Class Notes - Rads
Class Notes - Rads
Class Notes - Rads
CC: Back Pain and fever
HPI: 26 y/o female is brought to the ER by her husband for increasing fever over the past 24 hrs. He states that
she thought she had a bladder infection about a week ago, and started forcing fluids. Three days ago, she
developed a fever of 101.2. She was not able to seek care since she was travelling back from a mission trip to
Kosovo. Tylenol helped the fever improve. Once back at home (2 days ago), she continued fluids and Tylenol,
drank large amounts of cranberry juice, and rested. She also took an OTC (Over‐The‐Counter) medication for
urinary symptoms, but doesn’t know what’s in it. Her husband reports that yesterday, she mentioned that she
was not voiding (aka urinating) as much as usual and her mouth was dry. Though she tried to replenish fluids by
mouth, she wasn’t able to keep anything down. Last night she developed generalized back pain, more severe on
the left, and fever returned. Her husband brought her in this morning, worried that she might need IV fluids or
PMH: Asthma, exercise induced. Uses inhaler less than 3 times per week
PSH: Appy (Appendectomy) age 10
GYN: G0P0, menarche age 12, menses regular with no excessive bleeding every 28 days, LMP (Last Menstrual
Period) – 10 days prior to presentation, lasted 5 days
FH: Mother died in auto accident 3 years ago, previously healthy. Father, 24 y/o brother and 18 y/o sister all
in good health
SH: Married 3 years, monogamous, no TOB, rare ETOH, no recreational drugs. In graduate school for a PhD
in Sociology. 3 y/o Labrador, no other pets, no exposures to toxins or chemicals
Medications: Mirena IUD inserted 2 yrs ago (IntraUterine Device) for contraception, multivitamin daily. No
other regular OTC or herbals.
Allergies: Penicillin causes hives
ROS: Other than HPI
GEN: Weak, generalized aches
HEENT: No history of trauma, no headaches, no hearing or vision changes, no nasal drainage or sore throat
CV: No chest pain or palpitations
GI: See HPI. No reflux, hematochezia or melena
GU: See HPI, urine dark, cloudy, foul odor
HEME/LYMPH: No bleeding or easy bruising
ENDO: No polyuria, polydipsia, weight changes, or hot/cold intolerance
SKIN: No rashes, hair or nail changes
Physical Exam:
Vitals: T: 101.8oF HR: 120 RR: 26 BP: 90/50 Ht: 5’4” Wt: 140 lbs O2Sat: 94% on RA
GEN: Awake, alert and oriented X 4
HEENT: NC/AT, PERRLA, EOMI, TM’s intact bilaterally ‐ no air/fluid level, Nose – no deviation, mucosa dry, Throat
– negative for erythema or exudates, Neck – no lymphadenopathy or thyromegaly
Heart: RRR, no murmurs
Lungs: CTAB
Abd: Soft, generalized mild tenderness to palpation, non‐distended, no organomegaly, bowel sounds normo‐
GU: Positive CVA (Costovertebral Angle) tenderness on left
Skin: Warm, dry, poor tissue turgor
Extremities: Moving all four extremities without difficulty; 2/4 carotid, radial, femoral and pedal pulses palpated
Stat CBC
WBC 15.2 3.8‐11.0 (103/mm3)
HGB 12 12‐16 g/dL
HCT 37 37‐54%
PLATELETS 520,000 140,000‐450,000 /(mm3)
Stat Chemistry
Albumin 3.5 3.5‐5.0 g/dL
Alkaline phosphatase 50 32‐110 U/L
ALT 28 8‐32 U/L
AST 20 6‐21 U/L
Total bilirubin 0.8 0.2‐1.4 mg/dL
Calcium 9.3 8‐11 mg/dL
CO2 30 21‐34 mEq/L
Chloride 110 96‐112 mEq/L
Creatinine 3.0 0.6‐1.5 mg/dL
BUN 85 8‐25 mg/dL
Glucose 108 70‐110 mg/dL
Potassium 5.7 3.5‐5.5 mEq/L
Sodium 146 135‐148 mEq/L
Anion gap 6 5‐16 mEq/L