Aspects of Laser-Generated Acoustic Shock Waves in Air

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Lasers for Science Facility Programme - Physics

Aspects of laser-generated acoustic shock waves in air

K Attenborough, Q Qin
Acoustics Research Centre, University of Hull, Cottingham Road, Hull, HU6 7RX, UK
Main contact email address:

Introduction 2.5
x 10

Although the use of pulsed lasers to generate acoustic pulses in

both solid and liquid media is well known1), research into laser-

generated acoustic pulses in air has not been reported to the 1.5
same extent. Laser users usually try to avoid a breakdown in
air, since the laser energy is absorbed and heat is produced 1
when charged particles such as electrons stripped from atoms
are generated2). Nevertheless it remains a fact that strong 0.5

sparks can be produced in air when a light intensity, of the order

of 1011 W cm-2, is applied to a small volume. This requires that 0

the light beam from a laser has a peak power of the order of
10 MW or more and that this beam is focused through a lens. -0.5
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
In the focal area, the air absorbs energy from the light by means (a ) T IM E m s
of the cascade process. The energy gain causes local heating of 120
the gas, which expands outwards as a propagating shock wave


with a rarefaction or suction region behind the shock front.
Thus a powerful acoustic source is produced in air and it can be 116
located so as to avoid unwanted reflections from the associated 114
equipment. Given the similarity between the laser-induced
acoustic shock waveform and that associated with a blast- 112

wave4), acoustic pulses associated with laser-induced sparks 110

could be used to simulate blast sounds from explosions or sonic
booms in the laboratory and to investigate the associated
propagation effects. Measurements made near the laser sparks 106

show that the free field sound pressures obtained within a 104
source-receiver distance of less than 1.5m are at levels
sufficient to result in nonlinear effects and are highly
repeatable. Therefore, laser-generated acoustic shocks can be 100
4 5
used for laboratory-based research into nonlinear acoustics. 10 10

Results of laboratory measurements illustrating the effects of (b) FREQ UENCY Hz

Figure 1. (a) Acoustic waveform (b) Spectrum obtained at
surface roughness on nonlinear propagation are presented here.
3 cm from the laser-generated spark using an 1/8″ microphone.
The high-frequency content and high-amplitudes of laser-
generated acoustic shocks makes them useful also for
measurements of acoustic transmission through porous nonlinear convective effects, in contrast with dissipative effects
materials. Preliminary results of measurements on three (such as viscosity and thermal conductivity), become apparent
materials are presented here. at sound pressure levels of around 140 dB3), the measured laser-
induced spark source is useful for research into non-linear
Laser and Measurement System acoustics. Even at a source-receiver distance of 150cm, the
The laser used to generate the sparks was a Q-switch Surelite peak pressure of the received pulse is higher than 140 dB. The
III-10 Nd: YAG laser with a 1064 nm wavelength and a power spectrum of the laser-induced acoustic shock is broadband and
of 800 mJ per pulse. If the duration of the pulse is between 4 high frequency (Figure 1(b)). The sound energy spectrum is
and 6 nanoseconds2), the pulse power of the III-10 Nd: YAG between 3 kHz and 150 kHz and peaks at 20 kHz.
laser at 1064 nm wavelength is between 133 and 200 MW. The peak pressures due to the laser-generated shocks measured
Without focusing, the laser beam has a beam diameter of 9 mm with 1/8″ microphone are shown as a function of
and the intensity of the laser pulse is between 2.07 and source-receiver distance in Figure 2. The decay with distance
3.14 ×108 W cm-2. This intensity is much lower than the becomes logarithmic beyond about 10 cm from the source.
threshold of 1011 Wcm-2 required to break down the air. In the Figure 2 shows that there is increasing departure from inverse
experiments reported here, the laser beam was focused using a square law with distance. This is associated with air absorption
convex lens with a focal length of 10cm to a spot of diameter of and with nonlinear hydrodynamic loss in air. The calculated
about 0.3mm so that the light intensity in the focused spot is effect of air absorption4) on the peak pressure of the laser spark
between 1.88 and 2.83 Wcm-2. The sensing and analysis as the source-receiver distance is changed from 3 cm to 153 cm
system that was used for measurements of laser-induced is 1.57 dB. Estimates of hydrodynamic nonlinear effects in air
acoustic shock waves consisted of high-pressure and high as a function of distance x may be made by approximating the
frequency microphones, B&K Types 4138 (1/8″) and 4939 laser-generated pulses as triangular waveforms with amplitude
(1/4″); a high frequency amplifier, B&K Type 2636, a National p and duration T and using Equations (1) and (2)5).
Instruments 5911 data acquisition card and LabView software.
The peak pressure, duration and stability of the laser-induced p0 (1)
acoustic shocks have been investigated. p=
εp 0 x
Characteristics of the laser-induced acoustic shocks c03 ρ 0T0
A measured waveform at 3cm from the spark source, using a
1/8″ microphone, is shown in Figure 1(a). The peak pressure at
this distance is found to be 181dB re 20 µPa (22,683 Pa). Since

159 Central Laser Facility Annual Report 2002/2003

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εp0 x i.e. between 1/65 and 1/3 of the wavelength at the peak energy
T = T0 1 + (2) frequency (20 KHz).
c03 ρ 0T0
where p 0 = p ( x = 0), T0 = T ( x = 0), ρ0 is the density of standard deviation
inverse square law
air, c0 is adiabatic sound speed in air, ε =(γ+1)/2 ≈1.2 and 10

is the adiabatic constant.

10 measurement
inverse square law

1 2
10 10


Figure 3. Measured reduction in peak pressure with distance

in the free-field compared with spherical spreading; 1/4″
microphone receiver, 50 shocks. Error bars represent
standard deviations of data at each range.
The distances between the source and the receiver were set at
5 20 40 80 120 20.0, 22.5, 25.0, 27.5, and 30.0cm respectively. The source and
the receiver heights were kept constant at 0.75 cm,
corresponding to grazing angles of 4.29, 3.81, 3.43, 3.12, and
Figure 2. Measured reduction in peak pressure with 2.86 degrees respectively. The data in Figure 4 show a large
distance in the free-field compared with spherical variation in the measured sound peak pressures at the same
spreading; 1/8″ microphone receiver. source receiver distance as a function of the surface roughness.
The difference in peak pressure over the smooth rigid surface
Assuming a peak pressure of 22.163 kPa, and assuming a and the 5mm cubic glass grain surface was found to be as much
duration (t0) of either 12 µs (the positive duration) or 48 µs (the as 1,400 Pa (9.4dB level difference) at 20 cm from the laser
total duration) which are the measured characteristics of the spark source (see Figure 4).
waveform at 0.03m from the spark, the effects of hydrodynamic 162
nonlinearity are predicted to be between 3.5 and 7.8 dB. In
particular, for the given peak pressure, a reduction due to 160

hydrodynamic nonlinearity in air of 5.2 dB is predicted to

correspond to a (triangular) pulse duration of 26 µs at 3cm from

the spark. From the data and calculations it may be concluded 156 smooth rigid
0.2mm sand paper
that, although the spark itself is asymmetric and elongated in
the direction of the incoming light beam6), the associated 154
inverse square law
1.0mm sand
acoustic pulse behaves essentially as though from a point source 152 free field
at distances beyond 10 cm but with additional nonlinear 1.0mm lattice
hydrodynamic losses and air absorption. Hydrodynamic 150

nonlinearity in air is predicted also to cause gradual elongation 148

of the pulse with distance resulting in an increased duration at a
distance of 1.5m from the spark of between 150% and 250% of 146 3.0mm sand
5.0mm cubic glass
that at 3cm from the spark. The peak pressures in 50 shocks
have been measured at fourteen source-receiver distances 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36

between 20 cm and 150 cm. The results from using a ¼″

microphone are shown in Figure 3. The ¼″ receiving system SOURCE-RECEIVER DISTANCE cm
has a frequency response only up to 100 KHz. Consequently,
the use of a 1/4″ microphone results in lower peak pressures and
less apparent absorption but preserves the overall trend of the Figure 4. Measured peak pressures (dB) as a function of
variation with distance. The error bars present the standard distance in free field, over a smooth acoustically rigid surface
deviations of the measured peak pressures. The standard and over 5 different rough surfaces. Inverse square law decay
deviations are found to vary between only 1.5% and 3.0% of the is shown also.
peak pressures, which indicates that the laser-induced acoustic
pulses are very repeatable. Over the range of surface roughness used, the sound attenuation
at a given distance was found to increase with increasing
Nonlinear propagation over rough hard surfaces roughness size. For the data shown, the path length differences
Measurements have been carried out using a ¼″ microphone between the direct and the scattered signals of the geometry of
over six different rigid rough surfaces consisting of single the measurements are between 0.056 and 0.037 cm. This
layers of randomly-distributed but uniformly-sized grains fixed implies time delays of between 1.6 and 1.1 µs at the receiver
to smooth glass plates. The grains were fixed to the glass base points. These time differences are less than 2% of the pulse
by epoxy adhesive. The grains, the glass base plate and the duration, which is between 64.5 and 108.0 µs, as shown in
dried epoxy adhesive are acoustically rigid. The grain sizes on Table 1 and may account for the interference effects observed in
the six rough surfaces varied between 0.2mm and 5.0mm Figure 4. Without the ground surface, the peak pressures

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decreases monotonically with increasing distance, as shown by  


the free field data in Figures 2 and 3. Surface roughness is  Sound Speed in air 
found also to cause elongation of the waveforms beyond that tortuosity =  
expected from nonlinear hydrodynamic effects. Figure 5  
compared waveforms received at 30 cm from the laser-  Sound Speed in material 
 
generated sparks over smooth glass and the surface formed
from 5mm cubic glass grains. As well as reduction in This tortuosity value is very close to the average value 1.067
amplitude and elongation, the waveform received over the deduced by fitting data for the acoustic characteristic impedance
rough surface shows evidence of a surface wave similar to that that have been obtained independently. Similar data and
observed at lower amplitudes7). deductions have been obtained with samples of gravel and
porous concrete. The results are summarised in Table 1
together with values deduced from fitting impedance tube data
2500 and the measured flow resistivities. Not surprisingly, there is
evidence that timing the front end of shock becomes a less
2000 accurate method for tortuosity deduction as the flow resistivity
of the porous material increases. Further work is needed to
1500 investigate possible nonlinear and dispersive effects. However,

it appears that laser-generated acoustic pulses offer an

1000 alternative to the conventional ultrasonic cell method for
measurement of tortuosity.
Material Measured Tortuosity Tortuosity
0 Flow from laser- from fitting
resistivity induced impedance
-500 Pasm-2 acoustic shock tube data
-1000 Porous 204.6 1.07 1.067
0 50 100 150 200 aluminium
8mm gravel 846 1.5 1.46
Porous 3619 1.57 1.8
1000 Table 1. Results from tortuosity measurements.

a. The characteristics of laser-generated acoustic pulses are
400 useful for laboratory research into nonlinear acoustic
200 effects.
0 b. Small-scale measurements made over a series of ground
surfaces have shown that the propagation of laser-induced
acoustic shocks near to the ground is sensitive to
-400 small-scale ground roughness.
c. Preliminary measurements of the speed of laser-induced
0 50 100 150 200
acoustic pulses through thick samples of material suggest
the possibility for developing a novel ultrasonic method for
TIME µs determining the tortuosity of rigid-porous materials.

Figure 5. Comparison of measured waveforms at 20 cm References

(a) over a smooth glass surface (b) over a rough surface 1. R J Dewhurst, D A Hutchins, and S B Palmer, J. Appl.
(5mm cubic glass) with the spark source at 1.7 cm height Phys. 53 (6), 4064-4071, (1982).
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3. D A Webster, and D T Blackstock, J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,
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laser-generated acoustic pulses makes them suitable for an
ultrasonic measurement of the tortuosity in porous materials8) 4. D T Blackstock, Fundamentals of Physical Acoustics,
but on larger samples than used in typical ultrasonic University of Texas, Austin, Texas, JOHN WILEY &
experiments. An exploratory deduction of the tortuosity of a SONS, INC, (2000).
15 cm long cylindrical sample of porous aluminium with 5cm 5. L D Landau, and E M Lifshitz, Fluid mechanics, Pergamon
diameter has been made by measuring the speed of propagation Press, Oxford, London, Paris, Frankfurt, (1963).
of laser-generated acoustic pulses through the sample. Two
transducers were placed 15cm apart inside and outside a metal 6. J F Ready, Effects of High-Power Laser Radiation, ,
cylinder without and with the material sample respectively. The Academic Press, (1971).
distance between the lens and the first transducer was about
7. J P Chambers and Y H Berthelot, J.Acoust. Soc. Am., 102
20 cm. The propagation time of the front edge of the pulse in
(2) 707 - 714 (1997)
air without the sample was 0.447 ms. In the presence of the
porous aluminium sample it was 0.462 ms. Using Equation (3), 8. J F Allard, B Castagnede, M Henry, W Lauriks, Rev. Sci.
this implies a value of tortuosity of 1.068. Instrum. 65, 754–5 (1994).

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