Richardson and Zaki

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This Week’s Citation Classic

FEBRUARY 12, 1979

Richardson J F & Zaki W N. Sedimentation and fluidisation. Part 1.

Trans. Inst. Chem. Eng. 32:35-53, 1954.

This paper describes a method of and particles arises from the continuous up-
calculating the sedimentation velocity ward flow of f l u i d i s i n g liquid.
for a suspension— or fluidisation "Several workers had already suggested
velocity in a liquid-solid system — as a that the sedimentation velocity of a suspen-
function of the free falling velocity of a sion (u C ) of uniform particles is equal to the
single particle and the concentration of free falling velocity of an individual particle
particles. [The SCI® indicates that this (u o ) multiplied by a correction factor equal
paper has been cited 151 times since to the voidage (e) raised to some power n:
1961.] i.e.,u C = en = (1-c) n ……..1
where c is the fractional volumetric concen-
J. F. Richardson
Dept. of Chemical Engineering tration of particles in the suspension. If the
University College particle is settling under conditions where
Swansea, UK
Stokes' law is valid, n has a value of about
4.65. Lewis and his co-workers found that
this relation was a l s o valid for the fluidisa-
June 30, 1978 tion of uniform f i n e particles. 1

"In our own work we were able to confirm

"This paper is the first of a series and reports the validity of equation (1) and to show that
work on the effect of particle concentration provided wall effects could be neglected it
on the sedimentation rate of a suspension of was equally valid for sedimentation and
uniform particles. During the course of the fluidisation, u 0 being either the observed
experimental work, it was found that it was sedimentation rate or the fluidisation
not practicable to make measurements on velocity averaged over the total cross-
the sedimentation of very coarse particles section of the bed. 1 he value of the index n
because f i r s t the velocities were then too had a constant value of about 4.65 for parti-
rapid to measure accurately, and secondly cle Reynolds numbers less than about 0.2
the sedimentation was complete before the (Stokes' law region), but for high Reynolds
convection currents which were set up numbers became progressively less until it
w h i l s t the suspension was mixed had died reached a second constant value of about
out. 2.3 at Reynolds numbers exceeding about
"It then occurred to us that, if the fluid 500 (Newton's law region). For the in-
were passed upwards through the particles termediate range of Reynolds numbers (0.2
to maintain them in a fluidised state, the to 500), approximate equations were given
conditions should be hydrodynamically for the calculation of the index n.
s i m i l a r to those existing in the sedimenting "Our main contribution was, I think, in
suspension. During sedimentation, the par- providing a means of calculating the value
t i c l e s move vertically downwards and the of n over a wide range of conditions
only fl u i d motion is that a r i s i n g from the whereas previously a value had been given
upflow of displaced fluid. In fluidisation, only for the Stokes' law region. Furthermore,
the particles do not undergo any net move- the correlation has the great merit of being
ment and the relative velocity between fluid simple!"

1. Lewis W K,Gilliland E R & Bauer W C. Characteristics of fluidized particles.

Ind. Eng. Chem. 41:1104-17, 1949.


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