Assignment 2 - IOS Arcade Game-1

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MAPD724 – Advanced iOS Development

Assignment 2 – iOS Arcade Game

Due Week #5 (Thursday February 7, 2019) @ midnight.

Value 15%

iOS Arcade Game Maximum Mark: 74

Overview: Either alone or as a Team of up to 4, you will create an original 2D arcade game. The game
can be a scrolling game, a platform game, tower defense, ¾ down adventure or other classic arcade
game. Puzzle games will not be accepted. The game must have a Menu Screen, Instructions screen, one
Game-Level Screen, and a Game-Over screen. A scoring system must also be included. You must use
your own graphic and sound assets. You must use the Swift Programming language, the SpriteKit
framework and Xcode to develop your game.

Instructions :
(27 Marks: GUI, 27 Marks: Functionality, 5 Marks: Internal Documentation, 11 Marks:
External Documentation, 4 Marks: Version Control)
1. Your application will have the following characteristics (27 Marks: GUI, 27 Marks Functionality)
a. A Menu Screen (the Game Start State) – that will allow the user to get ready and
displaying at least 2 options: Play and Instructions (3 Marks: GUI, 3 Marks:
b. An Instructions Screen – will display rules and instructions on how to win the game (2
Marks: GUI, 2 Marks: Functionality)
c. A Gameplay Screen This is where the main game occurs. The game will have at least 1
Game Level Screens. Each Game Level must appear and function differently than other
game levels. Each Level must have a unique goal. (6 Marks: GUI, 6 Marks: Functionality).
d. A Game-Over screen (the Game End State) – this will display the player’s final score and
give the player the option to Play Again or return to the Main Menu Screen (2 Marks:
GUI, 2 Marks: Functionality)
e. Player control of an Avatar (a vehicle or character) – the main input may be a
combination of touch or accelerometer. The player’s avatar may have weapons or other
devices that he can use to defeat the computer controlled enemies (3 Marks: GUI, 3
Marks: Functionality).
f. Computer control (AI) of enemies or hazards. The enemies or hazards in the game
should be abundant enough to challenge the player but not be impossible to beat. (4
Marks: GUI, 4 Marks: Functionality)
g. Random opportunities to generate points for the player aside from killing enemies (e.g.
pickups, treasure, etc.) (2 Marks: GUI, 2 Marks: Functionality)
h. A Scoring system – ensure that the player’s score is accurately calculated and displayed
somewhere on the Gameplay screen (1 Mark: GUI, 1 Mark: Functionality).
i. The player must have a life counter or health status that decreases each time his avatar
is “killed” (1 Mark: GUI, 1 Mark: Functionality)
j. Add sound effects for collisions with enemies, collecting points, shooting attacks,
explosions, etc. (2 Marks: GUI, 2 Mark: Functionality).
k. Add a Game soundtrack (1 Marks: GUI, 1 Mark: Functionality).
2. Include Internal Documentation for your program (5 Marks: Internal Documentation):
a. Ensure you include a program header for each module of your game that indicates: The
Source file name, Author’s name, Student Number, Date last Modified, Program
description and Revision History (2 Marks: Internal Documentation).
b. Ensure you include a header for all of your functions and classes (1 Marks: Internal
c. Ensure your program uses contextual variable names that help make the program
human-readable (1 Marks: Internal Documentation).
d. Ensure you include inline comments that describe elements of your GUI Design for your
arcade game (1 Marks: Internal Documentation)
3. Include External Documentation for your program that includes (11 Marks: External
a. A company Logo (0.5 Marks: External Documentation).
b. Table of Contents (0.5 Marks: External Documentation).
c. Version History – ensure you include details for each version of your code (1 Mark:
External Documentation).
d. Detailed Game Description – describing how your game works (1 Mark: External
e. Controls (0.5 Mark: External Documentation).
f. Interface Sketch – this section should include wireframes of each of your game screens
with appropriate labels (1.5 Marks: External Documentation)
g. Screen Descriptions – Include at least 4 screen shots for your game: 1 for your Start
Screen, 1 for your Gameplay Screen, 1 for your Game-End Screen and 1 for each level of
difficulty (2 Marks: External Documentation).
h. Game World – Describe your game environment (0.5 Mark: External Documentation).
i. Levels – Describe each of your game levels or challenge levels (0.5 Mark: External
j. Characters / Vehicles – Describe the character’s Avatar (0.5 Mark: External
k. Enemies – Describe the computer-controlled enemies and how they function (0.5 Mark:
External Documentation).
l. Weapons – Describe any weapons available to the player (0.5 Mark: External
m. Scoring – Describe how the player can score and how the score is calculated (0.5 Mark:
External Documentation).
n. Sound Index – Include an index of all your sound clips (0.5 Mark: External
o. Art / Multimedia Index – Include examples of your image assets. Each image should be
displayed as a thumbnail (0.5 Mark: External Documentation).
4. Share your files on GitHub to demonstrate Version Control Best Practices (4 Marks: Version
a. Your repository must include your code and be well structured (2 Marks: Version
b. Your repository must include commits that demonstrates the project being updated at
different stages of development – each time a major change is implemented (2 Marks:
Version Control).

Optional Game Features (i.e. Potential Bonus Marks).

A. Include additional Game Levels. Each one must have a unique goal, background graphics and
B. Include a final “boss monster” to defeat.
C. Add power-ups for the player’s avatar (e.g. extra speed, a shield) that he can add to his
“inventory” and use whenever he chooses.
D. Add Cheat Codes.
E. Create a mini-game in a section of the main arcade game (e.g. disarm a bomb, pick a lock, etc.).
F. Empower the player to gain an NPC (non-player character) computer-controlled ally.
G. Make it possible for the player to save / load his game.

Evaluation Criteria
Feature Description Marks

GUI / Interface Design UI Controls meet the application requirements. Display elements are deployed in 27
an attractive manner. Appropriate contrast is applied to application UI Controls and
any background colours applied so that all text is legible.
Functionality The program's deliverables are all met and the program functions as it should. No 27
errors appear as a result of execution. User Input does not crash the program.
Internal Documentation A program header is present and includes the name of the program, the name of 5
the student, student number, date last modified, a short revision history and a
short description of the program. All methods and classes include headers that
describe their functionality and scope and follow commenting best practices. Inline
comments are used to indicate code function where appropriate. Variable names
are contextual wherever possible.
External Documentation Include an external document via MS Word or PDF (or README file on GitHub) that 11
includes all the sections that are relevant to the game. Ensure there are no spelling
or grammar errors.
Version Control GitHub commit history demonstrating regular updates. 4
Total 74

Your submission should include:

1. An external document (MS Word or PDF).
2. A link to your project files on GitHub.
3. Your project files zipped and submitted to e-centennial

This assignment is weighted 15% of your total mark for this course.

Late submissions:
• 20% deducted for each additional day.

External code (e.g. from the internet or other sources) can be used for student submissions
within the following parameters:
1. The code source (i.e. where you got the code and who wrote it) must be cited in your
internal documentation.
2. It encompasses a maximum of 10% of your code (any more will be considered cheating).
3. You must understand any code you use and include documentation (comments) around
the code that explains its function.
4. You must get written approval from me via email.

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