AP Psychology Final Exam Project: Option #1
AP Psychology Final Exam Project: Option #1
AP Psychology Final Exam Project: Option #1
You will have three project options to choose from. Each project
option will allow you in, diverse ways, to demonstrate your knowledge of
Psychology. Any questions please let me know.
GRADING: This is an honors (100), pass-plus (85), pass (65), fail (0) project.
We both know what a good, thoughtful project involves and should look
like. (NO typos, grammatically error-free, well-researched and thoroughly
prepared… ALL elements of Project Requirements Addressed)
Everyone has a favorite movie. Have you ever thought that your favorite movie was
related to Psychology? Most likely it is! There are so many incredible films that depict
psychological issues. Sometimes these films portray the psychological issue(s) accurately
but more often than not Hollywood takes liberties and the film is filled with inaccuracies
and make-believe.
Part I: Brainstorm
Come up with a short list of films that depict psychological issues, or a concept we have
studied this year in AP Psychology. Starting Monday, May 14th, I will have a sign-up sheet
for students to indicate which film they will be profiling.
REMEMBER: Each student must pick a different movie. First come, first served!
(P.S. Mean Girls, UP!, & Awakenings are not options)
(P.S. The film you pick must be appropriate, you know what I mean!!!)
1) Reflection paper
2) Printed Copy of the PowerPoint Presentation slides
On the day of your presentation please bring in a flash drive with your PowerPoint on it,
or email a copy of the presentation to me at [email protected]
way that is easy to understand, yet the message can be very complex.
Part I: Brainstorm
Begin by selecting a psychological topic you want to research. Use your countless
resources to come up with a fact sheet of information you hope to convey through your
children’s book. You should also consider your audience. Your readers should range in
age from around six to ten years old or from 1st graders to 5th graders.
Part II: Relate it to Psychology
Once you have selected the psychological topic you wish to research, plan how you are
going to share this information through a story meant to be read by children. Creativity
-What is the topic? What are the psychological facts you want to share?
-What is the lesson you want the reader to learn?
-Who are the characters?
-Where is the story taking place?
After creating your original children’s book you are required to write a one-page
summary of your original book. In the summary you should indicate the intended
audience and message of the book. This one-page summary of your book should also
highlight the accurate psychological information that will be examined throughout the
1) Your original children’s book (REMEMBER: You will be reading the book to the class!!!)
2) One-page reflection Answering the Questions to Consider