Collection Advantage Access User Guide
Collection Advantage Access User Guide
Collection Advantage Access User Guide
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Collection Advantage features.......................................................................................................1
Collection AdvantageSM via Access................................................................................................................1
Collection Advantage features........................................................................................................................1
Collection Advantage benefits.........................................................................................................................1
Collection Advantage target clients...............................................................................................................1
Products and services offered.......................................................................................................2
Products and services offered........................................................................................................................2
Individual options (à la carte)...........................................................................................................................2
Collection attributes...........................................................................................................................................5
Score models........................................................................................................................................................5
User IDs and passwords...................................................................................................................................6
First-time user login...........................................................................................................................................7
Navigating to Collection Advantage...............................................................................................................7
Collection Advantage results.......................................................................................................10
Results provided................................................................................................................................................10
User guide
Collection AdvantageSM via Access
With Electronic Directory Assistance, we link in real time to an Electronic Directory Assistance provider where all adds
and disconnects are processed on a daily basis, if the first search within MetroNet can’t identify a telephone to append.
MetroNet scores the results of returns from the Electronic Directory Assistance provider and returns up to three
matches that meet a numeric “best pick” cut-off score. The score ranges from 0 to 89, with the higher scores
representing tighter matches.
• Tradelines and Inquiries — Appends up to 10 open tradelines in the following order: up to two mortgages, up to two
home equity/second mortgages, up to five bankcards, up to seven auto loans, and up to 10 retail from highest to lowest,
based on available credit amount and most recent balance date. The tradelines provide creditor’s name, purpose type,
credit amount, balance amount and available credit (if applicable). This option also includes up to five of the most recent
inquiries in the last six months, displaying most recent to oldest.
Within Collection Advantage, you can select the required data elements in a package, which bundles multiple data
elements together.
Collection attributes
The 33 collection-specific attributes are returned as one data element. Users can’t select individual attributes.
Score models
The following score models are available through the internet with Collection Advantage:
• RecoveryScoreSM — Rank orders delinquent accounts based on the relative amount expected to be collected over the
next six months. Scores range from 400 to 800, with high scores representing greater collectability (collectability, in
this context, is the likelihood of payment and the rank-ordering of the payment amount). Two versions of the score are
available: bankcard and retail.
• VantageScore® — Provides high-quality tri-bureau risk prediction and consistent decisioning.
• Bankruptcy Watch® — Forecasts the likelihood of a consumer filing bankruptcy or exhibiting seriously delinquent or
derogatory behavior over the next 12 months.
• SureViewSM — Forecasts the likelihood of a consumer exhibiting seriously delinquent or derogatory behavior on a
subprime bankcard account over the next 12 months.
• Telecommunications, Energy and Cable Risk ModelSM — Addresses the unique credit characteristics of the wireless
communications industry and can be used in all phases of the customer life cycle. This model is a risk-assessment
tool that rank orders consumers by their potential risk for seriously derogatory behavior, including charge-offs,
repossessions, collections, bankruptcies and foreclosures.
• Scorex PLUSSM — Optimizes risk management during acquisitions and throughout the customer life cycle.
• Bankruptcy PLUSSM — Predicts the likelihood of future bankruptcies of any type of account within 24 months.
It includes a score range of 1 to 1,400 (low score = low risk) and delivers up to four score factor codes.
• National Risk Model v2 — Analyzes a consumer’s entire Credit Profile Report and summarizes it into a score,
assessing the potential risk for seriously derogatory behavior such as charge-offs, repossessions, collection
accounts, foreclosures and bankruptcies.
Usage reports that indicate product usage/time frame by individual user(s) are available.
If you have access to more than one subcode, it is critical that you are aware which subcode is to be used for which
purpose. You will be asked to select your subcode at the beginning of each inquiry or before you submit an inquiry.
If you’re not sure which subcode to use, please ask your designate. Selecting incorrect subcodes may cause billing errors.
Experian’s Information Technology team is committed to ensuring a high level of information security both internally and
externally. In addition to the highly secure registration process via the ACS, Access currently uses a Secure Sockets Layer
of 128-bit encryption coupled with a user ID and password for every user accessing Access.
Head designates and security designates can provide you with new products and services, update your ID or reset your
password. Both our security platform and the application itself are reviewed and audited by a third-party vendor. Security
controls, procedures and policies are placed through a rigorous security assessment process.
Users may access Collection Advantage via the following URL:
Step 1: Begin a Collection Advantage inquiry by selecting the appropriate billing Access subcode and permissible purpose
from the drop-down menus. Permissible purpose is the reason for the inquiry on the consumer. The default is Collection
(2H). Each Collection Advantage request posts an inquiry to the consumer’s credit file. Ensure that you have permissible
purpose prior to submitting a transaction. This type of inquiry is viewable only to the consumer when he or she receives a
copy of the report.
Reference field (optional) — Choose the type of reference information you would like to enter. Use the free-form field
to the right to enter the reference information.
Step 2: Enter the consumer’s information. Be sure to enter data in all required fields (as indicated by a red asterisk) prior
to submitting your transaction.
Step 4: Select the appropriate package, individual option and/or score(s). Collection Advantage lets you select a package
option in conjunction with individual option(s) and scores to have all results return in a single transaction. When selecting
individual options in conjunction with a package, the system won’t allow you to select an option inclusive to the package.
For example, if you select the Address, Phone, Scrub and Analysis package, the only individual options available to select
are Tradelines and Inquiries and risk models.
Select the New Inquiry link in the upper-right corner to begin a new Collection Advantage inquiry.
The summary of the results is at the top. Following the summary information, the details of the requested data elements begin.
Personal information
(displayable with all packages and the Best Name and Address individual option)
• Best name — Provides Experian’s best name.
• Best address — Provides Experian’s best address.
• Date of birth — Provides Experian’s date of birth.
• Other name(s) — Provides Experian’s other name(s).
• Other address(es) — Provides Experian’s other address(es).
• Best social security number — Provides best SSNs on file for consumer from Experian’s File One database.
• Other social security number — Provides additional SSNs on file for consumer.
• Reported dates — Provides dates first and lasted reported to Experian.
(displayable with packages #5–#6 and the MetroNet Phones and Change of Address individual option)
• Best name — Provides MetroNet’s best name.
• Best address — Provides MetroNet’s best address.
• Best telephone — Provides MetroNet’s best phone.
(displayable with packages #2–#6 and the Bankruptcy Information individual option [when found on file for a consumer])
• Court name — Name of court bankruptcy filed.
• Court code — Reporting number of court reporting bankruptcy.
• Filing type — Chapter and status code of bankruptcy (e.g., Chapter 7 petition).
• Original filing date — Date bankruptcy filed.
• Status date — Date current status reported.
Score summary
(displayable when any score option is selected)
• Name — Provides the name of the score selected:.
–– Score — Score received.
–– Score factors — The key items determining the score (not all score models provide score factor codes to display).
Tradeline details
(displayable with package #6 and the Tradelines and Inquiries individual option)
• Appends up to 10 open tradelines in the following order: up to two mortgages, up to two home equity/second mortgages,
up to five bankcards, up to seven auto loans and up to 10 retail from highest to lowest, based on available credit amount
and most recent balance date. The tradelines provide creditor’s name, purpose type, credit amount, balance amount and
available credit (if applicable). This option also includes up to five most recent inquiries in the last six months, displaying
most recent to oldest.
• Subscriber name — Creditor’s name.
• Purpose type — Type of tradeline.
• Credit amount — Amount of credit line.
• Balance amount — Balance of credit line.
• Available credit — Available credit of tradeline.
• Reported date — Date tradeline was last reported.
Credit attributes
(displayable with packages #4–#6 and the 33 Credit Attributes individual option)
• Attribute description — Attribute number and description.
• Result — Result of attribute.
FCRA attributes
Displays FCRA attributes reported on the Credit Profile for the following:
• Total number of bankruptcies voluntarily withdrawn by the consumer.
• Total number of accounts closed by the consumer.
• Total number of accounts in dispute by the consumer.
• Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.
• Chapter 11 Bankruptcy.
• Chapter 12 Bankruptcy.
• Chapter 13 Bankruptcy.
Product demonstration
You can demo within the Collection Advantage application by using two demonstration subcode options from the billing
subcode drop-down menu.
• Option A — The STAR 2000 database test method lets you enter any of the test profiles into the interface in order to
produce specific output results. (Note: You must submit applicable paperwork to be provided STAR 2000 test case CD-ROM
for this option.)
• Option B — The prefill demo method, once selected, automatically prepopulates required fields within the inquiry page
using one test case. This is the recommended method for the majority of users to sample or demo the service. It lets you
select the appropriate package, individual option and/or score(s) for your training purposes or to become more familiar
with the options available.
Designates have the ability to view all reports accessed for the subcodes they manage. By default, you have access to
your own reports.
This functionality is provided as a service to our clients. Experian’s liability is limited to the storage of the data for
12 months. To request this functionality, head security designates must call Customer Support at 1 800 831 5614.
Please refer to the Internet Security Guidelines for additional information.
For additional Access support, contact our Customer Support Center at 1 800 831 5614 or our Technical Support Center
at 1 800 854 7201.
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The price for Experian’s services is not established, controlled or approved by the United States Postal Service
Experian Experian and the Experian marks used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Experian
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