or
predictions, it is important to verify that the initial slope is at least superior to this minimum slope.
Small slopes (inferior to 6 dB/octave) are sometimes encountered because SRS of time measures are
not always corrected from zero-shift errors. These specifications are not correct. Moreover, an
incorrect initial slope implies often a very high first value at 100 Hz (for instance, initial value superior
to 200 g at 100 Hz). It is also important to check this initial value to remain physical.
14 July 2015
2 3 4
10 10 10
Frequency (Hz)
If the enveloping process with an initial slope of 6 dB/octave leads all the same to a very first value too
high, it is then possible to add another intermediate point between the initial slope and the plateau in
order to increase this initial slope and decrease the very first value until physical value. (Figure 10-5)
111 X
111 Y
111 Z
3 114 X
114 Y
114 Z
115 X
115 Y
115 Z
2 3 4
10 10 10
Frequency (Hz)
14 July 2015
Shock attenuation
11.1 Definitions
The need for isolation of shock first appears in Europe with the ARIANE launcher technology. In fact,
most of the launcher separation events are performed with pyrotechnical cutting systems which
generate shock levels significantly higher than the one encountered in satellites. As the source shock
levels depend of the mass constrained by the mechanism, this is consequently higher for launcher
cutting parts.
The first shock isolators developed for ARIANE were:
Isolators for ARIANE booster release.
Isolators for equipment of ARIANE 5 VEB (Vehicle Equipment Bay) to isolate from shock
induced by case cutting. All equipment are settled on two panels linked to central cone by
brackets designed with shock dampers to isolate from VEB release shock system (see Figure
Shock sources have always been present in spacecraft for main release mechanism (e.g. spacecraft
release, appendage deployment).
The design of shock isolation system for satellite has been motivated by Telecom missions which have
seen the number of their equipment increasing: as a consequence the equipment density has increased
leading to equipment closer to shock sources. This has induced non conformity of equipment shock
qualification with respect to specified shock environment and a need to find solutions to isolate
sensitive equipment from shock sources. The need of shock isolation is today motivated by another
14 July 2015
constraint which is the introduction of more and more sensitive equipment, especially for observation
There are two approaches for shock isolation of a given problem: shock is either isolated at the
interface of sensitive equipment or directly at the interface of shock source. The most effective solution
is the isolation at the source of the shock but it is rarely the simplest solution. Appendages releases are
simpler to isolate at source as they are more confined and imply less constraint for stiffness
Two families of isolation systems have been developed to answer to specific needs. The most used
family is the family of passive isolators which uses specific properties of non-linear materials to isolate
for high frequency excitation with a sufficient stiffness at low frequencies to sustain launcher typical
dynamic loads. The other family is the family of active isolators which impose an active response to
reduce shock excitation but which is not widely used in space industry due to lack of efficiency and
technology maturity.
The main principle used for shock attenuation is the impedance breakdown between the structure
(from where the shock waves come) and the equipment to protect.
In general, especially for high frequencies, shock attenuation comes from solid wave propagation. The
attenuation is achieved thanks the local stiffness difference between the mechanical structure and the
relatively soft attenuator stiffness. This phenomenon can be illustrated with a simple bar with local
property discontinuities. Each discontinuity of local stiffness E.S (Young modulus multiplied by the
section) or of density ρ lead to reflected and refracted shock waves. The quantity of the shock waves
refracted (transmitted) depends on the value of this discontinuity called also local impedance α (See
R.W Clough & J.Penzien).
The following figure presents the bar characteristics and the shock waves celerity c1 and c2:
Incident shock wave ua
Reflected shock wave ub
Refracted shock wave uc
14 July 2015
This principle of impedance breakdown for shock attenuation is applicable for high frequency
propagation; it is relatively different of sine steady state isolation for low frequency. The main
difficulty for shock attenuation deals with intermediate bandwidth frequency between sine isolation
and shock attenuation. In this frequency bandwidth, typically between 300 Hz and 700 Hz, modal
responses are due to shock wave go back and forth in the different sub-structure. In this case, for a
better efficiency the shock attenuator becomes a shock isolator for wide frequency range (see next
The impedance breakdown principle is illustrated on the Figure 11-3. The dark blue curve is the input
signal before the impedance breakdown whereas the soft blue curve is after.
As explained in previous paragraph, a shock isolator is a more flexible shock attenuator, in order to
cover low frequency shocks. Nevertheless, in practice, to meet the shock attenuation requirement, it is
not necessary to obtain six isolation modes well decoupled of structure modes. Furthermore, a
“perfect” isolator with 6 isolation modes is not recommended, because it is more challenging and
difficult with the high displacements involved during resonances.
As reminder, an isolator device is defined as a device that decouples or isolates to some degree, the
input energy from a protected mass or structure:
Some energy does get through, but isolator parameters are optimized to reduce the response to
acceptable levels
Doesn’t necessarily absorb a maximum amount of energy, but attempts to remove the input as
much as possible.
The isolator is thus equivalent to a mechanical filter or a suspension.
The isolator principle is illustrated on the Figure 11-4.
14 July 2015
Region of
This type of shock isolator is principally used for space application, with typical products as shown on
the Figure 11-5.
14 July 2015
11.1.4 Damper
A damper is defined as a device that removes continuously energy from a moving system to control
its response. The damper material has resilient properties allowing him absorbing energy when it is
deformed elastically. Such types of device are mostly interesting for low frequency environment (type
sine environment, i.e. up to 150 Hz) where the main goal is to dissipate large energy accumulated in
the system. The shock amplitude is mainly defined by few highest peaks in a short time window;
therefore the damping is not very efficient. It is illustrated by the SRS which is calculated with the
highest peak. The damper principle is illustrated on the Figure 11-6.
Such type of device is not generally used as spacecraft flight hardware space application but for other
application like Ariane 5 upper stage, ground wind damper system for launch vehicle standing on the
launch pad, on the satellite container or EGSE. This is illustrated on the Figure 11-7.
14 July 2015
A shock absorber is defined as a device that absorbs a maximum amount of kinetic energy, and brings
a moving mass to a stop with minimal force. In space industry, the stop can be generated by a
crushable material like honeycomb. Honeycomb crush absorber is an efficient solution for attenuation
shock due to impact against end stop of an highly preloaded system.
Absorber design (honeycomb type, confinement, diameter) usually results from a development test
campaign, and best attenuation is achieved when a large portion of the energy is absorbed by
crushing the honeycomb (i.e. honeycomb completely crushed). Also in order to offer less resistance to
the initiation of the collapse of the honeycomb, it has been characterised that a pre-crushing of
honeycomb improves the attenuation efficiency.
The shock absorber principle is illustrated on the Figure 11-8.
Bolt retrieval
SRS (g) - Q=10
14 July 2015
The shock is a complex phenomenon materialised by shock waves confined in a very short time, as
illustrated on the Figure 11-9, where the shock event duration is about 20 ms.
Depending of the pyro shock environmental category to isolate (far field / near field) two different
approaches can be highlighted here:
Far field: The shocks levels are more important in low frequency (due to modal amplification of
the structure and thus associated to relatively important displacement) than in high frequency.
It is thus necessary to add damping in order to dissipate energy.
Near field: The shock levels are more important in high frequency. It is thus better to use
filtering effect to reduce the shock transmission.
The shock protection solution to be applied, varies depending of the shock environment nature (far or
near field). Thus, by efficiency order, three approaches can thus be distinguished:
Approach 1 - Isolation of the source: This application aims at filtering the shock intensity
induced by a pyro shock source. The maximum decoupling effect between the shock source and
the rest of the structure is searched. This is achieved by placing a shock isolator between the
shock source and the structure. This is the most efficient solution; on the other hand, it is not
always possible to implement such solutions.
Approach 2 - Isolation of a sub-system: This application aims protecting an equipment directly
at its interface. This is achieved by mounting the equipment on an isolator based on viscoelastic
materials. As for the isolation of the source, this solution has the advantage of the simplicity of
local device for an interface. On the other hand it is more difficult to decouple the isolation
modes with the rest of the structure.
Approach 3 - Isolation applied along the load path: This application aims at limiting the shock
propagation inside a structure. This is achieved by placing a shock isolator on the propagation
path of the shock wave. In practice, it is very difficult, because the implementation of such
14 July 2015
isolators modify the load path and the efficiency is not guarantee (amplifications are possible).
It is more recommended to use damping along the load path.
The main principle of passive isolation is linked to the behaviour of a single-degree-of-freedom
(SDOF) response system. And the effectiveness of isolators in reducing vibration is indicated by the
transmissibility of the system.
When the system is excited at its natural frequency, the system is in resonance and the disturbances
are amplified rather than reduced. Therefore it is very desirable to select the proper isolator so that its
natural frequency is excited as little as possible and does not coincide with any critical frequencies of
the supported equipment.
Referring to the Figure 11-4 and Figure 11-10, it can be seen that when the ratio of the disturbing
frequency over the natural frequency is less than √2, the transmissibility is greater than one (so-called
region of amplification), and opposite, when the ratio is greater than √2, the mounted unit is said to be
isolated (so-called isolation region).
Those figures also illustrate the relationship between a highly damped and a lightly damped system:
as damping is increasing, isolation efficiency is somewhat reduced in the isolation region. While high
values of damping cause significant reduction of transmissibility at resonance, its effect in the isolation
region is only a small increase in transmissibility.
Limiting the amplification at the isolation frequency often leads to the use of elastomer which has a
high damping coefficient and thus low amplification.
Isolation region
Consequently, the definition of an isolator device is a compromise into using two effects
characteristics: a mechanical filter and a damper.
14 July 2015
The shock isolation principle is to use a specific device to protect from shock events or avoid shock
propagation. This requires fulfilling a complex set of constraints:
Isolate the 6 degree of freedom, otherwise shock could propagate.
Use a compact and relatively light solution.
Avoid important amplification of the device on its main mode to prevent structure to protect
over dimensioning at low frequency.
Use strength solution able to sustain all the mechanical environments.
Metallic structures can be used to isolate from shock but they can’t be integrated in a small volume
and are heavy and complex systems to provide a complete isolation of the whole degree of freedom
enabling to sustain the mechanical loads.
The needs of compactness, lightness, damping, complete isolation of 6 degree of freedom and strength
lead naturally to consider the elastomer materials families as they present a lot of attractive properties:
Important strength to sustain mechanical environments,
Tuneable damping properties,
Easy to use and create complex geometry allowing building a 6 degree of freedom isolation,
Low mass density allowing creating light device,
Good bonding on metal/organic parts thanks to primer whose strength depends on the family.
Rubbers main characteristics and damping effect are presented hereafter.
Rubbers are constituted of very long molecular chains (M n > 10000 elements) which are entangled up
the ones with the others, as shown in the Figure 11-11.
Figure 11-11: Overview of a rubber molecular chain entangled up the ones with the
Rubbers belong to thermo-hardening materials which can be characterized by the key parameter glass
temperature (Tg TAmbient) leading to a very different behaviour w.r.t. this critical temperature:
Below this temperature, the behaviour is vitreous and thus the material is brittle with a high
Young’s modulus
14 July 2015
Beyond this temperature, the behaviour is rubbery and characterised by an important softness:
molecular chains can be characterized by a high mobility, numerous conformations and very
flexible chains.
However, the material elasticity behaviour is only obtained after the vulcanisation phase which
consists in linking all the molecular chains together thanks to sulphured bridges, as shown on the
Figure 11-13.
Figure 11-13: Creation of sulphured bridges between the chains giving the rubber
elasticity behaviour
Nevertheless, this is not a perfect elastic behaviour because the molecular chains located between each
sulphur links, rub with their external environment (i.e. others chains), leading to a friction
phenomenon, which is at the origin of the viscous behaviour of the material, as shown in the Figure
14 July 2015
More generally, the rubbers mechanical properties are characterized by a wide variety of non
linearities which are succinctly listed hereafter:
The Payne effect: This visco elastic property leads to Young’s modulus decrease when the
dynamic amplification (or deformation rate) increases. This effect is more pronounced on
rubber charged of carbon black.
Temperature dependency: The Young’s modulus decreases when the temperature increases.
Frequency dependency: The Young’s modulus increases when the exciting frequency increases.
Static pre-loading: This induces a non-symmetric repartition of the deformation rate in the
material linking to Payne effect.
Mullins effect: The stress-strain curve depends on the maximum loading previously
encountered. The phenomenon can be idealized for many purposes as an instantaneous and
irreversible softening of the stress-strain curve that occurs whenever the load increases beyond
its prior all-time maximum value. At times when the load is less than a prior maximum,
nonlinear elastic behaviour prevails.
14 July 2015
The complex rubber behaviour can be idealized by the following simplified model analogy allowing
apprehending the non-linear behaviours.
The molecular environment can be presented as a “pipe” around the chain:
14 July 2015
Frictions appear between the chain and the pipe
A dephasing appears between the load and the displacement
From this analogy, different rubber specific behaviour can be highlighted:
a. Frequency dependence:
Between two cycling loads, the molecular chain returns to a “balancing” statement. It is the
creep phenomenon. The creep velocity depends on the molecular mobility, as shown on the
Figure 11-18.
The mechanical behaviour depends on the frequency of the applied load/displacement:
14 July 2015
significantly greater than the velocity of the mobility molecular in the “tube”,
there is no return to the “balancing statement”. Permanent tensions appear inside
the material: the stiffness of the rubber is high.
When the stiffness increases, the elastomer closes to a vitreous material which generates more
friction in the molecular chains and thus higher damping. This effect is more important if the
rubber is naturally damping.
b. Temperature dependence:
When the temperature increases or frequency decrease, the molecular mobility increases too.
The temperature dependence is equivalent with the time or frequency dependence. High strain
rate or frequency is equivalent to low temperature and low strain rate or frequency is
equivalent to high temperature
The Williams–Landel–Ferry Equation (or WLF Equation) is an empirical equation associated to
time–temperature equivalence. With this equation, it is possible to obtain large frequency range
dependence with different dynamic tests in temperature.
As the mechanical behaviour depends on the molecular mobility, it depends on the temperature
too, as shown on the Figure 11-19.
Thus when temperature increases, the “tube” diameter increases also and the molecular chains
slide easier in the “tube” leading to decrease the Young’s modulus.
14 July 2015
c. Damping dependence:
The damping properties are linked to molecular chains frictions. The easier the chains can
move, the lower the damping is. By analogy with the “tube” it can be deduced that:
The higher the frequency is, the higher the damping is.
The higher the displacement is, the higher the damping is.
The higher the temperature is, the lower the damping is.
Tg is a key parameter for rubber as it characterizes the vitreous/ rubbery transition temperature.
Thus the higher this value is, the higher the transition closes the ambient temperature. This
directly leads to conclude that the higher the Tg is, the higher the damping is
Other parameters influence the Tg and thus the damping:
The chemical composition of the visco elastic material (e.g. carbon black, oil, and
chemical components)
State of internal stress
Environmental temperature
Type of stress Overview
For a development of an elastomer based device, it is important that the elastomer is selected among
several types of elastomer families.
The choice between the different families for space application is determined by several parameters
(e.g. behaviour in space vacuum, out gassing, ageing, working temperature, T g ). The task is a hard
trade off often supported by characterisation tests.
However, in order to help this selection, we can highlight the following key parameters for space
applications. Elastomer materials can be classified in 3 main families for which the main properties for
selection are provided:
Natural rubber
Black synthetic rubbers (like SMACTANE SP)
Silicon rubbers Origin
The natural rubber comes from the HEVEA tree: the sap of this tree (called latex) is collected and then
coagulated, to become finally an elastomer material.
The chemical name of the natural rubber is the “polysioprene cis 1-4 natural”, with a molecular weight
of 100 000 to 1 000 000 mainly composed of carbon and hydrogen atom.
14 July 2015 Compounding
Natural rubber is generally vulcanized thanks to sulphur system. To increase its mechanical
properties, it is reinforced by black carbon, and it can be protected from external aggression (e.g.
oxygen, UV, ozone) thanks to various additives.
Its glass Temperature (Tg) is low: between -75 °C and -65 °C (Nota: The Tg is strongly linked to the
compounding, so these values are for indication only).
Its mechanical properties are very good compared with the others rubber families: Natural rubber is
dedicated for high loaded applications.
Due to its low Tg, its damping is not very high for usual operational temperatures (-30 °C to +50 °C):
the tan δ factor is between 0,1 and 0,2 (Nota: the tan δ is strongly linked to the compounding, so these
values are for indication only).
However, compared with the usual synthetic rubbers, the natural rubber has a low temperature
dependency (and so a low frequency dependency too).
It is sensitive to the “on ground” ageing that is why protective additives are included inside its
compounding. Its maximum hot using temperature is ~80 °C. But if the radiation rate is not too strong,
its ageing “in orbit” is good.
The usual moulding methods can be used to manufacture natural rubber parts. During the moulding
phase, natural rubber can be easily bounded on various metallic substrates (e.g. Aluminium, steel,
Titanium) and on organic substrates too if these organic substrates are in accordance with the
moulding temperature (such as PEEK, polyimide). Origin
Synthetic rubbers come from the oil industry. There are various families of synthetic rubber, with each
one specific properties. For example, there are the polychloropren rubbers (CR), nitrile rubbers (NBR),
the butyl rubbers (IIR) …
Synthetic rubber are made with long molecular chains, composed of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen or
halogen atoms. Compounding
As the natural rubber, synthetic rubbers are generally vulcanized thanks to sulphur system. To
increase their mechanical properties, they are reinforced by black carbon and they can be protected
from external aggression (oxygen, UV, ozone,…) thanks to various additives.
14 July 2015 Thermodynamically aspects
As all rubber, the glass Temperature (Tg) of synthetic rubbers is lower than the room temperature
(between -70°C and 20°C). This value is strongly linked to the compounding.
Their mechanical properties are good (not as good as that of natural rubbers).
With specific synthetic rubbers as SMACTANE®, a high damping factor (tan δ>1) can be obtained for
usual operational temperatures (-30 °C to +50 °C). In this case, the temperature and frequency
dependencies are strong and so, it is necessary to work with a short temperature range.
Compared with natural rubbers, they are less sensitive to the “on ground” ageing. Their maximum
hot using temperature can be up to ~120 °C. And if the radiation rate is not too strong; their ageing “in
orbit” can be good.
The usual moulding methods can be used to manufacture synthetic rubber parts. During the
moulding phase, synthetic rubbers can be easily bounded on various metallic substrates (Aluminium,
steel, Titanium …) and on organic substrates too if these organic substrates are in accordance with the
moulding temperature (such as PEEK, polyimide). Origin
Silicon rubbers are a synthetic rubbers coming from pure Silicium reacting with methyl chlorure.
The chemical name of silicon rubbers is the “polysiloxane”. Their main molecular chain is composed
of Silicium and Oxygen atoms. Compounding
Its glass Temperature (Tg) is very low: between -130 °C and -100 °C (Nota: The Tg is strongly linked to
the compounding, so these values are for indication only).
14 July 2015 Mechanical strength aspects
Its mechanical properties are fair compared with the others synthetic black rubber families.
Due to its low Tg, its damping is fair for usual operational temperatures (-30 °C to +50 °C): the tan δ
factor is between 0,1 and 0,5 (Nota: the tan δ is strongly linked to the compounding, so these values
are only indicative values).
Silicon rubbers have a low temperature dependency (and so a low frequency dependency too).
They are not very sensitive to the ageing. Its maximum hot using temperature can be up to
~240°C.Generally speaking, silicon rubbers are dedicated for very hot and very cold applications.
The usual moulding methods can be used to manufacture silicon parts. Regarding to bounding
aspects with other metallic substrates, it is important to take the appropriate precautions: Silicon
bounding is not as good as black rubbers bounding.
11.3.1 Overview
This paragraph provides the main recommendations for shock attenuator device development. Introduction
It is of prime importance to correctly specify the attenuator device to develop in order to obtain the
right attenuation behaviour.
It is necessary to clearly specify the device attenuations performances with respect to the different
types of mechanical environments (e.g. sine, random, shock). Due to the complex elastomer behaviour
sensitive to temperature, it is essential to detail for each performance specification, the applicable
temperature range.
As an example, the performances definition can be expressed as:
The applicable working temperature range is (5 – 40) °C.
The amplification on the device mode is lower than 3.
The in plane and out of plane device modes is lower than 150 Hz.
The filtering performance is at least of a factor 2 at 200 Hz and a factor 4 at 400 Hz.
As well as the definition of the device performance, it is worthwhile to define exactly the way to
characterize it.
14 July 2015
Such approach allows a clear understanding of both parts (customer and developer) with respect to
the required performance, and avoids a free interpretation of the way to characterize the specified
performances leading to a device not adapted to the true conditions of use.
It is important that such specification defines the complete test setup to verify the performance (e.g.
the boundary conditions representative of spacecraft mounting conditions, the equipment definition,
the nature of the run to apply as well as the input level, the allowed notching).
As an example the test setup can be expressed as:
The test can be realized with a representative rigid dummy equipment with a CoG eccentricity
of 50 mm
The device can be directly mounted on the shaker slip table
The performance can be verified with thanks to:
A 1 g input sine run,
increasing sine sweep rate of 2 octave per minute,
run on 5 Hz – 2 kHz,
Along the in plane and out of plane directions,
15 g notching is allowed on the dummy mass CoG.
14 July 2015 Important factors affecting isolator selection / definition
Beyond the stiffness and damping properties which basically characterize an isolator, other factors
play an important role for the selection. The important points for isolator selection and definition are:
Type and direction of disturbance.
A good understanding of the environment type of the equipment to protect is mostly important
in order to select the right solution for isolator selection and definition.
A good knowledge of the type of the dynamic environment to isolate is important for the
definition of an isolator. The three main categories of environments can be (1) period vibration
occurring at discrete frequencies, (2) random vibration gathering wide range of frequencies and
amplitudes or (3) transient phenomena. Usually combination of these three categories occurs in
most isolation systems. In the specific case of shock attenuator performance, the environment is
mainly transient near the shock source, with increasing of sine period with the distance. The
good characterisation can lead to the choice of the isolator solution which complies with the
three key points:
1. Deflection capability is enough to accommodate the maximum dynamic environment
2. Avoid load-carrying capability exceedance (based on evaluation of the environment
maximum loads).
3. Avoid isolator degradation due to overheating problems or fatigue deterioration due to
long-term high-amplitude loading.
The direction of the disturbance can have an effect on the determination of the isolator
complexity. A higher number of disturbances (in several directions) can significantly increase
the complexity of the isolator.
Allowable response of a system to a disturbance
This is the maximum allowable transmitted shock or vibration and maximum displacement due
to a disturbance which can be expressed by different ways (maximum acceleration or
displacement due to shock, specific natural frequency and maximum transmissibility or level at
that frequency, maximum acceleration or velocity or displacement levels).
The definition of this maximum allowable response helps to select the appropriate isolator. If
such allowable is not available, it is important that this parameter is defined immediately by
similarity with other equipment or situation.
Space and location available for isolator
Vibration and shock isolation should be considered as early as possible in the system design in
order to estimate the isolator size. The size depends on the nature and magnitude of the
expected dynamic disturbances and the load to be carried.
The location of isolator is very important to the dynamics of the equipment mounted on them in
order to minimize displacement and improve isolation efficiency. Most particularly, it is
important that they are located such that they avoid the rocking modes.
If the isolator cannot be located so as to provide a right centre of gravity location, the system
analysis is more difficult and more space is allowed around the equipment for rocking motion.
The isolator can be double checked to ensure that they are capable of withstanding the
additional loads and motion from the non-translational movement of the equipment. This is
particularly true when the centre of gravity is a significant distance above or below the plane in
which the isolator are located.
Rule of thumb: the distance between the isolator plane and the centre of gravity should be equal
to or less than one-third of the minimum spacing between isolators. This helps minimize
rocking of the equipment and the resultant high stress in the isolator.
14 July 2015
Space available for equipment motion
The isolator choice can depend on the available limit place around the equipment. It is
important to select the isolator spring constant o keep motion within this limit. The motion is
the sum of (1) the static deflection due to the equipment weight supported by the isolator, (2)
the deflection caused by the dynamic environment and (3) the deflection due to any steady state
Elastomeric device working in compression thanks to non-linear load deflection characteristics
(called snubber) can be used to limit the motion of the equipment. It is implemented at the point
of excessive motion. It is important to select their stiffness carefully to avoid transmission of
high impact loads into the supported equipment.
Ambient environment
The ambient conditions can strongly affect the isolator characteristics by degrading the physical
integrity leading to make it non-functional or change the operating characteristics (without
permanent damage). Thus it is important to determine the operating environment of the
isolator and select device providing the correct characteristics in this environment.
Fail safe operations
Many pieces of equipment are mounted on isolators on which the equipment remains
supported in the event of mechanical failure of the isolator. This feature can be provided by a
metal-to-metal interlock or by snubbers.
Interaction with support structure
As the supporting structure is not infinitely stiff, its response can affect the components that are
flexibly attached to it. Thus if the stiffness of the isolator is high compared to the stiffness of the
foundation, the foundation deflects more than the isolator and actually nullifies or limits the
isolation provided by the isolator itself. A maximum efficiency from the selected isolator is
achieved when the support structure stiffness is at least 10 times the isolator one.
As supporting structure has inherent flexibility, its resonances could cause amplification levels
coupled with the isolator, thus it is important that resonance frequencies are avoided in relation
to isolated system natural frequencies.
In order to realize a different system or sub-system analysis (equipment / system coupled analysis,
launcher coupled load analysis), it is necessary to specify the numerical models (CAD or finite
element model) to be delivered. If any, it is expected that the refining of such model is also specified,
as well as the type of format delivery and the expected schedule. Introduction
Once the entire attenuator requirements have been fully defined, the attenuator can be developed. The
device development logic is detailed hereafter.
14 July 2015
The pre-dimensioning process would thus consist into a trade-off considering:
a. the whole mechanical environment versus the isolation frequency:
sine dimensioning if Fisolation < 100 Hz
random environment dimensioning if Fisolation > 100 Hz
b. the specified performances to determine where to tune the mode frequency
c. the thermal working range
Such trade off can be based:
on experience on previous programs and on prototypes behaviour or
on a cinematic analytical approach
The final objective of this trade-off is to determine the attenuator main characteristics compatible with
the environment, performances and thermal constraints:
3 axis stiffness’s of the device
Global behaviour: number of mode along each direction and their frequency depending of the
equipment physical properties.
In case performances are not completely matched some constraints can be slightly downgraded (like
amplification on the mode or mode frequency) in order to be compatible for the whole environments.
Once mechanical characteristics are determined it is necessary to derive it into a device design. This
necessarily means a choice of a material and a detailed design of the elastomeric parts.
Due to the wide and complex elastomer nature, the selection is a delicate task which consists into
determining the elastomer family and its chemical composition of material giving the good
performances in the temperature range of interest. It is a specialist purpose. However, to help
determining easier the material choice, some tools are approaches are generally used:
Material database like SPACEMAT, which gather the main characteristics of material used in
the space industry (e.g. mechanical properties at a given temperature: Young’s modulus and
Poisson’s ratio, damping, temperature ranges of use, master’s curve, out gassing, and
irradiation), as shown in the Figure 11-20.
14 July 2015
It also allow to compare one with the other ones the material characteristic to finely tune the
right material to select, as shown in Figure 11-21.
14 July 2015
If a material doesn’t exist, it can be characterized by Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) and
the test results can complete the database.
The DMA is realized with a visco analyzer device (see Figure 11-22).
Essais de caractérisation sur échantillon
instrumentation Déplacement X
excitateur électrodynamique
porte- échantillon
enceinte thermique
sonde thermique
porte- échantillon
anneau de force
Force F
14 July 2015 Design preliminaries
Once the material is selected it is necessary to detail the elastomeric part design to recover at device
level the target stiffness obtained in the trade off phase.
This is also the object to estimate the robustness design to sustain all the mechanical environments.
One critical point for the elastomer strength is to avoid too important deformation rate in the material
which generally leads to adhesive or tear rupture. By experience, it is generally considered by the
elastomer manufacturer to avoid exceeding 30% deformation rate.
Once detailed design is given, it could be estimated and verified the expected device final behaviour
(e.g. modes frequencies, amplification on the mode, damping, and filtering capability) and verify it
matches with the requirements. Prototyping
To verify the attenuator device performances, there is no other way than realizing a prototype.
As the elastomer behaviour is complex and not easy to predict, it is difficult to ensure that the
prototype has the exact expected behaviour. Thus the prototyping philosophy consists also to realize
different prototypes with slight variation of the detailed design dimensions or materials composition
in order to surround the target performances.
Simple test configuration allows verifying the main elementary performances like:
stiffness directly by static test or indirectly by vibration mass test (measuring the modes in
simple configurations)
simple dynamic behaviour (not generally coupled which necessitate a more complex test
configuration and hardware)
simple shock filtering performance (by hammer impact instead of pyrotechnical approach)
Of course a more complete characterisation of the prototypes can be done to access to complete
behaviour in real use configuration on a shaker also taking into account the temperature. In order to
avoid main risks during qualification, it is recommended, as much as possible, to be representative of
the tests environments. For performance assessment, it is important to respect:
The shock nature (pyrotechnic or mechanical, near field or far field with modal content)
The mechanical interfaces (potential impact on shock attenuation)
The potential preload due thermo-elastic or gravity effects,
14 July 2015
Moulds design
The elastomer part are manufactured by moulding process (see 11.4) which thus also requires
the manufacturing of moulds, i.e. the negative image of the elastomer parts.
These particular features are necessary for the moulding process. They allow filling in the
elastomer volume between the metallic parts in order to mould the quasi liquid elastomer
chemical preparation before curing.
11.4.1 Overview
The attenuator manufacturing is a delicate step requiring a lot of know-how and experience in
chemical elastomer preparation and moulding.
Elastomer technology is very complex as a lot of parameters (e.g. chemical composition, preparation
protocol, moulding preparation, and curing) directly influence the final mechanical behaviour of the
isolator device.
As this domain is very competitive elastomer manufacturing is mostly confidential. However, we
could present the major aspects of the manufacturing process.
Elastomer is a very complex organic material. A lot of components enter in their definition (e.g. carbon
black filler, sulphur, oil, and protecting agents) to improve physical properties, affect vulcanisation,
prevent long-term deterioration, and improve processability. Major elements entering in elastomer
composition are presented here before a short introduction to the manufacturing process.
The major compounding of elastomer are:
Reinforcement: Reinforcement is necessary to obtain adequate tensile properties. This is
generally achieved by carbon black particles which increase elastomer surface leading to
increase tensile, modulus, hardness, abrasion resistance, tear strength, and electrical
conductivity and decrease resilience and flex-fatigue life.
Addition of oil: Oils are used to maintain a given hardness when increased levels of carbon
black or other added fillers. They also function as processing aids and improve the mixing and
flow properties.
Anti-degradents: Elastomer are vulnerable to different type of agent actions leading to wide
variety of degradation (e.g. chain scission, cross-link, and cracking). The degradation is more
important in elastomer contain unsaturation in the blackbone structure. Anti-degradents is
added to improve long-term stability.
Vulcanising agents: Vulcanization is the process by which the elastomer molecules become
chemically cross-linked to form a three-dimensional stable structure. Vulcanising agents (e.g.
sulphur, peroxides, resins, and metal oxides) are used to improve the vulcanization rate, cross-
link structure and final properties.
Mixing: Adequate mixing is necessary to obtain a compound that process properly, cures
sufficiently, and has the necessary physical properties for end use. Dedicated machine allow
component mixing in an enclosed chamber within a two steps procedure to ensure that
14 July 2015
premature vulcanization does not occur. Most ingredients are mixed at about 120 °C in the first
step. The vulcanisation agents are added at lower temperature in the second step.
Moulding: Compression, transfer, and injection-moulding techniques are used to shape the final
product. Once in the mould, the rubber is vulcanized at temperature ranges from 100 °C to 200 °C.
After removal from the mould, the rubber is sometime postcured in an autoclave to improve
compression-set properties.
Moulding preparation requires important know-how. If any of the process steps is wrongly
performed, the final product performance and/or reproducibility would be compromised.
The elastomer base preparation before moulding can be decomposed in the following important
Severe control of the elementary material lot delivery: It is important that the material lot is of
good quality, i.e. homogenous and pure and with the right chemical properties. Some materials
pack can need to be subjected to acceptance tests.
Precise mixing of the components: The elastomer material (before curing) is a viscous paste
obtained by mixing in a dedicated order the chemical components. The knead process should
lead to a homogenous paste. As it naturally increases the paste temperature by friction (about
50 °C at the beginning of the mixing), it is important that the paste temperature is closely
controlled to avoid an undesired evolution of the chemical composition by cooling systems.
This conditions the final material homogeneity and reproducibility. It is also necessary to
control other parameters like pressure, kneading, and duration.
A good control of the complete process from the beginning to the end conditions the final product
quality as well as the reproducibility warranty.
The elastomer moulding is obtained by the simple “Compression – Transfer” technique allowing
creation of complex shape with accurate tolerances and low influence of the operator in this process
leading to good reproducibility compatible with space industry high levels quality requirements.
Such technique, detailed hereafter, requires moulds. The moulds are the negative image of the
elastomeric parts enclosed between the metallic parts in order to realise a closed but non hermetic
cavity to inject the elastomer paste.
The moulding process can be detailed as the following steps:
The uncured rubber is transferred from a pot into the mould cavities when the mould is closed by
The control of the injected rubber quantity is achieved by weighting
14 July 2015
The mould is closed by press and the Vulcanisation stage begins, as shown in Figure 11-25.
It should be noted that hot vulcanization is generally used in the space industry, instead of cold
vulcanization, which presents less mechanical robustness.
After removal from the mould, elastomer pieces can be heated (at a lower temperature than the curing
one) in order to improve the out gazing. However this operation is not systematically recommended
as it slightly modifies the elastomer properties and accelerates the material ageing.
In case of a high reproducibility in the manufactured pieces, it should be necessary to sort the devices
to get the more homogenous batch.
14 July 2015
This compression-transfer technology presents some limitations or drawbacks which are presented
The rubber can self-heat during the transfer phase in the injection duct (leading to premature
vulcanisation). Thus particular attention is paid in the duct mould design to avoid too tight
The technique makes it difficult to perfectly control the rubber temperature and homogeneity
inside the mould which can have an impact to ensure a correct curing. Thus important
experience is called upon for the moulder design.
The mould design is defined to allow an easy removal without breaking the elastomer parts.
The complexity of the moulded shape is limited by the different metal cores, to be removed
from the mould at the end. Moreover, this can be a complex and long operation, longer than
other simpler processes.
The mould complexity explains the high mould manufacturing costs and thus limits also the
number of samples and designs creatable.
The technique does not allow moulding rubber thickness lower than 1 mm. This low thickness
is difficult to master with this technique.
The deburring phase can be difficult due to the risk of particular contamination.
The following is an example of a good product assurance policy logic for a development of an
elastomer product:
a. Realise a mock-up device in order to:
verify and master the complete manufacturing process,
check the compliance w.r.t the performance requirement
Find the design robustness margins by extending the device solicitation beyond
the specified ones.
NOTE Such a prototype model cannot be used as flight hardware.
b. Manufacture prototypes with the process qualified by the mock-up.
The flight prototypes are manufactured with generally additional spare samples to limit project
failure risk.
Due to the wide variety of components composing a rubber, some materials can outgass
substances e.g. water and oils, which can be restrictive in use w.r.t. the application cleanliness
requirement. Depending on the elastomer type (natural, silicone or SMACTANE families) the
outgassing effect can be more or less important and thus it is necessary to limit the effect by a
different adapted method.
14 July 2015
11.6.1 Overview
To illustrate the shock attenuators application in space industry, some examples of developed devices
are presented in this chapter, highlighting the issue leading to identify an isolated solution and the
performances achieved by the device.
Electronic equipment are directly mounted on spacecraft structure, which is subjected to different
transient events during the mission life (e.g. launcher, and appendages separation). If the qualification
status of the equipment is too low with respect the imposed shock environment, it should be
necessary to isolate them from the spacecraft, using ideally off the shelf isolation devices.
The compact shock attenuators for electronic equipment address for interface from M6 to M12 screws
and for equipment weight range from 4 kg to 40 kg. They are thus intended to decrease the levels of
shock waves to the equipment interface. These attenuators create a break of impedance.
They are sized to respect the following compromises:
Be stiff enough not to introduce low frequency suspension modes.
Be soft enough to filter shocks efficiently.
The device design is illustrated on the Figure 11-27.
14 July 2015
The device development is realized by finite element model analysis, as shown in the Figure 11-28
Figure 11-28: Finite element model analysis for shock device development
The performance achieved with the isolator device is illustrated on the Figure 11-29, with attenuation
performance greater than 20 dB.
14 July 2015
A good understanding of the launch phases with their associated requirements and the spacecraft
behaviour is a key step of the concurrent engineering phases.
The main functions of the Shock attenuation device are:
To hold the spacecraft during all the launch phase
To limit the shock spectrum generated by the launchers shock events (launcher separation) to a
level lower than the clamped band release
In order to obtain the most efficient device, it requires a good understanding of both the launcher and
the spacecraft requirements. In general, the non-linear behaviour specific to the use of elastomer leads
to review the AR5 requirements in a different way. So, the flight events during the launch phase is
analysed in a common work between EADS-ST and EADS-Astrium to assess what could be the new
requirements for a spacecraft using a shock attenuation device at its interface.
The stiffness characteristics of SASSA are function of the loads applied which are mainly depending
on the mass of the payload. Three classes of mass (low: 2000 kg, medium: 4100 kg, large: 6400 kg) have
been considered within the range described.
At launcher system level, the SASSA brings some additional flexibility to the upper part of the
launcher. It is necessary to limit this extra-flexibility in order to ensure the attitude control of the
launcher, in particular during the atmospheric phase.
The stiffness of SASSA was defined such that the decrease of the first mode frequencies of the
configuration [ACU 1194 H clamped + SASSA + CU rigid] is limited to the following values:
Lateral frequency (bending) 8 Hz (decreasing of 20 % from 10 Hz)
The MUA5 specifies the QSL (static and dynamic components) for the payload, at the CoG level.
14 July 2015
Main characteristics for SASSA unit are (see Figure 11-30 and Figure 11-31):
Flanges for force fluxes distribution
Interfaces unit/adaptor and unit/ clampband ring: 5 screws M8
Figure 11-30: SASSA unit and assembly with adaptor and clampband ring
SASSA system configuration is presented in next figure. Main characteristics for SASSA system are:
Twelve couple of unit each 30°. All allowable areas and screws are used to limit the forces flux
at most.
Inner space between two units makes easier the mounting, Outer space of two units are for
14 July 2015 SASSA system qualification with Eurostar3000 STM
The test set-up is made of four main structures: the STM3000, SASSA, a clamp ring CRSS and ACU
The objective of SASSA strength qualification with a real test configuration is fulfilled. On the lateral
mode at 6 Hz, the S/C base momentum: is 70 kN.m, which corresponds to 1 g QSL for 5 t with CoG at
1,46 m. This momentum corresponds to a SASSA module axial force at 12 KN. Moreover, the
following observations were made:
Q=8 for SASSA (Q= 13 for STM3000+SASSA+ACU)
Linear behaviour without shock, no frequency or damping variation
Good accuracy on frequency predictions
No visible degradation on material, successful check of clampband after removal
Good superposition of low levels (before and after qualification runs)
SHOGUN configuration (free/free) leads to isolation modes around 1500 Hz with following
In low frequencies (first mode at 400 Hz): SASSA provides 5 dB up to 15 dB w.r.t. levels
In High frequencies (modes above 1500 Hz): SASSA isolation provides 14 dB up to 24 dB w.r.t.
14 July 2015
14 July 2015
Development logic
The SHOGUN shock test performance was assessed with a preliminary design without a detailed
design required for stress analysis. Therefore, the design was not enough mature for sine
environment. In term of study logic, it is important to respect the following order:
1. Design activities
2. Environment tests validation
3. Performance tests validation
A dynamic test is mandatory for strength verification in case of any evolution in the design.
Industrial organisation and manufacturing
In term of industrial organisation, it is recommended to centralise the elastomer moulding
and metallic manufacturing activities. Tolerances and definitions of aluminium inserts are
done with the definition of the mould and the retraction of the elastomer after de-moulding.
Furthermore it is easier to do manufacturing drawing for aluminium inserts and for the
De-moulding in hot temperature and not in cold temperature (for example mould in water to
win time) in order to avoid thermo-elastic stress, vacuum (high confinement of SASSA) and
softening due to reversion of natural rubber
Static acceptance test with realistic boundary conditions for unit and using of comparator to
avoid tools flexibilities.
Allowable volume was too constraining at the 1194 I/F. That led to too small section of
aluminium inserts. Therefore, if possible, it is easier to use the 2624 I/F, if it is not possible, it is
necessary to study in detail the volume in radial and the implementation of the pushers
For stiffness or frequencies specification, it is important to analyse all the six DOF. Lateral
mode should be as low as possible, but still ensuring sufficient margin with respect to the
launcher control system. Also the longitudinal and torsional modes should be looked at, in
order to improve the payload comfort (through coupled load analysis).
It is necessary to have MARC detailed model in the beginning, in order to find the errors of
concept or manufacturing (example with layers too confined for mock-up 1)
For stress or overfluxes analysis, it is necessary to have a detailed model. For stress or strain in
unit (elastomer or aluminium) a non-linear MARC model is required and it is supposed to be
correlated with test. This MARC model provides forces/displacements curves for all DOF,
which provides simplified stiffness for system analysis and it completes tests which are not
feasible for rotations. For system sine analysis with S/C or launcher a linear model is sufficient
(SASSA is quasi-linear in the domain of system tests).
Tests validation
The main lesson for tests validation is that, if elementary tests with SASSA unit are well prepared and
performed, tests at system level with complete SASSA are easier to manage/predict.
14 July 2015
For static tests, stiffness and strength can be assessed in translation with only one or two units.
It is important for stiffness to take into account the tools flexibilities. For strength, it is
required to combine longitudinal and lateral forces.
For shock attenuation performance, SHOGUN test was necessary for system characterisation,
nevertheless it is well completed with mechanical shock with only 3 or 4 modules. Overview
Several shock isolators were designed and implemented inside the EXPERT vehicle, in order to
protect different equipment from the shock environment met during the launch and during the re-
entry phase too. Among these different isolators, one of them is used to decouple the Inertia Moment
Unit (IMU) of the vehicle.
The design of the isolator is based elastomer mounts moulded with the SMACTANE SP® rubber
material, in order to achieve an amplification lower than 2. The rubber shape is directly bounded on
aluminium interface during the moulding phase (see Figure 11-35).
14 July 2015
As showed in the Figure 11-36, 4 mounts were tightened between two aluminium brackets. The aim is
to avoid rocking modes for lateral vibrations. To get there, these aluminium brackets were designed to
increase the footprint and to align the IMU Cog with the mount.
In addition of that, rubber layers constrained by a carbon/epoxy plate were bounded on the external
area of the outer bracket, to add structural damping on this metallic part to damp the flexure mode
(~400Hz), and so to avoid a strong response under the lateral shock environment.
14 July 2015 Performances
297B Introduction
Here are the main performances measured during the qualification tests campaign, as shown in
Figure 11-38.
1,E+00 1,E+01
1,E-01 M1Z
M2Z 1,E+00
SPD level (g²/Hz)
1,E-03 1,E-01
1,E-06 1,E-03
10 100 Frequency (Hz) 1000 10000 10 100 1000 10000
Frequency (Hz)
M1 38 1,65 63
M2 38 1,73 59
14 July 2015
Following Y axis: See Figure 11-40 and Table 11-3.
IMU - Random acceptance following Oy axis - Level IMU -Random acceptance following Oy axis : transmissibility curve
Outer bracket
mode M1Y Outer bracket
1,E-02 mode
1,E+00 M1Y
1,E-03 M3Y
SPD level (g²/Hz)
10 100 1000 10000
10 100 1000 10000
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
M1 35 1,82 55
M2 35 1,82 55
As expected, the 1st mode is around 38Hz with amplification lower than 2 and no rocking mode can be
Figure 11-41 shows the achieved attenuation performance, as identified during a system level shock
test, and compared against the prediction.
The rubber constrained layer further improves the attenuation performance in low frequency, with in
particular no amplification on the main mode. The achieved attenuation exceeds 12 dB in lower
frequency range, and exceeds 24 dB above 1000 Hz, hence confirming the suitability of the shock
isolator design.
14 July 2015
Part 3
Shock verification approach
14 July 2015
General approach to shock verification
The scheme presented in Figure 12-1 aims at presenting in a synthetic way the general approach of
shock verification.
This scheme is based on several questions to be answered, represented by the yellow diamonds :
Is the equipment a new one ? – It addresses the presence of a heritage for the considered
Is the equipment similar ? – In case a heritage has been identified, it is important to evaluate the
degree of similarity between the considered equipment and the equipment of the same family.
Is the equipment sensitive ? – In case the equipment is a new development or the degree of
similarity is insufficient, it is important to determine the equipment sensitivity.
Capability to withstand the qualifying shock demonstrated ? – The fourth question is the same
whichever the qualification approach has been chosen. It deals with the capability to withstand
the qualifying shock with respect to the available data.
When the shock verification involves shock testing, those test campaigns are depicted by blue squares :
The unit qualification shock test aims at qualifying the considered equipment at its own
qualification level. See 13 and particularly 13.3 for more details.
The system level test (generally Clampband on Structural or Flight Model or Shogun on
Structural Model) aims at consolidating the different equipment shock specifications. It can also
be used as an acceptance test for equipment not sufficiently verified at their own level, with the
condition that the associated risk is clearly identified/assessed. See paragraph 13 and
particularly 13.3 for more details.
The delta qualification test at unit level can be necessary in case the capability to withstand the
qualifying shock has not been demonstrated by the first qualification test. It can consist in
changing test facility, test conditions or input level to meet the required levels.
In case the capability to withstand the qualifying shock has not been demonstrated, several
possibilities exist:
As previously mentioned a delta qualification test at unit level can be performed in order to
reach the specified levels.
Another way is to modify the design. This can be done either internally to the equipment or at
its interface. Dedicated internal redesign can be looked at if the failure cause has been well
identified. Interface redesign typically consists in adding a shock attenuation system to reduce
shock levels at equipment base (see section 13). In both cases a redesign is a difficult task
especially as this design modification is decided late in the programme.
14 July 2015
A third way is a Shock Damage Risk Analysis (see Part 4) which aims at evaluating the risk
incurred by the equipment with respect to the known shock levels. Such a task is only chosen as
a last resort since it bypasses the standard qualification process and represents a risk for the
equipment. In this regard, the SDRA drives automatically the unit away from the qualification
domain; but it either provides valuable data to ensure a successful qualification (in view of a
sub-system or system level qualification test), or it provides a risk assessment on the capability
of a spacecraft/equipment to withstand (or not) the required shock environment without
The three precedent ways focus on the equipment. A fourth way exist. It consists in reviewing
the specified levels. This is usually done by a waiver requested to launcher authorities: the aim
is to reduce the specified levels at the base of the spacecraft using better knowledge of the real
excitation. This is always hazardous as such waivers are seldom accepted.
14 July 2015
Evaluation of
similarity level (2)
No Is the Yes
equipment a
new one ?
HERITAGE NEW Identification of
shock sensitive
DEVELOPMENT equipment (3)
SDRA (6)
Capability to
withstand the
Or qualifying shock
No demonstrated ?
Equipment qualified
vs. new specification
Update of the specified
levels at SPACECRAFT
level: Equipment qualified
(1) see § 10 waiver requested to LV vs. specification
(2) see § 12.6
(3) see § 17.5
(4) see § 12.4.2
(5) see § 12.5.3 SPACECRAFT
(6) see § 18 qualified
14 July 2015
The objective of qualification testing is the formal demonstration that the design implementation and
manufacturing methods have resulted in hardware conforming to the specification requirements. The
purpose of qualification testing is to demonstrate that the items perform satisfactorily in the
intended environments with sufficient margins. Such a test is commonly a contractual requirement
with an associated test specification. This specification requires the qualification test levels to exceed
the maximum predicted levels by a factor of safety which assures that, even with the worst
combination of test tolerances, the flight levels do not exceed the qualification test levels. For shock
environment, a margin of minimum 3 dB over the entire frequency band is usually added to the
maximum expected flight environment (see 10.2). This margin accounts for hardware strength
variability and shock environment variability.
A qualification test is usually performed on a hardware item (called Qualification Model QM) that is
not meant to fly, but is manufactured using the same drawing, materials, tooling, processes,
inspection methods, and personnel competency as used for the flight hardware. The purpose of a
qualification test is to verify the design integrity of the flight hardware with a specific margin.
The qualification testing is usually performed at subsystem level. As a consequence, the
representativeness of the test, in terms of support impedance (infinitely rigid support are often used to
clamp the equipment) and category of source (mechanical instead of pyrotechnical for instance) is
generally reduced. It is important to pay dedicated attention to the selection of the test method /
facility, to avoid situations where the equipment would be submitted to a more stringent
environment as compared to the expected environment at system level.
A qualification test is always followed by functional tests to ensure the correct working and performance
of the item. Furthermore, the standard qualification test sequence (ECSS-E-ST-10-03C) specifies thermal
vacuum after the mechanical environments (sine, random and shock) based on both the order in which
the environments are encountered during flight and the purpose to perceive defects as early in the test
sequence as possible. Experience has indeed shown that until the thermal-vacuum tests are performed,
many failures induced during dynamics tests are not detected because of their short duration. In
addition, the thermal-vacuum test on flight hardware at both the assembly level and the system level
provides a good screen for intermittent as well as incipient hardware failures.
A re-test on QM unit can occur if a failure or malfunction has occurred during the shock test on the
qualification unit. The best practice is to follow the standard NRB (Non-conformance Review Board)
process. The main technical activity is to understand the reason of the failure. For this, suitable
guidelines can be found in Part 4 – SDRA.
Then the qualification approach is re-assessed, going either in the direction of a design modification or of
acceptance of a reduced specification by the System.
Then the QM full qualification sequence (including all mechanical environments) can be either resumed
or restarted.
If it is chosen to restart the test from the beginning, fatigue issues should be addressed (other sensitive
components may need to be changed even if not failed, in order to avoid fatigue). In any case, as the QM
14 July 2015
has already been submitted to environmental tests, it is necessary to review the test tolerances in order to
reduce the over-testing risk (define tighter test tolerances).
It is important to consider the shock environment as any other mechanical environment, and to take it
into account when defining the model philosophy for the equipment development programme
(typically at the EQSR, Equipment Qualification Status Review). Heritage/Similarity (section. 12.6) and
Severity criteria (section. 12.4) are primary drivers for the definition of a suitable model philosophy.
Furthermore, it should be noted that there are proven suppliers which prohibit shock test on proto
(flight) units through their company standards. Hence, such restriction needs to be taken into account
when the model philosophy is defined.
Applying these guidelines should avoid situations where no QM model and no heritage are available
to verify a potentially damaging shock environment.
But even if these guidelines are consistently followed, project constraints can be such that a shock
qualification on flight hardware is unavoidable. The shock environment can be subject to changes in
the course of the spacecraft development, due for instance to a change of the launcher (imposing a
more stringent environment than the previous baseline launcher), or due to higher shock loads
identified during a system level shock test.
Therefore shocks on PFM are not forbidden in this handbook, as well as in the ECSS “Testing”
[RD-049]. However, the protoflight approach can present a higher risk than the prototype approach
in which design margins are demonstrated by testing of a dedicated qualification product. In the
case where shock testing is performed on a (proto) flight unit, the following strategy is
recommended to be applied to minimize the risk:
Perform only one shock application per axis
enhancing development testing,
assessing equipment sensitivity to shocks (through detailed SDRA – see chapter 16),
implementing an adequate spare policy,
reviewing the shock requirement (better estimation of environment, use of a database (see
paragraph 8.2.6), or available data from a System STM test).
selecting an adequate shock facility (section 13.2 and 13.3),
paying a close attention to the calibration test (section,
imposing more stringent requirements to the test execution (upper test tolerance, and number
of applications, see section 13.1.2 and 13.1.7).
Finally, acceptance by the customer is a precondition for the protoflight approach for shock
14 July 2015
Ideally, the time-history data used to develop the qualification test specification should be measured
during a full scale system test in which the actual pyrotechnic device or devices are initiated. The full-
scale test should be performed with hardware that is structurally similar to the real hardware if the
real hardware is not available. Unfortunately in actual development program, the real hardware is
rarely available early in the development stage, so that mock hardware is often used. As a minimum
requirement, it is important that the mock hardware has the same weight and have the same
attachment points as the real hardware. However, in many cases the hardware weight distribution
becomes critical because it governs both the amplitude and the frequency content of the measured
acceleration response at the base of the mock hardware, so that a different amplitude and frequency is
observed with the real hardware. A control point measurement should be specified close to each test
item or subassembly of interest, preferably at the attachment point, to measure the input pyroshock.
Since full-scale testing is expensive, data from a similar application can be used to develop
qualification test specifications for subsystem test. This practice can result in over-test or over-design if
a large margin is added to the test specification to account for the uncertainty in the data. If this
practice is used, the test specification should be revised when better system data become available.
The test baseline definition should be based on the project model philosophy. Several types of model
philosophies can be employed according to verification requirements. Specificity of shock
environment induces however particular rationale.
Classical philosophy includes characterization testing on STM (that can possibly be refurbished in
PFM) for launcher-induced shocks, for spacecraft release shock, or for deployment of appendages.
Once the different environments are characterized, subsequent specifications are derived for the
corresponding subsystems. The qualification demonstration is then achieved at subsystem level on
14 July 2015
Acceptance testing is performed at system level on PFM or FM.
NOTE for deployment tests the actuation device needs to be replaced.
NOTE for actuation devices that cannot be replaced (e.g. pyrovalve), the
induced environment is usually characterized neither on STM
(propulsive subsystem not included) nor on PFM. It cannot be
considered as an acceptance test on PFM or FM due to evident
constraint of such one-shot devices. As a consequence, it is important
to pay attention on subsystem qualification (see 12.7.2).
Table 12-1 summarizes the model philosophy for system level shock testing.
14 July 2015
Occasionally, a pyrotechnic device, such as an explosive bolt cutter, is combined with another
mechanism, such as a deployment arm, to position items for a particular event sequence. In this case, a
distinct velocity change is combined with the pyroshock event, and the low frequency slope of the
shock response spectrum reflects this velocity change and can require an additional shock test to meet
the velocity requirement. In some cases, two or more pyroshock events, such as stage separation and
an explosive actuator, can be combined into a single test specification.
If the events shows significant differences in time/frequency characteristics, the resulting test specification
can be difficult or impossible to meet. In some cases (different frequency content, very different sources,
…), it could be relevant to consider distinct shock specification for each pyroshock event.
Pyroshock environments have been broadly divided into three categories [RD-053]: near-field, mid-
field, and far-field. For most aerospace installations, the distinction between these three categories is
the magnitude and spectral content of the environment, which depends on the type and strength of
the pyroshock device, the source/hardware distance, and the configuration details of the intervening
structure (especially discontinuities like joints, corners, lumped masses, and resilient elements, which
can significantly attenuate the high frequency content of the pyroshock environment). The pyroshock
environmental category usually has a strong influence on the hardware design and/or selection.
In broad terms, these categories can be described as follows:
The near-field environment is dominated by direct wave propagation from the source, causing
peak accelerations in excess of 5000 g temporal with a frequency content still important above
100 kHz (in particular for the linear sources) and SRS with a continuous growing tendency. For
very intense sources, such as most line sources, the near-field usually includes structural
locations within approximately 15 cm (6 in.) of the source (unless there are intervening
structural discontinuities). For less intense sources, such as most point sources, the near-field
usually includes locations within approximately 3 cm (1 in.) of the source. In a good aerospace
system design, there should be no pyroshock-sensitive hardware exposed to a near-field
The mid-field environment is characterized by a combination of wave propagation and
structural resonances, causing peak accelerations between 1000 and 5000 g and substantial
spectral content above 10 kHz. For very intense sources, the mid-field usually includes
structural locations between approximately 15 cm and 60 cm (2 ft) of the source (unless there
are intervening structural discontinuities). For less intense sources, the mid-field can extend
between 3 cm and 15 cm of the source.
The far-field environment is dominated by structural resonances, with peak accelerations
below 2000 g and most of the spectral content below 10 kHz. The far-field distances occur
outside the mid-field. The typical far field SRS discloses a knee frequency corresponding to the
dominant frequency response - See Figure 12-2. As dealt with in Part 2, these structural
resonances in mid frequency range are less easily attenuated, as compared to higher frequency
14 July 2015
Near field
SRS – Q=10
Little attenuation
in mid freq. range
Figure 12-2: Typical near and far field SRS and time history
14 July 2015
When looking at the shock qualification status of an equipment, it is necessary to assess the equipment
sensitivity to shock, since this is determinant to the equipment shock verification approach.
Shock sensitive equipment can be identified using the list of elements that are particularly sensible to
shocks provided in paragraph 17.5. Such an evaluation should be done by both prime contractor and
equipment supplier. Overview
Even if all units should be proven to be compatible to their shock environment, such a process does
not always require a shock test for demonstration. In case of low shock levels, some non-sensitive
units may not be endangered. The purpose of this section is thus to define severity criteria below
which the unit is considered safe with respect to shock and for which no shock test is required.
A subdivision between unit types has been found necessary to define such severity criteria: electronic
units, structural or non-sensitive equipment and other types of equipment.
Note that these criteria are expressed using standard SRS, which means using the usual Q=10
amplification factor. Introduction
For electronic units, a no shock test approach is best justified applying a verification by similarity,
for which a detailed guideline is provided in para. 12.6, including complementary activities to support
such verification approach (para.
On the other hand, the Handbook identifies some sensitivity threshold levels for various electronic
components (para.17.5), and identifies some robust design principles with respect to shock (para. Both aspects are relevant in view of the identification of a severity criteria, below which the
unit is considered safe with respect to shock, and for which a no shock test approach could be
From the identification of sensitivity threshold levels (para.17.5), the lower bound relates to
failure modes of relays, with level as low as a few hundred g’s in relation to bouncing and
transfer (whereas mechanical damage may be experienced for significantly higher levels).
NOTE Relay sensitivity threshold levels have been characterised during a
test campaign on several types of relays (EL215 – EL415 – E215 –
GP3A – GP250 – GP2A – T12 – TL12 – PHL50A), see para.
From considerations for robust equipment design with respect to shock (para., the
equipment mechanical design and the influence of components / PCB mounting conditions, are
identified to be primary drivers for the sensitivity of the equipment to shock.
14 July 2015
The severity criteria proposed in this section can be called upon, under the strict condition that the
following conditions are met, and should be justified in the frame of a Request For Waiver (i.e.
necessitating the approval of the customer):
a. The electronic unit should be screened for presence of sensitive components, according to Table
17-1. The severity criteria assumes that all electronic components are mounted on PCB, hence
accounting for filtering/decoupling effect from equipment housing response. Also in case the
electronic unit contains some relays, it should be verified that those relays are of the same type
of the ones used to establish the sensitivity threshold level.
b. Once the list of shock sensitive components is established, evidence should then be provided
showing that all related processes in place are qualified and approved by the customer. This
includes in particular the compliance with soldering methods and with mounting technology of
components (heavy components, metal-case/glass-encased components, provision for stress
relief), as specified in ECSS-Q-ST-70-08C and ECSS-Q-ST-70-38C ([RD-0121] and [RD-0122]
NOTE Process qualification for shock sensitive components (Table 17-1)
should include shock test to environment greater than the severity
c. Highest PCB deflection is experienced during the response of the PCB main modes, and is
decreasing when frequency increases. PCB deflection is detrimental for large and/or heavy
components. For this reason, the severity criteria considers that the PCB fundamental mode
(main flexural mode) should be covered by random equivalence (RRS).
d. The electronic unit should be exposed to a representative “flight” shock environment during a
system level shock test, followed by functional tests.
NOTE The induced shock environment during the system level shock test
should be verified to be lower than the severity criteria.
In the following severity criteria, a distinction is made between equipment powered on during shock
and equipment powered off during shock.
14 July 2015
The severity criterion is defined by heritage as follows, and is illustrated in Figure 12-3:
SRS at unit interface with increasing slope at 6 dB/octave below 2 kHz and a constant level of
200 g at 2000 Hz and above, and
The Random Response Spectrum (RRS – see on the main PCB modes and the
equipment housing mode, covers the unit shock level.
PCB fundamental mode lies within
the frequency range where RRS
level is higher than unit shock level
Severity criteria at unit interface
Acceleration (g)
Unit RRS
100 1000 10000
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 12-3: Severity criteria for electronic unit powered on during shock
NOTE The justification of the high frequency threshold comes from relays
bouncing which can occur by experience with levels above 200 g (time
history) measured at relay interface. The SRS of such shocks had a
level between 200 g and 600 g above 1 kHz, as illustrated by Figure
17-10 and Figure 17-11 in the Handbook Part 4. The 200 g SRS
threshold thus appears as a conservative value to be considered as a
severity criteria.
14 July 2015
The severity criterion is defined by heritage as follows, and is illustrated in Figure 12-4:
SRS at unit interface with increasing slope at 6 dB/octave below 2 kHz and a constant level of
500g at 2000 Hz and above, and
The Random Response Spectrum (RRS – see on the main PCB modes and the
equipment housing mode, covers the unit shock level.
Severity criteria at unit interface
PCB fundamental mode lies within
the frequency range where RRS
level is higher than unit shock level
Acceleration (g)
Unit RRS
100 1000 10000
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 12-4: Severity criteria for electronic unit powered off during shock
NOTE The justification of the high frequency threshold comes from relays
and quartz susceptibility to shock. This aspect is discussed in the Part
4 of the Handbook. This threshold is also consistent with usual
practice on programme which usually require shock test for
specification higher than 500 g on the plateau.
14 July 2015
This section is related to equipment which do not contain any component sensitive to shocks (see
17.5.2 of Part 4). The main equipment that are in this category are usually structural equipment
without any electronics. This rule does not apply to units with functional alignments.
In this case the so-called “0,8 f rule” can be used. The “0,8 f rule” defines a severity criteria in term of
SRS at unit interface equals to 0,8 multiplied by the considered frequency.
This severity criterion is recalled in Figure 12-5:
Acceleration (g)
100 1000 10000
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 12-5: Severity criteria for structural part and non-sensitive equipment
This rule is based on return of experience (See Part 4) and does not precisely focus on space
equipment related needs. As a consequence the usage of the “0,8 f rule” is limited to structural and
non-sensitive equipment (primary structure - bracket - reflector - antenna - tanks) for which the
original background of this widely used empirical “rule of the thumb” can be considered as
14 July 2015
max Kcvmax
max is the maximal stress in the structure (in plane longitudinal or transversal)
E is the wave velocity (E = Young's modulus, and ρ = density)
vmax is the maximum pseudo velocity
K is a shape factor useful for bending waves or bending modal responses ([RD-088]). This shape
factor has been evaluated for beams, thin rectangular plates, tapered rods and wedges. Many
authors have shown that this factor could be as high as 10. K=1 for compression waves or modal
responses in compression. An example of K factor is given in [RD-085] for beam submitted to
bending waves. , where is the maximum cross-sectional distance from neutral axis
and A is the radius of gyration.
It can be demonstrated that the relation max cvmax is deduced from the Hooke relation , and is
therefore always valid whatever is the mechanical regime : propagation of compression wave, modal
response established in a stationary vibration or modal transient response in the phase following the
propagation compression wave , intermediate regime between propagation wave and modal transient
The difficulty arose with the bending waves, which are dispersive (meaning that each frequency
component of the wave is travelling at its own velocity).
Hence to estimate stresses resulting from bending waves, the previous relationship needs to be
corrected, as follows : max Kcvmax ,introducing a K factor depending of the geometrical
characteristics of the structure (see Table 12-2 for typical K factors).
14 July 2015
The analytical expression of shape factor K is further detailed in [RD-086], from which the following 2
examples are extracted:
4 3
The maximum bending stress can be expressed as max cv max
4 3
The K factor is then identified as K = 1.97 ≈ 2
1,875 2
The maximum bending stress can be approximated as max 3 0, max
The K factor is then identified as K 3 0,23 , depending of lump mass M and solid beam
mass m. As an example, for M=2.m, it results K=4,48.
14 July 2015
b) Shock spectrum equations and main characteristics of Pseudo Velocity Shock Spectrum –
Newton’s law can be applied to a free-body diagram of an individual system, as shown in Figure 12-6
A summation of forces yields the following governing differential equation of motion:
mz cz kz my (with relativedisplacement z x y)
c k z x
Note that ξ is the damping ratio, and that ω n is the natural frequency in radians per second.
Furthermore ξ is often represented by the amplification factor Q, where Q 1 (2) .
Substitution of these terms into the previous equation yields an equation of motion for the relative
z 2ξn z n 2 z y(t)
is the relative displacement, this quantity is useful for evaluating the distortions and strains
within the responding structure,
z (t) is the relative velocity, useful for determining the stresses generated within the responding
structure due to viscous damping and the maximum energy dissipated by the responding
y (t) is the absolute velocity, useful for determining the kinetic energy of the structure,
is the relative acceleration, useful for determining the stresses generated within the
responding structure due to the combined elastic and damping reactions of the structure.
The quantity n z is called pseudo acceleration. The Shock Spectrum derived from this quantity is
called pseudo acceleration Shock Spectrum (commonly referred as SRS).
The quantity n z is called pseudo velocity. The Shock Spectrum derived from this quantity is called
Pseudo Velocity Shock Spectrum ( PVSS) .
kz 2 U k z 2 (z) 2
If we called U the energy stored in the spring, U or
2 m m 2 2
14 July 2015
It comes z 2 . This is the pseudo velocity. Pseudo velocity is the square root of twice the peak
energy per unit mass that is stored in the oscillator during the shock.
Effectively the pseudo velocity is computed from the pseudo acceleration by dividing by the pulsation
pseudo accelerati on
pseudo velocity
This representation is only a graphical issue: if the case under interest is concerned by a risk of
exceeding the acceptable structural stress, then a graphical representation highlighting the pseudo-
velocity can be used. Only the pseudo-velocity is proportional to the stress. As such a combination of
acceleration SRS and PVSS plotted on a log-log graph provides already the most essential information
(velocity change and maximum acceleration) to determine the shock severity of a signal.
14 July 2015
The following example provides an illustration for the estimation of shock severity.
On an aluminium plate, excited by a detonation produced by an expandable tube (generating
traction/compression and bending waves), several accelerometers were measuring out of plane
acceleration and several strain-gages were measuring compression and bending strains . Figure 12-8
below shows the pseudo acceleration shock spectrum and the pseudo velocity shock spectrum
(deduced one from the other by a rotation of 45°). It can be seen that the evolution of PVSS at near
3m/s is approximately the same for all the points of measurement spread on the plate. All these curves
can be enveloped by a horizontal line, that we call the “velocity change” of around 3m/s in this case.
Acceleration in g
Velocity in (m/s)/9,81
Figure 12-8: Comparison between pseudo acceleration and pseudo velocity shock
14 July 2015
A superposition of the bending and the compression strains measured at a given point J8 are
represented in the Figure 12-9 (compression in dark blue – bending in light blue).
300 µ strain
It can be seen that for this case the amplitudes of the compression and bending strains are comparable,
but such observation highly depends from the source characteristics (symmetrical versus
asymmetrical separation system).
The relation max cvmax permits to calculate the maximum of the compression stress resulting
from the maximum of the previously identified velocity change (3m/s):
Both maximum stresses would better agree if an average value of the velocity change would be
considered (2m/s instead of 3m/s, corresponding to a stress of 28.6MPa).
This points out the difficulty in estimating the velocity change in presence of modal local responses
which evidently are not considered in the model.
The calculation of the stress resulting from the bending is depending from the knowledge of the
coefficient K. The technical literature gives some values for particular cases. Moreover, the
transformation of the bending strain in stress would not be so direct than it is for compression.
The design of the pyro source is essentially determining the severity of the induced shock.
14 July 2015
The two following figures (a) and (b) give the superposition of bending (in red) and compression (blue
or black), measured on an aluminium plate, the source being for figure (a) an expandable tube and for
figure (b) a SHOGUN generating high bending waves.
(a) (b)
Figure 12-10: superposition of bending (in red) and compression (blue or black),
measured on an aluminium plate
The propagation regime is evident for the red curve (bending) on Figure 12-10 (b) and is followed by
modulations which correspond to modal response regime. In this case, the amplitude of stress in
propagation phase is higher than the one in modal phase and the bending strain is much higher than
the compression one. It is not the case for the other source on Figure 12-10 (a). This source is much
more balanced (expandable tube with double separation, on each side of the tube), leading to much
lower bending effect.
It has been demonstrated that the plateau region of the PVSS is proportional to the maximal stress
according to the relation max Kcvmax for plates, rods, beams, working either in longitudinal or
transversal direction. The knowledge of the coefficient K is of prime importance when the calculation
of the stress is made for bending waves . Some are given in the literature. Its estimation can be
obtained from calculation or measurement extracted from a test result. When the structure is more
complex, presenting bifurcation or dissymmetrical shapes, as it is often the case for Space Structures
or satellites, then this relationship cannot be applied.
14 July 2015
The second possible origin, is derived from the relation max Kcvmax . If we consider K=1
(assuming that compression wave is predominant) and the yield limit for steel at 100 inch/s
(2,54 m/s), it comes with a conservatism factor of 2: acceleration (g) = (2.π.f .v)/9,81= 0,81 x f
(Hz). It seems that this result has been “adopted” improperly and generalized to all type of
wave or modal regime (in plane or out of plane), without any other consideration (type of
material, type of structure and associated geometry, type of wave and directions).
For other sensitive units such as mechanisms, brittle material, optical systems or optical connectors, no
generic severity criteria can be established. This means that for such equipment shock test are always
recommended unless the compatibility is demonstrated through coverage with lower frequency
environment (see paragraph 12.5).
12.4.3 Synthesis
14 July 2015
environment Definition
The SRS equivalence to the quasi-static qualification aims at providing a conservative equivalence
from SRS levels to verify the instrument qualification compliance based on its quasi-static
qualification levels. The method is based on the modal analysis results (eigenfrequencies and
associated effective masses), the equivalent acceleration is computed at the unit basis when submitted
to the specified shock spectrum using the following formula:
In case of decoupled main modes: Decoupled modes are successive modes for which
frequency ratio between two consecutive modes is at least 2.
The SRS equivalence to quasi-static loads is given by the formulae:
i M
SRS f i M
SRS High frequency
QS equivalent M
This approach is a worst case estimation (conservative) as it considers that all the effective
masses at different frequencies occur at the same time in phase. It is applicable for low number
of mode and only at high frequency (> 100 Hz) for which the damping factor is not too large.
In case of coupled main modes: the SRS equivalence to quasi-static loads is given by the
2 2
SRS High frequency
i M effective SRS f i M
i residual
QS equivalent M
This approach is more realistic when number of mode increase as it considers the quadratic
summation thus all the event doesn’t occur at the same time.
Where in both cases:
o fi is the unit eigenfrequencies,
o Meffectivei is the effective masses associated to the eigenfrequencies « i »,
o MTotal is the unit total mass,
o Mresidual = MTotal - i Meffectivei,
o SRS (f) is the acceleration of the specified shock spectrum at the frequency « f ».
14 July 2015
The methodology has been applied on an equipment (mass 11.7kg) supported by an instrument main
panel, interface with the spacecraft thru iso-static mount.
First, the specification at instrument interface has been derived at equipment interface for in plane and
out of plane excitation considering the first lateral (in plane X and Y) and axial (out of plane Z) modes
frequencies of the instrument on its iso-static support.
Spec IF Instrument
Spec Eq In Plane
Spec Eq Out of Plane
100 1000 10000
Then a modal analysis is performed on the equipment detailed model up to the frequency of the
specification main plateau (1.3kHz in this example)
The two different summations have been performed for the equipment on the three axis, considering
only the 3 main modes per axis for the linear summation (identified in bolt on the following figure,
considering decoupled approach) and quadratic summation when considering all the modes (coupled
approach). A special care should be taken on the shock spectrum interpolation up to the plateau on
the equipment modes frequencies: no linear but logarithmic interpolation should be applied.
14 July 2015
It demonstrates that quasi-static shock equivalence remains below 19g whatever the coupled or
decoupled approach is considered which is lower than equipment quasi-static specification and
qualification level. This validates the acceptability of shock level for this equipment based on its quasi-
static qualification level.
14 July 2015
Sine vibration test data can only be used when the frequency range of the sine event is matching the
one for the shock event. In most cases it happens when a sine environment is specified up to 140 Hz.
As the SRS is the response of a 1dof system for each frequency, the computation of the SRS level
equivalent to the sine level is directly the sine level multiplied by the Q factor (conventionally 10).
In the general case, the equipment does not exhibit any mode in low frequency, and in such a case the
comparison become artificial, as the SRS corresponds to the peak response of an array of SDOF
In situation where the equipment/instrument presents some low frequency modes, the Q factor
identified during the sine test should also be used for the SRS computation.
The following figure shows an example of the use of sine levels (most preferably using test data) to
cover low frequency shock specification.
14 July 2015 Introduction
Random environment can be used to cover shock environment, owing that appropriate equivalence
methods are applied. The reason why random environment can be used to cover shock environment
is that random vibration can produce maximum response (i.e. maximum strain) capable of damaging
an equipment in a similar way than a shock.
The comparison of severity between a random or a shock signal, is based on the mechanical effect
(RMS or peak responses respectively) induced in an array of SDOF systems.
To use random environment to cover shock environment it is necessary to compare a random
environment characterized by its PSD with a shock environment usually represented by its SRS (see
annex A of [RD-081], and [RD-089]). The way it is done is to convert PSD into an “equivalent SRS”.
Several digital signal processing tools are available such as RRS, RRSMiles, ERS and URS. They are
detailed in the following section.
Spectrum Overview
When comparing the severity of a mechanical shock versus a random vibration, a difficulty arises
coming from the statistical aspect of the random vibration (the shock being deterministic). It is
important that the equivalent environment is directly comparable to a SRS, namely that it represents
the variations of the RMS responses of an array of SDOF systems submitted to a random input
signal of PSD W(f), as a function of the SDOF natural frequency fk , for a given damping
factor Q . The random acceleration input is assumed to be weakly stationary and Gaussian. Mean
values of responses are assumed to be zero.
The approach generally adopted by the Space Community consists in calculating a Random Response
Spectrum (RRS), corresponding to the RMS responses of an array of SDOF systems excited at its base
with the PSD W(f). Different conventions exist on the probability limits of the peak value, in the
following formula the RRS is defined for a 3 peak value:
RRSfk 3.zRMS fk
z RMS is the RMS value of the absolute response of the SDOF system (1σ), and
corresponds to an acceleration
1 2i
zRMS fk m0 Tk f .W f df with Tk f
f f
1 2i
fk f k
A simplified approximation of the integral in RRS formulation is often used. It is known as the Miles
Formula and denoted RRSMiles. It is an exact estimation when the PSD is constant over the
considered frequency band. RRSMiles provides however a reasonable approximation of RRS when the
14 July 2015
PSD presents a smooth variation. On the contrary, the approximation by the Miles Formula becomes
crude in the region where notches have been applied.
RRS Miles fk 3 .fk .Q.W fk with Q
2 2
This formula yields the acceleration responses in g‘s of a SDOF linear system (for 3 peak value, with
99,7% probability not to be exceeded).
The signal processing tools (RRS and RRSMiles) which generate a response spectrum from a PSD have
the advantage to allow the comparison of severity between a random and a shock signal.
However such tools have also the disadvantages to:
Limit the probability distribution to 3σ peaks, whereas such distribution generally exceeds 3σ
(see Figure 12-13).
Discard the effect of the test duration: for a random vibration, the longer the time duration of
the random signal, the higher the probability can be to exceed a given level (i.e. to exceed 3
peak value).
Figure 12-13: Peak values exceeding 3 limits (temporal signal and statistical
In order to overcome these disadvantages, more precise approaches have led to the definition of
Extreme Response Spectrum (ERS) and Response Spectrum with up crossing risk (URS), as detailed
in annex A of [RD-081].
14 July 2015
The ERS represents an approximation of the maximum response of a SDOF submitted to a PSD W(f)
during a duration T with an associated risk of 63.2% to overpass the given spectrum. The
mathematical formulas are given hereafter.
ERSfk zRMS fk . 2. ln n0 T
n0 is the mean number per second of 0 crossing with positive slope, n0 can be
approached by n0 f k
Tk f .W f df
1 m2 0
The complete expression of n 0 is: n 0 with
2 m 0 m 22 f 2 . T f 2 .W f df
2 0
T is the total duration of the random test
In the ERS formulation the peak value is defined with an associated risk of 63.2% to overpass the
given spectrum, as such the associated probability is defined too low to guarantee that the peak
value is actually seen higher in reality. In other words, the ERS overestimates the random equivalence
(peak value may be seen lower in reality). This limitation is overcome with the URS formulation,
which allows to define specifically the risk α of up crossing the peak value.
The URS corresponds to the largest peak observed over a time T with a given accepted risk α of up
crossing this peak. The mathematical formulas are given hereafter.
ln1 (1 )1 n0 T
URSfk ERSfk . z RMS fk . 2 ln
ln n 0 T
1 1
1 n0 T
ln n T
URSfk ERSfk 1 zRMS fk 2 ln 0
ln n0 T
14 July 2015 Example 1 – Comparison of RRS-ERS-URS equivalence
In the following Figure 12-14, are illustrated the various random equivalences computed from a
typical PSD:
Extreme Response Spectrum,
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 12-14: Example of PSD, and Comparison between ERS, URS, RRS and
A comparison of environment severity between SRS and random equivalence (RRS and URS) for a
given random signal (represented by its time history or its PSD) is presented in Figure 12-15.
Two representative test configurations have been considered to support this comparison, with
recording of temporal signals. SRS and random equivalence (RRS and URS) are computed from the
time history and acceleration power spectral density respectively. For the comparison of environment
severity, the SRS is considered as the reference, against which the RRS and URS are evaluated.
NOTE To illustrate the limitation of RRS, they are computed for 3σ peak
value and considering also the peak values identified from the time
histories (5σ for test configuration A, and 3.6σ for test configuration
14 July 2015
From these two representative test configurations, it is verified that the RRS computed at 3σ, globally
underestimates the environment severity (SRS being the reference for this comparison). The
estimation becomes more precise in lower frequency range, in correspondence to fundamental modes
of an instrument for instance. The reason being that the probability of exceeding 3σ peak value,
decreases when the frequency decreases.
It is also shown that the RRS should never be computed for the peak values identified from the time
history, as the environment severity is globally overestimated (at least for test configuration A,
characterised with 5σ limits).
On the other hand, the environment severity is adequate estimated by the URS (99%), which
matched the lower bound of the associated SRS, over the entire frequency range.
14 July 2015
12.6.1 Introduction
Reuse of electronic unit from one programme to another is often applied or desired, since it offers the
opportunity for reduced cost, schedule and technical risk. However, the new electronic unit may
present some changes with respect to the previously qualified unit, due to obsolescence of
components and/or unique performance/functional requirements imposed to the new unit.
Verification by similarity is the process which demonstrates that the new unit is suitable for its new
application, without a dedicated qualification programme on an EQM unit. However, such process
can impose complementary verification activities.
Unfortunately, if the overall process is well defined ([RD-050], [RD-05], [RD-090]), the associated
similarity criteria are often defined on a case by case basis. Furthermore the similarity criteria for
shock may differ from the similarity criteria for vibration, as both environments (random and shock)
have their own specificities. For example, the fatigue damage potential is a specific similarity criteria
for vibration, and high frequency responses at component level is a specific similarity criteria for
If the changes between the previously qualified unit and the new unit are considered as minor, as
defined hereafter, a verification by similarity may apply. Based on accepted practices for verification
by similarity with respect to shock, a guideline is herein proposed, and is recommended as a basis for
similarity criteria for shock. Such guideline may not fully cover all type of electronic units, all
missions, all verification strategies, therefore some adaptations may be necessary.
In any case, the adopted set of similarity criteria is reviewed and approved by the customer.
In the following, the adopted convention is to consider unit as the new unit, and unit as the
previously qualified unit.
Two units can be declared having similar shock withstanding, if the following criteria are met:
Unit was a representative flight equipment, and was qualified through a rigorous
qualification process, in line with applicable standard.
Unit was not verified by similarity or analysis.
Supporting documentation for unit is available and includes specifications, drawings,
qualification test procedures, qualification and acceptance test reports.
Units and were produced by the same manufacturer using identical tools, qualified
manufacturing processes, and quality control procedures.
The shock environment, in terms of SRS and shock duration encountered by unit during its
qualification or flight history has been equal to or more severe than the qualification
environments intended for unit .
Units and should perform similar functions, with having variations only in terms of
performance such as accuracy, sensitivity, formatting, and input‐output characteristics.
Consider Unit and mechanically similar, when all of the following apply:
14 July 2015
Architecture similarity:
The overall architecture is unchanged (e.g. stacked design),
The mounting configuration is unchanged,
The mounting configuration of PCB is unchanged (e.g. edge guide, stiffener,
The PCB characteristics are unchanged (dimensions and thickness).
Dynamic similarity:
The main natural frequencies of the chassis are within 10% of the original
frequencies, and with similar mode shapes,
The first natural frequency of each PCB is within 10% of the original
Local modes of the PCB have similar mode shapes / frequencies.
Similarity in component family:
Component families are unchanged (i.e. both units perform similar
Shock sensitive components are accommodated in same areas of the PCB (i.e.
close to edge, middle of PCB, …),
Mounting conditions of shock sensitive components are unchanged,
When the sensitivity of a components depends on its orientation with respect
to the PCB, the orientation is unchanged (e.g. relay),
NOTE Minor design changes involving substitution of piece parts and
materials with equivalent reliability items can generally be tolerated.
Design dissimilarities resulting from addition or subtraction of piece
parts and particularly moving parts, ceramic or glass parts, crystals,
magnetic devices, and power conversion or distribution equipment
usually compromise verification based on similarity, as such parts are
particularly sensible to shocks.
NOTE Non-critical components can be re-distributed on the boards between
two programmes.
As such, the similarity assessment aims at defining differences that can dictate complementary
Effectively, the verification by similar is closely linked to a Shock Damage Risk Assessment
(SDRA) process, with identification of shock sensitive components (para. 17.5 from Part 4), with
consideration for robust design with respect to shock (para., and it often comes in support
to the equipment design and verification with respect to shock (para.
14 July 2015
14 July 2015
In addition, the similarity for the mechanical behaviour needs to be established, particularly for what
concerns the main natural frequencies of the chassis (within 10% of the original frequencies).
In summary, to establish similarity at global unit level, the following information should be detailed:
Description of the architecture concept,
Table with global characteristics comparison,
Comparison of the first natural frequencies of the units.
14 July 2015 31B At component level (module, PCB,…)
A listing of sensitive components in the units should be established to show that all the families,
present in unit for which a shock heritage exists, are also mounted (with the same conditions) in the
unit for which the similarity is verified.
The following table shows an example of critical components listing.
A particular attention should be taken in regards of the mounting conditions of the components (on
PCB or structure) in the different units. Heritage can apply only if the same type of mounting
conditions have been used in the heritage unit.
Additionally, the critical parts in the unit should be located in the same areas from one similar unit to
the other.
14 July 2015
Figure 12-20: Critical parts location – Program (left) vs. Program (right)
When applicable (typically for relays), the orientation of the components should be the same. Whereas
the non-critical components can be re-distributed on the boards from one program to the other.
By complying to the previously defined similarity criteria (para. 12.6.2), the suitability of the unit for
its new application may be established based on previous heritage.
But more often than not, the similarity assessment may result in the identification of differences that
can dictate some complementary activities. As such, the extend of the differences needs to be
carefully assessed, and possible complementary activities identified. Should be considered valid, only
those which further demonstrate the similarity assessment at component level.
In case of incomplete evidence of qualification heritage of some components (including the associated
mounting conditions), the complementary activities should then comprise either a qualification shock
test on the new unit (EQM or PFM, see paragraph for precautions related to shock test on PFM
units), or a shock test at qualification level on a dedicated test vehicle, consisting in a representative
chassis equipped with PCB populated with the shock sensitive components in question, and with a
representative distribution of components/ballast masses.
14 July 2015 Overview
The optical instrument is a particular equipment of a spacecraft as it constitutes the payload and thus
the core mission. The mission performance and success is thus strongly dependant of its performance.
However, the optical instruments are a particular category of system gathering a wide variety of
components whose sensitivity with respect to shock is more or less pronounced.
The complexity of optical instruments together with programmatic aspects impose some specificities
to the shock verification, which are further detailed in this section.
The optical instruments are generally composed of the following main sub-systems:
Optical units: they are generally an assembly of different parts (mirror and fragile elements)
potentially sensitive to shock. It can be distinguished two different categories:
Optical components (e.g. mirrors, lenses, and filters) are composed of fragile
material (e.g. SiC, C-SiC, Zerodur, glass, and Germanium) very sensitive to
mechanical rupture under shock environment. The detectors are generally close to
the optical units.
Structural elements in fragile material (e.g. SiC, C-SiC, and Zerodur) which is also
very sensitive to mechanical rupture under shock environment.
Electronics are not addressed in this part of the shock handbook but in Part 4.
Mechanism: this category can be split into two subtypes:
Orientation of the optical elements (like motors …) is not addressed in this part but
in Part 4.
Release device which is not directly sensitive to shock but is an internal shock
source in the instrument close to some sensitive parts.
Mechanical assembly and interfaces which is determinant for the instrument performance.
This includes a wide variety of categories:
Parts sensitive to misalignment (optical bench, lenses assembling)
Structural mechanical connections:
iso static mounting,
bonding with glue
molecular adhesion bonding
These four categories are illustrated on Figure 12-23 to Figure 12-25.
However, the shock damage type at instrument level can be split in two main categories:
Fragile rupture of a component: this case can occur but would be due to a wrong appreciation
of the damage risk and an insufficient design dimensioning. Materials are generally strength
Tilts of the optical assembling which impacts directly instrument performances. The case is
more realistically problematic than the first one.
14 July 2015
Optical units
Release Mechanism
Mechanical assembly
14 July 2015
Optical units
Release of scan
Depending on the spacecraft size, the accommodation of the optical instrument on the main spacecraft
structure can be far or close to the shock source. This directly induces a different level of verification to
apply in order to sustain the shock environment.
In case of a big spacecraft, instruments are generally accommodated on the top of the structure, far
from the different shock sources leading to relatively low shock levels (e.g. order of magnitude is
around 200 g @ 1kHz), as shown on the Figure 12-26:
Figure 12-26: Overview of typical shock levels on top of big spacecraft far from
shock source
14 July 2015
In case of a small spacecraft, instrument are also generally accommodated on the top of the structure
but on a confined structure, closer from the different shock sources leading to relatively high shock
levels (e.g. order of magnitude is around 1 kg @ 3 kHz), as shown on the Figure 12-27.
Instrument on top of the spacecraft
Figure 12-27: Overview of typical shock levels on top of small spacecraft far from
shock source Overview
The optical instruments are generally designed in order to achieve a given mission performance and
not relatively to the potential shock environmental conditions. The main design driver for optical
instruments is thus to get a stable structure, calling for fragile materials which are generally decoupled
from the main spacecraft structure by iso-static mountings in order to reduce as much as possible
external disturbance from the spacecraft. Moreover, it is important that the location of the instrument
on the spacecraft is at the best location to fulfil the mission requirements.
The iso-static mounting aims to provide a mechanical decoupling which is benefit for the shock
Shock is a part of the mechanical environment of the optical instrument. As the knowledge about the
shock sensitivity of the different component is limited, their qualification is often covered by other
environment (like random or quasi-static equivalent) or by the shock test that can be performed on a
shock bench that imposes non-representative but conservative interface loads due to the fact that the
system test base plate is more rigid than the spacecraft flight panel.
The kind of shock depends of the source location which could be close to the instrument (internal
shock device for clamped element release) or far field (launcher or spacecraft interface events). In case
of far field the shock signal is naturally filtered of its high frequency content and generally remain
only the low frequency modal content.
The accommodation of the optical instrument on the spacecraft is generally driven by the mission
requirement. The instrument is located at the best place in order to fulfil the spacecraft mission. Thus
different interface conditions with the spacecraft can generally be met in instrument accommodation,
for example:
at the top of the spacecraft far from the interface, as illustrated on the Figure 12-28 for the
HERSCHEL space telescope
14 July 2015
close to the spacecraft interface, as illustrated for SEVIRI instrument on Meteosat Second
Generation (MSG) on the Figure 12-29.
14 July 2015 Identification of dimensioning shock
Optical instrument are complex systems including sensitive component, for which it is important to
limit as much as possible the shock levels and their impact. Due to the potential criticality of some
instrument component with respect to the shock, it is of high importance to get a good estimate of the
overall instrument life shocks and their characteristics.
Among the wide range of shock event, we could distinguish two main categories:
External shock sources due to:
the launcher:
Launcher pyrotechnical events (fairing separation, inter-stage separation)
Spacecraft to Launcher separation (by means of Clampband or pyronuts).
the spacecraft: spacecraft appendage release (e.g. solar array, antenna, clamped
The first assessment should consist in the identification of transmissibility of the shock from the
shock source to the most sensitive components (see Part 2). If this transmissibility is too
important, it is fundamental to undertake recovery actions to isolate the instrument or the
sensitive part at its interface from the external shock.
Instrument internal shock source due to mechanism release (some instrument internal
mechanisms are protected from the launch loads and released once in operation for service).
The optical instruments sensitive components are generally far from the external shock sources,
the dimensioning shock levels are induced by internal shock source. Consequently optical
instrument release mechanisms mostly rely on low shock devices, such as:
Low shock actuators (NEA, Lacroix …) which exist for wide range of bolt section
Shape memory alloys actuator
Paraffin wax actuator
They are generally based on a smoothed released of the mechanical constraint due to a
relatively low dynamic of the mechanism limiting the shock levels.
Owing to the heritage on a wide range of previous programs, the accommodation in the spacecraft can
generally help to reduce shock levels at instrument interface, by considering the main structure
complexity leading to break the path for shock waves to propagate, as well as the number of interface.
However, even if several factors help to reduce the shock transmission (number of interfaces, length,
direction change, mass impedance damping effect …) the effect can’t cumulate infinitively and the
cumulate of no more than two effects is generally observed.
It can also be mentioned that the damping of the shock levels are generally more efficient close to the
shock source than far away from it (at the instrument interface for example).
Moreover, as optical instruments are generally accommodated far from the shock source, the
assessment of the equipment compatibility with respect to the shock can be provided by the random
qualification level or equivalent quasi-static. This is justified by the fact that as the external shock
sources are generally far from the instrument interface and thus the shock frequency content at the
instrument interface has mostly the “low frequency” modal behaviour of the structure underneath.
The “high frequency” signal content has generally been filtered in the propagation of the spacecraft
14 July 2015
This is illustrated in the Figure 12-30, showing a comparison between the input level at the spacecraft
interface with the shock level measured at the instrument interface (far away from the spacecraft
SRS (g) - Q=10
100 1000 10000
Freq (Hz)
Figure 12-30: Overview of shock level close to the shock source at spacecraft interface
at the left and far from the SC/ bottom at the instrument interface at the right
As the shock signal becomes dominated by low frequency modal content, the compatibility to shock
environment can be covered by the other low frequency environments (sine, random and quasi-static).
These methods are detailed in paragraphs 12.5.
In order to apply shock verification logic for optical instruments, it is necessary to have a good
knowledge of:
the shock environment, i.e. identify all the shock sources applicable to the optical instrument
(e.g. internal or external sources, far field or close to the instrument).
the expected shock severity, i.e. an estimate of the frequency content and the magnitude of the
shock signals at the optical instrument interface or directly at a component interface.
the instrument heritage sensitivity, i.e. identify the potential optical instrument components
sensitivity to shock (e.g. due to their design, optical alignments, gluing, or specific fragile
materials) based on a heritage and knowledge about their sensitivity to shock.
This knowledge of the shock environment (with identification of dimensioning shock), the shock
severity and the instrument heritage sensitivity determines the verification logic to apply at system
and sub-system level.
In case the knowledge / confidence level in one of the three previous points is considered too low,
some risk reduction measures need to be implemented. The risk reduction logic verification depends
of the type of environment to qualify and the size and complexity of element to qualify.
14 July 2015
The complexity, long engineering optimisation, high sensitivity and cost of optical instrument lead
generally to avoid directly testing the system. Consequently the risk reduction logic generally calls for
a STM approach which allows:
qualifying the representative structural elements
identifying the environments to apply to the subsystems and verify the dimensioning
hypothesis thanks to shock covering methods by random environment.
The STM approach can be consolidated by mechanical analysis in order to estimate the confidence
margin which is not accessible in tests. These consist on transient analysis of a representative finite
element model coupled instrument and main spacecraft structure to get representative impedance at
the instrument interface.
More generally, the risk reduction actions can be considered as mandatory:
for important or complex subsystems for which it is impossible to do testing (due to the
important dimensions of the units).
when the subsystem level shock testing is not representative of the true environment on the
spacecraft (due to interface load too important with respect to the true environment).
The optical instrument qualification is achieved when the following points are fulfilled:
A system level shock test on a representative spacecraft STM (STM service module + instrument
STM) which concludes about the structural element and instrument qualification levels. The
necessary level of representativity depends on the identification and qualification needs.
Internal instrument components qualification given by a shock test or a random equivalence at
optical instrument subsystem level.
Specific test on the optical instrument allowing covering the internal instrument shock cases. Overview
Propulsion sub-system is made of an assembly of several units that have the particularity to be both
mechanisms and pressurized items. Therefore their sensitivity to shocks is specific. And depending on
the design philosophy, the units of propulsion sub-system can be Single Point Failure for the satellite.
Moreover, one of these units is a also shock source itself : the pyrovalve. Its function is to definitely
open or close a fluid circuit, and its actuation requires a squib that generates high levels in the near to
far field. And this shock source is the only one in the spacecraft that cannot be tested at system level
on a proto-flight model.
This results in several specificities in the design and verification of the whole propulsion sub-system
versus shock.
Propulsion sub-system can have various architectures depending on the mission and the size of the
satellite. However, two basic configurations can be identified:
Mono-propellant propulsion system
Bi-propellant propulsion system
14 July 2015
In Figure 12-31 and Figure 12-32 a simplified flow diagram for both configurations is given together
with the implementation on actual satellite.
Pyrothechnic valve
1N thrusters
He Tanks
Pyro Valve M
Normally Open MV1
Pyro Valve M PV1
Normally Closed MV4 NC
F1 MV11
Fill&Drain Valve MV10 M
T Isolation Latch Valve SAPT4 NC NC
Thruster Valve
Pressure transducer
Filter OX FU
Check Valve M
Redundant MV5 NC NC
Pressure Regulator
Temperature Transducer F2 F3
L L L L L L N0
from UPS T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
Temperature Transducer
from TCS T
Trimming orifice
1A 2A 3A 4A 1B 2B 3B 4B 1C 2C
2 C 3C 4C 1D 2D
2 D 3D 4D
Oxidizer feedlines and components
Fuel feedlines and Components
Helium feedlines and components
Pyrotechnic Components
a. Propellant tanks: the propellant tanks, even if placed close to shock source, are not sensitive
(because considered as structural parts). Only the PMD (Pressure Management Device), if
present inside the tank, could be sensitive to shock.
b. Pressurization tanks: typically filled with helium, the pressurization tanks are insensitive to
shock (i.e. considered as structural parts)
c. Thrusters: these equipment are sensitive to shock. The most sensitive parts are the nozzle due
to its filigree design and the valves due to the presence of the actuation mechanism (movable
14 July 2015
d. Pyro-valves: this equipment is interesting from both point of views, it is a strong pyro shock
source and it is sensitive to external shocks. Its sensitivity to external shocks belongs to two
aspects of its functionality: the presence of the mobile part (the punch) that can change position
and the risk of starting the squib.
The pyro-valve is described in detail in
e. Fill and Drain Valves: FDV are used during ground phases but not during launch. Therefore
they are not subjected to shocks which are experienced only in flight (see Moreover the
mechanism of the FDV is a manual screwed system with an important torque and security
system which is therefore low sensitive to a highly transient phenomena as the shock is.
f. Filters: Filters for propellant and pressurization fluids are normally present on sub-system to
limit pollution of the circuit that could be generated by Pyrovalves firing. The filter in itself is a
passive structural item with reduced sensitivity to shock. Anyway due to its function is often
placed close to the internal shock source thus it could experience high shock levels.
g. Pressure Regulator: The presence of mobile parts, bellows and springs make the Pressure
Regulator sensitive to shocks. Anyway, sensitivity is limited due to the typically robust housing
of commercially available items.
h. Pressure Transducer: It is used to monitor pressure and provide input for propellant gauging,
its sensitivity to shock is quite important. Indeed a PCB with electronic components and a
sensor (strain gauges) are present in this equipment.
i. Valve: Latch valve is an electrically actuated valve. The valves can be actuated in both
directions during all lifecycle of the satellite. Several parts of the valve are sensitive to shock
(movable parts, seal). Main functional sensitivity is the possibility that the valve changes its
status due to shock which would lead to uncontrolled leak or malfunctioning of the sub-system.
j. Check (Non-Return) Valves: This valve is a passive element, functionality is assured by
pressure drop and not actuation. Therefore this valve is not too sensitive to shock, indeed a
jamming of the component or a crack on the diaphragm is hard to achieve.
k. Tubing: Tubing is not a concern for shock qualification of the propulsion sub-system, owing
that some design and verification rules are respected, see
14 July 2015
14 July 2015 Overview
As stated above, one of the units in the propulsion sub-system is a shock source itself : the pyrovalve.
It is a pyrotechnic device, and as most of the other units are accommodated very close to it they are
submitted to very high levels in the near- and mid-field ranges.
The main issue is then to derive the shock environment due to the pyrovalve actuation.
In Figure 12-34 is indicated a schematic exploded view of a PV. The initiators are located in the upper
body thus close to the interface. Therefore the shock rejected by the pyrovalve at its interface is
The function of the pyrovalves is to definitely shut down or open a fluid circuit. The energy needed
for actuation is supplied by a pyrotechnic system and transmitted by the deformation of a titanium
flexible membrane. This membrane ensures a perfectly proof tightness between the pyrotechnics
chambers and the fluid circuits before, during and after the actuation.
Each valve consists of two standard initiators, connected in parallel, providing firing redundancy.
Both initiators are fired at the same time in order to perform the correct actuation of the valve
(opening or closing).
The firing of the squib results in the ram inside the valve being propelled downwards towards the
tubing. In the case of a Normally Closed PV, the ram travels down into a receptacle at the base, and is
latched in a position that renders the valve open. The Normally Open (NO) PV, operates in a similar
way, but the tube is sheared by the ram on its travel. A near perfect seal is created by the rams wedge
Combustion products are prevented from contaminating the system by titanium flexible membranes
located between the chamber and the ram.
A pyrovalve can be mounted directly on panels. However for simpler coupling to the propulsion
tubing, it is usually mounted on brackets. In the following Figure 12-35 are shown some typical
14 July 2015
Figure 12-35: Lay down support | single bracket (vertical) | single bracket (angled)
| double bracket
a. Approaches
Due to the lack of heritage measurements on PFM spacecraft, specification for PV induced
environment could be obtained basically by two approaches.
The first one consists in performing a test on a Qualification Model (QM) of the complete propulsion
sub-system (equipment and tubing). Moreover, this QM should be fully representative of the satellite
in the vicinity of the propulsion sub-system to allow the identification of shock propagation paths and
therefore the definition of shock levels at the various interfaces.
The second one consists in performing a characterization test on a structure similar than the flight one
but with the objective of deriving the most of information on levels at equipment interface and not of
qualifying the complete sub-system. This approach is most used on commercial telecommunication
satellites: with this approach the results are more generic and qualification of sub-system can evolve
with evolution of single equipment without the need of a new QM test on the complete sub-system.
On the other side the shock qualification of the complete sub-system is never proven by a test in actual
flight configuration.
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To fulfil these objectives, it is important to pay special attention to the test setup:
It should be fully representative of the supporting structure and its boundary conditions (global
and local stiffness and mass).
It should be representative of the surrounding structures if the transmissibility to the platform
is of any interest.
The PV and its mounting should be the same than the flight ones (e.g. brackets, connections,
and isolators)
The equipment should be the flight ones or could be replaced by dummies representative in
term of mass and stiffness (particularly of importance for equipment mass higher than 200 gr).
The PV are always connected to the other equipment by tubing (see Figure 12-32). The tubing
should be considered in the setup if it affects the shock transmissibility or the stiffness of the
assembly. Anyway, if some common tubing design rules are respected (see, the
experience shows that tubing effect is negligible.
It is important to pay special care on instrumentation, mainly for two aspects:
The PV shock is mainly a near field shock: so it is important to select the correct accelerometers
(see part 3, 13.4)
One objective being to build a database of results, it is important to ensure that the number of
accelerometers is sufficient, and their positions are selected in such a way that they allow the
evaluation of transmissibility to equipment versus different design parameters (e.g. distance,
mass, connections, and surrounding structure).
In the following Figure 12-36 the setup for characterization test performed for an actual Telecom
satellite family is given. This test campaign follows the second approach : various test setups have
been tested.
14 July 2015
Dummy eqpmt
I/F simulating
surrounding structure
Testing PV
Lay-down PV
Double bracket PV
Tubing mounted
It can be noticed that different types of PV mounting, various positions for equipment (and dummies)
and a dense instrumentation is considered, even the effect of a local stiffness (sandwich stiffener) has
been evaluated.
The test shown above was planned to get extensive database and to be applicable on an evolving
propulsion system’s layout. This test is fulfilling all the objectives (primary and secondary).
In the following Figure 12-37 is shown another test setup following the first approach (test performed
on ALPHABUS platform) which fulfils the primary objective of getting levels at propulsion unit
interface (accelerometers at each equipment interface), which allows estimating transmissibility to
surrounding structure but which is not robust enough to get an extensive database of results (only one
configuration is characterized)
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14 July 2015
These attenuation factors only relate to this tested configuration, nevertheless a good agreement is
found with respect to the generic attenuation rules for point source excitation, as presented and
discussed in the paragraph 8.3.1. In-house experience by the satellite manufacturer or generic
attenuation factors can be taken into account for preliminary specification and design, but it is
important that they are confirmed by a dedicated characterization or qualification test
representative of the actual flight configuration.
d. Qualification margins
To define the specification, the measured test values should be increased by the classical qualification
margin of +3 dB (see section 10.2 of Part 2).
The margin of 3 dB is applicable under the hypotheses that a dedicated characterization test
representative of the configuration has been performed and that a sufficient database of results is
available. Indeed the experience shows that the dispersion is limited at iso-configuration.
Anyway if heritage results are used to define specification or if important design evolutions are
applied, the qualification margin for preliminary design should be increased. The value is then
evaluated on a case by case basis.
In these cases a dedicated characterization test should be considered in the development plan.
The concern for tubing is the relative displacements on a tubing section between two suspension point
(equipment or brackets). Even the relatively low displacements caused by shock could generate high
stresses on a rigid tubing line.
Therefore tubing should guarantee an important flexibility by design. A layout containing long non-
straight lines and the use of suspension at tubing to bracket I/F should solve the rigidity concerns (see
Figure 12-33).
Besides the design rules, detailed inspection at sub-system and system levels should be implemented
in the development and qualification plan. Typically the minimum inspection/test required are X-ray
on welding, pressure proof test on the line at sub-system level, after system integration after system
environmental tests.
The use of heritage design and processes plays an important role in increasing the reliability of the
tubing assembly.
In some cases, in order to reduce shock levels coming from PV, isolation system can be implemented.
One solution can be to apply isolators at PV or bracket to platform interface. This solution has the
strong advantage that it can be implemented very late in the design (or integration) phases.
Another solution can be to separate mechanically the PV from the others propulsion’s equipment as
per Figure 12-38. With such a solution, the attenuation of shock is obtained by the longer path from
PV to equipment and the presence of several links (see c for an estimation of reduction due to path
length and links).
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14 July 2015
SRS [g]
L/V Shock
PV Shock
Appendages Shock
As for any sub-system, all the propulsion units should be tested at elementary level with respect to the
defined environment. Classical procedures defined in 13.3 apply in that case.
However, some modifications can be applied as follows.
Theoretically all shock environments should be combined together and covered by one single
specification. But PV injecting high shock levels at higher frequency than other shock sources as
launcher separation, it could be foreseen (on a case by case basis) to separate the two environments in
order not to over-stress the equipment.
For the same reasons (high levels and high frequency content) pyrotechnic shocks test is advised to
better simulate this environment.
For classical shock sources, verification at system level consists in actuating on the PFM the device
causing the shock environment and checking that the levels measured (plus the 3 dB qualification
margin) at units interfaces are covered by their qualification status. This is explained in paragraph
13.3.2 and is not covered in this chapter.
However, propulsion sub-system self-induced shocks cannot be tested on PFM satellite. This is due
mainly to the stringent requirement on pollution prevention which applies to this sub-system. Indeed
once actuated a pyro-valve needs to be replaced. But this can cause the loss of the hermetical sealing of
the circuit thus leading to possible pollution issues on the circuit. To avoid this risk the PV firing test
on PFM spacecraft is not recommended.
Three issues are caused by this limitation:
The unavailability of heritage system test results to evaluate the shock environment;
The lack of demonstration of the system design robustness against these self-induced shocks.
The lack of demonstration of the actuation’s functionality after the other mechanical
Therefore a specific validation against this self-induced shock is mandatory. This validation is
obtained by a specific approach to be defined at subsystem level. Usually two approaches are applied:
either testing the full sub-system (for unique spacecraft as for science missions) or characterizing the
pyrovalves shock sources in order to allow design modifications. The following table summarizes the
two possible approaches.
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Finally the verification at system level is completed by rigorous functional test of the propulsion
subsystem mounted on spacecraft. These verifications cover all aspects of propulsion functioning with
the exclusion of the firing of the pyrovalves. Pyrovalve correct behaviour is however checked (i.e.
Electrical check out of squibs: squib wire resistance and squib insulation resistance).
The tests requested on the propulsion assembly are divided in three main categories: integration,
safety, performance. These tests allow verifying the propulsion assembly at both sub-system and
system level.
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Shock testing
The test levels correspond usually to the expected flight levels increased by the qualification margin
(minimum of 3dB – see Part 2 10.2). These flights levels are obtained using:
Similarity-heritage methods
Numerical methods
Those methods are thoroughly described in Part 2.
The required shock spectrum can be achieved using a representative transient, usually exponential
decay, with effective duration (see 15.3.1) specified around 20 ms - 30 ms for far-field. Half-sine
transients are thus not recommended as they are generally not representative of real pyro shock
events. The shock transient should contain all necessary shock frequency components
simultaneously as opposed to a serial application.
The number of applications has always been subject to discussions among European industries and
agencies, mainly due to a lack of clarity into this requirement. This section intends to provide the
reader with the necessary justifications for an adequate number of applications in pyroshock testing
(both at equipment and system levels).
The requirement on a number of applications finds its origin into the verification of the life cycle of the
tested unit. The life cycle is defined as the total number of shocks to be withstood by the flight unit for
each specific shock event (launcher induced shocks, spacecraft release shock, internal shocks) during
its complete life (including ground tests and in-service shocks). Hence the verification of the full
compatibility of the unit with the intended shock environment, implies that the qualification margin is
verified, and that the number of applications covers the complete life cycle of the tested unit.
At this point 3 distinctions need to be made, between equipment QM testing, equipment PFM testing
and system level testing:
Equipment QM testing – The number of applications typically varies from 1 to 3 along each
direction. A single shock application is considered sufficient only in case the equipment sees its
dimensioning shock only once in its life cycle (i.e. in orbit). Multiple shock applications need to
be foreseen in case the equipment is exposed to its dimensioning shock more than once during
its life cycle (on ground and in orbit). In this case the provision for an additional retest should
be considered i.e. the number of shock applications equals the number of dimensioning shocks
seen by the equipment under test during its life cycle plus one.
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NOTE As a return of experience from electronic unit shock testing, it has also
been shown that several consecutive shock tests at high levels can
influence the behaviour/integrity of relays and quartz. Example of
relays with plastic deformation of the brackets supporting the mobile
part or frequency shifts of Local Oscillator quartz are presented in
Part 4. In that specific case, 3 shocks per axis can reveal some
unexpected behaviour of the unit, and are therefore recommended.
Equipment PFM testing – In itself a PFM programme presents already a higher risk than the
prototype approach in which design margins are demonstrated by testing on a dedicated
qualification product, hence, in case a shock testing is required on a PFM unit, it is important
that the number of applications does not exceed 1 per axis.
As discussed in section 12.2.1, a PFM programme should be accompanied by a strategy for risk
mitigation, which should consist in enhancing development testing, in increasing the design
factors of safety and in implementing an adequate spare policy.
System level testing – System level tests for self-induced shock environments are usually
performed by utilizing flight pyrotechnic devices on a flight structure. As a consequence,
duplication of the flight shock environment can be reasonably achieved, but a qualification
margin is generally unachievable. For qualification and proto-flight testing for self-induced
shocks, multiple firings allow accounting for firing-to-firing variability, and in this case, a
minimum of 2 firings is recommended.
But conducting multiple firings on a FM satellite is usually considered impractical, and only
one firing is applied. The system level test is then used to demonstrate the adequacy of the
equipment level shock requirement, and in this case the qualification margin is demonstrated at
equipment level.
It is important that the tested equipment is powered-on and properly monitored where relevant (e.g.
equipment powered-on during launch).
For propulsive elements, it is required in ECSS-E-ST-35C that the test configuration is flight
representative especially with respect to operative pressure. For instance, if the functional behaviour
(e.g. closed or open valve) of the unit is modified with or without any pressure, this standard requires
that the most representative conditions are used for the test. Moreover, this implies that if additional
equipment is necessary to pressurize the unit during test, it is mounted in a representative
configuration or at least without interference with the tested unit configuration (e.g. not too close to
the unit interface).
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The applicable safety and contamination and cleanliness requirements on the unit under test H/W part
of the PA requirements for the unit. Beside the requirements borne by the unit under test, there can be
additional safety requirements and safety procedures from facility point of view to be taken into
account. To ensure safety and cleanliness during shock test as a minimum the following points are
checked with regard to the applicable specifications prior to a test campaign:
Compliance to environmental conditions i.e. temperature, humidity etc.
Compliance to contamination levels
Recording of environmental and contamination conditions e.g. temperature gauges, particle
counters, witness plates
13.1.6 Instrumentation
The sensor type, number, location and mounting condition affect greatly the test result and it is
therefore important that they are prepared with particular attention.
The following are recommendations for carrying out a correct instrumentation of the equipment shock
A minimum of two sensors at opposite corners of the tested unit. For some test setups and test
specimen configuration it is advisable to use more sensors to characterise the shock input, in
particular in cases for which large scattering is expected e.g. large specimen, elastic support
structures etc..
Locate measurement points designated to record the shock levels at equipment interface at the
closest location with respect to the physical interface.
Ensure that such instrumentation is able to demonstrate good shock levels homogeneity at the
equipment interface.
Ensure that such instrumentation is able to measure the shock levels in all three axes and not
only in the main excitation direction. Use of a mounting cube is acceptable provided that its
natural response is not excited. For pyro shock tests mounting cubes should be avoided due to
excitation in range of cube resonance frequency.
Ensure that the selected instrumentation and acquisition system is able to acquire the shock
levels with the resolution and in the frequency band required (see also Section 13.4 for sensor
Provide a complete set of photos covering the entire instrumentation.
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frequency range of the unit. Such tailoring is typically adopted once the specified shock
environment has been consolidated with a system level shock test.
Whereas the upper test tolerance of +6 dB acts as the upper bound to reduce the risk of failure.
Yet again, it is important to pay dedicated attention to critical frequency ranges of the tested
unit, in order to limit the potential over-testing within those ranges.
As discussed in the paragraph 13.1.6, a minimum of two sensors should be placed at opposite corners
of the tested unit. The verification of the requirement on test tolerance is done considering the average
of those two sensors, with an additional constraint on homogeneity (no more than 6 dB between the
two sensors, in order to ensure a proper excitation of the unit).
NOTE In cases for which large scattering is expected e.g. large specimen,
elastic support structures etc. the homogeneity of 6 dB may be
difficult to achieve. Any deviations are discussed on case by case basis
with the customer to ensure avoidance of over or under testing.
NOTE A reported practice consists in a qualification by slices, the unit being
rotated after a few applications for example. The number of shock
applications per direction for the axis are agreed with the customer to
avoid over testing.
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14 July 2015
Advanced criteria in term of representativeness of shocks: the following are relevant criteria to
ensure representativeness:
The frequency content and the frequency density of the generated is as close as
possible the real shock environment, if such a piece of information is known.
The relative phasing of the different frequency components is as close as possible
to the real shock environment, if such a piece of information is known.
Capability of the data handlings system: this concerns to the capability of the test facility to
condition, record and store a sufficient number of sensor signal with a sufficiently high
sampling rate and to deliver the test data in a format which is suitable for further exploitation.
Experience of test house or test engineer: this can also be a selection criteria in particular for
complex setups and configurations.
13.3.1 Basis
A crucial point, as for any mechanical test, is the representativeness of the test configuration and
especially the system boundary conditions. Boundary conditions of most current system level shock
tests are discussed here below:
Clampband release: LV adaptor and spacecraft hoisted on a crane (representative of free-free
condition), and clampband tension set as close as possible to its maximum value during flight.
The assembly is hoisted using a dedicated lifting frame; a foam mat (thickness around 10 cm) is
placed under the test article in order to damp the free fall (drop height around 5 cm) of the LV
adaptor once the clampband is released. See Figure 13-1 (left picture).
SHOck Generator UNit (SHOGUN): Identical boundary conditions as clampband release. The
Shogun device is bolted to the LV adaptor lower interface, and then actuated. The shock
impulse is created by the expansion pyrotechnic linear cord and the rupture of the weakened
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VESTA (Vega Shock Test Apparatus): spacecraft and adapter are integrated on the VEGA 4th
stage structure with a flight representative boundary condition. The complete assembly is then
supported by air springs placed beneath the 4th stage structure.
Appendage release (solar array or antenna reflector): it is not necessary to have a free-free
configuration as the boundary conditions for the appendage and its supporting structure are
made by the neighbouring parts of the structure and not by the spacecraft global boundary
conditions. However installation of zero-g compensation equipment is usually necessary.
Real launch vehicle stage separation: When fully representative LV stage separations are
performed at system level, the test configuration and the associated boundary conditions are
more complex as several pieces of structure are involved. An example is given in Figure 13-1.
a. Clamp-band release
Spacecraft separation test is usually part of the fit-check operation. This functional test is also useful
for shock verification purpose (in particular for non-recurring spacecraft specimen). As for any shock
test, the boundary conditions are essential. Therefore, a drop test is mandatory for the spacecraft
separation test in order to reproduce the physical separation of the Spacecraft from its adapter. A
single release test without liberation of the Spacecraft is not representative enough and should not be
conducted for shock verification.
In a nominal situation, the demonstration of the spacecraft’s ability to withstand the separation shock
generated by its separation from the launch vehicle should be based on the following method :
A clamp-band release test is conducted with the tension of the band set as close as possible to its
maximum value during flight. During this test, interface levels and equipment base levels are
measured. This test can be performed on the STM, on the PFM or on the first flight model provided
that the spacecraft structure close to the interface as well as the equipment locations and associated
supports are equivalent to those of the flight model.
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The induced shocks generated on spacecraft equipment units measured during the abovementioned
test are then increased by:
+3 dB uncertainty margin aiming at deriving flight limit environment from the single test
performed in flight-like configuration; [NB: In case two clamp band release tests are
performed, the maximum of the two test is retained and this +3dB uncertainty margin can
be removed.]
+3 dB qualification factor aiming at defining the required minimum qualification levels, to
be compared to the qualification status of each spacecraft subsystem and/or equipment.
These obtained shock levels are then compared to the qualification status of each spacecraft subsystem
and/or equipment.
NOTE If the drop test is not performed at the maximum tension foreseen
during flight, additional margin may be required by the launcher
A typical scattering on spacecraft interface shock levels, observed by two consecutive clamp-band
release tests, is shown in the following figure. A good agreement was observed in the low frequency
range up to the main breathing frequency, whereas a larger scattering (typically +/-3dB) was observed
in the higher frequency range.
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b. Pyronuts release system
Similarly to the clampband separation test, a particular attention should be paid to the boundary
conditions. They should be as representative as possible, compared to the flight conditions.
Thus the spacecraft should be hung as shown in Figure 13-3 and after firing, the pyronut is dropped.
Specific shock methods required to cover specificities of Launcher shocks in case the Launcher shocks
are not covered by the spacecraft release event. This is typically the case for Ariane 5 and VEGA, but
this can also concern launchers in case the severity of the LV induced shock is seen higher than the
severity of the spacecraft release event.
Ariane 5/SHOGUN method.
This paragraph presents the current derivation method for Ariane 5 based on a Shogun test, and is
representative of a HSS1 like separation system for the fairing. Owing to continuous development on
the launcher, the induced environment by the launcher towards the spacecraft has seen its severity
reducing over the past years, and the introduction of a new design of the fairing separation system
will further improve the situation from mid 2015.
As compared to other launch vehicles, the Ariane 5 qualification methodology is different since shocks
induced by separation of stages are not covered by shocks induced by clampband release, neither in
level nor in type of shock. Hence a specific test device, the SHOGUN (SHOck Generation UNit), is
proposed by the Ariane 5 launcher authorities in complement to the clampband release test, to cover
the specificity of these high energy stage separation shocks.
This device is not able to generate all qualifying Ariane 5 shock levels. Hence an alternative spacecraft
qualification approach is required. This approach combines the average shock level at the spacecraft
interface with a “shock transfer function” between the spacecraft interface and the equipment
interface as shown in the following flow chart.
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1. From shock measurements at SC interface during Shogun test, calculation of the average
level of each direction separately : axial & radial,
2. Determination of the ratio between the LV axial limit level (applicable specification) and
the Shogun axial average level for all frequencies,
3. Determination of the ratio between the LV radial limit level (applicable specification) and
the Shogun radial average level for all frequencies,
4. Calculation of the “reference ratio”, which corresponds to the maximum of axial and
radial ratios (Nota : reference ratio is frequency dependent),
5. From Shogun test data, determination for each spacecraft internal zone (bottom deck,
shear walls, lateral walls, upper deck, etc. …) of the maximum recorded shock
environment (envelope of all the measurements located in the zone, whatever the axis),
6. For each spacecraft zone, application of the “reference ratio” to the maximum shock
response, to determine the predicted flight limit environment in the zone due to the
applicable interface shock specification
definition of unit level shock requirement throughout the spacecraft, including
addition of +3dB margin to derive qualification environment level,
7. Comparison of resulting spectrum with equipment qualification level, derived from unit
specifications of maximum tested levels (shock, random, sine, CB release, design factor)
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This “max ratio” methodology is highlighted through the following example :
This process is the standard approach recommended by Arianespace. However, the use of the
maximum ratio as a reference ratio requires a well-balanced input levels at S/C interface in terms of
axial and radial magnitudes (typically axial and radial averages agree at all frequencies to within 3
dB). Otherwise, the methodology becomes too much conservative and constraining.
14 July 2015
Indeed, using the max ratio means that equipment response (i.e. its maximum) is rather driven by the
minimum response at the S/C interface than by the maximum one. This is not usually the case in a
shock condition (not harmonic) but the margin provided with this max ratio methodology brings
good robustness for the global shock qualification process. In case of unbalanced inputs, the max ratio
could become unrealistic and it could generate high virtual amplification factor and virtual concerns
at unit level.
If it can be demonstrated at unit level that response is driven by a dedicated direction, the associated
ratio can be used instead of the max ratio. For instance, close to the interface ring, it can be
demonstrated that unit radial response is due to radial input and axial response due to axial input.
As it is a deviation to the standard recommended methodology, the application of a “directional” ratio
should be justified to Arianespace and approved.
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The shock level at the spacecraft base is driven by the tension applied in the HSS belt. Repeatability of
the shock input is assured by the application of the tension in the HSS belt with an accurate procedure
(same procedure as per flight) and measurement/monitoring of the load in the tensioning bolts. The
SRS is dominated by the response of the adapter ring mode at about 800 Hz, which is experienced as a
global mode by the Spacecraft.
The main peculiarity of the VESTA tool is that the shock levels can be tuned by adjusting the tension
of the HSS belt at a certain value. This allows to meet possible constraints identified by the customers
on the maximum levels in order not to over-test the test article. It is worth to note that the test can be
conducted up to the HSS tension foreseen at the time of the Fairing separation (i.e. including thermal
effects during flight).
The tool has already been validated by test and has demonstrated to be a suitable tool for the
qualification of payloads to be flown on VEGA. In particular, the validation test campaign has been
conducted using the AGILE STM (see Figure 13-6), while the first test campaign has been conducted
on a Lisa Path Finder PFM spacecraft.
The above test campaign allowed to verify the validity of the linear extrapolation recommended for
the evaluation of the shock levels at the in-flight value of the HSS belt tension when test results at low
tension value are known (see Figure 13-7).
Then the following “linear extrapolation law” can be used (where T2 and T1 are two different values
of HSS belt tension):
SRS f , T2 SRS f , T1
14 July 2015
Figure 13-7: Effect of HSS belt tension on shock levels and validation of linear
extrapolation (axial levels on the left, radial levels on the right)
As far as the test sequence is concerned, the following methodology should be followed:
A base line of two tests is recommended
Low Level test: first test at a low HSS tension (TL) of 20-25kN (i.e. ~1/4 flight tension)
High Level test: second test at higher tension (TH), as high as possible considering spacecraft
After the above tests are performed and the linear extrapolation law is verified, the following
methodology is recommended for the evaluation of results at sub-system level (see flow chart in
Figure 13-8):
8. If TH is lower than the in-flight HSS tension, apply the “linear extrapolation law” to the
results of the High Level test with T2=80 kN and T1=TH for each measurement location (on
each measurement direction).
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Figure 13-8: Methodology for VESTA test results evaluation at S/S level
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Several appendages are typically stowed for launch configuration in order to fit the fairing volume,
and then released and deployed once in orbit. This is the case on almost all spacecraft, with the solar
arrays stowed as a stack of panels and deployed in several phases in space. For telecommunications
satellites large reflectors are also stowed and released once in orbit. On scientific spacecraft sometimes
it is necessary to open protection covers in space.
The proper functionality of the associated mechanisms and sometimes the deployment kinematics are
validated on ground through specific tests. This is usually verified during a release test where the
acceleration levels are also measured in order to validate the qualification of the spacecraft with
respect to the associated shock environment.
Figure 13-10: Example of release of solar arrays (left: intermediate position; right:
final position)
14 July 2015
An adequate instrumentation is therefore defined following the path of the shock wave, and the SRS
are computed at the interface of the concerned equipment units. A qualification margin of 3 dB is
added to these measurements. Qualification of the spacecraft with respect to this shock environment is
then declared when all the units’ qualification status is above the measurement at their interface
including a qualification margin.
When an appendage is released, the final operation consists in latching it so that it remains in its final
position. Latching mechanical environments are abusively called “shocks” as they are a sudden event.
But they are in fact a very low frequency event (of the order of 1Hz) and demonstration of the
acceptability of the induced environment is usually established based on the max temporal response.
Pyrovalves are part of the propulsion subsystem as they allow to definitely open or close a fluid
circuit. As described in details in Section 12.7.2, they cannot be actuated at system level on a flight
satellite, as it would be necessary to replace the pyro-valves which are welded to the tubing. Therefore
no test is performed at system level on a flight satellite, and the qualification with respect to the
associated shock environment is demonstrated through a specific methodology.
The principle of this methodology is to perform test on a representative test bench and derive a
Maximum Expected Environment (MEE) taking into account the scatter in the measured levels (see
Section for detailed explanations). Qualification of the concerned units is then declared when
their respective qualification levels are above the MEE+3dB.
14 July 2015
The standard test sequence (called “Test Block” in ECSS-E-ST-10-03) for a system level shock test
contains as a minimum:
Test Readiness Review (TRR, as per clause of ECSS-E-ST-10-03).
Test rehearsal: A test rehearsal (also called dry run), is performed prior the live firing of the
pyro devices. During the test rehearsal, the procedure to be executed during the test campaign
is checked. Checking in this stage, means that the procedure is followed with the shock
actuators disarmed and in safe condition. As part of the dry run, the measured data are
checked, verifying the absence of influence of the firing signal (short and high power) on the
other measured channels (i.e. over the ground). It is worth to be mentioned that some tap test(s)
are performed before the dry run, to check that all instrumentation is working correctly.
Test Performance: Test execution according to specified procedure.
Post Test Review (PTR, as per clause of ECSS-E-ST-10-03)
As part of the PTR, and before further use of the recording of pyroshock data, it is important
to ascertain the quality of these data based on so-called shock validity criteria (see chapter 15).
For general use, the simplified criteria (see paragraph 15.3) is sufficient for determining the
validity of pyroshock data. However for some more advanced applications, such as FE
simulations which require using some “perfect” time history measurements, the refined
criteria based on velocity validation procedure should be applied (see paragraph 15.4).
Test Review Board (TRB, as per clause of ECSS-E-ST-10-03).
At system level, instrumentation is a tough job. It is usually a balance between the necessity to
characterise the environment at an equipment interface and to have a good global knowledge of the
system behaviour with respect to shock. Therefore the instrumentation choice should be made
Here are some advices to build a correct instrumentation for a shock test at system level:
The best characterisation of the shock environment for a given equipment necessitates to
evaluate the main shock propagation paths. As a matter of fact it is necessary to set the
measurement points near an equipment foot at the closest location from the shock source along
the shortest shock propagation path. This allows to have the most dimensioning environment.
Measurement point should be placed very close from the equipment foot: even a few
centimetres distance is sufficient to get a measurement different from what is intended because
of local phenomena.
In case an equipment is mounted on a bracket, the shock environment should be placed on the
bracket at equipment foot and not directly at the bracket interface: this is necessary to have the
right shock environment for the equipment.
A major rule is to always have a complete set of photos covering the entire instrumentation (see
Figure 13-12). All instrumentation point should be seen in both close-up (to see its very precise
location) and in a more general view (to locate it with respect to the system). This traceability rule is
absolutely necessary to build a satisfying test report enabling a good test exploitation.
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The test success criteria consists in validation of input levels and inside measurements (typically 90 %
of correct measurements).
14 July 2015
(explosive detonation) Presentation
Pyrotechnic devices generally consist in a fixture excited by an explosive charge. This facility is suited
for hardware exposed to near-field pyroshock. However it could also be used for stringent far-field
shock environment, pending on the ability of the shock bench to filter the direct shock waves
propagation and to bring a modal content in the low frequency band.
Simplest test benches using explosive detonations are composed of single or double plate(s), made
either of steel or aluminium.
The kind of test set-up is usually suited to qualify units along out of plane axis. However, it leads to
difficulties to reach acceptable levels along in plane axes (for unit directly mounted on the second
plate) if the specification has to be covered along the three axes at the same time. It can be reached but
with an over-testing along out of plane axis, as illustrated here under.
14 July 2015
More complex structures can also be used, especially to qualify the units axis by axis:
The method consists in exciting a resonant plate by explosive charge (e.g. plastic explosive, mild
detonating cord) either in direct contact or via a pressure shock wave.
Mechanical links
btw the 2 plates
Explosive charge
Figure 13-16: Excitation through direct contact (left) and pressure shock wave
Figure 13-17: Typical time history achieved with resonant bi-plate set-up
14 July 2015
Usually, pyrotechnic test benches are used when high shock specifications are required. It is important
to pay particular attention to the test tolerance in order to avoid any stringent overtest. Figure 13-18
illustrates a good tuning where high frequency levels are globally within 6 dB over the test
14 July 2015 Repeatability
For “standard” shock levels, a good repeatability can be expected with a test facility using explosive
detonation for excitation.
The following graphs show the example of three consecutive identical shocks with measurements
along the three axes. It can be seen that the maximum difference between the three shocks is between
1 and 2dB.
For higher shock levels, which imposes using a pyroshock test facility (not reachable by mechanical
impact), can lead to a higher dispersion between similar shocks due to the deformation of materials of
the test set-up (steel or aluminium plates). In this particular cases of very high levels, the dispersion
can reach up to 3dB.
14 July 2015
Representative conditions are not often known by the equipment providers: mounting on Chotherm,
gluing on heat pipes, etc… Additionally, generic shock qualifications (for "products" approach) cannot
be dependent of the way of mounting on platform. Thus, the shock tests are always applied on a rigid
When the unit is built with external dampers, the shock qualification has, of course, to be performed
using these elements.
14 July 2015
14 July 2015
(metal-metal impact)
a. Overview
Mechanical impact devices consist in a resonant structure (resonant plate or beam) excited by a
mechanical impact of e.g. dropping mass, pendulum or projectile (cannon, airgun, pneumatic
piston or powder actuated tool). This facility is well suited for hardware exposed to far-field
shock environment, inducing similar effects as pyrotechnical shock loads on spacecraft
An important rule is that the mechanical impact point on the resonant structure is not located
under the unit, to avoid direct transmission of the shock through the baseplate of the unit (i.e.
to avoid creating a situation where the maximum of the environment occurs in a location that is
not monitored).
14 July 2015
10 00
100 0
Shock in put
Shock input
Speci fi cation
10 0 Specification
Up per To leran ce (+3dB) 100
Upp er Tolera nce (+3dB)
Lo wer To leran ce (-3 dB)
Low er Tolera nce (-3d B)
10 0 10 00 10 000
100 100 0 100 00
Hz Hz
The main characteristics of a shock generated by a plate system can be seen in Figure 13-24
In Plane direction: The 1st elongation traction/compression mode of the plate
(around 1200 Hz in that case) is driving the SRS response. In practice, the
equipment is placed close to the centre of the plate, in order to limit the
amplification seen at this frequency. Another characteristic of the shock input is the
poor frequency content of the excitation below the corner frequency.
NOTE In order to overcome the usual limitation of in plane testing (poor
frequency content below the corner frequency), the in plane testing is
often realized with the addition of a bracket which transfers an out of
plane shock input (out of plane test configuration) into an in plane
shock towards the unit. Precaution should then be given to the
limitation of the cross-axis responses, this is often achieved by
centering the bracket in the middle of the ringing plate, in regards of
the impact location.
Out of plane direction: The spectrum is obviously more “full”, and a large family
of modes are excited across the whole spectrum. The shape of the spectrum is
influenced by the location of the unit on the plate (for a generic shock specification,
14 July 2015
a good location is usually close to the impact point, i.e. close to the centre of the
plate). The low frequency excitation (below 300 Hz) usually exceeds the
specification, additional devices such as dynamic absorbers or clamps need to be
implemented to decrease the excitation.
The specimen is attached via its test fixture onto the shock table. Its position as well as the
impact point and the parameters of the excitation are determined during a series of pre-tests
using a mass dummy.
The following listing shows the main parameters to tune the requested SRS:
gun (type of gun, cartridge size),
ringing plate (size, thickness, material, boundary conditions),
material of the anvil plate,
position of item under test on the ringing plate,
position of impact on the ringing plate,
The following picture shows a typical measured time history with corresponding SRS, as well
as the specified reference with tolerance bands (+/- 6dB in this specific case).
14 July 2015
peak acceleration
with several 1000 g´s
Figure 13-26: Typical time history and SRS of a powder actuated gun test
With this test method, the three environmental categories can be achieved (fair field up to near
field), hence answering a large variety of shock specifications for small and mid-size units.
The high frequency excitation (typically above 5kHz, due to pyrotechnic actuation) can exceed
the upper test tolerance, therefore this should be addressed during the calibration phase; this is
particularly important in the situation where high shock levels are specified.
This test method can also be used for testing of larger assemblies (i.e. instrument), however
attention should be paid to the representativeness of the test configuration with respect to the
flight configuration, especially for what concern the boundary conditions. Indeed experience
has shown that shock testing on larger assembly can lead to large over-testing / high
transmissibility, if the test condition induces a more severe shock imposition to the test
specimen. This situation can typically be experienced when a pure in phase shock loading is
imposed to the test specimen simultaneously to all interface points, leading to a greater
excitation of the main modes of the test specimen, whereas in reality such shock imposition will
not be encountered at instrument level.
This potential problem can however be overcome owing that a detailed calibration phase is
followed, which allows the identification of impact location avoiding a pure in phase
imposition of shock loads at the instrument interface points (see Figure 13-27).
To achieve sufficient representativeness of the test configuration, especially for what concern
the boundary conditions, calibration is a key element in order to generate a representative
environment towards the sensitive sub-systems. As discussed above, this can be achieved for
instruments, but past experience has shown that such test method should not be used on a
spacecraft as a substitute to a fully representative separation shock test, due to the incorrect
representation of the boundary condition / mechanical impedance with respect to the flight
configuration, resulting in the transmission of low frequency modes of the ringing plate into the
14 July 2015
Another limitation of such test on larger assemblies, lies in the fact that this test method is often
used to identify the transmissibility functions from the instrument interface towards internal
locations. And as the shock impulse is applied in out of plane of the ringing plate, low cross axis
excitations are generated, therefore the transfer functions should only be computed considering
the instrument input level along the main axis of excitation as the reference.
Hereafter are shown some examples of calibration test configuration (Figure 13-27), of test
configuration for instrument shock testing (Figure 13-28), and an example of achieved levels
during such an instrument shock testing (Figure 13-29).
Figure 13-27: Instrument shock test with powder actuated gun - Calibration test for
identification of adequate test parameters
14 July 2015
d. Bi-plate technology
Resonant bi-plates technology is the terminology used for shock test bench composed of a
baseplate supporting the excitation device (explosive charge or mechanical impact) and another
one, on which is mounted the unit under test. The dimensions of the plates can vary from one
set-up to the other. These two mechanical tools are linked together by means of spacers,
dampers or threaded rods.
Figure 13-30: Example of bi-plate set-up for shock along out of plane axis
Number and type of spacers (steel, aluminum, nylon, etc…) are important parameters which
allow tuning of the SRS at the feet of the unit under test.
The main advantages of this technology are:
The mechanical filtering of the shock response, at high frequencies, thanks to the
decoupling between the baseplate and supporting plate. The shock wave is filtered
through the interfaces between the two plates;
Larger and heavier equipment can be tested, while sill achieving an adequate
homogeneity of shock levels around the unit.
14 July 2015
Shock Response Spectrum
Accelerometer Z1 Accelerometer Z2
Acceleration [g]
100 1000 10000
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 13-31: Example of set-up and results for shock along out of plane axis on
large unit
On the other hand, the main disadvantage of bi-plates technology lies in the difficulty in
generating sufficient excitation in in-plane directions (out-of-plane levels being significantly
higher than in-plane levels).
e. Beam technology – Hopkinson bar
The resonant beams have a response “damped sinus” like. This response is the response of the
main mode to the excitation applied to the bench. This means that the frequency content of the
shock is quasi mono frequency.
Depending on the categories of beam based bench, it is possible to tune the main modes or to
damp some undesirable mode.
This kind of beam is known as Hopkinson beam. The equipment is mounted on an expander
(one for in plane axes, one for out of plane axis) located at an extremity of the beam and
allowing positioning of the tested equipment either for in plane or out of plane orientation. The
impact is done on the other extremity. The SRS’s elbow is driven by the traction/compression
mode of the beam. The tuning of the main frequency can be done either by a modification of the
length of the beam or by adding an extra mass that leads to modify the free-free boundary
condition to clamped condition.
Equipment BEAM
14 July 2015
One of the main restrictions for this technology is the size of the equipment to test given that
dimensions of used expanders are limited by their associated mass. The correlated advantage is
a good homogeneity of induced levels.
Another limitation of those benches is the response, in damped sinus like. This response is
basically mono frequency and could basically be far from a real shock response, which is a
multi-frequency response.
That’s why it is possible to improve the frequency content by adding additional resonators
located either close to the impact extremity or directly on the expander.
Figure 13-34: Example of a test bench (in plane configuration) based on Hopkinson
14 July 2015 Cross correlation between resonant plate and pyrotechnic shock
The subsequent figures illustrate that the low-pass filtered acceleration time histories at the interface
of a unit are quite well correlated in the case of qualification shock using a resonant plate (a).
However, this is not so true when the equipment is mounted on a honeycomb panel submitted to a
pyrotechnic shock e.g. bolt cutter (b). As a result, the equipment response estimated on the base of a
single I/F acceleration overestimates the true acceleration measured in pyrotechnic test conditions in
particular in the out of plane direction.
Figure 13-35: Cross correlation between I/F accelerations low pass filtered at the
equipment transition frequency –[RD-0109]
a. Overview
Other shock machines are used for standardized tests on components and mounting technology
qualification (half sine tests). These however should not be used for equipment testing, as the
input does not satisfy the requirement on shape of time history.
b. Free fall shock machine
The Free fall shock machine is designed to produce classical shock wave shapes by dropping a
table supported on its side by Thompson rods and bearings. The table drop height can be set at
pre-determined heights for shock pulse repeatability. Acceleration levels are generated by drop
height while time duration is a function of the programmer provided; elastomer pads for half-
sine, lead pellets for sawtooth and pneumatic cylinders for square wave pulses.
14 July 2015
14 July 2015
14 July 2015
Data validation:
Before the recording of pyroshock data are utilized, it is important to ascertain the quality of
these data based on so-called shock validity criteria (see chapter 15). For general use, the
simplified criteria (see paragraph15.3) is sufficient for determining the validity of pyroshock
data. However for some more advanced applications, such as FE simulations which require
using some “perfect” time history measurements, the refined criteria based on velocity
validation procedure should be applied (see paragraph 15.4).
Carry out the Test review board
14 July 2015
electrodynamic shaker Introduction
Performing a shock test on a shaker can be convenient for the following reasons:
Shakers enable both classic and complex oscillatory shock pulses to be applied.
The tests can be performed by a single facility – usually the same facility performing the sine
and random vibration tests. Therefore costs can be considerably lower.
The unit is normally already instrumented for sine and random, so the shock test is simply a
follow on test – in an undisturbed configuration for low level sine assessments.
If the time base input from a real transient event is available, a realistic input can be applied to
the particular unit – reducing the need for severe over-designs, whilst maintaining adequate
There is a high degree of reproducibility of the shock inputs.
Once the input is stored in the system, there is minimum set up time for repeat tests. Even for
complicated waveforms subsequent repeat tests are achieved in a fraction of the original
timescale. The wavelet test being a test in one direction – whereas an impulse normally requires
two tests per axis (+ve and –ve directions).
On the other hand, electrodynamic and electrohydraulic shakers have limited magnitude, spectra, and
directional capability. In both cases, the specific spectral capacity is highly dependent on the particular
design of the device. A vibration shaker can be able to achieve a shock magnitude that reaches into the
lower portion of the far-field region, but would probably be unable to achieve the desired far-field
spectral content, since most electrodynamic shakers are unable to provide sufficient excitation above 3
Shaker based shock testing raises a number of interesting problems where secondary shocks are
Ensure that the mean acceleration of the table is zero (just as it is for vibration).
Due to the need that the shaker table returns to the same position after each bump, Ensure that
the resulting velocity waveform has a mean value of zero. This is best defined as follows: ensure
that a transient which is suitable for simulation on a shaker has an acceleration and velocity
time history – both of which have total integral values of zero. In practical terms this means to
ensure that not only the area above and below the zero line for the acceleration / time history
are equal, but that the area above and below the velocity / time history are also equal.
For shock testing on shakers this requirement means that the primary pulse are preceded and
followed by acceleration pedestals – which are of opposite sign to the shock pulse. Because of the
limited displacement available on shaker systems this can cause problems if long duration high level
shocks are required, particularly if excessively large pedestals cannot be used. Since in the simple case
the secondary and primary shocks occur with the displacement in one direction, it is often necessary
to bias the shaker table to its upper or lower stroke limit to provide the maximum performance.
Recommendation: for classical pulses on a shaker – such as the half sine input pulse, pre and post
modifications should be included in accordance with Figure 13-38 or similar specification. It is also
recommended that the tails be minimized as much as possible to preserve a reasonable match to the
SRS of an unmodified pulse.
14 July 2015
Shaker manufactures do not usually specify the acceleration limit for shock performance. This is
because there is such a large variety and variation of shock waveform that can be specified when
compared with vibration waveforms.
The input acceleration transient also produces a velocity and displacement transient. Throughout this
transient, it is important that all instantaneous values of displacement lie within the stroke limitation
of the shaker. Limitations imposed by asymmetrical displacement pulse shapes can frequently be
reduced by off-setting the neutral position of the armature within the total stroke range.
An electrodynamic shaker does not have an inherent peak velocity limit. The frequently stated
velocity limit is actually a system limit imposed by maximum power amplifier voltage.
It is obvious that the force limit for a given shaker system depends on the size of the system installed.
The maximum wideband continuous force rating of most electrodynamic shakers is governed by the
ability to cool the armature producing the force. Most armatures are designed to withstand the
resulting accelerations for long periods. The basic limitation on performance during shock testing is
generally not the acceleration – but the stress distribution through the armature structure during the
transient. This stress distribution is strongly dependent on the amplitude vs. frequency content of the
shock input, as well as the test item and fixture. Very high shock inputs – thousands of g units, exceed
the capabilities of most shakers, so other techniques such as resonant fixtures are sometimes
14 July 2015
Some electrodynamic exciters can be programmed to generate short duration transient motion.
Particular designs of shaker allow achieving a shock magnitude higher than 1000 g, but generally
speaking shakers have limited magnitude, spectra, and directional capability.
a. Example 1
The PFM LRPT Deployable Antenna (METOP spacecraft) was subjected to the following
qualification level shock test: base input SRS equivalent to a half sine impulse of 112 g (peak)
0,5ms duration (Q = 10) (test tolerance 0dB to +3 dB) with a test analysis up to 4000 Hz. The
damped SRS is shown in Figure 13-40 along with the test set up (Figure 13-41). For information
the antenna flight mass was approximately 12 kg. It is interesting to note the use in Y-axis of a
balance mass on the “free” corner of the large square head expander. During test, the SRS
inputs were monitored/evaluated at each of its three discrete interfaces shown in Figure 13-41.
The tests were conducted using a Ling Electronic Industries C340 160kN thrust shaker.
14 July 2015
Figure 13-40: Damped Base Input SRS for the METOP LRPT Qualification Tests
I/F Position
Figure 13-41: METOP LRPT Lateral X Input Testing (left) and Vertical Y Input
Testing (right)
The control plots (Figure 13-42) show that the shaker was able to input reasonable
approximations to the input requirements at some of the interfaces – particularly 101Y.
However, owing to the very large footprint of the LRPT antenna, it was not possible to control
the shaker sufficiently to input the same values at each interface location. The shaker limitations
are also evidenced by the high frequency responses. The results obtained however were judged
to be acceptable.
14 July 2015
b. Example 2
The METOP DTA antenna shaker based shock test set-ups are shown in Figure 13-43. Two
shakers were used during the test programme: the Ling Electronic Industries C 340 160kN
thrust shaker and the Ling Dynamic Systems V 954 40kN thrust shaker. The antenna shown is
of fixed (non-deployable) quadrafilar design of total flight mass of approximately 3 kg. During
test, one control accelerometer adjacent to the cone/shaker interface was used on test. The PFM
DTA Deployable Antenna was subjected to the following qualification level shock test: base
input SRS defined by a curve obtained by linear connection of the following points on a
logarithmic chart.
From the bare fixture tests the V 954 shaker was found to be more suitable for lateral shock
testing, as its slip table is smaller and has higher natural frequencies. The DTA test programme
used the C340 shaker up to the start of the lateral shock testing, and then continued on the
smaller V 954 shaker.
14 July 2015
Figure 13-43: Metop DTA Lateral Test on the Ling C340 (left) and on the Ling V954
Figure 13-44: METOP DTA X Axis Shock Test Control Plot on Ling V954 Shaker
14 July 2015 Induct-A-Ring technology
This technology has substantially improved shaker armature capacity to withstand high level shocks
(maximal temporal up to 600 g) by combining mechanical durability and electrical simplicity. Most
conventional armatures utilize a complicated armature construction of electrical windings, epoxy
bonded joints, high amperage flexures (to deliver input power to the coil), and high pressure hoses (to
bring cooling water in and out of the coil). Each of these components is subjected to the same vibration
and/or shock levels applied to the test specimen. Repeated high level operation often leads to fatigue
failures, water leaks, cracked epoxy joints, burned out windings, or voltage breakdown in the coil.
By comparison, the induct-A-Ring armature is a simple two-piece metal structure. No electrical
current leads or water cooling connections are needed. There are no electrical windings. All points on
the armature are at ground potential at all times. There is no possibility of voltage breakdown. No
electrical insulation is utilized anywhere in the armature assembly because there is zero voltage
potential between any two points on the ring, and between the ring and ground.
Solid metal, forged aluminium ring Insulated copper wire is held together with
bolted to upper casting. epoxy joints. Armature is epoxy bonded to
upper casting.
Electrical Inductively Coupled - No electrical Fragile 1000 Amp current connection bridging
Connection current leads required. All points on shaker suspension required. Armature is at
moving armature remain at ground high voltage potential. Voltage break down and
potential. shorting (arcing) are possible.
Armature Air Cooled - simple and effective Design requires fragile water connection to
Cooling bridge the armature suspension to cool the coil.
These hoses and fittings are subjected to high
vibration stress.
14 July 2015
Figure 13-45: Induct a ring shaker Armature ring in its magnetic gap (source
Unholtz-Dickie T2000 series)
(a) (b)
Figure 13-46: (a) Time history and (b) corresponding SRS on shaker
Figure 13-46 shows on the left an example of time history measured on the table on an induct-A-ring
shaker. On the right, the corresponding SRS. The example corresponds to a low frequency content
shock. This shaker is capable of frequency content up to 5 kHz, corresponding to the compression
resonance frequency of the moving coil.
14 July 2015
(a) (b)
Figure 13-47: (a) Drawing of the mechanical amplifier – (b) Principle of the
mechanical resonator
Figure 13-49: SRS of the excitations obtained with the additive effect of the
mechanical amplifier
14 July 2015 SRS specification and time domain input for electrodynamic shakers
Any transient waveform can be presented as an SRS, but the relationship is not unique; many
different transient waveforms can produce the same SRS. As such, the generated transient could be
very different from real pyroshock environment while still complying with the specified SRS. Thus, a
pre-requisite before the qualification run is that a specific agreement concerning the time history
from the customer is met.
Tests on a simple cantilever beam have been performed to investigate peak responses on a test
specimen for different base input motions whose SRS characteristics are consistent at a designated Q =
10. Tests were base-lined for two families of excitation:
an impulsive transient – i.e. classical half-sine with pre and post pulse modification for net zero
a series of longer duration / reduced peak complex waves generated by wavelets whose form
resembles that of a modulated sine wave.
Waves are oscillating functions of time or space or both. Wavelets are small waves. A wavelet has
oscillating wave-like characteristics and its energy is concentrated in time over relatively small intervals.
Wavelets are especially useful for simultaneous time and frequency analysis of transient, non-stationary
(e.g., structurally time-varying) signals. Wavelets are mathematical functions that cut up data into different
frequency components, and then study each component with a resolution matched to its scale (See Figure
The following sections give basic introduction to the theory behind wavelets, along with supporting
example (see [RD-080]).
A shock response spectrum can be met using a series of wavelets. The wavelets are synthesised into a time
history on a control computer. The control computer applies the time history to an electromagnetic shaker.
The shaker then applies the shock pulse to the test item. The control computer then verifies the resulting
shock pulse.
The equation for an individual wavelet is:
0, for t tdm
2 f m
Wm (t ) Am sin t tdm sin 2 f m t tdm , for tdm t tdm m
Nm 2 fm
0, for t tdm m
2 fm
Wm(t) is the acceleration of wavelet m at time t
Am is the wavelet acceleration amplitude
Fm is the wavelet frequency
Nm is the number of half-sines in the wavelet (an odd integer, bigger or equal to 3)
Tdm is the wavelet time delay
14 July 2015
The total acceleration at any time t for a set of n wavelets is:
Selection of the proper wavelet parameters to fulfil a given shock response spectrum is a trial-and-
error process. Prior experience is a valuable guideline. Note that the wavelet is designed to have zero
net velocity and zero net displacement. A time history of sample wavelet is shown in Figure 13-50.
The objective is to synthesize an acceleration time history which satisfies the specification via wavelets
and to optimize the time history to minimize the peak acceleration, velocity, and displacement values.
A synthesis can be performed using the approach in Table 13-3.
14 July 2015
Table 13-3: Method for synthesizing an acceleration time history via wavelets
14 July 2015
Note that the reverse sine sweep method tends to produce lower acceleration, velocity, and
displacement values than a random delay method. Minimization of these parameters is highly
desirable due to shaker table limitations
Most control systems in use by the Environmental Test Facilities (EVT) contain built in routines to aide
in the creation of wavelets for shock testing.
The goal of tests on cantilever beam was for both families of excitation to generate a consistent SRS
across both regimes of excitation at the industrial normal assumptions of Q = 10. Since we know that
the response of a multi-DOF system is generally insensitive to damping for impulsive excitation, then
the lesser peak from the wavelet relies on ‘steady state’ build-up of response to achieve the
appropriate amplification.
One key element of the test specimen was to select a specimen whose inherent damping/loss
characteristics were low. For mathematical simplicity choice of a simply supported specimen would
have been ideal since the eigen-functions in a modal analysis are simple. However, realisation of the
boundary conditions was more difficult and in addition, achievement of minimised damping in the
specimen with such boundary conditions would also have been difficult without introducing
significant energy dissipation. Hence, with focus on minimised loss characteristics a Fixed-Free
specimen was chosen.
For general aerospace materials such as typical wrought aluminium materials and steels the
differences in material loss factors are not that great and providing we avoided materials which were
intrinsically selected for relatively high loss factor then the choice of material for the specimen was not
seen as significant. Owing to time and financial restraints, the material selected was aluminium – since
material was readily available with minimum required machining. The test set-up employed is shown
diagrammatically and with a photo in Figure 13-53.
14 July 2015
25 Support
m Cantilever specimen
Figure 13-53: Test set-up
Examples of base input accelerations (impulsive input and wavelet input) applied on the test
specimen are shown in Figure 13-54. Note that the SRS for each of the four (4) test inputs are
approximately consistent for Q = 10 as shown in Figure 13-55. Note also that the peak acceleration
input in the time domain for the wavelets (around 40 g) are less than the peak impulse acceleration
(80g) of the half sine impulse, which is the primary reason for such wavelet approach as shaker thrust
demand is less.
YAxis: g 50
control channel 1 XAxis: s
2 X Y:1 YAxis: g
80 28.564m -33.483
31.250m 80.872
40 X Y:1
34.119m -31.466
119.45m 45.450
Real g
Real g
-60 -30
-80 -40
-100 -50
0 20m 40m 63m 0 100m 200m 250m
Time - s Time - s
Log m/s2
10 100 1k 5.1k
Frequency - Hz
Figure 13-55: Comparisons of SRS for half sine and alternative wavelet base inputs
14 July 2015
Q = 10
Log g
10 100 1k 5.1k
Frequency - Hz
Figure 13-56: Comparisons between tip responses for the half sine and alternative
wavelet base inputs
Peak response from the wavelet excitation tests typically show peak time domain responses in excess
of 700g compared with approximately 150 g from the half sine impulsive input. Figure 13-56 shows
‘overlay’ plots for the four tip response SRS (Q = 10) considered during testing. The SRS ripple in
Figure 13-55 for the wavelet SRS are generally marginally below the SRS profile for the impulse SRS,
hence one would possibly expect in the absence of this ‘ripple’ if pure spectra were achieved with
exact overlay (over the impulse SRS) then wavelet induced peak responses would have been
marginally greater than shown by these tests.
In summary, these tests validate the initial pre-test hypothesis of influence of the time domain forcing
function of the wavelet/harmonic form versus impulsive. Assumption of damping influence
insensitivity on impulsive response cannot be applied when considering the wavelet / harmonic form.
It can be seen that with near consistent SRS’ for the industrial norm of Q = 10 can yield response from
wavelet excitation much greater than those resulting from impulsive excitation when the test item
damping is much lower than expected. Overall recommendations and points of note relating to shaker based shock
The following general notes and recommendations can be addressed relating to Shaker Based Shock
Modal damping of the test can be a key consideration. It has been shown that significant over
test could result if an impulsive test is translated to a wavelet test based upon SRS consideration
alone and modal damping is low. In this respect a logical conclusion is to access input SRS
Specification achievement above 1.5 kHz - 2,5 kHz can be problematical due to shaker control
and shaker transmissibility affects since the resonance frequency of the shaker armature is
usually in this frequency regime.
Consideration should be given to shaker selection for reasons given in previous point two). It
has been shown that a small / stiffer shaker arrangement can be beneficial for high frequency
Test item foot print size can result in significant input variation across the test item which can
mean over/under test relative to each interface.
14 July 2015
For shaker axial tests (non-slip table) balancing of the test item set-up can need to be
The wavelet approach can be advantageous in terms of environmental representativeness.
Inputs into units from Spacecraft shock tests typically are transient followed by post transient
free vibration response resulting from dominant local Spacecraft modes of say either a panel or
breathing modes of say a central cylinder. It could be questioned that a short duration
impulsive test (e.g. half sine) does not represent such response of Spacecraft systems and in this
context a wavelet based periodic modulated or damped sinusoid is more representative.
Conversely, the primary advantage of a wavelet relative to an impulse is the ability to address
shaker thrust limitation i.e. to achieve a required SRS but with lower peak input acceleration – it
should be noted that this achieved at the expense of pulse duration representativeness.
However it is important to pay attention to limit the time signal duration has much as possible,
and to forbid serial application of the shock frequency components (see section 13.1.1).
14 July 2015
14 July 2015
Disadvantages: Advantages:
High sensitivity for a given resonance frequency Well balanced blend of wide frequency range
compared to other designs, resulting in an extremely
Low off axis sensitivity
Rugged accelerometer
Low sensitivity to base strain
Higher sensitivity to base strain
Low sensitivity to thermal inputs.
Higher sensitivity to thermal transient effects
Require low-noise coaxial cable
Require low-noise coaxial cable
14 July 2015
These accelerometers have many different names depending on the particular manufacturer.
With the advent of hybrid microelectronics, it was possible to add a voltage amplifier of a charge
amplifier inside the accelerometer casing. This meant that the output from the accelerometer could be
at high level and also low impedance. The low impedance output allows the accelerometer to be used
with simple cabling, not requiring the special low-noise cable that is essential with normal
piezoelectric accelerometer.
Sensors containing built-in signal conditioners are classified as Integrated Electronics Piezoelectric
(IEPE) or voltage mode sensors. Other acronyms are used but are registered trademarks (e.g. ICP ®
for PCB Group, Inc.).
The same type of constructions also applies to IEPE sensors (compression/shear designs), the only
difference lies in the integrated microelectronic signal conditioning circuitry. In addition to providing
crucial impedance conversion, IEPE sensor circuitry can also include other signal conditioning
features, such as gain, filtering, and self-test features.
(a) (b)
14 July 2015
The integrated sensor electronics is powered with constant current in the range between 2 and 20 mA.
A typical value is 4 mA. Some battery powered instruments even work at 1 mA. The constant current
Iconst is fed into the signal cable of the sensor. The supply current and the length of the cable can
influence the upper frequency limit.
The de-coupling capacitor Cc keeps DC components away from the signal conditioning circuit. The
combination of Cc and Rinp acts as a high pass filter. Its time constant should be sufficiently high to let
all relevant low frequency components of the sensor signal pass.
Under no circumstances a voltage source without constant current regulation should be applied
to an IEPE transducer.
False polarization of the sensor cable can immediately destroy the built-in electronics.
In Figure 13-61 there can be seen that IEPE transducers provide an intrinsic self-test feature. By means
of the bias voltage at the input of the instrument the following operating conditions can be detected:
UBIAS < 0,5 to 1 V: short-circuit or negative overload
14 July 2015
1 V < UBIAS < 18 V: output within the proper range
UBIAS > 18 V: positive overload or input open (cable broken or not connected)
The term ‘piezoresistive’ implies that an accelerometer’s sensing flexure is manufactured from silicon
as a microelectro mechanical system (MEMS). Piezoresistive accelerometers use silicon strain gauge
sensing elements, in a Wheatstone bridge arrangement. The electrical resistance of the gauges changes
in proportion to applied mechanical stress. Since silicon is a single crystal material, it is not only
strong but is virtually free of mechanical hysteresis with inherently good linearity.
The piezoresistive accelerometer offers the advantages of lighter weight, smaller size, higher output
and higher frequency response. A limitation in PR accelerometers is their tremendous amplification at
resonance (as high as 1000:1), which can lead to sensor failure due to high-frequency inputs.
Unlike the piezoelectric accelerometer, the piezoresistive accelerometer is useful for measuring steady
state acceleration (zero frequency).
The above sketches represent a simple application to piezoresistive gauges to produce an output
proportional to acceleration. Strain gauges bonded on each side of the beam measure the strain on the
surface of the beam. With acceleration applied to the structure, the beam bends. As the beam bends in
one direction, the resistance of one gauge increases and the other decreases.
Early design of piezoresistive accelerometers featured extremely high resonance frequencies, very low
damping and correspondingly extreme values of resonant amplification. These characteristics often
caused zero-shift problems due to high frequency electronic limitations. To mitigate the
aforementioned problem, more recent design (like 7270 AM 6 from Endevco) contains a mechanical
isolation to mitigate high-frequency stimuli, or contains design features to reduce the amplification at
resonance (like sensor 3501 by PCB).
14 July 2015 Shock sensor selection criteria
When selecting accelerometers, it is important to pay attention to the critical sensor parameters, such
Amplitude range and linearity,
Resonance frequency and mounting effect,
Electrical (for IEPE) and mechanical filters,
Transverse sensitivity,
Base strain sensitivity,
Eventually the temperature sensitivity.
A good knowledge of the nature and severity of the shock environment to be measured is a key
element for the selection of adequate accelerometers:
For general purpose instrumentation (far-field measurement), Piezoelectric sensors can be used;
whereas for a more intense shock exposure IEPE sensors should be selected. For sensors at
direct vicinity to a pyrotechnic shock source, Piezoresistive sensor is often the only choice.
IEPE and PR accelerometers are low impedance output devices and do not suffer from
triboelectric cable noise problems. Where violent cable motions are expected, IEPE or PR
accelerometers should be selected.
The accelerometer’s resonant frequency should be as high as possible, or at least decoupled
from the expected shock environment, in order to avoid saturation (excitation of accelerometer
resonance). As a general recommendation, the accelerometer’s resonant frequency should be at
least 5 times greater than the highest frequency content of the expected shock environment.
As a consequence of the above recommendation on decoupling, PE accelerometers should not
be used on a direct loadpath from a pyrotechnic shock source. PE accelerometers, having a
resonant frequency typically around 50kHz, should be strictly limited to far-field measurement.
Accelerometers with built-in electrical filter offer a better protection against ringing of the
crystal element, and hence are well suited for far-field high-g shock measurement. Adding a
mechanical filter offers an additional protection against high frequency content excitation, and
hence such accelerometers are better suited for mid-field high-g shock measurement.
Sensitivity to base strains is of importance, since these can be introduced into the accelerometer
by distortion of the structure being measured. If the accelerometer cannot be mounted to a rigid
block, an accelerometer with low base strain sensitivity should be used.
Measurement of near-field to mid-field pyroshock requires the selection of Piezoresistive
accelerometers. Such accelerometers are capable of responding to and surviving extremely fast
rise times, typical of a high-G shock event. Special attention is required when selecting PR
accelerometers, to ensure that the recording of shock responses is not affected by dynamic
offset. To achieve this a dedicated attention should be paid to the mounting condition (always
on a mounting block, with flat and smooth matting surfaces, and using a torque wrench). PR
accelerometers with mechanical filter or with low amplification at resonance should be used.
The Table 13-5 provides the performance specifications for the most commonly used shock sensors.
This table is not exhaustive and restrictive. Other sensors or newer versions can be used, if their
characteristics are equivalent or superior to the ones provided in Table 13-5.
14 July 2015
Table 13-5: Usual shock sensors and associated characteristics (not limited list)
Max. Overload Mech. Mounted Electrical
Mass transverse Frequency Strain base
sinusoidal limit Filter resonant Filter
Type Photo Sensitivity Range & Sensitivity Sensitivity
accel pk (shock) (Res. Frequency (Res.
(gr) % Linearity g pk /με
(g) (g) Freq.) (Hz) Freq.)
B&K 4393 12 kHz
±5000 25000 No 55 kHz No 2,4 <4 3,1 pC/g 0,0005
PE (±5%)
2225 10 kHz
±20000 20000 No 100 kHz No 2 <5 0,75 pC/g 0,03
PE (±2%)
10 kHz
2220 D ±1000 5000 No 50 kHz No 3,1 <5 3 pC/g 0,05
10 kHz
2222 C ±1000 10000 No 32 kHz No 0,5 <5 1,4 pC/g 0,04
PE **
20 kHz
2255 B1 ±5000 100000 No 270 kHz Yes 2 <5 1 mV/g 0,2
20 kHz
2255 B01 ±50000 100000 No 300 kHz Yes 2 <5 0,1 mV/g 1
14 July 2015
14 July 2015
PCB 350
10 kHz
B03 ±10000 50000 23 kHz > 100 kHz 13 kHz 4,5 7 0,5 mV/g 0,002
PCB 350
10 kHz
B04 ±5000 50000 23 kHz > 100 kHz 13 kHz 4,5 7 1 mV/g 0,002
PCB 350
10 kHz
B21 ±100000 200000 No > 200 kHz No 4,4 7 0,05 mV/g 0,2
ICP ***
14 July 2015
PCB 350
10 kHz
B24 ±5000 50000 23 kHz > 100 kHz 13 kHz 4,5 7 1 mV/g 0,002
14 July 2015
* ICP is a trademark of PCB Group, Inc., which identifies uniquely PCB sensors that incorporate built-in electronics (IEPE)
** These ultra-small vibration transducers provide virtual transparency applied to lightweight structures, as such they can be installed on a Printed Circuit Board to
measure the response to the pyroshock
*** Although sensor PCB 350 B21 features a high shock limit, the absence of mechanical/electrical filter prevents using it for near-field high-g shock measurements
14 July 2015 Overview
Accelerometers with charge output generate an output signal in the range of some picocoulombs (pC)
with a very high impedance. To process this signal by standard AC measuring equipment, it needs to
be transformed into a low impedance voltage signal. Preferably, charge amplifiers are used for this
purpose. The input stage of a charge amplifier features a capacitive feedback circuit which balances
the effect of the applied charge input signal. The feedback signal is then a measure of input charge.
Figure 13-63 shows a typical charge input stage.
The input charge qin is applied to the summing point (inverting input) of the amplifier. It is distributed
to the cable capacitance Cc, the amplifier input capacitance Cinp and the feedback capacitor Cf. The
node equation of the input is therefore:
qin = qc + qinp + qf
Using the electrostatic equation:
q = u.C
and substituting qc, qinp and qf:
qin = uinp.(Cc + Cinp) + uf.Cf
Since the voltage difference between the inverting and the non-inverting input of a differential
amplifier becomes zero under normal operating conditions, we can assume that the input voltage of
the charge amplifier uinp is equal to GND potential. With uinp = 0 we can simplify the equation:
qin = uf.Cf
and solving for the output voltage uout:
uout = uf = qin / Cf
The result shows clearly that the output voltage of a charge amplifier depends only on the charge
input and the feedback capacitance. Input and cable capacitances have no influence on the output
signal. This is a significant fact when measuring with different cable lengths and types.
Referring to Figure 13-63, the feedback resistor Rf has the function to provide DC stability to the circuit
and to define the lower frequency limit of the amplifier. The circuit in Figure 13-63 represents only the
input stage of a charge amplifier. Other stages like voltage amplifiers, buffers filters and integrators
are not shown.
14 July 2015 High-impedance voltage amplifiers
Instead of charge amplifiers, high impedance voltage amplifiers can be used with charge mode
transducers. In this case, however, it is important to consider the capacitances of sensor, cable, and
amplifier input (Figure 13-64).
The voltage sensitivity of an accelerometer with known charge sensitivity B qa and inner capacitance Ci
is calculated to:
Bua = Bqa / C
Bqa and Ci can be found in the sensor’s data sheet.
Taking into account the capacitance of the sensor cable Cc and the input capacitance Cinp of the voltage
amplifier, the resulting voltage sensitivity B´ ua becomes lower than Bua:
B´ua = Ci / (Ci + Cc + Cinp)
A typical 1,5 m low noise cable model has a capacitance of approximately 135 pF.
The lower frequency limit fl can also be influenced by Cc, Cinp and Rinp:
14 July 2015 Overview
Mounting of the transducer is as important as the selection of the transducer in many applications. If
the motion of the test structure is not accurately transmitted to the transducer, it cannot be accurately
Transducer mounting technique and surface preparation can affect the amplitude-frequency response
of the measurement, particularly at high frequencies. It is important to prepare a smooth and flat
machined surface where the accelerometer is attached. Inspect the area to ensure that no metal burrs
or other foreign particles interfere with the contacting surfaces.
Prior to mounting accelerometers, clean the mating surfaces with a hydrocarbon solvent.
In case of stud mounting, the application of a thin layer of silicone grease between the accelerometer
base and the mounting surface also assists in achieving a high degree of intimate surface contact
required for best high-frequency transmissibility.
The best way to mount a transducer is “stud mounted” (see NOTE). Stud mounting provides higher
transmissibility than any other method. The direct coupling, stud mounted to a very smooth surface,
generally yields the highest mechanical resonant frequency and, therefore, the broadest usable
frequency range.
NOTE Some transducers feature an integral threaded fixing stud.
First, grind or machine on the test object a smooth, flat area at least the size of the sensor base, according
to the manufacturer's specifications. Then, prepare a tapped hole in accordance with the supplied
installation drawing, ensuring that the hole is perpendicular to the mounting surface. Install
accelerometers with the mounting stud and make certain that the stud does not bottom in either the
mounting surface or accelerometer base. Acceleration is transmitted from the structure's surface into the
accelerometer's base. Any stud bottoming or interfering between the accelerometer base and the structure
inhibits acceleration transmission and affects measurement accuracy (e.g. strain induced errors).
A torque wrench should be used to mount all accelerometers to ensure repeatability in the installation of
the transducers and to prevent thread damage. The mounting torque recommended by the manufacturer
should be followed. A thread-locking compound can be applied to the threads of the mounting stud to
guard against loosening.
The sensors exposed to a stringent shock exposure (for instance at the spacecraft interface or close to a
shock source) should be stud mounted.
14 July 2015 Adhesive Mounting
Stud mounting is often impractical, since it alters the mounting surface. For far-field measurement (i.e.
general purpose instrumentation in a spacecraft), an adhesive mounting is preferred. Furthermore
most miniature accelerometers can only be mounted using an adhesive.
When adhesively mounting accelerometers, the amount (thickness) of adhesive can play a critical role
in achieving good frequency response. A thin film or minimal amount of adhesive promotes higher
transmissibility and hence a broader frequency response. The adhesive also influences the
accelerometer’s mounted resonance frequency.
Prior to mounting accelerometer, clean the mating surfaces with appropriate solvent.
It is important that great care is taken when dismounting an adhesively mounted transducer. It should
not be removed with impacts. All traces of adhesives should be removed using recommended
solvents only. Most damages to miniature accelerometers are caused by improper removal techniques.
The type of adhesive recommended depends on the particular application: For general purpose (such
as far-field measurement in a spacecraft) a cyanoacrylate instant adhesive (LoctiteTM type 454) has the
best coupling characteristics over a wide frequency range; whereas for a more intense shock
exposure, a two components adhesive (dental cement, type X 60) is a preferred solution.
Many installations require the transducer to be mounted on an adapter block for triaxial (three
orthogonal axes) measurement. The block itself becomes part of the structure being measured, and
acts as an additional spring mass system. Therefore a good mounting block should be as small,
lightweight, and stiff as possible.
When mounting blocks are used in direct vicinity to a shock source, the sensors should be stud
mounted onto the block, and the block itself should be cemented (two components adhesive) and
screwed onto the mounting surface.
14 July 2015 34B Accelerometer cabling
The selection of connectors and cables has a direct impact on the ruggedness and reliability of the
sensor installation. This is why it is so important to use the cable specified by the transducer
manufacturer. Such cables usually include a special noise-reduction treatment.
It is good practice to clamp down loose cables, as shown in Figure 13-68. This also helps to reduce
dynamically induced noise generated by the cables.
Additional shielding is often necessary in order to insure clean vibration signal transmission, for
instrumentation in direct vicinity to a shock source. This is realised by isolating the cable from the
structure with a double face adhesive, and by covering the cable with an aluminium tape. Overview
Although the usage of strain gauges is not usual during pyro test campaigns, essentially because all
the specifications are based on SRS extracted from acceleration measurements, it is however
recommended to use them when the physical phenomenon such as strain compression and bending
waves needs to be characterised/understood. Enough experience has been gained today for enabling
the use of strain gauges in pyroshock campaigns, with a reasonable associated cost. The range of
amplitudes covers 10 µm/m (close to the electrical ground noise, which mitigation is necessary to get
clean measurements in this lower part of the range) to 3000 µm/m, distance from the source greater
than 20 cm. For measurements in near field conditions (less than 20 cm from the source) the risk of
excitation of the cable resonance increases when approaching the source. So far, validation of cable
mounting conditions in near field conditions (less than 20 cm from a linear source) has not been
Strain gauge measurements do not replace corresponding acceleration measurements but are
Foil strain gauges: foil strain gauges come with a resistance element - a several micro-meters
thick foil resistor of Cu-Ni or Ni-Cr alloy. These gauges feature accurate size and uniform
characteristic through photo-etching technology, as well as comparatively low production costs.
A versatile lineup is the extra. All this makes foil strain gauges the most popular tool used for
strain measuring in general.
Wire strain gauges: these gauges use a resistor wire or Cu-Ni or Ni-Cr alloy, 13 µm - 25 µm in
thickness, for the resistance element. They serve in paper gauges, extra long size concrete
14 July 2015
measurement gauges, high elongation gauges, and special purpose gauges such as high
temperature gauges, as well.
Semiconductor strain gauges: their resistance element is formed by monocrystal such as silicon,
whose gauge factor is as large as 90 - 200. This makes them suitable for detection of microstrains
as well as manufacturing of high sensitivity sensors. They even eliminate the need for an
amplifier in measurement of impact wave forms. These gauges are however largely affected by
temperature, and are also poor in non-linearity. Their applications can be limited, accordingly.
For the purpose of strain measurement induced by pyroshocks, the foil strain gauge is so far the most
Backing matrix materials: the material of a backing matrix affects a gauge's characteristics same as the
material or a resistance element. Generally, a backing matrix uses polyimide or some other organic
material. High temperature gauges use ceramics; and weldable gauges use metals such as Inconel 600.
The strain gauge size limits the frequency range of the gauge.
Gauge length is an important consideration in strain gauge selection, and is usually the first
parameter to be defined.
Dimensions listed for gauge length (as measured inside the grid end loops) and grid width refer
to active grid dimensions. Overall length and width refer to the actual foil pattern, not
including alignment marks or backing.
The matrix size represents the approximate dimensions of the backing matrix of the gauge as
shipped. Matrix dimensions are nominal, with a usual tolerance of ±0,015 in [±0,4 mm]. If the
gauges are encapsulated, the matrix can be smaller by as much as 0,01 in [0,25 mm]. Most
patterns also include trim marks, and, for use in a restricted area, the backing matrix can be
field-trimmed on all sides to within 0,01 in [0,25 mm] of the foil pattern without affecting gauge
14 July 2015
The active grid length, in the case of foil gauges, is the net grid length without the tabs and comprises
the return loops of the wire gauges. The backing dimensions are designed for the optimum function of
the strain gauge. Relation between the gauge length and the highest measured frequency
One general rule is that the gauge length is lower than 1/10th of the measured wavelength.
Example: if the test objective is to measure a phenomena around 250 kHz, with a compression wave
speed of 5200 m/s, it comes =5200/250.103 = 2cm, thus a maximal gauge length of 2 mm is necessary.
As the frequency of 250 kHz can be seen as a top-level request, the length could be extended up with
consideration of other criteria such as particular irregularities in the material under stress that could
limit the gauge length: e.g. size of holes, and irregularities in loading distribution.
Table 13-6: Relation between the gauge length and the maximal frequency
1 500
2 250
3 166
6 83
Because a strain gauge can perform no better than the adhesive with which it is bonded to the test
member, the adhesive is a vitally important component in every strain gauge installation. Although
there is no single adhesive ideally suited to all applications, the suppliers offer a wide selection of
adhesives to cover the spectrum of stress analysis testing, and for use in transducer manufacturing.
The adhesives should be specially formulated and selected for highest performance under the
recommended environmental conditions, and are packaged to provide for ease of mixing and
Each adhesive is accompanied by specific instructions for its proper handling — storage mixing,
application, curing, and, if appropriate, post-curing. The adhesive containers are also dated to assure
freshness of the contents.
NOTE It is usually a misguided economy to attempt installing strain gauges
with out-dated adhesive, or adhesive that has not been stored as
recommended. It should also be noted that conventional industrial
and consumer adhesives are not generally suitable for bonding strain
gauges. Since different adhesives are intended for different types of
applications and different environmental conditions, it is obviously
important to select the most appropriate adhesive for each strain
14 July 2015
The gauges can be bonded either in room temperature or in elevated temperature. The elevated
temperature requires the gauges to be installed on their support material in a thermal enclosure, thus
limiting the cases where it could be employed.
Nevertheless, for the purpose of measuring pyroshock deformation responses, it has not appeared a
significant difference between the room and elevated temperature bonding until at least 100 kHz. This
can be compared with the calculation of the resonance frequencies of the mounted gauges (It is in fact
the calculation of the resonance frequency of the joint unit of adhesive with the gauge behaving like
an inert mass).
Example of gauges characteristics that led to a frequency of resonance of 3 MHz for the elevated
temperature adhesive and 1 MHz for the room temperature adhesive, which is well in agreement with
the fact that no difference was observed up to 100 kHz:
Weight of a gauge: some mg
Thickness of the adhesive:
Elevated temperature Adhesive M610 < 10µm
Room temperature Adhesive E10: 100 µm
Stiffness: 3000 MPa for araldite
Density: 1200 kg/m3 for araldite Sensitivity
348B Overview
The output voltage of the gauge signal conditioning amplifier is given by the relation:
Vout Vbr .A.K 4..106
Vbr is the supply voltage of the gauges bridge
K is the gauge sensitivity
A is the conditioning module amplification
ε is the deformation
As it is stated in, high resistances allow higher voltages for a given power level.
The strain sensitivity k or gauge factor of a strain gauge is the proportionality factor between the
relative changes of the resistance. The gauge factor of each production lot is determined by sample
measurements and is given on each package as the nominal value with its tolerance. The reference
temperature is the ambient temperature for which the technical data of the strain gauges are valid,
unless temperature ranges are given. The technical data quoted for strain gauges are based on a
reference temperature of 23 °C.
Although the sensitivity factor S is usually provided by the strain gauge vendors, engineers still need
to choose the right gauge wire materials for their applications. Pros and Cons of common strain gauge
wire materials are given hereafter:
Constantan (Advance, Copel alloy) is the oldest and most widely used strain gauge materials. It
has a high enough electric resistivity (r = 0,49 mW·m) to achieve a proper resistance for a small
gauge length. It has a relatively low temperature induced strain in the temperature range of -30
°C to 193 °C (-20 °F to 380 °F). This material is thus considered to have self-temperature-
14 July 2015
compensation. It has almost constant sensitivity across a wide range of strain. Annealed
Constantan can even be used in the plastic region with strain > 5 %. But, The resistance of
Constantan drifts continuously when the temperature raises above 65 °C (150 °F), which can
become troublesome for strain measurements over a long period of time or in high temperature.
Isoelastic alloy is suitable for dynamic strain measurement in vibration and impact. It has higher
sensitivity (3,6 vs. 2,1 for Constantan), which improves the signal to noise ratio. It has higher
resistance such that most isoelastic strain gauges have resistance of 350 W compared to 120 W in
common Constantan strain gauges, which also increases the strain sensitivity. It has better
fatigue properties among strain gauge materials. But, isoelastic alloy does not have self-
temperature-compensation property unlike Constantan or Karma. It is too sensitive to changes
in temperature, so that it is not suitable for measurements which last a long period of time with
temperature fluctuations. Sensitivity reduces from 3,1 to 2,5 when strain exceed 7500 µm/m.
Karma alloy has similar overall properties to Constantan.
Following are factors of primary importance in determining the optimum excitation level for any
strain gauge application:
1. Strain gauge grid area (active gauge length x active grid width).
2. Gauge resistance. High resistances permit higher voltages for a given power level.
3. Heat-sink properties of the mounting surface. Heavy sections of high-thermal-
conductivity metals, such as copper or aluminium, are excellent heat sinks. Thin sections
of low-thermal-conductivity metals, such as stainless steel or titanium, are poor heat
sinks. Also, the shape of the gauged part can create thermal stresses in portions of the
structure due to gauge self-heating. Long warm-up times and apparent gauge instability
can result. The situation often arises in low force transducers, where thin sections and
intricate machining are fairly common.
Changes in temperature during the test duration are almost unavoidable. The mismatch of thermal
expansion coefficients between gauge wire, backing, and specimen induces so called apparent strain
which contributes to errors in the static or low frequency strain measurements. As we are here
interested by the high frequency content, we can easily filter the low frequency content to eliminate
the low frequency evolution, if necessary (that is not the case in general). Overview
In a stress analysis application, the entire gauge installation cannot be calibrated as can some pressure
transducers. Therefore, it is important to examine potential error sources prior to analysing data.
Some gauges can be damaged during installation. It is important therefore to check the resistance of
the strain gauge prior to stress.
Electrical noise and interference can alter your readings. Shielded leads and adequately insulating
coatings can prevent these problems. A value of less than 500 MΩ (using an ohmmeter) usually
indicates surface contamination.
Thermally induced voltages are caused by thermocouple effects at the junction of dissimilar metals
within the measurement circuit. Magnetically induced voltages can occur when the wiring is located
14 July 2015
in a time varying magnetic field. Magnetic induction can be controlled by using twisted lead wires
and forming minimum but equal loop areas in each side of the bridge.
Temperature effects on gauge resistance and gauge factor is not an issue as stated above.
Measure the base resistance of the unstrained strain gauge after it is mounted, but before wiring
is connected.
Check for surface contamination by measuring the isolation resistance between the gauge grid
and the stressed force detector specimen using an ohmmeter, if the specimen is conductive. This
should be done before connecting the lead wires to the instrumentation. If the isolation
resistance is under 500 MΩ, contamination is likely.
Check for extraneous induced voltages in the circuit by reading the voltage when the power
supply to the bridge is disconnected. Bridge output voltage readings for each strain-gauge
channel should be nearly zero.
Connect the excitation power supply to the bridge and ensure both the correct voltage level
and its stability.
Check the strain gauge bond by applying pressure to the gauge. The reading should be
In all cases, it is recommended, before a firing, to check the good behaviour of the whole acquisition
chain, from sensor (strain gauge in our case) to data acquisition and even data basis management
system by making a test with a hammer excitation. The data at the final stage of the acquisition chain
should be carefully examined, in order to verify the coherence of the data (superposition of the first
and reverse sides gauges signal in the initial phase of compression, temporal coherence with spatial
location of the gauges …).
Load cells can be used at the base of an equipment to measure interface force during a shock event. An
example of load cell use at equipment interface is given below.
It is important that the usage of load cells is made with care as the boundary conditions are modified
by the presence of the load cells. This effect is all the more important that the supporting structure is
not stiff.
In the following example a specific baseplate has been installed in order to implement load cells at the
interface of the unit on a sandwich panel. The excitation is a pyroshock generator. With respect to the
configuration without the cells and the additional baseplate, the average accelerations at the interface
of the unit are quite similar up to 10 kHz (Figure 13-71). However, the accelerations at the top of the
unit are filtered above 3kHz, as illustrated on Figure 13-72. As the measured forces are dominated by
frequency components below 1kHz, these measurements can be considered representative of the unit
configuration without the force cells.
With this application case, the quality of the load time histories is excellent along the three directions,
as illustrated on Figure 13-73. Peak values are measured along the normal axis, with a maximum
amplitude reaching 700 N.
14 July 2015
Figure 13-71: Average acceleration (Z) with and without the load cells
14 July 2015
Figure 13-72: Top unit responses (X, Y, Z) with and without the load cells at the
14 July 2015
A Laser Doppler Vibrometer (LDV) is a scientific instrument that is used to make non-contact
vibration measurements of a surface. The laser beam from the LDV is directed at the surface of
interest, and the vibration amplitude and frequency are extracted from the Doppler shift of the laser
beam frequency due to the motion of the surface. The output of an LDV is generally a continuous
analog voltage that is directly proportional to the target velocity component along the direction of the
laser beam.
Some advantages of an LDV over similar measurement devices such as an accelerometer are that the
LDV can be directed at targets that are difficult to access, or that may be too small or too hot to attach
a physical transducer. Also, the LDV makes the vibration measurement without mass-loading the
target, which is especially important in many applications.
Principles of operation
An LDV is generally a two beam laser interferometer that measures the frequency (or phase)
difference between an internal reference beam and a test beam. The most common type of laser in an
LDV is the helium-neon laser, although laser diodes, fiber lasers, and Nd:YAG lasers are also used.
The test beam is directed to the target, and scattered light from the target is collected and interfered
with the reference beam on a photodetector, typically a photodiode. Most commercial vibrometers
work in a heterodyne regime by adding a known frequency shift (typically 30–40 MHz) to one of the
beams. This frequency shift is usually generated by a Bragg cell, or acousto-optic modulator.
A schematic of a typical laser vibrometer is shown above. The beam from the laser, which has a
frequency f0, is divided into a reference beam and a test beam with a beamsplitter. The test beam then
passes through the Bragg cell, which adds a frequency shift f b. This frequency shifted beam then is
directed to the target. The motion of the target adds a Doppler shift to the beam given by f d =
2*v(t)*cos(α)/λ, where v(t) is the velocity of the target as a function of time, α is the angle between the
laser beam and the velocity vector, and λ is the wavelength of the light.
Light scatters from the target in all directions, but some portion of the light is collected by the LDV
and reflected by the beamsplitter to the photodetector. This light has a frequency equal to f 0 + fb + fd.
This scattered light is combined with the reference beam at the photo-detector. The initial frequency of
the laser is very high (> 1014 Hz), which is higher than the response of the detector. The detector does
respond, however, to the beat frequency between the two beams, which is at f b + fd (typically in the
tens of MHz range).
14 July 2015
The output of the photodetector is a standard frequency modulated (FM) signal, with the Bragg cell
frequency as the carrier frequency, and the Doppler shift as the modulation frequency. This signal can
be demodulated to derive the velocity vs. time of the vibrating target.
Types of Laser Doppler vibrometers
Single-point vibrometers – This is the most common type of LDV.
Scanning vibrometers – A scanning LDV adds a set of X-Y scanning mirrors, allowing the single
laser beam to be moved across the surface of interest.
3-D vibrometers – A standard LDV measures the velocity of the target along the direction of the
laser beam. To measure all three components of the target's velocity, a 3-D vibrometer measures
a location with three independent beams, which strike the target from three different directions.
This allows a determination of the complete in-plane and out-of-plane velocity of the target.
Rotational vibrometers – A rotational LDV is used to measure rotational or angular velocity.
Differential vibrometers – A differential LDV measures the out-of-plane velocity difference
between two locations on the target.
Multi-beam vibrometers – A multi-beam LDV measures the target velocity at several locations
Self-mixing vibrometers – Simple LDV configuration with ultra-compact optical head. These are
generally based on a laser diode with a built-in photodetector.
Continuous Scan Laser Doppler Vibrometry (CSLDV) – A modified LDV that sweeps the laser
continuously across the surface of the test specimen to capture the motion of a surface at many
points simultaneously
14 July 2015
Figure 13-75: The instrumented plate (top left), the laser vibrometers (bottom left),
and the location of the laser target for the vibrometers (right). Two types of
accelerometers have been used (type 1 and type 2)
14 July 2015
Figure 13-79 shows the superposition of the two accelerations (in m/s 2) extracted from the two
vibrometers (10m/s and 30m/s), evidencing that the high performance vibrometer should be used for
shock application.
Figure 13-79: Superposition of acceleration signals from both vibrometers (10 and
A general concern with a classical accelerometer, is the sensitivity of the accelerometer reading to the
deformation of the structure to which it is mounted: Such deformation induces a low frequency so-
called “dynamic offset” in the signal, as shown on the Figure 13-80. The similarity in trend between
the low pass filtered signal and the compression wave measured very close from the accelerometer is
indeed obvious.
14 July 2015
It is necessary to remove such low frequency contents from the original signal, in order to recover a
meaningful SRS. It is shown in Figure 13-81, that the SRS computed from the original signal has a
suspicious trend over the entire frequency range. Eliminating the dynamic offset (through Prony
correction method in this case) allows recovering a meaningful SRS, which agrees very well up to
20kHz with the SRS computed from the vibrometer reading.
This example shows the relevance of advanced measurement technique (laser vibrometer), for
measuring true environment, in areas where a classical measurement technique is
reaching/overpassing its limitation (typically close to a shock source).
Shock accelerometer measurement without any correction
14 July 2015
Example 2 – Vibrometer used to characterised the transmissibility from equipment supporting
structure to the equipment base plate
A laser vibrometer has been used to measure the in plane base acceleration on a unit mounted on a
sandwich panel and submitted to a pyrotechnic shock generator. The test set-up is illustrated on
Figure 13-82. It has been verified that a derivation of the velocity measured by the laser vibrometer
and a small collocated accelerometer were giving the same acceleration. Indeed, Figure 13-83 shows
that the two SRS are very similar as they present less than 2 dB differences in small frequency ranges
between 100 Hz to 20 kHz, which is the cut-off frequency of the vibrometer.
14 July 2015
14 July 2015 Overview
The selection of a suitable data acquisition system is primarily based on the characteristics of the
recorded transient.. The acquisition chain (from sensors selection to readout equipment) is processed
in accordance with the two main types of transient capture requirements:
1. Acquire far and mid field transients e.g. simulated by standard shock benches
(procedure III) or generally speaking far from a pyrotechnical shock source
2. Measure near field transients originated from the firing of a pyrotechnical actuator, in
direct vicinity to the source
Frequency and acceleration characteristics, associated with near field, mid field and far field are
presented in paragraph 12.3.2.
In both cases, there is a need for high bandwidth data acquisition combined with a very good anti-
aliasing filter (see paragraph to ensure a correct acquisition of the time domain data over
the entire pass-band. The anti-aliasing filter needs to guarantee excellent phase linearity to record the
true transient amplitude levels. Also the channel to channel phase match (<0.5º) can be an criteria in
particular for the assessment of transient waveform propagation in a structure. The data acquisition
system needs to provide a high throughput rate (around 15MSamples/s) and sufficient disk space for
high sampled recording and storing the time signals for the required channel count. Post processing
and quick view capabilities to determine the quality the acquired transient signals (see also shock
validity criteria, in paragraph 15), to analyse waveform propagation and to calculate shock response
spectra with adjustable amplification factors and frequency resolution are also common for both cases.
However, there are also differing set of requirements towards the data acquisition system pending on
the type of shock to be captured.
Typically as induced by system test far from source, and by procedure III. The resulting shock
environment is dominated by structural resonances with a frequency content below 10kHz. The
absence of high frequency excitation reduces the risk of sensor ringing, saturation and overload of the
data acquisition system. The available choice of instrumentation is large and in most cases standard of
the shelf acquisition equipment can be used.
The sampling rate should be defined to cover an acquisition bandwidth of 10kHz. Thus, for far field
excitation, a sampling rate of at least 50kHz per channel should be considered. In case excitation is
expected up to 10kHz, for instance mid field simulations, then a greater sampling rate should be
adopted (e.g. 100kHz).
For the setup, no specific precautions needs to be taken with respect to grounding/ ESD perturbations.
The use of a digital trigger with pre-trigger recording is a good practice.
Typically as induced by system test at direct vicinity to source and by procedure II. The resulting
shock environment contains high frequency excitation well above 10kHz. The high frequency
excitation combined with very high peak acceleration levels (in excess of 5000g), can cause ringing of
sensor and/or overload of the readout equipment. Utmost care should be taken in the selection and
the setting of the various constituents of the acquisition chain in order to avoid saturation of signals
(sensors selection should then be made according to recommendations provided in
14 July 2015
The sampling rate to be defined in accordance with the expected frequency content. The useful
bandwidth is typically 100kHz which implies a sampling rate of 500kHz per channel (and more)
should be selected.
For the setup, stringent precautions should be taken, in particular with respect to grounding of all
equipment and specimen as well as to prevent ESD perturbations. Common measures are to segregate
the firing box chain and acquisition system, shielding of sensors/cables which are mounted close to the
source, proper grounding of specimen and support equipment to a dedicated Earth point.
Manual trigger is often applied to avoid interference potentially induced by firing box.
For system test in general (procedure I) and near field shock simulation (procedure II), dry runs are
performed prior to the actual test to verify the setup and procedures.
Good practice also, is to consider redundancy for critical items such as distributed frontends and
when possible to use different types of shock sensors to guarantee that useful data will be generated,
this can include the use of Laser Doppler Velocimeter (see paragraph 13.4.4).
14 July 2015
14 July 2015
Figure 13-85: Illustration of the effect of polarity dependent slew rate on the
average value of a high frequency transient
A series of unpublished tests on charge amplifiers [RD-076] show that there can be measurable
differences in the slew rates of positive going and negative going voltages at high frequencies.
The slew rate is defined as the maximum rate of change of voltage that the instrument is
capable of providing. In other words the slew rate can be faster in one direction than the other.
The effect of these higher frequency polarity dependent slew rate is to cause the average, or DC
value of the amplifier to be biased during the time that the high frequency is present. It appears
as a low frequency shift in the average value as illustrated on Figure 13-85.
A good quality charge amplifier would probably not exhibit this phenomenon for frequencies
within its normal bandwidth but for higher frequencies, e.g., a high level, high frequency signal
from an accelerometer shocked near its resonance, can produce the low frequency shift without
appearing at the output. In addition to polarity dependent slew rates, the high frequency
saturation of the charge amplifier can cause a similar average shift. The typical piezoelectric
transducer is an undamped single-degree-of-freedom system with a Q of 20 to 50. Typically, the
flat frequency response is approximately 20 % of those at resonance frequency and rises
rapidly close to the resonant frequency. The output of the charge amplifier is filtered to
eliminate the energy from the resonant peak. It is also important that the gain of the charge
converter, at the input of the charge amplifier, is capable of accepting the energy of the
resonant peak without saturation.
If there is sufficient energy to saturate the charge converter, then it saturates while the energy
within the pass band of the amplifier's filters remain within the specification values. The signal
at the output of the amplifier appears normal and within specifications, while the charge
converter gets saturated. The effect of the saturation can come out as a longer return to the
average or zero value. In other words the average can be higher or lower than the true value
(depending on saturation polarity because of the slower recovery rate of the charge converter).
These anomalies can cause a low frequency component to appear at the output of an amplifier
generating an error in the SRS computation. Polarity dependent slew rates can occur in the
entire chain of instrumentation.
b. Cause 2: The sensitivity of the accelerometer transducer to the strain wave
Previous studies have permitted to measure the compression and bending deformations inside
plate under pyroshock excitation. The known sensitivity of the transducer to base strain is
given by the 7270 sheet i.e. 0,5 mV for 250 µstrain, thus equivalent to 500g.This amount could
seem negligible when compared to maximum temporal value of 50000g (1 %), but in fact it
should be compared to the frequency domain by the corresponding SRS, and then the ratio is
14 July 2015
much higher. [RD-077] presents a method of mitigation of the dynamic offset based on Prony
decomposition (see also Figure 15-8). This correction is recommended for all shock
measurements which do not satisfy to the quality criteria, in particular the Piersol criteria based
on the SRS symmetry (see Figure 13-87).
14 July 2015 Concerns with strain measurement via cables glued to the structure
In this example (see Figure 13-88), the gauges are located at positions 1, 2, 17, 3, 4 and 5. The cables are
in red. The source is constituted by four sectors, each of them being an expandable tube shaped along
a quarter of circle. The mechanical excitation of the cable preceding the transducer excitation leads to
false signal preceding the signal delivered by the transducer itself. But even from this instant, the
effect of the cable is still active. It could be seen very clearly on Figure 13-89 disclosing a dissymmetry
of strain in the recto and verso side measured by the gauge 1.
3 4 4 5
90 1 1 2 2 17
The solution for avoiding this problem is to reduce as much as possible the length of the cable bonded
to the structure, or to decouple the cable from the structure by the most appropriate solution.
14 July 2015 Overview
The bandwidth of the tape recorders, in LBG1 record mode, is function of the tape speed according to
Table 13-7.
It is sometimes advisable to lower the LBG1 bandwidth for pyroshock measurement; high frequencies
phenomena can indeed appear. As the usage of digital filters is not recommended, it is therefore
recommended to filter at the acquisition stage with the analog recorder acting as an analogical filter.
From the return of experience, the following synthesis can be drawn:
The ideal situation consists in recording the data numerically meantime saving (securing) them into
analogical. Possible discrepancies between numerical and analogical have causes that are highlighted
A spectrum aliasing, when numerical acquisition is carried out without anti-aliasing filter. The
behaviour of the conditioning module associated to the transducer is not known in high
frequencies, above 100 kHz. It has never been characterized so far. The data sheet of the product
only displays basic characteristics, e.g. for the DC amplifier Endevco Model 136:
Broadband frequency response: DC to 200 kHz -3 dB referenced to 1 kHz
Filter characteristics: 4 pole butterworth
14 July 2015
Corner frequency (-3 dB): 10 kHz ±12 % (other corners available by changing internal module
31875: from 10 Hz to 80 kHz)
This can be understood as follows: the response without specific filter is a broadband frequency
response: DC to 200kHz and a 4 pole Butterworth specific low pass filter is set up with a 80 kHz of
corner frequency.
unexplained discrepancies between analogical and digital (see Figure 13-90) – This
phenomenon is frequent when measurements come from sensors strongly excited in high
frequencies, especially above the conditioning module cut-off frequency; The report of these
variations at least makes it possible to engage an investigation into the causes, which is likely to
reduce the errors of measurement. One of the possible causes could come from content in high
frequencies beyond the cut-off frequency making the equipment working in non-characterized
propagative conditions.
Analog signal
In Figure 13-90 the classical over estimation of the analog data SRS in the low frequencies is visible
and is due to the noise of the analog data. Spurious spikes are also visible in medium frequency.
The comparison between the analog and digital measurements is powerful because it allows to rise
attention on the abnormal behaviour, which can be investigated in order to mitigate the source of
measurement errors.
That’s why analog measurements are used as back up. Conclusions
a. The ideal solution is to acquire digitally and to save analogically. The comparison between both
type of results should disclose usual differences in low frequencies (below 100 Hz) due to the
lower signal to noise ratio of the analog recorder. Eventual differences in the range 1 kHz to 80
kHz (if 120 IPS and LBG1 mode for the analog recorder) should be closely analysed and the
causes should be disclosed in order to identify and to fix if possible the eventual anomalies.
Choose an effective range for the tape recording larger than that of numerical acquisition (to
reduce the risk of saturation, which is irremediable).
Choose a speed for the magnetic recorder just adapted to the need for the useful frequency
range (with the aim to avoid later numerical filtering which is prohibited), whereas one can
allow a frequency band higher than the correct requirement in numerical acquisition with an
aim of exploration.
14 July 2015
b. In case where one cannot implement simultaneously the two modes (nominal numerical
acquisition and tape recording in backup), it is necessary to prefer the numerical acquisition
which in general gives better results. it is necessary however:
1. to encourage the presence of anti-aliasing filters, especially for measurements in near
2. not to forget that the choice of an input dynamic range results in fixing the threshold in
lower part of which one is not able to characterize the SRS with precision: for example,
for an input range of 200000g and a dynamics of 11bits+sign, the step of quantification
corresponds to 200000/2048 i.e. approximately 100g. As one needs at least 3 steps to
characterize the signal and that the amplitude of the SRS reaches 3 times the amplitude of
the temporal one, the threshold is at 1000g, which is very high. Consequently, the SRS is
not usable below this threshold in low frequency.
c. In case only analog recording is available, that all the more gives interest to a preliminary firing
to refine the choices of input range and speed of recording. Application
Recommendations in sections to are valid for near, mid and far field
[RD-079] highlights the sensitivity of the SRS to the type of anti-aliasing filter; if the sampling
frequency is 1 MHz, the risk of aliasing is often considered very low, due to the intrinsic effect of the
low pass filter inherent to the conditioning module.
The use of anti-aliasing filters is recommended; if not used, pay attention to the eventual differences
between results extracted respectively from analog and digital acquisitions in the range 1kHz to 100
kHz. If no differences, aliasing did not occur.
14 July 2015 Characteristic of the anti-aliasing filters
High frequency data (above 10 kHz for the PCB 350 B03 or 100 kHz for the Endevco 7270) are
inaccurate because of a variety of factors including transducer resonance, frequency dependant
sensitivity of signal conditioning systems and noise. Therefore the data is often low passed by a
combination of mechanical and electrical filters.
The data should be analytically low-pass filtered with a square, zero-phase filter at 1,5 x the Maximum
Analysis Frequency before SRS being computed.
NOTE All filters in the data acquisition and analysis systems affect phase
distortion, therefore, the SRS. These errors can be a function of the
relative amplitudes of the spectral components, the frequencies of the
spectral components and the phase of the spectral components.
Because of the random distribution of the amplitudes, frequencies,
and phase in different transients, each time history exhibits different
errors which results in different errors for each. These errors cannot be
calibrated. If a given time history is repeatedly analysed (and no other
errors exist; then the data consistently has the same errors and the
same SRS is computed each time. This instills a false sense of security
in the use.
The output of the piezoresistive conditioning module is always slow in evolution. It does not bring
any concern, as it can be easily eliminated after acquisition. The DC coupling can be used as the AC
In this latter case, chose a cut off frequency near 2 Hz or 0,1xLFA (Lowest Frequency Analysis),
whichever is higher. Type of filter: eight poles, Butterworth.
14 July 2015
In the following, HSRSF refers to Highest Shock Response Spectrum Frequency, and MAF refers to
Maximal Analysed Frequency. In general these two values are identical if one supposes that only the
SRS is used for analysis.
However the real limit of the HSRSF is given by the Nyquist frequency (half of the sample frequency)
diminished by a factor depending on the low pass anti-aliasing filter which was used; for example, for
SF = 1 MHz and a LP anti-aliasing filter constituted by an 8 poles Butterworth 48 dB/oct and a
dynamic range of 60 dB, a ratio of 2,5 corresponds. Thus the HSRSF should be 400kHz, instead of
100kHz as recommended above in Table 13-8. It is however necessary to reconstruct the signal up to
400 kHz as described in [RD-078].
When an analog signal is digitized, the computer samples the signal magnitude at a series of equally
spaced points along the time history. The resultant digitized data is a series of discrete points
representing the original signal. If the data is digitized at too slow rate, discrete sampling points can
cause the amplitude of the peaks to be represented at a lower value. This is illustrated on Figure
13-94(a) where it can be seen that the amplitude can be in error by as much as 29 % if the sample rate
is 4 times the frequency of the signal. Figure 13-94(b) shows a sine wave sampled at a rate slightly
different from four times the signal frequency.
14 July 2015
Under sampled sine wave
-0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Figure 13-94: (a) under-sampled sine wave – (b) sine wave sampled at a rate
slightly different from four times the signal frequency
1/ Classical recommendations between sampling frequency and maximum frequency of the signal
Generally speaking the acquisition chain used during pyrotechnical shock test is tuned according to
the following rule:
14 July 2015
Under that condition one can re-build x(t) from its samples using the following interpolation formula:
Usually this reconstruction is omitted and the shock response spectrum (SRS) is directly computed on
the samples x[nT]. In that case the factor a = 10 is recommended. If the reconstruction of the signal is
effectively done, then a factor a = 2.5 is enough.
Figure 13-95: (a) Effect of the application of the Shannon interpolation formula for
3/ Conclusion
- using a factor a = 10 allows to get rid from the original time signal reconstruction by
- It is recommended therefore to either use a = 10 or to perform reconstruction.
NOTE: this discussion doesn’t deal with the issue due to the slope of the anti-aliasing filter
that can justify using a > 2.5.
As shown in the following table, in practice a factor a = 7 is often considered as sufficient for the
applications considered in this handbook.
14 July 2015
As a guideline, the recommended best practice for sampling rate is > 50kHz for far field, and >500kHz
for near field) Impact of the dynamic acquisition range on the SRS at low frequencies
This problem comes from confrontation between the very high range requested for near field
measurement with Endevco 7270 transducer, i.e. usually 200000 g and the fact that one seeks to exploit
SRS of low level at low frequencies. It is then important to take care of the validity of the SRS levels at
low levels.
Example: let us suppose a range of 200 000 g and an analogical/numerical converter of 11 bits + sign,
thus a quantification step of 200000/2048= 97 g.
One needs approximately 3 steps to correctly represent the first half period of an exponential sine
decay, corresponding thus to a minimal amplitude of 300 g and like the ratio between the temporal
peak value and the corresponding SRS temporal is on average 3 for pyro shocks, it results that
precision of SRS should be acceptable for SRS values above 1000 g. A 15 bits + sign converter would
give a step of quantification of 200000/32768= 6,1 g what leads to an acceptable precision of SRS to the
top of 54 g.
Recommended analog to digital converter 15bits + sign 15bits + sign 11 bits + sign
For Procedure I and Procedure II to detect emission from extraneous sources, e.g. EMI, configure an
accelerometer without sensing element and process its response in the same manner as for the other
accelerometer measurements. If this accelerometer exhibits any character other than very low level
noise, consider the acceleration measurements to be contaminated by an unknown noise source.
14 July 2015
13.5.1 Overview
The monitoring of shock, as well as many other kinds of environment (e.g. low frequency dynamics,
acoustic, thermal, etc…), is also performed during flight by means of the telemetry sub-systems
available on launchers and/or on satellites. As far as the shock environment is concerned, its
monitoring is especially performed on launchers in order to verify the shock levels actually induced at
payload interface during the launch phase.
The following scheme shows the basic elements belonging to a telemetry subsystem. Several other
elements (e.g. batteries, amplifiers, conditioners, etc…) can be part of this sub-system, nevertheless
they are not reported in the following scheme.
As seen in the above figure, beyond the elements already described in the previous paragraphs (i.e.
sensors and acquisition systems), on board telemetry systems include all the items necessary for the
transmission of data to the ground stations that allow the downloading of measured data to be
provided to concerned users (e.g. Launch vehicle/Satellite design authorities) for post-processing
It is important to pay attention to the following section ,detailing the acquisition systems that are
currently used on European launchers. A description of such systems and some recommendations to
be followed for the settings of the main parameters for a correct acquisition are provided.
The VEGA telemetry sub-system is derived from the Ariane 5 one, in fact most of the hardware used
for this system are COTS developed and qualified in the frame of the Ariane programme.
The VEGA Telemetry Sub-System architecture has a modular structure and foresees:
1. The acquisition units:
(a) One central acquisition unit (UCTM – Unité Central de Télé-Mesure)
(b) Several peripheral units (UCAT – Unité de Conditionnement et d’Acquisition
de Télémesure)
2. The telemetry transmitter
3. An antenna sub-system (two antennas)
14 July 2015
The acquisition system is composed by several units (see Figure 13-97). In particular there are several
peripheral units that allow the acquisition of sensor measurements in the different stages of the
launcher. All these units are then connected to a central unit (located on the upper stage) that allows
both the acquisition of additional sensors and the final processing of the telemetry data acquired by all
other units, that are sent to the telemetry transmitter and then transferred to the ground station.
UCTM and UCATs are modular equipment and their configuration depends on the particular mission
needs (for example, qualification versus a generic production flight) in terms of type and number of
channels to acquire.
UCTM is capable of being programmed in terms of sampling frequencies and measurement ranges
that are used during different flight phases to cope with specific requirements. Due to the big amount
of data processed by UCTM and to the constraints in terms of data that can be downloaded by the
ground stations, there are some limitations in the possible settings of UCTM that can be summarized
as follows:
Not all the values of sampling frequency are allowed: a limited number of sampling frequencies
is allowed. Usually, each value of allowed sampling frequency is attributed to a certain family
of sensors (e.g. sampling frequencies in the order of few Hz are used for thermal sensors, about
500 Hz are used for low frequency dynamic accelerometers and so on).
The data are downloaded in digital format with an amplitude resolution of 8 bits.
The above limitations are crucial especially for the shock measurements. In fact due to the limitation
in terms of sampling frequency, shock data are usually acquired at a sampling frequency of about
8000 Hz which prevents a post-processing of flight data in the complete frequency spectrum used for
shock specifications (100-10000 Hz). Moreover, the limitation in the amplitude resolution needs to be
carefully taken into account when the sensors full scale values are defined.
Concerning the sampling frequency, it is recommended that the highest possible value from the
available family is used. Moreover it is recommended that the Shannon interpolation (refer to
paragraph is used in order to increase as much as possible the frequency range that can be
analysed with the available sampling frequency. For VEGA, the sampling frequency for shock sensors
is set at about 8000 Hz since, despite the constraints of the telemetry system, it allows to analyse the
frequency range for which the “plateau” of the shock specification is defined and this is the frequency
range in which the major criticalities were identified during the VEGA development.
As far as the amplitude resolution is concerned, particular attention should be put on the definition of
the sensor full scale value. Considering in particular the shock sensors, the full scale value should be
high enough in order to avoid the saturation of the measure during the shock transient and low
14 July 2015
enough in order to have a measure with a good amplitude resolution (i.e. with a good accuracy). The
best compromise between these parameters is chosen. In these regards, Figure 13-98 shows two
measures for which a too high full scale value was defined, which led to discard those measurements
due to insufficient resolution. On the other hand, Figure 13-99 shows two measures for which the full
scale value was correctly defined and relevant measures used for post-processing.
Considering the above, it is highly recommended to use test data as a basis for the definition of the
shock accelerometer full scale value, with limited margin with respect to test data.
Figure 13-98: Example of UCTM shock measures with incorrect full scale value
Figure 13-99: Example of UCTM shock measures with correct full scale value and
relevant SRS
14 July 2015
Data analysis tools for shock
14.1 Introduction
Time history constitutes the primary (and the most natural) accessible data since almost all physical
signals are obtained by receivers recording variations with time. It contains obviously all the pertinent
information and it is essential to save any time history in order not to lose any information.
But a shock measurement in the form of a time-history is not directly useful for engineering purposes,
e.g. comparing shocks severities, or understanding its effect on components. A reduction to a different
form is often necessary to obtain a more readable form or to extract information that is not directly
accessible in the time history, like frequency content.
Several digital signal processing have been used to characterize time signals and extract useful
information for phenomena comprehension. That is not the question here to make a complete
inventory of digital signal processing tools, neither a lecture on signal processing. The aim of this
section is to present some practical tools developed to study shocks transients.
14.2.1 Basis
14.2.2 Definition
The shock response spectrum (SRS) is a calculated function based on an input transient. It allows to
characterize the shock effect on a dynamical standardized system in order to estimate its severity or
its damaging potential. Thus it allows to compare shocks with each other or to establish equivalence
criterion between a measured transient environment and a laboratory simulation of that transient
The method consists in applying a time history as a base excitation to an array of single degree-of-
freedom (SDOF) systems and then calculating for each of them the temporal maximum of their
response. The SRS can be defined for any input or response parameters of interest (relative
displacement, pseudo velocity/acceleration, absolute velocity, or absolute acceleration). For aerospace
structures, it is common to define the input transient in terms of a pseudo-acceleration. Without any
other information, the SRS per default is be the pseudo-acceleration SRS (see Figure 14-1 and Figure
The peak accelerations for the SDOF systems are gathered in a SRS which is a log-log plot of these
values over a range of natural frequencies, see Figure 14-2.Every SDOF system in the array represents
an independent natural frequency in the SRS plot.
14 July 2015
The natural frequency of each SDOF is an independent variable. Thus, the calculation is performed for
a number of independent SDOF systems, each with a unique quality factor Q=10, assuming
conventionally the same damping (5 %) for each SDOF.
The choice of damping should be carried out according the structure subjected to the shock under
consideration. When this is not known, or studies are being carried out with a view to comparison
with already calculated spectra, a Q factor Q=10 is conventionally chosen.
Any arbitrary set of unique natural frequencies can be used for the shock response spectrum
calculation. A typical scheme, however, is based on a proportional bandwidth, such as 1/24 octave.
This means that each successive natural frequency is 2 1/24 times the previous natural frequency. The
SRS resolution is determined by this bandwidth and is independent of the transient duration.
There are several SRS values that can be of interest for different applications, namely, the maximum
absolute response of the SDOF versus frequency that occurs:
during the application of the transient, called the primary SRS,
after the transient is over, called the residual SRS,
in the positive direction, called the positive SRS or SRS+,
in the negative direction, called the negative SRS or SRS-,
at any time in either direction, called the maximax SRS (most usually used).
A typical maximax SRS is shown in Figure 14-1. The SRS acceleration is also called the maximum or
peak absolute response.
NOTE 1 Primary and maximax SRS can differ when time signal has a non-
negligible zero shift (also called DC-offset). See 15.5.2.
NOTE 2 SRS are often presented on a log-log graph. It is important to take
care with this representation because of the real gap between two
curves are visually minimised at high frequencies. A lin-lin
representation allows sometimes to clearly visualise gaps.
SHOCK SRS direct
2 3 4
10 10 10
Frequency (Hz)
14 July 2015
log 10
NOTE The slope N of a line on a log-log graph is defined as N ,
log 10
N=1 corresponds to a 6 dB/octave line.
N=2 corresponds to a 12 dB/octave line
The value of the SRS at higher frequency converges towards the absolute maximum value of the
transient acceleration as the natural frequency of the SDOF exceeds the lesser of the highest
frequency in the Fourier spectrum of the transient, or the upper frequency limit of the data
acquisition system. The time history at the base of the considered SDOF acts indeed as a quasi-
static excitation. The SDOF’s response follows consequently the time history oscillations. (see
Figure 4-4)
The amplification factor of a component in a signal depends on the signal form. Considering a
Q-factor of 10 for SRS calculation, it is comprised between 1,6, corresponding to a half-sine time
signal, up to 10, corresponding to a perfect sine signal with a sufficient number of periods. SRS
of real signals have generally an amplification comprised between 3 and 4. In other words, a
shock spectrum response (Q=10) performed on a shock signal has an amplitude about 3 to 4
times higher than the maximum of the time history due to the transient (non-harmonic) nature
of the signal. This order of magnitude is useful to determine accelerometers calibration during a
test campaign.
14 July 2015
time freq
Figure 14-3: SRS peak amplitude derived from typical transient shock signal
14 July 2015
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05
Time (s)
Different sine signals
sine_amorti5 Varying amplification
sine_amorti10 Temporal
factor wrt signal form and
maximum at
number of periods
12 dB/oct
6 dB/oct
2 3 4
10 10 10
Frequency (Hz)
The SRS is not linear with regard to the addition of time signals. That is to say that the SRS of
time signals sum is not equal to the sum of the individual time signals SRS.
The SRS is, in return, linear with regard to a scalar multiplication. That is to say that the SRS of
a time signal multiplied by a scalar is equal to times the SRS of the time signal.
The SRS calculation is not a bijective calculation. Some information is definitively lost (like the
phase or the effective duration information). It is thus essential to save any time history in order
not to lose any information. Both the transient time history and resulting spectrum are critical to
the environmental definition and test verification.
14 July 2015
The following algorithm can be used to calculate the Shock Response Spectra of a source time signal
The equation to be solved by the algorithm (SDOF system excited at the base by an acceleration) is:
x 2x 2 x at
With x the relative acceleration, the damping coefficient, the pulsation and a(t) the excitation.
The algorithm approximates the excitation a(t) by a linear piecewise function as shown in Figure 14-5.
x e (t ti ) C1 sin 1 2 (t ti ) C2 cos 1 2 (t ti )
2 ai 1 ai
3 ti 2 ti
(t ti )
1 2 2 1 ai
C1 xi xi
t i
2 ai ai
C 2 xi
3 t i 2
14 July 2015
Consequently, the final solution is:
xi 1 A( , , t i ) xi B( , , t i )ai
in which:
x a
xi i ai i
x i ai 1
a a12 b b
A 11 B 11 12
a 21 a 22 b21 b22
The elements of matrix A and B depend only from, and ti .
The final step consists in determining from xi and xi the absolute acceleration xi .
The shock response algorithm is usually based on the implementation of the ISO 18431–4 standard
which is based on a digital recursive filtering relationship. Some Shock-Response-Spectrum recursive
algorithms were also developed for SRS computation by Smallwood- Light ([RD-091]) and Kelly-
Richman ([RD-092]).
Depending on application it is possible to compute:
Absolute Acceleration
Relative Velocity
Relative Displacement
Pseudo Velocity
14 July 2015
14.2.6 Q-factor
It is sometimes useful to let the quality factor Q varying in order to evidence some frequency
components. The SRS result depends strongly on the way the different frequency components
combine themselves. Some frequencies can indeed be hidden by other peaks. An example in Figure
14-6 is that shows this particularity. The source signal is the combination of 2 frequency components:
A highly damped 500 Hz component and
A slightly damped 300 Hz component.
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05
Time (s)
The SRS of these signals with a classical Q-factor of 10 gives the following results (Figure 14-7):
2 3
10 10
Frequency (Hz)
14 July 2015
It can clearly be seen that the SRS of the sum is below the 500Hz component SRS between 300 Hz and
800 Hz. Moreover, the 300 Hz component is not visible on the SRS of the sum. It is hidden by the other
Thus, it appears that the 300 Hz component makes the SRS of the sum less severe on the SDOF
systems with a Q-factor of 10. But this hidden component can be very severe on a real system with an
eigenmode around 300 Hz as the following SRS results, calculated with a Q-factor of 50, shows it:
2 3
10 10
Frequency (Hz)
Increasing the Q-factor amplifies the SDOF responses on the natural frequencies of the source signal
and consequently allows to detect hidden peaks.
Another example corresponding to a real test measurement at system level is given in Figure 14-9. It
shows a SRS computed with different Q-factors ranging from 10 to 300: many hidden peaks appear
with the increasing Q-factor. It should be noticed that the higher the Q-factor, the higher the frequency
sampling of the SRS should be to get a sufficient frequency resolution.
14 July 2015
Varying Q-factor allows to discriminate between damped and undamped component of a given
signal. As it has been seen previously the damping of a component is directly linked to the SRS peak
value, just as the Q-factor used to compute SRS has a direct impact on the SRS peak value. These
variations are not independent. As a matter of fact, the more damped the component is, the lower the
impact is of a Q-factor variation on its SRS peak value. Thus when multiplying the Q-factor by 3 (from
10 to 30 for instance):
If the impact on the SRS value is higher than 2 the component is considered as undamped
If the impact on the SRS value is below than 1,5 the component is considered as damped.
The notion of severity is relative to the considered dynamical system. Thus, real systems do never
correspond to the standardized system: they do not have the same natural frequencies, and the real
damping can be very different from 5 % (Q=10).
Damage can be caused by amplification on an eigenmode. A source time signal with a frequency
component near this eigenfrequency can be very severe, whereas another time signal with a high but
different frequency component can be less severe for the considered unit. The difficulty comes
generally from a very approximate knowledge of the mid and high frequency eigenmodes of real
The SRS tool allows to compare shocks transients with each other, to consider envelopes and then
specify shocks levels. This is today the universal tool for describing shocks, specify them or
pronouncing qualification. However, it is not a perfect tool:
The SRS does not have a unique relationship with the transient signal from which it is computed;
i.e., it is possible for different transients to have the same SRS. These shocks have consequently the
same effect on any of the SDOF with a Q-factor of 10 but can have a different effect on the considered
system. In particular, it is often possible to at least coarsely approximate the maximax SRS for a
complex, multi-cycle transient environment by an appropriately shaped single pulse transient in the
laboratory. Of course, the required single pulse used for the simulation has a much higher maximum
level and a different effective duration than the actual environment, raising serious questions about
the real severity of the simulation.
The SRS does not allow to describe completely the frequency content of a signal. Some frequencies can
be hidden by others peaks. Changing the Q-factor is the method to reveal these hidden peaks.
The SRS is based on the response of a 1-DOF system which is not representative of real multi-DOF
systems. This limitation is all the more important that the studied system has eigenmodes at close
14 July 2015
The FFT is a reversible operation that allows to transform a source signal in the time domain into the
frequency domain [RD-068]. The FFT allows thus to identify the natural frequencies of a time signal.
X ( f ) x(t )e j 2ft dt
Measured signals are always digitized. The algorithm used is thus the DFT (Discrete Fourier
14.3.2 Precautions
The spectral analysis is recommended for periodic steady-state signals or stationary random signals in
order to proceed to averages or statistical analysis. This kind of analysis is not correctly adapted to
short transient or non-stationary signal like shocks.
The frequency resolution is inversely proportional to the time signal duration. For instance, if the
time duration of a measured signal is about 40 ms, the frequency resolution of its FFT is about 25 Hz.
The FFT is not a priori normalized. As for shocks transients, the time amplitude of a component is
decreasing exponentially, the FFT amplitude is not significant of the time signal amplitude.
In return, time signals that have been recorded in the same conditions and on the same duration can
be compared in terms of FFT amplitudes.
14.4.1 General
If the FFT and its inverse give two kind of global representations of a signal in the time and frequency
domain, they do not include any information on the time structure of the signal itself. A time
representation of a signal gives little information on its frequency behaviour and its FFT does not
provide any element on the instant of emission and duration of a specific component.
14 July 2015
The TFA attempts to provide a specific representation with two variables, time and frequency (see
Figure 14-11) [RD-069][RD-070][RD-071]. This is not a gain in information but a redistribution of
information in order to understand the different transient phenomena in the signal. These
representations can indeed evidence some non-stationary components of signals, characterizing
precisely the shocks transients. Several methods engender time-frequency representations with
varying properties and performances. Overview
The linear time-frequency representations decompose the signal on elementary components (the
The most common linear TFT are:
The Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT)
The Wavelet Transform (WT)
A simple and intuitive solution consists in pre-windowing the signal x(t) around a particular time t,
calculating its Fourier transform for each time instant t. The resulting transform, called the short-time
Fourier transform (STFT, or short-time spectrum), is defined by:
F (t , f , h) x(u)h* (u t )e j 2fu du
Where h(t) is a short time analysis window localized around t=0 and f=0. The obtained spectrum is
thus “local” around t. The time resolution of the STFT is proportional to the effective duration of the
analysis window h. The frequency resolution of the STFT is proportional to the effective bandwidth of
the analysis window h. Consequently, there is a trade-off between time and frequency resolutions:
on one hand, a good time resolution requires a short window h(t); on the other hand, a good
frequency resolution requires a narrow-band filter, i.e. a long window h(t). Hereunder is an example
of trade-off between time and frequency resolution.
14 July 2015
Signal in time
Real part
Energy spectral density
Frequency [Hz]
60 40 20 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time [s]
Figure 14-12: Best time resolution with the STFT, but with no frequency
resolution: the window h is chosen as a Dirac impulse
Signal in time
Real part
Energy spectral density
Frequency [Hz]
60 40 20 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time [s]
Figure 14-13: Best frequency resolution with the STFT: the window h is chosen as a
14 July 2015 Wavelet Transform (WT)
The idea of the wavelet transform (WT) is to project a signal x on a family of zero-mean functions (the
wavelets) deduced from an elementary function (the mother wavelet) by translations and dilations:
Tx (t , a, ) x(u)t*,a (u)du
u t
where t ,a (u ) a 2 (
) . The variable a corresponds now to a scale factor, in the sense that
taking a > 1 dilates the wavelet and taking a < 1 compresses .
The basic difference between the wavelet transform and the short-time Fourier transform is as follows:
when the scale factor a is changed, the duration and the bandwidth of the wavelet are both changed
but its shape remains the same. And in contrast to the STFT, which uses a single analysis window, the
WT uses short windows at high frequencies and long windows at low frequencies. This partially
overcomes the resolution limitation of the STFT: the bandwidth f is proportional to f, or
The WT can also be seen as a filter bank analysis composed of band-pass filters with constant relative
bandwidth. Time and frequency resolutions depend on the frequency: the frequency resolution (resp.
time resolution) becomes poorer (resp. better) as the analysis frequency increases.
The type of mother wavelet to use is a delicate question. The main criteria for the choice of the wavelet
is the similarity between the mother wavelet and what is intended to be identified in the time history.
For instance Morlet wavelet, based on a sine convoluted with a Gaussian signal, is quite good adapted
to far-field shock measurement.
An example of a wavelet transform using so-called Morlet wavelets is given (this example uses the
same data presented in the following sections):
3283 exemple_temporel_TFA_prony_data001_WT
0.002500 0.005000 0.007500
14 July 2015 Overview
Another approach consists in distributing the energy of the signal along the two variables time and
frequency. This leads to energy time-frequency distributions, which are quadratic transforms of the
The most common quadratic TFT are:
The Spectrogram
The Wigner-Ville distribution
The Pseudo-Wigner-Ville distribution
The Smoothed pseudo-Wigner-Ville distribution Spectrogram
If we consider the squared modulus of the STFT, we obtain a spectral energy density of the locally
windowed signal x(u) h*(u-t). Thus, we can interpret the spectrogram as a measure of the signal
energy contained in the time-frequency domain centred on the point (t; f) and whose shape is
independent of this localization.
The spectrogram being the square magnitude of the STFT, it is clear that the time-frequency resolution
is limited as it is for the STFT.
Moreover, as it is quadratic representation, the spectrogram of the sum of two signals is not the sum
of the two spectrograms. Thus, as every quadratic distribution, the spectrogram presents interference
terms. However, one can show that these interference terms are limited if the signal components are
well separated. This is the main advantage of this representation.
Signal in time
Real part
Frequency [kHz]
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Time [ms]
14 July 2015 Wigner-Ville Distribution (WVD)
Signal in time
Real part
Frequency [kHz]
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Time [ms]
14 July 2015
In order to overcome the interference of the WVD, the Pseudo Wigner-Ville distribution is defined as:
PWx (t , f ) h( ) x(t / 2) x* (t / 2)e j 2f d
Where h(t) is a regular window. This windowing operation is equivalent to a frequency smoothing of
the WVD. However, the consequence of the improved readability is that many properties of the WVD
are lost.
Signal in time
Real part
Frequency [kHz]
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Time [ms]
14 July 2015
The problem with the previous smoothing function is that it is controlled only by the short-time
window h(t). If we add a degree of freedom by considering a separable smoothing function
(t , f ) g (t ) H ( f )
where H(f) is the Fourier transform of a smoothing window h(t), we allow a progressive and
independent control, in both time and frequency, of the smoothing applied to the WVD. The obtained
SPWx (t , f ) h( ) g ( s t ) x(s / 2) x* ( s / 2)ds.e j 2f d
Signal in time
Real part
Frequency [kHz]
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Time [ms]
An interesting property of the smoothed-pseudo WVD is that it allows a continuous passage from the
spectrogram to the WVD by choosing correct smoothing windows g and h.
14 July 2015
These digital signal processing tools are designed for expertise and can be delicate to use. A correct
use needs some experience in the domain of time-frequency analysis. The different representations of
the same time signal show that the choice of a transformation is not obvious. The Wigner-Ville is
generally difficult to interpret because of the interference terms. It is thus more a theoretical tool.
Nevertheless, the previous representations illustrate the recombination of high frequencies appearing
at the beginning of the transient into lower frequencies. It allows to detect accurately the different
transition between frequencies and where is localized the energy in the time-frequency plane.
14.5.1 Definition
A Prony mode is a standardised signal whose shape is an exponentially damped sine wave. As such
signal looks like measured shock time histories, this decomposition technique been used as a data
processing tool: the main idea is that shock measurements can be decomposed as a sum of Prony
modes [RD-072].
Two decomposition schemes exist (basic and advanced schemes) which are described in the following
chapters (14.5.2 and 14.5.3).
The basic signal is a simple exponentially damped sine wave (see Figure 14-19). All waves are
simultaneous but can have different phasing. Such a model is therefore characterised by four
parameters per mode: magnitude, frequency, damping and phasing. Due to the simultaneous arrival
and the sharp initial rise of a Prony mode, such a scheme is better adapted to near-field measurement
with high-frequency content. An example corresponding to a Shogun pyroshock measurement is
given in Figure 14-20 and Figure 14-21.
14 July 2015
0.007500 -300
0.010000 0.012500 0.015000 0.017500 0.020000 0.022500 0.025
3 1e+4
-3.0 1
2e+5 Hz
0.006000 0.007000 0.008000 0.009000 0.010000 0.011000 0.012000 0.013000 195 391
0.014000 781 1.56e+30.015000
3.12e+3 6.25e+3 0.016000
1.25e+4 2.5e+4 0.017000
5e+4 1e+5 0.018000 0.019000
14 July 2015
Figure 14-21: Listing of the identified modes with their corresponding parameters
0.000000 -200
0.002500 0.005000 0.007500 0.010000
14 July 2015
600 2.18e+3
0.000000 0.391
0.015000 2e+5 Hz
0.002500 0.005000 0.007500 0.010000 195 391 0.012500 781 1.56e+3 3.12e+3 6.25e+3 1.25e+4 2.5e+4 5e+4 1e+5
Figure 14-24: Listing of the identified modes with their corresponding parameters
To have a correct representation of a shock time history, typically 5 to 15 modes are required,
depending on the precise aim of the Prony decomposition.
One of the main interest of such a Prony decomposition is that it provides a characterisation of a
shock environment with a limited number of parameters: typically 4 or 5 parameters per mode,
which means that a shock environment can be defined by several dozen of parameters. This can be
very useful for the following purposes:
Get a detailed quantitative characterisation of a shock environment, especially a quantitative
representation of the time-frequency structure of the shock measurement.
Simplify a shock environment while keeping its main physical characteristics in both
frequency and time domains. Especially this allows to get a simple definition of a shock
environment which respects its duration and the relative phasing of its main components.
14 July 2015
Compare different shock environments on specific parameters not easily available through
other post-processing tools such as damping or arrival date or with a higher precision for
magnitude or frequency.
Track some specific components of shock measurements throughout a structure to have a
more precise image of the wave propagation.
The main limitations of such a tool are presented hereafter:
Prony mode extraction usually offers a lot of parameters potentially leading to somewhat
different results. As a consequence experience is needed to use it properly.
Shock measurements that have a very wide frequency content can lead to difficulties in Prony
modes extraction. As a matter of fact the algorithms usually concentrate on the components
with the highest magnitude (usually at high frequency) which can hide lowest magnitude
components (usually at low frequency) which are thought of interest as low frequency
environment is usually the most dimensioning. Such a problem can be circumvented by doing
either a simplification of the shock environment (by filtering for instance) or by splitting the
measurement in different sub-signals to be summed up.
Shock measurements that have a very dense frequency content can lead to difficulties in Prony
modes extraction. In such a case, it would need a very high number of modes to correctly
represent the measurement. It can be difficult to get the Prony modes of interest due to
automatic focus on a certain frequency range exhibiting a large number of components of
similar magnitude. The resulting precision is consequently lower and the model can even
become unusable because of a too high number of parameters.
14 July 2015
14.6.1 Basis
Filtering a shock signal is sometimes necessary in order to isolate a specific frequency component in
the signal. The theory behind filtering is quite complex and the aim of this section is not to detail the
design of such filters. But it is important to observe some precautions and good practices in order to
avoid bad results or misunderstanding.
A filter aims to preserve frequency components of a signal in a defined passband with a certain
tolerance and to eliminate the other frequency components with a certain attenuation (in dB/octave for
instance) in the stopband.
The frequency domain parameters of digital filters are (Figure 14-25):
Frequency response type (low-pass, high-pass, band-pass or band-reject)
No or minimum passband ripple (the passband refers to frequencies that are passed)
The stopband contains frequencies that are blocked: a good stopband attenuation is needed
The transition band is between: a fast roll-off means that the transition band is very narrow
The division between the passband and transition band is called the cut-off frequency,
generally expressed as reduced frequency or fraction of Nyquist frequency
14 July 2015
NOTE The reduced frequency 0,5 in the above graphs corresponds to the
Nyquist frequency, namely half the sampling frequency of the time
history signal.
Digital filters can be implemented in two ways, by convolution (also called finite impulse response or
FIR) and by recursion (also called infinite impulse response or IIR). Filters carried out by convolution
can have far better performance than filters using recursion, but execute much more slowly.
The convolution of the ideal frequency response with the frequency response of a chosen window
causes ripple. This ripple finds its greatest deviations near the discontinuity at the cut-off frequency.
For many applications the ripples in the frequency response are unacceptable. It is possible to
decrease the amount of rippling by using different types of windows. The performance of a window
is governed by its frequency response. Since the frequency response of the window is convolved with
14 July 2015
the desired frequency response the objective is to find a window which has a frequency response
which is as impulsive as possible. That is, the frequency response should have a narrow main lobe
with most of the energy in this lobe and side lobes which are as small as possible.
Some current windows used in practice are:
Triangular (this window shows less ripple but broader transition bands than the rectangular
Hamming (All but 0,04 % of the Hamming windows energy is in the main lobe)
Kaiser (The Kaiser window yields an optimal window in the sense that the side lobe ripple is
minimized in the least squares sense for a certain main lobe width.)
Chebyshev (The Chebyshev window uniformly minimizes the amount of ripple in the side
lobes for a given main lobe width and filter length).
The primary attribute of IIR filters is their speed, typically more than an order of magnitude faster
than the FIR filters. This is because they are carried out by recursion rather than convolution. The design
of these filters is based on a mathematical technique called the z-transform.
Current examples of IIR filters are:
Chebyshev (type I and II),
The Chebyshev response is an optimal trade-off between ripple and roll-off. As the ripple increases,
the roll-off becomes sharper. When the ripple is set to 0 %, the filter is called a Butterworth filter. A
ripple of 0,5 % is often a good choice for digital filters. One distinguish two types of Chebyshev
Type 1 filters, meaning that the ripple is only allowed in the passband.
Type 2 filters, meaning that the ripple is only in the stopband. Type 2 filters are seldom used.
14 July 2015
The elliptic filter has ripple in both the passband and the stopband. Elliptic filters provide the fastest
roll-off for a given number of poles, but are much harder to design. It is frequently the first choice of
filter designers.
14.6.5 Precautions
14 July 2015
Shock data validation
15.1 Overview
Before the recording of shock response data are utilized, it is important to ascertain the quality of
these data based on shock validity criteria. The Piersol procedure [RD-073] and [RD-074] is
recommended for determining the validity of shock data, where:
the time histories are visually inspected,
the noise perturbation is evaluated,
the comparison of positive and negative SRS’s are computed.
All shock signals are visually inspected for evidence of the following anomalies:
Obvious wild points, dropouts, magnitude limitations (malfunction),
Signal terminations (accelerometer failure or separation from the structure),
Sharp, randomly occurring spikes (noise due to a loose connector or other intermittent noise
Asymmetrical signal (electrical isolation, grounding problem, accelerometer/amplifier
saturation, DC and dynamic offsets).
In most cases, if a pyroshock signal reveals any of the above anomalies, the data are considered
invalid. However corrections for certain anomalies are possible, specific cases are also discussed
Some illustrations of anomalies detected by visual inspection are presented in Figure 15-1, Figure 15-2
et Figure 15-3.
14 July 2015
accélération (g)
1.50E-02 1.70E-02 1.90E-02 2.10E-02 2.30E-02 2.50E-02 2.70E-02 2.90E-02
time (s)
SRS (g)
1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04
fréquence (Hz)
It is important to notice that nothing on the above SRS allows to detect the time signal anomaly. In
some cases, the SRS magnitude in the useful frequency range (typically between 100 and 10000 Hz)
was profoundly modified by this type of anomaly without being able to directly detect it on the SRS.
0.0015 0.0025 0.0035 0.0045 0.0055 0.0065 0.0075 0.0085 0.0095
02.12.1998 tim e (s)
14 July 2015
14 July 2015
The data processing should be conducted on the effective duration of the measured time history data.
The effective shock duration is defined as the minimum length of time that contains at least 90 % of
the energy associated with the shock event (sliding RMS value over a short horizon). For the
determination of the effective shock duration, the information inherent in the complex transient
should be preserved, and the information related to instrumentation noise should be minimised.
In most cases, the judgment of an experienced analyst is satisfactory in determining the effective
duration, in place of a rigorously applied analytical definition.
Arms max
Effective shock duration Overview
Purpose of this section is the definition of the validity frequency range. Generally speaking, its
definition does not follow a single rule, but it depends on different aspects such as signal duration,
limitation due to the sampling, perturbation due to the noise or inaccuracy due to acquisition system.
The combination of all these aspects results in the definition of the validity frequency range. This is
the frequency range to be used to verify the validity criteria.
The cut off frequency (fc) is defined by fc signal duration and corresponds to the lower
frequency, which can be observed if we take into account 3 periods.
The noise SRS should be computed from a segment of the signal measured after the transient has
diminished into the noise (or before, if a sufficient segment of the signal is available). The duration of
this segment should be the same as the duration of the transient segment.
14 July 2015
The pyroshock should be considered valid at those frequencies where the noise SRS is more than 6 dB
below the pyroshock SRS.
The data sampling limits the validity frequency range in the upper band. For instance if a sampling of 50
kHz (t = 2e-5s) is considered, the frequency range can be extended up to 7000 Hz - 8000 Hz (at least, 6
to 7 points are required to approximate one period of the signal).
On the next graphs, the effect of an improper sampling on the SRS calculation can be visualized. A
theoretical signal has been used composed of three frequency components at respectively 5000, 9000
and 16000 Hz. This reference signal has been sampled at 1 MHz. It has been then resampled at 40 kHz
with an algorithm that preserves the frequency content below the resampled frequency (see the FFT).
On the SRS, it can be noticed a difference between both signals superior to 2 dB after 11 kHz (grey
The optimal sampling frequency should be as per Section
(a) 1000
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
Time (s)
(b) 60
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (Hz) 4
x 10
(c) 5000
2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 15-5: (a) reference and resampled time signals; (b) reference and resampled
FFT; (c) reference and resampled SRS
14 July 2015
The ratio between SRS+ and SRS- (cf. for definition) should be computed for all signals. These
two SRS should agree at all frequencies, above the beginning of the validity frequency range (as
defined previously) within 6 dB.
If they differ by more than 6 dB (i.e. 0,5 and 2) at any frequency, the pyroshock data should be
considered invalid at all frequencies.
For general use, such as derivation of shock specification or shock severity assessment, the simplified
criteria are enough for determining the validity of pyroshock data. However some more advanced
applications, such as FE simulations, require using some “perfect” time history measurements.
In addition to the simplified criteria, as presented above, a velocity validation procedure should be
applied. The velocity signal is obtained by integration and should look like a lowpass filtered version
of the acceleration signal with a zero velocity value at the end of the measurement (for shock tests
with no net velocity change). This integrated signal can be used to detect anomalies in the
measurement system e.g., cable breakage, slew rate of amplifier exceeded, data clipped, unexplained
accelerometer offset.
It is important to take care to distinguish between a rapid trend indicative of a spurious acceleration
signal and a slower trend due to an integrated noise problem (which can generally be corrected with a
highpass filter).
The signal should be considered invalid if a rapid shift of the velocity mean value is revealed, more
precisely if the mean value of the velocity signal exceeds the peak-to-peak range of the fluctuating
portion of the velocity signal. This example is given in Figure 15-6.
14 July 2015
Acceleration (g)
Acceleration (g)
SRS (g) – Q=10
Velocity (m/s)
Acceleration and velocity time histories, Positive Acceleration and velocity time histories, Positive
versus negative SRS for valid pyroshock data versus negative SRS for valid pyroshock data
15.5.1 Overview
Corrections for certain anomalies are possible. If wild points or noise spikes are easy to be corrected,
other corrections for other anomalies such as dynamic offset or power line pickup require a more
dedicated attention from an experienced analyst.
Recommendations for zeroshift correction and power line pick up correction are provided hereafter.
Zeroshift [RD-056] is commonly defined as failure of the electrical output of the piezoelectric
accelerometer to return to its original zero baseline after an acceleration transient. This shift can be of
either polarity and of unpredictable amplitude and duration.
14 July 2015
Zeroshift effects can be created in the accelerometer, the cable, and/or the electronics. In addition to
the effects within the ferroelectric material, other sources such as slippage of internal parts, cable
noise, straining of sensing element, inadequate system low frequency response, and overloading of
electronic circuits can also lead to zeroshift.
No cause dominates as a major source of zeroshift. Therefore to minimise the actual zeroshift in a
given test, all of the causes are also minimised or eliminated (through proper component selection and
instrumentation system setup). The best approach to the zeroshift problem is prevention.
It is important to dedicate a careful attention to the shock data validation. Especially all data affected
by a zeroshift problem should be clearly identified. These “erroneous” signals can be easily
identified, either directly after visual inspection (for the most severe cases), or looking at the Shock
Response Spectrum (incorrect slope in the low frequency band of the spectrum – slope much lower
than 6 dB/oct).
Illustrations of zeroshift in shock signals are shown in Figure 15-7.
Severe zeroshift
Accelerometer and amplifier overloads
Incorrect slope in
lower band of the SRS
Zeroshift – non return to zero
Incorrect slope in
lower band of the SRS
Zeroshift - Divergence trend
Incorrect slope in
lower band of the SRS
14 July 2015
Compensating for zeroshift requires making assumptions and interpretations, which can be then the
source of unacceptable errors (resulting in unintentional overtest of the specimen).
Corrective actions to treat zero-shift problems exist but it is important to apply them on a case by
case basis and with great precaution.
When encountering a zeroshift problem, the following procedure is recommended:
Discard all time histories affected by severe zeroshift, which are usually caused by overloading
of sensor or amplifier. If a zeroshift due to saturation of a piezoelectric transducer or amplifier is
identified, consider the data as spurious, no corrective editing or trend removal should be
The following criterion is proposed for the classification of zeroshift (from severe to limited):
Severe zeroshift: A zeroshift should be considered as severe, when it is clearly
attributed to saturation of an amplifier or piezoelectric transducer element. Case 1
presented in Figure 15-7 is a good illustration for a severe zeroshift problem, which
cannot be corrected in any case (nonlinear system response, causing a loss of
information at all frequencies).
Another rejection criteria could be as follows: if a pyroshock signal reveals zeroshift with
mean amplitude higher than 1/8th of the maximum temporal, the measurement should be
limited zeroshift: In most cases where a zeroshift is not due to saturation of an
amplifier or piezoelectric transducer element, the presence of the zeroshift in the
data signal only distorts the low frequency content in a computed SRS.
Example of slight zeroshifts are presented in Figure 15-7 (case2 and case3):
Case 2: A step signal superimposed to the shock signal is usually indicative of an
accelerometer malfunction called “crystal domain-switching”, but such a result could
also be indicative of saturation in the accelerometer amplifier. Experience has shown that
the loss of information affects essentially the low frequencies (where the slope is incorrect
in lower band of the SRS). The measure can usually be corrected (see below), under the
condition that the mean amplitude of the zeroshift is lower than 1/8th of the maximum
Case 3: A divergence and monotonic trend are not indicative of a sensor or acquisition
system malfunction. The measure can usually be corrected (see below).
Try to use another data in direct vicinity, not affected by this problem.
For limited zeroshift, any correction procedure requires a detailed knowledge of the sensor and
acquisition characteristics, as well as a proper engineering judgment. The following correction
procedures could be used:
High pass filter (cut-off frequency fc). The subsequent data analysis computations
would be limited in the lower frequency range by 1,5 f c (no mechanical signal
below this frequency),
Prony decomposition to remove non-physical Prony modes.
14 July 2015
Example of Prony correction for dynamic offset
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
Time (s)
Example of Prony correction for dynamic offset
Prony Mode
0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 0.055 0.06
Time (s)
Example of Prony correction for dynamic offset
Prony Mode
483X4 corrected by Prony
10 2 3 4
10 10 10
Frequency (Hz)
14 July 2015 Overview
The contamination of a measured signal by power line pickup (at 50Hz within Europe, often with
multiple harmonics) commonly occurs if the data acquisition system is not properly shielded and
grounded. Power line pickup produces a periodic oscillation superimposed on the signal time history
of interest. If the pickup is strong, the detection is easily made by visual inspection on the time history
of interest, as illustrated in Figure 15-9.
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045
-2 SEV3Y[g]
-6 SEV5X[g]
-8 SEV5Z[g]
clampband release
time (s)
Unless it is very severe, power line contamination is not a reason to reject measurements for spectral
analysis purposes, although it can somewhat limit the time domain interpretations of such data.
Some components have been identified in the measured signals which do not correspond to any
mechanical vibration. Those levels are not relevant for shock study and can be removed. There is no
perfect way to clean the signals from the low frequency interference. However, if the undesired
components can be identified and isolated, they can be removed by subtraction or filtering.
14 July 2015
Since the electrical disturbances are the same on all channels, it is possible to identify the electrical
noise by checking the components which are exactly the same. This is done by:
Filtering the signals with a high pass filter to remove the offsets in the measures (when
necessary) and then with a low pass filter to remove the high frequency components.
Looking at both the temporal filtered signals and the Fourier transforms.
Multiplying the levels by the ratio between calibration gains for channels with different
calibration gains (so that the electrical components are amplified with the same ratio for all
Removing the channels which show some other levels than the electrical components
Calculating the average of the remaining channels, which gives the best approximation for the
electrical components.
Comparing this average to the filtered signals and checking that the average almost equals the
signals, and ensuring that there is low scatter between the signals used to calculate the average.
Check with Fourier transform that the average contains the same components at the same levels
than the signals.
Subtracting the average to all channels (with a correction factor for different calibration gain).
The resulting signal is free from the electrical components.
Remark: in Europe, electrical components are often multiple of 50 Hz. Precautions
The filters used are filters with non-dephasing behaviour. All filters responses are checked to verify
their quality.
The filters do not work at the really beginning and at the end of the signals. This is not a real issue,
since the shock event does not usually begin exactly at the beginning of the recorded signal and ends
before the end of the recording. This implies the necessity of calculating SRS from the beginning of the
shock to its end, removing the time laps where the filtering is poor.
14 July 2015
Part 4
Shock damage risk assessment
14 July 2015
Introduction to shock damage risk
16.1 Overview
Following system and equipment level testing, the qualification status of the shock sensitive
equipment are assessed by comparing the qualification shock levels (including 3 dB margin) to the
shock qualification requirement at equipment interface (or shock allowable derived by sine/random
testing – see Part 3 – Shock Verification Approach).
In the ideal case, the capability of the spacecraft to withstand or, if appropriate, to operate in the
induced shock environments is demonstrated after this operation. And the shock qualification is
But in some cases, the shock qualification cannot be directly achieved (shock environment not
completely validated by system level and unit level testing). In general, this problem is discovered too
late to perform a delta qualification at unit level.
Several recent ESA programmes as ENVISAT, ARTEMIS, SMART-1and MSG were in this position
and had to face the demonstration of their spacecraft integrity with respect to a stringent shock
environment. In this frame, some special techniques have been established in order to get a sufficient
confidence in the absence of degradation risk against shock.
The so-called Shock Damage Risk Assessment (SDRA) is built on a good knowledge of failure modes
of shock sensitive equipment on good engineering practices for the derivation of shock level at
components interface, and for the identification of the qualification status of the shock sensitive
It is of importance to underline that a Shock Damage Risk Analysis is by itself not a qualification,
however it can provide an assessment if the spacecraft can withstand the required shock
environment without damage/degradation or not.
Such demonstration activities are performed in the frame of different contexts due to the project
development differences. In particular, the time schedule can be compatible or not with the
performance of additional testing at system level or equipment level. Nevertheless the methodologies
and approaches used are the same. They are based on the evaluation of the damage risks against
shock for the sensitive equipment.
Sub Case 1: Case of a satellite following proto-flight verification test at system
level. The assessment objective is then to evaluate the risk on equipment induced
by such a test.
14 July 2015
Sub Case 2: Case of equipment not fulfilling the shock qualification requirement
and no sufficient heritage exists. In case shock verification is to be achieved on
PFM unit, the risk is assessed. For a new development (QM available), SDRA is
used to support designs choices in order to minimize the risk of failure during
Sub Case 3: Case of an alert on component that impacts all programmes on which
some equipment has this component.
Due to the high frequency nature of pyroshocks, the induced phenomena are not easily numerically or
analytically simulated, and therefore the notion of safety margin becomes ambiguous, in the same
way a probability risk level cannot be precisely estimated. Instead, the level of confidence in a SDRA
is directly and obviously related to the conservatism considered for the various analysis parameters.
When conducting a SDRA, it is essential to justify the conservatism in the assumptions made.
In this regard, the SDRA drives automatically the unit away from the qualification domain; but it
either provides valuable data to ensure a successful qualification (in view of a sub-system or
system level qualification test), or it provides a risk assessment on the capability of a
spacecraft/equipment to withstand (or not) the required shock environment without damage.
14 July 2015
Unit susceptibility with respect to shock
17.1 Overview81B
14 July 2015
14 July 2015
17.2 Derivation of
82B qualification shock levels at unit
Prior any Shock Damage Risk Assessment, it is recommended to review the methodology previously
used to derive the qualification shock levels at unit interface.
Indeed, an excessive conservatism in the derivation methodology could result in declaring wrongly
most of the equipment non-qualified.
This operation simply consists in comparing the qualification shock levels (including 3 dB margin) to
the shock levels achieved during equipment level testing (or shock allowable derived by random
testing – see Part 3 – Shock Verification Approach).
Further compatibility assessment should then be limited to the identified non-coverage (so-called
critical frequency ranges) with respect to the qualification shock levels.
In the comparison of shock levels (unit / system), care should be taken for the selection of the SRS Q
factor. Experience has shown that the selection of the Q factor depends on the environmental category
of the pyroshock data:
14 July 2015
For far-field shock environment (structural modal responses predominant and high in the low
frequency range below 2 kHz): A standard Q factor of 10 can be retained in the comparison of
shock levels.
Whereas for Medium-field shock environment (typically induced by a local pyrotechnical
device, used for spacecraft separation or appendages deployment), experience has shown that
high frequency modes of the spacecraft (for instance, breathing mode of sandwich panel with
high Q factor, excited by a cable cutter or a pyro-nut) could be easily transmitted inside an
equipment. In that case, it is recommended to compute the SRS with two different Q factors
(typically 10 and 100) to reveal pseudo-harmonic frequency content.
NOTE Near-field shock environment is generally not encountered at
spacecraft level.
Figure 17-3 shows that increasing Q factors, some frequency contents of the system shock (pyrotechnic
cutter) can be particularly critical. The same behaviour can be observed on qualification shock
accelerations (Figure 17-4) but the emphasized frequencies can be different than the ones at system
level. As a result, the test of some sensitive components that appear qualified considering a Q factor of
10 can be non-conservative if higher internal Q factors are considered, as illustrated by Figure 17-5. On
this figure, it should also be noted the very different nature of the two shock excitations. The shock at
system level has narrow band frequency content (almost a damped sine wave) whereas the
qualification shock has a broader band frequency content.
Figure 17-3: Shock measurement (pyrotechnic cutter) at system level - SRS with
varying Q
Figure 17-4: Example of qualification mechanical shock test - SRS with varying Q
14 July 2015
2 dB
Figure 17-5: Comparison between qualification and system tests – SRS with Q=10
(a) and 100 (b)
14 July 2015
The damage tolerances and their associated criteria are depending on the mission of the equipment
and its sub-system. In case that an equipment is not straightforwardly qualified, then a “dedicated
qualification” can be necessary in relation to its compatibility with the mission, spacecraft general
design and operations.
For instance, let’s consider a relay to illustrate the impact of the mission on the damage tolerance:
The damage modes of a relay are bouncing, transfer and degradation. Assuming that the unit
(housing this relay) is switched-off during the shock event, the bouncing can be allowed, whereas the
transfers can be allowed only if the unit is re-initialised before it is switched-on. For some types of
relays, the transfer can damage definitively the mechanism, thus decreasing dramatically the
bouncing threshold.
Thermal cycling is another aspect to be considered in the analysis of the shock damage. In some cases,
minor cracks initiated during the shock event can reveal to be disastrous some time later as thermal
cycling propagates the phenomenon. This is the reason why it is always recommended to perform
some thermal cycling after a shock test.
17.5.1 Overview
The identification of the sensitive components in the unit under investigation in regards of the critical
frequency ranges allows the determination of the unit susceptibility to shock.
Based upon return of experience from unit development / qualification testing, failure case histories
and engineering judgment, rules for failure modes of shock sensitive components have been
established. In this respect, this section intends to list the failure modes of the most commonly used
Three categories of shock sensitive components can be distinguished:
Electronic components
Functional mechanical assemblies
14 July 2015
The shock sensitive electronic components are listed in the table below.
14 July 2015 Relay
The qualification test campaign of a small payload unit has given the following results:
Transfer of a TL relay after the shock along X-axis, but the relay could still be activated
Transfer of the relay after the shock along Z-axis, but the relay could still be activated
Transfer plus temporary locking of the relay (before it could be activated again) during an
additional shock along X-axis.
Figure 17-6 indicates the excitation axes with respect to relay orientation. Figure 17-7 shows an X-ray
picture of the relay after the complete test sequence. The relay is irreversibly damaged (plastic
deformation of the brackets supporting the mobile part). The mounting conditions of the component on
the Printed Circuit Board were such that it created a local resonance of the component around 1700 Hz
(Q = 80), at the origin of the failure. See also the section for additional examples on the
importance of the relay mounting conditions on the relay functional issues.
(a) (b)
Figure 17-7: (a) TL relay before shock – (b) Damaged TL relay after a qualification
shock test on a payload unit
14 July 2015
Figure 17-8 shows the X-ray of another type of TL relay mounted on a PCB that was submitted to an
acceleration exceeding 4000 g (temporal) during a process qualification. Once again, the relay is
irreversibly damaged.
(a) (b)
Figure 17-8: (a) TL relay before shock – (b) Damaged TL relay after a process
qualification shock test
Procurement specifications are generic in nature and are not always reflecting the qualification need
for equipment submitted to a stringent shock environment. The situation has improved with the
introduction of a high level mechanical shock (up to [email protected] half sine, compared to previously
defined level of 100g/6ms) for several of relay types, as specified in ESCC generic specifications [RD-
095] and [RD-096].
NOTE 100g@6ms half sine specification on relay is inherited from MIL-STD-
202G, Method 213B, Test Condition C. Such low level is neither
representative of the qualification level for equipment nor
representative of the frequency content associated to the shock
specification typically defined for electronic units.
The adequacy of the specified levels from the procurement specification should be verified as part of
the Equipment Qualification Status Review (EQSR). In the situation where those specified levels are
not covering the qualification need for an equipment submitted to a stringent shock environment (i.e.
depending on the electronic unit design, on the relay type and on the severity of the shock
environment), some delta-qualification activities need to be conducted.
In order to better understand the behaviour of relays with respect to shock environment and to gain
confidence in the domain, a test campaign ([RD-097] and [RD-098]) has been carried out on several
types of relays at ESTEC test facility. This test campaign has been conducted in the frame of ENVISAT
qualification process; the purpose was to determine the shock levels inducing bouncing or transfer.
A total of 9 different types of relays have been shock tested. Three specimens of each type of relay
have been shock tested, to assess the repeatability from relay to relay.
The mounting conditions were:
a bracket for EL215,EL425,E215,GP2,GP250,GP3A and PHL50A
a piece of printed circuit board for the T12 and TL12
14 July 2015
As shown below, the test bench consisted in a cube of aluminium being hit by a pendulum hammer.
The shock was of metal/metal impact type, with a shape enveloped by an exponential decay. The test
bench has been instrumented to monitor the transient shock acceleration close to the specimen
mounting. A relay status detection circuit has also been used for setting the relay mode (latch or reset)
and for monitoring the relay contacts during the shock impact.
In order to establish SRS thresholds for these relays, a typical SRS of the applied shocks is illustrated
hereunder. It appears that the peak of the SRS is about three times higher than the maximum of the
time history. To be more precise, a conservative ratio of 2 should be applied between 1000 Hz and
3000 Hz and the SRS threshold should be the peak acceleration of the time history above 3000 Hz.
Finally, the SRS of such a shock can be fully defined by its peak acceleration G, as illustrated on Figure
14 July 2015
100 Hz 1 kHz 3 kHz 10 kHz
Figure 17-11: Schematic SRS of a typical qualification shock (peak acceleration G)
applied on relays
Except for monostable relays, no bouncing has been reported for acceleration levels lower than 200g
peak acceleration. Transfer phenomena have been reported on most bi-stable relays at varying levels
above 500g. Some relays have been damaged (PHL50A, and GP2).
The highest levels applied in relation to the damage modes (bouncing, transfer, irreversible damage)
are summarized in Table 17-2.
14 July 2015
Table 17-2: Highest applied G levels without failure vs. type of relay
Relay No bouncing No transfer Highest level
experienced below: experienced below: without damage
EL215 600g 2600g 2600g
EL415 280g 2220g 2220g
E215 500g 1790g 1790g
GP3A 520g 520g 1730g
GP250 540g 1390g 1840g
GP2A 570g 1270g 2040g
T12 630g 1580g 1900g
TL12 510g 1800g 2000g
PHL50A 280g 1250g 1250g
Note that the levels which are indicated in the table are maximal values of the time history of the
The considered failure modes (either bouncing, transfer and/or non-reversible degradation) can be
frequency dependent. But as the sensitive range of frequency is not known, the level is given in the
time domain. Quartz
Bonding area
Seal Base
When a quartz component is submitted to a shock excitation, two phenomena can occur:
Dynamic shift of its central frequency during the shock
Permanent shift of its central frequency after shock exposure. This is often considered as the
most critical issue.
These two effects are illustrated in Figure 17-13.
14 July 2015
Central frequency shift during the
X 10 8 shock
Shock acceleration
tO t1
Quartz are components characterized by a very few internal resonances that present a very high Q
factor. These resonances can be identified experimentally by using the quartz as a sensor and applying a
calibrated force to compute a transfer function, as indicated on Figure 17-14. A typical response of a 100
MHz crystal with 2 clips is illustrated on Figure 17-15. In this case, there are only 3 resonances below 10
kHz. Figure 17-16 shows the associated mode shapes computed by finite elements.
Channel 2:m/s
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
x 10
14 July 2015
Figure 17-16: First mode shapes of 100 MHz quartz with 2 clips
Various shock tests performed on quartz components show that an excessive excitation of these
resonant frequencies can result in a permanent frequency shift of the resonator eventually associated
to an apparent irreversible damage (broken quartz, clip attachment or bonding).
Therefore, when analysing a quartz issue, it is important that the SRS is calculated to reflect a realistic
Q factor of the critical resonances.
Last but not least, an excessive shock exposure can accelerate the aging of the quartz, i.e. the frequency
shift over the years.
10000 0,8
1000 0,5
LEVEL 2 0,4
Level [g]
ppm R
0,2 Quartz
0,1 freq shift
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 17-17: (a) Payload unit shock specifications – (b) associated Local Oscillator
frequency shifts in ppm
A permanent frequency shift is associated to a stress relief on the quartz crystal. This can occur
without any apparent damage of the component but it can also be linked to mechanical defects such as
crack initiations at either interface of the elastic clips maintaining the quartz crystal, as illustrated by
Figure 17-18.
14 July 2015
14 July 2015
Example 3 – Dependence with respect to shock characteristics (half sine versus metal on metal)
A quartz whose fundamental resonance was measured at 6075 Hz along X axis has been submitted
(bonded on a PCB) to two different shock tests:
A 600g half-sine, 0,5 ms (Figure 17-21)
A metal on metal shock (Figure 17-22)
Figure 17-20 shows the cumulative frequency shift of the local oscillator after each axis of the various
tests. It is relatively low (< 0,2 ppm) after the three half sine shocks. The frequency shift is still
acceptable after the first two shock at level 1 (along Z and Y), but it raises dramatically to 0,8 ppm
after the shock along X axis. The SRS level is 3000 g at 6075 Hz considering a Q factor of 10 but it
reaches 10000 g considering a Q factor of 600.
Figure 17-20: Cumulated Quartz frequency shift (ppm) after various shock tests
14 July 2015
Figure 17-22: SRS of metal on metal shock at level 1 (Q=10 and Q=600)
Table 17-3: Aging results on quartz before and after shocks at level 1
Frequency Frequency
Estimated aging over 20 Shift after Estimated aging over 20
S/N before Shocks after shocks
years before shocks (ppm) shock tests years after shocks (ppm)
(Hz) (Hz)
64801 95539871 -0,292 95539914 0,450 -0,264
64812 95540019 -0,445 95540031 0,126 -4,28
64814 95540103 -0,332 95540128 0,262 -0,492
64815 95539869 -0,035 95539965 1,005 0,355
14 July 2015
Magnetic components often have a magnetic circuit made of ferrite material. This material has good
electrical properties but is also characterized by a fragile rupture.
The other failure mode for these components is the electrical lead wire rupture.
Example 1 – RM rupture
Pyrotechnic tests with increasing amplitude have been performed on various sizes of magnetic
components bonded on a rigid substrate. The test vehicle and the test setup are described on Figure
17-23. The results are illustrated in Figure 17-24 up to Figure 17-27. It appears that the larger is the
component the lower is the level to rupture. All allowable SRS levels exceed 2000 g for frequencies
above 3000 Hz.
Similar test have been performed with components (RM size 4, 5 and 7) reported on a PCB ( Figure
17-28). The results on Figure 17-29 show that no damage was observed for SRS levels up to 3000g at
frequencies above 1000 Hz.
14 July 2015
Zone de rupture du RM12
Acceleration [g]
100 1000 10000
Frequency [Hz]
Acceleration [g]
100 1000 10000
Frequency [Hz]
Acceleration [g]
100 1000 10000
Frequency [Hz]
14 July 2015
Zone de rupture des RM's 4 & 5
Acceleration [g]
100 1000 10000
Frequency [Hz]
Accelerometers RM7
Figure 17-28: Pyroshock Test Set-up – RM reported on a PCB
14 July 2015
14 July 2015 Hybrid
Example 2 – Multiple damages on an hybrid (packaging structural failure, pin bond failure and glass
seal damage)
Figure 17-31 shows multiple damages on an hybrid consecutive of high shock loads application, in
excess of 3.f severity (i.e. 3000g @ 1000Hz).
The damage has propagated from the mounting points causing excessive stress to the braze joint, glass
seals and wire bonds resulting in the failure of the module.
14 July 2015
Figure 17-32 represents an example of test measurement setup of sensitivity threshold of tantalum
capacitor. The PCB is clamped along two edges. The dimensions have been chosen to obtain a given
bending resonance frequency for the PCB. An accelerometer is measuring the OOP acceleration. In
this specific example, a risk was identified for PCB deflection exceeding 1mm (for a PCB of dimension
100 mm). However the sensitivity threshold depends on the capacitor dimensions and on the induced
PCB deflection.
The tantalum capacitor can also be heavy and of large dimensions, and hence falls in the category of
large and heavy components, for which adequate mounting condition (i.e. staking with adhesive
compound) and method for stress relief should be implemented, as per ECSS-Q-ST-70-08C [RD-0121].
14 July 2015
Example 1 – Large deflection of PCB resulting from an insufficient support/reinforcement of the PCB
combined with high shock loads (above 2000g SRS, depending on the induced PCB deflection), can
lead to adhesive failure and rupture of solder joint, as illustrated in Figure 17-34 ; or can lead to pin /
lead-wire rupture, as illustrated in Figure 17-35.
An adequate mounting condition should be implemented as per ECSS-Q-ST-70-08C and ECSS-Q-ST-
70-38C (in particular with staking applied for components weighing more than 5gr). It should be
noted that conformal coating cannot be considered as a suitable staking method.
NOTE Refer to [RD-0121] for requirements for the manufacture and
verification of manually‐soldered, high reliability electrical
connections; and [RD-0122] for requirements for electrical connections
of leadless and leaded surface mounted devices (SMD).
Figure 17-34: Adhesive failure and rupture of solder joint after a stringent shock test
Figure 17-35: Pin / lead-wire rupture (component heavier than 5gr, without staking)
14 July 2015
Example 2 – Lead wire rupture between solder joint and winding of coil
In the following example, the winding wires had sheared between the solder joint and the winding of
a coil. This coil was insufficiently secured (only with two lacing cords, and without adhesive), which
allowed movement in the plane of the PCB. As such a certain amount of stress has been induced in the
coil leads between the coil exit point and the fixed connection of the lead in the solder joint to the
board, which resulted in rupture of the lead wire (vibration/shock).
This illustrates that for heavy components, such as coils (typically heavier than 5 gr), adequate
mounting technology should be implemented, as per ECSS standard ECSS-Q-ST-70-08C. Such
components should be secured by either mechanical means or application of adhesive and should not
impair stress relief.
Accordingly typical mounting technology for coils consist in a staking solution with additional
mechanical means (for example lacing and/or staking), while stress relief design should be
implemented for the lead wire.
Figure 17-36: Sheared lead between solder joint and winding of coil
This example can be extended to any heavy components weighing more than 5gr, for which adequate
mounting condition (i.e. staking with adhesive compound) and method for stress relief should be
implemented, as per ECSS standard ECSS-Q-ST-70-08C [RD-0121].
14 July 2015
Optical modules and two different types of optical fibre connectors were submitted to increasing
levels of half sine shock, as illustrated on Figure 17-37. No damage has been observed up 2000 g SRS.
Transmission losses of the connectors have been measured after the shocks and do not exceed 0,3 dB.
Figure 17-37: Shock test set-ups with optical components and connectors
The low insertion force DIP socket usually consists of components with 2 rows of parallel legs of 8 to
40 pins, going through the PCB.
The problem has arisen because of the shim in tantalum which has been made for reducing the
component sensitivity to Electromagnetic Radiations; this shim was cut in a sheet of tantalum 1 mm
thick. The shim is stuck on the track and tin lead and glue adheres badly so it creates a weakness. The
rule is not to use a track or shim of the same material as the track below the shim. A manufacturing
sheet has been written to reinforce bonding of the shim. It is important that the thickness of adhesive
is the smallest possible to avoid increasing the thermal resistance.
14 July 2015
At least each equipment has a card with this type of support. To ensure that the component does not
pull off, the shim was bonded on the PCB and between the shim and the component was applied
charged varnish to permit component disassembling; if we did not have a good holding of the
component via a shim, when this component is mounted on the low insertion force DIP socket, it
raises the component on the PCB. If the shim is badly glued, or if there is no shim, one can get a
component pulling off during the mechanical shock.
The components mounted on low insertion force DIP socket can dissipate. It can then be necessary to
put a stiffener bar, on which are mounted the components. That makes the length of leg through the
hole even shorter since the leg length is much less when the component is mounted on an outgrowth
of stiffener which allows heat dissipation.
The threshold risk of component pulling off is identified around 1000 g to 1300 g SRS along OOP
direction. Overview
528B Particles generated at the time of the welding of the chip on the substrate
The particles are generated during the brazing of the chip, mainly by an eutectic gold/silicium, which
is the alloy generating the most particles but which is also used the most because it has other
advantages (good thermal characteristics and low costs in particular).
That relates to all the transistors and integrated circuits with ceramic or metal cases.
The particles are generated during the closing of the cap by a brazing silicon. That relates to all the
metal cases closed by an electric welding (welding known as integral).
This welding having to ensure elsewhere the tightness of the cavity by component, the manufacturer
has tendency to accentuate welding current accentuating the risk of cinder. If diameter is higher than
50 m, they can generate, specifically for the T099, T039, T05,… a short-circuit between a wire and the
edge of chip or between two tracks if there is no protection.
Silicon constituting the chips can itself present cracks likely to generate particles. The sawing known
as integral allows to generate in theory less particles.
That relates to all the semiconductors with cavity (e.g. all those seen previously as well as the diodes
with case glass: D035, D0-7,…).
14 July 2015 Particles of protections peeling
The particles come from the peeling of metal protections out of nickel or gold of the internal wall of
the cases.
That thus relates to all the semiconductors with metal case (including the hybrids). Statistics
In 1985, 15 % of the failures noted during the admission tests on the ground of the ARIANE
equipment originated in the mobile particles in the electronics components. A simple test in heat was
enough to highlight this defect.
In Defence sector, a prime contractor reports that the particles represent the second cause of defects on
the integrated circuits all technologies, the integrated hybrid circuits and the discrete components.
The application of a PIND test has corrected that problem: a PIND test is a Particle Impact Noise
Detection Test. The purpose of a PIND test is to detect loose particles inside a device cavity. The test
provides a non-destructive means of identifying those devices containing particles of sufficient mass
that, upon impact with the case, excite the acoustic transducer. See [RD-0101], [RD-0118].
Figure 17-38 presents the superposition of SRS of the PIND shock test, applied on chosen types of
components, and the levels measured on PCB’s of a stacked equipment. It appears that the lower
frequencies are not covered. That concerns mainly the risk with heavy mobile particles, which could
have resonance frequencies lower than those of the smaller mobile particles.
The following diagram proposes a rationale to help in the decision of specific action in order to
mitigate the risk of mobile particle.
14 July 2015
The following table presents a synthesis of the threshold shock levels for each failure mode of the
sensitive components. Note that G values in Table 17-4 refer to the following SRS:
100 Hz 1 kHz 3 kHz 10 kHz
Figure 17-39: Schematic SRS defined by a G value
14 July 2015
Table 17-4: Components – Sensitivity threshold for the various failure modes
ELECTRONIC Sensitivity threshold for the various failure modes
COMPONENTS Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Remark
Bouncing Transfer Mechanical damage
G=200g SRS in all directions G=600g SRS in all directions G=1200g SRS in all directions
Relief residual stress Solder overstress / adhesive crack Broken crystal Criteria to be verified with
G=600 g SRS in all directions G=600 g SRS in all directions 2000 g SRS at quartz representative Q factors
resonances (>100).
These values are typical for
quartz with frequencies
between 50 and 100MHz.
Crack in ferrite Lead-wire failure
RM, Transformer and Self
2000 g SRS (above 3000 Hz) Apply stress relief and staking solutions
Adhesive rupture Crack glass feed-thru Structural failure
Design and size dependent Design and size dependent Design and size dependent
Local destruction dielectric Short circuit Lead-wire failure
Tantalum capacitor Capacitor size and PCB deflection Capacitor size and PCB deflection Apply stress relief and staking
dependent – ensure acceptable deflection dependent – ensure acceptable deflection solutions
Heavy component / Lead-wire failure Large component / Lead-wire failure
Apply stress relief and staking solutions – Design and size dependent – ensure
Heavy or large component
ensure acceptable deflection acceptable deflection – apply staking
Fibre pigtail cleavage Damaged fibre
Optical components (optical
fibre connector…) 2000g SRS (above 2000 Hz) 2000 g SRS (above 2000 Hz)
14 July 2015 Overview
These units are made of resonant cavities. The dimensions of the cavities are directly linked to the
nature of the RF filter. Screws around the cavity perform additional tuning. Minor changes in the
cavity configuration (volume, screw position) or in the assembly of the cavities modify the original
filter shaping. In case a dielectric resonator technology is used, the electrical contact of the resonator
with the cavity is critical for the RF performance. Any modification of the contact could indeed result
in electrical glitch while thermal cycling. General
An Iso-static mount is designed to provide sufficient strength and stiffness for the dimensioning
mechanical environment, to provide low sensitivity to thermal gradients and to decouple the sensitive
item (mirror, telescope, optical bench, …) thermo-mechanically from the primary structure.
In the following figure is shown a typical iso-static mount arrangement of a mirror.
Induced stresses in the ISM should not exceed the yield precision limit for stability reason. In this
respect, the material characteristics should be precisely characterised (strength, yield precision limit),
stress concentration factor should be accounted for where relevant, and the local dynamics should be
considered (e.g. Q factor, torque, force, bending moment).
The computation of the induced stresses results either from structural analysis or from analytical
derivation based on the geometrical/material characteristics of the ISM.
14 July 2015
The associated degradation modes are permanent deformation, residual tilt or misalignment that
degrades the optical performance of the system.
Usually, for a stress level below the yield precision limit, it is considered that no degradation can
occur. This is valid for the classical precision required in optical instruments. If exceptional stability
performance is specified, this principle is verified through adequate analysis.
The yield precision limit in metals usually used for ISM (INVAR, Titanium), is a few times less than
the classical yield limit. This should be characterized by specific tests on the material. Bonding
Classical bonding
To limit stress concentration as much as possible, mirrors can be interfaced onto a “mirror
cell/flange”, consisting in a cylindrical piece joining the mirror in x points (glued junctions) to
the main structure via the 3 iso-static mounts.
The bonding strength should be evaluated, paying addition to a possible degradation of the
glue mechanical performance due to thermal-vacuum test (adhesive properties from
manufacturer datasheet can be optimistic).
14 July 2015
14 July 2015
A mechanism is by nature a complex assembly of components which are linked together to enable a
relative motion. The components used in the mechanisms, which are reputed sensitive are:
Bearings, gears, worm wheels, endless screws, gimbal bearings – their degradation mode is an
excessive marking. This is further discussed in section 18.3.2.
Alignment critical parts – Their degradation mode is a slippage in interfaces resulting in failure
or performance change.
Clearance seals – Their degradation modes is change in the gap, which could result in
contact/friction/wear/stiction or debris generation.
Valves – Their degradation modes are a limited leakage in quantity and time, a significant or
permanent leakage and a structural degradation, which involve a malfunction of the valve
mechanism. They are further discussed in section 18.3.3.
Life sensitive components – Their degradation modes is an accelerated fatigue for multiple
Others components such as flexible pivots, preload locking systems or RF switches (position
switch can occur when the shock level exceeds 2000g SRS) are also known to be sensitive.
Furthermore a mechanism can include an optical component (i.e. encoder, mirror, …), for which
misalignment, permanent deformation or failure of brittle material can occur.
The life duration impacts on the selection and the severity of the damage criteria. For example, the
residual marking in bearings is practically forbidden for long life duration mechanisms. In the
opposite, for the mechanisms, which are activated only a few times during their life, the residual
marking size allowed is limited by their functionalities.
14 July 2015
Shock damage risk analysis
The first step of the damage risk with respect to shock, described in chapter 17, consists in localizing
(in frequency) and characterizing (by screening all the shock sensitive units and components and
associated degradation modes) the damage risk with respect to shock. Once this first step has been
achieved, a detailed analysis should be performed in order to quantify more precisely the damage risk
with respect to shock on all the units that have been identified as potentially sensitive.
A complete evaluation of the sensitivity against shock requires the knowledge of parameters such as:
Units design via engineering drawings, unit architecture (especially for electronic boxes with
detailed description of PCB, components, mounting technologies)
Geometrical data, material, mass and stiffness properties
Dynamic behaviour in terms of resonant frequencies and Q factors, preferably obtained from
sine survey test or random test on FM units (or only QM if FM data not available) or from FEM
analysis. If both are available, a test-analysis comparison is recommended in order to assess if
the FEM is correlated and trustful to derive non usually measured parameters (e.g. effective
masses, effective transmissibilities, and mode shapes)
Function description, mission criticality
Qualification data for the equipment in terms of an equivalent SRS derived from the random
qualification levels
Heritage shock data from similar units by subcontractor’s data
Qualification data for the components and the mounting technologies (shock tests or random
Identification of the aforementioned unit category and subsequent comparison with the
foreseen qualification shock levels derived by scaling the measured levels to the flight levels
and adding 3 dB margin
The SDRA context is also another criterion to be taken into account when beginning such an analysis.
The identified critical frequency ranges where the considered unit is not formally qualified often
depend on the particular shock source that generates the shock environment. Launcher induced
shocks have indeed the particularity to introduce some important low frequency contents that can
directly excite some natural frequencies of the spacecraft structure whereas the high frequency part of
the spectrum is relatively damped when propagating inside the spacecraft. These low frequency
modes, generally below 1000 Hz, can then excite natural frequencies of units and consequently
generating some non-negligible stress and/or displacement (e.g. mechanisms, PCB deflexion). The first
mode of the unit is then a key parameter to assess the shock damage risk.
14 July 2015
Internal pyroshocks, such as solar array or antenna release, generate mainly high frequency content
(i.e. above 4000 Hz). The involved physical phenomena are then quite different than for the launcher
induced shocks. This frequency span mainly concerns small components (e.g. electronic components
like relays, quartz) inside the equipment. Functional aspects of the unit can also be impacted like relay
bouncing or transfer, valve transient leakage. The detailed design of the unit (e.g. PCB location and
layout, type of component, type of mounting technology) is then the key parameter to assess the shock
damage risk.
18.2.1 Overview
In the overall SDRA process, once the shock level in terms of SRS has been derived at the equipment
interface (see 17.2), the next step is to assess how this level is transmitted inside the unit at the
sensitive components interface. This assessment is a difficult task and cannot be considered as
completely mature. It relies mainly on rules-of-thumb and/or FE analyses, as measurements are
almost never available inside the unit.
As described in the previous section vibration test results and detailed FE analysis are the two key
elements to derive accurately the transmissibility inside the units. The use of these two different and
complementary information allows to gain confidence in the derivation of the level. Test, if
appropriate instrumentation plan, can be used directly to extract the transmissibility (see 18.2.2) or can
be used to correlate a FEM that allows to derive the transmissibility at sensitive component interface
(see para. 18.2.4).
The transmissibility between equipment I/F and sensitive equipment is used for the evaluation of
shock levels at sensitive component interface.
Ideally it could be derived from a representative shock test using a dedicated instrumentation, but it is
generally based on the available measurements performed during sine surveys (up to 2000 Hz).
Shock transmissibility
Definition of SRS level at component I/F
Sensitive components
(electronic, relay, valve,
SRS at unit I/F mechanism)
Qual. Level derived from
system level test
14 July 2015
The derivation of the shock transmissibility can be evaluated with the following steps:
a. In the sine survey test, identify the sensor closest to the shock sensitive component.
Extract from the sine survey the transmissibility FRF (f) between the equipment interface and
this sensor (see Figure 18-1. The sine survey transmissibility corresponds to a steady state
modal response and is different of the transmissibility extracted from the shock regime
b. In most cases, the sensor location differs from the sensitive component location. Therefore, the
transmissibility FRF (f) between these two locations should be evaluated.
c. SRS at component I/F SRS at unit I/F x TF1shock (f) x TF2shock (f)
Where :
TF1shock (f) shock transmissibili ty between unit I/F and sensor location
TF2shock (f) shock transmissibili ty between sensor and component location
FRFisine (f) TFishock (f) 2xFRFisine (f) ( i 1,2)
For the reasons indicated below, in most cases, a good approximation for TFshock is
TFishock (f) FRFisine (f)
14 July 2015
=5 TF shock FRF sine
TF shock 2FRF sine
TF =2.5
TF shock FRFsine
FRF =30
TF =4.6
FRF =18.7
TF =6.1
Figure 18-2: Comparison of the amplification factors between sine and shock tests
on a small RF unit
14 July 2015
In case only random test results are available, i.e. expressed in terms of PSDin and PSDout, it is
recalled that the transmissibility function can be obtained applying the formula:
PSD out
FRF random
PSD in
random sine
Assuming linearity of the unit mechanical behaviour, FRF is equal to FRF .
Sine transmissibility functions are obtained from a test where the specimen is clamped on a stiff
interface and excited by the base uniformly in one direction. The boundary conditions in the
real shock environment, e.g. on a satellite panel, can differ from a clamped condition,
furthermore the shock is a multi-axis excitation source. As a result, this may affect not only the
amplitude of the shock transmissibility function but also the modal behaviour.
And extreme case is presented in Figure 18-3, with a comparison between the transmissibility
identified through sine survey, and the SRS level as recorded during the pyrotechnic shock test
(measurement point is located on a PCB of the equipment). The mode shape that is largely
excited during the pyro shock is a torsion mode at 750 Hz around an OOP axis, with some shear
of the different metallic PCB frames stacked together. This phenomenon cannot occur during a
single axis excitation such as the sine survey vibration. It is worth mentioning that the
pyrotechnic source consisted in a pyrozip separation system, located close to the equipment
interface, hence not fully representative of far-field shock environment usually experienced in a
Figure 18-3: Sine survey and SRS ratio for a given measurement
14 July 2015
An attempt has been made to summarize the previous sections and propose a shock transmissibility
general approach in terms of SRS covering the usual frequency band of far-field shock, i.e. from 100
Hz to 10 kHz. As an illustration, the Figure 18-4 starts from a shock specification at the interface of a
subsystem and a FRF representing the subsystem response under a sine excitation on a rigid interface
(obtained from a shaker test or by FEA). The proposal consists in using the sine transmissibility up to
2000 Hz as specified in section 18.2.2. Then, in the mid frequency band defined between 2000 Hz and
the transition frequency (as explained in, a 6 dB corridor seems a reasonable assumption as
shown in section and Figure 18-15. Beyond the transition frequency, a decreasing corridor is
proposed that ends with a maximum value equal to the specification at 10k Hz, as no more
acceleration is transmitted to the observed point due to global modal behaviour inside the subsystem.
3 10
FRFinside unit
2 0
10 10
1 -1
10 10
3 3
10 10
Frequency (Hz) Fre que ncy (Hz)
Proposal for a general approach envelopping the levels inside the unit
Low Mid High
Frequency Frequency Frequency
2000 Hz Transition
10 2 3 4
10 10 10
Frequency (Hz)
14 July 2015
This proposal is based on a lower and upper SRS bound that depends on the degree of conservatism
for the derivation of this transmissibility. The conservative approach consists in deriving the
transmissibility considering the upper envelope whereas a less conservative approach considers the
lower envelope.
The 3 dB corridor below 2000 Hz is relatively tight as the FRF comes from a real test. Further margin
should be added to reach 6 dB if the FRF is the result of a FEA.
The proposed approach is defined for electronic units exhibiting internal modes beyond 2kHz. For
more complex mechanical assembly (a large instrument for example), some adaptations of this
method are necessary to account for a lower transition frequency. Application of this method to
instruments is further detailed in paragraph Overview
If a detailed FEM of the equipment is available, it can be used to evaluate a shock environment in the
unit at locations where no measures are available. Formally, this situation is comparable to the shock
derivation at subsystem interface in a spacecraft as described precisely in Part 2 – Shock Derivation to
Subsystems. Similar limitations apply to these numerical analyses with regard to the meshing size,
damping introduction, source modelling, components modelling, junctions modelling As a matter of
fact such a numerical method is unable to get precise evaluation of shock environment at component
interface but it can be useful to estimate conservatively a level when used with an appropriate margin
Depending on the context and the available information, more appropriate approaches can be used to
identify responses inside the unit. They can be ordered as follows, from the most accurate method to
the less accurate one:
Method 1: Transient excitation of unit-plate coupled system
Method 2: Base transient excitation of the unit
Method 3: Modal solutions
In the most general case, the shock is specified in terms of I/F acceleration SRS and no transient
acceleration is available. With such limited information, the most appropriate simulation is a transient
response of the unit with the supporting plate/structure, as illustrated on Figure 18-5. This is
particularly important for the out of plane excitation as rocking modes of the unit on the supporting
plate are taken into account. On a vertical unit, these rocking modes largely contribute to the
accelerations on the boards, as illustrated by Figure 18-6.
With some experience in shock testing, the plate can be chosen to be representative of the test bench
structure. The transient analysis thus simulates a qualification shock. Alternatively, the supporting
structure can be chosen representative of the real satellite environment.
The various steps of the simulation method are largely discussed in [RD-0107]. The key point is that
simple force models for the shock excitation, e.g. a half sine or a triangular profile, result in a
14 July 2015
representative acceleration field at the base of the unit. Only the duration of the shock pulse needs to
be tuned. Measured and predicted accelerations (SRS) at the four interfaces of the unit are plotted on
Figure 18-7.
When the simulated acceleration field does not exactly meet the specification of the unit, SRS of the
accelerations on the unit can be easily corrected, applying to the responses the SRS ratio identified
between the specification and average base acceleration.
14 July 2015
Figure 18-7: Predicted and measured accelerations (SRS) at unit I/F along Z-axis
Modelling of the contact between the unit and the plate has a large influence on calculated responses.
To illustrate this influence, Figure 18-8 shows calculated and measured responses on a PCB of the unit
for two different contact models, i.e. merged nodes over the entire contact surface and simple
attachment at fastener locations. Even if the first mode of the unit is slightly too high, the merged
solution for the contact is more representative at frequencies above 500 Hz. However, Figure 18-9
shows that such model gives an excessive response on the structure along Z-axis.
More representative contact behaviour can be obtained from non-linear solutions. In addition, this
contact parameter is less important if the plate has a large flexibility (both modelling solutions tend to
14 July 2015
Figure 18-8: Predicted and measured acceleration on unit PCB for two different
contact models (merged nodes and attachment at fastener locations)
Figure 18-9: Predicted and measured acceleration (Z axis) on unit structure for two
different contact models (merged nodes and attachment at fastener locations)
Even if contact is not an issue, another limitation of the method stands in the damping simulation.
Transient solutions such as Nastran SOL112 do not allow introducing several structural damping
coefficients in the model. As a result, a low damping coefficient that meets the plate dynamic
behaviour is underestimated for the unit response prediction.
All types of output result can be obtained with such simulation method, i.e. transient I/F force, stress
or acceleration and the associated SRS. For sensitive components, the acceleration SRS can then be
compared to the allowable values in chapter 17.5 or to any other database that take into account the
mounting technology eventually.
14 July 2015
When the acceleration field is known exactly in all three directions at each of the equipment interfaces,
direct time integration yields good results up to the mid-frequency range. A transient modal solution
with multiple tri-axial bases is applied. The shock is modelled by a distribution of forced accelerations,
using Lagrangian Multipliers. The main assumption concerns the stiffness of the supporting structure as
it is considered perfectly rigid at each interface. One single base can be used for the in-plane excitation of
the unit on a rigid plate or for the out-of-plane excitation on a massive block (shock machine, Hopkinson
bar). However, this simplification is inaccurate for out-of-plane excitation if the unit is mounted on a
suspended thick plate and the shock is applied next to the unit, as illustrated on Figure 18-10.
The potential of this method to predict the low pass filtered transient behaviour of the electronic
equipment has been demonstrated ([RD-0109], [RD-0108]). At higher frequencies, the rigid boundary
conditions at the I/F of the unit are no longer valid. The inaccuracies of the finite element model
(FEM), with regard to components, connectors, bolts and other details, also result in larger
Figure 18-11 shows predicted and measured responses on the illustrated RF unit applying multi-base
(6 inputs with 4 along Z axis) transient modal excitation.
Figure 18-11: Predicted and measured accelerations (SRS) on the RF unit (from
[RD-0108]) - (a) PCB along Y axis (Y excitation) - (b) Structure along Z (Z excitation)
All types of output result can be obtained with such simulation method, i.e. transient I/F force, stress
or acceleration and the associated SRS. For sensitive components, the acceleration SRS can then be
compared to the allowable values in chapter 17.5 or to any other database that take into account the
mounting technology eventually.
14 July 2015 Method 3 - Modal solutions
This type of analysis allows to characterize the Frequency Response Function (FRF) between a DOF
identified as the source and another identified as the unit response in the frequency domain. Usually
the source DOF is a junction DOF and the corresponding FRF is the transmissibility between the
clamped interface and the internal DOF.
The computed FRF depends mainly on 3 types of parameters, namely the natural frequencies, modal
damping or Q factor and effective parameters (effective mass, transmissibility or flexibility). In order
to be used with confidence, the FEM is compared and correlated if necessary with test data. Sine
survey or tapping test are able to provide an experimental modal basis that can be further used to
correlate the FEM. Once correlated, this FEM is able to provide accurate results at component interface
where no measurements are available.
As explained earlier, the sine survey transmissibility corresponds to a steady state modal response
and is different of the transmissibility extracted from the shock regime measurements. The shock
transmissibility can be evaluated by following the same procedure described in section 18.2.2. The
FEM allows computing directly the transmissibility at the right location (i.e. at the sensitive
component interface – See Figure 18-12):
Compute the transmissibility or FRFsine(f) between the equipment interface and the sensitive
component interface.
SRS at component I/F=SRS at unit I/F xTFshock(f)
Where :
TFshock (f) shock tran smissibili ty between unit I/F and sensor and component location
FRFsine (f) TFshock (f) 2xFRFsine (f)
Sensitive components
(electronic, relay, valve,
In most cases, two distinct frequency ranges can be distinguished in the shock response spectrum of
the equipment. At low frequencies, the shock excitation is eventually amplified by the modal response
characteristics of the equipment. Above a certain frequency, that we call the “transition” frequency,
the input is filtered. A typical response on a PCB is illustrated on Figure 18-13.
14 July 2015
Figure 18-13: Equipment excitation level (at the I/F) and response of a PCB, in
terms of SRS
The transition frequency between low and high frequency ranges can be estimated using the effective
transmissibility parameter [RD-0106]. This modal parameter indicates the level of transmitted
acceleration due to global modal behaviour, from a junction to any equipment point (on the PCB for
instance). It can therefore be used to define the maximum frequency of the LF domain and the
minimum frequency of the HF domain.
To extract this parameter, a modal analysis of the equipment finite element model (FEM) was
performed. Clamped boundary conditions were applied at the interface with the fixing points. Thus,
the effects of phase differences between the injected signals on the system modal behaviour are
neglected. The system could then be reduced to a first sub-structure consisting of the interface degrees
of freedom DOF and a second represented by a set of DOF’s on the equipment model. The equation of
motion leads to Eq. (1) if damping is neglected.
M jj M ji u
j K jj K ji u j R j
Mij Mii u i K ij K ii u i 0
[M] and [K] are mass and stiffness matrices respectively. u j represents the displacements imposed at
the junction and ui represents the internal displacements of the forced harmonic response. R j
represents the force reactions at the junctions. The eigenmodes of both sub-structures are introduced
and transformations of Eq. (1) lead to the dynamic transmissibility matrix which links uj and ui:
ui T~ij () . u j (2)
ij k ij,k (3)
k 1
where Tk () represents the dynamic transmissibility factor of the mode k. The effective
transmissibility matrix Tij,k of the mode k is given by:
ik . L kj
14 July 2015
where ik symbolizes the matrix of the eigenmodes for clamped interface boundary conditions and
m k represents the generalized mass of the mode k. Eq. (5) defines the participation factor L kj of the
mode k where Sij K ii . K ij 1 is the junction static mode matrix.
Lkj ik .Mii .Sij Mij (5)
The expression of the dynamic transmissibility matrix reveals the contribution of each mode to the
equipment response. This contribution is made up of the dynamic transmissibility factor and a term
which characterizes the mode. Moreover, if an infinite modal base is considered, the sum of all of the
modal effective transmissibility matrices is exactly equal to the junction static mode matrix:
T m S
~ ik kj
ij,k ij (6)
k 1 k 1 k
The summation of the effective transmissibilities between an interface DOF (X, Y, Z translations) and a
PCB DOF (X, Y, Z translations respectively) is presented in Figure 18-14. With this example, the
parameter converges to around 95 % of the static mode transmissibility around 5,3 kHz. Thus, above
this frequency, no more acceleration is transmitted to the observed point of the PCB due to global
modal behaviour.
Normalized cumulated
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Frequency (Hz)
Of interest is the transition frequency on the equipment printed circuit board, i.e. where critical
components are most often located. An order of magnitude for this transition frequency (on the PCB)
6000 Hz for small units (mass < 1 kg, PCB area < 100 cm2)
4500 Hz for mid-size units (mass around 3 kg, PCB area around 400 cm2)
3500 Hz for large units (mass around 10 kg, standard 2E PCB size)
These frequencies can be increased if the component is located very close to the edge of the PCB.
The above mentioned transition frequencies correlate quite well qualification shock tests performed
on a thick resonant plate excited by a hammer impact. The cross correlation between all interface
14 July 2015
points is thus stronger than it would be during a pyrotechnic shock (see paragraph for more
explanations). As a result, the transition frequency can be lowered in the case of a pyrotechnic test.
The following example corroborates this proposal. The same equipment was submitted to different
shock tests:
a resonant plate with a hammer impact
a pyrotechnic bolt cutter and the equipment on a honeycomb panel
The results are illustrated here under (Figure 18-15). It appears that a “transition” frequency that
seems to be around 2500 Hz on the resonant plate falls down to 1000 Hz when the equipment is on a
representative honeycomb panel and submitted to a pyrotechnic test.
Another important remark: all the analyzed data show that, between 2000 Hz and the transition
frequency, the amplification does not exceed 6 dB.
Resonant plate
Bolt cutter
14 July 2015 Method 3B – Response Spectrum Analysis (RSA)
Response Spectrum Analysis (NASTRAN SOL 103) is a convenient approximate method of computing
broadband peak response, based on the SRS information. The peak magnitude of the transient
response can be written
uk (t ) ik ir X r (i , g i , t )
i r
where ir are the modal participation factors. The above equation may be approximated by combining
the peak response values at the natural frequencies, i.e. X ri max X r ( i , g i , t ) , given by the specified
shock response spectrum (SRS). Three methods can be used
, X ri
SRSS method ik i i ir
i r
uk jk j
NRL method ik i
i j
Because it is limited to peak response calculation, RSA is generally used to compute stresses in the
equipment. The results can be directly compared to material characteristics. It can also be used for I/F
forces. However, the method is not so relevant in terms of component peak acceleration as most of the
allowable data are defined in SRS terms. The ABS method gives the most conservative result. Positive
margins with this approach bring the maximum confidence in the structural parts submitted to
The other limitation of the RSA method stands in the fact that it simulates perfectly rigid boundary
conditions. This is often acceptable for in plane excitation but it is hardly true for out-of plane
excitation, e.g. when the unit is fixed to a plate. To illustrate this issue, RSA has been applied to the
equipment on Figure 18-5, mounted on a thick plate and submitted to shock along the three directions
X, Y and Z. The RF unit was equipped with strain gauge rosettes at three different locations as
illustrated on Figure 18-16. Measured and calculated maximum principal stresses are compared in the
following table. As indicated above, the ABS method appears conservative at the three locations for
the in-plane excitation, along X and Y axis. However, RSA is unable to predict maximum stresses for
the out-of-plane excitation because they are associated to rocking modes of the unit on the plate, as
explained in section, and RSA cannot simulate such dynamic behaviour.
14 July 2015
Table 18-1: Measured and RSA calculated (ABS method) stresses on equipment
Max principal stress
(Mpa) Test RSA Test RSA Test RSA
X axis 3 4 1.9 3.4 6 6.8
Y axis 3 3 2.4 11 5.5 12
Z axis 6.8 1.2 9 2.3 14 3.5
This example presents the approach which has been undertaken to demonstrate the successful shock
qualification of an optical assembly after an anomaly during QM-1 test has been discovered, see [RD-
0112]. A brief description of the so-called Parabolic Mirror Assembly is provided in Figure 18-17, with
the PMA consisting in a zerodur mirror, glued onto a mirror flange, and supported by a stable
support frame.
The unit failed the first qualification shock test in terms of shift of natural frequencies and optical
alignment. Main objectives of the subsequent analyses have been:
To correlate the finite element model with the QM-1 shock test in order to allow for an adequate
shock prediction,
To determine the root cause and assess failure criteria which could not be directly measured, so
that these criteria could be checked by analysis and used as basis for successful re-performance
of the QM-2 shock test,
To identify recovery solutions, such as design modifications and/or reduced shock specification
in view of QM-2 shock test.
14 July 2015
The achievement of an adequate correlation of shock prediction with respect to shock test results is an
essential step, in order to allow the determination of the root cause and support the identification of
recovery solutions (in the case consisting in a combination between a modification of the interface
design and a reduction of the shock specification).
The objectives of the correlation activity were to match the frequencies of each important modes
influencing the overall response of the system, and to reproduce the tri-axial accelerations (both in
time and frequency domains) at the components which are expected to be the main contributors.
Therefore an adequate correlation can only be claimed if the test specimen was adequately
instrumented, including control accelerometers and accelerometers measuring the response at
relevant components (with time domain data available with sufficient resolution).
Details on the unit instrumentation during shock test are provided in the following figure.
Figure 18-18: PMA instrumentation for shock test (left: sensors for internal
responses – right: tri-axial control accelerometers at unit interface)
An example of achieved correlation of the mirror response, both along the main excitation axis and the
cross axes , is shown in Figure 18-19. A very good correlation is achieved across the whole frequency
14 July 2015
With respect to analysis methods, it is concluded from this example that transient analysis with the
actual time data as basis is more straightforward for shock assessment. In general, the process is easy
to apply and the results are more accurate than in response spectrum analysis (RSA). RSA is based on
shock spectrum and modal characteristics of the structure which are then combined for response
calculation (see paragraph for details on the methodology). To account for interaction
between peak responses, a statistical method is applied which usually adds too much conservatism
into the analysis results. As example, the difference between transient and RSA was identified up to a
factor 2.6 for axial force in bolted joints, which renders any precise assessment of the root cause and
derivation of reduced shock input spectrum infeasible.
The achieved correlated model allows assessing some failure criteria which could not be directly
measured (such as margin of safety at the interface, or stress in bonded joints), as such this model can
be efficiently used in support to the root cause investigation and in support to the identification of
recovery solutions.
In this specific case, the recovery solutions consisted in a modification of the interface design together
with a reduction of the shock specification.
For what concerns the reduction of the shock specification, some local reductions could be granted
while still covering the system need (including coverage with random environment, see paragraph
12.5.3), in frequency ranges with high contribution to loads on screws and bonded joints.
Finally, prior to the re-performance of the QM-2 shock test, the confirmation of adequacy of the
identified recovery solutions was gained through complementary shock analysis in association with
calibration shock testing on a representative dummy. Conclusion
This practical case is a good illustration of the relevance of shock analysis for the determination of the
root cause and for the identification of recovery solutions. However it requires that a sufficient
correlation, of FEM shock prediction with respect to shock test results, is achieved.
14 July 2015
In some cases, the electronic equipment is required to withstand a stringent shock environment, which
becomes a dimensioning case in the same way like any other mechanical environments. Exposure to a
severe shock environment can result in structural failure of housing and interface bolts, PCB
components and solder joints failure. However, many of these failures can be avoided if the shock
environment is adequately taken into consideration in the equipment design process.
The equipment design can be supported by appropriate Finite Element Analysis, or by analytical
design rules (so-called Steinberg design rules,[RD-0113]). A proper understanding of the nature of
vibration and shock together with a careful evaluation of the response characteristics are two essential
elements. Designing for both vibration and shock environments usually results in conflicting design
requirements. An optimum design is achieved through several design iterations.
As such, SDRA for electronic equipment is a confirmation that the current equipment design is able
(or not) to withstand a stringent shock environment. SDRA does not say if the current equipment
design is optimum.
SDRA for electronic equipment is a complex assessment, requiring a careful screening for sensitive
components, an evaluation of the transmissibility between unit interface and sensitive components,
and a good knowledge of the component sensitivity thresholds.
14 July 2015
A thorough understanding of the equipment dynamic behaviour is essential, since experience has
shown that shock damage is often produced by critical resonances of the electronic unit. These
resonances can occur at various levels inside the equipment, at unit level (global modes) and at PCB
level of course but also at component level (specific mounting conditions) and inside the component
as well (e.g. quartz, relay). It is important to identify if any coupling between all these dynamics
entities can occur.
The risk of a structural failure is assessed, by analysis (following heritage considerations). All
component-mounting conditions (bonded joint, solder-joint or specific mounting) are validated by test
or analysis (following heritage considerations). Finally, the risk of damaging a sensitive component is
established, consolidating the transmissibility w.r.t. unit interface and comparing component
acceleration with its sensitivity threshold.
The ECSS-Q-ST-70-08C [RD-0121] defines the verification procedure to apply for soldered
components. The generic process includes vibration testing (sine and random) as well as thermal
cycling. The test specimen is representative of the flight configurations and the input level is
established to cover the maximum deformation of the printed circuit board at part level.
In addition to the generic process, the test vehicle can be submitted to half sine shocks whose level
vary from 750 g to 1500 g (0,5 ms duration) typically. Figure 18-21 illustrates two different types of
PCB (full or quarter of a double European standard size PCB) on the shock machine.
In this case, the SRS of the acceleration on the PCB resulting from the SDRA can be directly compared
to the qualification status of the technology.
14 July 2015
Figure 18-21: Test vehicles (PCB) for shock test qualifications of component
mounting technologies
When a shock test qualification has not been performed, it is possible to calculate the Random
Response Spectrum (see Part 3 paragraph 12.5.3) based on the qualification to random vibrations of
the generic process. As the PCB fundamental frequency is generally below 2000 Hz (max. frequency of
the DSP), it can be assumed that the maximum deformation of the PCB is covered if the RRS covers
the acceleration SRS resulting from the SDRA below 2000 Hz.
If the RRS does not cover the expected shock level on the PCB or if the test vehicle is not
representative of the flight PCB, Steinberg rule is an alternative solution to gain in confidence. Steinberg rules for lead-wire and solder-joint failures on large or heavy
Figure 18-22: PCB resonance producing stresses in lead wires due to relative
motion between the component body and the PCB
When less than a few thousand stress cycles are expected and when the structural material is expected
to have a ductility of at least 5 %, then fatigue is not a major factor and stress-concentration effects are
sharply reduced. Fatigue factors found in non-ferrous alloys, such as aluminium, typically are 1/3 of
the ultimate tensile strength, and stress concentration typically are about 2,0 for holes and notches.
Applying this correction factor to the shock environment results in the following adjusted PCB
dynamic displacement:
14 July 2015
0.00132 B
Z (US unit, all dimensions in [inch])
Chr L
B = Length of PCB edge parallel to component
L = Length of electronic component
h = Height or thickness of PCB
14 July 2015
Where A is the shock amplification factor of a simple single-degree-of-freedom system excited by a
shock pulse. Typical values for the shock amplification range from about 0,5 to about 1,5, if the
octave rule is followed.
This yields into the following formula:
6.78E4 B f 2
G SI units, all dimensions in [mm]
A Chr L
G = peak acceleration input to PCB, gravity units
A = shock amplification factor
f = resonant frequency (Hz)
NOTE In the US units, with all dimensions in [inch], the previous formula is:
1.35E4 B f 2
G US units, all dimensions in [inch]
A Chr L
A finite element model of the PCB can bring important information for the SDRA.
A modal analysis provides the PCB resonant frequencies. It can be used to simply identify the first
mode and then apply Steinberg approach as described in the above chapter.
If the SRS at the base of the PCB is available, a response spectrum analysis (as described in section can provide worst-case broadband information on the PCB deflection (to be compared to
the allowed deflection proposed by Steinberg).
Finally, the model can be used to calculate the transient deflection of the PCB in a qualification
environment, i.e. submitted to a half sine excitation for example, as explained in Then, this
information can be compared to the transient deflection calculated on another PCB of a FM unit
submitted to a qualification time history measured during the shock test. This approach is relevant in
the case of modular units for example.
If the SRS of the acceleration on a board can be evaluated, using the general transmissibility approach
defined in section for example, then it can be compared to the allowable SRS defined in
Table 17-4 for various types of components.
A numerical approach is possible, as described in section 18.2.4, to get transient responses on the
boards. It is relevant in the case of modular units when a new component (with respect to shock
heritage) has been introduced for example. If the numerical simulation has been previously validated
on the qualification test (applying time histories of the measured acceleration at the base), it is possible
to compare the calculated accelerations on a board with the qualification values obtained by the
component manufacturer. Table 18-2 illustrates such a summary table.
14 July 2015
Table 18-2: Comparison between shock analysis and test at component level
Board Analysis Results - Sensitive Point Test results Qualification method
CODE PART TYPE CASE G peak level G peak level MIL-STD-883 method 2002 Condition B
g value/ msec
RT & STANDARD I/O Crystal XO QT25AC-24MHz FP20 700 g 610 g 1500g / 0.6 msec
EEPROM 28C010TFS-15 FP32
14 July 2015 General considerations on equipment design and verification w.r.t.
Before addressing the SRDA in details, it is important to recall the general process to be followed
when developing a new design of electronic equipment. At least two different approaches,
summarized in the Table 18-3, can be followed.
Qualification: Qualification:
Final qualification to be achieved on Final qualification to be achieved on
EQM/PFM equipment EQM/PFM equipment
14 July 2015
In the SDRA context, the last step of the verification process, i.e. the qualification of the equipment,
has not been achieved. The SDRA thus consists in verifying the strict application of the rest of the
process, i.e.
a. Application of a verification approach (experimental or mixed) adapted to the equipment
b. Application of the usual design rules for the equipment
c. Application of the development and validation plan for the technologies
a. Objectives
The objectives of early experimental shock tests can be:
To minimise the risks before going shock qualification on QM unit.
Preliminary shock tests can be performed on most critical components using mechanical
architecture and mounting conditions representative of the QM.
To increase the shock heritage on some parts to cover new shock specification if no QM is
foreseen by the concerned program.
A test vehicle is defined to bring sufficient shock heritage to components not covered by a
previous shock qualification on similar unit.
The following figure shows a technological module with some critical components for which an
increasing of the shock heritage was requested:
14 July 2015
Then, this module is mounted inside a Mechanical model of the complete unit.
The test sequence applied for the delta qualification (evaluation) is:
Vibrations – 3 axes
Shock tests
14 July 2015
Figure 18-27: Shock test set-up - Technological module inside Structural model of
the unit
The following example shows a modular unit constituted of slices, the modules, inserted in a
backplane that itself constitutes the rear face of the unit.
14 July 2015
The different modules are assembled together (module stacking) by use of squares directly machined
in the front side of the module and by a common top cover.
Only one (EM) module was available to perform shock evaluation before going on EQM unit
qualification. Thus, an additional mechanical tool has been developed to reach a global mechanical
behaviour of the assembly close to the one of the complete unit.
Figure 18-29: Mounting of the module to test with its shock test tool
The mechanical tool is developed to ensure the links of the module with:
The platform
The top plate of the complete unit
The neighbouring module
The following mappings show the validation of the designed tool through Finite Element Models
(comparison with the FEM of the complete unit).
Figure 18-30: Comparison Complete unit vs. module + mechanical tool – First
natural frequency
14 July 2015
The following test sequence is proposed to validate the behaviour of the technological module:
Initial visual inspection
Electrical test on critical components (ex: inductors and relays)
Mounting of the mechanical tool
Instrumentation (vibration sensors) of the module
Sine survey to validate the mechanical tool
Vibration tests campaign (if any)
Instrumentation (shock sensors) of the module
Shock tests campaign
Final Visual inspection
Electrical test on critical components (ex: inductors and relays)
14 July 2015
The approach described in the previous paragraphs can be adapted to non-modular equipment. Shock
evaluation (for new specification, to reduce risks on QM, etc…) can be performed on critical parts
mounted in a Structural Model of the final unit. To be representative, the main mechanical parts of the
unit are foreseen in the assembly. The global mass can be reached using ballasts glued on PCB or
structure, with the objective to reach a global modal behaviour (for the main modes) close to the final
unit. Additionally, the components are implemented with the mounting technology that is used in the
nominal configuration.
The main difference with the previous approach stands in the fact that the development has been
supported by shock simulations of the unit. The applied simulation approach should result from an
heritage demonstration that the simulation gives suitable unit responses with respect to shock test
measurements. Thus, among the various simulation methods discussed in Chapter 18.2.4, only the
transient ones, i.e. method 1 and 2, seem relevant in this context. Method 1 is recommended in case
the supporting structure is a flexible panel. Method 2 can be justified in case the supporting structure
is very stiff.
Without this validation step, shock simulation results can be used to give general trends for design
modification effects but they cannot be used as is in the SDRA context.
14 July 2015
The example given in section shows the importance of the component mounting conditions on
the printed circuit board or on the structure. These mounting conditions can have different effects:
a local resonance can be destructive if its frequency is highly excited by the shock (as in the
above mentioned case), in particular if it is characterized by a low damping factor
a low frequency local mode of the component filters the high frequency content of the shock on
the component that could excite destructive internal resonances of the component
a local dynamic behaviour can increase functional issues on relays by introducing additional
degrees of freedom, rotation in particular
The following example illustrates the last point regarding functional issues on relays. Two TL relays
were implemented on both side of a symmetrical board (Figure 18-34). One is directly bonded to the
PCB and the other one is bonded on a column of composite material, with a few mm offset from the
board. The PCB has been submitted to half sine shocks (3 axes) with levels varying from 600 g to 2200 g.
Bouncing and transfers have been recorded. No transfer is observed with the relay directly bonded to
the PCB (Table 18-4) but various temporary or permanent transfers have occurred with the other relay,
starting at a level of 1800 g (Table 18-5).
The same issue can appear using an elastic cushion under a sensitive component. It reduces indeed
the shock applied to the component but it can lead to functional issues (bouncing, transfer). Thus, it
not recommended for an electronic unit that is powered on during launch.
14 July 2015
Table 18-4: Relay directly bonded to the PCB - No transfer up to 2200 g half sine
Table 18-5: Relay with a few mm offset w.r.t. the PCB - Various transfers starting
from 1800 g half sine
Printed circuit boards should be fixed on rigid areas of the unit main structure.
It is not recommended to superimpose two boards maintained through spacers by the same screws on
the same attachment points of the structure, as illustrated on Figure 18-35. For the out of plane shock
excitation, this has resulted in a relay transfer on the top PCB but the phenomenon did not occur on
the bottom one. It can be explained by the fact that the architecture emphasizes the dynamics of the
top PCB. Spacers can indeed be shearing or the assembly mass and inertia can be creating an overall
bending of the supporting structure.
X 14 July 2015
Z Excitation
Figure 18-35: Electronic unit with 2 stacked PCBs
Large printed circuit boards (standard 2E or larger) can be attached to the unit main frame by means
of wedge locks such as those illustrated on Figure 18-36.
The wedge lock is fixed to the PCB stiffener and the assembly is then inserted into a machined channel
of the structure. Such attachment is compatible of a severe shock environment but it has not been
demonstrated that wedge locks bring an additional filtering effect to the PCB response. Figure 18-37
shows a unit whose boards are attached with wedge locks to the top frame of the unit and screwed to
the structure at the bottom. The out of plane response on the top of the boards has been measured and
compared to the SRS level at the base of the unit in the same direction (Figure 18-38). It appears that
the level on the PCB is filtered above 2000 Hz at one location and above 3000 Hz at another location.
This is coherent with the worst-case transition frequency of 3500 Hz indicated in for such
units, with or without wedge locks.
14 July 2015
Figure 18-38: Out of plane shock response on a PCB fixed with a wedge lock
compared to the SRS level at the base of the unit in the same direction
14 July 2015 Shock acceleration distribution inside the equipment
The maximum value met on the acceleration time history measured on an electronic unit submitted to
a pyrotechnical shock depends of the equipment area. Three different zones can be considered:
the base plate (or basement of the equipment enclosure)
the PCB frames (or walls of the equipment supporting the PCB)
the PCB
The following table gives typical levels met on these 3 zones, the source of the shock being an
expandable tube cutting symmetrically 2 mm x 3 mm sections of metal and located 1m from the
These results confirm the fact that accelerations are much higher on the base plate of the equipment
than anywhere else. As a result, it should be avoided to locate acceleration sensitive components on
the base plate of the equipment.
Tantalum capacitors have a very thin dielectric separation, obtained by a chemical process of
oxidation; this thin dielectric layer is very sensitive to bending of the PCB support. So, it should be
mounted in areas of PCB where the bending response under a shock applied to the equipment is
minimized. In particular, it is not recommended to mount this type of component in an area where
there is a sudden change in mass loading of the PCB, due to the presence of heavy components: the
bending is growing in the intermediate area between heavy loaded and lightly loaded areas of the
14 July 2015
The following example shows that the peak acceleration on the edge of a PCB is larger than the
acceleration in the centre for a shock excitation in the perpendicular direction to board; it reaches 1500 g
on the edge but only 1200 g in the middle. However the resonances of the board yield larger responses
in the middle of the board for frequencies below 2000 Hz. The acceleration SRS in the middle exceeds by
10 dB the SRS on the edge of the board at 1500 Hz for example, as illustrated by Figure 18-40.
14 July 2015 Component mounting condition - Staking
In absence of relevant test data or numerical prediction, a simplified representation of the electronic
system can be adopted, where chassis and PCBs are modelled as two-degree-of-freedom systems, in
order to understand how dynamic coupling can occur between the chassis and the PCBs. The outer
box or chassis structure is considered to be the 1 st degree of freedom, after that the load path goes into
the secondary members (2nd degree of freedom) such as modules and PCBs – See [RD-0113].
This type of representation, although simplified, offers the advantage to improve the physical
understanding of the coupled system response. The resonant frequency of the PCB should be high
enough to produce a small dynamic displacement, to avoid lead-wire and solder-joint failures. But it
should also be well decoupled from the chassis resonant frequency to prevent further amplification of
the PCB response.
14 July 2015
The response to a half sine shock pulse for a two-degree-of-freedom system is shown in Figure 18-43
(lightly damped system). It evidences that the highest shock amplifications occur in areas that are
between the frequency ratios R of 0,5 and 2,0, where R .
In this region, the shock amplification is only limited by the damping in the system. This quantity is
usually crudely estimated, therefore in a SDRA a high uncertainty on the shock amplification cannot
be accepted, it should be verified that the octave rule is followed (ratio R below 0,5 or above 2), to
prevent coupling. The reverse octave rule (R below 0,5) is sometimes preferred since the PCB receives
lower shock acceleration (PCB isolation area).
In the qualification process of SMART-1 and following the Shogun test, concerns have been raised that
some equipment could not survive the required shock levels. Hence it has been decided to proceed to
a Shock Damage Risk Analysis for the most critical units, before the equipment level testing.
In this frame, the following case has been encountered (large hybrid on PCB) and illustrates perfectly
the solder overstrain aspect.
The transmissibility F1sine(f) between the equipment interface and this sensor has been extracted from
the sine survey test (F1sine=10 at 700 Hz, which corresponds to a shock transmissibility of around
F1shock=3). Whereas the shock transmissibility F2shock is already taken into account in the Steinberg’s
formula (through the parameter A).
B=200 mm
L=60 mm
F1shock=3 Hybrid on PCB
100 mm
30 mm
14 July 2015
The parameters of this problem are:
B = 200 mm
L = 60 mm
h = 1,45 mm
C = 1,26 (DIP - Dual Inline Package - with side-brazed lead wires)
r = 1 (component at the centre of PCB)
f = 700 Hz (derived SRS level at unit interface showed high level at this frequency)
A = 1 (the PCB mode was identified around 300 Hz (PCB development test), the reverse octave
rule is satisfied in this case)
These parameters are then substituted into the Steinberg’s formula (the one expressed in SI unit), to
derive the maximum acceptable shock level at the PCB interface.
0.00665 200 7002
G 4700g for the frequency of interest (f=700 Hz)
9.8 1 1.26 1.45 1 60
This value is confronted to the qualification level at the PCB interface including the shock
transmissibility factor.
SRSPCB I/F = SRSunit I/F x F1shock In our case: SRSPCB I/F = 550 g x 3 = 1650 g
The resulting safety margin is positive: MS 1 1.85
Considering this significant safety margin, the risk against shock is very low.
The previous example could be completed to cover the case of a relay mounted on a PCB.
Let’s consider that a relay GP250 is mounted on the same PCB. It should be assessed if the relay would
suffer from any irreversible damage.
From Table 17-2, the maximum acceleration level supported by the relay GP250 is 1800 g (time
history), which results in 3600g when converted to an SRS equivalent for frequency below 3 kHz.
It is verified that the reverse octave rule is followed; therefore the PCB receives a lower shock acceleration
(PCB isolation area). An amplification factor of 1 is a conservative assumption (F2shock = A= 1).
The level at the relay interface is at most SRSrelay I/F = 550g x 3 x 1 = 1650 g
This is compared against a maximum tolerable level of 1800 g x 2 = 3600g for the GP250.
The resulting safety margin is positive: MS 1 1.18
14 July 2015
The SDRA process is shown schematically below. The main steps are identification of the supported
bearing “payload mass”, derivation of the external loads/moments and computation of the peak
Hertzian ball-raceway contact stresses against which the damage risk assessment can be made.
Rolling element bearings and in particular ball bearings are widely used in spacecraft applications
such as scan mechanisms, reaction and momentum wheels, control moment gyros, solar array drives,
deployment devices and optical pointing and tracking devices.
Rolling element bearings can be sub-divided into two classes, namely roller bearings in which the
rolling elements can be of cylindrical, barrel-like or tapered form and ball bearings for which the
rolling element is a truly spherical. In general roller bearings have much higher stiffness and load
capacity than do ball bearings, but for space applications this advantage is offset by in general lower
mechanical efficiency and less predictable and stable torque noise behaviour which they produce.
Roller bearings are therefore infrequently used in spacecraft mechanisms. For this reason the
Handbook is confined to consideration of the effects of shock on ball bearings only.
Within the ball bearing family, two types of bearing predominate, namely Radial (also known as
Deep Groove) ball bearings and Angular Contact ball bearings. Examples of these are shown below
in Figure 18-46.
14 July 2015
In both cases the detailed performance of the bearing is a function of the details of their internal
geometry and material properties. A full treatment of this is beyond the scope of this Handbook,
however some basic presentation of these features and a “mini-glossary” of bearing terms which can
be found in manufacturers catalogues is considered appropriate.
In a radial bearing the balls are installed between essentially symmetrical grooves in the inner and
outer rings. The radial bearing can be used singly or preloaded in pairs in which an axial preload is
applied. If preloaded, the free (un-loaded) contact angle (line indicating the axes of the two elliptical
points of contact between ball and raceway) depends on the size of the balls with respect to the so-
called radial internal clearance (Pd) between balls and races (as shown) within the bearings. For
angular contact bearings the contact angle is generated by the geometry of the bearing raceway.
In both cases the load capacity of the bearing is determined by peak Hertzian contact stresses between
balls and raceway which in turn are a function of:
Ball Size – i.e. ball diameter
Bearing Pitch Circle Diameter (PCD) – usually taken as mean of bearing bore and outer
Ball complement – number of balls
Contact Angle – as defined below/above * (usually in range 15° - 30°)
Conformity – This ratio, (C) compares the raceway across track radius to ball radius. This is the
most important parameter which defines contact stress within the bearing, but it is also often
considered by bearing manufacturers to be proprietary data. C usually lies between around
1,035 and 1,15, with a lower value indicating a higher degree of “wrap around” between ball
and raceway and so inherently better load capacity (though at the expense of some other
performance parameters). Furthermore different bearing suppliers/manufacturers use different
in-house terms for this parameter. Terms which can be met include:
Osculation = 1/C (typically 0,87-0,97)
Curvature/Transverse Race Curvature (%) = track radius/ball diameter (51,8 %-57,5 %)
Total raceway curvature, B = C-1 (0,035-0,15)
Bearings are available in various precision grades (ABEC standard). In general higher grade bearings
(ABEC 7 or ABEC 9) are fitted with better quality balls and have superior raceway surface finishes.
Though not inherently more susceptible to shock damage, it is intuitively credible that higher grade
14 July 2015
bearings would be more likely to suffer a significant change in running torque behaviour due to axial
scuffing of lubricant or of raceway surface, than would a lower grade of bearing where changes to
surfaces can be small compared to inherent surface features.
Other classes of bearing are shown below which are less common, but still used in space. These
include, axial thrust bearings (in-essence like an angular contact bearing with zero contact angle),
gothic-arch bearings (arched raceways with four points of contact per ball) and super-duplex bearings
(essentially a matched pair of angular contact bearings with a common inner or outer raceway).
With the exception of the axial thrust bearing, for all the remaining classes of ball bearing listed, as the
preload or externally applied load is increased, the contact angle also increases. Indeed if the loading
is radial or if a moment is applied the contact angle is different at each ball orbital position. For this
reason, but also because of the nature of the Hertzian contacts between balls and raceways, the
stiffness behaviour of ball bearings is somewhat non-linear with respect to externally applied loads (as
in the case of shock loading).
The usual function of a bearing system is to locate a “bearing payload”, which can consist for example
of a shaft with motor magnets and mirror attached in the case of a scan mechanism, with adequate
stiffness when exposed to launch and in-flight conditions whilst providing very low or minimal and
uniform resistance to rotation.
It is usual in design to use both radial and angular contact bearings in a preloaded pair configuration
which provides a well-defined and repeatable stiffness and torque behaviour of the bearings both
when exposed to the launch environment and in-flight. However, very rarely radial bearings are used
in un-preloaded single configuration where stiffness is not important. ECSS-E-ST-33-01C requires the
ball bearings to be preloaded within spacecraft mechanisms.
14 July 2015
There are essentially two categories of preloading technique which are classified according to the
stiffness of the preloading element:
Soft (or Compliant) Preloading - where the preload is locked into the bearing assembly using a
relatively compliant (by comparison with bearing stiffness) spring as shown below, or by a
diaphragm or other elastic means.
Hard Preloading – where the preload is provided by means of a high stiffness element. Hard
preloading can be achieved using a manufacturer-provided machined-in “offset”, essentially a
preload gap between rings which is closed by compression and locks in a manufacturer-defined
preload. This configuration is known as a “matched pair” of bearings. In the case of the Gothic
arch bearing an “internal” (i.e. no outer structure is required) preload is achieved by use of
slightly over-size balls. In a hard-preloaded system, the lowest stiffness in the preload loop
(shown in red below) can well be the bearing balls/raceway contact itself. A similar effect can be
achieved if accurately machined spacers are used to separate the bearings.
Examples of typical soft (spring-preloaded) and hard preloading (matched pair) configurations are
shown in Figure 18-48:
Hard Preload Achieved by Bearing Offset (preload gap) in Back-Back and Face-Face
Configurations (preload load-path shown in red)
14 July 2015
With conventional (i.e. non-variable) preload systems, it is important to identify a compromise
between preload level and stiffness with respect to torque performance. High preload provides high
stiffness for launch – but at the cost of possibly undesirable high torque and torque noise. Stiff preload
is also preferred – but usually renders the bearing performance very sensitive to thermal gradients
and generate higher torque noise than would a compliant preload system.
From the point of view of the susceptibility to the effects of shock, these two modes of preloading
provide potential for quite different behaviours depending on the direction and magnitude of the
external shock loading. Overview
The consequences of shock-loading on bearings are believed to differ according to the amplitude,
sense and orientation of the shock vector with respect to the rotational axis of the bearings.
There is also some sense in which modest loads which do not result in a gap between ball and
raceway can be considered more benign than larger loads which cause “gapping”. Gapping is the
instantaneous off-loading of one bearing of the pair as the load on the other is increased due to
external load or acceleration. Once the load on one of the bearings reaches zero, a further load opens a
“gap“ between nominal ball and raceway positions. When the external load or acceleration vector is
reversed then balls and raceways can come into contact with large impulsive or so-called
“hammering” loading which can provide increased peak stresses and therefore increased risk of
damage. Furthermore for the duration of the gapping event the bearing pair ceases to behave as a pair
(as only one bearing is loaded) and has much lower angular and radial stiffness behaviour and so an
increased risk of bearing damage.
In this case if the shock is sufficiently large in amplitude and duration then the equivalent inertial
force applied to the moving payload (usually the shaft assembly) overcomes the preload and a gap is
caused instantaneously between balls and raceways of one bearing of the pair, both on the primary
shock and during so-called back-lash shocks. The magnitude of the gap depends on the stiffness
characteristic of the other bearing of the pair, and its preloading arrangement. For example if the
bearing is compliantly (e.g. spring) preloaded, then the gap can become relatively large and there is at
least the possibility of rotor/stator contact in some way.
In general the rotor/payload travel is limited by:
contact between balls and reverse face of the raceway (radial bearing) – typically allowing of
order 100 µm-200 µm travel
contact between shaft and axial “snubber”, usually some form of polymeric element, provided
to limit travel – typically constrained to less than 100 µm
contact between shaft and other static element of the mechanism (e.g. encoder read head,
labyrinth seal, and end cap) – not intentionally by design and providing indeterminate and
possibly variable gap size nominally identical units.
In compliantly preloaded bearings (e.g. spring or diaphragm preloaded) gapping is un-symmetric, in
the sense that when the spring is in the load line there is potentially large gapping and shaft
displacement, but when it is not, there could be no gapping at all provided appropriate measures
permit bearing/shaft relative motion (see Figure 18-49).
14 July 2015
Gapping can also occur in hard-preloaded bearing systems if the shock loads are sufficiently high
compared to the preload (see Figure 18-50). For a hard-preloaded system with preload Fp, it can be
shown that gapping does not occur if the axial load applied is < 2 x 20,5 = ~2,83 Fp. Clearly in a hard-
preloaded system, gapping is symmetrical, that is the same level of gapping is found regardless of
whether the externally generated shock load is positive or negative in sense.
No gapping here
Gapping here
due to shaft
motion External Axial
External Axial Load Due to
Load Due to Shock >Fp
Shock >Fp
Figure 18-49: Axial Gapping in Compliantly-Preloaded Bearing System with Preload (Fp)
Showing Asymmetry
Gapping here
due to shaft
motion Gapping here
due to shaft
External Axial
Load Due to
Shock >Fp
14 July 2015 Pure Radial and Moment Loading
When a bearing system is exposed to pure radial or moment loading – then similar behaviour can be
expected, that is deflection limited by bearing system stiffness with increasing Hertzian contact stress
and the possibility of gapping. Deflection is limited ultimately by contact with snubber or other
mechanism element. In general it is not possible to identify whether axial or radial loading represent a
worst case for stress – though the radial stiffness is often relatively high compared to axial stiffness.
This means that the consequences of axial gapping phenomena are likely to be worse than radial.
In this case, depending on the loads, both kinds of gapping can be foreseen.
One question which arises is the level of allowable gapping which can be safely tolerated by a given
bearing application. This can be formulated in two alternative ways:
a. How much gapping is allowable for a given bearing system under given acceleration
b. With a certain fixed gapping (limited by the snubber gap setting), what is the maximum
allowable external shock load such that some ball-raceway stress limit (for example the
allowable ECSS peak Hertzian ball-raceway stress) is not exceeded during impact loading?
Clearly the phenomenon of gapping is a complex one, taking into account dynamic behaviour of the
bearings (essentially non-linear spring elements) under the dynamic vibration or shock environment.
Given this there have been a number of “Rules of Thumb” which have been used over the years by
industry in order to constrain gapping within reasonable limits, which we repeat below.
1. Gapping Rule of Thumb 1 - Small amounts of gapping, defined as the space generated
between balls and raceway – of order 20 µm (some say 30 µm) can be acceptable.
2. Gapping Rule of Thumb 2 - IF damage results from gapping it usually occurs outside
the running track of the balls (since under high axial vibration load, as in application of
higher preload, the contact point between balls and raceway moves around the bearing
raceway and indentation can be outside the normal running track).
Unfortunately, though often used, these Rules of Thumb are not substantiated by any traceable or
systematic experimental programme. Furthermore Rule of Thumb 2 ignores the possibility of ball or
lubricant damage and the requirement of ECSS that stresses should in all cases provide an appropriate
The following discussion and design guidelines are applicable to axial bearing gapping only and have
been developed based on an experimental programme at ESTL in which bearings supporting various
masses were subjected to different levels of simulated launch vibration followed by torque testing
and/or visual inspection. The intention was to provide some initial experimentally validated
guidelines for designers which go beyond the industrial rules of thumb above. It is of course essential
(and indeed mandatory under ECSS) to test designs produced using this approach.
14 July 2015 General
It is strongly recommended that for analysis of bearing loads and deflections an appropriate bearing
analysis code should be used.
There are a number of proprietary codes available, built either on a Quasistatic (instantaneous force
and moment balance) or a Fully Dynamic (time-stepping multi-body dynamics) methodology,
including for example codes known as JONES, SHABERTH, ADORE and COBRA.
ESTL’s CABARET bearing analysis code was developed under ESA funding and is strongly
recommended (and available for a nominal licence administration fee for use by organisations in the
ESA member states). CABARET is a Quasistatic code and many of its predictions have been validated
experimentally. Comparisons have also been made between its predictions and those of a number of
the proprietary codes mentioned above.
Bearing analysis codes typically enable load and deflections to be calculated, together with
ball/raceway peak Hertzian stress analysis for steady state loading. If dynamic responses are
calculated or estimated by other means, then such codes can also be used with some success in
estimating conditions in bearings exposed to dynamic vibration and shock loading. This is the basis of
the proposed approach for SDRA of bearings which compares predicted peak Hertzian stresses with
allowable levels for the bearing materials and experimental data on performance with some
However it is also necessary to understand the methodology for calculating the peak Hertzian contact
stress in a single ball/raceway contact.
The calculation of Hertzian stresses is a classical analysis much repeated in many text books. The
ESTL-preferred formulation for this calculation is based on a method reported by Dowson and
Higginson (see [RD-0114]) and is repeated here because it is a generalised elliptical contact analysis
(suitable for all types of ball bearing contact) and is easily converted to spreadsheet form.
In calculating peak Hertzian contact stress it is normal to consider the most heavily loaded ball in the
bearing (if radially loaded) or that all balls are equally loaded if axially loaded. The peak stress usually
occurs at the inner raceway contact, however it is important to verify this by analysis of both contacts
separately since it is sometimes the case that the bearing conformity is modified by the manufacturer
to provide similar contact stresses at both raceways.
14 July 2015
d. From the input geometry we define effective radii of curvature in the circumferential (ball
orbital) x-direction and “across raceway” y-direction. Note here that the sense of the radius of
curvature is by convention positive for convex and negative for concave surfaces. This means
that (as shown in Equation [18-4] below) if we are interested in the inner ring/ball contact then
the radius of curvature is positive in the x-direction and if the outer (i.e. L<>”I”) the radius of
curvature is negative, but of slightly larger magnitude.
rax 0,00357 D / 2 [18-2]
ray 0,00357 D / 2 [18-3]
d D d D
rbx 0, 01205 if L I then m cos /180 else m cos /180 [18-4]
2 2 2 2
rby 0,00407 DC / 2 [18-5]
e. The actual geometry as defined in Equations [18-2]-[18-5] above is then transformed into a
“composite geometry” with two bodies of effective radius, Rx and Ry. The Curvature Cum, R is
also defined as below.
Rx 2, 75E 03
1 1
rax rbx
Ry 2,91E 02
1 1
ray rby
R 2,52 E 03
1 1
Rx Ry
f. In order to check the correct definition of curvature sense, we confirm the check parameter C, as
defined below is positive:
C 328.69 1 rax 1 rbx 1 ray 1 rby [18-9]
g. In order to calculate the dimensions of the contact ellipse and the contact stress it is necessary to
evaluate elliptic integrals. Fortunately a number of approximate algebraic expressions exist for
these. Expressions from Brewe & Hamrock (see [RD-0115]) are used to approximately evaluate
the necessary elliptic integrals. These expressions are defined below. The ellipticity parameter,
14 July 2015
ζ, and elliptic integrals of first and second kinds, φ1 and φ2 are defined below (Equations
4, 6280 1, 0339 x [18-10]
1 2,9471 1,5277 0, 6023 log
R [18-11]
2 1, 0568 1, 0003
Rx [18-12]
h. The parameters of the Hertzian contact can now be calculated as shown below. The semi-major
and semi-minor ellipse dimensions are calculated (Equations [18-13]-[18-14]) to permit the
Maximum Hertzian contact stress (pressure) to be evaluated (Equation [18-16]). The normal
approach within the contact (the amount by which the two loaded bodies move together under
load) is also calculated (Equation [18-15]).
Semi-Major Ellipse Dimension 6 2 P.R
a=2,63E-04 2 [18-13]
(m) .E
Semi-Minor Ellipse Dimension 6 P.R
b=5,69E-05 2 [18-14]
(m) ..E
9 P2
Normal Approach (m) =1,79E-06 1 . [18-15]
2 2 .R ..E 2
Max Hertz Pressure (Pa) max=1,23E+09 [18-16]
The above methodology is easily coded by spreadsheet and has been shown to agree with bearing
analysis codes (e.g. CABARET) to a very close approximation such that either the predictions of the
CABARET code or of the above analysis can be used. The method is also combined with an impulsive
model (described below) which yields a ball load (as input P above) to identify the effects of
hammering during bearing gapping.
Clearly there are a number of ball bearing damage and degradation effects which can be caused by
exposure to shock and the resulting displacements and contact stresses. These range from the results
of excessive overloading (for example some form of plastic deformation or even fracture) at one
extreme to minor local depletion of a solid lubricant film at the other which is classified more as
degradation (i.e. not resulting in immediate end-of-life and possibly recoverable) than damage (which
can be irrecoverable and imply end-of-life).
The effects of shock are believed to be variable depending on the type of preload (whether hard or
soft), level and duration of shock, possible limitation of bearing axial travel by snubbers, magnitude of
bearing payload (see later section) and lubricant in-use.
When examining bearings after exposure to shock or vibration it should be noted that in general,
effects of vibration and probably of shock are less noticeable with most liquid-lubricated bearing
systems (e.g. oils or greases) and more noticeable both visually and perhaps also from a performance
14 July 2015
viewpoint in most solid lubricated bearing systems (e.g. PVD coatings of MoS 2, lead). This is because
solid-lubricants are typically soft, low shear-strength materials and marks in such films are very easily
detectable visually. The presence of such marks does not necessarily mean the performance of the
bearings can be in any way compromised, though it can do so. This is because in many cases even the
micron-level film thicknesses applied provide more than sufficient lubrication for the balls running on
the bearings. Secondly when such marks are caused by extreme loading, they can be outside the
normal running track and therefore have no impact on the operation of the bearings under normal
operational conditions.
However scuffing of the lubricant in the ball/raceways contact zone can result in locally increased
degree of ball/raceway conformance and thus an increase in the nominal running torque, perhaps also
resulting in a build-up of re-adhered lubricant “debris” at the extremities of the contact zone which
can contribute to torque noise.
Intuitively therefore it is believed that liquid lubricated bearings can be marginally less susceptible to
performance degradation due to shock than would be an equivalent solid-lubricated bearing, because
there is likely always some residual separating fluid film of lubricant present within the ball-raceway
contacts and so much less likelihood that scuffing (except by generation of metallic wear debris) could
In this section we list the possible deleterious effects of vibration and shock in some notional order of
increasing severity.
Local Recoverable Depletion of Solid Lubricant – having no long term adverse effect on bearing
performance (see example below)
Local Irrecoverable Depletion of Solid Lubricant – having an adverse effect on lubricant lifetime
or bearing torque noise which can degrade pointing performance (for example) or reduce
Scuffing of Ball or Raceway Surfaces
Settling at bearing rings/seats – potentially modifying preload after exposure
Exceedance of ECSS Stress Design Margin at One or More Ball/Raceway Contacts
Overloading of One or More Ball/Raceway Contacts (sub-surface yield)
Gross Overloading of One or More Ball/Raceway Contacts (yield evident at surface) – (see
example image below)
Fracture of Balls (usually balls fracture before rings under gross overloading)
Figure 18-51 to Figure 18-53 show some examples of typical bearing features observable post-test.
14 July 2015
After ~100 g peak response – but no post-test After ~ 270 g peak response but some revolutions
running of post-vibration running
Left image shows normal running track, some free lead nodules, evidence of minor axial scuffing of
the film (normal as it is very soft) and a central locally depleted zone with lead displaced at the outer
edges of the elliptical contact. Right image (obliquely lit) shows a bearing raceway after exposure to
higher acceleration and operation post exposure, from which it can be seen the lead is once again
smeared across the elliptical contact zones by a brief period of operation providing some form of
“recovery” (a view substantiated by torque measurements).
14 July 2015
The so-called catalogue static load capacity (or ISO 76 load capacity) of a ball bearing is related to the
onset of sub-surface plastic deformation. There are two common bearing steels, 52100C and 440C
which have slightly different material properties (hardness) and hence for identically designed
bearings slightly different ISO 76 peak-Hertzian stress limits.
According to ECSS-E-ST-32-10C ([RD-0116]), designers should provide a margin of 25 % in stress
terms against plastic deformation, hence bearings are de-rated by application of the ECSS standard by
25 % in stress terms or by around 51 % in load terms from their limitations for general industrial use.
Interestingly the equivalent MIL and NASA specifications propose a derating of up to 30 % in load
The de-rating process as applied to 52100C and 440C steels is shown in Figure 18-53 below.
Peak Hertzian Stress (MPa)
3500 3360
3200 ISO Limit - 25%
ISO 76
ISO 76
At the ISO 76 limiting stress levels, there can be sub-surface plastic deformation of the material – but
this can essentially be elastically constrained by the surrounding material. There is usually no surface-
visible indentation although there can be an indentation of order 0,0001 times ball diameter (0,5 µm
for 5mm diameter ball) due to the strains resulting from constraining the sub-surface yield zone. In
fact from experimental work carried out at ESTL, surface indentation is not “easily visible” (i.e.
detectable under non-ideal lighting via microscope and with the location not precisely known
beforehand) below a contact stress of ~5000MPa. Due to the relationship between peak Hertzian stress
() and ball load (P), P1/3, if indentation is visible at the surface then the ball-raceway contact has
been overloaded with respect to the ECSS design limits by at least a factor 3,29 as shown in the table
below for 52100 steel. The appropriate US standard NASA-STD-5017 permits a slightly higher peak
Hertzian stress “for bearings requiring smooth running”.
14 July 2015
It should be noted that for hybrid ceramic bearings (usually ceramic balls and steel raceways) the steel
properties (rather than the ceramic properties) prove to be the limiting factor on load capacity. For
ceramic coated balls it is usual to assume that the ceramic coating is sufficiently thin to have no
significant impact on the load capacity of the bearing – and so the bulk steel properties apply.
From the perspective of a shock damage risk assessment, except for the most demanding bearing
applications, there is no functional degradation of the raceway at loads which induce stresses up to the
ISO 76 limit and indeed there could be no degradation detectable up to peak stress levels as high as 5000
MPa. Note that this assessment ignores the role of the lubricant which can provide an over-riding logic
for limiting the peak stress below the figures given in Table 18-8 above. This is discussed in
In this section the elements of a model for allowable gapping are described, prior to presentation of
some examples of its use in the SDRA of bearing systems. The model was developed based [RD-0117]
and has been modified for the specific case of SDRA application. The basic model is explained below.
It is well known that when a bearing ball is statically loaded against the raceway the stress increases
with load and ultimately at approximately 4200 MPa (4000 MPa for 440C) there can be some local sub-
surface plastic yielding. The displacement is accompanied by a certain “normal approach” movement
of the centre of the ball relative to a datum on the bearing ring due to elastic deformation of the two
bodies in contact. In order to estimate the impulsive loads during a dynamic collision, we have
assumed that the ball is brought to rest in a distance equal to the normal approach corresponding to a
certain stress.
For the SDRA, the level of stress used could be the ECSS limit (e.g. 3360 MPa), ISO 76 limit (e.g. 4200 MPa)
or some more arbitrary limit – for example a peak Hertzian contact stress of 5000 MPa.
By imposing a stress limit – this effectively also limits the allowable gapping and “hammering
motion” which could occur as balls and raceways return to contact.
We further assume that despite the bearing experiencing a shock of a certain duration, all of the
collision energy is dissipated at the axial resonant frequency of the bearing and its payload (which can
be estimated using the equation below).
fn k [18-17]
2 m2
fn = Axial first (natural) resonant frequency (Hz)
14 July 2015
m 2 `= “Payload” mass supported by the bearing system (e.g. shaft, mirror, and
antenna motor rotor) (kg)
NOTE This is the tangential or local axial stiffness of the single bearing at a
load which would cause off-loading of one bearing of the preloaded
pair (i.e. at the preload for compliantly loaded bearings or 2,83 x
preload for hard-preloaded bearings). This stiffness can in most cases
be approximated using CABARET predictions.
The assumed response acceleration level at the bearing resonant frequency is generated using a shock-
response spectrum technique (described earlier in the introduction of the handbook and based on a
Miles equation approach).
Once gapping occurs, the bearings cease to behave as a pair until the moment of collision between
balls and raceways and re-preloading. In this period one bearing of the pair is assumed to take all of
the externally applied shock load and due to its stiffness characteristic, this bearing controls the
gapping in the other bearing of the pair. In other words, a bearing model based on the stiffness of a
single bearing in a forced 2-degree of freedom system excited at the resonant frequency of the system
can be used at the onset of gapping. In this model, the bearing is treated as a linear spring with
stiffness fixed at the value which causes the pair of bearings to offload (this is clearly a simplification
as bearings have increasing stiffness characteristics with increasing load and hence the gapping
predicted is slightly over-estimated). The bearing sits within a housing device (assumed rigid – this
could be e.g. a scan mechanism or an instrument) into which the transmitted shock (derived from
transmissibility method and SRS) is input and supports a payload (usually a shaft).
F sin(t)
Mechanism of total mass m (= m1 + m2), housing device mass m1 & bearing payload mass m2. Bearing
at moment of gapping modelled as linear spring of stiffness k and excited by an external force
assumed to be sinusoidal at the bearing/payload mass natural frequency.
The equations of motion for this two-degree of freedom system can be written as,
m1x1 k x1 x 2 F sin t
m1x 2 k x1 x 2 0 .
It follows that the amplitudes of oscillation of the housing device representing the static side of the
bearing assembly (e.g. the instrument) A1 and of the mass representing the bearing’s payload (e.g.
shaft with mirror, magnet, and antenna assembly) A2 have the form,
14 July 2015
F k m 2 2
k m k m k
2 2
k m k m k
2 2
The relative displacement (or gapping) d of the bearing races is equal to the amplitude difference A,
d A A 2 A1 .
If the relative displacements are calculated at the frequency of concern, then by assuming that m 1 and
m2 move as a worst case in anti-phase and that balls and raceways collide impulsively (simplified
impulse model also used) it is possible to calculate the resulting peak Hertzian contact stress level and
thus the likelihood of damage due to the shock loading.
Clearly the above model elements all feature some simplifications of the complex dynamic problem
which the bearings represent, however the predictions derived from this approach have been
supported by experimental work in which the amounts of gapping (relative displacement) in bearings
exposed to random vibration were measured non-intrusively and the torque performance of the
bearings post-vibration was confirmed in-vacuum. The programme, which is reported in [RD-0117]
examined two sizes of angular contact bearing which were both hard and soft-preloaded, and used a
range of ball complements, payload masses, lubricants and cage types. The measured data suggests
that if anything, the above approach tends to over-estimate gapping.
Furthermore absence of damage to test bearing raceways despite exposure to relatively heavy
acceleration levels (up to almost 100grms) suggests also that the experimentally experienced stresses are
in-line with or perhaps slightly less than predictions.
The model from [RD-0117] has been further modified and updated in order to encompass the
requirements of SDRA. This modification is mainly to the detail of the code, however an alternative
formulation of the model including a Damping Factor has also been substituted in order to remove the
extreme resonance behaviours if the SRS were to require analysis close to a bearing resonance. The
model is also refined further by implementing a notional no-gapping rigid-body motion until the
acceleration level is sufficient to generate gapping for a given bearing preload. This feature was
omitted from the earlier version of the model which lead it to over-predict gapping in some cases.
14 July 2015
14 July 2015
At the frequency of interest calculate the impulsive ball-raceway collision force due to
Hammering. This is done using a very simplified approach, in which the collision velocity is
assumed to be the sum of outer and inner ring velocities (assumed 100 % out of phase). The
loads generated are calculated on the basis that the relatively moving parts are brought to rest
in a displacement equal to the normal approach at a desired stress level (for example at 3200
MPa). This provides an estimation of the impulsive load generated in the collision IF the
desired stress level is not to be exceeded. With a “Hammering load” estimate made in this way
the peak stresses during the collision can now be calculated.
Using Hertzian analysis convert the Hammering force to a peak contact stress and compare this
with the non-Hammering stresses generated at the same acceleration level. The larger stress is a
limiting value. If this exceeds the limit from 5) above, then it can be that the shock exposure
should be limited in order to remain within the criterion set.
The above routine is for axial shock. A similar approach can be taken for radial shock provided
that the radial stiffness of the bearing system is known.
For a general case of combined axial, radial and moment shock applied simultaneously, it is
proposed that the above approach be repeated for axial, radial and angular accelerations in
The above approach can be taken as a first and simplified step in order to analyse any generally
imposed external bearing loading. This loading can originate either from a primary or secondary
shock (of from sine or random vibration loads), and indeed in general it is recommended that the
analysis is carried out with both positive and negative shock loadings applied in order to avoid the
possibility that the secondary/backlash shock, albeit of smaller magnitude, can result because of its
sense, in excessive contact stresses above those expected in cases where a compliant preload is used.
The above analysis does not take into account any impact from the lubricant and is confined only to
the effects of contact stress on the ball/raceway contacts alone and not the lubricant. This is deliberate
since in MOST cases whether solid or liquid lubricated any disruption to performance of the bearings
due to local lubricant depletion is temporary (if sometimes visually disturbing). Furthermore when
SDRA is applied it is usually to a previously Qualified mechanism product/unit which has already
been demonstrated capable of surviving Qualification vibration and shock levels, followed by
successful bearing performance. Given this, the impact on the lubricant of additional shocks, or shocks
of higher than anticipated magnitude is considered likely to be small if the allowable peak Hertzian
contact stresses for the ball/raceway materials are not exceeded.
The following information has some relatively high degree of associated speculation, since there is
little practical test data available. However in critical applications it can be considered advisable to
ensure that even during exposure to launch vibration and shock the lubricant does not become
exposed to peak Hertzian contact stresses which exceed a maximum allowable level defined with
consideration to the lubricant lifetime rather than to the strength of its substrate. This can be the case if
for example a solid-lubricant such as MoS2 is used for which there is a well-defined peak Hertzian
contact stress v lifetime curve (see Figure 18-55 below for typical lifetime data). In most cases even
when exposed to stresses beyond such limits, the bearings “recover” and lifetime is likely not affected.
However it can be the case that a more conservative approach is required if replenishment is not
feasible and in such cases, it is important to take into account any known lubricant lifetime/contact
stress relationship. In the SEVIRI example below, an allowable lubricant peak stress of 1500 MPa was
imposed because of lubricant lifetime considerations (despite the bearings being manufactured from a
440 C steel which has an ECSS capability of 3200 MPa and an ultimate peak stress capability of 4000
14 July 2015
Lubricant Lifetime (revs)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Peak Hertzian Contact Stress (MPa)
Figure 18-55: Typical lubricant lifetime v peak hertzian contact stress for PVD
MoS2 in ball bearings (life relates to rotation )
It should be noted that for liquid lubricated bearings, or for self-lubricating bearings (which effectively
replenish the lubricant film during operation due to the presence of a sacrificial cage material) or for
bearings lubricated by ion-plated or PVD lead, it should not normally be required to de-rate the
allowable stress level, since for these lubricants there is evidence that the lubricant is either effective
across a very wide range of contact stress, or self-recovering/replenishing. For most bearings
lubricated by PVD MoS2 film it can be sufficient to consider the film replenish-able (since such
bearings often incorporate an MoS2-containing cage material). However IF no possibility of
replenishment exists, then the conservative approach outlined above, in which allowable stress is
limited by lubricant lifetime requirements, should be taken.
14 July 2015
We summarise in Table 18-9 below some tentative guidelines for allowable lubricant peak hertzian
stress limits.
Table 18-9: Tentative Peak Hertzian Stress Limits for Lubricants Exposed to Shock
(52100 Steel substrate assumed)
Lubricant Lubricant Peak Comment
Hertzian Stress Limit
(Assumes 52100 steel
Oils and Greases 4200 MPa Possibly Higher – there is no evidence that
exposure to stresses >4200 MPa during
vibration/shock will deplete the lubricant
performance in any way.
Ion-plated/PVD Lead 4200 MPa Possibly Higher – presently considered to be
functional up to the elastic limit of the
Self-Lubricating Bearings 4200 MPa Since the lubricant is self-repairing and
(e.g. PGM-HT) inherently torque “noisy” there is no
evidence that for life considerations peak
stresses in vibration or shock should be
PVD MoS2 with 4200 MPa If film can be replenished, then allowable
replenishing cage (e.g. stress can be increased to the bearing
PGM-HT) capability
PVD MoS2 alone (no Depends on Lifetime For critical applications, limit stresses to
replenishment possible) Requirement achieve lifetime requirements for the
Based on system and subsystem dynamic responses (sine survey tests), and going back to real
meaning of SRS (SRS makes sense only at responses of the subsystem), we now present some case by
case analysis of the effects of shock on ball bearings.
The compatibility of the method is limited to the main modes of the subsystem (i.e. the main modes of
the bearing system, taking into account possible uncertainties on the frequency).
Case by case analysis (for the main modes of the subsystem) based on summation of interface
forces derived from FE analysis:
F≤ M
effective.SRS(fi )
However where no FE analysis is available as an alternative approach a rigid mass is assumed (i.e. 100 %
of mass participating) and this provides an over-estimate in load terms of the input at any frequency.
However since for Hertzian contact stress is proportional to load 0,333, then the overestimate in stress
terms is less, typically around a 40 % - 70 % overestimate (assuming a typical error of a factor 3 - 5 say in
the participating mass).
14 July 2015
MSG, successfully qualified with respect to Ariane 4 shock environment, came across the problem that
it did not formally fulfil the shock specification requirements imposed by Ariane 5 launcher
authorities. Despite the use of attenuator devices, some concerns were raised that some equipment
(and especially the SEVERI instrument) could not survive these required shock levels.
MSG being a meteorological spinning satellite, most of its instruments are scanning and rotating. This
is realised by mechanisms guided by ball bearings. A special attention has been devoted to the shock
verification of these shock sensitive items. In order to assess the risk of degradation/damage of
bearings, detailed assessments of the contact stresses in the bearings race have been carried out with
CABARET software.
The SEVERI scan mirror is mounted on a tubular frame with 2 pairs of angular contact ball bearings
(in back-to-back configuration).
The geometrical/material data are the following:
Outer diameter: OD = 120,65 mm
Inner diameter: ID = 95,2 mm
Ball diameter: d = 6,35 mm
Number of balls of each row: Z = 40
Nominal contact angle of balls: B = 36
Osculation at outer groove radius: o = 0,92
Osculation at inner groove radius: i = 0,93
Material characteristics: E = 2,04 E+11 Pa, = 0,3
Nominal axial preload: Fpreload = 300 N
The total mass of the scan mirror and the mirror frame is: M = 23,9 kg.
The investigated frequency range is (550 - 600) Hz, where slight exceedances are observed.
Considering that this frequency range is relatively high, the modes of the scan mirror (and associated
effective masses) were computed using FE.
14 July 2015
The boundaries conditions used are the following:
Clamped at Drive Unit I/F
Supported at bearings I/F
As shown below, the most dominant modes are encountered below 300 Hz. Only small residual
masses remain above.
Since no dominant mode exists in the frequency range of concern (around 600 Hz), no amplification is
expected. Therefore, the excitation at 600 Hz can be easily derived from the SRS responses, which
should be divided by a factor 3 (due to the transient (non harmonic) nature of the signal - Refer to the
Introduction to the handbook):
60 x 9.81
axial radial 196 m/s2
a. Radial bearing direction – Load derivation
60 x 9.81 24
Fradial x x 0.3 705 N (see NOTE)
3 2
NOTE All residual mass is applied (30 %) at 600 Hz
b. Axial bearing direction – Load derivation
60 x 9.81 24
Faxial x x 0.2 470 N (see NOTE)
3 2
NOTE All residual mass is applied (2 0 %) at 600 Hz
14 July 2015
Bearing A
Bearing B
The above axial load is insufficient to overcome the hard axial preload (this would require >~850 N
(300 x 2 x 20,5) hence no axial gapping is predicted.
From CABARET analysis under the combined axial and radial shock loads during launch induce a
maximum Hertz stress around 1150 MPa.
39 40 1500 2 3
38 4
37 5
36 6
35 7
34 8
33 500
32 10
31 0 11
30 12
29 13
28 14 A (Mpa)
Contact stress Bearing
27 15
Contact stress Bearing B (Mpa)
26 16
25 17
24 18
23 22 20 19
These values are well below a conservative figure of 1500 MPa selected for lubricant lifetime reasons.
No damage is expected, life duration is not impacted.
Scan mirror bearings are therefore not an issue for this loading case.
14 July 2015 SDRA example 2 – MSG Scan Mirror Bearing – Higher loads inducing
For the same bearing IF an assumed axial load reached, say 850 N, then axial gapping would be
predicted and thus there would be a possibility for hammering damage to the raceways.
In this section we assume the same bearing and payload conditions – however we further assume that
the axial load is increased to 900 N, and then to 3000 N in order to demonstrate the role of gapping
and hammering in modification of the predicted contact stresses.
Our model predicts that if the SRS dictates an input condition of 900 N at 600 Hz, then the gapping is
around 50µm, but the corresponding peak Hertzian stresses is around 1300 MPa.
If on the other hand the frequency of interest were reduced (to 300 Hz) or increased (say to 1200 Hz)
then using the methodology outlined above (see reveals that for relatively low gapping, the
highest stress occurs whereas for relatively high frequency of interest, peak stresses lower than the
nominal combined case are generated.
This shows that the simple allowable gapping “rule of thumb” can in fact be inadequate in some
Table 18-11: Shock induced peak hertzian contact stresses – 900N axial load
Axial Load of 900N Applied
Frequency of interest from SRS 300 Hz 600 Hz 1200 Hz
Predicted Peak Hertzian Contact Stress 2080 MPa 1317 MPa 1036 MPa
Predicted Gapping 10 µm 50 µm 23 µm
Predicted Peak Hertzian Contact Stress
From Quasistatic Analysis Ignoring 1036 MPa
If the axial load is increased to 3000 N as a further example, then the peak stresses and gapping as a
function of frequency are also worth further consideration as shown below.
Table 18-12: Shock induced peak hertzian contact stresses – 3000N axial load
Axial Load of 3000N Applied
Frequency of interest from SRS 300 Hz 600 Hz 1200 Hz
Predicted Peak Hertzian Contact Stress 4604 MPa 2914 MPa 1844 MPa
Predicted Gapping 38 µm 180 µm 75 µm
Predicted Peak Hertzian Contact Stress
From Quasistatic Analysis Ignoring 1541 MPa
In this case the peak stresses exceed the bearing static load capacity at 300 Hz with a relatively modest
38 µm of gapping, whereas at other frequencies, much larger gapping levels are predicted (but
stresses are lower). It is also notable that both at if gapping hammering is ignored, peak stresses
predicted can be as low as 33 % of the stresses due to hammering. Given this it is strongly
recommended to identify as part of any SDRA whether the shock loads generated are sufficient to
cause gapping and if so this should be identified a potential major bearing and lubricant risk
14 July 2015
18.3.3 Valves
Two types of valves should be distinguished, depending on their respective damage mode:
Valves with mechanical “stop-end”. The elastomer seal is in this case protected from
degradation, and the damage mode is limited to a transient leakage due to mobile part lifting.
Valves without mechanical “stop-end”. The damage mode can go from a transient leakage to a
permanent leakage (due to seal degradation).
The rationale for a valve SDRA is further developed in the following flowchart.
Irrespective of the type of valve, a valve is always preloaded and can be used in isolation or regulation
mode. In the case of isolation mode, a back pressure (acting against the preload) is considered in the
assessment. Additionally, the SDRA should be limited to the valve sensitive axis (defined by the
constrained displacement of the mobile parts).
The verification methodologies are further developed in the Figure 18-61. The transient leakage
assessment results from an energetic approach (comparing the total potential energy stored in the
system to kinetic energy of the mobile parts), whereas the seal degradation (leading to a permanent
leakage) is assessed following the Hertz theory for contact stresses and deformations produced by
pressure between elastic bodies.
14 July 2015
Mmobile Mmobile
Kspring Kspring
seal Mechanical
(pressure) (pressure)
Calculation of Kinetic Energy of mobile parts: Evaluation of the elastomer seal deformation based on Hertz
2 theory:
1 Q .Acc.9.81
Ec .Mmobile. shock
The body in contact with the elastomer seal is considered to
2 2.freqacc be a cylinder (developed torus) with an equivalent length of
Where: Dd
L circ [m]
Qshock: amplification factor to cover eventual coupling 2
between excitation and internal resonances (identified
through sine survey or analytically considering a 1 dof b
system) R
Figure 18-61: Verification methodology for valves with and without “stop-end”
14 July 2015 SDRA Example 1 – Valve with mechanical “stop-end”
In this section are reported two examples of SDRA performed in the frame of the ARTEMIS project
related for:
Isolation Valve (Preload and pressure effect)
Regulation Valve (Preload effect)
The valve design is identical for both modes (isolation and regulation). The valve design is shown in
Figure 18-62 (a). By design, the sensitive axis is the axial one.
For this application, the random test allowed to cover the maximum expected environment up to
about 1500 Hz. The SDRA was therefore limited to the higher frequency range. The maximum
expected environment is 800 g at 3300 Hz.
By the resonance research of the valve along the axial axis, a significant number of modes with high
amplification factor was found below 1000 Hz (see Figure 18-62). Therefore it is not expected to get
significant dynamic amplification at higher frequencies (Qshock=1).
(a) (b)
Figure 18-62: (a) Typical RV & IV Design - (b) EPRM resonance search along Y-axis
14 July 2015
The valves are initially closed in passive mode and due to a shock event along the valve axis a leakage
can occur.
armature mass: 0,00716 kg
spring force: 3,4 N
course: 2,5 E-4 m
Input pressure (max): 6,3 MPa
Section:7,07 E-8 m²
Thus the kinetic energy is:
1 800 x 9.81
Ec x 0.00716 5.13 E - 4 J (no amplification factor due to favourable dynamic
2 3300 x x 2
The potential energy is derived by:
Wspring = 3,4 2,5E-4 J = 8,5 E-4 J
Wpressure = (6,3 E +6 )(7,07 E-8)(2,5 E-4) J = 1,1 E-4 J
For the Isolator valve the safety margin with respect to the opening valve is:
Wspring Wpressure 8.5 10 4 1.1 10 4
3300 Hz
SMopening 1 1 0.44
Ec 5.13 10 4
The following case has been encountered and is a perfect example, since implies the consideration of
two damage criteria (leakage and damage of the elastomer seal).
Schematic drawing of the valve is shown in Figure 18-63. A close-up on the seal design is also shown.
14 July 2015
This preloaded system has the following characteristics:
Spring pre-load: Fpreload = 13,3N 0,3 N
Spring stiffness: Kspring = 1,48E+3 N/m
Mobile mass: Mmobile = 17g
Esteel = 2E+11 Pa
Eelastomer = 1,24E+7 Pa
For this type of valve, the Shock damage risk analysis is based on the mathematical theory developed
by Hertz for the surface stresses and deformations produced by pressure between elastic bodies. In
[RD-0119] are given formulas for the elastic stress and deformation produced by pressure between
bodies of various forms, and for the dimensions of the area of contact formed by the compressed
In our case the contact occurs between a torus (steel) and a flat plate (elastomer seal). It is considered
that Hertz’s theory for the surface stresses and deformations produced by pressure between cylinder
(developed torus) and flat plate is applicable.
Based upon Hertz’s theory, the deformation of the elastomer seal due to the preload is evaluated.
p is the load per unit length
Kd = Dcyl = 2.R
1 ν 2steel 1 ν 2elastomer
E steel E elastomer
The length of the equivalent cylinder is equal to the length of developed torus (seal design – see
2.4 1.3
l equivalent cyl x 103 0.0058m
Load per unit length p 2288 N/m
l equivalent cyl
14 July 2015
It comes:
KD = 0,001m
b = 5,96E-4m
The penetration due to the preload can be computed: δ R.1 cos Arcsin 5
9.8510 m
Following this method, the evolution of the contact force with respect to the penetration is
evaluated; this corresponds to the stiffness curve of the preloaded system.
As shown in Figure 18-65, the penetration does not increase in proportion to the loading.
However, an assumption of linearity makes sense, if the penetration is small.
Hence, around the preload, the contact stiffness becomes: K contact 1.35105 N/m
Around the preload (13,3 N, = 9,85 E-5m), the leakage can occur when the displacement reaches . In
this case, the penetration ranges from 0 to about 2.
Contact force (N)
Fpreload = 13.3 N
Penetration due
to the preload
0 -0 5 -0 4 -0 4 -0 4 -0 4 -0 4 -0 4 -0 4
0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E
0.0 5.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
penetration (m )
1 1.35105 1.48103
The mobile mass being 17 g, thus the apparent frequency is: Freq 450 Hz
2 0.017
As resulting from these assumptions, the temporal acceleration is: = (2 x 450)2. = 790 m/s2 = 80g.
The equivalent SRS at this frequency is about 3 times higher, that is 240 g.
The estimated shock level at the valve interface is 150 g at 450 Hz, and then the safety margin
associated to the leakage is:
MS 1 0.6 The first damage criteria is satisfied (no leakage)
14 July 2015
Because of the fact that the stress is highly localized, the actual stress intensity can be very high.
Formulas based on Hertz theory give the maximum compressive stress, which occurs at the centre of
the surfaces of contact. In discussing this relationship, it is convenient to refer to the computed stress
as the Hertz stress.
Max 0, 798
In this relationship, p (load per unit length) is computed considering the preload force and the external
force acting on the mobile part. The estimated shock level at the valve interface is 150 g at 450 Hz, and
150 x 9.81
then the corresponding external force is: Fext x 0.017 8.34 N
Fext Fpreload
p 3730 N/m
l equivalent cyl
This value is substituted into the Hertz formula, to derive the maximum compressive stress.
Max = 6,26 106 Pa
The loading is considered as being safe, neither excessive deformation nor degradation are expected.
14 July 2015
The rationale for brittle material is further developed in the following flowchart.
14 July 2015 Evaluation of stress induced by the shock transient
418B By analysis
Classical methodology
FEM can be used to evaluate the expected stress in the optical components. The general
approach is based on:
Consideration of the local dynamics (Torque, Momentum Flux, Force, bending
Structural analysis related to the stress induced by 1g for both the lateral and the
axial direction
Expected induced stress due to the expected g-level for the lateral and the axial
Computation of the stress criterion (e.g. Von Mises in metals)
Comparison of the induced stress criteria versus the maximum allowable ones
(material dependent)
Methodology for structural ceramics and glasses
Strength in ceramics and glasses depends upon several factors that makes the strength analysis
more complex than in other materials (see
Concerning the FE analysis, it is necessary to make a specific post-processing of the FEM
outputs, in order to compute an effective size (area or volume, depending on the type of flaws
causing failure in the material). This effective size depends on the geometry of the structure and
on the stress field shape.
The maximum stress in the structure can then be compared to an allowable value deduced from
adequate elementary tests and the effective size of the considered couple {structure; load case}.
Shock test measurement at unit interface can be used to derive in the structural parts of the optical
components an envelope of the induced stress by using the relationship max Kcv max . A
conservative envelope can then be deduced by considering a sufficient margin on the K factor (see
Part 3, paragraph
This approach is very approximate and can be insufficient for ceramics and glasses, if the estimated
stress is above the threshold.
When metal components are subjected to applied loads the material has the capacity to generate
dislocations that migrate through the microstructure. This property permits yielding and minor shape
adjustments without catastrophic failure of the component. Structural ceramics and other brittle
materials (glass) typically do not have this property and therefore their failure behaviour is brittle
contrary to metals.
14 July 2015
As a result ceramic components are highly sensitive to micro-structural inhomogeneities and surface
damage from processing, which leads to an increased scatter in the strength behaviour with respect to
classical materials. Also, there is no deterministic strength for brittle materials, notably because it is a
function of the size of the component (see Figure 18-67).
Additionally cracks can propagate under tensile loads associated to propitious environmental
conditions to a critical value and then experience uncontrolled crack growth until the part physically
fractures. This phenomenon is called Sub-Critical Crack Growth. However it can be considered as not
activated during shock which is a very short event: only fast fracture is considered.
By definition, the safety factor SF for a component subjected to a single load L is given by the ratio
SF , where R is the resistance (or strength) of the material from which the component is
fabricated. Making use of the concept of a safety factor, the probability of failure (Pf) for the
component where a single load is applied is given by the expression Pf Pr ob 1 . For the most
general case, the assumption is made that both R and L are random variables. Under this assumption
Pf is the product of two finite probabilities summed over all possible outcomes:
Pf gRL ( x )dx FR (x).fL (x)dx , where FR is the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the
random variable R and fL is the probability density function (PDF) of the random variable L. The
probability of failure is the area under the composite function gRL ( x) (see Figure 18-68).
14 July 2015
Load PDF f Resistance PDF fR
Density of probability
Composite function gRL
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
Figure 18-68: Interference Plot for Load and Resistance Random Variables
Variations of magnitude for the load L are not typical as for the strength of brittle material.
Consequently a common assumption is to considerer the load as a deterministic design variable while
strength is a random design variable. It can be expressed by fL ( x) ( x ) leading to the probability
of failure Pf FR () . Knowing that brittle material strength are generally represented by a Weibull
distribution, the probability of failure of such brittle component can be expressed by the following
Pf ( ) 1 e where is the characteristic strength (63,2 % of the specimens fail
at this level) and m is the Weibull modulus (indicator of the scatter of the data), for the given effective
size of the tested sample.
The material characteristics depend on several factors (see Figure 18-69 for example of dependence on
surface finish):
material composition;
surface finish, for materials where strength-driving flaws are spread on the surface, in
particular for glasses;
potential sub-critical crack growth;
size of the loaded zone (depends on structure shape and loading case).
14 July 2015
The strength of the actual component can be estimated using the test specimen strength using a ratio
of the effective dimension under tensile stress.
Rule-of-thumb guidelines
Rule-of-thumb tensile design strength is typically around 10 MPa for nominal glass materials
like ZERODUR®. This neglects the specific glass composition, subcritical crack growth, surface
area under stress, and nature of the load - static or cyclic. If the stress induced by the shock
transient is evaluated conservatively (by FEM or by using the Pseudo Velocity Shock Spectrum)
under this value, then no damage is expected.
This “threshold” value has been defined in glasses based on a huge past experience of the
manufacturers, using several test campaigns showing that below a certain level of stress the
failure probability is zero. Figure 18-70 shows that the Weibull distribution is bent for lower
failure probabilities, revealing a threshold that is conservatively estimated at 10 MPa.
On new ceramic materials, the development maturity is not enough detailed in literature to
propose comparable threshold value. This becomes therefore the own know-how of the
designer and manufacturer.
14 July 2015
Complete rules
For glass components subject to stress levels that exceed 10 MPa, or for materials not having
such a threshold, material strength testing is necessary to characterize the strength properties of
the material. Material testing enables the strength to be characterized using a statistical
distribution (most common is the two-parameter Weibull distribution) and determines the
material-related characteristics, as well as the type of size effect (surface or volume). Then a
reliability analysis is recommended using test characterized strength properties of the material
Veff ,s max
Pf 1 exp( )
Veff ,e
max is the maximum equivalent stress over the volume. The equivalent stress
depends on the underlying flaw population (mainly their shape). It can be related
to more or less complex theories such as Principle of Independent Actions,
Batdorf’s or Evans-Lamon’s theories.
Veff is called the effective volume (could be an area). It takes into account the shape
of the stress field. Veff,s is the effective volume of the sized structure and V eff,e is the
one of the elementary sample.
Vo represents the size effect (here with units of volume; could be an area, for
glasses for instance)
14 July 2015
Brittle materials used for optical components are usually far from shock sources and relatively
decoupled from the supporting structure by iso-static mount (ISM). But in particular case, like small
platform where the optical payload is close to the shock source, this shock issue can be encountered.
In the SDRA process, it is necessary to estimate the shock environment, and then to see how it can be
represented in a strength analysis. Two situations can then be encountered:
The environment can be covered by a load case that is proportional to the ones that have been
used in the dimensioning phase (see Part 3 paragraph 12.7.1).
In that case, the effective volume (or area) computation is already done, and the verification can
be performed by applying the equations of, with the scaled max.
The environment cannot be covered by an already studied load case.
In that case, a specific load case covering the shock environment is defined. Then the associated
effective volume (or area) is computed, and used to infer final failure probability.
In these two situations, if the material has a known threshold value that is not exceeded, it is not
necessary to compute a failure probability, since it can be equal to zero for stress below this threshold.
The following example has been encountered on MSG, and illustrates the verification method for
ISM/blades and bonded joints.
The so-called mirror M3 was glued onto 12 blades made of INVAR (mirror cell), and connected to the
main structure via 3 iso-static mounts.
A schematic model of the M3 layout is sketched in Figure 18-71.
Within the critical frequency range (see section 17.3), coupling between the mirror suspension modes
and the shock excitation could occur, therefore a full dynamic amplification is considered. The input
shock levels are directly derived from the SRS responses:
Lateral direction: SRS = 150 g
Axial direction: SRS = 95 g
14 July 2015
From structural analysis report, the Stress induced by 1-g acceleration in the INVAR supporting
blades is:
1 g (axial) 0,35 MPa
1 g (lateral) 0,17 MPa
The scaling to the expected input levels gives:
e. For the axial direction: 95 g 0,35 = 33 MPa tension
f. For the lateral direction: 150 g 0,17 = 25,5 MPa Shear
There are three blades at 120 degree supporting the M3 cell as shown in Figure 18-71 and considering
150 g acting in plane on M3 cell, the derivation of the stress on ISM is based on the followings:
In-plane load: {[150g 9,81(ms-2) 0,19 (kg)]/ [2. cos (30)]} {[1/7,75]}= 20,8 MPa
Where 0,19 kg is the M3 cell + M3 mirror mass [Kg] and 7,75 mm² is blade cross section.
Out of plane load: For the computation of the stress at each ISM blade we consider 95 g acting
in the same time on the three ISM blades and precisely: [(95 g/3) 9,81(ms-2) 019]/[7,75 (mm²)]=
7,6 MPa for each blade.
The blades are made of titanium that allows 830 /1,1 = 750 MPa, where 1,1 is the yield safety factor.
The risk against shock is evidenced to be very low.