Agenda-Balance of Trade. Honorable Delegates, Respected Chairs
Agenda-Balance of Trade. Honorable Delegates, Respected Chairs
Agenda-Balance of Trade. Honorable Delegates, Respected Chairs
Another key policy: Germany does not use the credit system to subsidize
short-term consumption as the U.S. does. For example, Germany has
remarkably few credit cards per person. This tends to direct lendable
money into investment, not consumption. This tends to favor balanced
trade because investment strengthens industrial competitiveness, while
consuming more than one produces necessarily means sourcing from
Germany wishes to be a country that lends its contribution in the future to solve
the problems of the world together, we think that shutting ourselves off and
isolating ourselves will not lead us into a good future. Protectionism is not the
proper answer,
Above all, Germany has a 19 percent value-added tax (VAT) and the US
doesn’t. So American goods entering Germany pay a border-adjustment
tax, but German goods entering America don’t, a fact perfectly legal under
WTO rules.
Point of Information!
Request to follow up
1. Any Developing nation- Less globalisation is more worrysome than no
2. UAE- Will UN compensate for the poor.
3. India- The US president Donald Trump described India as the “the tarrif
king”. The country’s obseesion with protetcionism is resulting in the fall
in rupees. Justify!
Right to reply- on the grounds that the soverignity of Germany has been
infrinched upon.
The European Union’s largest economy, whose export-oriented vigor has kept the
continent afloat for more than a decade, is cooling more rapidly than expected in which
can be seen as an early fallout from protectionist moves by the U.S. After years of robust
growth fueled by foreign demand for premium cars and engineering goods, Germany
saw its annualized growth rate roughly fall by half in the first quarter of 2018. Exports
have fallen in three of the first four months of the year, manufacturing orders are down
and sentiment indicators are in free fall.
Oliver Rakau, a Frankfurt-based economist with Oxford Economics. - “It’s clear that concerns over
protectionism and the more assertive foreign-policy stance of the U.S. have begun to have real
economic implications,
Germany is so dependent on international trade, economists argue, the protectionist war cries
coming from the White House are having a chilling effect even in the absence of a fully fledged trade
war, damping both sentiment and actual economic activity.
The global automotive industry is a highly complex network of flows of goods, and such discussions
are poison to our business.”
No other country in the world would suffer higher absolute losses from U.S. car tariffs than
Germany,” Mr. Trump’s trade rants are also making German consumers uneasy. I plead all my
fellow nations to come into a consesus to file a WTO challenge against the US protectionist
measures and plea for rebalancing duties on American exports.
Trade policy alone cannot ensure that the potential benefits of liberalisation are fully
realised or widely distributed. Governments should pursue broader policies that
strengthen the economy’s resilience and the workforce’s adaptability to changes
taking place in the global economy, many of which are driven by new technologies. It
can serve to lessen the disruptive impacts of change and create an environment that
spreads the benefits of globalisation more widely. They include education and training
policies that aim to build solid foundation skills and enable participation in further
training and reskilling for displaced workers; workforce policies that influence how
readily firms can adjust the size and composition of their workforce; and
macroeconomic stability.
Governments should better engage with the community around the case for free
trade, and about policies aimed at managing the costs of adjustment and ensuring the
benefits of liberalisation are shared more widely. This would help to build community
confidence in trade and foreign investment policies.
Resisting protectionism and continuing to work towards freer markets, while making
trade work for all by minimising adjustment costs and ensuring the benefits are widely
shared, is the best path forward. Higher living standards depend on it.
We think that shutting ourselves off, isolating ourselves, will not lead us into
a good future. Protectionism is not the answer,"
She also said Europe should not complain when other countries, like the
United States, overhaul their tax systems but instead respond with reforms of
its own.
Protectionism refers to government actions and policies that restrict or restrain
international trade, often with the intent of protecting local businesses and jobs
from foreign competition.
German political and business leaders reacted with alarm to the United States government’s
decision to impose tariffs on European steel and aluminum imports from midnight Thursday.
“The United States decision is fundamentally wrong and extremely dangerous. We are at
risk of a protectionist spiral,” said Joachim Pfeiffer, economic spokesperson for the Christian
Democratic Union (CDU), Angela Merkel’s center-right party. Achim Post, a spokesperson
for the center-left Social Democrats, the CDU’s coalition partner, called the US move a “body
blow for free and fair trade
Trade war
The U.S. government's latest tariff plan on Chinese imports has raised concerns of various
quarters of German society that the trade protectionist move will lead to "multiple losses."
U.S. President Donald Trump on signed a memorandum that could impose tariffs on up to
60 billion U.S. dollars of imports from China and restrictions on Chinese investment in the
United States.German Economic Minister Peter Altmaier said he also believed that free and
Through the trade war, Trump will only learn the basic common sense of foreign trade: the
high costs caused by tariffs will ultimately be paid by U.S. companies and consumers
In the long term, trade protectionism weakens the industry. Without competition, companies
within the industry have no need to innovate. Eventually, the domestic product will decline in
quality and be more expensive than what foreign competitors produce.
Job outsourcing is a result of declining U.S. competitiveness. Competition has declined from
decades of the United States not investing in education. This is particularly true for high-
tech, engineering, and science. Increased trade opens new markets for businesses to sell
their products. The Peterson Institute for International Economics estimates that ending all
trade barriers would increase U.S. income by $500 billion.
Increasing U.S. protectionism will further slow economic growth. It would cause more layoffs,
not fewer. If the United States closes its borders, other countries will do the same. This could
cause layoffs among the 12 million U.S. workers who owe their jobs to exports.
List of the Cons of Protectionism
1. It often raises prices instead of lowering them.
Protectionism can also limit immigration and visa approvals. When this
occur, service gaps begin the form in the economy. In the United States,
many high-skill jobs are filled by immigrants. There are domestic shortages
in the U.S. right now in several different sectors, including science and
engineering, because there aren’t enough people educated in those
disciplines locally.
One way to get around the issue of tariffs is to change the export product or
service being provided. Offering fewer of the same product or lowering its
overall quality can keep pricing at acceptable levels for the consumer. That
means the only losers in this scenario are the consumers, who must either
make-do with fewer items or settle for an inferior product compared to what
they used to enjoy.