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The document discusses revisions made to the Oriental Adventures book to align it with the 3.5 edition of the core D&D rules. Only minor adjustments were needed for most of the material.

Hengeyokai are now humanoids (shapechangers) instead of just shapechangers. Vanara had all ability score adjustments removed.

Shamans gain Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat and deal more unarmed damage. They also gain bonus martial arts feats every few levels.


With the 3.5 update, the three core books went through a long and
careful process of revision. The purpose of this article is to help you
use the Oriental Adventures book you already have with rhe core
rules' 3.5 update. It is not a comprehensive revision of Oriental
Adventures or even a list of errata. As much as possible, the rules in
Oriental Advenrures have been le~ unchanged, and for the mosr part. new rules
have not been added. Only occasional bits of errata are included in this article. The
complete list of errata for Oriental Adventures is available on the Wizards of the
Coast website (www.wizards.com).
Some of the material in Oriental Adventures has already been more thoroughly
revised. You may already have seen revised versions of some Oriental Adven-
tures feats and prestige classes in the Complete Warrior. If you have that book,
you can go ahead and use the revised feats and prestige classes, or you can stick
with what you already have. The decision is up to yov.

32 April 2004
Srrlke as a bonus feat. Also, like a monk.
a shaman deals more damage with his S<..1 t-1<::1 ~Of\L f\8U...ITl€:S
unarmed strikes than a normal person Level Special
would, as shown on the Shaman ISi /(I frenzy 1/ dr.ry, Weapon Focus
Unarmed Damage table. 2nd Defletr Arrows
'*14'PTEJ! ONE: 3rd Oiehard
J!~Et; 4th /(/lrenzy 2/ day
For rhe most part, the races presented SMAMAn unAl\M€'D 51h Srrength of mind
in Oriental Adventures require llnle 'DAMACiE: 6rh Defensive s1r1ke
adjustment. The elimination of the Shaman Damage 011Mge 7th Oomage reduc.1100 1/-
shapechanger type has important Level (Sl'!llll) (M~lum) 8rh Kl frenzy J/day
implications for the hengeyokai. how- IS1-5th 1d4 1d6 glh Mettle
ever, and the vanara need a small but 6rh·11rh 1d6 1d8 10th OlJINl8e reduction 2/-
significant change. 12th-171h 1d8 1d10 11th Gn:arer frenzy
Humans: Humans from the Lion clan 181h-ao1h 1d10 ad6 12th 1(1 fnmzy 4/day
gain lnllmidate as a dass skill, rather 13th Damase reduction 3'-
than the obsolete Knowledge (war). 141h
Hengeyokai: Hengeyokai are now Bonus Feat: At 4th level and every 15th
creatures of the humanoid four levels thereafter (8th, 12th, 16th, 16th Damage re<klct10n 4/-, Ai frenry
(shapechanger) type, rather man crea- and 20th), a shaman gains a bonus sfday
tures of the obsolete shapechanger type, marrial arts feat. The shaman must 171h Tlreless frenzy
Remove their level adjustment. choose these feats from the following 181h
Vanara: Remove all of the vanara's list: Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, 1grh Damage reduction s/-
ability score adjustments. Falling Star Strike. Freezing the 2orh Whirlwind frenzy. kl frenzy 6/day
Lifeblood, Great Ki Shout, Iron Will, Ki
Shout, Pain Touch, Stunning Fist,
Unbalancing Strike. The shaman must
meet all the normal prerequisites for blows, and her speed increases by 30
the feats he selects. feet during her frenzy.

~f#4?TEf! T'WO: (r~d \If,. 1e..

"4~t;Ef following the lead of the revised bar- The mechanic of rhe wu jen's elemental
In general, only small changes are neces- barian, the sohei's special abilities shift mastery ability was flawed in the original
sary to bring the Oriental Adventures considerably. as shown on the Sohei presentation (and corrected in the
classes in line with the revision. Special Abrlitres table. She also gains errata). Requiring a wu jen to learn all
new abilities. the spells of a given element in order to
~jlllti1)1d Diehard: The sohei gains Diehard as master that element makes it impossible
One change to the samurai is suggested a bonus feat at 3rd level. This replaces for the OM to introduce new wu jen
by the alteration of the damage reduc- the Remain Conscious fear. spells into the game wilhoul unfairly
tion system. Gre~ter Frenzy: At nth level, a penalizing wu jen player characters. With
Ance3tral Dai3ho: When a samurai of sohei's bonuses to Strength and the 3.5 revision, the game has moved
al least 4th level wields his own ances- Dexterity during her frenzy each away from skyrocketing spell saving
tral katana or wakiushi, the weapon is increase to +4. the penalty she suffers throw DCs, so lhe revised elemental
considered an honorable weapon for the on attack rolls when making a flurry of mastery grants the wu jen an effective
purpose of bypassing the damage reduc- blows is reduced to -1, and her speed ~ster level increase instead.
tion of certain creatures. increases by 20 feet during her frenzy. Elemental Mastery: The spells of a wu
Tireless Frenzy: At 17th level and ien are divided into five elemental
(~11"'11" higher. a sohel no longer becomes groups: earth, fire, metal, water, and
The shaman's martial arts abilities are fatigued at the end of her frenzy. wood. At 6th level, instead of receiving
weak, and improving them slightly does Whirlwind frenzy: Al 20th level, a a spell secret, a wu jen can proclaim
not unbalance the class. sohei's bonuses 10 Strength and herself a master of one of the five ele-
Unanned Strike: Like monks, shamans Dexterity during her frenzy each ments. Thereafter, whenever a wu jen
are trained to fight unarmed. At 1sr level, increase to +6, she suffers no penalty casts a spell of that element, her effec-
a shaman gains Improved Unarmed on attack rolls when making a flurry of tive caster level (for purposes of

34 April 2004
determining level-dependent spell vari-
ables and for caster level checks) is
increased by +2. In addition, the wu jen
herself gers a +2 competence bonus on Special Speiealing
saving throws against spells of that ele- ISi focused spel power +1
ment. Certain spells on rhe wu 1en spell 2nd tSI mighty spell + 1 level of exiSttng class
list are designated "All;" this means 3rd Leadership +1 level of existing class
they belong to all elemental groups, and 41h 2nd mighty speff +1 level of exis11ng class
a wu jen who is a master of any ele- 51h Focused spell power +2 +1 level of existing class
ment gains the mastery bonuses with 6th 3rd mighry speO + 1 level of existing class
respect to those spells. 7lh + 1 level of ex1s11ng class
8th 4th mighty spcU +1 level of extsrtng c:Jass

91h Focused spel power +3 +\ level of exishng class

10th 51h mighty spcft + 1 level of ex1s1ing class

C:f44PTE2 T~EE: effective caster level (for purposes of Favored Enemy (Ex}: At 1st level, a
~eEntt;E ~L,4((£( derennining level-dependent spell vari- shadow scour may select a type of
The Oriental Adventure prestige classes ables and for easier level checks) is creature (such as giants, goblinoids.
require a few changes, moslfy derived increased by +1. This bonus increases to undead, or oni) as a favored enemy.
from similar changes made to other +2 at 5th level and to +3 at 9th level. The shadow scout must select a crea-
classes m rhe 3.5 revision. This benefit applies even to schools rure type or subtype from Table 3-1<f
Monk Prestige Classes: The changes the character gains the Spell Focus fear Ranger Favored Enemies in rhe Players
to the monk class in 3.5 make rt much for after becoming a eunuch warlock. Handboolc, except that a shadow scout
easier to design prestige classes for may also select onr or a human clan
monk characters. A henshin mystic, fltloflw.. Hyn;t other than his own as his favored
Shintao monk, or tanooed monk simply The changes to the damage reduction enemy. Due to his extensive study of
adds his class level to his monk level 10 system in 3.5 require two changes to the his chosen type of foe and training in
determine his unarmed damage. Armor henshin mysric class. rhe proper rechnrques for combating
Class bonus, speed. and the effective- Ki Stn'ke (Su): At 4th level, a henshin such creatures, the shadow scout gains
ness of his tlurry of blows. mystic's unarmed anacks are treated as a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense
Wild Empathy: The baffle maiden, bear lawful weapons for the purpose of deal- Motive. Spot. and Survival checks when
warrior, and shapeshlfter prestige ing damage to creatures with damage using 1hese skills asainsl creatures of
classes all had Animal Empathy as a reduction. If he already has lei strike this type. Likewise, he gers a +2 bonus
class skill. Replace this class skill with a (lawful) as a class ability from monk lev- on weapon damage rolls against such
new class ability, wild empathy. which els, he gains the ability to ahgn hlS creatures. At 4th level and every three
each class acquires at 1st level. This abil- weapons ro either good or evil. depend- levels thereafter (4th, 7fh, and 10th
ity works exactfy like the wild empathy ing on his actual alignment. If he is nei- level), the bonus increases by +2.
class feature of rhe druid and ranger ther good nor evil, he musr choose one If a shadow scout already has a
clas$e$. If the character has ranger or of those alignments 10 apply 10 his ki favored enemy. he may either select a
druid levels, she can add those levels ro strike ability. new favored enemy or increase the
her presrige class level ro derermine her At 8th level, a henshin mystic's bonus against any one favored enemy
total bonus on wild empathy checks. unarmed attacks are treated as adaman- by +2. If he chooses to increase his
tine weapons for the purpose of dealing bonus against an existing favored
fac,.,,r/. W,uln.t damage to creatures with damage enemy. he must add subsequent bonuses
Experience has shown that granting a reduction and for bypassing hardness. from levels in shadow scout to the same
spellcasrer bonus spells rarher than Riddle of Invulnerability (Su): A 1oth- favored enemy.
a normal level progression ls unsatisfy- level henshin mystic gains damage
ing at best. Use the Eunuch Warlock reduction 10/magic. (~,~•'•(to
Advancemenr table for the eunuch war- Two changes to the rules system have a
lock's special ab1ht1es and speUcast1ng. ~Mit1"'(n"t minor 1mpac1 on the shapesh1fre1. slight
Focused Spel Power (Ex): When a Following the example of the ranger, the changes to the druid's wild shape ability
eunuch warlock casrs a spell from a shadow scout's favored enemy ability (particularly the addition of plant wild
school that he has Spell Focus In, his becomes slightly better. shape and a relaxing of the rules for

www.paizo.com/dragon 35
shifting into a dire animal form) and the of wild shape. the shapeshifter gains all per day. At 1orh level, he can use it
abolition of the shapechanger type. the elemental's or nature spirit's three times per day.
extraordinary. supernarural, and spell-
like abilities. She also gains the creature's 'f•tt•w( ftfpl\/t
SHAPESMIFT€R feats for as long as she mamtams the The changes to the damage reduction
1-Yl>Vl-\t1C€M€tli wild shape, bur she retains her own system affects one of the tattooed
Class creature type. monk's abilities.
Level Specill Natural Shapechanger: At 10th level. a Tattoo (Su): Three tattoos have
ISi WUd shape (J/day), shapeshifter changes form so naturally slighrly alrered abilities.
extra shifting that she gains the shapechanger subtype. Crab: The tattooed monk gains dam-
There are few direct benefits of this age reduction 2/ magic. This damage
3rd Wild shape (Large) subtype, but she can return to her natu- reduction improves by 2 for each addi-
41h Wild shape (4/day) ral form as a standard action when she tional tattoo he possesses
5th Wild shape <Tiny) is subjected ro a spell such as polymorph Pme. The tattooed monk gains the
6rh A rhousand faces other (as stated m the spell descriptions). benefits of both the Endurance and
71h Wild shape (planr) D1ehard feats.
8th Wild shape (5/ day) (~ ...t•• ,.,,,." Spider: To use this tattoo, a character
gth Wild shape (Huge) Following the example of the paladin, the must have the Stunning Fist feat. Instead
10th Wild shape (elemental 1/dW'f), Shintao monk gams the ability ro smite of a stunning fist attack, a character
narural shapechanger Tainted creatures more times per day as with this ranoo can make an arrack that
he advances 1n level. To compensate for delivers a contacr poison. The poison's
rhis improvement, his bonus feat pro- save DC 1s equal to 10 + the tartooed
Wild Shape (Su): At 1st level, a gression 1s slowed. monk's class level + his Conslitution
shapeshifter gains the ability to change modifier. The poison's initial and second-
form into a Small or Medium animal and ary damage is 2 pomts of Const1tution
back again three times per day. This abrl- SMll1TAO M0nK damage. Using !his tattoo counts as one
1ry works exactly like the druid's wild A!>VAt1CE:M€nr of the character's stunnrng fist attacks
shape ability. ci.,, for that day.
The shapeshifter can use wild shape Level Special
one more time per day ar 4th and 8th 1st Monk abilnies, touch rhe Void Ydi.tA
level, as noted on the table. In addition, dragon, bonus fear The rogue and barbarian gain rrap sense
the shapesh1fter gains the abrl1ty to take 2nd Oerecr Taint, smrte Talnl 1/dJJy, earher now (bringrng the ability into play
the shape of a Large animal at 3rd level, speak to lhe soul more often, since traps are more fre-
a Tiny animal at 5th level, and a Huge 3rd Grasp the eanh dragon quently encountered at lower levels), so
animal at gth level. The new form's Hit "th Purrry of Shinsei, bonus fear the yakuza's abilities are sbghtly altered
Dice can't exceed the shapeshifter's 5th Channel the fire dragon 1n the same way.
character level. 6th Grear s#Mu, sm11e Tarn! 2/ day Uncanny Dodge (Ex): As the rogue
At 7th level, a shapesh1fter becomes 7lh Srt:al me air dragon, bonus feat ability. If a yakuza already has uncanny
able to use wild shape to change into a 8th ~esrra/ gu/fJQnce
plant crearure, such as a shambling gth Ride the water dragon
mound, with the same size restrictions 10th Kukan-do, bonus feat. smite Tamr YMU2A ADVAt1CeMEl1T
as for animal forms. (A shapeshifter '3Jday Class
can't use this ability to take the form of Level Speclll
a plant that isn't a creature, such as a 1st Uncanny dodge. defensive roll
tree or a rose bush.) Touch the Void Dragon (Su): Once 2nd lmpt"011ed eYaSKJn
At 10th level, a shapeshifter becomes per day. a Shinrao monk can raise one 3rd Yakuz.a knowledge, trap sense + 1
able to use wrld shape to change mto a of her ability scores by 4 polnrs for a "th lmpn>ved uncanny dodge
Small, Medium, or Large elemental (arr, duration of 10 minutes per level. This 51h Leade~1p
earth, fire, or water), or nature sp1rir ability is similar to the ab11ity-boostmg 61h Trap sense +2
once per day. Nature sp1r1t statistics can spells bull's strength. bears enduranc<J. ;nh
be found on page 177 of Onental cats grace, fox's cunning, owl's wisdom, 8th
Adventures. These elemental forms are and eagle's splendor 9th Trap sense +3
in addition to her normal wild shape Smite Taint (Su): At 6th level, a 10th Slippery mind
usage. In additron to the normal effects Sh1ntao monk can use this ability twice

36 April 2004
dodge from a different class. she auto- +2 to two different skills-a category Aid, Resist Poison, Soul of Honor, and
matically gains improved uncanny dodge sufficiently filled by the Player's Soul of loyalty.
(see below) instead. Handbool<. In line w1rh the revisions 10 Arrention to Detail [lion]: You gain a
Trap Sense (Ex): As 1he rogue ability. regional feats published in the FORGOTTEN +2 bonus on Sense Motive checks
Trap sense bonuses gained from multiple REALMS Player's Guide to FaerOn, this opposing another character's Bluff
classes stack. section presents a completely revised check. on Spot checks opposing another
Improved Uncanny Dodge {Ex): As the selecrion of ancestor feats. Several of character's Disguise or Forgery check,
rogue ability. If a yakuza already has the revised and new feats presented and on Will saves to disbelieve illusions.
improved uncanny dodge from a differ- here are drawn from that book and Blood Sorcerer [Scorpion]: When you
ent class, the levels from the classes that were wrinen by Richard Baker. cast maho-tsukai spells, your effective
grant uncanny dodge stack to de1ennine Improved Grapple: This Feat is caster level (for purposes of determining
the minimum rogue level required to replaced by the feat of the same name level-dependent spell variables and for
flank the character. in the Player's Handbook. caster level checks) is increased by +2.
Remain Conscious: This feat is However, you also add +J to the DC for
replaced by the Drehard feat in rhe the Fortitude save you must make to
Player's Htmdbook. Any character who avoid accumulating Taint when you cast
would garn Remain Conscious as a bonus maho spells.
feat (such as a 3rd-level Singh raged Cool Head [Unicorn]: You cannot
~lllJ'?TE~ ~Due: gains Diehard mstead. become shaken, allowing you to ignore
~lltU~ IJIVP FEAT~ the effects of the shaken condition. (You
Skills require little alteration, but feats Ancestor Feats can still be frightened or panicked.)
are a major area of revision. The ancestor fears in this section replace If you are subject to any effect that
the feats of the same name in Oriental forces you into violent action, such as a
~k•ll• Adventures. Most of them are simply song of discord spell or a confusion
Oriental Adventures introduced four better than their original versions. The effect that would force you to attack.
new Knowledge specialties. There is no reason for this is a slight shi~ in philoso- you may attempt a second saving throw
need for the Knowledge (war) skill; it phy also reflected in the FORGOTTEN to resist that effect before performing
should be removed and replaced with RCAJ.MS Player's Guide to Faerun: Players the violent action. If your second saving
Knowledge (history). should be rewarded for making the throw succeeds, you 1hrow off the
In the 3.5 Player's Handbook, having effort to ground their characters in a effect exactly as 1hough you had made
5 or more ranks in any Knowledge skill campaign world Taking an ancestor foat your first saving throw. You may not
now grants a synergy bonus on another 1s a good oprion-usually a better option roll more than two saving throws against
skill or ability. These are the synergy than taking a similar non-ancestor feat. the same spell or effect. In the case of
effects for the new Oriental Adventures Human characters from one of the the confusion spell, you may not attempt
Knowledge skills. great clans are no longer required ro a second saving throw until ir is your
spend their bonus feat slot on an ances- tum and rhe random die roll determines
5 or more tor fear. Choosing an ancestor feat is a !hat you must attack another creature.
ranks in Gives a +2 good option for many characters, but Discipline [Phoenix]: You gain a +2
Knowledge ... bonus on . . . never a requirement. Any character can bonus on Will saves and a +2 bonus on
(barbarian lore) Diplomacy checks choose an ancestor feat, but only at lSl Concentration checks.
against humanoids level. No character can have more than Fearsome and Fearless [Lion]: You
not native to one ancestor feat. gain a +4 bonus on all Will saves against
Rokugan fear effects. and the difficulty class of
(Shadowlands) Survival checks in Altered Feats any fear effect you create (through a
the Shadowlands Many of the ancestor feats in Oriental spell or other ability) increases by +2.
(spirits) Survival checks rn Adventures require substantial revision If you adopt rhe Akodo champion
the Spirit World to bring them into line with the regional prestige class, allies within your aura of
feats in the Player's Guide to FaerOn. courage gain an additional +1 bonus on
~tdf Except where noted below, the text in their saving throws against fear effects.
Many changes, some of them fairly this section replaces the Benefit entry Gifted General [Crane]: You gain a +2
sweeping, are necessary to bring feats for each feat bonus on Initiative checks and a +2
in line with the 3.5 revision. Most of the No Change: The following feats bonus on all Fortitude saves.
revisions necessary are to ancestor require no alteration at all: Art of Great Crafter [Crab]: When you use
feats, many of which are feats that grant Fascination, laijursu Master, Improved the Craft skill to create a masterwork

www.paizo.com/dragon 37
irem. such as a weapon. armor, or shield, You also gain a +3 bonus on Spellcraft grearer rhan the spell's save DC (essen-
it gains an addrtional 2 points of hard- checks to successfully cast a divine spell tially, your Ride check result becomes
ness and 10 hrt points. 1n the Shadowlands, but each time you your Retlex save 1f rt rs hrgher than the
Great Diplomat [Phoenix]: You gain a fail such a check, you add +2 to your result you achieved wirh your Retlex
+2 bonus on Diplomacy checks. Once Taint score for every s points by which save). You can attempt to do this once
you reach 6th level, you automatically you failed. per round for either yourself or your
attract a cohort (but not followers) as In addrlion, you also gain a +3 bonus mount. If both you and your mount fail a
though you had taken the Leadership on opposed Charisma checks made to Retlex save against the same effect (for
fear. and your Leadership score rs control an onr summoned with a planar example. a fireball spell or dragon breath
increased by +2. bmdmg spell. However, every time you that catches you and your mounT in the
Great Teamwork [Crab]: You can make such a check, you add +2 to your area of effect), your Ride check result
more easily tlank opponents with your Taint score. applies to both your save and your
allies. When determining whether an Power Attack-laijutsu [Crane]: Add mount's save.
opponent rs tlanked, as long as you are Prerequisite: Srrength 13. Scholar of Nature [Phoenix]: You gam
adiacenr to The opponent, you can treat Power Attack- Shadowlands [Crab}: a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature),
your position as though you were actu- Add Prerequisite: Strength 13. Survival, and Heal checks.
ally Slanding m any other square ad1a- Benefit: When you use the Power Silver Tongue [Dragon]: You can use
cent to both your own positron and A"ack feat against a creature with the the Diplomacy skill (trained or un~ined)
your opponent's. Shadowlands subtype or a character to produce the following effects:
Kami's lntuifion [Unicom]: You gain a with Shadowlands Taint, you may sub- • Change an NPC's a"itude toward a
+2 bonus on Sense Motive checks You tract a number from your attack rolls person other Thon yourself The DC is
may make any Knowledge check un· and add twice that number to your the same as 1f you were changing the
~ined. even if the DC rs higher than 10. melee damage rolls (or three times that character's anitude toward you.
In addition, you may use your Wrsdom number if you are using a two-handed • Inspire love and devotion. If you
modifier for any Knowledge check in weapon). The normal restr1ct1ons of the successfully improve a character's am-
place of your Intelligence modifier. Power A"ack feat apply. You gain no tude toward you (only) to helpful. you
Karmk: Twin [Scorpion): You gam a +2 benefit from thrs ancestor feat if you do can choose to cause rhat character to
bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate not have the Power A11ack feat. show romantic mterest 1n you. The char-
checks (not all Charisma-based checks). Powerful Voice [Unicom]: You gain a acter thereafter seeks every opporru·
In addition, change the Intuit Direction +2 bonus on Diplomacy and wild empa- nrty to be near you and makes every
check ro learn the d1rect1on of your thy checks. efforr ro win your affecrion, within the
karmic twm to a Wisdom check. As a standard action, you can make a bounds of relatively normal behavior.
Keen Intellect [Dragon]: You may use DC 15 Perform (smg) or Perform (ora- • Inspire hope or despair. With a suc-
your lnTelligence modifier instead of tory) check to grant your allies a +1 cessful Diplomacy check against DC 25,
your Wisdom modifier when making morale bonus on saving throws against you fill a single target with hope or
Heal, Sense Motive, Spot, or Survival charm and fear effects. This bonus lasts despair, as if affected by the good hope
checks. You may also use your as long as you contmue speaking or or crushing despair spells. In the case of
Intelligence modifier mstead of Wisdom singing. While using this ability, you can- despair, the target can negate the effect
when making a Wrll saving throw. not cast spells, activate magic items by wrrh a successful Will saving throw (DC
Lion Spy [Lion]: You gain a +2 bonus spell completion (such as scrolls) or by 10 + 1/2 your Diplomacy ranks+ your
on Diplomacy, Gather Information, and command word (such as wands). Charisma modifier).
Spot checks. Resist Tamt [Crab]: The bonus from • Cause confusion. Make a Diplomacy
Luck of Heroes [Crab]: You receive a this feat applies on daily saving throws check opposed by your target's Sense
+1 luck bonus on all saving throws and a made rn the Shadowlands to resist Motive check. If you beat your target's
+1 luck bonus to Armor Class. acqurnng Taint, as well as on saves check result by 10 or more, you can
Magistrate's Mind [Scorpion]: You against Taint-related maho spells such as cause him to become confused for 1
gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate, Search, cloud of Tamr. round. You can use this abrhty as a full-
and Sense Motive checks. Saddleback [Unicom]: You can take 10 round action
Many Masks [Scorpion]: You gain a on Ride checks, even rf rushed or Smooth Talk [Crane]: You only take a
+2 bonus on Bluff, Disguise, and Perform threatened. If you or your mount fail a -5 penalty if you attempt a Diplomacy
(act) checks. Retlex save while mounted, you can check as a full-round action.
Oni's Bane [Phoenhd: You gain a +3 anempt a Ride check to succeed on the Spel Power [Crab]: Three times per
bonus on caster level checks to bear an saving throw. The save rs successful if day, you can cast a spell wrth extraordi-
outsider's spell resrsrance. your Ride check result is equal ro or nary power. Add +1 to your effective

38 April 2004
caster level (for purposes of determining gaining a +1 shield bonus 10 your AC Clan: Crane.
level-dependent spell variables and for against one attack of opportunity you Benefit: When you make magic anns
caster level checl\s). draw by casting. and armor or wondrous items. you pay
Spettcasrer Support [Phoenix]: You only 75% of the normal gold-piece cost
can use the aid another action, making a e,,.(,.ec,..u1f ~<Aff to create the item. However, the item is
Spellcraft check against DC 10, to add +1 A few ancestor feats in Oriental always cursed; with the curse randomly
to the effective caster level of an ally's Adventures should simply be deleted and detennined by the DUNGEON MASTER,
spell. An opponent you threaten cannot replaced with different fears. The using the tables in Chapter 7 of the
make attacks of opportunity against an Replacement feats table shows which DUNGEON MAST'ER's Guide.
ally of yours who is also in your threat- feats are replaced. Special: You cannot create normal
ened area if the ally casts a spell- items by forgoing this discount.
thereby negating the need for the ally to Audacious Attempt IAncestorJ
cast defensively. You are descended from the famous Cultured Courtier !Ancestor)
Strength of the Charger [Unicom]: Scorpion daimyo Bayushi Tangen, author You claim descent from Doji, the
While you are mounted, you may add of Lies and Little Truths. You share 1hat founder of the Crane household, \mown
your mount's Constitution modifier as a ancestor's incredible audacity. as a creator of culture and civilization.
bonus on your own Fortitude saves. Also Clan: Scorpion. You are skilled in the arts of diplomacy
while you are mounted, you gain a num- Benefit; Once per encounter. when as well as the fine arts.
ber of bonus hit points equal to your you are attempting a nearly impossible Clan: Crane.
mount's Constitution modifier. These are task (any task at which you need to roll Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on
not temporary hit points and they are a 20 on 1d20 to succeed}, you may roll Diplomacy and Sense Mo1ive checks, as
not lost first, the way temporary hit two dice instead of one, taking the better well as a +2 bonus on a single Craft or
points are; you lose them when you dis- result. You can use this abiliry when you Perform skill of your choice.
mount for any reason, and you regain choose. whether you are making an
them when you return to the saddle. attack roll, saving throw, skill or ability Infamous Traitor (Ancestor]
Strength of the Crab [Crab]: While check, level check, or any other 1d20 roll Bayushr Junzen, Scorpion Clan
you are in melee and within 15 feet of that you make, as long as you can suc- Champion, did not trust the Yogo family,
another character from the Crab clan, ceed on that particular check only by so he gave three of the Black Scrolls of
you and the other member of the Crab rolling a 20 on the die. fu Leng to hrs son, Bayushi Tesaguri-
clan both gain a +1 morale bonus on who is your ancestor. Tesagvri, how-
attack rolls and on saving throws against Blood Artisan IAncestor] ever, betrayed this trust by selling the
fear effects. You are descended from Asahina Scrolls to the Phoenix clan-and paid for
Strong Soul (Unltorn]: You gain a +1 Yajinden, a shugenja of the Crane clan his crime with his life. like your ances-
bonus on all forrnude and Will saves. who became the greatesl lieutenant of tor, you cannot be trusted, but you are
Against death effects, energy drain, or the dread sorcerer luchiban. Yajinden adept at seizing the right moment ro act.
ability drain attacks, this bonus iin- abused his power, creating the Clan: Scorpion.
creases to +3. Bloodswords and other evil magic items Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on
Warrior Instinct [Lion]: Once per day, used by the armies of luchiban. You Initiative checks, and a +2 bonus on
when making an attack roll, you may roll have mastered rhe method of creating a Bluff and Intimidate checks.
two dice and take the better result. certain kind of magic item.
Warrior Shugenja [Dragon]: You gain
a +2 bonus on Concentration checks to
cast a spell on the defensive. If you fail a
Concentration check to cast on the ~E:PtAC£M€nr FE:AiS
defensive, you do not lose the spell you Old Fe11t Clan New Feat
were attempting to cast. You can choose Artist Crane C11lrured Counier
either to abort your casting attempt and Born Duelist Dragon Twin Sword Sryte
retain the spell, or you can cast anyway. Great Sramma Crane Tireless
provoking an attack of opportunity as ~Merchant Scorpion lnfamoos Trairor
though you had nol attempted to cast Magic in rhe Blood Unicom Spellwise
defensively. If you are holding a light or Magical Anisan Crane Blood Anisan
one-handed weapon while you cast, you Sea Leg$ Crab Stonnhean
can use it ro block the attack of oppor- Soul of Sinceriry Scorpion AudacM>US Anempr
tunity you suffer for casting a spell,

www.paizo.com/dragon 39
11€WLY f-\ VA ILf.\BL(:. SP€U..S Spellwlse (Ancestor] Twin Sword Style !Ancestor]
SpeB Name l evel
You claim a karmic link with You claim descent from
luchi, one of the most resource- Mirumoto, one of the first two
Acid splash Wu1 o (Warerl ful shugenjas in early Rokugan. samurai to join Togashi in his
Alisn weapon Not available You have an innate familiarity meditative retreat. You have
with the workings of magic, and mastered the nilen defensive
AnimJte pl:m1s Wuj 7 (Wood), Wood 6 you have learned that things are style based on wielding a blade in
Arcane sigfu Wuj3 sometimes not as they appear. each hand.
Clan: Unicorn. Clan: Dragon.
Arcane sight, greatlr W1.tj7 Benefit: You receive a +2 Benefit: When fighting with a
B:tleful polymorph Maho 5. Sha 5. Wuj 5 bonus on all Knowledge (arcana) katana and a wakizashi. you can
and Spellcraft checks. You get a designate a melee opponent dur-
Be.ar's endurance, mass Shu 6 (Earth). Wuj +2 bonus on saving throws ing your action and receive a +2
6 (Earth) against illusion spells or effects. shield bonus to your Armor Class
against attacks from that oppo-
Blight Maho'f. Wuj s Stormheart [Ancestor] nent. This bonus stacks with the
BuH's streneth. mass Sha 6, Shu 6 (Eanhl. The sea is in your blood. You are shield bonus from a buckler or
no stranger to sea chases and animated shield. as well as from
Wuj 6 (E.anhl
blood on the decks. the bonus granted by the
C,111 fi8hm1ng storm Shu 5 (fire) Clan: Crab. Mirumoto niten master prestige
C;tt's grac.e. mass Shu 6 (fire), Wu1 6 (Fire} Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus class. (h does not stack with the
on Balance and Profession similar bonus from the Two-
CommJnd undead Maho 2 (sailor) checks. You ignore any Weapon Defense feat, although
CrushtflK despi1lr Maho.q hampered movement penalties both bonuses can be in effect at
for fighting on pitching or slip- the same time against different
Cure cntic;JI wounds, mass Healing 8. Sha 8, Shu pery decks, and gain a +1 dodge opponents.) You can select a new
8 !Water) bonus during any fight that takes melee opponent as a free action
place on or in a boat or ship. on your 1urn. You lose this bonus
Curt: mode,..,te wounds. rrws Sha 6. Shu 6 <Warerl Normal: Characters moving on if you are caught flat-footed or
Cure sttrious wounds. mass Sha 7. Shu 7 (Warerl difficult or treacherous surfaces lose your Dexterity bonus to AC
count each square of movemenl for any reason.
Daze monster Shu 2 (Air), Wu12
as two squares.

Deep slumber Shu 3 (Air), Wu1 3
01menst0rul loci Sha 8, Wu18 Tireless !Ancestor)
Your ancestor. Daidoji Masashlgi,
01srup11nc weapon Sha 5 gave his life defending the Kaiu
Wall alongside the Crab at the Cflll'?fE~ t;FIEN:
Eagles splendor Sha 2, Soh 2, Wut 2
Battle of the Landbridge. You ,.,4~f& 4N~ ~?ELL~
Eagle's splendor, m;JSs Sha 6. Wuj 6 don't know the meaning of the The 3.5 revision introduced many
Enl3rge perscn. mass Wuj4 word quir. changes ro spells. Refer ro the
Clan: Crane. 3.5 Accessory Update (available
ra1se Me Maho 2, Wuj 2 Benefit: You reduce the effects at www.wizards.com) for general
Fox's cunnmg Shu 2 (fire), Wuj 2 of exhaustion and fatigue by one information abour changes ro
step. You cannot become spell names, levels, and schools.
Fox's cunntf!K. mass Shu 6 (forel. Wu1 6 exhausted; if you are exposed to Spells that changed level in the
Glibness Shu 3 (Alrl an effect or condition that would Player's Handbook should change
make you exhausted (such as the rhe same way for Oriental
Good hope Shu 4 (Air) spell waves of exhaustion}, you Adventures spellcasters. For
Hemsm Wu13 become fatigued instead. If an example, animate dead used ro be
Heroism, grea1er Wuj6 effect or condition (such as the a 5th-level wizard spell (and a
end of barbarian rage) would 5th-level maho-rsukai spell); now
Hold monsrer, /Tklss Wujg make you fatigued. you suffer no it is 4th level for both wizards
Hold person. mass Wuj7
penalty at all. and maho-tsukai.

40 April 2004
p'"'"'"' damage reduction of certain dis-
OCWL>' f\ \1Afl..f.'\13Le SPE:U..S
In some cases. changes to spell honorable creatures, primarily
levels affecl domain spell fists. undead and a few non-oni resi- SpeD Name level
Community Domain: Replace dents of the Shadowlands. This spell Jnfiic1 Cf'llicJJ wounds. mJs.s Maho 8, Sha 8
shield other (2nd level) with srarus. has no effect on a weapon that
Replace status (4th level) with already has an alignment, such as a /nfl1c1 mod~ra1~ wounds, mass Maho 6, Sha 6
greQter sr/iltus. which appears in Tainted sword. lnt11c1 serious wounds, mas.s Maho 7, Sha 7
the accessory up<late (available at You can't cast this spell on a nat-
www.wizards.com). and in the ural weapon, such as an animal's Longs1rider Travel 1
Book of Exalted Deeds. Replace claw or bite. Moment of presc1en<:e Shu 8 (Air), Wuj 8
mass heal (8th level) with sympa-
MordenAamen 's pnvo1e s.Jnctum Nol Available
thy. Replace miracle (9rh level) let11ict,,( ~,tttc
with mass heal. Many of rhe spells presented In Overland fltgh1 Wu! 5
Healing Domain: Replace mass Oriental Adventures need revision.
Owl's wrsdom Sha 2. Shu 2 (Alrl. Soh
he<JI (8th level) wirh mass cure crit- Ancestral Vengeance: The ances-
ical wounds. Replace true resurrec- tral attack deals 1d8 points of dam- 2, Wuj2
tion (9rh level) with mass heal age per two caster levels (maximum Owl's wisdom. mass Sha 6. Shu 6 IAirl,
Travel Domain: Replace expedi- 5d8), or 1d6 points per caster level
rious retreat (1st level) with (maximum 1od6) if the target is Wu16
longsmder. undead. Spell resistance does not Polar ray Wu1 8 <Wa1er)
Wood Domain: Replace apply to this spell.
changestaff(Brh level) with ani- Bo of Water: The bo 1s considered Prying e~. &realer Wu18
mate planrs. a magic weapon for purposes of RJy of eJ1h8usrron Maho 3
bypassing damage reduction.
Nctt1 ~,t((c Discern Shapechanger: For pur- Reduce person, mass Wu14
The Newly Available Spells rable poses of this spell, a shapechanger ScorchiT'l/f ray Wu12 (fire)
lists the new spells presented in is any creature with the
the 3.5 Player's Handbook and at shapechanger subtype or the super-
Shout, greater Wu18
what level they are available ro natural ability to take an alternate Song of discord Shu 5 (Air)
spellcasters in an Onental form or change shape.
Spell lmmuniry. grealer Sha 8, Shu 8 (Earlhl
Advenrures game. Entangling Scarf: You use your
Although align weapon does not base anack bonus plus your Summon instrument No1 Available
exist in an Oriental Adventures Intelligence bonus for attack rolls Symbol of de.uh Milho 8. Wu1 8
campaign, it has a close equivalent made with an entangling scarf.
in the honorable weapon spell. FatigUe: This spell is made obsolete Symbol of fe"r Maho 6, Wuj 6
by rhe touch of fatigUe spell in the Symbol of msamry Maho 8. Wuj 8
Honorable Weapon revised Player's Handbook.
Transmutation (Lawful) Fires of Purity: The target gains Symbol ofpam Maho 5. Wuj5
level: Sha 2. Soh 2 fire immuniry for the duration of the Symbol of~uasron Slla 6, WUJ 6
Components: V, $,OF spell, but rakes half again as much
Casting Time: 1 standard action damage (+50%) from cold. Symbol of sleep Sna 5. Wuj s
Range: Touch Force Shapechange: For pur- Symbol of srunnlng Slla 7, Wu1 7
Target: Weapon touched or fifty poses of this spell. a shapechanger
projectiles (all of which must be in is any crea ture with the
Symbol of w!W.lltiS Maho7. Wui 7
contact with each other at me time shapechanger subtype or the Sympathetic vibr:11ion Nor Available
of casting) supernatural ability to take an alter-
Touch of fiJrigue Maho 1
Duration: 1 min./level nate form or change shape.
Saving Throw: Will negates (harm- Ha11 of Stone: Spell resistance Touch of idiocy Maho 2. Wu1 2
less, object) does not apply to this spell. Unde;i1h ro tka1h Sha 6, Wuj 6
Spell Resistance: Yes (harm- Horse's Nose: This spell does not
less, object) allow you to track by scent unless Waves of exhaus1ion Maho 7
you have the Track feat. Waves of f;11iguc Maho 5
Honorable weapon makes a weapon Ice Kmfe: Spell resistance does
honorable, allowing it To bypass the not apply ro this spell.

www.palzo.com/dragon 41
Iron Scarf· You use your base attack HD Effect Balance: Price +g,600 gp.
bonus plus your Intelligence bonus for Equal 10 casrer level Deafened Blurring: Price +36.ooo gp.
attack rolls made with an iron scarf. Up to caster level · 1 Blinded. deaf- Displacement: On command. this
Scales of the lizard: This spell grants ened armor's magical properties distort and
you an enhancemenr bonus ro your Up to easier level -5 Paralyzed. warp light waves. This displacement
natural armor, !Ike the barkskin spell. blinded. deaf- works just like the disp/acemenr spell
Thus. it sracks with natural armor you ened and lasts for a total of 15 rounds per
might already possess. but not with Up 10 caster level - 10 Killed, para- day, which the wearer can divide up
other enhancement bonuses to your lyzed, blinded. as she sees fit.
natural armor. deafened Moderate illusion; CL 7th; Cra~
Snake Barrier: For purposes of this Vari of Air: The yari is considered a Magic Arms and Armor, Extend Spell,
spell, a reptilian creature is a humanoid magic weapon for purposes of bypass- displacement; Price: +72,000 gp.
with the reptilian subtype, or a mon- ing damage reductton. Presence: Price +6,ooo gp.
strous humanoid. magical beast. or out- Shapeshifting: The wearer of a suit

sider with obvious snakelike, lizardlike. or of armor with this abiliry preserves
other reptilian features. This caregory her armor bonus (and any enhance-
includes, but is not limired to, yuan-ti, ment bonus) while using the alternate
behirs. basilisks. nagas, marilith demons, form or change shape supernatural
medusas. hydras, and ethereal maraud- ~f4.4Jl1Ee Et~f41: abilities. While the wearer is in a non-
ers. Celestial and fiendish snakes and ~,4~t~ '"~~ humanoid alternate form or shape. the
lizards are also affected. It does not In the 3.5 DUNGEON MAST£R's Guide, armor cannot be seen.
affect creatures of the dragon rype. some of the formulas used to ser Moderate transmutation: CL 9th;
Spirit Ally: This spell calls a single prices for magic items changed, and Craft Magic Arms and Armor, baleful
spirit of 12 HD or less, or two creatures other prices were adjusted as needed. polymorph; Price +3 bonus.
of the same kind whose H11 Dice rota\ no When an item from the DUNGEON Wild: This armor ability is replaced
more than 12. MASTfR's Guide appears on the tables by the one of the same name that
Spirit Ally, Greater: This spell calls a in Oriental Advemures. its price appears in rhe DUNGEON MASTERS
single creature of 18 HD or less, or up should be altered to agree with the Guide. Price +3 bonus.
to three creatures of the same kind, DUNGEON MASTER's Guide. (For example,
whose Hit Dice total no more than 18. sandals [boots] of striding and spring- liit14,,M
Spirit Ally, Lesser: This spell calls a ing should now cost 5,500 gp.) As with armor, certain special abilities
single spirit of 6 HD or less. need to be repriced.
Spirit Bmdmg: This spell calls a single ;J,,,.,, Balance: Price +g,600 gp
spirit of 12 HD or less, or two creatul'es Several prices for special abilities Blurring: Price 1-36,000 gp.
of the same kind whose Hit Dice total no need alteration. Displacement: On command, this
more than 12. Magic Chahar-Ainas and Dastanas: weapon's magical properties distort
Spinr Binding, Greater: This spell calls Both dastanas and chahar-ainas pro- and warp light waves. This displace-
a single creature of 18 HD or less, or up vide special armor bonuses to AC that ment works just like the displacement
to three creatures of the same kmd stack with other armor bonuses granted spell and lasts for a total of 15 rounds
whose Hit Dice total no more than 18. by certain forms of light armor. per day, which the wearer can divide
Spirit Binding. Lesser: This spell calls a However, it is still the case that only up as she sees fit.
single spirit of 6 HD or less. one enhancement bonus can apply 10 a Moderate illusion; CL 7th; Craft
Tersubo of £anh: The tetsubo is con- character's armor bonus at any time. Magic Arms and Armor, Extend Spell,
sidered a magic weapon for purposes of Thus. if a character wears +2 dastanas. displacement; Price: +12,000 gp.
bypassing damage reduction. a +1 chahar-ama. and +1 cloth armor, Flying: Each use of this property
Vulnerability; The sub1ect's damage only the +2 bonus from the dastanas lasts 5 minutes, not 50.
reduction 1s reduced by 5 points. The increases his AC. A character can still Focus: Price +2,400 gp.
type of weapon needed to bypass the gain the benefit of special abilities Honorable: Change the name of this
damage reduction (magic, silver. bludg- attached to multiple pieces of armor, weapon ability to soul of honor. A soul
eoning, etc.) does not change. however, so a character wearing +2 of honor weapon is considered an hon-
Words of rhe Kami: Creature with the balance dastanas and a +1 displacement orable weapon for purposes of bypass-
Shadowlands subtype or with a Taint chahar-aina has a +2 enhancemenr ing damage reduction.
score suffer the following ill effects: bonus to AC and can use the balance $'1lent Moves: The normal version of
and displacement special abilities. this properly grants a +s competence

42 April 2004
bonus on Move Silenrly checks and has Humanoid Warriors: As described
a marker price of +3,750 gp. The on page 7 of the Monster Manual,
improved version grants a +10 compe- every humanoid presented as a 1st-
tence bonus and has a market price level warrior now has the nonelite
of +15,000 gp. array of ability scores (13, 12, 11, 10, g,
Kuni Crystal Weapons: Kuni crystal &f/4PTR NINE: 8). Except where noted below, the
weapons bypass the damage reduction HONnEfi!~ warriors presented here began with
of Shadowlands creatures as if they The two most significant changes ro the following ability scores before
were magic jade weapons. monsters in the 3.5 revision are the applying their racial modifiers: Str 13,
Nekode of Spider Climbing: Price new damage reducrion system and a Dex 11, Con 12. Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8.
(per pair) 11,810 gp. new way of calculating skills and feats
for monsters. The elimination of the H,,.ffn "1""""l H1Mtu1
w,.."',,..f•tr"'J beast and shapechanger rypes also has To enhance the unique flavor of
The price for skill bonvses and energy an impact on some monsters. an Oriental Adventures campaign,
resistance changed in the 3.5 0UNG£0N Damage Reduction: The revision to change rhe damage reduction of cer-
MASTER's Gulde, so items that grant the damage reduction system in ver- tain monsters from rhe Monster
lhese benefits need new market prices. sion 3.5 has far-reaching impact, not Manual when using them in an Oriental
Courtier's Obi: This item gives a +s just on monsters wirh damage reduc- Adventures game, as shown on rhe
competence bonus on Diplomacy tion, but on spells. character classes, Damage Reduction rable.
checks. Price 2,500 gp. and weapons. This revision of Oriental
Kimono of Storing: Price 20.000 gp. Adventures introduces rwo new 2ttlfft~ HtkftOf
Pearl of Protection from Fire: This weapon qualities that bypass damage The entries below present changed
irem comes in three varieties. The reduction: honorable and jade. information for every monster in
minor version grants fire resistance 10 An honorable weapon 1s a weapon Oriental Adventures. The format fol-
and has a market price of 24,000 gp. imbued with the spirit of honor_ A lows the presentation of monsters in
The major version grants fire resist- samurai's ancestral weapon 1s always rhe book, but only shows information
ance 20 and has a market price of considered honorable when the samu- that is different from whar is printed.
56,000 gp. The greater version grants rai who owns 11 wields it. A shaman or Separate entries for attack and full
fire resistance 30 and has a market a sohei can imbue a weapon with anack are not always shown. Damage
price of 88,ooo gp. honor using the honorable weapon reduction is shown on a line by itself.
Wondrous Writing Ser. This item spell {equivalent to 1he align weapon separate from any special qualities
grants a +2 competence bonus on Craft spell in the core DOtD rules). A that might have changed.
(calligraphy) checks, as well as a +5 weapon with the soul of honor prop-
competence bonus on Forgery checks. erty is considered honorable, and * Bajang
Price 2,900 gp. deals additional damage to dishonor- Space/Reach: s ft./5 ft.
able creatures. Damage Reduction: s/cold iron
~,cei11l H11tui11(f A 1ade weapon 1s manufactured Skills: Climb +18, Hide +15, Knowledge
The revised damage reduction system From jade or is coated with 1ade pow- (nature) +12, Listen +13. Move Silently
suggesrs new qualities for special mate- der. For purposes of bypassing dam- +11, Spot +13, Survival +11
rials. as detailed here. age reduction. weapons fashioned of Feats: Alertness. Toughness, Weapon
Jade Weapons: Jade weapons bypass Kuni crystal or obsidian are also con- Finesse
the damage reduction of many incorpo- sidered to be jade weapons. Alternate Form: See the Monster Manual
real, spirit, and Shadowlands monsrers, glossary.
includmg many of the new monslers in
Chapter g of Oriental Adventures.
Obsidian Weapons: Obsidian weapons Ul-\Mf-\Ge ~e!>llCTIOn [",E:\llSl011
are treated as jade for purposes of Monster Damage Reduction
bypassing the damage reduction of Demon. Bebdith IK1ti no Ont) 10/jade
Shadowlands creatures and negating Monsrrous Spider. large. fiend•~
their regeneration. {Goblin Spider)
Oc1opus. QL3n1. fiendish
(Qaretosu no Bakcmono) .sfhonorable
Raksnasa sfhonorable and pternnp

www.palzo.com/dragon 43
*'Bakemono Change Shape (Su): Replaces Alternate Treasure: Triple standard
Hit Dice: 1d8+2 (6 hp) Form, otherwise as wrirren. Skills: In addition to the skills noted in
Full Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d8+2) and 2 the Monster Manual as class skills for all
claws -1 melee (1d6+1) f;centlpede, Spirit, Greater dragons. Disguise, Perform, and Swim
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Space/ Reach: 5 ft./ 5 ft. are class skills for all lung dragons.
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 2, Skills: Diplomacy +8, Escape Artist +to,
Wis 9. Cha 4 Hide +14, Intimidate +8. Knowledge f;Gakl, jlkl-Nlku-Gakl
Saves: Fort +4, Will -1 (spirits) +8, Listen +11, Move Silently Space/ Reach: 5 ft./ 5 ft.
Level Adjustment: +o +10, Spot +11 Skills: Hide +4. Listen +4, Move Silently
The entry given describes a bakemono Feats: Alertness, Weapon Finesse +4, Spot +4
warrior 1. Change Shape (Su): Replaces Alternate Feats: Alertness, Multiattack
Form, otherwise as written.
f;Blsan . Gakl, Shlkkl-Gakl
Space/ Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. f;Doc Cu'o'c Space/ Reach: 5 ft./ 5 ft.
Damage Reduction: 5/cold iron s s
Space/ Reach: ft./ ft. Damage Reduction: 5/honorable
Skills: Hide +15, Knowledge (arcana) +14, Damage Reduction: 5/jade Skills: Hide +J, Listen +5, Move Silently
Knowledge (spirits) +14, Listen +17, Move Skills: Bluff +17, Concentration +14, +4, Search +1, Spot +5
Silently +15, Spot +17. Survival +15 Diplomacy +19, Gather Information +6,
Feats: Alertness, Dodge, Improved Hide +13, Intimidate +19, Knowledge f;Gakl, Shlnen-Gakl
Initiative. Weapon Finesse (local) +16. Knowledge (nature) +181 Space/ Reach: 5 ft./ 5 ft.
Knowledge (spirits) +16. Listen +19. Spot Damage Reduction: 5/ honorable
• Bo1Hag +19, Survival +17 Skills: Intimidate +s. Listen q. Search
Medium Monstrous Humanoid f eats: Alertness. Blind-Fight, Combat +4, Sense Motive +5, Spot +7
(Shapechanger) Expertise. Improved Trip f eats: Alertness, Weapon Finesse
Full Attack: 2 claws +2 melee (1d6 i>lus Spell-like Abilities: Replace oath with Fire Subtype: See the Monster Manual
disease) lesser gtUJs. glossary.
Space/ Reach: 5 ft./ 5 ft.
Saves: Fort +2 t;ookuft.t f;Gakl, jlkl-Ketsu·Gakl
Skills: Bluff +7, Disguise +7~. Listen +5, Huge/ Medium Aberration s
Space/ Reach: ft./5 ft.
Sense Motive +3, Spot +5 (Shapechanger) Damage Reduction: 10/ honorable
f ire Vulnerability: See the Monster Space/ Reach: 15 ft./15 ft. Skills: Hide +11, Listen +14, Move
Manual glossary. Saves: As human: Fort +6, Ref +]': as Silently +11, Perform (string instru-
spider: Fort +13, Ref +g ments) +13. Spot +14
f;euso, Tlgbanua Skills: Bluff +21, Climb +27 (+20 as
Hit Dice: 8d8+3 (39 hp) human), Diplomacy +4. Disguise +1t. • Hannya
Space/ Reach: 5 ft./ 5 ft. Intimidate +23. Listen +6, Spot +25 Space/ Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Skills: Listen +7. Spot +8 Implant Eggs: Add ar the end. "A Skills: Hide +g, Listen +9, Spot +10
feats: Alertness, Toughness. Weapon remove disease spell rids a victim of rhe f eats: Alertness. Blind-Fight. Dodge
Finesse eggs, as does a successful DC 20 Heal Change Shape (Su): A hannya can
check. If the check fails. the healer can assume the form of any humanoid
f;c entlpede, Spirit, Least try again, but each attempr deals 1d4 creature. (This replaces its polymorph
Space/ Reach: 1 ft./o ft. points of damage to the patient:' self spell-like ability.)
Skills: Escape Artist +8, Hide +20.
Intimidate +1, Move Silently +8 f;oragon, Lung, General f;Hebl-no-onna
Feat: Weapon finesse Refer to the Monster Manual entry on Initiative: +1
Change Shape (Su): Replaces Alternate true dragons for introductory material. Space/ Reach: 5 ft./ 5 fr.
Form, otherwise as written. Lung dragons have altemate form, Skills: Bluff +12, Concentration +g,
detect thoughts, invisibility. and plane Oiplo-macy +15, Hide +9. Intimidate
• c entipede, Spirit, Lesser shift (as detailed in Oriental Adventures). +13, Listen +12, Move Silently +g,
Space/ Reach: 2-1/2 ft./o ft. but their abilities otherwise conform to Perform (singing) +11, Search +12,
Skills: Diplomacy +6, Escape Artist +6. those in the Monster Manual. Sense Motive +12
Hide +19, Intimidate +4, Move Silently Damage Reduction: Young adult f eats: Combat Casting, Empower Spell.
+II, Spot +5 5/magic; Mature adult 10/magic; Very Great Fortitude. Still Spell, Weapon
Feats: Stealthy, Weapon Finesse old ·~/magic; Wyrm 20/magic finesse

44 April 2004
. Hengeyokal f; Mamono Skills: Climb +6, listen +4, Spot +.q
Medium Humanoid (Shapechanger) Space/Reach: 5 fr./ 5 ft. Feats: Cleave, Power Anack
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp) Damage Reduction: 5/ honorable Level Adjustment: ,..2
Attack: Katana +4 melee (1d10+1) Skills: Bluff +15, Diplomacy +9,
Space/ Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Disguise +15*, Intimidate +1, Sense f;Naga, Shlnomen, Cobra
Abilities: Str 13. Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Motive +10 Large Monstrous Humanoid
Wis 7, Cha 8 Feats: Dodge, Mobility. Spring Attack Attack: Spear +4 melee (2d6+3) or
Saves: Fort +3, Will -z Taint (Su): Those hit by a mamono's composite shortbow +3 ranged (td8)
Skills: Climb +4. Disguise .,~. Jump +4 bite or claw attack must succeed at a Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Feat: Weapon Focus (katana) DC 17 Fortitude save or have their Saves: Will +5
Level Adjustment: +o Taint score increased by +z. The DC is Skills: Concentration +8, Knowledge
Constitution based. (arcana) +7. Spellcraft +9
f;Hopplng Vampire Skills: A mamono gains a +4 racial Feats: Combat Casting. Spell Penetration
Space/ Reach: ft./ 5 ft. bonus on Bluff and Disguise checks. Level Adjustment: +3
Full Attack: 2 claws +11 melee (1d4+3) *When using its alter self ability. it
Damage Reduction: 10/honorable gains an additional +10 bonus on f;Naga, Shlnomen, Constrictor
Skills: Climb +10. Intimidate +7. Jump Disguise checks. Huge Monstrous Humanoid
+10 Attack: Stam +7 melee (1d6+7)
Feats: Toughness. Power Attack, f; Naga, Shlnomen, Greensnake Space/ Reach: 15 ft./t5 ft.
Weapon Focus (claw) Hit Dice: 1d6 (3 hp) Saves: Will +9
Attack: Spear +o melee (1d8), compos- Skills: Heal +13, Knowledge (arcana) +8.
f;Kappa ite shortbow +2 ranged (1d6) Knowledge (religion) +8
Space/ Reach: 5 ft./ 5 ft. Space/ Reach: 5 ft./ 5 ft. Feats: Iron Will, Skill Focus (Heat)
Full Attack: 2 claws +9 melee (1d3+3) Abilities: Str 10, Dex 14, Con 9. Int 11, Level Adjustment: +s
Damage Reduction: 5/magic Wis 12, Cha 13
Skills: Escape Artist +5, Hide +8, Saves: Fort -1, Ref +2, Will +3 . Nat, Elnsaung Nat
Listen +6 Skills: Bluff +4. Diplomacy +4, Space/Reach: 5 ft./ 5 ft.
Feats: Toughness, Weapon Focus Knowledge (local) +4, Listen +5, Sense Special Qualities: Resistance to electric-
(claw) Motive +5, Speak Language ity 5 and fire 5
Level Adjustment: +3 (Rokugani), Spot +5 Damage Reduction: 5/cold iron
Level Adjustment: +1 Skills: Craft (any) +s. Diplomacy +6.
f;Kl-rln The entry describes a greensnake Hide +12, Knowledge (local) +5, Listen
Initiative: +4 expert 1. The expert began with the +4. Search +s. Spor +3
Space/Reach: 15 ft.ho ft. following ability scores before applying
Skills: Concentration +20, Diplomacy the greensnake racial modifiers: Str 8. \tNat, Hkum Yeng Nat
+8, Knowledge (arcana) +19. Listen Dex 10, Con 9. Int n. Wis 12, Cha 13. Space/ Reach: 5 ft./ 5 ft.
+22, Sense Motive +20, Spellcrafr +21, Special Qualities: Resistance ro electric-
Spot +22 f; Naga, ShlMmen, Chameleon ity 5 and fire 5
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight. Flyby Large Monstrous Humanoid Damage Reduction: 5/cold iron
Attack, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes Attack: Spear +2 melee (2d6+1), or Skills: Bluff +8. Diplomacy +3. Hide +8,
composite shortbow +1 ranged (1d8) Intimidate +10, listen +6, Move Silently
f;Korobokuru Space/Reach: 10 ft./lo ft. +8,Spot+5
Hit Dice: 1d8+2 (6 hp) Saves: Will +J Feats: Alertness, Dodge
Attack: Scimitar +3 melee Skills: Hide +g*, Listen +z, Move Spell-Like Abilities: Replace oath with
(1d4+i/18-20), shortbow +2 ranged Silently +13, Spot +7 lesser geas.
(1d4) Level Adjustment: +2
Space/ Reach: 5 ft./ S ft. f;Nat, Lu Nat
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 7. f; Naga, Shlnomen, Asp Space/ Reach: 5 ft./ 5 ft.
Wis 10, Cha 8 Large Monstrous Humanoid Special Qualities: Resistance to electric-
Saves: Fort +4 Attack: Spear +4 melee (2d6+3), or ity 5 and fire 5
Skills: Listen +4, Spot +21 Survival +z composite shortbow (+2 $tr bonus) +1 Damage Reduction: 5/cold iron
Feat: Alertness ranged (1d8+2) Skills: Hide +12, Intimidate +11, Move
Level Adjustment: +o Space/Reach: 10 ft.ho ft. Silently +1z, Spot +11
Saves: Will +3 Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Multiattack

www.palzo.com/dragon 45
\&!Nature Spirtt Feats: Awesome Blow. Cleave, • Oni, Shlklbu no Onl
Damage Reduction: 5/cold iron Improved Bull Rush. Improved Sunder, Space/Reach: 5 f1./ 5 ft.
Wild Empathy (Ex): This power works Power Attack Damage Reduction: 10/jade
exactly like the dl'\!id's wild empathy Skills: Bluff +10, Diplomacy +6, Disguise
class feature. The nature spirit's effec- f ;Oni, Me-Zu Oni +10, Hide +11, Intimidate +12, Knowledge
tive druid level equals its Hit Dice. Space/Reach: 10 ft.ho ft. {Shadowlands} +10, listen +9, Move
Skills: Climb +19, Jump +19. listen +16. Silently +11, Search +10, Sense Motive
\ tNature Spirit, Sm all Spot +16 +9, Spot +9
Space/Reach: 5 ft./ 5 ft. Feats: Cleave, Combat Casting, Feats: Dodge. Improved Initiative
Skills: Hide +10, Listen +4. Move Improved Sunder, Power Arrack Enlarge (Sp): At will, a shikibu no oni can
Silently +6, Sense Motive +s, Spot +s. Spells: Change polymorph other to fire grow to Medium size as though affected
Survival +5 shield. by an enlarge person spell cast by a 71h-
level maho-rsukai.
e Nature Spirit, Medium "»onl, Shadowlands
Space/Reach: 5 fr./ 5 ft. Regeneration: All oni take normal dam- f ;onl, Ugulu no Oni
Skills: Diplomacy +12, Hide +10, age from jade or Kuni crystal weapons. Space/Reach: 10 ft./io ft.
Knowledge (nature) +11, Listen +12, Damage Reduction: 10/jade
Move Silently +10, Sense Motive +10, f ;onJ, Halno no Oni Skills: Bluff +12, Diplomacy +4, Intimidate
Spot +12, Sur vival +10 Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. (15 ft. with +14, Jump +20. Knowledge
Feats: Alermess. Improved Initiative tongue) (Shadowlands) +12, listen +14, Search
Skiffs: Balance +s. Bluff +11, Climb +15. +12, Sense Motive +14, Spot +14
-J!Nature Spirit, Large Diplomacy +15, Disguise +11•, Hide +10, Feats: Cleave, Grear Cleave, Improved
Space/Reach: 10 ft.ho fr. Intimidate +13, Jump +n, Move Silently Bull Rush, Power Attack
Skills: Diplomacy +17, Hide +13, +10, Sense Motive +8. Tumble +14
Intimidate +15, Knowledge lnature) +16, Feats: Acrobatic, Weapon Finesse f ;onl, Akuma no Onl
Listen +17, Move Silently +13. Sense Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. (5 Ft. with
Motive +15, Spot +17, Survival +15 f ;onl, Ashi no Oni tongues)
Fears: Alertness. Combat Expertise, Space/Reach: 10 fr./10 ft. (15 ft. with Damage Reduction: 15/jade
Improved Initiative rentacles) Skills: Bluff +17, Concentration +19,
Damage Reduction: 10/jade Diplomacy +6, Knowledge (Shadowlands)
* Nezumi Skills: Concenrrarion +13. Escape Artist +15, listen +16, Search +15, Sense
Hit Dice: 1d8+2 (6 hp) +14, Hide +10, Intimidate +13, listen +t2, Morive +16, Spellcraft +15. Spot +16
Attack: Nagamaki +3 melee (2d4+1/x3), Move Silently +14, Spot +12, Survival +12 Feats: Cleave, Dodge, Great Cleave,
or unarmed srri\\e +2 me!ee (1d4+1), or Feats: Dodge, Power Attack, Weapon Mobility, Power Attack
composite shortbow +1 ranged (id6+1) Focus (Thorns)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./ 5 ft. f ;onl, Kyoso no Onl
Abilities: Srr 13. Dex 11, Con 14, Int 10, f ;o nl, Sanru no Oni Full Attack: 4 claws +10 melee (1d6+4).
Wis g, Cha 6 Space/Reach: 5 ft./ 5 ft. or unholy fire +6/+6 ranged (1d4 tem-
Saves: Fort +4. Will -1 Damage Reduction: 10/jade porary Charisma)
Skills: Climb +4, Hide +1, Jump +4, Skills: Balance +12, Bluff +t2, Diplomacy Space/Reach: 10 ft.ho ft.
Move Silently +1 +s. Intimidate +14, Knowledge Damage Reduction: 15/jade
level Adjustment: +o (Shadowlands) +10. Usren +13. Move Skills: Bluff +15, Concentration +13,
Silently +12, Search +10, Spot +13. Diplomacy +19, Hide +8, Intimidate +17,
f ;o ni, Common Survival +11 Knowledge (Shadowlands) +13, listen
Space/Reach: 10 ft.ho ft. Feats: Alertness. Flyby Attack. Power +14, Move Silently +12, Search +13,
Feats: Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Attack Sense Morive +14, Spot +14
Power Arrack Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot,
Spit Copper : A copper globule is e,i:Oni, Kamu no Onl Rapid Shot
worth 1d4 gp and weighs 5 pounds. Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. Spell-like Abilities: Remove enlarge.
Damage Reduction: 10/jade
\ tOni, Go-Zu Oni Skills: Balance +14, Climb +20, Intimidate f ;onl, Yattoko no Onl
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 fr. +13, Jump +20. listen +12, Survival +12 Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ~- (o ft. with bite)
Skills: Climb +19, Jump +19, listen +17, Feats: Cleave, Earth's Embrace, Damage Reduction: is/jade
Spot +17 Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack Skills: Bluff +20, Climb +23,

46 Aprll 2004
Concentration +22, Diplomacy +7, Hide Silen1ly +17, Spot +15 ' tRokuro-Kubl
+14, Intimidate +5. Jump -123. Knowledge feats: Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. (20 ft. wi1h bite)
(Shadowlands) +19, lls1en +19, Search Mult1anack, Power Anack Skills: Bluff ·q , Diplomacy +2, Disguise
+19. Sense Motive +19, Spot +19 Spell-like Abir.ties: Remove enlarge. +10, Intimidate +2
feats: Cleave, Exper1ise, Grear Cleave, Feats: Improved Initiative, Skill focus
Improved Sunder, Power Attack f ;Onl, Tsuburu no Onl (Disguise)
Space/Reach: 15 ft.15 ft.
• Onl, Byokl no Onl Damage Reduction: is/jade e sh\roklnukatsukam\
Space/Reach: 10 r1./,o ft. Skills: Bluff +18, Concentra1ion +23, Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ff.
Damage Reducfion: 15/jade Diplomacy +4, Intimidate +20. Knowledge Special Qualities: Resistance to fire 10
Skills: Climb +20, Concentration +20, (Shadowlands) +18, Listen +18, Search Damage Reduction: 15/evil
Diplomacy +3, Intimidate +17, Jump +18, Sense Motive +16, Spot +18 Skills: Balance +17, Concentration +18,
+24, Knowledge (Shadowlands) -1-17, Feats: Alertness, Awesome Blow, Cleave, Diplomacy +22, Jump +11, Knowledge
Listen +18, Sense Motive +18, Spol +18. Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, (arcana) +19, Knowledge (spirits) +19,
Survival +18 Power Attack Listen +19, Search +19, Sense Motive
feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Great +19, Spellcraft +21, Spot +19, Survival
Fonitude, Improved Bull Rush, Power ...Onikage +19, Tumble +15
A"ack Space/Reach. 10 ft./5 ft. feats: Combat Expertise, Flyby Attack.
Skills: Jump +25, Listen +8, Spot +7 Improved Disarm. Improved Initiative,
f ;onl, Gekldo no Onl Feats: Alenness, Power Anack Superior Expertise
Space/Reach: 10 ft.ho ft Rake (Ex): Melee anack bonus +16,
Damage Reduction: 1sfjade f ;Pennaggolan damage 2d4+2. See the Monster Man-
Skins: Climb •19. Hide +17, ln11m1date Special Qualities: Resistance to cold 10 ual glossary.
+15, Jump +23, Knowledge and electricity 10
(Shadowlands) +14, L1s1en +15, Move Damage Reduction: sfhonorable


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• sp1rtt r<>lk Weapon Focus (katana) Skills: Bluff +14, Climb +16, Diplomacy
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp) level Adjustment: +5 +5, Jump +16, Listen +14, Spot +14
Anack: Short sword +3 melee Feats: Cleave, Grear Cleave, Power
(1d6+1/tg-20), or javelin +1 ranged f;road, Giant Attack
(1d6+1) Medium Animal l evel Adjustment: +2
Space/ Reach: 5 ft./ 5 ft. Hit Dice: 2d8+2 (n hp) fear Cone: A tsuno can use this ability
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int g, Wis Space/ Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. (10 ft. with three times per day.
10. Cha 8 tongue)
Saves: Forr +3 feat: Dodge f;wang-Uang
Level Adjustment: +o Swallow Whole: The interior of a giant Initiative: +2
toad has an AC of 12. AC: 20 (-1 size, +5 natural, +6 splint),
f;rako Skills: All varieties of giant toad receive touch 9, flat-footed 20
Space/ Reach: 5 ft./ 5 fl. a +i2 racial bonus on Jump checks. Space/Reach: 10 ft./ lilt ft.
Skills: Climb +12, Hide +13 •. Move Abilities: Dex 15
Silently +g, Swim +13 .-road, Are Save$: Ref +4
Feats: Multiweapon Fighting. Power Space/ Reach: 5 Ft./o ft. Skills: Bluff +12, Diplomacy +14,
Arrack Skills: Jump +4. Listen +4. Spot +3 Intimidate +14, Listen +12. Spot +12
CR: 3 Swallow Whole: The interior of a fire Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency
Feats: Multiweapon Fighting (In combina- toad has an AC of 10. Oajatang), Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon
tion with its natural abilities, a tako's fire Subtype: See the Monster Manual Focus (lajatang)
Multiweapon Fighting feat allows it to glossary. Level Adjustment: -t-J
attack with seven anns at no penalry.) Wields a lajatang sited for a Large crea-
f;road, Poisonous ture; damage is correct.
.-ras101 Medium Animal
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp) Hit Dice: 2d8+4 (13 hp) f;ret1
Full Attack: Spear +2 melee (1d6), or 2 Space/Reach: s ft./ 5 ft. (10 ft. with Space/ Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
claws +2 melee {1d4), or spear +3 ranged tongue) Skills: Climb +8, Hide -1*, Move Silently
(1d6) Skills: Hide +11*, Jump +6 +3, Survival +4
Space/ Reach: 5 ft./ 5 ft. Feat: Dodge Feats: Power Attack, Stealthy
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 13, Con 12. Int 8, Wis Swallow Whole: The interior of a poison- level Adjustment: +3
9, Cha 8 ous toad has an AC of 10. Cold Subtype: See the Monsrer Manual
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +1, Will -1 Skills: *A poisonous toad's skin colors glossary.
Skills: Climb +g, Hide +6, Listen +2. give it a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks.
Move Silenrly +2, Spot +2 \ tYukl-on-na
Organization: Solitary, clutch {2-12), band f;road, Ice Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
(ro-100 plus 30% noncombatants plus 1 Space/ Reach: 10 fl./ 5 ft. (10 ft. with Damage Reduction: 5/cold iron
4th-level r.ghter, 13rd-level shaman, and tongue) Skills: Bluff +15, Diplomacy +19, Hide
2-8 spider eaters) Skills: Hide -1*. Jump +16, Listen +J, +16*, Intimidate +6, listen +15, Sense
Level Adjustment. +o Spot +3 Motive +13, Spot +15, Survival +13
The entry describes a tasloi warrior 1. Fears: Dodge, Improved Initiative Level Adjustment: +3
Swallow Wholt: The interior of an ice Cold Subtype: See me Monster Manual
'lnengu, Crow-Headed toad has an AC of 13. glossary.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Cold Subtype: See the Monster Manual Skills: •A yuki-on-na gains a +4 racial
SkiUs: Diplomacy +3, laijutsu Focus +6, glossary. bonus on Hide checks. In areas of snow
Intimidate +6, Sense Motive +7 Skills: •An ice toad's coloration gives it a and ice, the bonus rises to +12.
fears: Dodges, Mobility +4 racial bonus on Hide checks in areas Lose the Way (Sp): The character cannot
Level Adjustment: +3 of snow and ice. use Survival to avoid becoming lost, and
Spell-like Abilities: 1/day-shout. loses his innate sense of north if he has
;t'rsuno 5 or more ranks in Survival. The char-
*1-engu, Human-Headed Full Attack: Falchion +12/+7 melee acter cannot even find his way out of a
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. (2d6q). and bite +7 melee (1d8+2), and closet without assisrance, although he is
Skills: Diplomacy +12, laijutsu Focus +10. gore +7 melee (1d8+2) perfectly capable of following other
Intimidate +10. Sense Morive +11 Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. characters. e
Feats: DodgeB, Mobility8, Spring Attack, Damage Reduction: 10/ honorable

48 April 2004

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