9 Steps To Reverse Dementia

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<META NAME="description" CONTENT="Recently, I spoke on a panel for PBS TV at the
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) convention in Boston.&nbsp; The
topic was dementia. There was a woman with mild cognitive impairment on the pane
l. Her condition is sort of like pre-Alzheimer's disease. Everyone on the panel
-- including the Harvard neurologist -- agreed that memory loss is NOT a normal
part of aging. The sad part was that the panel didn't have much to offer people
in the way of prevention. Their only solution was just a very bad and pretty ine
ffective selection of drugs with lots of side effects. But there is another way
to think about brain aging. The brain responds to all the same insults as the re
st of the body -- stress, poor diet, toxins, lack of exercise or sleep, nutritio
nal deficiencies, and more. So all we have to do is give the brain a tune-up and
we can see miracles.&nbsp; In a minute, I will tell you about a few miracles i
n my practice.&nbsp; ">
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<p>Recently, I spoke on a panel for PBS TV at the American Association of Retire
d Persons (AARP) convention in Boston.&nbsp; The topic was dementia.</p>
<p>There was a woman with mild cognitive impairment on the panel. Her condition
is sort of like pre-Alzheimer's disease.</p>
<p>Everyone on the panel -- including the Harvard neurologist -- agreed that mem
ory loss is NOT a normal part of aging.</p>
<p>The sad part was that the panel didn't have much to offer people in the way o
f prevention. Their only solution was just a very bad and pretty ineffective sel
ection of drugs with lots of side effects.</p>
<p>But there is another way to think about brain aging.</p>
<p>The brain responds to all the same insults as the rest of the body -- stress,
poor diet, toxins, lack of exercise or sleep, nutritional deficiencies, and mor
<p>So all we have to do is give the brain a tune-up and we can see miracles.&nbs
p; </p>
<p>In a minute, I will tell you about a few miracles in my practice.&nbsp; </p>
<p>First, you should know that this is a big problem and growing every day.&nbsp
; </p>
<p>Ten percent of 65-year olds, 25 percent of 75-year olds, and 50 percent of 85
-year olds will get Alzheimer's disease -- at a cost of $60 billion a year to so
ciety.&nbsp; Worse, the number of people with Alzheimer's is predicted to triple
in the next few decades. </p>
<p>Is this preventable? Can we slow it and treat it?</p>
<p>I believe that the answer is yes!</p>
<p>But first I want to explain why just naming the disease -- whether it is deme
ntia or anything else -- is becoming increasingly unhelpful (unless you just wan
t to match the drug to the disease which is the only thing doctors are trained t
o do).</p>
<p>We have to think about individuals, not diseases.</p>
<p>In medicine, our genetic differences are more important than our similarities
.&nbsp; </p>
<p>Sometimes the practice of medicine lags behind the science, and sometimes the
practice gets ahead of the science.&nbsp; Genetic testing puts us squarely in t
he middle of that dilemma. </p>
<p>We are at a crossroads, where the old ideas we have about disease and diagnos
is become less meaningful as we understand more and more about the importance of
individual differences in determining illness.&nbsp; </p>
<p>This a time when personalized medicine will replace medicine based on diagnos
is and disease.&nbsp; </p>
<p>In fact, disease and diagnosis as we know it will soon be an obsolete concept
, an artifact of medical history, like bloodletting or phrenology (the art of di
agnosis based on the shape of your skull, popular in the 19th century).</p>
<p>Now let me tell you the story of a patient who had a diagnosis of dementia.</
<p>He and his wife came to see me because he could no longer manage his business
affairs, had become increasingly unable to function at home, and had to withdra
w from family and social relationships.&nbsp; </p>
<p>He was desperate as he felt himself slipping away.&nbsp; </p>
<p>There is no effective known treatment for dementia.&nbsp; But we do know a lo
t about what affects brain function and brain aging: our nutrition, inflammation
, environmental toxins, stress, exercise, and deficiencies of hormones, vitamins
, and omega-3 fats.</p>
<p>It is not just one gene, but the interaction between many genes and the envir
onment that puts someone at risk for a chronic disease such as dementia. </p>
<p>And we do know that many things affect how our genes function -- our diet, vi
tamins and minerals, toxins, allergens, stress, lack of sleep and exercise, and
more.&nbsp; </p>
<p>Even though no long-term studies have been done to look at treating dementia
based on genes, there are so many scientific threads that weave together a pictu
re of how and why our brains age and what genes are involved.</p>
<p>Back to my patient...</p>
<p>For this man, whose mind and life were evaporating, I looked deeply into his
genes and the biochemistry his genes controlled and found places where we could
improve things.&nbsp; </p>
<p>He had a gene called Apo E 4, which is a high-risk gene for Alzheimer's disea
se and also made it hard for him to lower his cholesterol and detoxify <a href="
http://www.ultrawellness.com/blog/mercury-part-ii" title="mercury"> mercury</a>
from his brain. </p>
<p>He also had a version of a gene for detoxification of metals and other toxins
(glutathione-S-transferase) that was very inefficient, making him accumulate mo
re toxins over his lifetime. </p>
<p>He had another gene called MTHFR that made him require very high doses of fol
ate to lower his blood levels of homocysteine, which is a substance very toxic t
o the brain.&nbsp;&nbsp; </p>
<p>And lastly, he had a gene called CETP that caused his cholesterol to be high,
which contributes to dementia.&nbsp; </p>
<p>We found that he had high levels of mercury and helped him detoxify with food
s such as kale, watercress, and cilantro, herbs such as milk thistle, nutrients
such as selenium and zinc, and medications that helped him overcome his genetic
difficulties getting rid of toxins.</p>
<p>We lowered his cholesterol with diet and herbs.</p>
<p>We lowered his homocysteine with high doses of folate and vitamins B6 and B12
<p>So what happened?</p>
<p>After a year of aggressive therapy that was matched to his genes, not his dia
gnosis, he had a remarkable and dramatic recovery.&nbsp; </p>
<p>Before I saw him, he could not manage his business, nor did his grandchildren
want to be around him.&nbsp; After matching his treatment to his genes, he was
again able to function, and his grandchildren again loved being with him.</p>
<p>While this area of genetic testing and nutrigenomics is new, and more researc
h is needed to help up refine our understanding and treatment, there are ways to
look through new doors into an entirely new era of medicine that no longer focu
ses on the disease, but on the person and their uniqueness.</p>
<p>Here's another success story.</p>
<p>A female patient of about age 80 was experiencing severe memory loss and cogn
itive decline and her family was concerned.&nbsp; She was tested with hours of n
europsychological testing and found to have dementia.&nbsp;&nbsp; </p>
<p>Her neurologist offered her words of comfort, but there is no treatment truly
effective to stop or reverse the progression of dementia.</p>
<p>Then her daughter brought her to see me.&nbsp; </p>
<p>We discovered many subtle changes in her health that on their own wouldn't ex
plain dementia, but when added all together put a strain on her brain function.<
<p>All we did was correct those problems -- low thyroid function, mercury toxici
ty, inflammation, and deficiencies in vitamins B6 and D, folate, coenzyme Q10, a
nd omega-3 fats -- and improved her diet overall.&nbsp;&nbsp; I encouraged her t
o exercise, because exercise can help improve cognitive function and prevent dem
<p>Six months later, she had the extensive memory tests repeated.&nbsp; </p>
<p>The results?</p>
<p>The psychologist was surprised to report that her scores got BETTER!&nbsp; </
<p>To put this in perspective, mental decline happens progressively, sometimes q
uickly, sometimes slowly, but NEVER gets better -- according to our traditional
medical thinking.</p>
<p>But just like we once thought that heart disease and artery-clogging plaques
couldn't be reversed (and now have proof that this does happen), I believe demen
tia can be reversed (if caught early enough) by attending to all the factors tha
t affect brain function - diet, exercise, stress, nutritional deficiencies, toxi
ns, hormonal imbalances, inflammation, and more.</p>
<p>It is really quite simple - like everything I describe in UltraWellness.</p>
<p>You get rid of the bad stuff, put in the good stuff, and the body heals.</p>
<p>It's common sense, but we are so far from that in the way we treat chronic il
lness with conventional medicine.</p>
<p>So if you know someone with memory loss, be extremely aggressive in looking a
t all the keys to UltraWellness to find what imbalances are present and how to f
ix them. Remember, there will be no one treatment that works for everyone, becau
se everyone is different.</p>
<p>Here are some things to think about if you or a loved one are experiencing me
mory loss or dementia.</p>
<p>==&gt;&nbsp; Look hard for correctable causes of memory loss. They include:</
<p>* Pre-diabetes or metabolic syndrome<br />* Low thyroid function<br />* Depre
ssion <br />* Deficiencies in B vitamins, especially vitamin B12<br />* Omega-3
fat deficiencies<br />* Mercury or other heavy metal toxicity<br />* Vitamin D d
eficiency<br />* High cholesterol<br />* Unique genes the predispose to nutritio
nal or detoxification problems</p>
<p>Doctors who practice Functional Medicine and follow the principles I talk abo
ut in UltraWellness can help you find these problems.</p>
<p>==&gt;&nbsp; And here are a few things that can help your mind get a tune-up:
<p>* Balance your blood sugar with the whole foods, low glycemic diet that I des
cribe in UltraMetabolism<br />* Exercise daily -- even a 30-minute walk<br />* D
eeply relax daily with yoga, meditation, biofeedback, or just deep breathing<br
/>* Take a multivitamin and mineral supplement<br />* Take an omega-3 fat supple
ment<br />* Take extra vitamin B6 and B12 and folate <br />* Take vitamin D<br /
>* Treat thyroid or low sex hormones<br />* Get rid of mercury through a medical
detoxification program</p>
<p>This is just a start, but it can go a long way to giving your brain the chanc
e to heal and recover if you have memory problems. And for the rest of us, this
program will prevent the aging of our brain.</p>
<p>Now I'd like to hear from you...</p>
<p>Have you noticed memory loss as you've gotten older?</p>
<p>What have you done about the problem so far?</p>
<p>Which of these steps do you plan to follow?</p>
<p>Do you have any other recommendations?</p>
<p>Please click on the Add a Comment button below to share your thoughts.</p>
<p>To your good health, </p>
<p>Mark Hyman, M.D.</p>
<p>PS - For more information on this and other blogs, please go to:</p>
<p>==&gt;&nbsp; <a href="http://www.ultrawellness.com/blog">http://www.ultrawell
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<a name="comment">&nbsp;</a><div id="comments"><a id="comment-18636"></a>
<a name="18636"></a>
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<h3 class="title"><a href="/blog/9-steps
-to-reverse-dementia#comment-18636" class="active">re: 9 steps to reverse demen
tia and memory loss as you age...</a></h3> </div>
<div class="round-lower">
<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>This is amazing information and
gives such hope through viable answers to a most devastaingly growing problem in
this country. I have many of the symptoms you describe: inflammation, heavy me
rcury, low B-vitamins, high cholesterol to name a few. I have been working on a
better diet for the inflammation and that is how I found you. I will go to my
doctor to have the genetic testing, because my father had demtia which rapidly
progressed in his 80's and I will do anything to avoid that. Thank you. Are yo
u taking new patients, is it possible to get into see you within the next 3-4 mo
nths? I have just started your UltaSimple Diet. cmurphy</p>

<div class="extras">by <strong>Anonymous
</strong> at 07:16 AM on 11/15/07</div>
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entia#comment-18636" class="active">Link to this UltraWellness Comment</a><div c
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<div class="ie-hack paddingfix"></div><a id="comment-18637"></a>
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<h3 class="title"><a href="/blog/9-steps
-to-reverse-dementia#comment-18637" class="active">re: 9 steps to reverse demen
tia and memory loss as you age...</a></h3> </div>
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<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>I love the concept of your work
and fully embrace it as it is so often overlooked. </p>
<p>Just a question though in regards to this, is this due to long term stresses,
if so, what is the "long term" length and how does it work with students?</p>
<p>I already suffer from chronic insomnia from a severe liver, digestive and met
abolic disorder, but also being a student, it's not unsual for me to keep on goi
ng with only 4-6 hours sleep a night. </p>
<p>I'm studying Nutritional Medicine, which is 3 years... am I greatly increasin
g my risk of dementia/Alzhiemer's, etc by the way my body is at the moment in it
's healing process; not sleeping? For all of the wonderful information out there
, Universities, even holistic ones like mine are not always body and metabolism
friendly... nor stress either, for that matter.</p>

<div class="extras">by <strong>Anonymous
</strong> at 07:58 AM on 11/15/07</div>
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entia#comment-18637" class="active">Link to this UltraWellness Comment</a><div c
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<div class="ie-hack paddingfix"></div><a id="comment-18638"></a>
<a name="18638"></a>
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<h3 class="title"><a href="/blog/9-steps
-to-reverse-dementia#comment-18638" class="active">re: 9 steps to reverse demen
tia and memory loss as you age...</a></h3> </div>
<div class="round-lower">
<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>My memory problems started in pe
ri-menopause and got progressively worse during full memopause. I attributed it
to lack of sleep due to hot flashes waking me up all night. I have been on a n
atural hormone cream that has both progesterone and estrogen in it. It works and
I am like a new person! My memory is much better, but not quite back to where
it was yet.<br />
I worked in the senior care business for a while and have seen first hand the de
mentia/memory loss horrors. I do not want to end up like that and want to get t
he genetic tests described in the article.<br />
How do I get tested?</p>

<div class="extras">by <strong>Anonymous
</strong> at 08:59 AM on 11/15/07</div>
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entia#comment-18638" class="active">Link to this UltraWellness Comment</a><div c
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<div class="ie-hack paddingfix"></div><a id="comment-18639"></a>
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<h3 class="title"><a href="/blog/9-steps
-to-reverse-dementia#comment-18639" class="active">re: 9 steps to reverse demen
tia and memory loss as you age...</a></h3> </div>
<div class="round-lower">
<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>Wow! My mother died of early on-
set alzheimer's 4 years ago she was diagnosed when she was 52 with the disease a
nd eventually passed away at 64 years old. Of all the stuff I have ever read I
am glad someone made the cholesterol connection - her levels were so high and fo
r no apparent reason - my father who ate the same food had regular cholesterol l
evels. I was only a kid in high school at the time but I remember thinking that
it was strange. I am going to send this article to everyone in my family - they
live in fear of this disease. Thank you for posting this.</p>

<div class="extras">by <strong>Anonymous
</strong> at 10:08 AM on 11/15/07</div>
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entia#comment-18639" class="active">Link to this UltraWellness Comment</a><div c
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<div class="ie-hack paddingfix"></div><a id="comment-18640"></a>
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<h3 class="title"><a href="/blog/9-steps
-to-reverse-dementia#comment-18640" class="active">re: 9 steps to reverse demen
tia and memory loss as you age...</a></h3> </div>
<div class="round-lower">
<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>What about an elderly (75ish) pe
rson who has definate dementia but got there by tiny-tiny stokes (even smaller t
han tia's) and one day with a sudden onset - all the dots connected? So one day
she is almost fine and the next day she had developed severe dementia. This ha
ppened. We know by cat scan that she has had several small stokes. My question
is... does this fall into the same possible reveral pattern as the ones spoken
of. Yes she has mercury in her teeth, has high colestrol, and has had Graves di
sease in which they wiped out her thyroid w/ radiation (takes synthroid). Prob
ably low in B6 &amp; B12 etc., but the pathways are damaged by stokes. What sa
y you?</p>

<div class="extras">by <strong>Anonymous
</strong> at 11:24 AM on 11/15/07</div>
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entia#comment-18640" class="active">Link to this UltraWellness Comment</a><div c
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<div class="ie-hack paddingfix"></div><a id="comment-18641"></a>
<a name="18641"></a>
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<h3 class="title"><a href="/blog/9-steps
-to-reverse-dementia#comment-18641" class="active">re: 9 steps to reverse demen
tia and memory loss as you age...</a></h3> </div>
<div class="round-lower">
<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>Regarding dementia and aging rel
ated mental issues, it's important to rule out a brain tumor first. My mother be
gan not being able to carry on a conversation, would lose her train of thought,
also had symptoms of depression, was forgetful, etc. After seeing a dozen doctor
s one finally recommended a CAT scan and found a huge operable tumor (menangioma
). She had had during the course of events a multitude of blood panels and evalu
ations and nothing ever indicated a brain tumor. Her surgeon said it was fairly
common, the family sees the grandparents become forgetful, etc and thinks it is
a natural part of aging but in many cases it may be a brain tumor, many times op
erable. The symptoms are very similar to dementia and alzheimers.</p>

<div class="extras">by <strong>Anonymous
</strong> at 11:48 AM on 11/15/07</div>
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entia#comment-18641" class="active">Link to this UltraWellness Comment</a><div c
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<h3 class="title"><a href="/blog/9-steps
-to-reverse-dementia#comment-18642" class="active">re: 9 steps to reverse demen
tia and memory loss as you age...</a></h3> </div>
<div class="round-lower">
<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>Regarding dementia and aging rel
ated mental issues, it's important to rule out a brain tumor first. My mother be
gan not being able to carry on a conversation, would lose her train of thought,
also had symptoms of depression, was forgetful, etc. After seeing a dozen doctor
s one finally recommended a CAT scan and found a huge operable tumor (menangioma
). She had had during the course of events a multitude of blood panels and evalu
ations and nothing ever indicated a brain tumor. Her surgeon said it was fairly
common, the family sees the grandparents become forgetful, etc and thinks it is
a natural part of aging but in many cases it may be a brain tumor, many times op
erable. The symptoms are very similar to dementia and alzheimers.</p>

<div class="extras">by <strong>Anonymous
</strong> at 11:50 AM on 11/15/07</div>
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entia#comment-18642" class="active">Link to this UltraWellness Comment</a><div c
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<h3 class="title"><a href="/blog/9-steps
-to-reverse-dementia#comment-18643" class="active">re: 9 steps to reverse demen
tia and memory loss as you age...</a></h3> </div>
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<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>mercury is a problem for many of
us in Europe. What tests do I need to have and what is involved in a medical de
toxification programme? </p>

<div class="extras">by <strong>Anonymous
</strong> at 12:57 PM on 11/15/07</div>
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<div class="ie-hack paddingfix"></div><a id="comment-18644"></a>
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<h3 class="title"><a href="/blog/9-steps
-to-reverse-dementia#comment-18644" class="active">re: 9 steps to reverse demen
tia and memory loss as you age...</a></h3> </div>
<div class="round-lower">
<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>I am writing because I just turn
ed 50 and have noticed more memory loss. I am taking vitamins, fish oil with ome
ga 3, vitamin B complex, vitamin C and try to eat healthy. I try to excerise reg
ularly. I am getting concerned because it is starting to disrupt my work and li
fe. I am told by my friends that it's because I am menopausal, but It's startin
g to scare me. Please advise. I also don't have a history of dementia in my fami
ly. Thanks for your help. Tonie</p>

<div class="extras">by <strong>Anonymous
</strong> at 01:09 PM on 11/15/07</div>
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tia and memory loss as you age...</a></h3> </div>
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<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>Dr. Hyman,</p>
<p>How available is genetic testing/mapping for people? Do any insurance compani
es reimburse for it? How can we order the test for patients?</p>

<div class="extras">by <strong>Anonymous
</strong> at 03:08 PM on 11/15/07</div>
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tia and memory loss as you age...</a></h3> </div>
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<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>Dear Mark,<br />
Thank you for the good news about repairing the loss of cognitive function.<br /
Over the recent months I have been attending a Chinese trained doctor who provid
es acupuncture. At one stage I mentioned to her that I was experiencing some bra
in 'fog' - ie inability to concentrate and focus. She performed some additional
acupuncture and for the first time in about 3 years I read a technical paper fro
m beginning to end. I had been under severe emotional stress for about 3 years d
ue to overwork, retrenchment and a relationship which proved to be based on dece
ption.<br />
So it would seem that if you expand your thinking outside what has been 'traditi
onal' medical training and practice ie matching the drug to the disease, there i
s a wealth of alternatives that can assist our bodies to recover.<br />
Thank you for your website and newsletter.<br />
Nicola Leaney</p>

<div class="extras">by <strong>Anonymous
</strong> at 05:18 PM on 11/15/07</div>
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<h3 class="title"><a href="/blog/9-steps
-to-reverse-dementia#comment-18647" class="active">re: 9 steps to reverse demen
tia and memory loss as you age...</a></h3> </div>
<div class="round-lower">
<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>My memory went south when I had
fibromyalgia. The "brain fog" they talk about is a dreadful thing, as it is just
awful to forget your family's names, what you came into a room for, what you're
supposed to be doing at work, etc. Pretty soon you get scared and feel useless.
After getting my fibromyalgia handled (yes, you can get rid of it, in most case
s. See stopfibro.com for the doctor who helped me heal). But I still had low ene
rgy, bad sleep and poor memory. Then I read the book, "Adrenal Fatigue" by James
Wilson and began to follow his program, since I had had the adrenal hormone sal
iva tests and they had shown that my adrenals were nearly exhausted. No wonder a
fter the rigors of fibromyalgia! I started taking compounded cortisol and dessic
ated adrenal, along with some herbs and lots of vitamins and minerals, and added
gingko for extra insurance. And now I can remember my family's names. And lots
of other stuff. People compliment me on my memory now, which, believe me, never
happened before! I've got my hormones on an even keel and that makes all the di
fference. The adrenals have been overlooked since the 1950's when hydrocortisone
was developed and patented, and then found to kill people. They simply deleted
the IDC (International Diagnostic Code) number for hypo-adrenia, sub-clinical Ad
dison's or adrenal exhaustion, all names for the adrenal fatigue that can common
ly affect anyone with major life stressors. So, to most doctors, you're either 1
00% healthy, adrenally, or you're perhaps one of the 4 out of 100,000 who have A
ddison's Disease (complete adrenal non-functioning.)They're trained to think thi
s, and so miss this diagnosis most of the time. But the body isn't an all-or-not
hing thing, as this website points out, we operate on a scale. And for everybody
who's somewhere between the tip-top and the very bottom, getting more data abou
t your own adrenal function is a good thing. Many things, like allergies and fat
igue, and the ability to metabolize the nutrients we spend so much money on, as
well as hormones, are governed by the adrenals. And in my case, ligament strengt
h is an indicator of adrenal function, and can adversely affect the neck, especi
ally after a car crash or other accident, and lead to fibromyalgia. There's a bo
ok about that, too, "Fibromyalgia: Finally, Solving the Mystery," by Dr. Paul Wh
itcomb. Good luck to all in their search for health.</p>

<div class="extras">by <strong>Anonymous
</strong> at 05:55 PM on 11/15/07</div>
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tia and memory loss as you age...</a></h3> </div>
<div class="round-lower">
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<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>Hi. I appreciate receiving and r
eading your posts. I am posting here just to let you know that I came to the web
site today for the first time, and found that, when i clicked on a number of lin
ks to previous posts which sound interesting, the common response i got was "Pag
e Not Found". this post is not intended as a criticism, but rather as just letti
ng you know, in case perhaps some links have been broken at your site, or pages
have been moved or re-named or whatever. i will look back again at some point, i
n the hope of being able to read those posts. Thank you again for your interesti
ng information.</p>

<div class="extras">by <strong>Anonymous
</strong> at 06:32 PM on 11/15/07</div>
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<div class="wrap2">
<h3 class="title"><a href="/blog/9-steps
-to-reverse-dementia#comment-18649" class="active">re: 9 steps to reverse demen
tia and memory loss as you age...</a></h3> </div>
<div class="round-lower">
<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>Andrew Weil has said that men sh
ould not take vitamin d (he said it aided in prostate problems)and I've heard th
at taking omega 3's can up your cholesterol. My husband's grandmother had alzhe
imer's and I am concerned for him. Can someone tell us Dr. Hyman's thoughts on

<div class="extras">by <strong>Anonymous
</strong> at 11:16 AM on 11/16/07</div>
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<div class="ie-hack paddingfix"></div><a id="comment-18650"></a>
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<div class="wrap2">
<h3 class="title"><a href="/blog/9-steps
-to-reverse-dementia#comment-18650" class="active">re: 9 steps to reverse demen
tia and memory loss as you age...</a></h3> </div>
<div class="round-lower">
<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>This is great that somebody is f
inally talking about how nutrition is a way to help "medical conditions". I hav
e started taking Mangosteen juice and it has really helped my memory and mental

<div class="extras">by <strong>Anonymous
</strong> at 06:46 PM on 11/16/07</div>
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<h3 class="title"><a href="/blog/9-steps
-to-reverse-dementia#comment-18651" class="active">re: 9 steps to reverse demen
tia and memory loss as you age...</a></h3> </div>
<div class="round-lower">
<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>Please continue sending me your
e-mails!!! I, very much enjoy them! Thank you, Carole</p>

<div class="extras">by <strong>Anonymous
</strong> at 09:47 PM on 11/16/07</div>
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<h3 class="title"><a href="/blog/9-steps
-to-reverse-dementia#comment-18652" class="active">re: 9 steps to reverse demen
tia and memory loss as you age...</a></h3> </div>
<div class="round-lower">
<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>About 6 years ago, I decided to
try a vegan diet as I'd heard that many are allergic to dairy and didn't know it
. I ate strictly vegan for 6 months, and in the spring, I had NO regular spring
time allergies! AND, I was thinking clearly and my memory was remarkable! This
was the beginning of my journey to eating better and getting sugar out of my di
et all together. I have a ways to go, and I'm excited to see and read this part
icular blog! THANK YOU!</p>

<div class="extras">by <strong>Anonymous
</strong> at 11:46 AM on 11/17/07</div>
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entia#comment-18652" class="active">Link to this UltraWellness Comment</a><div c
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<div class="ie-hack paddingfix"></div><a id="comment-18653"></a>
<a name="18653"></a>
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<div class="wrap2">
<h3 class="title"><a href="/blog/9-steps
-to-reverse-dementia#comment-18653" class="active">re: 9 steps to reverse demen
tia and memory loss as you age...</a></h3> </div>
<div class="round-lower">
<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>At 46 years old, I am having ter
rible brain difficulties and am beginning to become very concerned about Alzheim
er's or some other form of mental impairment. It is embarrassing, even humiliati
ng, and creates problems at my job and in my personal life. I do have health iss
ues including chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, hypoglycemia and MUCH more, and I'v
e lost 2 wonderful careers because of these problems. Had I listened to the medi
cal world 15-20 years ago, I'd be on about a dozen medications and be bedridden
(or close to it), collecting disability. Once I switched to natural health I beg
an to improve, and today lead a full life. But memory, concentration, mental fat
igue, attention, etc., are now worsening. There are a few dabblers, but no real
natural/alternative experts locally. This article gives wonderful ideas, but the
re is no way to know what's going on with my chemistry without testing. No docto
r is going to run these tests just because I ask for them, and I know from exper
ience that they will not work with me because I refuse to accept the prescriptio
ns they try to force on me. I used to be smart, but now I often can't even prove
that to myself - and I'm not willing to live out my next 46 years being stupid.
For those of us without access to alternative medicine experts, this article br
ings hope yet extreme frustration. What do I do? How do I proceed?</p>

<div class="extras">by <strong>Anonymous
</strong> at 10:45 AM on 11/18/07</div>
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entia#comment-18653" class="active">Link to this UltraWellness Comment</a><div c
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<div class="ie-hack paddingfix"></div><div class="indented"><a id="comment-18701
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<div class="wrap2">
<h3 class="title"><a href="/blog/9-steps
-to-reverse-dementia#comment-18701" class="active">check these sites out--best w
ishes to you</a></h3> </div>
<div class="round-lower">
<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>Go out of your area!€ Save the cas
h, sell what you have to sell, and get out of your area for consults.</p>
<p>€Here are two sites I just became aware of for neurotoxins, one of which deals
with patients long distance (also, did you ever look into Lyme?).</p>
<p>€<a href="http://www.chronicneurotoxins.com/">http://www.chronicneurotoxins.com
<p><a href="http://www.personalconsult.com/">http://www.personalconsult.com/</a>
<p>€I found these two sites€from a forum posting by an individual wh olives in flori
da and who was healed of brain fog within a month of working with these two docs
.€ More and more docs are going web-based, and most speciality diagnostics are mai
l-in... you just need a lab t odo the draw.€€€ </p>
<p>€Here are two more resources for you tocheck out.</p>
<p><a href="http://www.thedoctoronthephone.com/servlet/StoreFront">http://www.th
edoctoronthephone.com/servlet/StoreFront</a>€ this woman can treat you/order the k
inds of tests you want--she&#39;s trained by dr. larry wilson for nutritional ap
<p>Check out the books by dr. sherry Rogers (she&#39;s the Grand dame of environ
mental medicine, which is what you need) -- tired or toxic, detoxify or die, and
the macrobiotic books.€ you could try going macrobiotic to help yourself detoxify
, but i would definitley get professional help if you can afford it.€ Rogers does
$600/hr consults, but you&#39;d be best served getting some diagnostics done fir
<p>€Keep going!</p>

<div class="extras">by <strong>shehoss99
</strong> at 04:05 PM on 12/09/07</div>
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entia#comment-18701" class="active">Link to this UltraWellness Comment</a><div c
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<div class="wrap2">
<h3 class="title"><a href="/blog/9-steps
-to-reverse-dementia#comment-18786" class="active">Thank you!</a></h3>
<div class="round-lower">
<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>Thank you SO MUCH for your sugge
stions! I&#39;m sorry I didn&#39;t see your post sooner. Just in the past few da
ys I&#39;m doing better with cognitive abilities, but it comes and goes so sudde
nly that I don&#39;t trust it will stay for long. And it&#39;s still not where i
t should be. (&quot;Better&quot; is a relative term. :-) ) </p>
<p>I will look into the links and books. Again, many thanks!!! </p>

<div class="extras">by <strong>opus88</s
trong> at 09:46 PM on 12/30/07</div>
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entia#comment-18786" class="active">Link to this UltraWellness Comment</a><div c
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<div class="ie-hack paddingfix"></div></div><a id="comment-19590"></a>
<a name="19590"></a>
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<div class="wrap2">
<h3 class="title"><a href="/blog/9-steps
-to-reverse-dementia#comment-19590" class="active">saliva tests</a></h3>
<div class="round-lower">
<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>You can order saliva tests w/o a
doctor.€ Do a google search for &quot;saliva test&quot; and you&#39;ll find a lab
that will send you a kit-you spit into some vials throughout the day and send t
hem back to the lab through the mail.€ They&#39;re very accurate.€ The lab w/ then s
end you back a diagnosis.€ It&#39;s a good place to start.</p>
<p>Also google &quot;Adrenal Fatigue&quot;.€ I had the same symptoms and was diagn
osed w/ that.€ If you end up having that, which is a lot more common than people t
hink, there&#39;s a great book (you can actually self-diagnose thru this book th
ru a series of checklists) called Adrenal Fatigue: the 21st Century Syndrome, by
James Wilson.€ That book has saved my life.€ </p>

<div class="extras">by <strong>mtngirl</
strong> at 12:39 AM on 03/08/08</div>
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entia#comment-19590" class="active">Link to this UltraWellness Comment</a><div c
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<h3 class="title"><a href="/blog/9-steps
-to-reverse-dementia#comment-18654" class="active">re: 9 steps to reverse demen
tia and memory loss as you age...</a></h3> </div>
<div class="round-lower">
<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>The Information on L-Glutathione
is very important and useful. I have been finding this lacking in my patients f
or many years and I find that it is major factor in those peope who have unusual
sensitivity to toxins in general and metals in particular. The discovery that s
ome people suffer from an inherited lack of reduced glutathione explains the tr
agic increase in Autism after vaccination with Thimerosol preserved materials.<b
r />
For years supplementation with Glutathione was not always very effective because
of the catabolism of the glutathione and its lack of penetration through cell m
embranes. Now there are preparations available which are bound to liposomes enab
ling transfer across cell membranes.</p>

<div class="extras">by <strong>Anonymous
</strong> at 01:23 PM on 11/18/07</div>
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entia#comment-18654" class="active">Link to this UltraWellness Comment</a><div c
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<div class="ie-hack paddingfix"></div><a id="comment-18655"></a>
<a name="18655"></a>
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<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<h3 class="title"><a href="/blog/9-steps
-to-reverse-dementia#comment-18655" class="active">re: 9 steps to reverse demen
tia and memory loss as you age...</a></h3> </div>
<div class="round-lower">
<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>I have just purchased the ultram
etabolism cookbook and inside, it says to go to www.ultrametabolismcookbook.com
to download the companion guide for this book. I am unable to locate this websi
te as well as the companion guide. If anyone can point me in the right directio
n, it would be greatly appreciated.</p>
<p>Thank you<br />
<div class="extras">by <strong>Anonymous
</strong> at 07:46 PM on 11/19/07</div>
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entia#comment-18655" class="active">Link to this UltraWellness Comment</a><div c
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<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<h3 class="title"><a href="/blog/9-steps
-to-reverse-dementia#comment-18656" class="active">re: 9 steps to reverse demen
tia and memory loss as you age...</a></h3> </div>
<div class="round-lower">
<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>I was told by a Doctor, who is a
lso a Board Certified BioChemist, that men should not use flax seed because it h
as phyto estrogen.<br />
Should this be a concern to men?</p>

<div class="extras">by <strong>Anonymous
</strong> at 07:42 PM on 11/23/07</div>
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entia#comment-18656" class="active">Link to this UltraWellness Comment</a><div c
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<div class="ie-hack paddingfix"></div><a id="comment-19337"></a>
<a name="19337"></a>
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<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<h3 class="title"><a href="/blog/9-steps
-to-reverse-dementia#comment-19337" class="active">Raising Glutathione can help<
/a></h3> </div>
<div class="round-lower">
<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>Over 80,000 clinical studies hav
e been done including the beneficial effects on Alzheimer&#39;s disease. Visit
<a href="http://www.gsh-booster.com">Glutathione - The Master Antioxidant</a> fo
r more information.</p>
<p>See Dr. Hyman&#39;s blog on Glutathione.</p>
<p>Best regards,</p>
<p>Dave </p>

<div class="extras">by <strong>GSHBooste
r</strong> at 08:33 PM on 02/19/08</div>
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<div class="ie-hack paddingfix"></div><a id="comment-19589"></a>
<a name="19589"></a>
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<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<h3 class="title"><a href="/blog/9-steps
-to-reverse-dementia#comment-19589" class="active">questions</a></h3>
<div class="round-lower">
<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>I havebeen diagnosed with anxiet
y and panic attacks plus I have also been diagnosed with demintia.€€ I take several
medications however the anxiety and panic are gone but I have memory problems an
d do not remember a lot of what I do from day to day.€ I am 55 years old€ woman and
was€ purchasing director at a local newspaper prior to my being let go for not bei
ng able to perform my job after doing it for 10 years. €I am on Social Security an
d a €work related disability plan.</p>
<p>I see a psychiatrist and a neurologist.€ I also take the following prescription
s:€€ Paxil, Namenda, Clonazapam, Effexor and estradiol.</p>
<p>From what I read of your column, it is my understading that there are other t
hings I can do to help either restore or enhance my memory.€ I know I willl probab
ly never work again, but I would like to read a newspaper article or a magazine
and remember what€I read.€€€ Do you have any suggestions for me?</p>
<p>Your help would be very appreciated.€ </p>
<div class="extras">by <strong>dtbojo</s
trong> at 12:38 AM on 03/08/08</div>
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<div class="ie-hack paddingfix"></div><a id="comment-20202"></a>
<a name="20202"></a>
<div class="dr-h-blog-comment roundboxcap">
<div class="round-upper">
<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<h3 class="title"><a href="/blog/9-steps
-to-reverse-dementia#comment-20202" class="active">I am a 51 year old women,</a>
</h3> </div>
<div class="round-lower">
<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>I am a 51 year old women, and as
old age approaches I am becoming more and more worried about my health. Both Al
zheimers and Dementia run in my family. In fact I am having to take care of my f
ather who has been diagnosed with Alzheimers. It is a very scary prospect for my
future and I am trying to reduce my risks for both. However, my lifestyle in pa
st years has not been conducive to promoting good health. Though it may be a lit
tle late to start now, late is better then never. I also found some really inter
esting information on the new women&#39;s health website. </p>
<p><a href="http://www.prevention.com/cda/categorypage.do?channel=health&amp;cat
egory=conditions.treatments" title="Prevention.com">http://www.prevention.com/cd

<div class="extras">by <strong>peacebe</
strong> at 12:44 PM on 04/20/08</div>
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<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<h3 class="title"><a href="/blog/9-steps
-to-reverse-dementia#comment-20654" class="active">Dementia</a></h3>
<div class="round-lower">
<div class="wrap1">
<div class="wrap2">
<div class="content"><p>My mom started by not wanting to
cook for my dad anymore and getting a little snide about it. She was afraid to
ride in a car in the passenger seat in front for fear you would run into the car
in front of you. Holding on to the dash. She was not sleeping well and eating m
ostly junk food. Her cholestral, high blood pressure got really high. They put h
er on medicine for both, getting lost in the whole thing I can in 1 year later t
o find out her doctor had not rechecked her blood or the amount of meds she was
taking for over a year. They also tested her for sleep apena and restless leg sy
drome and put her on meds for that and gave her a machine. We changed doctors. T
he next doctor found she had a bladder infection and did a CT scan, found 3 spot
s she may of had mini-strokes. They put her on an asprin regimen, and depression
meds lowered her cholestral meds and took her off high blood pressure medicine.
Her blood pressure is good now.She acts beaten down and not sure of her self. A
lways tired, but doesn't sleep. Craves sugar uncontrollable until the doctor put
her on the medicine for Alzehimers. We are going to go a new stroke center that
just opened, not sure what to do now???? I can not be with her every minute, th
ough my dad is home right now with her. They are 71 years old.</p>

<div class="extras">by <strong>Christym<
/strong> at 06:40 PM on 07/26/08</div>
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<h3 class="title"><a href="/blog/9-steps
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I read your article about 9 ways to reverse this alzhemier's€&amp; dementia diseas
e.€ My 80 year old mother was diagnose with this disease this year about july 2009
.€ She had the EEG done and the cat scan and it revealed a mild case of dementia.€ T
he doctor has started her on razadyne, and the doctors before had her taking ari
cept and namenda and these medicine has some terrible side effects.€ I have been r
esearching and trying to feed her foods that can help reverse this disease.€ I cho
p up walnuts so she can eat.€ spinanch and brocoli aleast three times a week.€ Her c
ase started when she had a mild stroke in January 2007.€ later that year I started
noticing her memmory changing or she was repeating things over and over.€ I reall
y needs some help are what foods or better vitamins that she can take to help he
r and what testimonies has been going on with patients of my mother age.
By.€ Peace<img src="/sites/all/modules/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/e
motions/images/smiley-smile.gif" border="0" alt="Smile" title="Smile" />

<div class="extras">by <strong>Henrietta
55</strong> at 04:20 PM on 08/07/09</div>
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