Newsletter January 2019
Newsletter January 2019
Newsletter January 2019
Genesis One Club News and Events
# 6857886
Genesis One
January 2019
DCP goals
On a club level, as charter members of this new club it is incumbent upon us to set the
standard for future members. I challenge you to attend club meetings religiously, participate
Club Officer Training by speaking or performing roles enthusiastically, invite guests regularly and enjoy club
meetings maximally.
The makeup session for the
second round of Club Officer Let 2019 be the year of YOU!
Training takes place on
Saturday 9th February 2019 at
Carib Hospitality Suite, Champ Pathways to a new you
Fleurs from 9am to 3pm. As a newly chartered club, we’re one of the few Pathways focused clubs in the country. While
Pathways may be new to most of us, Basecamp, YouTube and the Toastmasters website
provides a wealth of videos, documents and tutorials. Please do make the time to read, listen
and watch these tutorials to become more familiar with the Pathways system.
Speech Contests
One key advantage we do have as Genesis One is that one of our Club Mentors was a
Tis the season for Calypso, Pathways Guide and our other Club Mentor and Club Sponsor are very versed in the
Soca and Speeches?! Pathways system. So feel free to reach out to any one of them for guidance and support as
you navigate your Pathways to development.
Yes Genesis One, this is the
season for the International
Pathways to national relevance
Speech and Table Topics
Contests. As we’re a newly At the last Joint Area Council meeting for 2018, it was proposed that a strategic plan be
chartered club there is no developed for Toastmasters in Trinidad and Tobago. A draft of this plan has been developed
restriction on any member by TM Lennox Sealy and is currently being distributed among your fellow Toastmasters. Be
entering. So contact our VP sure to ask your Club Sponsors and Mentors for a copy via email. Let’s all work together to
Education today. It’s the make Toastmasters better.
experience of a lifetime!
Keep in View Spread the word
Check -
Club #6857886
Guardian Life Facility, Corner Wilson Street and Eastern Main Road, St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago.
VP Public Relations: Gyasi Ambrose Secretary: Sandra Theodore Treasurer: Shirley Jack Sergeant-At-Arms: Terry Cummings
Club Sponsors: Sandra Theodore | Robert De Silva Club Mentors: Sandra Pyke-Anthony | Gyasi Ambrose