Course Structure of BE Electrical Engineering Branch
Course Structure of BE Electrical Engineering Branch
Course Structure of BE Electrical Engineering Branch
1. Engineering Physics, Dutta R Joshi, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited.
2. Applied Physics for Engineers, Neeraj Mehta, PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi.
3. A Textbook of Engineering Physics, Avadhanulu&Kshirsagar, S. Chand & Company Ltd.
4. Theory & Problems of Electromagnetics, J.A. Edminister, SCHAUM'S OUTLINE SERIE
SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY: Structure of crystalline solids, powder X-ray diffraction.
Electronic structure of solids -metallic conduction. Semiconductors - preparation, extrinsic
and intrinsic semiconductors, solid eletrolytes, amorphous solids. Superconductors:
Introduction, types of superconductor, properties, application, preparation and structure of
1:2:3 superconductors.
1. Differential Calculus: B.C. Das &Mukherjee : U. N. Dhur& Sons Pvt Ltd
2. Integral Calculus: B.C. Das &Mukherjee : U. N. Dhur& Sons Pvt Ltd.
3. A text book of Engineering Mathematics : N.P. Bali and Manish Goyal :Laxmi
Publications(P) Ltd.
4. Advance Engineering Mathematics: E. Kreyszig : Willey Eastern Ltd.
5. Higher Engineering Mathematics : B.S. Grewal : Khanna Publishers
SIMPLE STRESS AND STRAIN: Simple stress and strain: Tensile, compressive and shear
stress, Hook's law. Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, elastic constants and their relationship.
Hook's law; Stress-strain diagrams for brittle and ductile materials
GENERALIZED STRESS AND STRAIN :Analysis of plane stress and plane strain,
Mohr's circle of stress and strain.
BENDING MOMENT AND SHEAR FORCE: Introduction to bending moment and shear
force. Analysis of simply supported and cantilever beam with point load and distributed
SHEAR STRESS IN BEAM: Flexural shear stress distribution in various shapes of cross
section of beams.
THIN CYLINDERS AND SHELLS: Hoop stress, Thin Cylinders and Shells under internal
fluid pressure - Riveted joint Connection - Wire wound thin cylinders.
1. R. Subramanian- Strength of Materials, Oxford
2. Debabrata Nag and Abhijit Chanda, Strength of materials, Wiley-India Publishers,2012.
3. S Ramamrutham, Strength of materials,Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company.
4. Timoshenko and Gere, Mechanics of Materials, CBS Publishers, New Delhi, 1996.
5. S.B.Junarkar and H.J.Shah, Mechanics of Structures, Charotar Publishers, Anand, 1998.
6. Beer and Johnston, Mechanics of Materials, McGraw Hill International Edition, 1995.
7. E.P.Popov, Engineering Mechanics of Solids, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 1998.
MECHANICS OF LANGUAGE: Impersonal and formal language, bias free and plain
writing. Style -Adaptibility,clarity, economy, sentence variety and presentation.
block,adding emphasis in writing,accuentuating the positives,prioritizing for effective
writing, avoiding plagiarism and referencing.
1. M. Raman & S. Sharma.TechnicalCommunication.New Delhi Oxford University Press,
2. Alex, K. Technical communication & Soft skills. New Delhi: S. Chand Publications,
1. Programming in C (Tata McGraw Hill) — Byron Gottfried
2. A First Course in Programming with C - T Jeyapoovan ,Vikas publication house
3. Programming in C (Tata McGraw Hill) — E Balaguruswamy.
4. Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C –ReemaThareja, Oxford University
5. Let Us C - Y Kanetkar, BPB publication.
6. Object Oriented Programming with C++ - SouravSahay, Oxford University Press
PROJECTION OF LINE: Parallel to both planes, parallel to one plane and perpendicular to
other, parallel to one plane and inclined to other, inclined to both planes, traces of a line, true
length of a line and its inclination to reference planes.
1. Elementary Engineering Drawing; N D Bhatt, Pradeep Publications
2. Engineering Drawing; M B Shah, B C Rana, Pearson Education
3. Engineering Drawing and Graphics; K. Venugopal, New Age International (P)
LASER AND FIBRE OPTICS: Induced absorption, Spontaneous and Stimulated emission,
Einstein's coefficients (A & B), Population Inversion, Pumping, Principle of Laser,
Characteristics of a laser beam, Ruby and Semiconductor Laser, Application of Lasers.
Optical fibre- Principles and Structure, Propagation of light in optical fibres, Numerical
aperture and acceptance angle, Classification of optical fibres- Single and Multimode, Step
Index and Graded Index fibres, Losses in fibres, Optical fibre communication system (Block
diagram only).
1. Engineering Physics, Dutta R Joshi, McGravv Hill Education (India) Private Limited.
2. Textbook of Engineering Physics, S.O. Pillai&Sivakarni, New Age International
3. Applied Physics for Engineers, Neeraj Mehta, PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi.
4. Engineering Physics, ChaturvediPandey, Cengage India
LINEAR ALGEBRA: Some special types of matrices such as symmetric and skew-
symmetric, hermitian and skew-hermitian, orthogonal, unitary and their properties, triangular
and echelon form, pivot elements; inverse of a matrix, elementary operations and elementary
matrices, equivalent matrices, computation of inverse by elementary transformations,
reduction of matrices to triangular form and normal form; rank of a matrix, evaluation of
rank; vector spaces and sub-spaces, linear dependence and independence, basis and
dimension; orthogonality: inner product of vectors, orthogonal vectors, orthogonal matrices;
solution of a system of homogeneous and non-homogeneous linear equations, consistency of
a system of linear equations; Eigen values and Eigen vectors of a matrix and their properties,
Cayley-Hamilton's theorem, reduction of a matrix to diagonal form, necessary and sufficient
condition for diagonalization.
VECTOR ALGEBRA & VECTOR CALCULUS: Vector triple products & applications,
Differentiation of vector functions, scalar and vector fields, gradient of a scalar function,
directional derivatives, divergence and curl of a vector point function, properties of gradient,
divergence and curl; repeated operations, integrations of vector functions, line, surface and
volume integrals, theorems of Gauss, Stokes and Greens.
1. A Text book of Engineering Mathematics: Bali&Goyal: Laxmi publication.
2. Higher Engineering Mathematics: B. S. Grewal: Khanna publication.
3. Differential Equations:H.T.H. Piagio: CBS publishers & Distributors.
4. Vector Calculus: M.D.Raisinghania: S. Chand & co.
5. Theory and problems of Linear Algebra: S. Lipschutz: McGraw-Hill.
1. Engineering Mechanics by S Timoshenko & D H Young. McGraw Hill Int
2. Engineering Mechanics by R K Bansal. Laxmi Publication (P) Ltd
3. Engineering Mechanics by K L Kumar. McGroe Hill Publishing Co
4. Engineering Mechanics by Hibbler
5. Engineering mechanics by D P S harm a, Pearson
6. Engineering mechanics statics and dynamics by A Nelson McGraw Hill
7. Engineering mechanics by S. S. Bhavikatti, New Age International, Publishers
3 PHASE AC CIRCUITS: Concepts of 3 phase AC, connections, phase and line values in
star and delta connections, solutions of simple 3 phase balanced circuits with resistive and
reactive loads, 3 phase power, and phase sequence.
1. Basic Electrical Engineering— Nagrath.
2. Basic Electrical Engineering—Mittle.
3. B.E.E. Science—Sahadev& Rana.
4. Electro-Technology—H. Cotton.
5. A text book of Electro technology- B.L.Theraja.
THE SOCIETY: Man and society, community and society, association and society,
institution and society, elements of socialization, concept of interest and attitudes, social
THE SOCIAL GROUP: The origin of family, forms of family, the modern family, meaning
of social stratification, difference between caste and class, merit and demerit of caste system,
modern trends of caste system in India, social mobility, meaning of role and status.
SOCIAL CONTROL: Meaning of norms and values, importance of norms and values,
meaning of folkways and mores, custom and habit, crisis in Indian education.
SOCIAL CHANGE: Meaning of social change, factors of social change, culture and
civilization, subculture, cultural diffusion, new information technology and culture, causes of
social disorganization.
1. Sociology by C. N. Sankaraao
2. Principles of sociology by R.N. Sarma
3. Sociology by John J. Macionis
4. Labour Problems and Social Welfare by R. C. Saxena
5. Labour Problems and Social welfare by U. C. Kulshrestha
1. Engineering Drawing by N. D Bhatt and V M Panchal. Charolai Publishing Ltd
2. Engineering Drawing by BasantAgarwai& C M Agrawal, The McGraw
3. Engineering drawing and graphics + Aulocad by K Venugopal New Age
1. A text book of Engineering Mathematics : Bali and Goyal:Laxmi Publications(P) Ltd.
2. Higher Engineering Mathematics : B.S. Grewal: Khanna Publishers
3. Lapalce and Fourier Transforms: M.D.Raisinghania: S.Chand& Company Ltd.
4. Schaum’s outline series: Theory & Problems of statistics, M R Spiegel, McGraw Hill
5. Stochastic Process: Dr. J. Medhi 6. Hihger engineering mathematics: B. V. Ramanna,
Tata McGraw Hill
1. A user’s guide to selecting Electronic components---Gerald L. Sinsoutg (John Wiley)
2. Engineering Circuit analysis---- W. H. Hayt Jr. & J.E. Kemmerly (Mcgraw hill)
3. Electric Circuit----J.A. Edminiter. (Mcgraw hill)
4. Computer aided Network Design—Donald A. Calahan (Tata Mcgraw hill)
5. A course in Electric Circuit Analysis—Soni& Gupta
STRUCTURE OF SOLIDS: Crystalline state of solids, systems & classes, unit cell and
space lattice, BCC, DC structure, Bragg’s law, Miller indices, Crystal imperfections, grain
CONDUCTORS: Electron gas model of a metal, Relaxation time, collision time, mean free
path, electron scattering & resistivity, heating effect of current, thermal conductivity,
superconductivity, electrical conducting materials (Cu, Al) & their application. Mechanical
properties like corrosion, solid curability, contact resistance.
1. Electrical Engineering Material---Dekker A.J. (PHI)
2. A course in Electrical Engineering Material—Seth & Gupta
3. Electrical Engineering Material---Rajput A.K.
4. Electrical Engineering Material---C.S. Indulkar& S. Thiruvengadam.
THE P-N JUNCTION DIODE: Shockley’s equation and volt-amp characteristics of P-N
junction. Static and Dynamic resistance of diode. Transition Capacitance and Diffusion
Capacitance. Effect of temperature. Various practical applications of diodes. Design of
Rectifier and Filter Circuits. Special purpose diodes.
1. Integrated Electronics :: Millman- Halkias (PHI)
2. Electronic Devices and Circuits :: David A Bell (Oxford)
3. Electronic Devices and Circuits :: Boylestead&Nashelsky (PHI)
4. Electronic Principles Physics, Models and Circuits :: Paul E. Gray and Campbell L Searle
5. Electronics Principles :: Malvino (TMH)
MACHINE ELEMENTS: a) Governor: functions, type expressions for height of watt and
porter governors. b) Flywheel: Fluctuations of energy, Co-efficient of fluctuation of energy
and speed, function of flywheel .c) Brake and Clutch: Working principles only. Simple
problems illustrating use of above.
TRANSMISSION OF ROTARY DRIVES: a) Belt and Rope Drive: Relations for torque,
maximum power transmission, length of open cross belting slip, crowing of pulley. b) Gear
train: Nomenclature, types- simple, compound, epicyclic gear train including reverted gear
train. Simple description of automobile gear train.
1. Theory of Mechanics by J. Lal, Metropolitian Books Ltd.
2. Theory of Mechanics and Mechanisms(3rd edition) by J.J. Uicker, Jr; G.R. Pencock& J.E.
Shigley, Oxford university Press.
3. Theory of Mechanics by V.P. Singh,
4. Theory of Mechanics by A. Shariff
AIR STANDARD CYCLES: Otto, Diesel – Principles of working and description of two
and four stroke SI and CI engines – Representations of processes on T-S and p-v diagrams.
1. Engineering Thermodynamics by P.K. Nag, Tata McGraw Hill Publiction
2. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics by Cengelnad Boles, Tata McGraw Hill Publiction
3. Fundamentals of engineering Thermodynamics by E. Rathakrishnan, PHI
aeforBessel’sfunctionsJn(x), Expansions for J0 and J1 ,Value of J1/2 and J-1/2, Generating
function for Jn(x), Orthogonality of Bessel’s functions, Integral form of Bessel’s function,
Legendre’s equation, Rodrigue’s formula, Legendre polynomials Pn(x), Generating function
for Pn(x), Recurrence formulae for Pn(x).
quations,non-linearequationsoffirstorder,Charpit’smethod. Solution of heat equations, wave
equations and Laplace equations by the method of separation of variables.
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics: B. S. Grewal, Khanna publishers
6. Introductory methods of numerical analysis: S. S. Sastry, PHI
7. Numerical methods in Science and Engineering: S. Rajasekaran, Wheeler.
8. A Text book of Engineering Mathematics: N. P. Bali, Manish Goyal, Laxmi publication
9. Numerical methods: M. K. Jain & S. R. K. Iyengar, Wiley.
10. Operation Research: Prem Kumar Gupta, D.S. Hira, S. Chand & Co.
11. Numerical Mathematical Analysis: James B. Scarborough, Oxford & IBH Publishing co.
1. Advance Accountancy: M.C Sukla, T.S Grewal, S. chand& Co. New Delhi.
2. Higher Secondary Accountancy: A.N. Agarwala, K.N. Agarwala, Kitab Mahal,
3. Book Keeping and Accountancy: C Mohan Juneja, R.C. Chawla, K. K. Saksena, Kalyani
Publishers, Rajindrer Nagar, Ludhiana.
4. Double Entry Book Keeping & Accountancy: J.R. Batliboi, The standard Accountancy
Publications Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai‐ 400011.
SOFT SKILLS: Why soft skills matter, The soft skills gap, key point soft skills
1. Ajmani J.C. New English. Get it Right, New Delhi: Rupa publications, 2012
2. Adair John. Effective Communication. London: Pan Macmilan ltd, 2003
3. Amos Julie Ann. Handling Tough job interviews. Mumbai Jaico Publishing, 2004
4. Collins Patrick. Speak with Power and Confidence. New York: sterling 2009
5. Hasson, Gill Brilliant communication skills. Great Britain: Pearson education 2012
FILE OPERATIONS: Opening a file, File opening modes, Closing a file, Reading data
from a file, writing data to a file, EOF.
FUNCTIONS: What is function, passing values between functions, call by value, call by
ARRAYS AND POINTERS: Array definition, array initialization, bound checking, passing
an array element to a function, passing an entire array to a function, 2-dimenational array, 3-
dimensional array, pointer definition, array of pointers.
STRINGS: Definitions, Standard library string functions strlen(), strcpy(), strcat(), strcmp(),
2- dimensional array of characters.
DATA STRUCTURES: Stacks, queues, lists, linked lists, searching, sorting, crops
1. M.A.Weiss-Data Structures & Algorithms Analysis in C++ , (Addition Wesley).
2. L. Tannenbaum- Data Structures Using C , (PHI).
3. Lipshutz- Theory and problems of Data Structure, (McGraw Hill).
4. YashavantKanetkar -- Let Us C: (BPB)
5. YashavantKanetkar --Let Us C++ : (BPB)
6. E Balaguruswamy-- Programming in C: (TMG)
D C MOTORS: Speed and Torque characteristic curves of shunt, series and compound
motors, Starting of D C motors – Starters and grading of starting resistance, Speed control-
conventional methods and solid state control, Choice of motors for different duties, Losses
and efficiency, Testing – Swinburne’s test, Back to back test, Retardation test and Brake test.
1. Langsdrof : Theory of Alternating Current Machines( McGraw Hill)
2. Kingsley, Fitzereld : Electric Machinery ( McGraw Hill)
3. Say :Preformance and Design of Alternating Current Machine.
VECTOR ANALYSIS: Review of dot and cross products, gradient, divergence and curl.
Divergence and Stock’s theorem, Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical co-ordinates system.
Transformation between co-ordinates, General curvilinear co-ordinates. Value of gradient
divergence and curl in general co-ordinates and to obtain there from their values in
cylindrical and spherical co-ordinates.
THE STATIC ELECTRIC FIELD: Coulomb’s Law, Electric Field strength, Field due to
point charges, a line charge and a sheet of charge, field due to continuous volume charge,
electric flux density, Gauss’s law in integral form, Gauss’s law in differential form
(Maxwell’s first equation in electrostatics), applications of the Gauss’s law.Electrostatic
potential difference and potential, potential and potential difference expressed as a line
integral, potential field of a point charge, potential field of a system of charges, conservative
property, potential gradient, the dipole, energy density in the electrostatic field.
THE STATIC MAGNETIC FIELD: The Biot-Savart’s law (the magnetic field of
filamentary currents), the magnetic field of distributed surface and volume currents, ampere’s
circuital law in integral and differential form (Maxwell’s curl equation for steady magnetic
field). The scalar and vector magnetic potentials, Maxwell’s Divergence equation for B,
steady magnetic field laws, forces in magnetic field, force on a current element, force
between two current elements, force and torque in a current loop.
1. Hayt: Engineering Electromagnetics.
2. N. N. Rao: Basic Electromagnetics with applications.
3. Corson and Lofrain: Introduction to Electromagnetic Fields and waves.
4. Bradshaw and Byatt: Introductory Engineering Field Theory.
5. Nussbaum: Electromagnetic theory for engineers and scientists.
C.R.O.: :Basic construction, main parts, principle of operation, Applications. (Thurst has to
be to use C.R.O. through suitably designed laboratory experiments)
1. Golding and Widdis – Electrical Measurements and measuring instruments.
2. A.K. Sawhney – Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation
PUBLIC FINANCE: Taxation- merits and demerits of direct and indirect taxes, concept of
value added tax; Public Expenditure- causes of increase in public expenditure, effects of
public expenditure; Public Debt-causes of increase in public debt, economic effect of public
debt; Budget- meaning of budget, various types of budget.
1. Money, banking, international trade and public finance by Dr. M.L. Seth
2. Quantitative methods for economics by R.Veerachamy
3. Engineering economics by Tara Chand
4. Engineering economics by Dr. A. Ahmed and G. Begum
5. Engineering economy by Z. A. Khan, A. N. Siddiquee, B. Kumar
6. Economics of development and planning by R. K. Lakhi
7. Modern theory of public finance by RaghbendraJha
8. Public finance by U.K. Hicks.
9. Economic planning by B.C. Tandon
BOOLEAN ALGEBRA AND LOGIC GATES: Basic theorems and properties of Boolean
algebra, Boolean functions, canonical and standard forms-SOP & POS. Logical operations,
truth tables, logic gates, logic levels and pulse waveforms, pulsed operation.
1. Digital Design – M. Marris Mano.
2. Logic Design Theory – NN Biswas
3. Digital Fundamental – TL Floyd
4. Digital Electronics- R.P.Jain.
TIME DOMAIN ANALYSIS: Standard test signals - step, ramp, parabolic and impulse
signals, poles, zeros and characteristic equations, relation between s-plane root locations and
transient response, time response of first order and second order systems, performance
specifications in time domain, derivative and integral control and their effects on the
performance of the 2nd order systems, system types and error constants, generalized error
coefficients, transient response of higher order systems (outline only).
1. Control Systems Engineering by Nagrath and Gopal
2. Modern Control Engineering by Ogata
3. Automatic Control Systems by Kuo
4. Control Systems by A Anand Kumar
5. Control Systems Engineering by Salivahanan, Rengaraj and Venkatakrishnan
6. Control System Components by Gibson and Teylor
INSULATORS: Different types of insulators. Leakage path, wet flashover and dry flashover
distances, potential distribution over a string of suspension insulators, Methods of equalizing
the potential. String efficiency.
CORONA: Corona discharge, disruptive corona voltage and visual critical voltage, factors
effecting corona, corona power loss, empirical laws, line design based on corona, advantages
and disadvantages of corona, radio interference, inductive interference between power and
communication lines.
1. Electrical Power—S.L.Uppal.
2. Electrical Power System---C.L.Wadha.
3. Electrical Power System’s design—M.V. Despande.
4. Switchgear principles—P.H.J.Crane.
5. Switchgear and Protection—S.S. Rao
6. Switchgear and Protection-- M.V. Despande.
SINGLE PHASE INDUCTION MOTORS: Construction, Rotating and cross field theories,
Equivalent circuit, Speed-torque characteristic, starting methods.
1. Theory of Alternating Current Machinery: Langsdorff, A.S. MC-Graw Hill.
2. Electrical Machines: Nagrath I.J. and Kothari D.P. Tata MC-Graw Hill
3. Electrical Machines: Mukherjee P.K. and Chakravarty S. Dhanoat Rai.
4. Advanced Electrical Technology: Cotton H.
5. The Performance and Design of AC Commutator Machines: Taylor E.O. Wheeler.
6. Fractional and Sub-fractional H.P. Electric Motors: Veinott G.C. and Martin J.E. MC-
Graw Hill
1. Engineering Optimization Theory & Applications, S.S. Rao, New Age International Pvt.
2. Optimization Concepts and Applications in Engineering-A.D. Belegundu, T.R.
Chandrupatia, Perason Education, Asia
3. Operations research- An Introduction-H.A. Taha,Eastern
CONVERTER OPERATION WITH SCRS: Single phase half- wave, full- wave and
bridge circuits, three- phase half wave and bridge circuits, six- phase with interphase
transformer, fully controlled and half- controlled circuits. Effects of load and source
inductance. AC controller – single phase and three phase, half control and full control,
applications of ac controllers. Dual converter and cycloconverter operating modes. Line
commuted inverters, firing and control circuits for different operations.
commutation circuits, parallel, series and bridge (single- phase and three- phase) inverters,
McMurray and McMurray- Bedford inverter circuits, Voltage and current source inverters.
Output voltage control harmonics eliminations. Firing circuits for inverters.
CHOPPERS: Principles of operation, classification, Time Ratio control & Current Limit
Control, DC, AC, and multi- quadrant choppers, Heumann’s (voltage commutated),
Morgan’s, Jone’s, and Mazda’s choppers. Applications.
1. Gray, P.E.&c.L.Scurle: Electronic Principles- Wiley Eastern.
2. Grabane, A.B.:Analog integrated Circuit Degign- Van Nortrand.
3. Ramamoorthy, m.: An Introduction to Thyristors and their Applications- East West Press.
4. Rashid, M.H. Power Electronics, Circuits, Devices and Applications- Prentice Hall of
5. Sen, P.C.: Power Electronics- TMH.
6. Dubey et al; Thyristorised Power Controllers- Wiley Eastern.
portioning, address decoding, memory and I/O mapping and management.
SUPPORT PPIS: PPIs - 8255, 8253 and 8279; their functional block diagram, operational
modes and configuration of the device in different mode of operations, assembly language
program for using the PPIs in application purposes. Such as, data transfer, counter operation
and display data in seven segment LED display units and data to read data through key board
CIRCUIT BREAKERS: Fuses: Function: Important terms & classification. HRC fuses:
Characteristics& advantages. Time delay fuse. Switchgears: Functions, principles of circuit
breaking. DC & AC circuit breaking. Arc voltage & current waveforms. Restriking &
recovery voltages, Current zero pause. Current chopping, capacitive current breaking. AC
circuit breaker ratings. Arc in oil, arc irruption theories and processes. Bulk oil CB &
MOCB, air circuit breaker, air –blast CBs. Vacuum & SF6 CBs. Testing of circuit breakers.
1. Electrical Power—S.L.Uppal.
2. Electrical Power System---C.L.Wadha.
3. Electrical Power System’s design—M.V. Despande.
4. Switchgear principles—P.H.J.Crane.
5. Switchgear and Protection—S.S. Rao
6. Switchgear and Protection-- M.V. Despande.
1. OPAMPS And Linear Integrated Circuits : by : R.A. Gayakwad : PHI
2. Linear Integrated Circuits : by : Roy Choudhury & Jain : Wiley Eastern
3. Microelectronics : by : Jacob Millman : TMH
LTI SYSTEMS: DT LTI systems: convolution sum, CT LTI systems: convolution integral,
properties of LTI systems: commutative, distributive and associative properties, LTI systems
with and without memory, invertibility, causality and stability of LTI systems, systems
described by differential and difference equations.
DIGITAL FILTERS: Finite Impulse Response (FIR) and Infinite Impulse Response (IIR)
systems, FIR and IIR filters, realization of FIR and IIR systems.
1. Oppenheim, A.V.,Willsky, A.S., Nawab,S. H.: Signals and Systems, Prentice Hall India
2. Proakis, J.G.&Manolikis, D.G.: Digital Signal Processing-principles, algorithms and
applications, Prentice Hall India
3. Robert, M. J.: Signals and Systems, Tata McGraw Hill
4. Rawat, T.K.: Signals and Systems, Oxford University Press
5. Mitra, S.K.: Digital Signal Processing-a computer based approach, Tata McGraw Hill
6. Xavier, E: Signals, Systems & Signal Processing, S. Chand & Co.
7. Mastering MATLAB, Pearson Education (for Laboratory use).
1. Electrical Power—S.L.Uppal.
2. Electrical Power System---C.L.Wadha.
3. Computer Methods in Power System Analysis – Stagg, El-abiad McGraw-Hill
4. Power system operation and Control – P S Murty Tata McGRAW-Hill
PULSE MODULATION: PAM, PPM, PWM systems, Sample and hold circuit, Concept of
PCM- generation and reconstruction, basic coding and quantization, quantization noise,
nonuniform quantization and compounding, signal to quantizing noise power ratio, Signaling
Format, Time Division Multiplexing. Pulse shaping and Inter Symbol Interference (ISI).
DIGITAL COMMUNICATION: Generation and detection of ASK, PSK, FSK, DPSK and
1. Modern Digital and Analog Communication System, B.P.Lathi, Oxford University press,
2. Communication System, Simon Haykins, John Wiley & Sons.
3. Communication System, V. Chandrasekar, Oxford University press, India
4. Communication Engineering, Sanjay Sharma, S.K.Kataria& Sons
1. Microcontrollers : Theory and Applications – by A V Deshmukh
2. The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded system using assembly and C – Md Ali Mazidi,
Rolin D. Mc-Kindly and Janice Gillistie.
3. The AVR Microcontroller and Embedded using assembly and C. - Md Ali Mazidi,
SarmadNaimi and SepehrNaimi
STATE SPACE ANALYSIS: State Space Representation, Solution of State Equation, State
Transition Matrix, Canonical Forms – Controllable Canonical Form, Observable Canonical
Form, Jordan Canonical Form. Controllability and Observability: Tests for controllability and
observability for continuous time systems – Time varying case, minimum energy control,
time invariant case, Principle of Duality, Controllability and observability form Jordan
canonical form and other canonical forms.
1. Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices, P. Bhattacharya, PHI.
2. Optical Fiber Communications, G. Keiser, McGraw-Hill Inc.
3. Optical Fiber Communication: Principles and Practice, J. M. Senior, PHI.
4. Optoelectronics devices and system-Dr. S. C. Gupta-PHI
5. Optical communication Systems-John Gower-PHI
6. Optical fiber Communication Systems-Principles and practice-John M. senior-Pearson
1. Measurement System Application And Design: Doeblin.E.O. (Tata McGraw)
2. Electrical measurements and measuring instruments: swahney.A.K (Dhanpat Rai)
3. Instrumentation, Measurement and Analysis: Nakra, Choudhury (Tata McGraw)
SOLAR ENERGY: Solar radiation, solar radiation angles, local solar time, solar collector-
flat plate collector & solar concentrator, solar heater-water heater & air heater, solar cooker,
solar distillation, solar energy storage- sensible heat storage & latent heat storage.
FUEL CELL: Introduction, energy conversion principles, types of fuel cell, components of a
fuel cell, polarization.
GEO THERMAL ENERGY: Sources and use of geo-thermal energy, geo-thermal power
plants, applications.
ENERGY FROM THE OCEAN: Tidal power, components of tidal power plants,
generation of tidal power, estimation of energy & power, ocean thermal energy conversion
(OTEC)_ introduction, types, plants & their specifications.
1. G.D. Rai, Non conventional energy sources, Khanna publishers.
2. Thomas Markvart, Solar Electricity, John Willy & Sons.
3. A.C.Baker, Tidal Power, Peter Peargrenus Ltd.
4. G.N.Tiwari, Solar Energy_Fundamentals, design, modeling & application, Narosa
Publishing House.
ENERGY STORAGE: Size & Duration of storage. Modes of energy storage: mechanical,
electrical, magnetic, thermal & chemical. Comparison of the different systems.
1. Tripathy, S.C ; Electrical Energy Utilization & Conservation, TMG
2. Suryanarayan, N.V. ; Utilization of Electric power ; Wiley Eastern Ltd.
3. Pratab, H.; Utilization of Electrical Energy; Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
RADIATION: Wavelength, frequency & velocity. The radiation spectrum. Radiations from
black bodies & other sources.
THE EYE & VISION: The structure of the eye, accommodation, aberration of the eye, the
rods & cones, visual acuity, glare, color & color response of the eye.
1. Cotton.H, Principles of Illumination, Chapman & Hall.
2. Boast. W.S., Illumination Engineering, McGraw-Hill.
3. IES Lighting Handbook, Illumination Engineering Society, New York.
STARTING: Effect of starting on power supply, motor and load, starting methods,
automatic starting circuits- time and current limit acceleration, energy relations and reduction
of energy loss during starting.
RATING OF MOTORS: Heating: Heating and cooling of motors, loading condition and
classes of duty, power rating and selection of motors for different applications, load inertia
and load equalization.
1. Pillai, S.K.: Afirst Course in Electric Drives- Wiley Eastern
2. Partab,h.: Art and science of utilization of electric energy-Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
3. Chilkin, M.: Electric drives—Mir publishers, Moscow.
4. Rashid ,M.H.: Electronics-Prentice hall of India.
5. Subramanium,V.: Thyristor control of Electric motors-TMH
6. Vicker, H.: Induction motor-McGraw Hill.
THERMAL POWER PLANT: Thermal power plant – economical, and ecological. Line
diagram of thermal power plant- Boiler: classifications and operational issues, Super heater,
Reheaters, Economizer, air heater, draft system, feed water heater, and evaporator, cooling
water supply and cooling tower. Speed governor, station auxiliaries, Ash handling system for
thermal power plant. Emission issue of thermal power plant.
HYDRO POWER PLANT: Classification of hydro power plant, economical and ecological
issues related to the selection of site of hydro power plant , Estimation of generation capacity
of hydro power plant, Selection of turbine, plant layout, governor and hydro plant
1. Wood and Wollenburg: Power generation, operation and control—John Wiley and sons.
2. Electrical Power—S.L.Uppal.
3. Power system operation and Control – P S Murty Tata McGRAW-Hill
4. Electric Energy System Theory: An Introduction- Olle L. Elgerd Tata McGRAW-Hill
1. Kuffel E. and Abdulla , M., ‘High Voltage Engineering’, Paragon Press, London.
2. Naidu, M. S., and Karmaju, V., ‘High Voltage Engineering’, Tata Mc Grow Hill.
3. Chourasia, M. P., ‘High Voltage Engineering’, Khanna publishers.
4. Alsten, ‘High Voltage Engineering’.
5. Jha, R., A. S., ‘High Voltage Engineering’, Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
6. Rind , D. ‘High Voltage Laboratory Technics, PHI.
1. Power System Analysis – T K Nagsarkar and M S Sukhija OXFORD University.
2. Power system operation and Control – P S Murty Tata McGRAW-Hill
3. Electric Energy System Theory: An Introduction- Olle L. Elgerd Tata McGRAW-Hill
4. On line material form various sources
1. Reliability Engineering - E. Balagurusamy, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Comp. Ltd.,
2. Reliability Engineering – A. K. Govil, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Comp. Ltd., 1983.
3. Introduction to Reliability Engineering- E. E. Lewis, John Wiley and Sons, 1996.
4. Reliability Engineering Handbook (Vol 1) – Dimitri Kececioglu, Prentice Hall PTR,
5. Reliability Evaluation of Engineering Systems-concepts and techniques-Roy Billinton
and Ronald N. Allan (2nd Edition), Plenum Press, 1992.
6. Probabilistic Reliability- an engineering approach- M. L. Shooman, McGraw Hill Book
Company, 1968.
INTRODUCTION: Power quality and its importance, transients, long duration voltage
variations, short durations, voltage variations, waveform distortions, voltage fluctuations,
power frequency variations.
VOLTAGE SAGS AND INTERRUPTIONS: Sources of sags and interruptions, Estimating
voltage sag performance, mitigation of voltage sags: active series compensators, Static
transfer switches and fast transfer switches, solution at the end user level and their economic
TRANSIENTS OVERVOLTAGE: Source of transients overvoltage, principles of
overvoltage protection, devices for overvoltage protection
HARMONICS: Harmonic distortions, sources of harmonics and their locations, effects of
harmonics Harmonic distortion evaluation - devices for controlling harmonic distortion -
passive and active filters. IEEE standards.
LONG DURATION VOLTAGE VARIATIONS: principles of regulating the voltage,
devices for voltage regulation
POWER QUALITY BENCHMARKING: Benchmarking processes, RMS voltage
variation indices, harmonic indices, Power Quality State Estimator (PQSE)
POWER QUALITY MONITORING: Monitoring considerations - monitoring and
diagnostic techniques for various power quality problems - modeling of power quality
(harmonics and voltage sag) problems by mathematical simulation tools - power line
disturbance analyzer – Quality measurement, equipment - harmonic / spectrum analyzer -
flicker meters - disturbance analyzer, Applications of expert systems for power quality
1. Roger. C. Dugan, Mark. F. Mc Granagham, Surya Santoso, H.WayneBeaty, ‘Electrical
Power Systems Quality’ McGraw Hill,2003.(For Chapters1,2,3, 4 and 5)
DIGITAL FILTERS: IIR Systems, Structure of IIR Systems. FIR Systems, Structure of FIR
Systems. Design of IIR Systems, designing by Approximation of Derivatives, designing by
Impulse Invariance, Designing by Bilinear transformation. Design of FIR Systems, designing
by Window Method, Designing by Frequency-Sampling Method. Design of Optimum
Equiripple Linear Phase FIR Filter. Design of FIR Differentiator. Design of Hilbert
Transformer. Introduction to Multi-rate Digital Signal Processing, Sampling Rate
Conversion, Filter Structures, Multistage Decimator and Interpolators, Digital Filter Banks
1. Digital Signal Processing : By : Proakis&Manolakis : Pearson.
2. Digital Signal Processing: By: Salivahanan, Vallavaraj and Gnanapriya: TMH
1. Funndamentals of Digital Image Processing, A.K.Jain, Pearson Education.
2. Digital Image Processing, R.C.Gonzalez&R.E.Woods, Perason Education.
3. Digital Image Processing with MATLAB, R.C.Gonzalez&R.E.Woods, S.L.Eddins,
Pearson Education.
BANDS: Attenuation, depolarization, scintillation, frequency management, System planning,
Link budget, Link design for LOS and earth space paths.
WDM: System requirements, MUX/DEMUX Devices, Fiber optic subscribe loop, coherent
optical communication, optical amplifiers, fiber nonlinearities, soliton propagation, photonic
switching. Guided and unguided propagation, optical transmitters and receivers, direct
detection based systems, Receiver noise projess and statistics, digital & analog fiber optic
links, free space optical links, Fiber optic LAN, Elements of coherent optical communication
1. Advanced Optical Communications Systems And Networks --MiloradCvijetic& Ivan B.
Djordjevic -- Asian Books Pvt. Ltd.
2. Fiber-Optic Communication Systems Hardcover Govind P. Agrawal - Willey