UPR Utuado

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March 18, 2019

Dr. Luis Tapia

Acting Chancellor
UPR - Utuado
P. O. Box 2500
Utuado, PR 00641

Dear Dr. Tapia:

I am writing on behalf of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education to inform you that
on March 14, 2019, the Commission acted as follows:

To acknowledge receipt of the show cause report. To note the visit by the
Commission’s representatives.

To require the institution to continue to show cause by September 1, 2019, to

demonstrate why its accreditation should not be withdrawn because of insufficient
evidence that the institution is in compliance with Standard VI (Planning,
Resources, and Institutional Improvement) and Requirement of Affiliation 11.

To note the institution is now in compliance with Requirement of Affiliation 14

and the Related Entities Policy.

To grant an extension for good cause to extend the period to demonstrate

compliance by one year because the institution has provided written and
compelling evidence that: (1) the quality of the student learning experience has
not been compromised at the institution; (2) the institution has the potential to
remedy the non-compliance issues identified by the Commission within the period
of extension; (3) the institution has developed reasonable plans to meet the
Commission’s expectations for reaffirmation within the period of the extension;
(4) the institution has support from the University of Puerto Rico central
administration, the Financial Oversight Management Board for Puerto Rico, and
other constituencies for ongoing institutional compliance; and (5) the institution
has been impacted by other circumstances outside of the institution’s control. To
note the institution remains accredited while on show cause.

To require a show cause report due September 1, 2019, documenting evidence of

the submission of timely and accurate financial audits (Standard VI and
Requirement of Affiliation 11). The show cause report must also include
evidence of: (1) how the institution has improved its annual closing processes and
implemented effective monitoring controls over financial information, (2) the
development of multi-year financial plans that produce balanced budgets,
including appropriate revenue assumptions; (3) management of financial reporting
that provides for the timely completion of annual audits, and (4) the planning and
implementation of restructuring for sustainability (Standard VI and Related
Entities Policy).

To direct an on-site show cause visit following submission of the report. The
purpose of the on-site show cause visit is to verify the information provided in the
show cause report and the institution’s ongoing and sustainable compliance with
the Commission’s standards, requirements, policies and procedures, and federal
compliance requirements.

To direct a prompt Commission liaison guidance visit to discuss the

Commission's expectations. To note that the institution will be invited to appear
before the Commission when it meets to consider the institution’s show cause

To require a supplemental information report due May 1, 2019, documenting

evidence of (1) the single audit and audited financial statements for fiscal year
2018, and (2) submission of the 2018 single audit and audited financial statements
to the Commission, United States Department of Education, and other parties as
required by regulation and/or law (Standard VI and Requirement of Affiliation
11). To remind the institution and the related entity of its obligation to provide
timely and accurate financial audits.

The date of the next evaluation will be determined upon reaffirmation of


This serves as the Commission’s official notification of this action. This action appears on the
institution’s Statement of Accreditation Status (SAS). If any of the information contained within
the action appears to be factually incorrect, please send an email within 30 calendar days of the
action to actions@msche.org.

This action is a non-compliance action and includes a request for a show cause report, teach-out
plan, and a show cause visit. An explanation of this type of action is provided in the
Commission's Accreditation Actions Policy and Procedures.

This notification will be made publicly available on the Middle States Commission on Higher
Education website in accordance with Commission policy Communication in the Accreditation
Process. In accordance with policy and federal regulation, the Commission provides notification
of non-compliance actions to the United States Secretary of Education, the appropriate state or
other licensing or authorizing agency, and the appropriate accrediting agencies at the same time
it notifies the institution, but no later than 30 days after it takes the action. The Commission
provides notification of accreditation actions to the public through its website within 24 hours of
informing the institution. Please ensure that the institution’s published references to its
accreditation status align with Commission policy.
The institution is invited to appear before the Commission when the Commission meets to
consider the institution’s show cause report. The Show Cause Appearance Before the
Commission Prior to Withdrawal of Accreditation describes the procedures. Please note that the
institution is required to inform the Commission of its intent to appear before the Commission at
least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the Commission meeting at which the adverse action
will be considered. Additional communications will be sent from the President’s Office relating
to this process.

The institution is also invited to submit an official statement in response to the above
Commission action. Any statement must be sent to actions@msche.org within 30 calendar days
from the date of the action.

The following resources provide additional information that may be helpful to understanding the
Commission’s actions and the institution’s accreditation status:

Accreditation Actions Policy and Procedures

Accreditation Review Cycle and Monitoring Policy and Procedures

Communication in the Accreditation Process

Follow-Up Reports and Follow-Up Guidelines

Teach-Out Policy, Procedures, and Forms

Show Cause Appearance Before the Commission Prior to Withdrawal of Accreditation

For questions about the Commission’s actions, please contact the institution’s assigned
Commission staff liaison. Questions from the public about the institution’s accreditation status
can be directed to communications@msche.org.


Elizabeth H. Sibolski, Ph.D.

March 18, 2019

Dr. Luis Tapia

Acting Chancellor
UPR - Utuado
P. O. Box 2500
Utuado, PR 00641

Dear Dr. Tapia:

I am writing on behalf of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education to inform you that
on March 14, 2019, the Commission acted as follows:

To acknowledge receipt of the teach-out plan. To require that the

institution complete and submit for approval, due September 1, 2019, an
updated comprehensive, implementable teach-out plan (Requirement of
Affiliation 6: Teach-Out Plans and Agreements Policy and Procedures). In
accordance with Commission policy and federal regulations, the teach-out
plan must provide for the equitable treatment of students to complete their
education, if the Commission were to withdraw accreditation, and include
any signed, teach-out agreements that the institution has entered into or
intends to enter into with another institution.

This serves as the Commission’s official notification to the institution of this action. This action
appears on the institution’s Statement of Accreditation Status (SAS). If any of the information
contained within the action appears to be factually incorrect, please send an email within 30
calendar days of the action to actions@msche.org.

Please visit the Commission’s policies and procedures for more information:

Accreditation Actions Policy and Procedures

Accreditation Review Cycle and Monitoring Policy and Procedures

Communication in the Accreditation Process

Substantive Change Policy and Procedures

For questions about the Commission’s actions, please contact the institution’s assigned
Commission staff liaison.

Elizabeth H. Sibolski, Ph.D.


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