Motion Media: Jaylord Jerell A. Fernando Stem 12 E
Motion Media: Jaylord Jerell A. Fernando Stem 12 E
Motion Media: Jaylord Jerell A. Fernando Stem 12 E
Motion Media
Media is the single most powerful entity on Earth today, they have the power to create
and change public opinion with ease, armies are not needed anymore, and the media is far more
powerful than any army could ever be, they control public discussion, they create opinions, they
change opinions, they create sentiments, and they create realities. The media has the power to
literally change societies if they wanted to.
Motion media is a visual media that gives the appearance of a movement. It can also be a
collection of graphics, footage, videos. It is combined with audio, text and / interactive content to
create multimedia. There are two forms of motion media it can be Formal or Informal. Formal
motion media is created by professionals who follow industry standards in creating, editing and
producing media while Informal Motion Media is created by individuals often for personal use.
The best three Motion Media that I watch so far is the Transformer movies. When we talk
about the quality of the movie, transformer has the best quality of camera, all scenes is very
detailed, for example, the actions of the super cars when they turn into robots are very amazing. In
the means of animation I think there are many animated films that are fascinating for example is
the unending episode of One Piece. If you are a fan of One Piece you can notice how the animation
changes from time to time. During the first episode of One Piece its animation is not interesting
but because of our technology today the current episodes of One Piece is very amazing. Every
character has its own unique color that will make you remember it. Another form of motion that I
love is the Jurassic Park movies. In the movie you can see the importance of technology specially
computers, we all know that there is no more dinosaurs in our world today but because of
technology, we can create things with our bare hands.
I think a motion media makes memorable with the content of the story and how they
manage in capturing every part of the scenes properly. Because of the content and scenes in the
movie we can capture the attention of other people. For example is the trailer of Avengers End
Game, we all know that every people in the world are excited what will happen to Thanos and the
avengers and when the trailer is out in the different social platforms of internet, many people
caught its attention and hit a million views in just a few hours. Commented [JJF1]: