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ABSTRACT: Soil stabilization is a process that improves physical soil characters such as increased shear resistance;
load capacity etc can be done by compacting or adding appropriate additives such as cement, lime, and waste materials
such as ashes flying, foci, etc. The cost of introducing these additives has increased in recent years, which has opened
the door for the development of other soil additives such as plastic, bamboo etc. This new technique can be used to
stabilize the soil efficiently to respond to the challenges of society and to decrease the amount of waste, the production
of useful materials from waste materials that are not useful. The use of plastic products such as plastic packets and
covers, etc is increasing day by day, resulting in various environmental concerns. The use of plastic as a stabilizing
reason reduces the problem of plastic disposal as well as the density and increases the proportion of California Bearing
(CBR) soils in an economical way. This study focuses on overcoming the problems encountered at Amravati, the state
capital of Andhra Pradesh. In the present study, an experimental program for the stabilization of black cotton soil in the
new capital region Amravathi of the Andhra Pradesh has been carried out with the use of plastic waste as stabilizer.
Different proportions of plastic fibers (% by weight from 0% to 1.5%) in the black cotton soil are added and the
optimum percentage of plastic fibers is obtained on the floor by carrying test cushion of the California ratio.
KEYWORDS: Black Cotton Soil, CBR, OMC, MDD, Plastic fibers, UCS and Stabilization.
Soil stabilization means the development of stability or bearing power of the soil by the use of controlled compaction,
proportioning and the addition of appropriate admixture or stabilizers. Major soil deposits in the Amravati is Black
Cotton Soils which are very fertile and suitable for agriculture but not good for construction of Civil Engineering
Structures because of its low Bearing Capacity and severe shrink-swell process which results in growth of cracks.
Hence, a great range of ground development techniques such as soil stabilization and reinforcement are needed to be
engaged to improve the behavior of soil, thereby enhancing the consistency of construction. In the present situation,
Stabilizing of soils is of extreme importance in Amaravathi region which makes them suitable for various construction
activities. Various materials and methods may be used for stabilizing soils and are presented below.
There are various materials in utilization for the stabilization of black cotton soils. Depending on the internal factor
which describes the bonding between the soil and the stabilizer utilized, the methods are broadly classified into two
types. They are
1. Mechanical Stabilization: It refers to either compaction or the introduction of fibrous and other non-Bio-degradable
reinforcements to the soil. This practice does not oblige chemical change of the soil. There are a number of methods
used to accomplish mechanical stabilization.
2. Chemical Stabilization: The method of improving the engineering properties of soil is by adding chemicals or other
materials to improve the existing soil. This technique is generally cost effective: for example the cost transportation and
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processing of a stabilizing agent such as soil cement or lime to treat an in place soil material is probably more
economical than importing aggregate for the same thickness of the base course.
>To increase the density and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of soil using plastic as an admixture.
>To provide an alternative solution for the disposal of plastic waste.
>To provide an cheap solution for soil stabilization using plastic waste.
>To determine the optimum plastic content to be used.
Component Materials:
1. Soil
2. Plastic Fiber
Soil:The clayey soil used for the study was collected from Amaravti in Guntur district. Major soil deposits in the
capital Region (Amaravathi) Andhra Pradesh are Black Cotton Soils which are very fertile and suitable for agriculture
but not good for construction of Civil Engineering Structures because of its low Bearing Capacity and serious shrink-
swell process which results in development of cracks. With the formation of new capital, rapid Industrialization,
bursting population and decrease of available land, more and more number of buildings and other civil engineering
constructions has to be carried out on available Black Cotton soils which are having poor shear strength. Hence, a great
diversity of ground improvement techniques such as soil stabilization and reinforcement are needed to be employed to
improve behavior of soil, thereby enhancing the reliability of construction.
Plastic fiber :Plastic fibers were obtained from waste plastic cover (milkand curd packets). After proper cleaning and a
ir drying, the plasticcovers were shred into fibers each of average thickness of 2mm. These plastic covers are usually co
nsidered to be waste materials.
The materials which are considered are soil and plastic with chemical composition of poly propylene. Tests are
conducted to determine different properties of soil sample are shown below.
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Tests were conducted on untreated sample and Samples with 0.25%, 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% replacement of soil with
plastic fibers. The tests were conducted as per the procedure specified in IS 2720 part VII- 1980.the standard proctor
test and unconfined Compressive tests were conducted. The results from the two tests are shown below.
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Table 2
Results from Proctor test conducted
Figure 1
Figure1.shows the variation in the values of Maximum Dry Density for untreated soil sample, and treated soil samples
with 0.25,0.5,1,& 1.5% plastic replacement. It can be seen that the Maximum Dry Density increased from 1.62 for untr
eated soilsample to 1.84for soil sample with 0.5% plastic replacement. But thereafter the value decreases. The increase
in the maximum Dry Density is due to the decrease in the number o f voids due to the addition of plastic. This will
improve compaction which in turns reduce the OMC and increase the Maximum dry Density.
Table 3
Results from UCS test conducted
The Figure2. shows the variation in the values of UnconfinedCompressive Strength of the untreated soil sample and soil
.Samples which are treated with 0.25,0.5, 1, and 1.5% plastic. The UCS is increased from 0.0420N/mm2 for untreated
soil sample to 0.073 N/mm2 for soil sample treated with 0.5 %plastic. The strength of the samplethen decreases with
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furtheraddition of plastic. The maximum value in strength is achieved corresponding to optimum plastic content ie;
0.5 %plasticcontent. With the addition of plastic to the sample of soil there is an increase in the cohesion of soil which leads
to increase in UCS of the soil. But further increase in the plastic content leads to decrease in the cohesion andthereby
decrease in the strength. Also the shear strength of the soil which is directly related to the cohesion showsa similarpattern
such that a maximum value is obtain at 0.5% plastic replacement and then it decreases.
The project is focused on the performance of Plastic fiber as soil stabilization material. The study suggests that if the
plastic fibers are properly mixed and applied then it can be used as a great soil stabilization technique on the basis of
the results obtained.
1) 0.5% of replaced plastic fiber to the expansive clay soil reduces the OMC and increase the MDD.
2)The UCS of the soil was found to be increased for 0.5%.
3)With 1% replacement it was observed that the MDD & UCS was less than that of 0.5% replacement but was greater
than that of untreated soil.
4)Further increase in the plastic replacement showed reduction in the MDD and the UCS of the soil.
5) Optimum percentage of plastic is recommended at 0.5% which will improve the engineering characteristics of black
cotton soil.
6)Increase in the MDD of the soil is due to the decrease in the number of voids with the addition of plastic which
leads to the effective compaction and also increase in the cohesion.
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