Interlaboratory Data Management: Complete Solutions For Results You Can Complete Solutions For Results You Can
Interlaboratory Data Management: Complete Solutions For Results You Can Complete Solutions For Results You Can
Interlaboratory Data Management: Complete Solutions For Results You Can Complete Solutions For Results You Can
Q 24 7
Interlaboratory Data
Acusera 24•7 is an interlaboratory data management package, primarily designed to complement the Acusera range
of true third party controls.
An effective IQC and peer group reporting program like Acusera 24•7 will help to improve your laboratory’s
analytical performance, meet regulatory requirements and most importantly, ensure accurate results.
The software has two complementary functions; the internal function of the software is designed to help laboratories
manage and interpret their daily QC data while the peer group function of the software allows comparison to
worldwide peer group statistics, enabling rapid and effective troubleshooting.
Identify any trends, system errors or reagent issues Have confidence in assigned target values
Acusera 24•7 will allow users to immediately detect and identify Together with data from RIQAS, the world’s largest international
errors in their laboratory test system. EQA scheme, Acusera 24•7 provides immediate confidence in
assigned target values.
Access to comprehensive charts and peer group data allows
users to identify problems that may otherwise have gone Facilitate regulatory requirements
unnoticed and assess if shifts in QC recovery are unique to their Participation in an interlaboratory or peer group reporting
laboratory. Access to peer group data may even alert lab staff program is becoming compulsory in countries worldwide.
to future issues before they are encountered in their laboratory.
IS015189:2012 states that:
Minimise false rejections using QC multi-rules “The laboratory shall have a procedure to prevent
The ability to apply user-defined QC multi-rules will help to the release of patient results in the event of quality
reduce false rejections and the number of repeat tests whilst
control failure. When the quality control rules are
violated and indicate that examination results are
maintaining a high level of error detection. The new Acusera likely to contain clinically significant errors, the
Advisor tool will recommend QC multi-rules and a minimum results shall be rejected.... Quality Control data shall
QC frequency based on method performance. be reviewed at regular intervals to detect trends in
examination performance.”
Bridge the gap between IQC and EQA
Acusera 24•7 is designed to complement your current EQA Get an independent perspective
scheme, providing users with added confidence in-between Dedicated controls supplied by the instrument manufacturer
samples. can mask weaknesses within a test system, increasing the risk
that a shift in patient results will go unnoticed.
EQA is performed retrospectively therefore, acceptable EQA
performance at the time of analysis does not guarantee the The combination of Randox third party quality controls and
accuracy and reliability of laboratory testing. Acusera 24•7 can reduce the potential for bias and provide a
true assessment of analytical performance.
Participation in an effective interlaboratory program like
Acusera 24•7 is essential in order to ensure the accuracy and
reliability of patient test results. It may even help to improve
EQA performance.
Acusera 24•7 Live Online Summary
Dashboard Interface
The unique Dashboard interface is available at no extra cost to The date, instrument, analyte, lot number, result, , SD, SDI and rule
laboratories. It is automatically displayed and updated every minute, violation are displayed. Results are colour-coded red for reject and
instantly bringing all unreviewed, alerted or rejected QC results from orange for alert. QC results are alerted or rejected based on the user-
the last seven days to the user’s attention. This highly convenient and defined or Acusera Advisor recommended QC multi-rules.
user-friendly function allows quick and easy identification of any poor
performing tests that require further investigation. It also alerts users
when a control lot is reaching its expiry date.
Data Entry
The data entry function is used to manually enter QC data, but also Results are colour-coded so that those outside selected acceptable
provides an on-screen summary of all QC data entered to date. limits of performance are highlighted in orange for ‘alert’ and red when
Acusera 24•7 will automatically calculate statistical data, including the ‘rejected’, thus allowing for quick and easy identification. The system
and SD. Data is presented in a user-friendly format, allowing any sudden also indicates which rule has been violated. Users may add comments
or gradual changes in performance to be identified immediately. or actions, enabling advanced data review.
Acusera Advisor
Acusera Advisor* is an optional tool designed to help laboratories Recommendations are based on normalised OPSpec charts. Once
select an optimum QC strategy for each individual test in use. Not performance limits have been defined, the software will determine
only will the advisor tool recommend a set of QC multi-rules, it will the %CV and %Bias. These are then used to calculate the normalised
also suggest a minimum QC frequency based on the performance of operating point. A normalised OPSpec chart is then used to select the
the method in question. The use of QC multi-rules will reduce false appropriate QC strategy.
rejections, unnecessary troubleshooting and the need for costly repeat
tests without affecting error detection.
Displays a suggested QC frequency and Analytical Quality Assurance for each assay
The Acusera Advisor* report is easily generated and provides a list of all The report can be generated for each individual instrument or for all
assays along with the Analytical Quality Assurance (AQA) achieved with instruments in use.
the currently used multi-rules and a suggested minimum QC frequency.
Not available in USA
Interactive Levey-Jennings Charts
Levey-Jennings charts are easily generated by the software and can The test, date and SDI is easily displayed by hovering over any of the
be based on either SD or %DEV. Each chart provides an instant visual data points; further information can be accessed simply by clicking on
indication of whether or not a test is performing well. each individual data point.
Using the unique overview bar, users can scroll through past data to
look at previous trends or zoom in on a specific time period to provide
a more in-depth look at performance. The interactive nature of the
chart also allows users to add actions or comments for advanced data
Interactive Levey-Jennings Charts
Combine multiple levels of control, parameters and instruments on the same chart
With Acusera 24•7 Live Online, users have the ability to combine The navigation tree at the side of the chart allows users to select
multiple instruments, parameters and serum lots on a single, easy to multiple lots, instruments and parameters. Using the legend, users may
interpret chart. choose to show/hide data points to make charts more manageable.
Interactive Histogram Charts
Displays your monthly Mean for each parameter, allowing identification of long term trends
Like the Levey-Jennings chart, the Histogram can be based on either The ability to display multiple data sets on a single chart enables
SD or %DEV and provides a visual representation of a laboratory’s laboratories to determine if the same shift in control values is seen
performance. between different levels of control or with more than one parameter.
Like all Acusera 24•7 charts, the interactive nature of the Histogram Similar to the Levey-Jennings chart, the SDI / %DEV from the Mean can
means users can zoom in on a specific month or time period for a be displayed by simply hovering over the bar relating to the month of
more in-depth look at performance. interest.
Users can choose to display data for multiple levels of control, multiple
parameters or multiple instruments on the same Histogram chart.
Performance Summary Chart
Provides a visual assessment of both your accuracy and precision in relation to the peer group
The Performance Summary Chart highlights potential bias and precision Analytical performance can be quickly and easily interpreted by
issues, displaying your SDI on the y-axis and your CVI on the x-axis. identifying where your result falls in the shaded region.
Individual laboratory performance versus your chosen peer group are
plotted. A user’s cumulative or monthly results may be compared to
world or affiliate group statistics, enabling enhanced troubleshooting
Data Review
The Data Review report displays data for all unreviewed QC tests As always, results are colour-coded for user convenience. Once results
which have fallen outside the laboratory’s user-defined performance have been evaluated, managers can record their actions by marking
limits. Data may be filtered by date, instrument, lot number or rule each result as ‘reviewed’. A ‘reviewed’ result will no longer appear on
violation. It may also be filtered to display only alerted/rejected results. the Dashboard.
The report can be exported or printed easily to document the review
Audit Trail Report
The Audit Trail Report is a secure, computer generated, electronic The report can be filtered by any of the following criteria: date,
report displaying all events leading to the creation, modification and instrument ID, lot number, test or action. The report can be easily
deletion of an electronic record. converted to PDF and printed for reference.
Peer Group Statistics
Users can select the peer group statistics to which their results are compared
Several options are available: Peer group data is generated from our extensive database of
• All methods laboratory participants and is uniquely updated every 24 hours,
• Method ensuring effective troubleshooting and access to the most up-to-date
• Method / Reagent information available.
• Method / Instrument Model
• Method / Instrument Model / Reagent Peer group data can be compared to worldwide peer group statistics or
• Method / Instrument Group affiliate group statistics. Group co-ordinators can view the performance
Statistical Analysis Report
The Statistical Analysis Report provides a complete overview of Peer group statistics are uniquely updated every 24 hours providing
laboratory performance for any given month. This report encompasses users with access to the most relevant data available.
many vital statistics including the , SD, CV, SDI and CVI. It can be used
to compare both monthly and cumulative data for each individual test The Statistical Analysis Report can be exported to PDF or .csv file
to worldwide peer group statistics. Participants may also choose to formats and printed for review purposes.
Acusera 24•7 Connect
Acusera 24•7 Connect is a complementary hardware and software solution designed to provide
a fully automated method of securely importing QC data direct from your laboratory’s LIS or
middleware to Acusera 24•7 Live Online.
• Highly convenient, eliminating issues associated with manual • Imports QC data only, any patient test results are automatically
data entry. ignored.
• Increased productivity and efficiency. • Provides a secure real-time connection.
The diagram below demonstrates the three different methods of transferring QC data to Acusera 24•7 Live Online.
1 2 Manual 3
Analyser Analyser
LIMs/Middleware Middleware
Your Laboratory Process Automated QC Data Management Semi-Automated Your Laboratory Process
Ordering Details
Software & Connectivity Solutions
Randox offers two different solutions for participation in the while Acusera 24•7 Live is suited to laboratories requiring a
Acusera 24•7 interlaboratory data management program. more basic range of features.The table below is designed to help
Acusera 24•7 Live Online eliminates the need to install and you determine the best solution for your laboratory.
update software locally, making it ideal for group installations,
Type of Solution
Web service (internet based) §
Desktop software §
Hosted by Randox §
Installed on PC §
Internet Connection (for peer group only)
QC Data Management
QC multi-rules
Acusera Advisor* §
Suitable for use with other manufacturers’ controls
Dashboard Interface §
Data Review §
Summary of results
Audit Trail Report §
Levey-Jennings Chart
Multi Levey-Jennings Chart §
Histogram Chart
Multi Histogram Chart §
Performance Summary Chart
Peer Group Statistics
Audit Trail Report §
Analytical Goals
Medical Relevance
RIQAS Target Deviation
Peer Group Data
Updated every 24 hours
Automated upload of QC data §
Semi-automated upload via EDI
Manual data entry
Not available in USA
Related Products
The largest global EQA scheme with over 31,000 laboratory participants
Randox Laboratories Ltd, 55 Diamond Road, Crumlin, County Antrim, BT29 4QY, United Kingdom
+44 (0) 28 9442 2413 +44 (0) 28 9445 2912 [email protected]
Information correct at time of print. Randox Laboratories Ltd is a subsidiary of Randox Holdings Limited a company registered within Northern Ireland with company number N.I. 614690. VAT Registered Number: GB
151 6827 08. Product availability may vary from country to country. Please contact your local Randox representative for information. Products may be for Research Use Only and not for use in diagnostic procedures
in the USA.