Radio Spectrum: ITU Radio Band Numbers ITU Radio Band Symbols NATO Radio Bands IEEE Radar Bands
Radio Spectrum: ITU Radio Band Numbers ITU Radio Band Symbols NATO Radio Bands IEEE Radar Bands
Radio Spectrum: ITU Radio Band Numbers ITU Radio Band Symbols NATO Radio Bands IEEE Radar Bands
Radio spectrum refers to the part of the electromagnetic spectrum corresponding to radio
frequencies – that is, frequencies lower than around 300 GHz (or, equivalently, wavelengths
longer than about 1 mm).
Different parts of the radio spectrum are used for different radio transmission technologies and
applications. Radio spectrum is typically government regulated in developed countries, and in
some cases is sold or licensed to operators of private radio transmission systems (for example,
cellular telephone operators or broadcast television stations). Ranges of allocated frequencies are
often referred to by their provisioned use (for example, cellular spectrum or television spectrum).
1 Bands
2 Named frequency bands
o 2.1 General
o 2.2 Amateur radio frequencies
o 2.3 IEEE US
o 2.4 ITU
o 2.5 EU, NATO, US ECM frequency designations
o 2.6 Waveguide frequency bands
3 See also
4 References
5 External links
[edit] Bands
A band is a small section of the spectrum of radio communication frequencies, in which
channels are usually used or set aside for the same purpose.
To prevent interference and allow for efficient use of the radio spectrum, simlar services are
allocated in bands. For example, broadcasting, mobile radio, or navigation devices, will be
allocated in non-overlapping ranges of freqeuncies.
Each of these bands has a basic bandplan which dictates how it is to be used and shared, to avoid
interference and to set protocol for the compatibility of transmitters and receivers.
Band name Abbr and Example uses
wavelength in air
Natural and man-made electromagnetic waves
< 3 Hz
sub-hertz subHz 0 (millihertz, microhertz, nanohertz) from earth,
> 100,000 km
ionosphere, sun, planets, etc.[citation needed]
3–30 Hz
low ELF 1 Communication with submarines
100,000 km – 10,000 km
Super low 30–300 Hz
SLF 2 Communication with submarines
frequency 10,000 km – 1000 km
Ultra low 300–3000 Hz
ULF 3 Communication within mines
frequency 1000 km – 100 km
Submarine communication, avalanche
Very low 3–30 kHz
VLF 4 beacons, wireless heart rate monitors,
frequency 100 km – 10 km
Low 30–300 kHz Navigation, time signals, AM longwave
LF 5
frequency 10 km – 1 km broadcasting, RFID
Medium 300–3000 kHz
MF 6 AM (medium-wave) broadcasts
frequency 1 km – 100 m
Shortwave broadcasts, amateur radio and
High 3–30 MHz
HF 7 over-the-horizon aviation communications,
frequency 100 m – 10 m
Very high VHF 8 30–300 MHz FM, television broadcasts and line-of-sight
frequency 10 m – 1 m ground-to-aircraft and aircraft-to-aircraft
communications. Land Mobile and Maritime
Mobile communications
Television broadcasts, microwave ovens,
Ultra high 300–3000 MHz mobile phones, wireless LAN, Bluetooth,
frequency 1 m – 100 mm GPS and two-way radios such as Land
Mobile, FRS and GMRS radios
Super high 3–30 GHz Microwave devices, wireless LAN, most
SHF 10
frequency 100 mm – 10 mm modern radars, communications satellites
30–300 GHz Radio astronomy, high-frequency microwave
high EHF 11
10 mm – 1 mm radio relay, microwave remote sensing
Terahertz imaging – a potential replacement
for X-rays in some medical applications,
ultrafast molecular dynamics, condensed-
300–3,000 GHz
Terahertz THz 12 matter physics, terahertz time-domain
1 mm – 100 μm
spectroscopy, terahertz
computing/communications, sub-mm remote
Broadcast frequencies:
Designations for television and FM radio broadcast frequencies vary between countries, see
Television channel frequencies and FM broadcast band
The range of allowed amateur radio frequencies varies between countries. The article Amateur
radio frequency allocations lists frequencies allocated for amateur radio use.
[edit] IEEE US
[edit] ITU
The ITU radio bands are designations defined in the ITU Radio Regulations. Provision No. 2.1
states that "the radio spectrum shall be subdivided into nine frequency bands, which shall be
designated by progressive whole numbers in accordance with the following table.[3]
The table originated with a recommendation of the IVth CCIR meeting, held in Bucharest in
1937, and was approved by the International Radio Conference held at Atlantic City in 1947.
The idea to give each band a number, in which the number is the logarithm of the approximate
geometric mean of the upper and lower band limits in Hz, originated with B.C. Fleming-
Williams, who suggested it in a letter to the editor of Wireless Engineer in 1942. (For example,
the approximate geometric mean of Band 7 is 10 MHz, or 107 Hz.)[4]