Transition Between Grid-Connected Mode and Islanded Mode in VSI-fed Microgrids
Transition Between Grid-Connected Mode and Islanded Mode in VSI-fed Microgrids
Transition Between Grid-Connected Mode and Islanded Mode in VSI-fed Microgrids
Abstract. This paper investigates the behaviour of a microgrid system during transition between grid-con-
nected mode and islanded mode of operation. During the grid-connected mode the microgrid sources will be
controlled to provide constant real and reactive power injection. During the islanded mode the sources will be
controlled to provide constant voltage and frequency operation. Special control schemes are needed to ensure
proper transition from constant P–Q mode to constant f–V mode and vice versa. Transition from one mode to
other will introduce severe transients in the system. Two kinds of transition schemes based on the status of the
off-line controller are discussed and a comparative study is presented for various step changes in the load. An
additional-pole-placement-based output feedback controller augmentation during transition between the modes
is proposed to reduce the transients. A static output feedback compensator design is proposed for the grid
connected to island mode transition and a dynamic output feedback compensator design is proposed for
resynchronisation. The performance of the output feedback controllers is tested under various operating con-
ditions and found to be satisfactory for the tested conditions.
Keywords. Distributed generation; d–q axis current control; droop control; output feedback controller.
1240 Dibakar Das et al
islanding algorithm based on voltage and frequency mea- controller for grid-connected mode and droop controller for
surement is used for detecting the island and facilitating the islanded mode. The system parameters are given in table 1.
transition [10]. Two strategies are proposed for the transi- The control schemes for grid-connected and islanded modes
tion between grid-connected mode and islanded mode. In are explained in the subsequent sections.
one scheme only one mode controllers, either grid-con-
nected mode or islanded mode, will be on-line and calculate
the set points required for the inverter at any given point of 2.1 Control scheme during grid-connected mode
time. Whenever a switch-over command is issued by the
island detection unit the other controller starts calculating
The microgrid in grid-connected mode should operate in
the input for the inverter and the previously on-line con-
constant P–Q mode. Thus the inverter is operated in con-
troller becomes off-line. In another scheme, both the grid-
stant current control mode using d–q-axis-based current
connected mode and islanded mode controllers will be on-
control. Consider the inverter model as shown in figure 1b
line and continuously calculate the set points based on local
measurements but only one of them actively controls the along with the filter. The inverter equations in the abc-
inverter depending on the status of the island detection domain are as follows:
command. A comparative study of both the transition diabc
schemes is presented. It was observed that the second con- Lf þ Rf iabc ¼ Viabc V1abc ð1Þ
trol strategy performs better during the transition between
grid-connected and islanded mode but the transients are still where i is inverter 1 or 2. Transforming (1) to d–q reference
significant with the second control strategy. To reduce the frame, the following can be obtained:
transients, a novel output feedback controller is augmented
to the off-line controller during the transition period. A Lf þ Rf id þ xLf iq ¼ Vid V1d ;
static feedback compensator is shown to be sufficient for dt ð2Þ
transition to island mode and a first-order dynamic com- Lf þ Rf iq xLf id ¼ Viq V1q :
pensator is shown to be sufficient for resynchronisation to dt
the grid. These controllers are realised based on the outputs These equations are coupled because the d and q axis
of the island and grid-connected mode controllers. A sys- currents appear in each equation. The controller action can
0 0
tematic approach for developing the design of these output be decoupled by defining Vd and Vq as follows:
feedback controllers is presented and the performance is
validated for different operating conditions. Vd ¼ Vid V1d xLf iq ;
0 ð3Þ
Vq ¼ Viq V1q þ xLf id :
2. Microgrid model The equation under the aforementioned substitution
The microgrid model used for the analysis in this paper
consists of two inverter-based sources as shown in figure 1a. 0 did
The distribution lines connecting the inverters and point of Vd ¼ Lf þ Rf i d ;
dt ð4Þ
common coupling (PCC) bus are modelled as short lines 0 diq
(series R–L model). The load considered in this case is a Vq ¼ Lf þ Rf i q :
series R–L load with a rating of 10 kW (0.8 power factor (pf)
lag). The X/R ratio considered for the grid is 3. Figure 1b A synchronous reference frame phase-locked loop (PLL) as
shows the inverter model along with the first-order filter. shown in figure 2 [11] is used to obtain the voltage phase at
There are two different sets of controllers, d–q axis current the connection point of the inverter. A simple PI controller
(a) (b)
Figure 1. System model. (a) Network model. (b) Inverter model.
Transition between grid-connected mode and islanded mode 1241
Parameter Value
Grid SCC 20 MVA (X/R = 3)
Transformer rating 11 kV/400 V (D Y)
Distribution line resistance 0.9 X
Distribution line reactance 0.314 X
Inverter rating 12.5 kVA (DG1 ) 6.25 kVA (DG2 )
Inverter switching frequency 10 kHz
Filter inductance 0.1088 mH Figure 3. Current controller.
Filter resistance 1.02 mX
Load 10 kW and 7.5 kVar
Current controller Kp ¼ 0:683 and Ki ¼ 6:405
DC bus voltage controller Kp ¼ 0:0191 and Ki ¼ 0:9527
Voltage controller Kp ¼ 0:01 and Ki ¼ 5:2
The aim of the DC link voltage controller is to maintain the xact ¼ x0 Kpd ðPc Pr Þ
DC bus voltage constant at Vdc
. The total system can be ð11Þ
Vact ¼ V0 Kqd ðQc Qr Þ
made equivalent to a low-pass filter with cut-off frequency
close to zero (between 1 and 20 Hz) [15]. Since the inner where Kpd and Kqd are the droop controller slopes; xact and
current loop is much faster than the voltage loop, the cur- Vact are the measured values of frequency and voltage; x0
rent controller and the inverter can be replaced by a unity- and V0 are the rated frequency and voltages. The Pr and Qr
gain block (as seen by the voltage controller) as shown in are the references corresponding to initial operating con-
figure 4. The voltage controller is designed with a band- ditions with rated voltage and frequency. Pc and Qc are the
width of 20 Hz and a phase margin of 68:4 . The PI con- calculated values of active and reactive power, respec-
troller gains of the voltage controller are calculated to be tively. A PI-controller-based voltage regulator is also
Kp ¼ 0:0191 and Ki ¼ 0:9527. Figure 5 shows the Bode implemented to ensure that the inverter tracks the reference
diagram of the loop transfer function. voltage generated by the voltage droop controller properly.
The design of voltage controller is carried out based on [6]
(Kp ¼ 0:01 , Ki ¼ 5:2).
2.2 Control scheme during islanded mode
2.2a Selection of droop constants: The droop controller
When the grid is removed an active and reactive power slopes can be decided based on the ratings of the inverters
mismatch occurs at the load terminal. Because of the dif- and acceptable voltage and frequency limits [6]. Over the
ference between load and generation, the load voltage and/ rated power range of any inverter the frequency variation
or frequency settles at a different value [2]. With multiple should be within 1 Hz. Similarly the voltage limit should be
DGs supplying a load, proper load sharing of the generators restricted within 0.95–1.05 pu [6]. These facts can be uti-
needs to be achieved without overloading. An artificial lised to calculate the droop slopes as follows:
droop characteristic is incorporated in the inverter as shown
in figure 6 [16]. This droop control method is advantageous Dx
Kpd ¼ ;
because it does not require any communication between Pmax Pmin
various sources and a decentralised control can be DV
Kqd ¼ :
achieved. In this work, a P–x and Q–V droop is imple- Qmax Qmin
mented in the inverter. In droop control the frequency and
The following droop constants are obtained using (12):
voltage output of the inverter is dependent on P and Q
output, respectively, as shown here:
Kpd1 ¼ 3:14 and Kpd2 ¼ 6:28;
Bode diagram
Kqd1 ¼ 0:1 and Kqd2 ¼ 0:2:
Gm = −Inf dB (at 0 rad/s) , Pm = 68.4 deg (at 126 rad/s)
2.3 Controller for grid-connected to island mode
Magnitude (dB)
of output feedback controller for islanding is described in x_2 ðtÞ ¼ Ax2 ðtÞ þ Be2 ðtÞ
section 3.1. ð13Þ
u2 ðtÞ ¼ Cx2 ðtÞ
• x4 is the state of the integrator in the PI voltage that the island mode controller state space model (19) of the
controller and test system is controllable and observable (in canonical
• x5 is the phase of the inverter voltage, hðtÞ. form). Hence a static output feedback is sufficient as per
Theorem 1. To determine the feedback compensator matrix
The differential equation governing the states are
F, the desired pole locations of Ac need to be determined
x_1 ¼ xc x1 þ xc DP first. The eigenvalues of Ac are chosen such that output of
island mode controller u2 ðtÞ tracks u1 ðtÞ within 100 ms
x_2 ¼ xc x2 þ xc DQ
from the instant of grid disconnection. This is because the
x_3 ¼ xc x2 þ xc DV ð17Þ island detection takes a minimum of 100 ms to give a
x_4 ¼ Kqd x2 þ x3 switch-over command. During this period u2 ðtÞ should
x_5 ¼ Kpd x1 þ x0 track u1 ðtÞ with minimum error to avoid switching tran-
sients. Consider a generic 2nd -order system described by the
where xc is the cut-off frequency of the measurement filter. following equation:
DP, DQ and DV are the errors in P, Q and voltage,
respectively. The output equations are yðsÞ x2n
¼ 2 : ð20Þ
xðsÞ s þ 2fxn s þ x2n
Kp Vdc Ki Vdc
V ¼ pffiffiffi ðKqd x2 þ x3 Þ þ pffiffiffi x4
3 3 ð18Þ The settling time (2% criterion) of the system is given by
h ¼ x5 4
ts ¼ : ð21Þ
where Kp and Ki are PI controller gains. V is the peak value fxn
of line to neutral voltage. The controller state space model Considering a settling time of at most 100 ms and f ¼ 0:7
can be expressed as follows: the poles of the second-order system can be easily deter-
2 3 2 3 mined. Since the closed-loop system has five poles, the
xc 0 0 0 0 xc 0 0 0 remaining three poles are chosen to be five times the neg-
6 0 xc 07 6 7
6 0 0 7 6 0 xc 0 07 ative real part of the complex poles. Based on the location
6 7 6 7
_ 6
X2 ¼ 6 0 0 xc 0 7
0 7X2 þ 6 0 xc 07 of the poles the desired characteristic polynomial of the
6 0 7e2
6 7 6 7 closed loop system is determined as follows:
4 0 Kqd 1 0 05 4 0 0 0 05
Kpd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Kqd Kp Vdc Kp Vdc Ki Vdc
3 DðsÞ ¼ s5 þ 680s4 þ 1:7 104 s3 þ 1:95 107 s2
0 pffiffiffi pffiffiffi pffiffiffi 0 5 ð22Þ
U2 ¼ 4 3 3 3 X2 þ 1:02 109 s þ 2:56 1010 :
0 0 0 0 1
The feedback matrix design is carried out to ensure that the
ð19Þ loop transfer functions of both Q-V and P-x droop con-
0 0 trollers have a settling time of 100 ms. The matrix F cal-
e2 ¼ ½DP DQ DV x0 , U2 ¼ ½V h and
0 culated in this way is very easy to implement as the outputs
X2 ¼ ½x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 . of both on-line and off-line controller are readily accessi-
ble. The feedback matrix for DG1 island mode controller,
F1 is shown below,
3.2 Design of output feedback compensator
for island mode controller T
0 1147:6 152:79 0
F1 ¼ :
As explained in section 3 a feedback compenstor matrix 69:8 0 0 0
F needs to be designed to achieve seamless transition. This
can be achieved using pole placement techniques [18]. Similarly one can arrive at the feedback matrix F2 for
Theorem 1 given here describes the conditions for DG2 :
achieving arbitrary pole placement using static output T
feedback. A detailed proof of the theorem is given in [18]. 0 344:94 152:79 0
F2 ¼ :
139:6 0 0 0
Theorem 1 If a system is controllable and observable,
and if n r þ m 1, an almost arbitrary set of distinct
closed-loop poles is assignable by gain output feedback,
where n, r and m are the numbers of state variables, inputs 3.3 State space model of grid-connected mode
and outputs, respectively [18]. controller
For the island mode controller n ¼ 5, r ¼ 4 and m ¼ 2, In order to convert the equations to a state space model, the
which satisfies n ð5Þ r þ m 1 ð5Þ. It is also observed following states are defined:
Transition between grid-connected mode and islanded mode 1245
Bode diagram
Gm = −Inf dB (at 0 rad/s) , Pm = 86.9 deg (at 338 rad/s)
reactive powers of DG1 , DG2 and the grid for the events
200 considered earlier. Figure 11b shows the corresponding
voltage and frequency at the PCC bus. Prior to the creation
Magnitude (dB)
of disturbance, DG1 and DG2 supply 2.5 kW at upf. The
remaining power of 5 kW is supplied by the grid as seen
−100 from the figure. It can be observed from figure 11a that
−200 corresponding to Event-1, the active and reactive powers of
DG2 increase to 5 kW and 3 kVar, respectively. DG1
Phase (deg)
6000 232
P (W)
Voltage (V)
Q (Var) 231
2000 230
1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6
4000 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6
Frequency (Hz)
250 51.5
Output feedback
Frequency (Hz)
Voltage (V)
Output feedback
0 49.5
3 3.05 3.1 3.15 3.2 3.25 3.3 3.35 2.95 3 3.05 3.1 3.15 3.2 3.25 3.3
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) (b)
Figure 12. Load voltage and frequency during grid-connected to island mode transition (Event 4). (a) Voltage. (b) Frequency.
8000 10000
4000 5000
0 0
2.95 3 3.05 3.1 3.15 3.2 3.25 3.3 3.35 3.4 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4
DG2−P (W)
6000 6000
4000 4000
0 −2000
2.95 3 3.05 3.1 3.15 3.2 3.25 3.3 3.35 3.4 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4
P Supplied
By 2 DGs
By 2 DGs
Scheme−I Scheme−I
5000 4000
Scheme−II Scheme−II
Output Feedback Output Feedback
0 0
2.95 3 3.05 3.1 3.15 3.2 3.25 3.3 3.35 3.4 2.95 3 3.05 3.1 3.15 3.2 3.25 3.3
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) (b)
Figure 13. P and Q during grid-connected to island mode transition (Event 4). (a) Active power. (b) Reactive power.
senses the situation and issues a switch-over command at t = Figure 13a shows real powers of DG1 , DG2 and total DG
3.11s. The inverters activate the island mode controller powers supplied to load during transition. In Scheme-I the
according to Scheme-I or Scheme-II. It can be observed that active power of DG1 drops to zero and quickly rises to its
in Scheme-I the voltage reduces to a very low value and steady-state value. Since DG2 is already at P = 0 kW, no
quickly rises to the steady-state value at the instant of control dip can be seen. This dip causes a momentary load drop as
switch-over. However, in Scheme-II the voltage rises to the seen in the figure. With Scheme-II, DG1 shows very small
steady-state value after a small voltage dip. Frequency settles drop in active power and reaches steady state quickly
quickly in Scheme-II compared with Scheme-I. In both the without any over-shoot. With the output feedback con-
schemes the frequency and voltage settle to 49.94 Hz and troller, DG1 and DG2 do not show any harmful transients in
222.2 V, respectively, which are well within the prescribed real power and the load is served quickly.
limits [2]. It can be observed that with the output feedback Figure 13b shows reactive powers of DG1 , DG2 and total
controller, there is no dip in the voltage at the instant of DG powers supplied to load during transition. With
transition and quick recovery of voltage and frequency is Scheme-I, at the instant of transition, there is a significant
also achieved. dip in reactive powers of both DG1 and DG2 followed by
1248 Dibakar Das et al
7000 225
Active power (W)
Voltage (V)
4000 DG
3000 222
2000 221
1000 220
4.5 5 5.5 4.5 5 5.5
Reactive power (Var)
5000 50
Frequency (Hz)
4000 2
2000 49.9
4.5 5 5.5 4.5 5 5.5
Time (s)
(a) (b)
Figure 14. Simulation results for islanded mode (Event 5). (a) Active and reactive power. (b) Frequency and voltage.
gradual recovery. With Scheme-II, DG1 reactive power that the transients during grid-connected to island mode
continuously rises and reaches a steady-state value. Simi- transition can be significantly reduced using a simple
larly, DG2 reactive power reduces significantly and takes a feedback controller.
long time to reach steady-state value. The load power
supplied by the DGs however does not experience any such
long overshoots in reactive power with Scheme-II. It means 4.4 Island to grid-connected mode transition:
that there is a circulating reactive current between the two Event 6
inverters during the transition. With output feedback it can
be observed that DG1 and DG2 reactive powers do not show This event is created to analyse the behaviour of microgrid
any harmful transient and quickly settle to steady-state system during resynchronisation with the grid. Figure 15a
value. shows the active power of the DGs and the grid during the
transition from islanded mode to the grid-connected mode.
Figure 15b shows the reactive power of the DGs and the
4.3 Islanded mode operation: Event 5 grid during the transition from islanded mode to the grid-
connected mode. Upon grid reconnection, the inverter DGs
The droop controllers designed in section 2.2 are tested in again transition to current-controlled mode and follow the
this event. Figure 14a shows the active and reactive power reference P and Q prior to islanding (DG1 : 5 kVA (upf),
of DG1 and DG2 during island mode. Figure 14b shows the DG2 : 0 kVA). It can be observed that DG1 and DG2 draw
voltage and frequency at the PCC bus during the island huge reactive powers from the grid during resynchronisa-
mode. It can observed that after transition to islanded mode, tion with Scheme-I. However DG1 reactive power becomes
real and reactive powers of DG1 and DG2 settle to 6.6 kW, negative and DG2 becomes positive, which indicate a cir-
3.9 kVar and 3.0 kW, 3.3 kVar, respectively. The voltage culating reactive power between the generators during
and frequency settle to 49.94 Hz and 222.2 V, respectively, resynchronisation. However, with the proposed dynamic
as per the droop characteristics. It has been observed that compensator, the circulating reactive current is eliminated.
the reactive powers are not shared exactly in accordance Also it can be seen that the grid power increases to balance
with the droop curve ratio due to high R/X ratio of the the load and generation.
system. At t = 5 s the load is reduced from 10 kW (0.8 pf) Figure 16 shows the corresponding PCC voltage and the
to 7.5 kW (0.8 pf). On load reduction, it can be observed frequency during the transition. The voltage and the fre-
that the responses of DGs P and Q settle within 80 ms and quency are now determined by the grid and the frequency
the voltage and frequency (224.2 and 49.96 Hz) settle has settled exactly to 50 Hz after undergoing a transient
according to the droop curve. (figure 16). With Scheme-I, considerable frequency and
Several other test cases have been simulated by varying voltage transients can be observed during resynchronisa-
load, generation, grid voltage and frequency. Under all tion. From this simulation, it can be concluded that the
these conditions, Scheme-II with feedback controller has dynamic output feedback compensator facilitates smooth
shown superior performance. Hence, it can be concluded transition during resynchronisation.
Transition between grid-connected mode and islanded mode 1249
DG −Q (Var) DG −Q (Var)
6000 5000
DG −P (W)
4500 −5000
7 7.5 8 8.5 9 7 7.5 8 8.5 9
2000 5000
DG −P (W)
−1000 −5000
7 7.5 8 8.5 9 7 7.5 8 8.5 9
4000 15000
10000 Scheme−II
2000 Scheme−I
Dyn. Out. Feedback
Scheme−II 5000
Dyn. Out. Feedback
0 0
7 7.5 8 8.5 9 7 7.5 8 8.5 9
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) (b)
Figure 15. P and Q during island to grid-connected mode transition (Event 6). (a) Active power of DGs and grid. (b) Reactive power of
DGs and grid.
ever, with Scheme-II, large circulating reactive cur-
rents between the sources are observed during
220 islanding.
• A novel output feedback controller augmentation to
7 7.5 8 8.5 9 scheme-II is proposed for reducing the transients and
circulating currents. A static feedback is shown to be
51 sufficient for transition to island mode and a first order
Frequency (Hz)
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