Sika Solutions For Watertight Basement Structure

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advantages of our solutions
Basements and below ground civil engineering structures protected with Sika
waterproofing solutions have increased living comfort and wider possibilities
for use, plus the total cost of ownership is reduced and increase the durability
increased for the entire service life of the project.
Our fully integrated and compatible system solutions are sustainably produced
and well proven in practice for many decades all over the world, plus they are
fully tested and certified to all leading national and international standards.
This gives owners and their project specifiers and contractors the security of
clearly defined performance characteristics for all of Sika’s waterproofing
solutions to be used for their specific requirements.
2 Basement
sika solutions
for concrete
Sikaplan® sheet membranes

4 Sika Waterproofing Solutions

6 Basement Structures – Exposure and Stress

8 Owner’s Project Requirements

9 Basement Waterproofing Concept and Strategy

10 Sika Waterproofing Solutions for Basements

12 Sika Waterproof Mortars and Bituminous Coatings

14 Sika White Box Concept and Watertight Concrete Systems

16 Liquid Applied Polymeric Membranes

18 Fully bonded Flexible Sheet Membranes

20 Compartmenzalized Membrane Systems with intergrated Controll and Incection back-up

22 Basement Waterproofing Systems – Overview and Selection Guide

24 Waterproofing Repair and Refurbishment Solutions

26 Sika – The Global Leader in Structural Waterproofing

Basement Waterproofing
sika solutions
with Sikaplan®
for concrete
sheet membranes
basements 3
Waterproofing solutions

Waterproofing systems for below ground structures are faced with more
stringent requirements regarding durability, exposure and stress conditions,
construction method and sequence, ease of application and total cost manage-
ment. In addition, sustainable system solutions are becoming more important
in order to save natural resources, energy and water, plus reduction of CO2 etc.
As the global leader in providing structural waterproofing solutions, Sika has
the most complete and comprehensive range of products and systems that are
designed and can be adapted to meet the specific needs and requirements of
owners, architects, engineers and contractors on site.

Residential buildings commercial office archives/libraries underground parking

buildings area

Basement waterproofing Basement waterproofing Completely dry basement Basement waterproofing

solutions for storage rooms, solutions for strong rooms, waterproofing solutions solutions for different grades
wellness and fitness areas or computer rooms or storage for humid sensitive archive of watertight underground
movie theatres in residential rooms in commercial office rooms in libraries. parking areas.
buildings. buildings.

4 Basement
sika solutions
for concrete
Sikaplan® sheet membranes
Basement or any below-ground structure that is formed by a Sika provides full range of technologies and systems used for
base slab, walls and a top slab, is partially or fully exposed to below ground waterproofing. This includes highly flexible
the surrounding soil and groundwater, resulting in specific membrane systems, liquid applied polymeric membranes,
exposure and stress from the prevailing permanent or tempo- watertight concrete admixtures, joint waterproofing systems,
rary environmental conditions. Today new building owners waterproofing mortars and coatings, as well as injection seal-
generally request a service life of 50 years or more, and for ing grouts. All of these solutions are designed to be used to-
structures such as tunnels up to 120 years. Any lack of water- gether to meet the specific needs and requirements of owners,
tightness severely reduces the long-term durability of a architects, engineers and contractors on site.
building or other below-ground structure and badly affect its
planned use as water ingress will result in physical attack and Sika’s expertise is combined with more than 100 years of ex-
deterioration of the concrete. This leads to expensive struc- perience from all around the world, in providing successful
tural repair works, damage or loss of interior finishes and waterproofing solutions for building basements and below
goods, operational downtime, or serious impact on the internal ground civil engineering structures, such as tunnels and water
environment from damp and condensation. retaining structures. Sika waterproofing experts are able to
support our customers throughout their projects, from initially
The selection of the appropriate waterproofing method, the determining the best waterproofing concept, through detailed
project specific design of the chosen waterproofing system design and detailing, to on-site support for successful instal-
and its correct installation on site are key elements in mini- lation and completion. This also includes extensive remedial
mizing the Total Cost of Ownership. A waterproofing system solutions for waterproofing existing structures.
typically amounts to less than 1% of the total core construc-
tions cost, yet the selection of a high quality waterproofing
solution can easily save this amount or more, in future main-
tenance and repair costs over the service life of the structure.

metro stations service rooms Retail units and leisure facilities


Specific waterproofing solu- Basement waterproofing Complete dry waterproofing Basement waterproofing
tions for metro stations build solutions for various plant solutions to protect goods solutions for below ground
in open-cut construction rooms and underground against humidity in retail leisure facilities and indoor
method. power stations. units and warehouses. swimming pools and other
sport rooms.

Basement Waterproofing
sika solutions
with Sikaplan®
for concrete
sheet membranes
basements 5
below ground Structures –
Exposure and Stress

Temperature variation

Static force

Biological attack Water pressure Gas (Methane, Radon) Aggressive ground water

type of exposure and stress

Below ground structures can be subject to many different exposure conditions including:

́́ Different levels of water exposure and pressure (e.g. damp soil, percolating water or water under hydrostatic pressure,
and open water)
́́ Aggressive ground water containing chemicals (commonly sulphates and chlorides in solution)
́́ Unequal static forces (due to load, settlement, or uplift, etc.)
́́ Dynamic forces (e.g. from settlement, earthquake, explosion, etc.)
́́ Temperature variations (frost during the night/winter, heat during the day/summer)
́́ Gases in the ground (e.g. Methane and Radon)
́́ Aggressive biological influences (plant roots/growth, fungal or bacterial attack)
Dynamic force

Exposure impact on below ground structures

These different types of exposure may adversely influence the use, watertightness and durability of a basement structure,
resulting in a reduced service life of the entire structure.

Exposure Impact on structure

Water ingress • D
 amage to structure, finishes, contents and the internal environment (condensation and mould
growth etc.), loss of thermal insulation, corrosion of steel reinforcement
Aggressive chemicals • Concrete damage (due to sulphate attack), corrosion of steel reinforcement (due to chloride attack)
Unequal static forces • Structural cracking
Dynamic forces • Structural cracking
Temperature variations • Condensation, scaling or cracking of concrete
Gas penetration • Gas penetration and exposure for occupants
Fungal/bacterial attack • Damage to the waterproofing system, finishes or contents
Owner’s Project Requirements

To define the appropriate waterproofing strategy and type of system for a specific project, it is important to consider not only
the ground conditions but also the project requirements of the owner: Functionality and future use, the service life and the total
cost of ownership.

Owners requirements

1 Functionality
(Use, grade of watertightness)
2 Service Life / Durability

3 Total Cost of Ownership

(incl. maintenance cost)

1 Degree of watertighness required

The future use defines the degree of watertightness and protection of a structure. The British standards describes in
BS 8102-2009 different level of watertighness which can be combined with additional protection requirements.

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Additional Requirements

(formerly Grade 4)

Basic utility Better utility Habitable As Grade 3 plus:

Some seepage and damp No water penetration, some No water penetration ́́ No water vapour
areas tolerable* damp areas tolerable*, acceptable, ventilation penetration
ventilation may be required and dehumidification are ́́ Totally dry environment
required ́́ Protection against chemical
́́ Gas barrier
* Dependent on use * Dependent on use ́́ etc.

́́ Underground car parks ́́ Underground car parks ́́ Ventilated residential units ́́ Residential areas
́́ Plant rooms ́́ Storage areas and offices ́́ Computer rooms
́́ Workshops ́́ Plant rooms ́́ Restaurants and ́́ Archives
́́ Workshops commercial areas ́́ Special purpose facilities
́́ Leisure facilities and areas

8 Basement
sika solutions
for concrete
Sikaplan® sheet membranes
2 service life / durability
The required service life of individual concrete structure is mainly affected by water ingress and depends on the protection
performance and longevity of selected waterproofing system. The graphic below shows the service life/durability of a
structure depending on the grade of waterproofing system.

100 Years
10 Years

25 Years

50 Years

Maintenance level
Grade of damage

Level of technical service life

No waterproofing

System B
System A

System C


No Waterproofing: structure directly exposed to ground water without any waterproofing system.
System A: structure protected with low grade waterproofing system.
System B: Structure protected with a medium grade waterproofing system.
System C: Structure protected with a high grade waterproofing system.

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sika solutions
with Sikaplan®
for concrete
sheet membranes
basements 9
Owner’s Project Requirements

3 Total cost of ownership

The total cost of ownership (TCO) for the owner and investor includes all of the building costs for the entire service life of the
structure, including the initial investment, the cost of any loss or damage to interior furnishings and goods etc. due to water
ingress, the cost of any repair and maintenance, plus the cost of any downtime during any such works.

The graphic below illustrates the total cost of ownership for a specific project (e.g. typical commercial building) with a required
service life of at least 50 years.

No waterproofing

TCO System A

TCO System B

TCO System C

Initial investment system A Repair maintenance cost

Initial investment system B Cost for lost or damaged interior furnishings and goods
Initial investment system C Costs for operational downtime

10 Basement
sika solutions
for concrete
Sikaplan® sheet membranes
Basement Waterproofing –
Concept and Strategy

In general there are 3 different waterproofing concepts which can take all of the relevant project requirements into consideration:

Integral waterproofing system

A waterproofing system integrated into the concrete structure. Liquid
water penetration is stopped by the structure itself and cannot entirely pass
through into the basement. Typical products are admixtures for watertight
concrete combined with appropriate joint sealing systems for connection,
construction and movement joints.

́́ Grade of watertightness: Grades 1 – 3

́́ Application: New construction
́́ Protection provided: Waterproofing
́́ Durability: Very high durability (for non-agressive ground water)

External waterproofing system

A waterproofing barrier applied on the external surfaces that are exposed
to ground water (possitive side). The structure is protected against water
ingress and also against any aggressive substances or influences.
For some materials such as post applied waterproofing mortars and coatings,
access to the external surfaces is required for application after concreting.

́́ Grade of watertightness: Grades 1 – 3 plus additional requirements

́́ Application: New construction
́́ Protection provided: Waterproofing & concrete protection
́́ Durability: Low to high durability

Internally applied waterproofing system

A waterproof barrier is applied on the internal surfaces of the structure
(negative side). These systems do not prevent damage to the structure from
water ingress, nor concrete damage due to aggressive chemicals.
Generally these systems are applied as coatings or sheet membrane linings,
and is only recommended for refurbishment works in example where access
to the directly exposed surfaces is not possible.

́́ Grade of watertightness: Grades 1 – 3

́́ Application: Generally for refurbishment only
́́ Protection provided: Waterproofing
́́ Durability: limited durability (as the structure is unprotected)

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sika solutions
with Sikaplan®
for concrete
sheet membranes
basements 11
Waterproofing Technologies

1 4

Waterproofing mortars and renderings Liquid applied reactive membranes (PUR/PUA)

2 5

Sika White Box concept/Watertight concrete Fully bonded sheet membranes

3 6

Bitumen coatings and membranes Compartmentalized sheet membrane systems

12 Basement
sika solutions
for concrete
Sikaplan® sheet membranes
The performance of each different waterproofing technology can generally be positioned as follows:

Compartmentalized membrane systems with control and injection back-up

Fully bonded polymeric sheet membranes 4
Liquid Applied reactive
2 membranes (PUR/PUA)
Watertight Concrete /

White Box
Durability / Reliability

Mortars / Screeds

Bitumen membranes

Bitumen coatings
Very low

Exposure /

low moderate high extreme

Durability / Reliability Exposure / Aggressive conditions

Very low: <10 years/water ingress not really controlled. Low: water pressure 0 – 5 m/no settlement, no aggressive ground
Low: 10 – 20 years/water ingress limited. water.
Medium: 25 – 50 years/water ingress very limited. Moderate: water pressure 5 – 10 m/no aggressive ground water,
High: >50 years/water ingress complete under control. cracks <0.2 mm.
High: water pressure 10 – 20 m/aggressive ground water,
Extreme: water pressure >20 m/very aggressive ground water,
earthquake, gas penetration.

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sika solutions
with Sikaplan®
for concrete
sheet membranes
basements 13
Excavation and construction

The type and depth of excavation and construction procedure also affects the selection and installation of the waterproofing
system, e.g. for some externally applied waterproofing systems, working space is required. Therefore this has to be taken into
consideration at an early stage of the design phase in order to plan sufficient excavation and any temporary works required such
as shoring etc.. Waterproofing systems and their use with typical excavation requirements / construction methods are shown

Open cut excavation

With sloping sides

This basic excavation method using sloping sides
allows an easy bottom-up construction method
and has no impact on the selection or installation
of the waterproofing system.

Waterproofing systems:
Integral waterproofing systems:
́́ Sika White Box / Watertight Concrete System

Externally applied waterproofing systems:

́́ Compartmentalized membrane systems
́́ Pre- and post-applied fully bonded sheet
́́ Liquid applied membranes
́́ Waterproofing mortars and coatings
(in combination with drainage systems)

With retaining walls

Open cut excavation using temporary shoring/
retaining walls does not influence the selection
or installation of the waterproofing system when
enough space (>1.0 m) can be provided between
the retaining wall and the structure.

Waterproofing systems:
Integral waterproofing systems:
́́ Sika White Box / Watertight Concrete System

Externally applied waterproofing systems:

́́ Compartmentalized membrane systems
́́ Pre- and post-applied fully bonded sheet
́́ Liquid applied membranes
́́ Waterproofing mortars and coatings
(in combination with drainage systems)

14 Basement
sika solutions
for concrete
Sikaplan® sheet membranes

Pile walls or diaphragm walls limit the selection
of the waterproofing system due to limited space
and access. This is because the structure is nor-
mally built directly against this wall. Post- and
externally applied, bonded waterproofing systems
can therefore not be used for these structures.

Waterproofing systems:
Integral waterproofing systems:
́́ Sika White Box / Watertight Concrete System

Externally applied waterproofing systems

(base slab):
́́ Compartmentalized membrane systems
́́ Pre-applied fully bonded sheet membranes


This method can be used for bottom-up as well as
top-down con- struction. Unlike other methods,
diaphragm walls are also used to form part of the
new structure. Waterproofing of the connections
and intersections between base slab / walls are
key. Externally applied waterproofing can only be
used below the base slab.

Waterproofing systems:
Integral waterproofing systems:
́́ Sika White Box / Watertight Concrete System

Externally applied waterproofing systems

(base slab):
́́ Compartmentalized membrane systems
́́ Pre-applied fully bonded sheet membranes

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sika solutions
with Sikaplan®
for concrete
sheet membranes
basements 15
Sika Waterproof Mortars
and bituminous Coatings

1 2

SikaTop® Seal-107 Sika® Waterbar

externally applied systems with or without
crack-bridging abilities
Sika waterproof mortars and bitumen based coatings are rigid or semi-flexible water-
proofing products. They are supplied as ready to use solutions for many basements
to seal against damp soil, seepage and percolating water. They must be pre-applied
on suitable substrates under new structural concrete slabs and are generally post-
applied externally on new walls. They must be used in combination with appropriate
joint waterproofing systems for the connection, construction and movement joints.
Good external drainage with a permanent dewatering system is also necessary; nor-
mally using drainage pipes placed at or below the level of the base slabs to prevent
any build-up of water pressure.

Use Main Advantage Typical Projects

́́ As a waterproofing system ́́ Cost efficient solution ́́ Domestic applica-
for Grades 1 to 2 (Material + Application) tions
́́ To protect structures ́́ Ready to use & easy to ́́ Residential buildings
against percolating water apply ́́ Industrial buildings
́́ For limited ground condi- ́́ Provide additional
tions (no settlement, less concrete protection
aggressive environments,
low water pressure)

Sika products and system solutions

SikaTop® Seal-107  -component, polymer modified, rigid cementitious water-
proofing mortar, internally and externally applied for full sur-
4 face waterproofing and tanking.
SikaSeal®-250 Migrating  -component, rigid and cement based active crystalline
waterproofing slurry for internal and external applications on
Sika® Igolflex®-100 series O
 ne component, rigid, solvent-free, polystyrene-filled
bitumen based coatings for use against water ingress and in
contact with ground water (positive water pressure side).
Sika® Igolflex®-200 series T
 wo component, flexible, solvent-free, fibre-filled bitumen
based coatings, for use against water ingress and in contact
with ground water (positive water pressure side).
Complementary products for joint sealing and waterproofing:

Sika® Waterbars
Internally or externally applied joint waterstops, based on PVC
or TPO, for sealing construction and movement joints.
SikaSwell®  ange of hydrophilic profiles and gun applied sealants,
Sealants and Profiles designed for the sealing and waterproofing of construction
joints and penetrations (e.g. pipe entries).

Sika® Igolflex®-100 SikaSwell®

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sika solutions
with Sikaplan®
for concrete
sheet membranes
basements 17
Sika White Box Concept and
Watertight Concrete Systems

1 6

1 2 3 4

Sika ViscoCrete® Sikadur-Combiflex® SG Sika® Waterbar Sika® Waterbar

Sika® WT-100/-200 Tricosal® Waterbar
Integral, rigid and cost efficient systems
The “Sika White Box Concept” involves optimum structural design and reinforcement
together with an integral rigid waterproofing solution. This consists of a waterproof
concrete combined with appropriate joint sealing systems for any necessary con-
struction and movement joints. To produce watertight concrete that is impermeable
to water, special admixtures including superplasticizers and pore-blocking or active
crystalline agents have to be used, in order to also ensure optimum consistence, flow
and ease of compaction in a dense matrix with minimal voids. For sealing the joints,
many different Sika solutions can be used including hydrophilic sealants / profiles,
waterbars in various material qualities, injection hoses or sealing tapes, dependent
on the type and location of the joint and its requirements.

Use Main Advantage Typical Projects

́́ As the waterproofing ́́ Cost effective solution ́́ Underground car parks
solution for Grades 1 – 3 (Material + Application) ́́ Commercial develop-
́́ For non-moving struc- ́́ Very durable waterproo- ments
tures and less aggres- fing system ́́ Residential buildings
sive environments ́́ Reduced working proce- ́́ Industrial facilities
(without additional dures on site
concrete protection)

Sika products and system solutions

SikaPlast® /   id and High Range Water Reducing admixtures for reducing
Sika ViscoCrete® pore volumes and improving rheology for consistence.
Sika® WT-100 /-200  ore-blocking and active crystalline admixtures to block pores
against water penetration.
Sika® Control  hrinkage reducing admixture to limit crack formation
throughout the hardening phase.
Sikafume® range  dditives based on pozzolanic silica fume that is used to
reduce the hardened pore volume of the concrete.
Sika® Waterbars Internal or external applied waterstops based on PVC or TPO
for construction and movement joints.
SikaSwell®  ange of hydrophilic profiles and gun applied sealants, de-
Sealants and Profiles signed for the sealing and waterproofing of construction joints
and penetrations (e.g. pipe entries).

5 6
Injection Hoses
Injection hoses for construction joints that can be used for
sealing by injection and re-injection in the event of future
movement etc.
Sikadur-Combiflex® SG  igh performance, over-banding sealing tape system for post-
System sealing and waterproofing of construction and movement
Tricosal® Waterbars Internal and external applied waterstops and flanging systems
based on rubber for heavy duty joint waterproofing.

SikaFuko® SikaSwell®

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sika solutions
with Sikaplan®
for concrete
sheet membranes
basements 19
Liquid Applied, reactive
Polymeric Membranes

2 5

1 2 3

Sikalastic®-841 ST Sika® Waterbar SikaSwell®

Fast to apply, crack-bridging, polyurethane
and polyurea based LIQUID MEMBRANES
Sika liquid applied membranes (LAM) are highly elastic and flexible polymeric sys-
tems, usually based on polyurethane resins or polyurea resins with excellent tech-
nical properties for high performance applications. These materials are applied on
prepared / primed external concrete surfaces by hand or spray and they can provide
excellent solutions for complex detailing.
Liquid applied membranes will also prevent any lateral water underflow in the event
of local damage. Application below the base slab is done on a special fleece before
the structural concrete slab is placed.

Use Main Advantage Typical Projects

́́ As the waterproofing solu- ́́ High crack-bridging ́́ Underground car parks
tion for Grades 1 – 3+ ability ́́ Commercial develop-
́́ For additional protection to ́́ High chemical and ments
concrete structures against abrasion resistance ́́ Residential buildings
aggressive influences such ́́ Easy to apply, ́́ Industrial facilities
3 as chlorides, sulphates or especially around ́́ Civil engineering
biological attack complex details structures
(e.g. open-cut tunnels)

Sika products and system solutions
Sikalastic®-801 /-801 SL  ighly flexible, 1-component polyurethane based liquid
applied membranes for vertical (801) and horizontal (801 SL)
Sikalastic®-841 ST  ighly flexible, very fast curing, pure polyurea based, liquid
applied membranes with very good chemical resistance for
both, vertical and horizontal areas.
Complementary products for Joint Sealing and Waterproofing:
Sika® Waterbar Externally fixed, cast-in-place waterstops based on PVC or FPO
for sealing and waterproofing construction and movement
SikaFuko® Injection hoses for construction joints and other details, with
Injection hoses or without swelling strips, which can be used for sealing by
injection and re-injection in the event of future movement etc.
SikaSwell®  ange of hydrophilic profiles and gun applied sealants, de-
4 5 Sealants and Profiles signed for the sealing and waterproofing of construction joints
and penetrations (e.g. pipe entries).
Sikadur-Combiflex® SG High performance, over-banding sealing tape system for post-
System sealing and waterproofing of construction and movement

Sikalastic®-801 SikaFuko®

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sika solutions
with Sikaplan®
for concrete
sheet membranes
basements 21
Fully Bonded Flexible Sheet
Membrane systems

1 2

SikaProof® A SikaProof® P
Sika’s unique, pre-applied, fully bonded and
crack-bridging MEMBRANE system
SikaProof®, the fully bonded and highly flexible FPO sheet waterproofing membrane
systems can permanently prevent any lateral water underflow between the water-
proofing and the structural concrete in the event of local damage, even when this
has occurred below the base slab.
The SikaProof® fully bonded sheet waterproofing membrane systems are simple
and easy to use, making them fast and secure to install on site. The overlaps, butt
joints and details are all connected and sealed very simply by bonding them together
with sealing tapes or self-adhered strips. There are no complicated welding proce-
dures and no special equipment is required on site.

Use Main Advantage Typical Projects

́́ As the waterproofing ́́ Cost effective solution ́́ All types of concrete
solution for Grades (Material + Application) basements (residential,
1 – 3+ ́́ High durability commercial etc.)
́́ For aggressive ground ́́ No lateral water ́́ Industrial facilities
conditions underflow ́́ Pre-cast structures
(ground water and soil, ́́ High flexibility and crack-
Radon gas etc.) bridging ability
́́ Approved detailings

Sika products and system solutions

SikaProof® A  re- and cold applied sheet waterproofing membrane system
for application below base slabs, plus on single and double-
faced formwork cast walls.
SikaProof® P  ost-applied sheet waterproofing membrane system, specially
designed for roof slabs and double-faced formwork cast walls.
Complementary products for joint sealing and waterproofing:
Sika® Waterbar  xternally fixed, cast-in-place waterstops based on PVC or TPO
for sealing and waterproofing construction and movement
Sikadur-Combiflex® SG  ver-banding sealing tape system for post-sealing and
System waterproofing of construction and movement joints, around
penetrations and for connections.
SikaSwell®  ange of hydrophilic profiles and gun applied sealants,
Sealants and Profiles designed for sealing and waterproofing of construction joints
3 4 and penetrations.(e.g. pipe entries).
SikaFuko® Injection hoses for construction joints and other details, with
Injection hoses or without swelling strips, which can be used for sealing by
injection and re-injection in the event of future movement etc.

Sika® Waterbar Sikadur-Combiflex® SG

Basement Waterproofing
sika solutions
with Sikaplan®
for concrete
sheet membranes
basements 23
Compartmentalized Membrane
systems with integrated
control and injection back-up

5 4

1 2 3

Sikaplan® WT/WP Sika® Waterbar Control-/Injection

WT/WP Sockets
High performance, crack-bridging and
fully controlled
Highly flexible waterproofing systems using Sikaplan PVC based or FPO based sheet
waterproofing membranes are installed externally and cover the entire basement
structure in contact with the ground. The waterproofing layer is divided into ‘com-
partments’ with a network of cast in place compatible waterstops that are welded
to the membrane. This allows very significant reduction of risk as in the event of
any leaks (i.e. from damage to the membrane), the position of the leak is easy to
locate by the control and injection sockets and remedial action (i.e. injection) can be
taken to ensure continued watertightness and concrete protection of the system at
any time during its service life.

Use Main Advantage Typical Projects

́́ As waterproofing solu- ́́ Watertightness is con- ́́ Underground car parks
tions for Grades 1 – 3+ trolled and secured at ́́ All types of buildings
́́ For high demands and any time residential, commercial,
harsh ground conditions ́́ Highly crack bridging Public etc.)
́́ Protection against radon ́́ Easily repaired in case ́́ Industrial facilities
or methane gas of leaks due to direct ́́ Containment areas
́́ For structures in aggres- access of compartment ́́ Civil engineering
sive groundwater like ́́ Secure full protection of structures
coastal areas concrete (e.g. Metro stations)

Sika products and system solutions

Sikaplan® WP 1100 series H
 omogeneous and plasticized PVC sheet waterproofing mem-
branes and gas-tight barriers for general use, loose laid with
the membrane overlaps connected by heat welding.
Sikaplan® WT 1200 series FPO
 sheet waterproofing membranes and gas-tight barriers
for use against aggressive groundwater, loose laid with the
membrane overlaps connected by heat welding.
Sika® Waterbar WP/WT  ast-in-place external waterstops, based on PVC or FPO, con-
nected with similar based sheet waterproofing membranes by
heat welding, for compartmentalized waterproofing systems.
Control- and Preformed pieces based on PVC or FPO, connected with flexible
Injection Sockets injection pipes to allow access to compartments for the con-
trol of watertightness and injection in the event of leaks.
Complementary sealing system solutions:

4 5
Sikaplan® WT Tape 200  dhesive sealing tape based on FPO, compatible with Sikaplan
WT sheet membranes for waterproofing the terminations of
post-applied compartment systems.
Sika® Dilatec E/ER  dhesive sealing tapes based on plasticized PVC, compatible
to Sikaplan WP sheet membranes for water proofing termina-
tions of post applied compartment systems.

Sika® Waterbar Sika® Dilatec

plus SikaFuko® Sikaplan® WT Tape
Basement Waterproofing
sika solutions
with Sikaplan®
for concrete
sheet membranes
basements 25
Basement Waterproofing
An overview and selection guide for new constructions

SikaTop® / SikaSeal® / Sika® Igolflex® Sika White Box

Technology / Type of system Mortars & Coatings Watertight Concrete

Waterproofing Concept / Strategy Externally applied Integral

Grade of watertightness Grades 1 – 2 Grades 1 – 3

Concrete protection Limited Low

Water resistance level ́́ Seepage / percolating water ́́ High hydrostatic pressure

́́ Rising capillary water ́́ Seepage / percolating water
́́ Rising capillary water

Performance characteristics Crack-bridging: n.a. Crack-bridging: n.a.

Water vapour tighness: + Water vapour tighness: +
Chemical resistance: + Chemical resistance: +
Gas barrier: + Gas barrier: +
Durability: + Durability: +++

Safety level / Reliability Low Low to medium

Excavation method Only open excavation Open excavation and piled walls

Repair in the event of leaks By crack or area injection By local injection of limited areas.
Damage is easy to locate

Conditions of application ́́ Controlled conditions required ́́ Limited to suitable temperatures for

(temperature, water, humidity) concreting works.
́́ Substrate preparation required ́́ No substrate preparation required

Advantages ́́ Very cost effective ́́ Very cost effective

́́ Simple & fast to apply ́́ No protection required (walls)
́́ Simple & fast construction
́́ High durability

26 Basement
sika solutions
for concrete
Sikaplan® sheet membranes
Sikalastic® SikaProof® Sikaplan®

Liquid Applied Membranes Fully bonded Sheet Membrane Compartmentalized Membrane System with
integrated control- and Injection back-up

Externally applied Externally applied Externally applied

Grades 1 – 3 plus additional requirements Grades 1 – 3 plus additional requirements Grades 1 – 3 plus additional requirements

Very high High Very high

́́ Medium hydrostatic pressure ́́ High hydrostatic pressure ́́ Very high hydrostatic pressure
́́ Seepage / percolating water ́́ Seepage / percolating water ́́ Seepage / percolating water
́́ Rising capillary water ́́ Rising capillary water ́́ Rising capillary water

Crack-bridging: ++ Crack-bridging: ++ Crack-bridging: +++

Water vapour tighness: +++ Water vapour tighness: ++ Water vapour tighness: +++
Chemical resistance: ++ Chemical resistance: ++ Chemical resistance: +++
Gas barrier: ++ Gas barrier: ++ Gas barrier: +++
Durability: + Durability: ++ Durability: +++

Medium Medium to high Very high

Only open excavation Open excavation and piled walls Open excavation and piled walls

By crack injection By crack injection By injection of leaking compartments trough

integrated back-up system. Easy to control
and locate due to control sockets or active
control system. Re-injection possible.

́́ Controlled conditions required ́́ Controlled conditions required ́́ Substrate preparation required

(temperature, water, humidity) (temperature, water, humidity).
́́ Substrate preparation required ́́ Substrate preparation required
́́ Membrane must be protected until
the reinforced concrete is placed

́́ High performance ́́ Highly efficient ́́ High waterproofing security

́́ Easy detailing solutions ́́ High performance ́́ Very high performance
́́ High durability ́́ Easy to apply ́́ Simple and fast to repair
́́ Low risk ́́ High durability / reliability
́́ High durability ́́ Integrated system redundancy

Basement Waterproofing
sika solutions
with Sikaplan®
for concrete
sheet membranes
basements 27
Repair and Refurbishment


1 2 3 4 5

Sika® Injection-100/ Sika® Injection-300 Sika® Injection-300 Sika® Injection-300 Sika® Injection-300
200 series series series series series
Sika® InjectoCem-190
Sika Injection solutions for repair and
refurbishment works
In situations with water ingress due to localised damage of the waterproofing sys-
tem, appropriate repairs to seal the leaking areas have to be undertaken. These can
often only be done by injection, because of inadequate access to the waterproofing
system itself in most basements and below ground structures.
According to the type of damage / leakage (i.e. through joints, cracks or honey-
combed areas, etc.) and the waterproofing requirements, the right materials have to
be used. Successful and durable repairs by injection are ensured by the combination
of Sika’s expert diagnosis, using Sika materials and recommended equipment, plus
4 Sika trained installers.

Use Main Advantage Typical Projects

Sealing and repairing of: ́́ No excavation ́́ Suitable for all types of
6 ́́ Cracks necessary basements and civil engi-
́́ All types of joints ́́ Localised repair neering projects including
́́ Sikaplan compartments works structural waterproofing
́́ Sealing of leaking areas ́́ Durable repairs
by curtain injections

Sika products and system solutions

Sika® Injection-100 series F
 lexible, solvent-free, fast foaming polyurethane (PUR)
foam for temporary water-stopping of high water intrusions
through cracks, joints and cavities in concrete.
Sika® Injection-200 series E
 lastic, solvent-free PUR-Injection resin for permanent sealing
of dry, damp or water-bearing cracks and joints in concrete.
Sika® Injection-300 series E
 lastic, very low viscosity polyacrylic injection resin for perma-
nent sealing of water-bearing cracks, voids and joints in con-
crete. It is also used for the repair of damaged waterproofing
membrane compartments and injection of SikaFuko injection
Sika® Injection-400 series High-strength, solvent-free, low viscosity epoxy resin for
Sikadur®-52 structural bonding and sealing of cracks, including in damp
Sika® InjectoCem-190  -component, cement based injection material with corrosion
6 7 inhibitors for the sealing and strengthening of cracks and
cavities in concrete. Can also be used for the injection sealing
of construction joints through SikaFuko injection hoses.

Sikadur®-52 Sika® Injection-200

Sika® InjectoCem-190 series
Basement Waterproofing
sika solutions
with Sikaplan®
for concrete
sheet membranes
basements 29
Sika – The Global Leader in
Structural Waterproofing

Sika provides a wide range of alternative waterproofing solutions for different

requirements in new basement construction and refurbishment. With more than 100 years of
experience in Structural Waterproofing, Sika is the reliable partner for all of the parties in-
volved on every project. Innovative Sika waterproofing solutions that include both rigid and
flexible waterproofing systems, create Added Value for our customers every day, and are a
key driver of our global success and one of the key reasons why Sika is the clear number 1 in
Structural Waterproofing. With a local presence all around the world, now in more than in 80
countries, Sika is ideally positioned to support our customers everywhere – right from the
initial project design and detailing, through to successful installation and completion on site.

Design Support Specification Support

́́ Selection of appropriate concept and system solutions ́́ Specifications, Method Statements and Bills of Quantities
́́ Concrete mix design and control ́́ Detail drawings including CAD
́́ Engineering details, custom solutions ́́ Watertight guarantee concepts
́́ Cost/Performance/Life cycle analysis

Site Support Maintenance Support

́́ Concrete laboratories (incl. mobile units) ́́ Maintenance Manuals

́́ Application training on site ́́ Refurbishment systems
́́ Troubleshooting ́́ Repair and refurbishment documentation
́́ Quality Control procedures ́́ Site Inspection and refurbishment proposals

30 Basement
sika solutions
for concrete
Sikaplan® sheet membranes
Global but Local Partnership

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