10.1007/978 3 319 10494 2 - 2 PDF
10.1007/978 3 319 10494 2 - 2 PDF
10.1007/978 3 319 10494 2 - 2 PDF
This chapter describes the basics of maintenance management systems and key
factors for successful organization and performance. It also points out the main
characteristics of major maintenance strategies with their advantages and
Maintenance strategy
Preventive maintenance
Predictive maintenance
Reliability-centered maintenance Proactive maintenance Maintenance system
Maintenance management
Assets management Human
resources Spare parts management FMECA
The determination of the strategy is of prime importance and the starting point
for any company. Below is given an insight into this item:
Phase I Phase II Phase III
Definition of the main- Assets priority and Immediate intervention
tenance objectives and maintenance strategy on high impact weak
KPI’s definition points
Assessment Efficiency
Performance of
Maintenance Reliability Centered Maintenance
Fix it before it Don’t just fix it,
breaks & at most improve it
Fix it before it appropriate time
Fix it when it Predictive
breaks =CBM
fix it
Criticality of equipment
1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Historical development
Just fix it when it -Higher plant -Higher plant Availability & Reliability
breaks availability - Greater Safety
Maintenance -Longer equipment - Better product quality
Expectations life - Environment protection
- Longer equipment life
- Greater cost effectiveness
Maintenance strategies have started being developed from the basic reactive
approach, where the maintenance teams were huge and focused everyday on the
correction of existing defects dealing with large amount of spares and no man-
agement of any maintenance issue.
Becoming aware of the meaning of equipment reliability that was providing
continual throughput of the industrial lines with less quality difficulties, companies
and researchers have started organizing systematic planning and scheduling of
repair activities involving technologies for condition monitoring of equipment.
Thus maintenance teams were able to fix problems before a failure would happen.
However, this was still not enough in modern competitive industries where the
production capacities were maximalistic and every downtime was a risk to lose
potential client as well as causing profit/loss due to not actualized production. It was
inevitable to continue efforts in further development of maintenance strategies and
the predictive and later proactive approach was the answer. Technologies of con-
dition monitoring were upgraded with statistical methods of data processing, use of
more sophisticated methods, and probability methods for estimation of equipment
components’ lifetime. This led us to a state where potential failures could be sensed,
lifetime predicted fairly accurately, and maintenance was able to undertake cor-
rective actions in planned shutdowns, thus not disturbing the production and even
more, inventory could to be better planned and optimized. In conditions of tough
competition, but even more, in the recent economical crisis, in the first decade of
this century, every possible savings in production was welcomed and pressure was
put on all involved parties to improve both fixed and variable costs. Time difference
between planned outages was challenged to increase and it affected maintenance
further to work not only at correcting, but also at improving equipment and to
extend their lifetime. Therefore proactive maintenance has taken the leading role in
most modern industries.
Today, the meaning of the modern maintenance organization is founded on
anticipation what will happen in the future and planning and scheduling corrective
and improvement actions in advance [13, 14]. It is “Thinking”-oriented approach
where the first step that companies tend to follow is to change the work attitudes or
awareness. It is actually a complex maintenance system called Reliability-Centered
Maintenance (RCM) comprising all activities of the mentioned formalized main-
tenance strategies (ReM, PM, PdM, PrM) and applying them on the overall criti-
cality and risk assessment of the organization and plant equipment.
The activities for taking care and servicing for the purpose of maintaining equip-
ment and facilities in satisfactory operating condition by systematic inspection,
detection, and correction of incipient failures either before they occur or before they
develop into major defects is known as preventive maintenance [3, 10]. According
to ISO13372: 2004 (E), it is maintenance performed according to a fixed schedule,
14 2 Maintenance Management and Applied Strategies
performed within the planned maintenance shutdown, or in the best case even use
operational shutdown such as setup, cleaning, process changes, market conditions,
The “predictive” component of the term Predictive Maintenance stems (PdM)
from the goal of predicting the future trend of the equipment’s condition. This
approach uses principles of statistical process control to determine at what point in
the future maintenance activities will be appropriate. For example, as shown by
many condition-monitoring techniques [7, 16−21] using the vibration monitoring of
a bearing, by PM it would be recognized that the bearing has damage and it would
have to be replaced. Unlike PM, with PdM, mathematical trending could be used as
tool to estimate based on the historical progress of the bearing condition parameters
and working conditions when a failure could be expected, early enough to organize
corrective actions.
Most PdM inspections are performed while equipment is in service, thereby
minimizing disruption of normal system operations.
In the literature and among industry users, often Preventive maintenance is
called a maintenance system containing all activities of condition monitoring,
misconceptually called as Predictive maintenance. Based on the opinion of other
resources [3, 12] and the authors of this book, Predictive maintenance system is a
maintenance strategy that actually has been superstructured over Preventive
maintenance. It is a system that uses the tools of condition monitoring as a com-
prehensive way to determine possible failures early enough and then act to prevent
potential failures. It has been also historically developed after the establishment of
preventive maintenance, but it is actually a kind of “controlling management sys-
tem” for the actions of preventive maintenance.
PdM is also called condition based maintenance as it attempts to evaluate the
condition of equipment by performing periodic or continuous (online) equipment
monitoring. The ultimate goal of PdM is to perform maintenance at a scheduled
point in time when the maintenance activity is most cost-effective and before the
equipment fails in service. However, it must be pointed out that in most cases the
maintenance management decides in establishing combined systems for preventive/
predictive maintenance system based on the criticality of equipment and costs
required to have the system running.
Based on these risks, proactive maintenance applies any one of the known
maintenance strategies:
• changing from efforts to predict life expectancies to trying to manage the process
of failure,
• an understanding that the vast majority of failures are not necessarily linked to
the age of the asset,
• an understanding of the difference between the requirements of an assets from a
user perspective, and the design reliability of the asset,
• an understanding of the importance of managing assets on condition (often
referred to as condition monitoring, condition-based maintenance, and predictive
• an understanding of the four basic routine maintenance tasks [on-condition
maintenance tasks, scheduled restoration or discard maintenance tasks, failure-
finding maintenance tasks, and one-time changes to the “system” (changes to
hardware design, to operations, or to other things)], and
• linking levels of tolerable risk to maintenance strategy development.
2.2 Basic Principles of Maintenance Strategies 17
Proactive maintenance in the industry has been mainly developed in the areas of
business where production capacities are at upper limits, market is favorable for the
maximalistic approach, and overall management is at a level understanding the
significance of the equipment reliability and its influence on the production
throughput and quality. In these cases, the maintenance teams promote every
improvement steaming not only consistent equipment operation, but also extending
the lifetime of components. This means that technologies of condition monitoring
are in regular use, but the findings are applied to “find a better way” to maintain. It
is typical to employ new materials for abrasion-exposed equipment, apply special
coatings made of ceramic or similar material to promote abrasion resistance, apply
new types of greases with better consistency, wash-out and carrying properties, etc.
However, proactive maintenance is not only “material” maintenance set of activi-
ties. It is also a managerial approach where some of the maintenance basic tasks are
transferred to the operators to get a driving force and continuous feedback on the
actual and day-to-day state of the equipment in operation. Understanding the basic
principles of the equipment function and possible failures, proactive measures are
undertaken even at this level of operators. It is no longer a facility run to get a
quality product on time, but it also has facilities for equipment condition care.
Typical examples are operators focused on machinery amps, provision of operating
conditions that will not distort equipment condition (especially important in thermo-
dynamic systems), keeping the equipment running in the optimized condition (set
point of load, velocities, temperature, etc.).
This approach means that proactive tasks are only specified for failures which
really need them, which in turn lead to substantial reductions in routine workloads.
Following the Japanese experience [27, 28], TPM has actually reduced the need
for outsourcing of part of production lines due to its operational effects. It is
nowadays widely used in many international manufacturing companies more as a
philosophical concept of maintenance that incorporates all the needed techniques
from PM, PdM, and PrM.
When considering any kind of machinery and defining its maintenance management
system, both function and performance standards for the machinery should be
determined based on two main aspects: the primary and the secondary functions [1,
3, 15]; and even more, all of them have to be considered in the light of three main
categories of influencing factors such as the internal environment, human factor,
and external environment.
Luyk and Rouvroye have given one of the best descriptions in [5] according to
which the functions of a machinery describe the following properties and
Primary functions: functions for which the asset has been supplied and are
described with data such as output, carrying or storage capacity, product quality,
speed, customer service, etc.
Secondary functions: it is about functions that asset is expected to do more than
simply fulfill the primary functions. These functions are safety, compliance with
environmental regulations and impacts, comfort, economy, structural integrity,
efficiency of operation, sometimes appearance of the asset, etc.
The three categories of influencing factors, mentioned above, are focused on
Unlike in new plants, when everything is being established from zero ground, for
existing plants the best approach is to start with a targeted maintenance audit
involving limited number of people with experience from the plant.
In the literature, information can be found on how to perform an audit, but the
basic rule is to make a realistic picture of the current state of the plant condition and
maintenance functionality in order to map the weak points, see the systems in place,
and decide on the required improvement.
Run factors
Departments and Operational and mainte-
individual Causes nance efficiency and effec-
objectives tiveness
Safety related actions
should be paid to what we want to achieve (what KPIs and what values) and set
loops for control of the performance.
Having the KPIs determined based on the production and maintenance objec-
tives, it is clear what the organization of the maintenance management system
should be like and what strategies should be incorporated. It is clear that the
company going upward with fully sold-out production capacities would strive to
top reliability of equipment, so the best maintenance practices and predictive/pre-
ventive maintenance strategies would be economically justified to be employed. On
the other hand, a company in the not so favourable position on the market would
focus more on the relation of equipment reliability-to-costs reduction and mainte-
nance strategies would surely look different.
Once we have determined our objectives on maintenance (for example high run
factors, low equipment downtime, decrease of maintenance costs per unit product,
etc.), we should focus on the assets of the plant. Often there is misunderstanding
about what is considered under an asset and what asset management consists of.
When determining maintenance strategy, plants must make a detailed list of all
operational and other equipment related to production and supporting processes.
A database should be created consisting of the following information:
• Type and technical properties of the equipment (capacity, power rates, speed…);
• Role of the equipment for the overall operations (function description);
• Breakdown analysis of machines into main assemblies down to unit spare parts;
• Technical drawings for equipment;
• Manuals (operation and maintenance);
• Lubrication requirements,
• History records of breakdowns, modifications, replacements, etc.; and
• As-build documentations.
2.3 Structure of the Maintenance Management System 23
The last, but not the least important step is the determination of equipment
criticality. This is actually the basis for determination of type of maintenance to be
applied, or what facility’s resources, engineering effort, operations practices,
maintenance, and training are to be employed to provide the item’s continued
operation. Defining equipment criticality is developing an equipment risk profile.
Many sources can be found in the literature, but one of the simplest and still most
effective method is to estimate criticality by use of the so-called risk rating indicator:
• “cost consequence” is the cost of lost production plus the cost of repair;
• “failure frequency” is from the company’s maintenance history, or industry
norms for a similar situation.
Equipment that stops production, or that causes major production costs when
failed, is considered most critical.
When defining criticality of a plant’s equipment, the process should be sup-
ported by a competent team of people consisting of operators, maintainers, and
designers of the plant who contribute with their knowledge and experience. The
team reviews documentation of the facility’s processes and equipment. Equipment
by equipment they analyze the consequences of failure to the operation and develop
a table showing each equipments criticality rating.
There are various templates to be found for defining criticality of a piece of
equipment and readers are directed to make review and use some of the existing or
make one ones.
Equipment may fail unexpectedly, despite being officially the subject of preventive/
predictive maintenance. Where is the clue then?-this is a frequently asked question
in companies’ upper management circles. The answer is at the human resources, in
particularly their engagement.
• Have optimized clear systematization for the plant needs with several, but not
too many levels of responsibilities.
24 2 Maintenance Management and Applied Strategies
• Have clearly defined responsibilities of the personnel and match the people
personal skills to the positions.
• Have specific person/team responsible for implementation and development of
condition monitoring with strong position and reporting directly to top main-
tenance level. This team should be empowered and truly believe in the impor-
tance and benefits from the condition monitoring, but also develop skills for
prediction and proactivity.
• Develop strong working culture, especially related to thoroughness of the
repairs, planning skills, reduction of idle time, and control of the work toward
keeping complete integrity of the equipment.
• Training and development of maintenance-related skills and know-how as well
as regular implementation of applicative novelties related to maintenance
• Bring the various specialities into one team (e.g., mechanical, electrical, and civil
maintenance to feel as one team).
• Have or develop skilful contractors.
• Have good cooperation with operations personnel.
• Bring the spirit of full engagement of personnel as they can make the plant
efficient and reduce costs significantly, or can make the plant very inefficient
with plenty of stoppages, overtime, “difficult life” of maintenance, and finally
cause injuries due to equipment malfunctioning or exhaust work.
The purpose of spare parts management is to ensure that right spare part and
resources are at the right place (where the broken part is) at the right time. It is a
relatively complex management system because:
When deciding if a spare part should be supplied, the following questions should
be considered:
More details can be found in the literature, so the readers are encouraged to find
and use the one most appropriate.
The next phase in the maintenance management system, after assets have been set with
their priorities [5, 30] is to define the most suitable maintenance strategy to be able to
achieve defined KPIs. It is important to understand that the best approach, as included
in RCM, is to analyze asset by asset and determine the most suitable and optimal
maintenance strategy per asset. Attention should be paid to assets with high criticality
and of course not all assets in a production line should be subjected to predictive
maintenance for example. For some of them it is enough to correct them when failing
as they do not influence any of the main factors: Safety, Environment or Production,
and in addition, they can be fixed easily at low cost and without line stoppage.
In the literature, different approaches can be found on how to determine main-
tenance strategy of an asset. In general, they are all based on the criticality of
the items, effects of their operation and failures, costs, availability of resources, etc.
The aim of this book is not to overview these approaches, but to focus on one of the
most effective and systematic approaches to determine a maintenance strategy by
using Failure Modes Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) technique. This
technique is widely used for analysis of assets and the procedure is given in detail in
the valid standards and other literature sources.
But in this book, this technique is used in different way as to analyze the failure
modes themselves in order to determine the priorities for condition monitoring
techniques of separate failure modes and appropriateness for application of certain
maintenance strategy. In this way, we don’t use FMECA for determination of a
maintenance strategy as one for the whole one asset, but it is used to determine
strategy for certain property of the asset.
Before explaining this new use of the technique, some of the basics steps of this
analysis are given in the next sub-chapter together with an example of a heavy-duty
industrial equipment that will be later used also as example for the other steps of the
new method for proactive condition monitoring.
• S—severity grade;
• O—probability of occurrence;
• D—detection, or estimated chance to identify and eliminate failure before the
machinery is affected (higher score means higher difficulty to detect)
For the purposes of this book, an example of FMECA for cement rotary kiln is
given (see Table 2.2), without elaborating all previously given steps and used charts
and criteria. Herewith, the failure modes, causes and effects are analysed as well as
final rating of the RPN for each failure mode.
For all these failures to happen, there are different direct causes that are actually
representation of a state of some of the kiln components. The real physical root
Disability for kiln axial Possible kiln stop (few 7 Uneven coatings, Assembly of new 7 At hydraulic thrust rollers, it is 8 392
travel, hot thrust days) due to bearing tyres or rollers, Shell "hot"spots, controlled via hydraulic
KILN AXIAL bearing, increased seizure (hot thrust Thermal overexpansion pressure. At classical kiln no
wearing of tyres/rolers bearing) objective control.
Overload of rollers and Kiln failure -total 8 Uneven coatings arround 7 Only subjective (visual) control 8 448
bearings, Contact inavalibaility due to circumference, Longitudinal uneven that is not always applicable
failure resulting in huge cracks in shell, rollers, coatings (cantilever effect), Thermal and it could be too late for
KILN CRANK impact loads, overload hot bearing overexpansion, Incorrect cooling or corrective actions
of kiln drive heating up, "Hot" spots in the shell
Shell deformations Loss of linings or Kiln 7 Thermal overexpansion 6 Kin shell scanners and 2 84
causing difficulties at shell cracks -kiln migration monitoring
KILN OVALITY brick lining and their life inavalibility of few days
Hot bearing reducing Kiln inability of hours or 7 Wrong bearing assembly, Failure of 7 Temperature probes in the 8 392
kiln capacity for few few days (hot plain lubrication system, Overloading of bearings (this indication can
Fig. 2.4 Interrelations among kiln failures and their root causes [33]
causes (here the term “physical” has been used because in separate cases of failures,
the final root cause may be also organizational or human error, but for this purposes
only the physical nature of the failure is considered). The relations between the kiln
main failure modes, and the real root causes are represented on Fig. 2.4. The causes
shall be analysed later, but it is of crucial importance to understand the complexity
of the interrelations among different failure modes, effects, and causes.
As shown in Fig. 2.4, the failure modes are actually several critical items
defined as state of some of the kiln components. In order to prevent any of the faults
to develop into real kiln failure, these states should be monitored with selected
methods, but it should be pointed that monitoring of these items is predictive/
preventive strategy that registers already actual state and it can prevent only the
final stage of the failure. A proactive condition monitoring would be actually
monitoring of the initiating phases of the so-called “Physical root causes”
shown at the left-hand side of the chart.
To summarize, use of FMECA can help understand the system better and decide
on what are the most critical failures in order to address them in more details. It also
helps to determine the root causes of the failures. With this information, analysis
can go further to check whether root causes can be monitored and recognized at
their very beginning and if any preventive measure is possible. This is the input to
the next stage of determining the maintenance strategy of the equipment.
gathered with previously conducted FMECA. A decision route has been developed
[32, 34] to go through for all failure modes and to determine which of the existing
maintenance strategies would be optimal as actually the ultimate goal of mainte-
nance is to prevent any of the major failure modes to happen!. A decision route
was developed based on [34] Maintenance decision diagram, incorporating pro-
active maintenance also, as a logical tree helping in deciding the best applicable
maintenance strategy based on the analysis of the major failures. The principle is
shown in Fig. 2.5. When carrying out the decision route for all failure modes
separately, we have the benefits of performing an in-depth and more comprehensive
analysis of the failure mode than at the multiple bases, especially to focus on
practical issues as available condition monitoring techniques, their reliability etc.
Steps to go when deciding on the maintenance strategy are as follow:
Determine the deterioration rate. If it is fixed and predictable and there is no need
for design modifications, than a preventive maintenance is best solution.
If this is not the case, but if there are early reliable indication with sufficient time
interval for action, there is available monitoring system and there is possibility to
act on root causes, then proactive maintenance is the best strategy.
If we cannot act on root causes, then predictive maintenance is a more suitable
strategy. If there are indications for failure, but the maintenance is not cost-effective,
than still the old “run-to-failure” is best applicable strategy. At the end, when con-
sidering the equipment, the maintenance actions should be a set of actions handling
each failure at the estimated way. Many of the maintenance activities are common
for more maintenance strategies, but the estimation of the findings is different and
actions undertaken afterwards are different.
Following this basic principle, examples have been worked out with application
of decision route for the major faults of cement rotary kiln determined with
FMECA. The decision routes for the bearing boundary lubrication and kiln crank as
one of the major kiln faults are shown on Fig. 2.6a, b.
For most of the major failure modes at cement rotary kiln, proactive maintenance
strategy is feasible. In some cases it is easy and available, but in some cases as
crank and boundary lubrication; proactive maintenance would be possible if proper
measuring method/technique could be applied. It is not always the rule to drive for
proactive maintenance, but if all other facts are implying the necessity for that
strategy, except some obstacle, it should be considered seriously.
Considering the effects of the crank as failure mode (FM) and its RPN, it is
worth to investigate more on what is required to do to enable proactive maintenance
strategy. The first issue to analyze is about the predictability of the time-to-failure. It
was already given that this time is not consistent and sometimes it can be as long as
few weeks, but sometimes it can be as short as few hours. We cannot predict and
improve it on fix-time base. Possibility for a reliable indication or early warning is
next that should be determined. In this example, the kiln condition changes, as a
consequence from kiln crank state in a way that it changes the supporting roller
deflections by reflecting the load cyclic change due to crank action (see Chap. 7). If
this deflection change is detected early enough, then there is enough time to act on
the failure development. The next, very important aspect is to see the practically the
feasibility of the monitoring system. It is about being able to measure the indicators,
or finding suitable and cost effective condition monitoring technique to be
employed. This is of crucial importance. With today’s widely used typical, con-
ventional monitoring methods at kilns there is no suitable system that would give
us early enough information to act on the failure development. Such state could
bring us to an “operate to failure” strategy, which as already stated can cost the
plant more than hundred thousand euros. It is exactly the proactive condition
monitoring approach that is also subject of this book that makes it possible to
32 2 Maintenance Management and Applied Strategies
BEARING Boundary lubrication Without special
BOUNDARY can develop in days monitoring
LUBRICATION down to few minutes techniques
Deterioration of kiln cylinder
KILN CRANK (metal or shape) can happen
in years down to few minutes
On-line monitoring
Y of rollers
Change in
Y operational
Fig. 2.6 a Example of decision diagram for maintenance strategy for bearing boundary
lubrication failure mode. b Example of decision diagram for maintenance strategy for kiln crank
2.3 Structure of the Maintenance Management System 33
monitor the indicating fault root cause in real-time described as example in Chap. 7.
Once providing such online information, there are possibilities to eliminate the root
cause and prolong the lifetime of the equipment, which will be discussed later.
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34 2 Maintenance Management and Applied Strategies