Module-I: 1. How Lists Are Handled in HTML? Design An HTML Code For Illustrating Nested List

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1. How lists are handled in HTML? Design an HTML code for illustrating nested list.
2. Design an HTML code for constructing a sample class time table to illustrate table
3. How to handle the frames and iframes explain with suitable example
4. Write a HTML program to illustrate a form which accepts buyer’s Name, Address,
City, state, Zip, product name(Book, Mobile, Pen Drive),price, quantity, payment
method via(master card, visa, rupay),submit button.
5. Explain: “image tag” and “Hyperlink” and “Frame tag” in HTML with suitable
6. Explain the form tag with all control widgets with suitable example.
7. Crate an HTML document that defines a table with columns for state ,state bird,state
flower, and state tree. There must be at least five states as rows in the table. You must
include attribute specifications for cellpadding and cellspacing.
8. Create an HTML document to describe an unordered list of at least four states. Each
elements of the list must have a nested list of at least three cities in the state
9. Explain with example: Text formatting tags
(Paragraph, heading, line break, preserving whitespace, horizontal rule)
10. Explain types of lists with an example
11. Explain with an example how to create table by using HTML.
12. Explain: (a) align and valign (b)cellspacing and cellpadding (c) rowspan and colspan
13. Explain iframes with an example
14. Explain: (a) section (b) range (c) article (d) date (e) span and div
15. List and Explain Different levels of style sheets with an example each
16. List and explain various selector forms in CSS with an example
17. Develop HTML page to align text, change the text color and background image using
18. Explain Font properties in CSS with an examples
19. Explain Border Properties in CSS with an example
20. Develop HTML page to apply properties to the list using CSS.
21. Generate an HTML document that would take student details for student registration
form (use all types of input tag)

1. What is a Java script? Explain the primitive types, operators and expressions in
2. List the differences Between Java and Java Script.
3. What are the uses of Java Scripts?
4. Write the syntax of Java script.
5. Explain: a) Number Object b) Math object
6. Explain how type conversion should be done in JavaScript.

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