Multi-Objective Optimization Design of Cycloid Pin Gear Planetary Reducer
Multi-Objective Optimization Design of Cycloid Pin Gear Planetary Reducer
Multi-Objective Optimization Design of Cycloid Pin Gear Planetary Reducer
A multi-objective optimal model of a K-H-V cycloid pin gear planetary reducer is presented in this article. The optimal
model is established by taking the objective functions of the reducer volume, the force of the turning arm bearing, and
the maximum bending stress of the pin. The optimization aims to decrease these objectives and obtains a set of Pareto
optimal solutions. In order to improve the spread of the Pareto front, the density estimation metric (crowding distance)
of non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II is replaced by the k nearest neighbor distance. Then, the improved algo-
rithm is used to solve this optimal model. The results indicate that the modified algorithm can obtain the better Pareto
optimal solutions than the solution by the routine design.
Cycloid speed reducer, planetary transmission, multi-objective optimization, evolutionary algorithm, density estimation
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2 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
reality. For the last decade and more, many classical 2. Pin gear (also called pinwheel). It is uniformly
multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) were distributed over the circumferential direction.
studied, such as the non-dominated sorting genetic The pin gear consists of the pin and pin sleeve.
algorithm II (NSGA-II),8 the improved strength Pareto 3. Cycloid gear. To keep the static balance of the
evolutionary algorithm (SPEA2),9 and the multi- input shaft and increase the loading capacity of
objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO).10 As the reducer, two identical cycloid gear structures
an efficient algorithm, NSGA-II has been widely used are usually adopted. The cycloid gears are
to solve MOOPs.11–13 Some researchers used NSGA-II installed on the dual eccentric sleeves, and their
to optimize gear reducers. Deb and Jain14 proved position differs 180°. In order to reduce the fric-
MOEAs can solve multi-speed gearbox design optimi- tion between eccentric sleeve and cycloid gear,
zation problem with more than one optimal goal and the turning arm bearing is installed between the
different kinds of design parameters. Tripathi and two parts.
Chauhan15 applied NSGA-II to optimize the volume of 4. Output mechanism. This reducer often uses the
gearbox and the surface fatigue life factor simultane- output mechanism that called pin axle type.
ously. Sanghvi et al.16 used NSGA-II to solve optimiza- There are some cylindrical pin holes on the
tion design problem of a two-stage helical gear train, in cycloid gear for inserting the cylindrical pins
which the bearing force and volume were optimized. (the cylindrical pin sleeve is mounted on the
Three optimization methods (MATLAB optimum cylindrical pin). Thus, the rotation motion of
tools, genetic algorithm, and NSGA-II) were com- cycloid gears can be output by cylindrical pins.
pared. It was shown that NSGA-II obtained better
optimization objective values than other methods. Li
et al.17 combined NSGA-II and fuzzy set theory to Theoretical tooth profile of cycloid gear
optimize dynamic model of steering mechanism and got As shown in Figure 2, rolling circle 2 is the circum-
the better result than the original design. However, far scribed circle of base circle 1, and the center of base cir-
too little attention has been paid to the research about cle 1 (Og ) is also the origin of rectangular coordinate
multi-objective optimal design of cycloid speed redu- system. According to the forming principle of cycloid
cers. Yu et al.18 and Yu and Xu19 selected volume as gear profile, supposing the base circle 1 is fixed, the
the optimization objective. Xi et al.20 selected volume locus of point M in circle 2 is a epicycloid when circle 2
and efficiency as optimization objectives, and the multi- scrolls from tangent point A to tangent point B. The
objective optimization model was solved by transform- rotation angle of the circle 2 (with the center O) around
ing it into a single-objective problem, which ignored the the circle 1 (with the center Og ) is denoted by u. The
relationship between objectives. Wang et al.21 focused rotation angle of circle 2 is denoted by ub and the abso-
on reducing the volume and improving the efficiency of lute angle of circle 2 is denoted by uh . The coordinates
reducers, and the optimal model was solved by the of a point on the theoretic profile of cycloidal gear can
MATLAB genetic algorithm toolbox. be expressed as
In this article, a multi-objective optimization model
of reducer is established to minimize the volume of the x0 = Rz sin u esinuh
reducer, force of the turning arm bearing, and maximal y0 = Rz cos u ecosuh
bending stress of the pin. It is expected to provide a new
way for multi-objective optimization design of cycloid
reducer and similar structural optimization problems.
Moreover, in order to improve the spread of the Pareto
front, the density estimation metric of NSGA-II is
replaced by the k nearest neighbor distance.
Figure 2. Theoretical tooth profile of cycloid gear. Figure 3. Meshing force of pin gear and cycloid gear.
where Rz is the radius of the pin gear distributed circle, Fi is proportional to component of Du in the direction
e is the eccentric distance (e = Ob Og = (K1 Rz )=Zb ), K1 of Fi . That is
is the short amplitude coefficient (K1 = (rb =Rz ), rb is the
pitch radius of the pinwheel), and Zb is the tooth num- Fi }Ducosai = Du ð4Þ
ber of the pin gears (Zb = (uh =u)). Therefore, equation RZ
(1) can be expressed as where li is the vertical distance between Ob and the
9 direction of Fi . When li is equal to rb , and Fi is equal to
x0 = Rz sin u KZb1 sin Zb u = Fmax . That is
y0 = Rz cos u KZb1 cos Zb u ; rb
Fmax } Du ð5Þ
According to the radius of curvature formula, the
radius of theoretical tooth profile of cycloid gear can In the triangle ObBP, sin ui = (li =rb ). According to
be expressed as equations (4) and (5), Fi can be expressed as
3 li
(1 + K12 2K1 cosub )2 RZ Fi = Fmax = Fmax sin ui ð6Þ
r0 = ð3Þ rb
K1 (1 + Zb ) cos ub (1 + Zb K12 )
The maximum engaging force22 is shown as
transmission ratio, turning arm bearing, and the num- the side wall, and in general, dz D B. The third sub-
ber of cylindrical pins are given. Under these premises, objective is presented as
the sub-objectives are presented as follows. 44L1 L2 Tv
min f3 (X ) = ð16Þ
LK1 Zg Dz d 0z 3
Volume of reducer. The radial dimension is affected by
the diameter of the pin gear distributed circle (Dz ) and
the diameter of the pin sleeve. The axle dimension is
Constraint conditions
affected by the width of the cycloid gear (B) and the
gap between two cycloid gears. Therefore, the volume Short amplitude coefficient. If the short amplitude coeffi-
can be expressed as20 cient is bigger, the minimal radius of theoretical tooth
profile of cycloid gear will be reduced, which will
p 0
decrease the outer radius of the pin sleeve, that is, the
min f1 (X ) = (Dz + dz + 2D1 )2 (2B + d) ð13Þ
4 contact strength of the cycloid gear and the pin gear
where D1 is the thickness of pin sleeve and d is the gap increases. According to equation (16), the bending
between the two cycloid gears. In general, d = b B (b stress of the pin will increase with the decrease in the
is the width of the turning arm bearing). short amplitude coefficient. It suggests that the con-
straint range of the short amplitude coefficient is [0.45,
0.8];20 thus, the constraint equation can be defined by
Radial load on turning arm bearing. The service life of turn-
ing arm bearing largely depends on its radial load. It g1 (X ) = 0:45 K1 0 ð17Þ
further affects the service life of the speed reducer.
Hence, minimizing the radial load of the turning arm g2 (X ) = K1 0:8 0 ð18Þ
bearing should be considered. It can be expressed as
Cycloid tooth profile. To prevent cycloid tooth profile
2:6Tg Zb from undercut and sharp angle, the ratio of an external
min f2 (X ) = ð14Þ
K1 Dz Zg diameter of the pin sleeve to a diameter of the pin gear
Wang et al. 5
distributed circle should be less than the minimum coef- Fi Ed
ficient of the theoretical tooth profile curvature radius sH = 0:418 ð26Þ
(amin ). Accordingly, this constraint can be defined by
where Fi is the meshing force in a certain position
(d + 2D1 ) between the pin gear and the cycloid gear, rd is the
g3 (X ) = z amin 0 ð19Þ
Dz equivalent curvature radius of the contact point, and
Ed is the equivalent elastic modulus between the pin
where amin = (1 + K1 )2 =(1 + K1 + Zg K1 ).
gear and the cycloid gear. Since both materials are
GCr15 bearing steel, Ed is equal to 2:10 3 105 MPa.
Maximum diameter of the cylindrical pin hole. In order to The constraint can be defined by
guarantee the strength of the cycloid gear, there must sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
be a certain thickness (T ) between two adjacent cylind- Fi Ed
rical pin holes, and in general, T = 0:03Dz . Thus, the g8 (X ) = 0:418 sHP 0 ð27Þ
maximum diameter of the cylindrical pin hole meets the
following constraints where sHP is the allowable contact stress.
g4 (X ) = 2T Dw + dsk + D1 0 ð20Þ
Bending strength of the pin gear. According to equation
g5 (X ) = T Dw sin + dsk 0 ð21Þ (15), the constraint is as follows
where Zw is the number of cylindrical pins. Dw is the 44L1 L2 Tv
g9 (X ) = sFP 0 ð28Þ
diameter of the cylindrical pin hole distributed circle, LK1 Zg Dz d 0z 3
which can be defined by
where sFP is the allowable bending stress.
dfc + D1
Dw = ð22Þ
2 Contact strength between the cylindrical pin and the cylindrical
where dfc is the diameter of the root circle of a cycloid pin hole. According to Rao,22 this constraint is as
gear. D1 is the diameter of the cycloid gear center hole, follows
which is also the external diameter of the turning arm sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
bearing. 10K1 Tv Dz
g10 (X ) = 0:0949 sHP 0
dsk is the diameter of the cylindrical pin hole, which Zw Dw B(rw2 Zb + Dz2K1 rw )
can be defined by
dsk = dw + 2e ð23Þ where rw is the radius of the cylindrical pin sleeve,
which can be defined by
where dw is the external diameter of a cylindrical pin
sleeve. 0
rw = + D2 ð30Þ
Pin-diameter coefficient. In order to guarantee the
strength of the pin gear housing and avoid the interface where D2 is the thickness of the cylindrical pin sleeve.
of pin gears, the value of pin-diameter coefficient (K2 )22
should be in the range of 1.25–4. Thus, this constraint Bending strength of the cylindrical pin. According to Rao,22
condition can be expressed as this constraint can be expressed as
% chromosome consists of the decision variables, value of the objective functions and rank, and the rank of every individual is based
on non-domination.
% V is the dimension of decision variable space.
% M is the dimension of the objective space.
% population consists of the decision variables, value of the objective functions, rank and k nearest neighbor distance.
obj = chromosome (:,V + 1:M + V);
for i = 1: M
obj(:,i) = obj(:,i)/(max(obj(:,i))-min(obj(:,i))); %normalize sub-objectives
end for
n = jchromosomej; %number of solutions (individuals) in chromosome
for j = 1: n–1
for m = j + 1:n
Ej, m = kobj(j, : ) obj(m, : )k2 ; %the Euclidean distance between two individuals in objective space.
E(m,j) = E(j,m);
end for
E(j,j) = 0; %E stores the k nearest neighbor distance of every individual
end for
SE = sort(E,2); %sort the distance in ascending order
population = zeros(n, M + V + n);
population (:,1: M + V + 1) = chromosome;
population (:,M + V + 2:M + V + n) = SE(:,2:n);
Parameters Values
Spread test
There are three sub-objectives, and the spread indica-
tor23 is chosen to measure the spread of the Pareto front
corresponding to obtained solutions. The smaller this
value is, the more uniform the solutions distribute. The
indicator is defined as
m P
d(Ei , O) + d(X , O) d
X 2O
D= P
m ð33Þ
d(Ei , O) + (jOj m)d
i=1 Figure 7. Pareto front obtained by NSGA-II.
Results analysis
Figure 10. Three sub-objectives are smaller than that of the
A total of 100 non-dominated solutions are picked out
routine design.
from 3000 solutions gained by NSGAN according to
rank and k nearest neighbor distance. The minimal sub-
objective solutions (volume, radial load of the turning Through the above analysis, NSGAN can obtain
arm bearing, or maximal bending strength of the pin) solutions for which the three sub-objectives are super-
are selected out from 100 non-dominated solutions. ior to that of the routine design. However, in the prac-
These solutions are Solution 1 (1.37e–3, 9188.71, tical design, due to some sub-objectives conflict with
149.93), Solution 2 (2.92e–3, 4741.87, 40.96), and each other, the designer has to make a compromise.
Solution3 (2.82e–3, 4853.17, 33.50). From three extreme For example, the designers can minimize the volume of
solutions, three sub-objectives cannot reach minimum the reducer and maximal bending stress of the pin, but
together. Figure 8 presents the Pareto front of 100 non- appropriately increase the radial load of the turning
dominated solutions. In addition, the sub-objectives of arm bearing under the constraints, i.e., make a compro-
the routine design22 are also shown in Figure 9. mise. Depending on this situation, some preference
Next, the solutions for which the three sub-objectives solutions are selected from the 100 non-dominated
are all smaller than that of the routine design are picked solutions. For the better comparison, Figure 11 shows
out from Figure 9, which are shown in Figure 10. There the relationship between volume and radial load of the
are eight total solutions whose three sub-objectives are turning arm bearing, and Figure 12 illustrates the rela-
smaller than that of the routine design. Table 5 presents tionship between volume and maximal bending stress
the design variables and sub-objectives of these eight of the pin. When the volume increases, the radial load
solutions and the routine design. Besides, the design of the turning arm bearing will be reduced. Moreover,
variables are rounded under the premise of meeting the according to equations (14) and (15), the f1 (volume)
constraints. and f2 (radial load of the turning arm bearing) are
Wang et al. 9
Figure 11. Volume of the reducer and radial load of the Figure 12. Volume of the reducer and maximal bending
turning arm bearing. strength of the pin.
conflicting. The increase of volume can reduce the max- according to Figure 12. These five preference solutions
imum bending stress of the pin to a certain extent. sacrifice the second sub-objective, but the first sub-
However, the maximum bending stress of the pin is not objective is obviously improved.
entirely dependent on volume, and equation (16) shows
that short amplitude coefficient can also have impact
on maximal bending stress of the pin. Conclusion
In Figures 11 and 12, there are five magenta prefer-
ence solutions. As shown in Figure 11, the second sub- A multi-objective optimization model of a cycloid pin
objective (radial load on bearing) is bigger than that of gear planetary reducer with the goals of minimizing the
the routine design, but the first sub-objective (volume) volume, the radial load on turning arm bearing, and the
is smaller than that of the routine design. Meanwhile, maximal bending stress of the pin is considered in this
the third sub-objective (maximal bending strength of article. The density estimation technique of NSGA-II is
the pin) is also smaller than that of the routine design improved using the k nearest neighbor distance. The
10 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
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