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Maintenance Management

and Applied Strategies 2

This chapter describes the basics of maintenance management systems and key
factors for successful organization and performance. It also points out the main
characteristics of major maintenance strategies with their advantages and

Maintenance strategy 
Preventive maintenance 
Predictive maintenance 
Reliability-centered maintenance Proactive maintenance Maintenance system 
Maintenance management 
Assets management Human 

resources Spare parts management FMECA 

2.1 Maintenance Management Systems

The European Federation of National Maintenance Societies defines maintenance as:

“All actions which have as an objective to retain an item in or restore it to, a state in
which it can perform the required function. The actions include the combination of
all technical and corresponding administrative, managerial, and supervision
Maintenance is an inevitable segment and essential activity in every manufac-
turing and service plant. Since the basic rule is to have a process that would gain
more money than it costs, the only way to provide optimum reliability of equipment
is to choose the most efficient and cost-effective maintenance for all components of
the machinery. According to DuPont, maintenance is the largest single controllable
expenditure in a plant and therefore it attracts the attention of the overall man-
agement system in the organization [1–3]. Following the many researches ongoing
in the last decade, as Deloux et al. [4], Marquez [1] as well as Moubray [3], and
many others [4–8], maintenance has gone through rapid change over the last
century in order to develop strategies that would explicitly relate the system

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 9

Z. Stamboliska et al., Proactive Condition Monitoring of Low-Speed Machines,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-10494-2_2
10 2 Maintenance Management and Applied Strategies

performance to operating environment and create increased awareness that main-

tenance not only affects product quality, equipment availability, and costs, but also
overall safety and environment.
Today, maintenance represents complex management processes within organi-
zations. It associates many internal processes such as production, quality assurance,
and environment improvement and in the last years, risk analysis in the organizations
[4, 9] and safety of people and organizations. This process comprises:

• Definition of the maintenance strategy; and

• Implementation of the strategy [1].

The determination of the strategy is of prime importance and the starting point
for any company. Below is given an insight into this item:

Maintenance strategy represents a plan of actions or policies designed to achieve a

targeted aim in a company. It is about integrating organizational activities and
utilizing and allocating the limited resources within the organizational environment
so as to meet the pre-defined objectives.

While planning a strategy it is essential to consider that decisions are going to

affect the overall company’s operations in both horizontal and vertical lines
involving own employees, suppliers, and customers. It should provide conditions
for effective maintenance (plans, schedules, controls, inspections, and improve-
ments) resulting in minimized expenditure (direct and indirect costs) and company
satisfaction with capacity and conditions of the assets.
Implementation of the strategy is related to the maintenance management ability
to deal with many different implementation issues (finding properly skilled per-
sonnel, tools and monitoring systems and techniques, work monitoring, contractor
management, etc.). However, implementation is much dependent on the definition
of proper maintenance strategy and its appropriateness for the organization and
A good representation of today’s good Maintenance management system was
given by Crespo Marqez et al. in their work “The maintenance management
framework: A practical view to maintenance management” [1]. An upgraded model
based on this article is presented in Fig. 2.1, which describes the phases of the
system and their role in maintenance effectiveness, efficiency, assessment, and
continuous improvement.
The whole story starts actually from the overall company’s targets and KPIs. The
required efficiency of the processes is translated into tangible maintenance objec-
tives and KPIs and their ranges that would provide the first.
In-depth knowledge is required of own equipment to make good prioritization of
the assets and define their maintenance strategy. Tools as FMECA, RFCA, history
records, manufacturers’ recommendations are needed in this phase as they are of
2.1 Maintenance Management Systems 11

Phase I Phase II Phase III
Definition of the main- Assets priority and Immediate intervention
tenance objectives and maintenance strategy on high impact weak
KPI’s definition points

Phase VIII Improvement Phase IV

Proactive actions: Con- Design of maintenance
tinuous improvement plans and plan re-
and new techniques uti- sources in according to
lization Strategy

Phase VII Phase VI Phase V

Asset life cycle analy- Maintenance execu- Preventive & Predictive
sis, replacement optimi- tion, assessment and maintenance plans and
zation, RFCA control resources optimization

Assessment Efficiency

Fig. 2.1 Maintenance management model [1]

crucial importance. Recognizing the weakest points of the system or facility to be

maintained, it may be necessary to intervene immediately on them with high impact to
bring them to some level of reliability. The next phase is the operational phase where
maintenance plans and needed resources are defined based on the maintenance
strategy. Preventive and predictive maintenance plans are to be designed as fine-
tuning of previous phase, schedules of inspections and actions, required tools, per-
sonnel, infrastructure, define predictive maintenance activities in the course of
equipment lifetime optimization. This phase, or employed maintenance strategies,
such as the preventive, predictive, proactive maintenance, reliability-centered main-
tenance are those that affect the efficiency of the maintenance overall. Having done
this crucial preparatory part of maintenance, it is essential to execute maintenance
activities as inspections, repairs, replacements, modifications etc., assessment of the
same and control. It is the well-known PDAC principle applied: Plan-Do-Act-Check.
Once these phases are ongoing, next is to analyze the assets’ lifecycle and optimize
replacement. Especially, the use of the RFCA in detection of the real root causes
affecting the lifetime of an asset has been proven beneficial. This phase is also an input
to the next phase representing the proactive approach, which is directed toward the
improvement of overall maintenance by proactively undertaking various improve-
ment actions, employing new techniques, etc.
The core issue in maintenance management process, as already mentioned, is
accurately choosing the type of maintenance strategy to be applied for a certain
equipment. To have a better understanding, the basic principles as well as advan-
tages and disadvantages are given as follows.
12 2 Maintenance Management and Applied Strategies

2.2 Basic Principles of Maintenance Strategies

In general, all maintenance strategies could be appropriate and also cost-effective

for some components. During the last century, from maintenance non-existence,
this area has developed through many different approaches into a process that is one
of the most significant processes in both production or servicing organizations
(Fig. 2.2). Despite the stages of development, even today different pieces of
equipment need the most optimized maintenance strategy:

• “Operate to break down” (or “fix when breaks”-Reactive Maintenance: ReM),

• Preventive maintenance-PM (or some called Fixed time maintenance),
• Predictive PdM (Condition based maintenance: CBM) or most sophisticated
• Pro-active maintenance-ProM (Design Out Maintenance).

Determination of the proper approach is governed by the criticality of the

equipment [3, 10−12] and overall maintenance framework of the company
(Fig. 2.2).

Performance of
Maintenance Reliability Centered Maintenance
Fix it before it Don’t just fix it,
breaks & at most improve it
Fix it before it appropriate time
Fix it when it Predictive
breaks =CBM
fix it

Criticality of equipment
1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Historical development

Just fix it when it -Higher plant -Higher plant Availability & Reliability
breaks availability - Greater Safety
Maintenance -Longer equipment - Better product quality
Expectations life - Environment protection
- Longer equipment life
- Greater cost effectiveness

Fig. 2.2 Main maintenance strategies [3, 10]

2.2 Basic Principles of Maintenance Strategies 13

Maintenance strategies have started being developed from the basic reactive
approach, where the maintenance teams were huge and focused everyday on the
correction of existing defects dealing with large amount of spares and no man-
agement of any maintenance issue.
Becoming aware of the meaning of equipment reliability that was providing
continual throughput of the industrial lines with less quality difficulties, companies
and researchers have started organizing systematic planning and scheduling of
repair activities involving technologies for condition monitoring of equipment.
Thus maintenance teams were able to fix problems before a failure would happen.
However, this was still not enough in modern competitive industries where the
production capacities were maximalistic and every downtime was a risk to lose
potential client as well as causing profit/loss due to not actualized production. It was
inevitable to continue efforts in further development of maintenance strategies and
the predictive and later proactive approach was the answer. Technologies of con-
dition monitoring were upgraded with statistical methods of data processing, use of
more sophisticated methods, and probability methods for estimation of equipment
components’ lifetime. This led us to a state where potential failures could be sensed,
lifetime predicted fairly accurately, and maintenance was able to undertake cor-
rective actions in planned shutdowns, thus not disturbing the production and even
more, inventory could to be better planned and optimized. In conditions of tough
competition, but even more, in the recent economical crisis, in the first decade of
this century, every possible savings in production was welcomed and pressure was
put on all involved parties to improve both fixed and variable costs. Time difference
between planned outages was challenged to increase and it affected maintenance
further to work not only at correcting, but also at improving equipment and to
extend their lifetime. Therefore proactive maintenance has taken the leading role in
most modern industries.
Today, the meaning of the modern maintenance organization is founded on
anticipation what will happen in the future and planning and scheduling corrective
and improvement actions in advance [13, 14]. It is “Thinking”-oriented approach
where the first step that companies tend to follow is to change the work attitudes or
awareness. It is actually a complex maintenance system called Reliability-Centered
Maintenance (RCM) comprising all activities of the mentioned formalized main-
tenance strategies (ReM, PM, PdM, PrM) and applying them on the overall criti-
cality and risk assessment of the organization and plant equipment.

2.2.1 Preventive Maintenance

The activities for taking care and servicing for the purpose of maintaining equip-
ment and facilities in satisfactory operating condition by systematic inspection,
detection, and correction of incipient failures either before they occur or before they
develop into major defects is known as preventive maintenance [3, 10]. According
to ISO13372: 2004 (E), it is maintenance performed according to a fixed schedule,
14 2 Maintenance Management and Applied Strategies

or according to a prescribed criterion that detects or prevents degradation of a

functional structure, system, or component in order to sustain or extend the useful
life. It is a schedule of planned maintenance actions aimed at the prevention of
breakdowns and failures thus enhancing equipment reliability.
Preventive maintenance activities include so-called Essential Care activities
(cleaning, lubrication, alignment, adjustments, filtration, balancing, and good
operations practices) and partial or complete overhauls at specified periods (Fixed
Time Maintenance). In addition, for good and effective preventive maintenance, it
is necessary to have well-organized and documented system scheduling periodical
checks, corrective actions, and evaluation of findings and incorporating them into
the maintenance activities. Follow-up of all findings and corrective actions taken
are of prime importance for achieving full benefit of the preventive maintenance.
Commercially available softwares (as SAP, SKF Marlin, CMMS PMXpert, Fast-
Maint CMMS, EVAM- SPM etc.) exist to support the organization in preventive
There are multiple misconceptions about preventive maintenance such as that it
is unduly costly, and this was already argued by many authors such as Castro,
Huynh, Barros, Berenger, Pantazopulos, etc., in [10, 14, 15]. This logic dictates that
it would cost more for regularly scheduled downtime and maintenance than it
would normally cost to operate equipment until repair is absolutely necessary. What
here is often elapsed is that such “absolutely necessary repair” can be needed in
very unfavorable times for the market/production and also in most cases there will
be already developed other significant damages of related components tending to
fail soon after.
Long-term benefits of preventive maintenance include:

• Improved system reliability.

• Decreased cost of replacement.
• Decreased system downtime.
• Better spares inventory management than of corrective maintenance where all
items are required at all times.

2.2.2 Predictive Maintenance

Predictive maintenance techniques help in determination of the condition of

in-service equipment in order to predict when maintenance should be performed.
This means it does not prevent anything itself, but gives information on failures that
are developing toward a breakdown. This gives plants the possibility to plan and
schedule maintenance corrective actions and provides all necessary resources.
According to ISO13372:2004, it is maintenance strategy that emphasizes prediction
of a failure and taking action based on the condition of the equipment to prevent
failure or degradation. This approach offers cost savings over routine or time-based
preventive maintenance because tasks are performed only when warranted. It can be
2.2 Basic Principles of Maintenance Strategies 15

performed within the planned maintenance shutdown, or in the best case even use
operational shutdown such as setup, cleaning, process changes, market conditions,
The “predictive” component of the term Predictive Maintenance stems (PdM)
from the goal of predicting the future trend of the equipment’s condition. This
approach uses principles of statistical process control to determine at what point in
the future maintenance activities will be appropriate. For example, as shown by
many condition-monitoring techniques [7, 16−21] using the vibration monitoring of
a bearing, by PM it would be recognized that the bearing has damage and it would
have to be replaced. Unlike PM, with PdM, mathematical trending could be used as
tool to estimate based on the historical progress of the bearing condition parameters
and working conditions when a failure could be expected, early enough to organize
corrective actions.
Most PdM inspections are performed while equipment is in service, thereby
minimizing disruption of normal system operations.
In the literature and among industry users, often Preventive maintenance is
called a maintenance system containing all activities of condition monitoring,
misconceptually called as Predictive maintenance. Based on the opinion of other
resources [3, 12] and the authors of this book, Predictive maintenance system is a
maintenance strategy that actually has been superstructured over Preventive
maintenance. It is a system that uses the tools of condition monitoring as a com-
prehensive way to determine possible failures early enough and then act to prevent
potential failures. It has been also historically developed after the establishment of
preventive maintenance, but it is actually a kind of “controlling management sys-
tem” for the actions of preventive maintenance.
PdM is also called condition based maintenance as it attempts to evaluate the
condition of equipment by performing periodic or continuous (online) equipment
monitoring. The ultimate goal of PdM is to perform maintenance at a scheduled
point in time when the maintenance activity is most cost-effective and before the
equipment fails in service. However, it must be pointed out that in most cases the
maintenance management decides in establishing combined systems for preventive/
predictive maintenance system based on the criticality of equipment and costs
required to have the system running.

2.2.3 Proactive Maintenance

It is an industrial improvement approach focused on identifying and establishing the

operational, maintenance, and capital improvement policies together that will
manage the risks of equipment failure most effectively. According to
ISO13372:2004, it is a type of maintenance emphasizing the routine detection and
correction of root causes that would otherwise lead to a failure. Accepted methods
of PM and PdM strategies combat machine damage based on either detecting the
warning signs of failure once they have already begun (predictive) or regular
16 2 Maintenance Management and Applied Strategies

maintenance according to a schedule rather than the machine’s true condition

(preventive). None of these take a micro view on machine damage—concentrating
on the causes instead of the symptoms of damage.
Proactive maintenance commissions corrective actions aimed at the sources of
failure. It is designed to extend the life of equipment components as opposed to
(1) making repairs when often nothing is broken, (2) accommodating failure as
routine and normal, and (3) preempting crisis failure maintenance—all of which are
characteristics of the predictive/preventive disciplines. Proactive Maintenance is all
the techniques that we can use while equipment is functioning well. It actually
emphasizes the use of Predictive Maintenance techniques in addition to traditional
preventive measures. Based on Proactive maintenance, three main risks from
equipment failures are to be recognized:

• the risk to safety and environment,

• the risk to operations, and
• the risk to the maintenance budget.

Based on these risks, proactive maintenance applies any one of the known
maintenance strategies:

• on-condition maintenance tasks (CBM),

• scheduled restoration or discard maintenance tasks,
• failure-finding maintenance tasks, and
• one-time changes to the “system” (changes to hardware design, to operations, or
to other things) so that a prolonged lifetime would be obtained.

According to the analysis of Moubray [3], some of the most beneficial

improvements that proactive maintenance has introduced are the following:

• changing from efforts to predict life expectancies to trying to manage the process
of failure,
• an understanding that the vast majority of failures are not necessarily linked to
the age of the asset,
• an understanding of the difference between the requirements of an assets from a
user perspective, and the design reliability of the asset,
• an understanding of the importance of managing assets on condition (often
referred to as condition monitoring, condition-based maintenance, and predictive
• an understanding of the four basic routine maintenance tasks [on-condition
maintenance tasks, scheduled restoration or discard maintenance tasks, failure-
finding maintenance tasks, and one-time changes to the “system” (changes to
hardware design, to operations, or to other things)], and
• linking levels of tolerable risk to maintenance strategy development.
2.2 Basic Principles of Maintenance Strategies 17

Proactive maintenance in the industry has been mainly developed in the areas of
business where production capacities are at upper limits, market is favorable for the
maximalistic approach, and overall management is at a level understanding the
significance of the equipment reliability and its influence on the production
throughput and quality. In these cases, the maintenance teams promote every
improvement steaming not only consistent equipment operation, but also extending
the lifetime of components. This means that technologies of condition monitoring
are in regular use, but the findings are applied to “find a better way” to maintain. It
is typical to employ new materials for abrasion-exposed equipment, apply special
coatings made of ceramic or similar material to promote abrasion resistance, apply
new types of greases with better consistency, wash-out and carrying properties, etc.
However, proactive maintenance is not only “material” maintenance set of activi-
ties. It is also a managerial approach where some of the maintenance basic tasks are
transferred to the operators to get a driving force and continuous feedback on the
actual and day-to-day state of the equipment in operation. Understanding the basic
principles of the equipment function and possible failures, proactive measures are
undertaken even at this level of operators. It is no longer a facility run to get a
quality product on time, but it also has facilities for equipment condition care.
Typical examples are operators focused on machinery amps, provision of operating
conditions that will not distort equipment condition (especially important in thermo-
dynamic systems), keeping the equipment running in the optimized condition (set
point of load, velocities, temperature, etc.).

2.2.4 Reliability Centered Maintenance

It is maintenance system based on comprehensive consideration of what must be

done to ensure that any physical asset continues to fulfill its function in the present
operating context. According to ISO13372:2004 (E) it is disciplined logic used to
identify those cost-effective and technologically feasible maintenance tasks that
realize the inherent reliability of equipment at a minimum expenditure of resources
over the life of the equipment. The term Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM)
was first used in public papers authored by Tom Matteson, Stanley Nowlan,
Howard Heap [22], and other senior executives and engineers at United Airlines
(UAL) to describe a process used to determine the optimum maintenance
requirements for aircraft. It is defined by the technical standard SAE JA1031,
Evaluation Criteria for RCM Processes. The RCM starts with the seven questions
given below, well elaborated by Moubray [3] and are listed as follows:

1. What is the item supposed to do and its associated performance standards?

2. In what ways can it fail to provide the required functions?
3. What are the events that cause each failure?
4. What happens when each failure occurs?
5. In what way does each failure matter?
18 2 Maintenance Management and Applied Strategies

6. What systematic task can be performed proactively to prevent, or to diminish to

a satisfactory degree, the consequences of the failure?
7. What must be done if a suitable preventive task cannot be found?

RCM is an engineering framework that enables the definition of a complete

maintenance regime enabling machinery stakeholders to monitor, assess, predict,
and generally understand the working of their physical assets. This is embodied in
the initial part of the RCM process, which is to identify the operating context of the
machinery and write a Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA ) [2,
23]. The second part of the analysis is to apply the “RCM logic,” which helps
determine the appropriate maintenance tasks for the identified failure modes in the
FMECA. Once the logic is complete for all elements in the FMECA, the resulting
list of maintenance is “packaged,” so that the periodicities of the tasks are ratio-
nalized to be called up in work packages [3, 24–26].
RCM recognizes three major categories of maintenance actions as follows:

• failure-finding. Failure-finding tasks entail checking hidden functions periodi-

cally to determine whether they have failed (whereas condition-based tasks-
predictive maintenance entail checking if something is failing).
• redesign. Redesign entails making any one-off change to the built-in capability
of a system. This includes modifications to the hardware and also covers once-
off changes to procedures (proactive maintenance).
• no scheduled maintenance. As the name implies, this default entails making no
effort to anticipate or prevent failure modes to which it is applied, and so those
failures are simply allowed to occur and then repaired. This default is also called

This approach means that proactive tasks are only specified for failures which
really need them, which in turn lead to substantial reductions in routine workloads.

2.2.5 Total Productive Maintenance

Total productive maintenance (TPM) is more of a maintenance concept than a real

strategy, but in many sources it can be found as such. It is based on the joint
responsibility of supervisors, operators, and maintenance staff to provide machines
operating smoothly and also extend and optimize their overall performance.
Dr. Jack Roberts from TAMU-Commerce in his work [26] points to TPM as a
reassemble of TQM in several aspects, such as (1) total commitment to the program
by upper level management is required, (2) employees must be empowered to
initiate corrective action, and (3) a long-range outlook must be accepted as TPM
may take a year or more to implement and is an ongoing process. The most
important aspect is providing convinced people and management to TPM success.
It uses the tools of the previously described maintenance strategies, but the most
important of the TPM is actually education, comparative processes of maintenance
2.2 Basic Principles of Maintenance Strategies 19

techniques and methods, “benchmarking” and involvement of operators for daily

maintenance routines, adjustments, lubrications, etc. The main goals of TPM are
measured by the [27]:

• Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE),

• Performance Rate, and
• Quality Rate.

Following the Japanese experience [27, 28], TPM has actually reduced the need
for outsourcing of part of production lines due to its operational effects. It is
nowadays widely used in many international manufacturing companies more as a
philosophical concept of maintenance that incorporates all the needed techniques
from PM, PdM, and PrM.

2.3 Structure of the Maintenance Management System

When considering any kind of machinery and defining its maintenance management
system, both function and performance standards for the machinery should be
determined based on two main aspects: the primary and the secondary functions [1,
3, 15]; and even more, all of them have to be considered in the light of three main
categories of influencing factors such as the internal environment, human factor,
and external environment.
Luyk and Rouvroye have given one of the best descriptions in [5] according to
which the functions of a machinery describe the following properties and
Primary functions: functions for which the asset has been supplied and are
described with data such as output, carrying or storage capacity, product quality,
speed, customer service, etc.
Secondary functions: it is about functions that asset is expected to do more than
simply fulfill the primary functions. These functions are safety, compliance with
environmental regulations and impacts, comfort, economy, structural integrity,
efficiency of operation, sometimes appearance of the asset, etc.
The three categories of influencing factors, mentioned above, are focused on

• Internal environment: technology (technological process, interaction with other

internal processes as production lines, maintenance, customers, etc.) and orga-
nization (structure of the organization, culture and strategy of the organization).
• Human factor: consideration of the individual level, degree of direct interaction
of the human to the process and systems, etc.
• External environment: factors of the interface between the organization (com-
pany, plant) and external environment (stakeholders).

When determining maintenance strategy it is necessary to consider one complex

set of action areas and interrelate them toward the achievement of the final target.
20 2 Maintenance Management and Applied Strategies

In accordance to this, the key structural areas of every maintenance management

system to be determined are as follows:

• Maintenance objectives in line with business objectives

• Assets management
• Human resources
• Spare parts management
• Determination of type of maintenance (strategy)per equipment
• Performance measurements and improvement

Unlike in new plants, when everything is being established from zero ground, for
existing plants the best approach is to start with a targeted maintenance audit
involving limited number of people with experience from the plant.

In the literature, information can be found on how to perform an audit, but the
basic rule is to make a realistic picture of the current state of the plant condition and
maintenance functionality in order to map the weak points, see the systems in place,
and decide on the required improvement.

2.3.1 Maintenance Objectives

When determining maintenance strategy of an asset or of the whole facility, we

have to start from the maintenance objectives and their management through solid
KPIs. In parallel, we know that the work done by maintenance needs to support the
business aims and operating strategy, so the correct way is to link the maintenance
performance to the company’s business (see Fig. 2.3).
Creating pathways from the top to the bottom of the organization, we actually
determine the previously mentioned primary and secondary functions and all
influencing factors. The next thing is to bring those items on a realistic basis and
decide on the most effective and efficient KPIs per department and to individuals, as
they are actually the core causes with effects to the overall company operations
(looking from plant aspect).
There are many different parameters to be estimated and some of them are given
in Table 2.1 categorized by the base property of maintenance they are portraying.
What is important is that an organization should not be drawn down in too many
KPIs and too many parameters, but focus on the main ones for the company’s
business and policy. So, when establishing a maintenance management system and
setting up strategies, this is the basic point to start with. Therefore, a lot of attention
2.3 Structure of the Maintenance Management System 21

Influencing Example KPIs areas

factors Regulatory compliance
Shareholder value added
Revenues generated

Company’s Lost time injuries

objectives Plant availability
Effects Product margin

Run factors
Departments and Operational and mainte-
individual Causes nance efficiency and effec-
objectives tiveness
Safety related actions

Fig. 2.3 Interrelation of company’s objectives KPIs [29]

should be paid to what we want to achieve (what KPIs and what values) and set
loops for control of the performance.
Having the KPIs determined based on the production and maintenance objec-
tives, it is clear what the organization of the maintenance management system
should be like and what strategies should be incorporated. It is clear that the
company going upward with fully sold-out production capacities would strive to
top reliability of equipment, so the best maintenance practices and predictive/pre-
ventive maintenance strategies would be economically justified to be employed. On
the other hand, a company in the not so favourable position on the market would
focus more on the relation of equipment reliability-to-costs reduction and mainte-
nance strategies would surely look different.

2.3.2 Assets Management

Once we have determined our objectives on maintenance (for example high run
factors, low equipment downtime, decrease of maintenance costs per unit product,
etc.), we should focus on the assets of the plant. Often there is misunderstanding
about what is considered under an asset and what asset management consists of.

Any physical or intellectual property that is of any value to a company is called an

asset. When referring to maintenance, it is about:
• operational equipment for the production and supporting processes,
• tools and equipment used for maintenance of the plant,
• software and systems for maintenance, and
• intellectual skills and know-how of the personnel.
22 2 Maintenance Management and Applied Strategies

Table 2.1 Typical maintenance-related KPIs [12, 30, 31]

Area: Failures Area: Training

• Skills matrix completion %
• Run factors (RF)
• Personnel training hours
• Availability factor (AF)
• Mean Time Between Failure
• MeanTime To Repair MTR
• Failure Frequency / Failure Rate
• Number of RCAs, Weibull
analysis, PARETO analysis
Area: Scheduling Area: Costs
• Scheduled vs unscheduled main- • Maintenance cost ((materials, ser-
tenance hours vices, labour) per unit output
• Scheduled Working Orders • Craft utilization ( hrs. reported vs.
(WO) complete within planned actual hrs.)
Area: Operational Area: Maintenance strategy per-
• Total hours spend on mainte-
nance per unit of product
• Percentage of man hours/Work • Number of assets with reliability
Orders of PdM activities from trending up
total hours/Work Orders. • Numbers/hours of over mainte-
• Percentage of man hours/Work nance activities reduced from
Orders of corrective WOs due to budget
detection from PdM activities.
(Vibration analysis, Infrared /
Ultrasound surveys, Tribology)
• % Overtime hours.

When determining maintenance strategy, plants must make a detailed list of all
operational and other equipment related to production and supporting processes.
A database should be created consisting of the following information:

• Type and technical properties of the equipment (capacity, power rates, speed…);
• Role of the equipment for the overall operations (function description);
• Breakdown analysis of machines into main assemblies down to unit spare parts;
• Technical drawings for equipment;
• Manuals (operation and maintenance);
• Lubrication requirements,
• History records of breakdowns, modifications, replacements, etc.; and
• As-build documentations.
2.3 Structure of the Maintenance Management System 23

The last, but not the least important step is the determination of equipment
criticality. This is actually the basis for determination of type of maintenance to be
applied, or what facility’s resources, engineering effort, operations practices,
maintenance, and training are to be employed to provide the item’s continued
operation. Defining equipment criticality is developing an equipment risk profile.
Many sources can be found in the literature, but one of the simplest and still most
effective method is to estimate criticality by use of the so-called risk rating indicator:

Equipment Criticality ¼ Failure Frequencyð=yrÞ  Cost Consequenceð€Þ

¼ Risk ð€=yrÞ

• “cost consequence” is the cost of lost production plus the cost of repair;
• “failure frequency” is from the company’s maintenance history, or industry
norms for a similar situation.

Equipment that stops production, or that causes major production costs when
failed, is considered most critical.
When defining criticality of a plant’s equipment, the process should be sup-
ported by a competent team of people consisting of operators, maintainers, and
designers of the plant who contribute with their knowledge and experience. The
team reviews documentation of the facility’s processes and equipment. Equipment
by equipment they analyze the consequences of failure to the operation and develop
a table showing each equipments criticality rating.
There are various templates to be found for defining criticality of a piece of
equipment and readers are directed to make review and use some of the existing or
make one ones.

2.3.3 Human Resources in Maintenance

A plant may have state-of-the-art equipment for maintenance purposes (condition

monitoring devices, tools, process monitoring software, etc.), but still have poor
effectiveness and efficiency of maintenance.

Equipment may fail unexpectedly, despite being officially the subject of preventive/
predictive maintenance. Where is the clue then?-this is a frequently asked question
in companies’ upper management circles. The answer is at the human resources, in
particularly their engagement.

Not to sound too philosophically, human resources in maintenance should be

organized from the following aspects:

• Have optimized clear systematization for the plant needs with several, but not
too many levels of responsibilities.
24 2 Maintenance Management and Applied Strategies

• Have clearly defined responsibilities of the personnel and match the people
personal skills to the positions.
• Have specific person/team responsible for implementation and development of
condition monitoring with strong position and reporting directly to top main-
tenance level. This team should be empowered and truly believe in the impor-
tance and benefits from the condition monitoring, but also develop skills for
prediction and proactivity.
• Develop strong working culture, especially related to thoroughness of the
repairs, planning skills, reduction of idle time, and control of the work toward
keeping complete integrity of the equipment.
• Training and development of maintenance-related skills and know-how as well
as regular implementation of applicative novelties related to maintenance
• Bring the various specialities into one team (e.g., mechanical, electrical, and civil
maintenance to feel as one team).
• Have or develop skilful contractors.
• Have good cooperation with operations personnel.
• Bring the spirit of full engagement of personnel as they can make the plant
efficient and reduce costs significantly, or can make the plant very inefficient
with plenty of stoppages, overtime, “difficult life” of maintenance, and finally
cause injuries due to equipment malfunctioning or exhaust work.

2.3.4 Spare Parts Management

The purpose of spare parts management is to ensure that right spare part and
resources are at the right place (where the broken part is) at the right time. It is a
relatively complex management system because:

• the spare parts might never be used,

• the parts might not be stored properly, leading to defects after installation,
• maintaining inventory of spare parts has associated costs, and
• parts planned to be obtained by contracted supplier may not be available when
needed even from the supplier.

Spare parts management is an important economical issue and sometimes

companies can create huge inventories trying to have available all required spare
parts, thus keeping part of their potential profit idle. An effective spare parts
management consists of optimized supply sequence that provides spare parts on
time, optimizes inventory, disposes waste in a safe way for the environment, and
reduces overall supply costs.
When starting new plants, it is important to make initial stock of the most critical
spare parts that may lead to long stoppages of the production line. Therefore, right
after commissioning, a team should be formed to focus on the manuals and
2.3 Structure of the Maintenance Management System 25

recommendations of the manufacturers for spare parts of the critical equipment.

After making a list for the various equipment, spares should be analyzed and
matched, e.g., the same bearings may be installed in a few different machines. The
best practices show that smartly chosen codification of the parts and software
support help to create a unique database with various filters in order to find common
spare parts and determine optimized stock. Of course, there will be strategic and
unique spare parts that will have to be supplied even for a single machine.
At existing plants, the same as new plants, very important questions are:

• Should a spare part be at all supplied on stock?

• What is the right number of items to be kept on stock?

When deciding if a spare part should be supplied, the following questions should
be considered:

• Is the equipment crucial for the production line?

• Can the part be repaired in case of malfunctioning?
• Is it possible to use similar spare part with some in-house modification?
• Is the cost of repair justifiable in relation to new part and costs of lost
• Can the part be made locally (what quality, costs, time, lost production)?
• Can the part be kept in supplier’s inventory (arranged with some special
• In case of more capital spare parts, what is delivery time?

Different processes should be in place to manage critical parts—parts that a

production relies on, and consumable parts—parts that are not critical to the line
(like bolts and nuts, simple seals).
According to the Reverse Logistics Association, the primary focus of inventory
control should be on the active and most critical items.
Helpful support in this case is to have a well-organized supply chain and keeping
some commonly used spares on stock at the supplier (like bearings, seals, con-
sumables, smaller electromotor, metal materials, etc.)
The second question about what is the right number of items to keep on stock is
related to detailed analysis of multipurpose use of spares and frequency of
replacement. It is essential to analyze the spare parts inventory based on various
characteristics such as frequency of use, annual consumption value, criticality, lead
time, and unit price. The commonly used inventory analyses are:

(1) FSN Analysis (based on frequency of issues/use)

(2) ABC Analysis (based on the lead time)
(3) VED Analysis (based on criticality)
(4) SDE Analysis (based on consumption)
(5) HML Analysis (based on unit price)
26 2 Maintenance Management and Applied Strategies

More details can be found in the literature, so the readers are encouraged to find
and use the one most appropriate.

2.3.5 Determination of Maintenance (Strategy)

Per Equipment

The next phase in the maintenance management system, after assets have been set with
their priorities [5, 30] is to define the most suitable maintenance strategy to be able to
achieve defined KPIs. It is important to understand that the best approach, as included
in RCM, is to analyze asset by asset and determine the most suitable and optimal
maintenance strategy per asset. Attention should be paid to assets with high criticality
and of course not all assets in a production line should be subjected to predictive
maintenance for example. For some of them it is enough to correct them when failing
as they do not influence any of the main factors: Safety, Environment or Production,
and in addition, they can be fixed easily at low cost and without line stoppage.
In the literature, different approaches can be found on how to determine main-
tenance strategy of an asset. In general, they are all based on the criticality of
the items, effects of their operation and failures, costs, availability of resources, etc.
The aim of this book is not to overview these approaches, but to focus on one of the
most effective and systematic approaches to determine a maintenance strategy by
using Failure Modes Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) technique. This
technique is widely used for analysis of assets and the procedure is given in detail in
the valid standards and other literature sources.

But in this book, this technique is used in different way as to analyze the failure
modes themselves in order to determine the priorities for condition monitoring
techniques of separate failure modes and appropriateness for application of certain
maintenance strategy. In this way, we don’t use FMECA for determination of a
maintenance strategy as one for the whole one asset, but it is used to determine
strategy for certain property of the asset.

Before explaining this new use of the technique, some of the basics steps of this
analysis are given in the next sub-chapter together with an example of a heavy-duty
industrial equipment that will be later used also as example for the other steps of the
new method for proactive condition monitoring. Analysis of the System to Be Maintained

Failure mode effect and criticality analysis (FMECA) as defined in [22] is an
extension to FMEA procedure for analysis of a system to identify potential failure
modes, their causes, and effects on system performance including means of ranking
the severity of the failure modes to allow prioritization of countermeasures. It is
usually done by combining the severity measure and frequency of occurrence to
produce a metric called criticality. One of the main general purposes of applying
2.3 Structure of the Maintenance Management System 27

this analysis is exactly to allow improvements of system’s maintainability by

highlighting areas of risk or nonconformity for maintainability. It also helps to
identify failures having major unwanted effects on the system operation.
In order to build a proper maintenance strategy for the core equipment, detailed
insight is required into major equipment failure modes that could affect its normal
operation and reliability and review possibilities for their prevention and correction
in terms of feasibility, costs, and time. FMECA enables determination of the crit-
icality or priority for addressing certain failure mode with respect to the system’s
correct function or performance, but also classification of the identified failure
modes according to their ease of detection, which is directly linked to the condition
monitoring techniques used.
FMECA should be conducted following the required stages [22]:

1. Identification of failure modes

2. Determination of their respective causes
3. Recognition of effects: (consequences in terms of operation, function or status)
• local effects (effect on the machine’s component under consideration); and
• final effects (impact on the highest system level)
4. Determination of detection methods or ways in which the failure can be detected
and the means by which the users or maintainer is made aware of the failure;
5. Classification of severity of the failure mode’s effect on the machine or com-
ponent operation considering the effects to the users or environment, functional
performance, safety requirements, contractual requirements, etc.;
6. Determination of frequency or probability of occurrence of each failure mode in
order to adequately assess criticality of the failure mode.

Items under 4 (detection), 5 (severity), and 6 (probability of occurrence) are

usually considered together under the so-called “criticality” or Risk Priority
Number (RPN) used for prioritization in addressing the mitigation of failure modes.

RPN ¼ S  O  D


• S—severity grade;
• O—probability of occurrence;
• D—detection, or estimated chance to identify and eliminate failure before the
machinery is affected (higher score means higher difficulty to detect)
For the purposes of this book, an example of FMECA for cement rotary kiln is
given (see Table 2.2), without elaborating all previously given steps and used charts
and criteria. Herewith, the failure modes, causes and effects are analysed as well as
final rating of the RPN for each failure mode.
For all these failures to happen, there are different direct causes that are actually
representation of a state of some of the kiln components. The real physical root

Table 2.2 FMECA of cement rotary kiln [2, 11, 32–34]

Available controls and
Occurrence Risk Priority
Failure mode Failure local effects Failure final effect Severity Cause condition monitoring Detection
scoring Number RPN
Overloading of stations Kiln failure -total 9 Wrong assembly of tyres, rolles or 6 Geometric measurement in 6 324
and rollers causing hot inavalibaility due to even kiln shell sections or Incorrect hot condition (POLSCAN,
KILN AXIS bearings, cracks in the cracks in shell, rollers cooling and heating up procedure or FLS, Phillips)
DISTORTION roller or shell Tyre-roller wearing

Disability for kiln axial Possible kiln stop (few 7 Uneven coatings, Assembly of new 7 At hydraulic thrust rollers, it is 8 392
travel, hot thrust days) due to bearing tyres or rollers, Shell "hot"spots, controlled via hydraulic
KILN AXIAL bearing, increased seizure (hot thrust Thermal overexpansion pressure. At classical kiln no
wearing of tyres/rolers bearing) objective control.


Overload of rollers and Kiln failure -total 8 Uneven coatings arround 7 Only subjective (visual) control 8 448
bearings, Contact inavalibaility due to circumference, Longitudinal uneven that is not always applicable
failure resulting in huge cracks in shell, rollers, coatings (cantilever effect), Thermal and it could be too late for
KILN CRANK impact loads, overload hot bearing overexpansion, Incorrect cooling or corrective actions
of kiln drive heating up, "Hot" spots in the shell

Shell deformations Loss of linings or Kiln 7 Thermal overexpansion 6 Kin shell scanners and 2 84
causing difficulties at shell cracks -kiln migration monitoring
KILN OVALITY brick lining and their life inavalibility of few days

Hot bearing reducing Kiln inability of hours or 7 Wrong bearing assembly, Failure of 7 Temperature probes in the 8 392
kiln capacity for few few days (hot plain lubrication system, Overloading of bearings (this indication can

Kiln unavailability or reduced production capability

BEARING hours at least bearing, damaged bearing or Incorrect kiln cooling or too late for remedies)
BOUNDARY Babbit bearing or crack heating up procedure
LUBRICATION in roller)

Note The scoring is from 1 to 10 (1 is lowest, 10 is highest score)

Maintenance Management and Applied Strategies
2.3 Structure of the Maintenance Management System 29


Base for proactive maintenance
Base for preventive/predictive

Wrong assembly of In kiln shell

Kiln axis shape
shell section Thermal overexpansion
distortion CRACKS In kiln tyres
Assembly of new Shell “Hot spots” Kiln axial mis-
balance In rollers
tyres or rollers
Kiln eccentricity LOSS OF LINING
Wrong assembly of Uneven coatings (Crank)
bearing Tyre-Shell
Kiln ovality WEAR
Failure of lubrication Tyre-Roller
“Snow ball”
system Bearing boundary SHELL DEFORMATION
Wear of carrying Incorrect kiln cooling or
surface heating up BEARING Hot plain brg.
Hot thrust brg.

Fig. 2.4 Interrelations among kiln failures and their root causes [33]

causes (here the term “physical” has been used because in separate cases of failures,
the final root cause may be also organizational or human error, but for this purposes
only the physical nature of the failure is considered). The relations between the kiln
main failure modes, and the real root causes are represented on Fig. 2.4. The causes
shall be analysed later, but it is of crucial importance to understand the complexity
of the interrelations among different failure modes, effects, and causes.
As shown in Fig. 2.4, the failure modes are actually several critical items
defined as state of some of the kiln components. In order to prevent any of the faults
to develop into real kiln failure, these states should be monitored with selected
methods, but it should be pointed that monitoring of these items is predictive/
preventive strategy that registers already actual state and it can prevent only the
final stage of the failure. A proactive condition monitoring would be actually
monitoring of the initiating phases of the so-called “Physical root causes”
shown at the left-hand side of the chart.
To summarize, use of FMECA can help understand the system better and decide
on what are the most critical failures in order to address them in more details. It also
helps to determine the root causes of the failures. With this information, analysis
can go further to check whether root causes can be monitored and recognized at
their very beginning and if any preventive measure is possible. This is the input to
the next stage of determining the maintenance strategy of the equipment. Appointing Maintenance Strategy Based

on Failure Modes
Once the failure modes, effects, and root causes have been defined and the RPN
determined for the major equipment failure modes, we can determine the proper
maintenance strategy for the equipment. As already written, there is a new approach
used that considers the failure modes separately to determine the maintenance
strategy, and not the asset as whole with its failure modes. The approach is based on
separate consideration of all failure modes of an asset. It uses the information
30 2 Maintenance Management and Applied Strategies

gathered with previously conducted FMECA. A decision route has been developed
[32, 34] to go through for all failure modes and to determine which of the existing
maintenance strategies would be optimal as actually the ultimate goal of mainte-
nance is to prevent any of the major failure modes to happen!. A decision route
was developed based on [34] Maintenance decision diagram, incorporating pro-
active maintenance also, as a logical tree helping in deciding the best applicable
maintenance strategy based on the analysis of the major failures. The principle is
shown in Fig. 2.5. When carrying out the decision route for all failure modes
separately, we have the benefits of performing an in-depth and more comprehensive

Fig. 2.5 General decision diagram on maintenance strategy

2.3 Structure of the Maintenance Management System 31

analysis of the failure mode than at the multiple bases, especially to focus on
practical issues as available condition monitoring techniques, their reliability etc.
Steps to go when deciding on the maintenance strategy are as follow:
Determine the deterioration rate. If it is fixed and predictable and there is no need
for design modifications, than a preventive maintenance is best solution.
If this is not the case, but if there are early reliable indication with sufficient time
interval for action, there is available monitoring system and there is possibility to
act on root causes, then proactive maintenance is the best strategy.
If we cannot act on root causes, then predictive maintenance is a more suitable
strategy. If there are indications for failure, but the maintenance is not cost-effective,
than still the old “run-to-failure” is best applicable strategy. At the end, when con-
sidering the equipment, the maintenance actions should be a set of actions handling
each failure at the estimated way. Many of the maintenance activities are common
for more maintenance strategies, but the estimation of the findings is different and
actions undertaken afterwards are different.
Following this basic principle, examples have been worked out with application
of decision route for the major faults of cement rotary kiln determined with
FMECA. The decision routes for the bearing boundary lubrication and kiln crank as
one of the major kiln faults are shown on Fig. 2.6a, b.
For most of the major failure modes at cement rotary kiln, proactive maintenance
strategy is feasible. In some cases it is easy and available, but in some cases as
crank and boundary lubrication; proactive maintenance would be possible if proper
measuring method/technique could be applied. It is not always the rule to drive for
proactive maintenance, but if all other facts are implying the necessity for that
strategy, except some obstacle, it should be considered seriously.
Considering the effects of the crank as failure mode (FM) and its RPN, it is
worth to investigate more on what is required to do to enable proactive maintenance
strategy. The first issue to analyze is about the predictability of the time-to-failure. It
was already given that this time is not consistent and sometimes it can be as long as
few weeks, but sometimes it can be as short as few hours. We cannot predict and
improve it on fix-time base. Possibility for a reliable indication or early warning is
next that should be determined. In this example, the kiln condition changes, as a
consequence from kiln crank state in a way that it changes the supporting roller
deflections by reflecting the load cyclic change due to crank action (see Chap. 7). If
this deflection change is detected early enough, then there is enough time to act on
the failure development. The next, very important aspect is to see the practically the
feasibility of the monitoring system. It is about being able to measure the indicators,
or finding suitable and cost effective condition monitoring technique to be
employed. This is of crucial importance. With today’s widely used typical, con-
ventional monitoring methods at kilns there is no suitable system that would give
us early enough information to act on the failure development. Such state could
bring us to an “operate to failure” strategy, which as already stated can cost the
plant more than hundred thousand euros. It is exactly the proactive condition
monitoring approach that is also subject of this book that makes it possible to
32 2 Maintenance Management and Applied Strategies

BEARING Boundary lubrication Without special
BOUNDARY can develop in days monitoring
LUBRICATION down to few minutes techniques

Is the rate of deterioration Is there reliable N Is maintenance Y Would routine N Agree

or time to failure indication or early likely to be cost Service extend life maintenance
predictable and consistent? warning of failure? effective? to failure? strategy
Physically, yes if Y For case of
Y bearing assembly N lubricant
changes are monitored
Y Is routine service
No regular
Is the interval between detection and Cost effective? replacement
failure sufficient to act on? helpful is beneficial
routine care Y
It depends on the
Y severity of the ROUTINE ASSET
phenomena. Often yes
Is there suitable condition monitoring
routine that is cost effective to OPERATE TO
implement and operate? FAILURE

Only if it is managed to monitor

Y journal position in the bearing
bush and lubricant quality on-line

Is there time and possibility to N PREDICTIVE

eliminate the root cause and extend
the normal life time?

Adjustment of the supporting roller

position in coordination with process
activities (for case of journal movement)



Deterioration of kiln cylinder
KILN CRANK (metal or shape) can happen
in years down to few minutes

Is the rate of deterioration

Is there reliable Is maintenance Would routine Agree
or time to failure indication or early likely to be cost Service extend life maintenance
predictable and consistent? warning of failure? effective? to failure? strategy
Change in the
supporting rollers Y
Y Is routine service
Is the interval between detection and Cost effective?
failure sufficient to act on?
If detected in
Y early stage of ROUTINE ASSET
Is there suitable condition monitoring
routine that is cost effective to OPERATE TO
implement and operate? FAILURE

On-line monitoring
Y of rollers

Is there time and possibility to

eliminate the root cause and extend
the normal life time?

Change in
Y operational



Fig. 2.6 a Example of decision diagram for maintenance strategy for bearing boundary
lubrication failure mode. b Example of decision diagram for maintenance strategy for kiln crank
2.3 Structure of the Maintenance Management System 33

monitor the indicating fault root cause in real-time described as example in Chap. 7.
Once providing such online information, there are possibilities to eliminate the root
cause and prolong the lifetime of the equipment, which will be discussed later.

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34 2 Maintenance Management and Applied Strategies

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