1070-Article Text-1847-1-10-20171226 PDF
1070-Article Text-1847-1-10-20171226 PDF
1070-Article Text-1847-1-10-20171226 PDF
The main purpose of this paper is to investigate and determine the qua lity of work life and morale of
employees and their effects on organizational operations. To reach the quality of work life mostly depends
upon making regular attempts from an organization, which provides their employees with more
opportunities so that they can be more effective in their organization. Quality in an organization is defined
as an advantage, as a value, as determination of conformity and as meeting customer’s expectations. Good
quality of work life is necessary for an organization to attract and to retain skilled and talented employees.
Employees are the most important assets of any organizations and its success or failure depends on their
qualifications and performance. In order to survive in the competitive market because of Liberalization,
Privatization and Globalization and to minimize the attrition rate of employees the quality of work life
initiatives are very important. Motivated employees and Satisfied customers are the backbone of any
successful organizations. This paper focuses and analyzes the literature findings which involve quality of
work life and predictors of employee motivational strategies.
Keywords : Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Job Environment, Enhancement, Empowerment
“Human resources are the greatest assets of any Objectives of QWL
industries. You can raise tariffs or prevent MNCs The main objectives of the QWL programmes are
from entering, but one can’t stop the employees to:
from leaving if they are dissatisfied”. – Improve employee satisfaction;
N.R.Narayana Murthy, Founder of Infosys Improve physica l a nd ps yc hologica l hea lth
Technologies. It signifies the importance of of employees which creates positive
human resources in any industries. Human feelings;
resources treat them as the most powerful assets Enhance productivity of employees;
and find good reason to work towards their Reinforce workplace learning;
satisfaction. The best companies in the world are Improved management of the ongoing
those that realize the worth of their employees and change and transition; and
continue to invest in them towards their growth Build the image of the company as best in
and development. This is a conscious resource recruitment, retention, and in general
that shall fuel the growth of the company from motivation of employees. Fig.1 represents
within. Quality of work life refers to the level of the constructs of quality of work life.
satisfaction, motivation, involvement and
commitment individuals experience with respect Job Satisfaction
to their lives at work. It is the degree to which
individuals are able to satisfy their important Job satisfaction is an emotional response to a job
personal needs while employed by the firm. situation. Job satisfaction is often determined by
Companies interested in enhancing employees how well outcome meet or exceed expectations.
Quality of work life generally try to instill in For instance, if organization participants feel that
employees the feelings of security, equity, pride,
internal democracy, ownership, autonomy, they are working much harder than others in the
responsibility and flexibility. department but are receiving fewer rewards they
will probably have a negative attitudes towards
J.Vignesh Shankar, IJSRM volume 2 issue 9 September 2014 [www.ijsrm.in] Page 1383
the work, the boss and or coworkers. On the other Figure 1 showing the constructs of Quality of
hand, if they feel they are being treated very well work life
and are being paid equitably, they are likely to
have positive attitudes towards the job. Job
satisfaction represents several related attitudes Predictors of Employee Motivational Strategies
which are most important characteristics of a job
Employee InductionTraining
about which people have effective response. Job
satisfaction cannot be talk of where there is The research indicated that induction training is
absence of motivation. Job satisfaction is so shown to positively impact on employee’s
important in that its absence often leads to productivity, which results in higher levels of
lethargy and reduced organizational commitment. employee motivation (Choo & Bowley, 2007).
Lack of job satisfaction is a predictor of quitting a Induction training provides opportunities for the
employees to broaden their knowledge and skills
to engage in more efficient teamwork and achieve
Organizational Commitme nt individual growth and development. Numerous
Commitment is an attitude reflecting an studies observe that workers who receive training
employee's loyalty to the organization, and an report higher levels of job satisfaction than those
ongoing process through which organization who do not, and the development of competencies
members express their concern for the through various training programmes has a
organization and its continued success and well positive impact on employee motivation(Marie,
being. Organizational commitment is determined 1995).
by a number of factor, including personal factors
(e.g., age, tenure in the organization, disposition, Empowe ring the Employee
internal or external control attributions);
organizational factors (job design and the Empowerment ‘a process of Enhancing Feelings
leadership style of one's supervisor); non- of self Efficacy among Organisational members
organizational factors (availability of alternatives). through the identification of conditions that foster
All these things affect subsequent commitment. powerlessness, and through their removal by both
Three components of commitment: formal organisational practices and informal
an identification with the goals and values techniques of providing efficacy information’.
of the organization; Empowered employees have higher levels of job
a desire to belong to the organization; and motivation and performance primarily because of
a willingness to display effort on behalf of their involvement in goal setting and in making
the organization. decisions that affect their work (Ugboro & Obeng,
Quality of
Work Life Teamwork
Health and Teamwork means working together, and typically
Safety involves groups of interdependent employees who
Measures work cooperatively to achieve a common goal.
Teamwork can still be a source of employee
Training autonomy, meaningfulness, bonding with team
members, and motivation. An effective team
Motivated Job Security
working together towards a common goal can
Employees and enhance the motivational properties of work and
Satisfaction increase job motivation.
J.Vignesh Shankar IJSRM volume 2 issue 9 September 2014 [www.ijsrm.in] Page 1384
The relationship between leadership behaviour reward system can affect the performance of the
and job motivation has also received a great deal employees and their desire to remain employed in
of attention in past research. Prior research has the same organization. Rewards are very
examined the relationships between management important for job satisfaction because it fulfills the
leadership and job satisfaction. As leaders take basic needs as well as it helps to attain the higher
care to help and support the contact employees level of goals. Earnings is the way by which
and are concerned about their needs, these worker get to know that how much they are
employees will feel more satisfied (Church, gaining by dedicating their time, effort and skills
1995). in a job.
8,00,000 df 3 1
Asymp. Sig. .000 .000
The asymptotic significance is less than 0.05, the
ABOVE difference between observed and expected
10,00,000 frequencies is significant. Therefore the null
hypothesis is rejected. Therefore there is the
TOTAL significance relationship between Experience and
JOB NO. OF PERCE Job Security.
Ho: There is no significance
difference between Inter
YES 42 84
relationship and Age.
NO 8 16
Ha: There is no significance
difference between Inter IN YEARS
relationship and Age.
Chi-square 32.000 6.760
Df 1 2
50 Asymp. Sig. .000 .034
NEITHER The asymptotic significance is less than 0.34
which is greater than 0.05, the difference between
MOTIVATING observed and expected frequencies is
NOR insignificant. Therefore the null hypothesis is
accepted. Therefore there is no significance
relationship between Inter Relationship and Age.
J.Vignesh Shankar, IJSRM volume 2 issue 9 September 2014 [www.ijsrm.in] Page 1387
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