Code 19 J Sub 2018 Feature Film Screenplay Writing Part 2
Code 19 J Sub 2018 Feature Film Screenplay Writing Part 2
Code 19 J Sub 2018 Feature Film Screenplay Writing Part 2
NOTE : Confirm that the 1st and 2nd digits of your Roll No. are . If not, bring it to the notice of the invigilator. % lqfuf'pr dj ysa fd vkids jksy ua- ds izFke ,oa f}rh; vad 1 9 gSaA ;fn ugha] rks bls vUoh{kd dh tkudkjh esa yk,aA
Q.No. Max. Marks Secured Signature of Q.No. Max. Marks Secured Signature of Evaluator
Marks Evaluator Marks
1. 10.0 . ……………….. 5. 10.0 . ………………..
2. 10.0 . ……………….. 6. 10.0 . ………………..
3. 10.0 . ……………….. 7. 10.0 . ………………..
4. 10.0 . ……………….. 8. 10.0 . ………………..
Directions (Questions 1-4) : Answer any three of the following four questions.
funsZ'k (iz'u 1-4) : fuEufyf[kr pkj esa ls fdUgha rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsaA
1. Write a synopsis for a short animation film where the main character is one of the following :
,d y?kq ,fues'ku fiQYe ds fy, ,d dFkklkj fy[ksa ftlesa eq[; pfj=k fuEufyf[kr esa ls dksbZ ,d gS %
(Marks/vad 10)
i) Virus / ok;jl ii) Blade / CysM
iii) Mirror / niZ.k iv) Pressure Cooker / izs'kj dqdj
2. Write a story for a short film based on the following scenario : (Marks/vad 10)
‘On a stormy night, a night watchman comes to believe that he is receiving messages from
fuEufyf[kr ifjn`'; ds vk/kj ij ,d y?kq fiQYe ds fy, ,d dgkuh fy[ksa %
,d rwiQkuh jkr dks jkr dk ,d pkSdhnkj ekuus yxrk gS fd mls bZ'oj ls lans'k izkIr gks jgs gSaA
3. Using minimal dialogues, write a SCENE where a five year old girl meets her would be
stepfather (the man her mother is planning to marry) for the first time. (Marks/vad 10)
de ls de laoknksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, ,d n`'; fy[ksa ftlesa ikap o"kZ dh ,d yM+dh vius Hkkoh lkSrsys firk
ls igyh ckj feyrh gS (og O;fDr ftlls mldh eka 'kknh djus tk jgh gS)A
4. Choose any well known Indian / International personality. Write a fictitious short story around
the person from the point of view of an important person in his / her life. (Marks/vad 10)
dksbZ ,d izfl¼ Hkkjrh;@varjjk"Vªh; O;fDr pqusaA fdlh egRoiw.kZ O;fDr dh n`f"V ls ml izfl¼ O;fDr ds mQij
,d dkYifud y?kq dFkk fy[ksaA
5. (Marks/vad 5×2=10)
(i) Choose your favorite feature film. Rewrite the story of the film from the point-of-view of the
antagonist. (For example ‘Lagaan’ from Captain Russel's point of view or ‘Dark Knight’
from the Joker's point of view.)
viuh ilanhnk iQhpj fiQYe pqusaA blds izfri{kh (antagonist)@foysu dh n`f"V ls fiQYe dh dgkuh dk iquysZ[ku
djsaA (mnkgj.k ds fy, dSIVu jlsy dh n`f"V ls ^yxku* ;k tksdj dh n`f"V ls ^MkdZ ukbV*A)
(ii) Choose any one feature film. Identify what the film is trying to say. Write an alternative
ending for the film and tell us what the film is trying to say now.
dksbZ ,d iQhpj fiQYe pqusaA fu/kZfjr djsa fd fiQYe D;k dguk pkg jgh gSA fiQYe ds fy, ,d oSdfYid
var fy[ksa vkSj mYys[k djsa fd vc fiQYe D;k dguk pkg jgh gSA
6. (Marks/vad 5×2=10)
(i) What makes a good villain? Choose one character from the following and explain how your
chosen character makes for a formidable antagonist.
,d vPNk foysu dSls curk gS\ fuEufyf[kr esa ls dksbZ ,d pfj=k pqusa vkSj o.kZu djsa fd vkidk pquk x;k
pfj=k fdl izdkj ,d rkdroj izfri{kh (fojks/h) curk gSA
i) Joker in The Dark Knight / ^n MkdZ ukbV* esa tksdj
ii) Baa in Ram Leela / ^jkeyhyk* esa ck
iii) Ravana in Ramayana / ^jkek;.k* esa jko.k
iv) Moriarty in Sherlock Holmes / ^'kyZd gksEl* esa eksfj;krhZ
v) Kattapa in Bahubali / ^ckgqcyh* esa dVIik
vi) Hannibal Lecter in silence of the lambs / ^lkbysal vkWiQ n ySac~l esa gSfucy ysDVj
(ii) ‘Popular films reassure. Independent films unsettle’.
Comment on the above statement with a comparative study between the stories of two films
of your choice.
^yksdfiz; fiQYesa iquvkZ'oLr djrh gSaA Lora=k fiQYesa >d>ksjrh gSaA*
viuh ilan dh nks fiQYeksa dh dgkfu;ksa ds chp ,d rqyukRed vè;;u ds lkFk mi;qZDr dFku ij
7. (Marks/vad 5×2=10)
(i) How will a story change if you change the gender of the protagonist? For example, in
Lagaan what if Bhuvan was a woman?
;fn eq[; ik=k dk fyax cny fn;k tk, rks dgkuh esa D;k ifjorZu vk,xk\ mnkgj.k ds fy, ;fn ^yxku*
esa Hkqou ,d efgyk gks rks\
(ii) Choose any one film in the last ten years which you have not liked. Write its synopsis and
the reasons why you did not like the story.
fiNys nl o"kks± dh dksbZ ,d fiQYe pqusa tks vkidks ilan u vkbZ gksA bldk dFkklkj fy[ksa vkSj bldh
dgkuh ilan u vkus ds dkj.k Hkh fy[ksaA
8. (Marks/vad 5×2=10)
(i) As internet spreads to rural India, online content will see an increase in regional language
content, but this will still be predominantly in Hindi rather than other languages. Do you
agree? Justify your choice.
xzkeh.k Hkkjr esa baVjusV ds izlkj ds lkFk vkWuykbu lkexzh esa {ks=kh; Hkk"kk dk fgLlk c<+sxk ysfdu ;g vU;
Hkk"kkvksa dh rqyuk esa izeq[k :i ls fgUnh esa gh gksxkA D;k vki bl ckr ls lger gSa\ dkj.k Li"V djsaA
(ii) What are the similarities and differences between literature and cinema writing according to
you? Write in brief points.
vkids vuqlkj lkfgR; vkSj flusek ys[ku esa D;k lekurk,a vkSj varj gSa\ laf{kIr fcanqvksa esa viuk mÙkj fy[ksaA
Space for Rough Work
INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATE / ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, vuqns'k
1. Please do not open this Question-cum-Answer Booklet until asked to do so.
2. Fill up the necessary information in the space provided on the cover of Question-cum-Answer Booklet
before commencement of the test.
3. The duration of the complete test (Part-I & Part-II) is 180 minutes.
4. Please check for completeness of the Question-cum-Answer Booklet immediately after opening.
5. There are 5 subjective type questions to be attempted. Answers are to be written in the space
provided. All questions are to be attempted in only one language, i.e., either in English or in
6. In case of any ambiguity in translation, the English version will be deemed authentic.
7. Use only Ball Point Pen to write the answers.
8. Rough work, if any, is to be done on the Question-cum-Answer Booklet only. No separate sheet will be
provided/used for Rough Work.
9. Calculator, Mobile, etc., are not permitted inside the examination hall.
10. Candidates seeking, receiving and/or giving assistance during the test will be disqualified.
11. Appropriate civil/criminal proceedings will be instituted against the candidate taking or attempting to take
this Question-cum-Answer Booklet or part of it outside the examination hall.
12. The right to exclude any question(s) from final evaluation rests with the testing authority.
13. Do not seek clarification on any item in the question-cum-Answer booklet from the test invigilator. Use
your best judgment.
1. tc rd dgk u tk;s bl iz'u&lg mÙkj iqfLrdk dks u [kksysaA
2. ijh{kk 'kq: gksus ls igys iz'u&lg mÙkj iqfLrdk ds vkoj.k ij fn;s x;s LFkku ij vko';d lwpuk HkjsaA
3. ijh{kk dk dqy le; (Hkkx-I vkSj Hkkx-II ds fy,) 180 feuV gSA
4. iz'u&iqfLrdk [kksyus ds rqjUr ckn tkap dj ysa fd iz'u&lg mÙkj iqfLrdk iwjh gSA
5. dqy 5 vkRefu"B iz'u gy djus gSaA mÙkj fn;s x;s mÙkj&i=kd ij djsaA lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj dsoy ,d gh
Hkk"kk esa nsus gSa ;kfu vaxzsth ;k fgUnh esaA
6. ;fn vuqokn esa dksbZ vLi"Vrk gks] rks vaxzsth ikB lgh ekuk tk,xkA
7. mÙkj nsus ds fy, dsoy cky ikWbaV isu dk iz;ksx djsaA
8. ;fn dksbZ dPpk dke djuk gS rks og dsoy iz'u&lg&mÙkj iqfLrdk ij gh djsaA dPps dke ds fy, dksbZ vyx ls 'khV
ugha nh tk,xh@iz;ksx esa ugha yk;h tk,xhA
9. dSYdqysVj] eksckby vkfn ijh{kk gkWy ds vUnj ys tkus dh vuqefr ugha gSA
10. vuqfpr lk/uksa dk iz;ksx djus okys ijh{kkFkhZ dks v;ksX; Bgjk fn;k tk,xkA
11. bl iz'u&lg mÙkj iqfLrdk ;k blds fdlh Hkkx dks ijh{kk gkWy ls ckgj ys tkus ;k ys tkus dh dksf'k'k djus okys ijh{kkFkhZ
dh ijh{kkFkhZ&ik=krk dks jn~n djus ds vykok mlds fo:¼ leqfpr nhokuh@iQkStnkjh dk;Zokgh dh tk,xhA
12. vafre ewY;kadu ls fdlh iz'u dks fudky nsus dk vf/dkj ijh{kk izkf/dkjh ds gkFk esa gSA
13. iz'u&lg mÙkj iqfLrdk esa fdlh Hkh oLrq ij tkap vUoh{kd ls Li"Vhdj.k u ekaxsA vius foosd dk iz;ksx djsaA