Biological Warfare Agents: Anthrax
Biological Warfare Agents: Anthrax
Biological Warfare Agents: Anthrax
Biological warfare agents were one of the most feared classes of weapons that
coalition troops believed Iraq might use against them. Biologic agents can ei-
ther be sufficiently toxic that they kill their victims quickly, or they may induce a
sufficient degree of acute disability that troops cannot fight effectively or defend
themselves against an attack. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(2000) recently reviewed aspects of biological and chemical terrorism, looking
at likely threats, particularly although not exclusively at civilian vulnerability.
Although a number of possible biological warfare agents are known, the ones
considered most likely to be used against Gulf War troops were anthrax and
botulinum toxin. The medical consequences of exposure to these two agents1
are well understood (Iowa Persian Gulf Study Group, 1994), and diagnosis,
treatment, and prevention strategies exist for each.
Among the known pathogenic bacteria, Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent
of anthrax, is among the most feared. As a biologic warfare agent, B. anthracis
is likely to be disseminated through the air (an aerosol). B. anthracis causes
disease primarily in plant-eating animals; however, it does infect humans when
they come in close contact with infected animals or animal products. The im-
portance of anthrax has been recognized for years; in fact, the first description
is found in the book of Genesis. Considered the fifth plague in 1491 BC, the in-
fection was noted for killing Egyptian cattle. During the last century, the num-
ber of cases reported in developed countries has decreased.
1This report deals only with Anthrax and botulism toxin. Other biological weapon agents exist but
were not known to be in the Gulf. Toxins that could be classed as either biological weapon or
chemical weapon agents are dealt with in a companion report (Augerson, 2000).
90 Infectious Diseases
Vaccination2 is effective (92.5 percent) in preventing anthrax infection (Lew,
1995), which is why some individuals (approximately 150,000) deployed to the
highest-risk areas of the Persian Gulf were vaccinated against anthrax. Al-
though the initial findings in patients infected with anthrax mimic some of the
findings in individuals with Gulf War illnesses, anthrax is not known to have a
chronic state. Therefore, its use as a biologic warfare agent would have resulted
in the devastating findings discussed above in multiple individuals shortly after
Clostridium botulinum is the pathogenic bacterium that is the causative agent
of botulism. However, unlike B. anthracis, it is not the bacterium itself that is
2For a complete discussion of vaccine, see the companion report in this series (Golomb, forthcom-
Biological Warfare Agents 91
toxic but rather the toxins produced by the bacteria. These toxins affect the
nervous system, resulting in weakness. Although tetanus results from toxins
produced by another member of the same family of bacteria (Clostridium
tetani), tetanus toxin acts on a different part of the nervous system and pro-
duces muscle spasm and rigidity (Bleck, 1995).
Epidemiologic Information
Before modern medicine, the botulism fatality rate was over 60 percent; how-
ever, with current medical intervention the overall fatality rate is less than 10
percent. Because botulism carries a high morbidity and mortality, it is consid-
ered a biological warfare agent (Wiener, 1996). Depending on the strain, C. bo-
tulinum produces different toxins, designated A through G, of which types A, B,
E, and F cause human disease (Townes et al., 1996; Inoue et al., 1996; Jean et al.,
1995; Singh et al., 1995; Weber et al., 1993). This bacterium is found throughout
the world and can survive in harsh conditions.
The toxin may ingested with food or water and absorbed into the blood and
then progress via the blood to the nervous system. There is also wound bo-
tulism, where the infection begins at an open wound where bacteria grow and
produce the toxin. Botulinum toxin can also be delivered by the aerosol route;
this method affords broader area spread, greater casualties, and less loss of the
agent than introducing it into the food or water supplies. Because toxins are
environmentally stable, this is the most probable route to deliver this agent as a
biological weapon. The presence of the toxin, however, determines the clinical
manifestations, rather than how or where the toxin enters the body. The
chemical structure and mechanism of action for each of the seven toxins is
similar. The toxin cleaves at least one of three proteins that are involved in
bringing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine to the nerve synapse (the location
where the nerve to nerve transmission of information occurs). Cleavage by the
neurotoxin inhibits acetylcholine release from the synapse (Schiavo and Mon-
tecucco, 1997). With the loss of communication between nerves, paralysis re-
The dominant clinical features of botulism are the neurologic symptoms sec-
ondary to toxin-mediated blockade of the voluntary motor and autonomic
cholinergic junctions (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1998). With
mild botulism, patients may experience only dry mouth, inability to focus
(perceived as blurred vision), and diplopia. With more severe disease, dyspho-
nia, dysarthria, dysphagia, and peripheral muscle weakness may ensue. When
the respiratory system fails, mechanical ventilator support becomes necessary,
92 Infectious Diseases
often for many weeks. The recovery period reflects the time for the body to re-
generate damaged nerve fibers.
Like anthrax, chronic states of botulism are not known. If there had been a
significant exposure to botulinum toxin during the Gulf War, the severe, dis-
abling, and life-threatening findings discussed above would have been seen at
that time. Although a low-level exposure has been hypothesized, this does not
appear to be the case for these agents. Recently, this toxin has been used in low
doses to successfully treat patients who have conditions associated with in-
creased muscular activity (e.g., twitching and spasm) (Joo et al., 1996; Rebolleda
and Munoz Negrete, 1996; Richman, 1997; Sampaio et al., 1997; Esper et al.,
1997; Sood et al., 1996; Behari and Raju, 1996). To date, symptoms similar to
Gulf War illnesses have not been reported in patients receiving therapeutic
doses of botulinum toxin.