Cardiovascular Care

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Practice Guidelines

AHA Updates Guidelines for CPR and Emergency

Cardiovascular Care
of high-quality CPR, consisting of compres-
Key Points for Practice
sions of a sufficient rate and depth with
• In adult CPR, 100 to 120 chest compressions per minute at a depth of
minimal interruptions, allowing full chest
at least 2 inches, but no greater than 2.4 inches, should be provided.
recoil between compressions, and avoiding
• Health care professionals can perform chest compressions and ventilation
in all patients presenting with cardiac arrest. too much ventilation.
• In patients with an advanced airway, one breath every six seconds Adults. When providing CPR, 100 to 120
should be given with continuous chest compressions instead of 30 chest compressions per minute at a depth
compressions and two breaths. of at least 2 inches, but no greater than 2.4
• Compression depth in children should be one-third or more of anterior- inches, should be provided. Pauses in com-
posterior diameter, or about 1.5 inches in infants and 2 inches in children. pressions should be as short as possible. A
From the AFP Editors goal of a 60% or greater chest compression
fraction may be reasonable in persons with
an unprotected airway.
Coverage of guidelines Providing cardiopulmonary resuscitation If the rescuer suspects that a patient with
from other organizations
(CPR) effectively is dependent on a variety of respiratory arrest has an opioid addic-
does not imply endorse-
ment by AFP or the AAFP. factors, including immediate action taken by tion, standard basic life support combined
the rescuer and performance of high-quality with intramuscular or intranasal naloxone
This series is coordinated
by Sumi Sexton, MD, maneuvers. The American Heart Association should be provided, assuming the rescuer
Associate Deputy Editor. (AHA) has updated its 2010 guidelines on CPR is appropriately trained. If the patient is at
A collection of Practice
and emergency cardiovascular care to high- risk of overdose, opioid overdose response
Guidelines published in light important changes. The 2010 guidelines education can be provided at any point
AFP is available at http:// changed the sequence of CPR from airway, and may be combined with instructions on breathing, compressions (ABC) to compres- administering naloxone for prevention. If a
sions, airway, breathing (CAB) to avoid delays patient has a spinal injury, manual spinal
in starting chest compressions; this remains restriction such as placing hands on either
unchanged in the update. Also, for untrained side of the head is preferred over immobili-
lay rescuers, chest compressions–only CPR is zation devices.
recommended. This summary practice guide- When cardiac arrest with a shockable
line focuses on adult and child basic life sup- rhythm occurs outside of a hospital, emer-
port and CPR quality, as well as alternative gency medical services personnel can delay
CPR techniques. Additional changes from the use of positive pressure ventilation by per-
AHA regarding cardiac life support, post–car- forming cycles of 200 continuous compres-
diac arrest care, acute coronary syndromes, sions (up to three cycles) combined with
special circumstances, and more can be found passive oxygen insufflation and airway
in the full guidelines. adjuncts. Although routinely using passive
ventilation is not recommended when pro-
New and Updated Recommendations viding conventional CPR because of ques-
BASIC LIFE SUPPORT AND CPR QUALITY tionable effectiveness, this is a reasonable
Evidence has indicated that the most com- method for emergency medical services per-
mon mistakes that occur while providing sonnel who typically provide this combined
CPR include not performing compressions approach.
deep or fast enough. Additionally, evidence Emergency dispatchers should first find
shows improved survival rates with delivery out where the event is occurring, and then

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Practice Guidelines

ask if the patient is unconscious with abnor- performing CPR is not willing or able to
mal or absent breathing, and, if so, it should provide ventilation, then delivering com-
be assumed that the patient is experiencing pressions only is appropriate.
cardiac arrest. Training should be provided
about how to recognize unconsciousness
using signs such as abnormal or agonal
gasps and various presentations. Dispatch- Since the 2010 guidelines, additional evi-
ers should provide callers with guidance on dence about the effectiveness of alternatives
CPR using only chest compressions. and adjuncts to standard CPR has emerged;
Health care professionals can perform however, it should be noted that specialized
chest compressions and ventilation in all equipment and training may be needed when
patients presenting with cardiac arrest. A alternative techniques are used.
series of 30 compressions and two breaths is There is no advantage to routinely using an
no longer necessary if there is an advanced impedance threshold device (a valve used to
airway, and, instead, one breath every six decrease intrathoracic pressure and increase
seconds should be given while chest com- venous return) as an adjunct to standard
pressions are provided continuously. CPR (i.e., compressions and rescue breaths);
Evaluation of electrocardiography rhythm however, combining its use with active CPR
with artifact-filtering algorithms while (i.e., compression-decompression) has been
performing CPR cannot be recommended; shown to improve neurologically intact sur-
however, it could be useful for research or vival and, therefore, may be a reasonable
for emergency medical services personnel option, assuming equipment availability and
who use these algorithms already. Audiovi- proper training. Although no studies have
sual feedback may be used to improve CPR indicated that mechanical chest compression
performance. devices are better than standard CPR, they
Children. Although there are no major may be a reasonable option, again assuming
basic life support and CPR changes for chil- proper training, and can be considered when
dren since the 2010 guidelines, new ideas performing high-quality manual compres-
about how to perform CPR were evaluated. sions may be difficult or dangerous. It should
For simplicity and consistency in training, be noted that interruptions in CPR should be
it may be reasonable to keep the order of limited when using and removing the device.
starting CPR as compressions, airway, and There is no assessment of how extracorporeal
breathing vs. changing the order to airway, CPR, also called venoarterial extracorporeal
breathing, and compressions. Compression membrane oxygenation, affects survival.
depth was affirmed as one-third or more of Guideline source: American Heart Association
anterior-posterior diameter (i.e., about 1.5
Evidence rating system used? Yes
inches in infants and 2 inches in children);
however, evidence is lacking regarding the Literature search described? Yes
rate and, therefore, it was not assessed. Guideline developed by participants without rel-
Instead, the adult rate of 100 to 120 chest evant financial ties to industry? Yes
compressions per minute is recommended. Published source: Circulation. November 3,
Ventilation should be included when per- 2015;132(18 suppl 2):S315-S367
forming CPR, because 30-day outcomes Available at:
were found to be worse when only com- content/132/18_suppl_2/S315.long
pressions were performed. If the rescuer LISA HAUK, AFP Senior Associate Editor ■

May 1, 2016 ◆ Volume 93, Number 9 American Family Physician 797

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