Leadership and Management
Leadership and Management
Leadership and Management
Leadership is the process of influencing the activities of an organized group in its effort towards goal setting
and goal achievement. It involves inspiring, enlivening, and encouraging others to follow willingly, voluntarily, and
cooperatively to meet this goal with zeal and confidence and to their greatest potential.
It is a process of persuasion and example by which an individual induces group to take work and action that is
accord to with the leader’s purposes or a shared purposes of all (Gardner)
It is a process by which a person inspires a group of constituents to work together using appropriate means to
a common mission and goal (Holloman)
It is a process of directing and influencing the task-related activities of group members (Stoner)
It is a process of social transaction in which the person influences others (Merton)
It is a process of stimulating to strive willingly to attain organizational objectives giving them the experience
to attain the common objectives and satisfactions with the type of leadership provided (Flores)
It is a process of empowering beliefs and teaching others to top their full capabilities by shifting the beliefs
that have been limiting them (Robbins)
It is a process of influence in which leader influences, inspires, enlivens, or encourages others towards goal
achievement (Yukl)
It is a process in which leaders make vision so palpable and seductive that everybody is willing to sign on
characteristics / ECONOMIC
personality OF AN
purpose / structure / nature of the
(situation in which leadership is
personality of the group
(attitudes, needs, and other personal characteristics of
the group)
Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm on the Working Variables of Leadership
(Based on McGregor, 1960)
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NCM 105: Nursing Leadership and Management
Leadership (with influence as an instrumental part) is a result of the relationship between the environment, the
organizational structure, the group members and the leader.
1. Formal leader – person in legitimate or official authority to act in sanctioned or assigned role
2. Informal leader – does not have official sanction to direct activities of others; usually chosen by the group
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2. Trait Theory
o Traits earlier thought to be inherited but later research indicates that traits could be obtained through
learning and experience
o Leadership traits are: energy, drive, enthusiasm, ambition, aggressiveness, decisiveness, self-
assurance, self-confidence, friendliness, affection, honesty, fairness, loyalty, dependability, technical
mastery, and teaching skills.
o Some common leadership traits:
Leaders need to be more intelligent than the group they lead
Must possess initiative, ability to perceive, and start the courses of action not conceived by
Creativity and originality
Emotional maturity and integrity
Adequate communication skills
Persuasive to gain consent of followers
Perceptive to distinguish allies from opponents and place subordinates in suitable positions
Participative in social activities
Intelligence traits – perceive Personality traits – knows how to Ability traits – technical and
knowledge and competence in a motivate workers to achieve administrative talents to
specific job which is the one of the organizational goals demonstrate understanding and
most important factors in a leader’s achieve workers’ understanding and
effectiveness to enable the nurse motivation for achieving
manager to relate well and inspires organizational goals
subordinates to perform well.
fluency of speech adaptability enlist cooperation and
decisiveness alertness prestige
knowledge creativity sociable
judgment cooperativeness good interpersonal skills
personal integrity tactful
self-confidence diplomatic
nonconformity enhances collective unity
emotional balance and among members of the system
control to achieve its goal
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facilitates leadership
capability of a nurse manager so
he/she is able to motivate
3. Behavioral Theory
o Argues that it is not who the leader is, but how the leader behaves
o Two Basic Leader Behavior (Michigan & Ohio State University)
1. Employee-centered leadership – effective leadership with focus on the human needs of
2. Job-centered leadership – less effective because their focus is on schedule, costs, and efficiency
resulting in a lack of attention to developing work groups and high performance goals
4. Situational Theory
o Assumes that a leader should help followers grow in their readiness to perform new tasks as long
as they are able and willing to go
The skill in which the leader applies the three basic tools of leadership–autocratic, democratic, and
laissez-faire techniques–determines the leader’s personal success as a leader, that is matching the appropriate
leadership style to the individual’s or group’s level of task-relevant readiness.
Readiness or maturity is one’s ability and motivation to perform particular task. It is addressed in
order to select one of the four leadership styles as enumerated below (Hersey & Blanchard):
1. Telling leadership – groups with low maturity with members unable or unwillingly to participate
or are unsure.
Leader’s role is to provide direction and close supervision
2. Selling leadership – groups with low to moderate maturity who are unable but are willing and
Leader can give clear direction and supportive feedback to get the task done
3. Participating leadership – groups with moderate to high maturity who are able but unwilling or
Leader can give support and encouragement
4. Delegating leadership – groups with high maturity who are able and ready to participate and can
engage in the task without direction or support
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Framework of Situational Leadership as applied to Benner’s model of novice to expert (based on Dreyfus
& Dreyfus model of skill acquisition in nursing) specified that there are tasks, competencies, and outcomes that
practitioners can be expected to have acquired based on the five levels of experience
5. Motivational Theory
o Motivation is a concept used to describe both the extrinsic conditions that stimulate certain
behavior and the intrinsic responses that demonstrate behavior in human beings. Content theories
of motivation focus on factors or needs within a person that energize, direct, sustain, and stop the
behavior. Deficiencies in needs stimulate people to seek and achieve goals to satisfy those needs.
6. Path-Goal Theory
o Derived by Robert House from Expectancy Theory, which argues that people act as they do
because they expect their behavior to produce satisfactory results.
o People are motivated when they believe that they are able to carry out the work and when they
thin k their contribution will lead to the expected outcome and that the rewards for their efforts
are valued and meaningful.
o The leader facilitates task accomplishment by minimizing obstructions to the goals and by
rewarding followers task completion.
Leaders motivate followers and influence goal accomplishment using the appropriate style of
leadership for the situation to make the path toward the goal easier for the followers.
1. Directive style – leaders provide structure through direction and authority with focus in getting
the job done
2. Supportive style – reaction-oriented providing encouragement, interest, and attention
3. Participative style – focuses on involving followers in decision-making
4. Achievement-oriented – provides high structure and direction through consideration of behavior
7. Contingency Theory
o States that there are other factors in the environment which influence outcomes as much as
leadership style. This theory views the pattern of leader behavior as dependent upon the
interaction of personality of the leader and the needs of a situation or how favorable the situation
is towards the leader which involves leader-member relationships, degree of task structure, and
leader’s position of power.
o Identified three aspects of a situation that is structure leader’s role:
Leader-membership relationship – are feelings and attitudes of followers regarding
acceptance, trust, and credibility of the leader
Good leader-member relation – followers respect, trust, and have confidence in
the leader
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8. Transformational Leadership – assumes that power is the basic energy to initiate and sustain
action translating intention into reality (Bennis & Nanus)
Leaders commit people to action, convert followers into leaders, and may convert leaders into
agents of change. Competencies for dynamic and effective transformational leadership include:
Management of attention – leaders possess a vision or sense of outcomes or goals which are
mutually developed, are based on a sense of quality, appeal to values and emotions and are
feasible yet challenging; ability of leader to create focus or clear picture of an outcome
Management of meaning – leaders inspire commitment thus, must communicate their vision and
create culture that sustains vision. All elements must enhance the worth of individuals, allow
creativity and appeal to the values of nurses; ability to translate their ideas unto symbols with real
Management of trust – leaders whose judgment is sound and consistent and whose decisions are
based on the fairness, equity, and honesty are always respected. People would much rather follow
individuals they can count on, even when they disagree with their viewpoint, than people they
agree with but who shifts positions frequently. Ability of leader to inspire trust in other by
contributing to integrity of organization
Management of self – knowing one’s skills and using them effectively. Nurse leaders need to
master the skills of leadership because mastery reduces stress and burnout. It is critical that nurse
leaders recognize their lack of management skills and then take responsibility to their own
continuing education. Ability to recognize own strengths and weaknesses
9. Transactional Leadership – an exchange posture that identifies needs of followers and provides
rewards to meet those needs in exchange for expected performance. It is a contract for mutual benefits
that has a contingent rewards. The leader is a caretaker who sets goals for employees, focus on a day-to-
day operations, and uses management by exception. It is a competitive, task-focused approach that takes
place in hierarchy.
Transactional Transformational
Hierarchy Networking
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Competitive Cooperative
Task-focused Process-focused
Exchange posture Promote employee development
Identify needs of followers Attend to needs and motives of followers
Provide rewards to meet goals Inspire through optimism
Exchange for expected performance Influence exchange in perception
Contract for mutual benefits Provide intellectual stimulation
Contingent rewards Encouragement of followers creativity
Caretaker Role model
Set goals for employees Individualize consideration
Focus on day-to-day operation Provide sense of direction
Management by exception Encouragement of self-management
10. Charismatic Theory – is based on the inspirational quality possessed by individuals that others
feel better in their presence. They set example by their behavior, communicate high expectations to
followers and express confidence in them, and arouse motives for the group’s mission.
Servant Leadership – according to Robert Greenleaf, is life and leadership in the Lord. Leaders use their
gifts from God according to the grace given to them, share with others generously; if they have the
authority, they should work hard and should show acts of mercy with cheerfulness.
Defining Characteristics:
A servant leader has the ability to:
Listen on a deep level and to truly understand (listening)
Keep an open mind and hear without judgment
Deal with ambiguity, paradoxes, and complex issues
Honestly share critical challenges with parties and ask for their inputs which is more
important than personally providing solution
Be clear on goals and good at pointing the direction without giving orders
Be a servant, helper, and teacher first, and then a leader (stewardship)
Be always thinking before reacting
Choose work carefully so as not to damage others being led
Use foresight and intuition
See things whole and sense relationships and connections
Focus on long-term management that involves slower promotions and less direct
supervision. Organizations invest in its employees and addresses both home and work
issues creating a path for career development
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1. Autocratic – centralized decision making; leader makes the decision with the use of power to command and
control others
2. Democratic – leader participates with authority delegated to others; uses expert power and power base
afforded by having close personal relationships
3. Laissez-faire – passive and permissive ; leader defers decision making
4. Bureaucratic – leader acts as a representative of the power and prestige of the entire structure; leader is
vested with definite authority in his official role
2. Person-oriented
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Hiya (shame or embarrassment) – development of the capacity for this feeling is encouraged by the
family since the threat of experiencing it is considered an effective means of obtaining approved
Utang na loob (obligation) – feeling which develops when someone has received a favor from
another; cannot be repaid by money. Repayment is expected by the donor but in a form decided at
some future time by the donor
Pakikisama (going along together)
Practice of galang or respect – the result of the definition of rights and obligations which are
inherent in the structural positions of individuals in the Filipino kinship system
Practice of using go-betweens (lakad system) – arrange or fix things for someone
Practice of bata system (relationship between superior and subordinate) – a protégé, favored
individual, close fiend, comrade to rely on time of need
Amor-propio (self-esteem) – leads to smooth interpersonal relationship with his subordinates,
fellow managers, and even competitors. The core of which is the need to be treated as a person and
not as an object
3. High respect and regard for women – the “Pinay Power” becomes very evident in Filipino organizations
4. Application of bureaucracy – constitute an essential part of Filipino life because the chief function is
reinterpreted is – to strengthen the traditional norms of society through the evolution of a unique synthesis of
the rational and the traditional
5. Personalism – identifies leadership with benevolences; focuses not so much on what a person does as in who
he is; not so much on what the person knows as whom he knows and who knows him not as much on the
objective reality of things as on the way things are actually perceived
6. Dangal (honor), puri (modesty), utang na loob (sense of gratitude) – considers moral dimensions of his
actions, solutions, and decisions. Sense of gratitude to the people who supported the company at the early
stage may make him/her decide to retain an employee even if his/her skills and knowledge are no longer
7. Great zeal for professionalism and education – pursue masters and doctoral degree which entail great
sacrifices in them considering their busy schedule and work
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- came from the word “to manage” (Henri Fayol)
- to manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, to command, and to control
Forecast – to foresee and provide mean in examining future and drawing up a plan of action
Organize – building up the dual structure which is a material and human undertaking
Command – binding together, unifying, and harmonizing all activities and efforts
Control – seeing that everything occurs in harmony with established rules and expressed demand
• process of working with and through others to achieve organizational objectives in a changing environment
• planning, directing, coordinating, and controlling including leadership, giving direction, developing staff,
monitoring operation, giving rewards fairly, and representing both staff members and administration as needed
• process of obtaining and organizing resources, building up dual structure (skills and people) and of achieving
objective through people a set of interactive process through which the utilization of resources results in the
accomplishment of organizational objectives
• a body of knowledge existing the process of science and art
Management as a Process
• also a series of systematic, sequential, or instances of overlapping steps directed toward the achievement of
organizational goals and objectives
Importance of Management
• to facilitate the act
• to achieve certain objective and goal
• to deliver quality nursing care to our patients
• time dimensions reflecting the dynamic nature of management (includes time frame)
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• recognition that one major task of management is the integration of the efforts of group or organization
• Interpersonal – involve communication either written or verbal
• Technical – involve external factor and physical resources
• “Purposeful group”
• It includes not only the goal definition but the direction and purpose
Management is a Science
• Because achievement is required through the scientific method which implies an empirical measurement of
data casual links among phenomena log organization of external structure and conclusions validated through
Management is an Art
• Because it involves getting one done through people
• Problems are adaptive through individual style based on creativity, judgment, intuition, and experience instead
of the visual systematic method of science
Motto Do the right thing Do thing right
Challenge Change / innovation Continuity
Focus Purposes Structures, process, and procedures
Time Frame Future Present
Methods Strategies Schedules
Questions Why? Who, what, when, where, and how?
Outcomes Journey Destinations / goals
Focuses on Human Potential Performance
Do the right thing Do things right
Are interested in effectiveness Are interested in efficiency
Innovate Administer
Develop Maintain
Focus on people Focus on systems and structure
Rely on trust Rely on control
Align people with a direction Organize and staff
Emphasize philosophy, core values, and shared goals Emphasize tactics, structure, and systems
Have a long-term view Have a short-term view
Ask what and why Ask how and when
Challenge the status quo Accept the status quo
Focus on the future Focus on the present
Have their eyes on the horizon Have their eyes on the bottom line
Develop visions and strategies Develop detailed steps and timetables
Seek change Seek predictability and order
Take risks Avoid risks
Inspire people to change Motivate people to comply with standards
Use person-to-person influence Use position-to-position (superior-to-subordinate)
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Inspire others to follow Require others to comply
Operate outside of organizational rules, regulations, Operate with organizational rules, regulations, policies,
policies, and procedures and procedures
Take initiative to lead Are given a position
Management Theories
1. Frederick Taylor
• generally recognized as the father of scientific management
• believed that an organization is like a machine to be run efficiently
• through the use of stopwatch studies, applied the principles of observation, measurement, and scientific
comparison to determine the most efficient way to accomplish a task
• conducted time-and-motion studies to time workers, analyze their movements, and set work standards
• found that the same result could be obtained in less time with fewer or shorter motions
• the most productive workers were hired
• threw aside rule-of-thumb judgments and developed systematic approach to determine most efficient
means of production
• considered management function to be planning
• working conditions and methods had to be standardized to maximize production
• management’s responsibility is to select and train workers rather than allow them to choose their own jobs
and methods and train themselves
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3. Henry Gantt
• a disciple of Taylor, also was concerned with problems of efficiency
• preferred to refine previous work rather than introducing new concept
• developed the “Gantt chart,” a forerunner of PERT (program evaluation and review technique) chart,
depicts the relationship of the work planned or completed on one axis to the amount of time needed or
used on the other
• developed a task and bonus remuneration plan whereby workers received a guaranteed day’s wage plus a
bonus for production above the standard to stimulate higher performance
• recommended that workers be selected scientifically and provided with detailed instructions for their tasks
• argued for a more humanitarian approach by management, placing emphasis on service rather profit
objectives, recognizing useful nonmonetary incentives such as job security and encouraging staff
Classic Organization
deductive rather than inductive, views the organization as a whole rather than focusing solely on production
managerial activities are classified as planning, organizing, and controlling
1. Henri Fayol
• known as the “father of the management process school”
• concluded that management is universal
• all managers, regardless of the type of organization or their level in the organization, have essentially the
same tasks: planning, organizing, issuing orders, coordinating, and controlling
• believed in the division of work and argued that specialization increases efficiency
• encouraged development of group harmony through equal treatment and stability of tenure of person
• firm believer in order – advocated “a place for everything and everything in its place”
• argued that management be taught in college
14 Management Principles
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1. Division of work – the more people specialized, the more efficiently they can perform
2. Authority and Responsibility – the right to give command and order and power to exact obedience
3. Discipline – obedience to agreement between parties in the firm must be exercised; manager in the
organization needs to respect the rules and agreement that govern the organization
4. Unity of Command – employees should receive orders from only one superior
5. Unity of direction – each group activities having the same purpose should operate under one head and one
plan; operation within organization should have the same object (should be directed by one superior)
6. Subordination of individual interest to general interest or common goal – the overall objective that the
group seeks to achieve takes precedence over the objective of the individual
7. Remuneration of personnel – compensation for works should be based on systematic attempt to reward
8. Centralization () and decentralization () – role of subordinates in decision making; involves the degree
to which subordinates participate in decision making
9. Scalar chain / hierarchy / line of authority – a graded chain of authority from top to bottom through which
all communication flow
10.Order – the material and human instrument of business must be arranged logically; material should be rin the
right place and right time
11.Equity – enforcement of established rules tempered by the sense of blindness and justice should prevail in the
organization; both friendly and fair to everyone
12.Stability of tenure of personnel – tough management should implement practices which encourage the long-
term commitment of employee particularly manages to firm
13.Initiative – employees must be encouraged to think through and implement a plan of action; freedom to
conceive and carry out plan even if some mistakes result
14.Esprit de corps – unity of effort through harmony of interest; promote team spirit to promote sense of unity
2. Max Weber
• earned the title “father of organization theory”
• conceptualized bureaucracy with emphasis on rules instead of individuals and on competence over
favoritism as the most efficient basis for organization
conceptualized a structure of authority that would facilitate the accomplishment of organizational
1. Traditional authority – accepted because it seems things have always been that way, such as rule of
a king in a monarchy
2. Charisma – strong personal convection
3. Rational, legal authority – rational in formal organizations because the person has demonstrated the
knowledge, skill, and ability to fulfill the position
• recognized that if subordinates do not believe a person is qualified for the position, they may not accept
that person’s authority
• suggested the avoidance of traditional and charismatic leadership through systematic selection of
• administrators are chosen for their competence
• their authority is clearly defined
• they are given legal means of exercising their authority
• continuity of administration is provided
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• produce competent and responsible employees
• employees perform by uniform rules and conviction
• accountability to one’s authority
• social distance with supervisors and clients
• reduce favoritism, promotes personality
• rewards and incentives given based in technical qualification, seniority, and achievement
• red tape – complaints heard and experiences
• observable procedural delays
• inevitable frustrations among employees and clients
Human Relations
• focused on the effect individuals have on the success or failure of organization
• stresses the social environment
• source of control, motivation, and productivity
• chief concerns are individuals, group process, interpersonal relations, leadership, and communication
• managers encourage workers to develop their potential and help them meet their needs for recognition,
accomplishment, and sense of belonging
1. Mary Follett
• stressed the importance of coordinating the psychological (more on human behavior) and
sociological (interaction with other people / individuals) aspects of management
• believed that managers should be aware that each employee is a complex collection of emotions,
beliefs, attitudes, and habits
• one of the first theorists to success the principle of “Participative Decision Making” or “Participative
• considered subordination offensive
• the law of situation dictates that a person does not take orders from another person but from the
• advocated that managers study the total situation to achieve unity because she believed that control
would be obtained through cooperation among all of the elements, people, and material
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2. Elton Mayo
• discovered that when special attention is given to workers by management, productivity is likely to
increase regardless of changes in the working condition
• informal work groups and informal social environment among employees which allow for group
decision making have a great influence on productivity
• proposed that improvements be made by making the structure less formal and by permitting
employees’ participation in decision making
• meaning there’s human factors such as care and attention and recognition for employee not just the
physical environment
• discovered the “Hawthorne Effect”
Hawthorne Effect
• phenomena of being observed or studied resulting in changes in behavior
• improvement in performance by workers resulting from awareness that experimental attempts
are made to bring improvement
3. Kurt Lewin
• advocated the three leadership styles
• advocated democratic supervision
• his research indicates that democratic groups in which participants solve their own problems and have
the opportunity to consult with the leader are most effective
• autocratic leadership promotes hostility and aggression or apathy and decreases initiative
Behavioral Science
• emphasized the importance of maintaining a positive attitude towards people, training managers, fitting
supervisory action to the situation, meeting employees’ needs, promoting employees’ sense of achievement,
and obtaining commitment through participation in planning and decision making
1. Abraham Maslow actualization
• developed the hierarchy of needs theory
achievement of
full capacities
Self-esteem needs
(self-respect, positive self-
evaluation, regard by others)
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Physiological Needs – most important and most necessary for survival
(oxygen, water, food, sleep, sex, and activity)
NCM 105: Nursing Leadership and Management
• Father of motivation who determined that people can best be understood through the study of
human needs and their influence in behavior
• Once a need is satisfied, it is no longer a motivator, and the next need becomes prepotent
2. Frederick Herzberg
• Motivated “Hygiene theory” or “Two-Factor Motivational Need theory”
3. Douglas McGregor
• Theory of X and Y or human side of the enterprise
• Noted that one’s style of management depends on one’s philosophy of mans
Theory X
• manager’s emphasis is on the goal of the organization
• assumes that people dislike work and will avoid it
• workers must be directed, controlled, coerced, and threatened so that organizational goals can be
• mot people want to be directed and to avoid responsibility because they have little ambition
• desire security
• managers will do the thinking and planning with little input form staff associates
• lack desire to improve quality
• noncreative
• money is the reason for working
• believes achievement is irrelevant
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Theory Y
• Emphasis is on the goal of individual
• views human nature positively
• assumes that people do not inherently dislike wok and that work can be source of satisfaction
• workers have self-direction and self-control necessary for meeting their objectives and will
respond to rewards for the achievement of those goals
• believe that under favorable conditions, people seek responsibility and display imagination,
ingenuity, and creativity
• human potentials are only partially used
• allow participation
• give general rather than close supervision
• support jib enlargement
• use positive incentives such as praise and recognition
• exercise self-control
• work is natural
• enjoy responsibility
• value achievement
• with potential imagination and creativity
• want to improve quality
4. William Ouchi
• published Theory Z (Japanese form of Participative Management)
• focuses in better way of motivating people through their involvement
• long-term employment / lifetime
• slow evaluation and promotion
• more implicit and less formalized control system
have written plan or goal
• personal concern for the employee
• cross functional rotation (participation)
• some degree of participative decision making
• emphasis on individual responsibilities
• cooperation
• collective decision making practice
• increase workers production
• enhance job satisfaction; solving identified problems
Four Soft S’s of Management
• staff – workers
• skills – capability of organization
• style – how managers achieve goal
• superordinate goals – guide posts
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5. Chris Argyris
• focused on the coexistence of personal and organizational needs
• found out that individuals give priority to meeting their own needs
• managers can make job more meaningful by taking advantage of people’s talents and letting them
participate in planning, goal setting and problem solving
• “psychological energy theory”
6. Rensis Likert
• Participative Management Theory
• believed that effective managers are highly sensitive to their staff associates and use communication
to keep the working as a unit
• foster supportive relationship among all members
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7. Peter Drucker
• management is a tool for effective planning and appraisal
• introduced management by objectives
• as directing element and made famous by George Odiorne
Management by Objectives
• process whereby the superior and the subordinate managers of an organization jointly
identifies its goals, define each individuals’ major areas of responsibility in terms of the
results expected of him and use these measures as guide for operating the unit and assessing
the contribution of each members
• top management is not supportive
• inconsistent among managers
• goals are too easy and attainable
• conflict of goals and policies
• accountability beyond control of subordinates
• lack of commitment of subordinates
• simple
• focus on what is important
• genuinely created from the bottom up
• MBO is a living contract not form-driven exercise
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NURSING MANAGEMENT - a process of coordinating actions and allocating resources to achieve organizational
goals of the health care delivery system
1. Planning - philosophy, goals, objectives, policies, procedures and rules carry out short and long range
production, determining of fiscal course of action and planning
2. Organizing - establishing structures to carry out plans, determining the most appropriate of pt. care delivery
and grooming activities to meet unit goals, working in the structure of org. and understanding and using
power and authority
3. Staffing – recruiting, interviewing, hiring, orienting the staff, scheduling, staff development, employee
4. Directing - “leading” human resource management responsibility
a. motivating
b. managing conflicts
c. delegating
d. communicating
e. facilitating collaboration
5. Controlling - “evaluation” fiscal accountability, performance, appraisals, quality control, legal and ethical
control, professional and collegial control
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1. Top Level manager - executive CEO, generally made decision and the help of few guidelines or
structure to coordinate internal and external influences
2. Middle - supervisor; unit manager, vice president, conduct day to day operations with some involvement
—long term planning and policy
3. First level - case manager, team leader, nurse practice.. concern with specific units and deal with
immediate day to day operations problem
7. Nursing Management denotes a function, social position or rank, a discipline and a field of study
8. Nursing Management is the active organ of the division of nursing of the organization and of the society in
which it functions
-exist for the good of the people
9. Organizational culture reflects values and beliefs
-nursing staff are working together; united
10. Nursing Management is directing and leading
-accomplish the object of nursing leadership style
11. A well manage division of nursing motivates employee to perform satisfactory
-job satisfaction
12. Nursing Management is effective communication
-to decrease misunderstanding to have common understanding to have unity of direction and
-receiving new nurses
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1. Conceptual
- refers to an individual mental ability to coordinate a variety of interests and act
- includes in abstract, analyze and critical thinking
2. Interpersonal
- human skills
- pertains to how something is done to working with people and to one’s abilities to work with others in the
achievement of goals
- different people has different attitude
- includes motivation, selection, manipulation, good communication, techniques
3. Diagnostic
- ability to determine by analysis and examination the nature and circumstances of particular condition or
- difficult to acquire
4. Technical Skills
- are the tools, procedures and techniques that are unique to the nurse manager specialize to a situation
- thru practice and experiences
5. Coach and Mentor Skills
- day to day hands on process that helps employee to recognize opportunities and ways to improve
performance and capabilities mutually acceptable action creating a supportive, healthy climate and
influencing employees to change their behavior
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