Richardson and Zaki
Richardson and Zaki
Richardson and Zaki
FEBRUARY 12, 1979
This paper describes a method of and particles arises from the continuous up-
calculating the sedimentation velocity ward flow of f l u i d i s i n g liquid.
for a suspension— or fluidisation "Several workers had already suggested
velocity in a liquid-solid system — as a that the sedimentation velocity of a suspen-
function of the free falling velocity of a sion (u C ) of uniform particles is equal to the
single particle and the concentration of free falling velocity of an individual particle
particles. [The SCI® indicates that this (u o ) multiplied by a correction factor equal
paper has been cited 151 times since to the voidage (e) raised to some power n:
1961.] i.e.,u C = en = (1-c) n ……..1
where c is the fractional volumetric concen-
J. F. Richardson
Dept. of Chemical Engineering tration of particles in the suspension. If the
University College particle is settling under conditions where
Swansea, UK
Stokes' law is valid, n has a value of about
4.65. Lewis and his co-workers found that
this relation was a l s o valid for the fluidisa-
June 30, 1978 tion of uniform f i n e particles. 1