Note: For location of points, see Sujok Acupressure - Figures (Byol Meridians).
7 Sleep Disorders 8. Somnambulism 9.
Spinal marrow
10 Speech problem 11 12 Spine Problems
13 Spleen disorders 14 15 Stool disorders
Study & teaching
16 17 Sunstroke 18 Suffocation
19 20 Sweating 21 Swelling
(formation of pus)
22 Suffocation 23 Synovitis
Teeth (Including
Tuberculosis of
1. gums & jaws) 2. 3. Terror in children
lymph node
4. Thirst 5. 6. Tongue disorders
7. Tonsil disorders 8. 9. Toxins – to expel
Trembling – any
10 Travel sickness 11
body part
1. Ulcers 2. Urinary diseases
1 Veins problems 2. Vertigo 3. Vomiting
1. Weakness 2. Weight loss 3. Worms
4. Writer’s cramp
1. Yawning
Sr.No Disease Treatment Point
1. Abdomen (lower) colic & spasm Sp 4↓
Acute St 45↓
Chronic CV 6↑
8. Allergy
General Lu 7↓
Recent memory poor H 9↑
13. Angina (chest pain due to oxygen deficiency in heart H 9↑. H 7↓.
muscles, may radiate to arm) Male - Sp 4 (L) ↑, P 6
↓ (R).
Female - Sp 4 (R) ↑,
P 6 ↓ (L).
14. Anus inflammation UB 50 ↓
15. Aortitis (inflammation of aorta) H 7↓. P 9↑
Chronic St 36 1/2↓. St 37↓
Liv 2↓
18. Arms Problem
Rheumatoid pain LI 8↓
Sr.No Disease Treatment Point
1. Back problems
GV 10↓
Backache GV 1↓
Back stiffness K 3↓
Lower back pain UB 13↑
Upper back pain, due to chronic deficiency of lungs
3. Belching St 34↓
Belching – loud P 7↓
4. Bad breath P 7↓
7. Blood pressure
8. Blood disorders
9. Bone disorders
14. Breathlessness
Sr.No Disease Treatment
1. Cancer (malignant tumor) anywhere in body - gives pain relief UB 12↓. LI
St 36 ↓
2. Cellulitis (inflammation of soft or connective tissues) CV 6↑
3. Choleriform (a disease resembling cholera) SI 7↓
8. Common Cold
Lu 7 ↓
Due to exposure to cold Lu 11↓
Due to exposure to heat
9. Coldness
GV 14↑
Ice cold extremities/bones K7↑
Cold bones Liv 3↓
Cold feet K 7↑
Ice cold feet GV 10 (salt
To prevent the consequences of chilling moxa)
Joints pain due to cold wind St 37↓
Chills & cold feet Sp 1↓
Chills CV 9↓
Chills - excess CV 6↑
Sr.No Disease Treatment
1. Deaf-mutism (deafness & dumbness) GV 15↑
3. Diabetes P 8↓
9. Dysentery (frequent stool containing blood & mucus along with St 25↓. St
inflammation 37↓
of intestines)
Sr.No Disease Treatment Point
1. Ear disorders
Sr.No Disease Treatment Point
1. Face discoloration
3. Fear/Phobia
Lu 3↑. Lu 8↓
Fear of closed space (claustrophobia) Lu 3↑
Fear of crowd (agoraphobia) UB 12 ↓
Fear of cold K 10↓. P 7↓
Fear of dark
H 7↓
Fear of examination/stage CV 22↓. UB 12↓
Fear of water UB 12↓
Fear of wind K 1↓
Fearful child
Lu 11↓
Terror in children GV 20 ↑
Nocturnal terror K 2↓
Fear and excessive restlessness
4. Female diseases
5. Fainting SI 8↓
6. Finger contracture – small finger H 8↑
9. Fits of weeping Lu 3↑
Sr.No Disease Treatment
1. Gastro intestinal tract disorders
Sr.No Disease Treatment Point
1. Hair fall UB 54↑
2. Head Problems
GB 41↓
Headache – top/vertex GV 1↑
Head - heaviness GV 1↑
Head - shaking
3. Headache
CV 4↓
Intermittent, aggravates on walking/touching St 41↑
Frontal with heat in head, cold feet and red eyes
7. Hiccup
St 40↓. St 34↓
General UB 17↓
8. Hip joint disease, i.e., pain in hip & leg, leg thinned out CV 6↑
& lengthened
2. Infant’s diseases
3. Infection – chronic GV 14 ↓
4. Inflammation
TW 22↓. SI 19↓
Auditory meatus (external ear canal) TW 13↓
Neck TW 3↓
Larynx UB 36↓
Upper limbs GV 24↓
Lacrimal gland Sp 6↓. LI 11↓
Internal inflammation - any where in body Sp 4↓ K 2↓
Heart Sp 13↓
Spleen St 28↓. St 29↓
Pelvis K 2a↓ (original)
Kidney Sp 9↓
Vagina K 15↓
Ovaries LI 2↓
Parotid gland Sp 6↓
Uterus Sp 4↓
Testicles K 10↓
Labia major GB 20↓. GB 29↓
Cecum GB 23↓
Abdomen (lower) St 28↓. St 29↓
Urinary tract UB 50↓
Anus UB 51↓
Hip/buttocks LI 10↓
Sub maxillary gland Lu 11↓
Throat St 44↓
Thyroid gland
5. Influenza (acute viral infection of respiratory St 25↓
8. Intoxication
UB 13↓
Intoxication by drugs Lu 3↑
Intoxication by carbon dioxide (suffocation
due to oxygen
Sr.No Disease Treatment Point
1. Jaundice (disease marked by yellowness of sclera & skin) Sp 15↓
Sr.No Disease Treatment Point
1. Larynx Problems
Ly 4a↓ (original)
Laryngitis (inflammation of larynx) St 42↓. Sp 4↓
2. Legs Problems
St 45↓
Calf pain St 45↓
Foot pain St 42↑
Foot drop, walking difficulty UB 67↓
Soles hot GB 37↓
Legs cold UB 61↑
Feet pain/numbness/heaviness St 31↓. St 45↓
Leg pain St 31↓
Leg - inability to raise t 45↓
Knee pain with sound Liv 7↓
Knee bending problem UB 15↑. Lu 3↑
Knee arthritis UB 23↑
Knee pain & swelling
UB 51
Buttocks - any problem UB 54
Thigh - any problem UB 57
Calf - any problem
7. Lungs – heaviness/burning CV 5↓
8. Lumps/Knots
St 40↓
Lumps in thyroid, uterus TW10↓
Knots/swelling in lymph gland St 40 ↓
Lumps/knots below skin
Sr.No Disease Treatment
1. Male diseases
CV 2↓
Painful erection – at night GV 6↑
Fatigue due to masturbation CV 7↓
Erotic mania (excessive sexual thoughts) GV 3↓
Chronic masturbation habit UB 22↑. Liv
Orchitis (inflammation of testis) 6↓
Maturing problem CV 6↑
Hypertrophy (enlargement) of prostrate UB 28↓
Insufficient sperms K 2↓
Excessive Sexual desire (satyriasis) GV 13↓
Interrupted intercourse (inveterate onanism) GV 3↓
Shrunken testicles/ascended testis/impotency St 29↑
Neuralgia of scrotum CV 7↓
2. Measles (rubeola)
LI 4↓
Acute GV 6↓
3. Memory problems
Lu 7↓. H 9↑.
Forgetfulness H3↓
Lu 7↓
Forgetfulness –recent H 9↑
Inability to comprehend Liv 1↑
Poor memory Lu 11↓
Memory recall problem LI 11↓
Inability to forget
Sr.No Disease Treatment Point
1. Nausea & vomiting St 21↑. St 34↓
4. Nerve problems
SI 7↓
LI 13↓
6. Nose Disorders
Sr.No Disease Treatment
1. Occipital headache/heaviness GV 16↓
2. Oedema (swelling)
Sr.No Disease Treatment Point
1. Pain
Acute pain CV 6↑ or CV 3↓
Pain aggravated by cold water & inhibited by hot CV 6↑
fomentation Liv 2↓
Piercing pain (aggravates on movement) TW 6
Ribs pain UB 57
Calf muscles pain St 43↓
Chronic heel pain (Tatalgia) LI 7↓
Pain of entire arm St 34↑
Pain in hip, knee, leg along with cold feet SI 8↓
Dislocation of shoulders with severe pain GB 33↑
Sciatica pain accompanied by weakness
UB 59↑
Inflammation of ankle joint GB 25↓
Intercostal/lumbar neuralgia GB 42↑
Inflammation of dorsum of foot GV 26↓
Acute lower back sprain St 38↓
Perifocal inflammation of shoulder TW 2↓
Pain & swelling of fingers UB 63↓
Pain in bottom of foot Lu 5↓
Inflammation - anywhere P 9↑, H 7↓
Sudden inflammation of brain & spinal cord St 42↑
Pain in dorsum of foot
4. Pneumonia UB 13↓
Chronic CV 6↑
Hemorrhagic (bleeding) K 7↑
10. Poisoning
Sr.No Disease Treatment
1. Raynaud’s disease (vascular disease mainly affecting Lu 9↑
fingers/toes & marked by numbness, inflammation &
2. Rectum problems
CV 8 (moxa)
Sudden anal prolapse UB 50↓
Inflammation of anus
Sr.No Disease Treatment
1. Scoliosis (lateral curvature of vertebral column) UB 64↑
2. Sciatica
UB 60↓
Lumber pain & pain at back of leg GB 30 ↓. GB
Lumber pain & pain on lateral side of leg 31↓
6. Skin diseases
St 41↑
Erysipelas (redness &swelling of skin with fever& other K 2↓. GB
systemic symptoms) 38↓
Furuncle (boil) LI 11↑
Furunculosis (occurrence of many boils at a time) GV 6↑
Pustules (small, elevated, pus containing lesions of skin) CV 13↓
Dry, hot skin UB 54↑. LI
Any type of skin disease 11↓
Abscess of uterus neck CV 2↓
Pain in skin, aggravated by touch of cloth St 15↓
Throat abscess H 5↓
Bone abscess Sp 5↓
9. Spasm (contracture)
To comprehend teachings H 9↑
To teach with clarity Lu 11↓
General treatment CV 6↑
General tendency to suppuration TW 3↑
Osseous suppuration (pus formation in bone) CV 9↓. CV
20. Sweating
SI 3↓. H 6↑
Sweating at night St 41↓
Sweating on head while eating (due to stomach heat) Liv 10↑
To cause a patient to sweat
21. Swelling
Inflammation of teeth Ly 2↓
Toothache - lower LI 3↓. St 44↓
Upper jaw pain/ inflammation/node LI 4 ↓. GV 25↓
Mastication (chewing) problem TW 20↑. St6↑
Bleeding of gums St 44↓
Lower jaw pain St 44↓
Infection in teeth LI 6↓
Coldness in teeth LI 4↓. Lu 7↓
Protrusion of upper teeth Lu 5↓
Excess thirst Sp 4↓
Excess thirst with dry throat LI 6↓
Intense thirst LI 4↓. TW 5↓
Continuous thirst H 9↓
5. Throat problems
Infection Lu 11↓
Occlusion (obstruction/stiffness) St 39↓. UB
Pharyngitis/sore throat (inflammation of throat) 17↓
External wind cold attack, due to Ly 4b↓
External wind heat attack, due to (original)
Internal heat, due to Lu 7↓, LI 4↓
Paralysis Lu 11↓
Lu 10↓
St 42↓. Sp 4↓
6. Tongue disorders
7. Tonsil disorders
Sr.No Disease Treatment Point
1. Ulcers
2. Urinary diseases
2. Vertigo
3. Vomiting
Sr.No Disease Treatment Point
1. Weakness
3. Worms
Sr.No Disease Treatment
1. Yawning
GV 13↑
Frequent Lu 9↑. K 3↑