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Pulse & Digital Circuits Unit Wise Important Questions


S.No Question Bloom Course

Taxonomy Outcome
1 Name the signals which are commonly used in pulse circuits and define any Remember 1

five of them?
2 Define linear wave shaping? Remember 1
3 Define attenuator and types of attenuator? Remember 1
4 Explain the fractional tilt of a high pass RC circuit. Write the Expression? Understand 1
5 State the lower 3-db frequency of high-pass circuit? Remember 1
6 Distinguish between the linear and non-linear wave shaping circuits. Remember 1
7 Justify the reason for double differentiation circuit as rate-of-rise amplifier. Evaluate 1
8 Show that a high pass circuit with a small time constant acts as Apply 1
9 Define Rise time? Give the relations between rise time and bandwidth? Remember 1

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10 Show that a low pass circuit with a time constant acts as Integrator? Apply 1
11 Name a wave shaping circuit which produces a Ramp wave as an output by Remember 1
taking a step signal as input and draw its output for a sinusoidal wave
12 Write the expressions for the output of a low pass circuit by a step and Apply 1
symmetrical square waves?
13 Solve that for any periodic input wave form the average level of the steady Apply 1
state output signal from an RC high pass circuit is always zero.
14 Explain the response of a high pass RC circuit to a step input signal? Understand 1

15 Name a wave shaping circuit which produces a Ramp wave as an output by Remember 1
taking a step signal as input and draw its output for a sinusoidal wave
16 Write the expressions for the output of a low pass circuit by a step and Apply 1
symmetrical square waves?
17 Set up by direct integration that the area under the pulse is same as the area Apply 1
under the output waveform across the capacitor.
18 Define peaking Circuit? Write the drawbacks of RL linear wave shaping Remember 1

circuit compared to RC circuit?
19 List out the reasons for preferring integrators over differentiators in Analog Remember 1
computer applications?
20 a) Write the expression for gain and phase when sinusoidal signal is passed Apply 1
through RC Low pass circuit. Remember
b) Define Percentage Tilt and Rise time?

Define non-linear wave shaping? List out the names of nonlinear wave
Distinguish between the comparator and clipping circuit?
Justify that a clamping circuit is a dc inserter


4 State the clamping circuit theorem Remember 2
5 State the relationship between R and the forward resistance Rf and reverse Remember 2
resistance Rr of the Clipping Circuit
6 Define Series clipper and shunt clipper Remember 2

7 Express the meaning of transmission region and attenuation region of a Understand 2

Clipping Circuit
8 List out the two regions of operation of a transistor that are used in a Remember 2
transistor Clipping Circuit.
9 Justify that a clamping Circuit is a Non-linear Wave Shaping Circuit? Evaluate 2
10 Define Series Noise Clipper and Shunt Noise Clipper? Remember 2
11 Write the applications of Clamping Circuit Apply 2
12 Draw the circuit diagram of Slicer? Explain its Operation Understand 2
13 List the other names that are used for describing the clipping Operation? Remember 2

14 Mention few applications of clipping and clamping circuits. Apply 2

15 Mention the applications of comparator. Apply 2
16 Define the terms of Breakpoint and Transfer Characteristics? Remember 2
1. Define an ideal diode? Draw the V-I characteristics of a diode? Remember 6
2. Name the devices that can be used as switches? Draw the Practical and Remember 6
piece-wise linear diode V-I characteristics?
3. Define Forward recovery time and reverse recovery time? Remember 6
4. Define Storage time and Transition time of a diode? Remember 6

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5. Explain how a Diode can be used as a switch? Apply 6

6. Solve that the total turn-on time of a transistor is the sum of the delay and Apply 6
rise time?
7. Define Avalanche Breakdown and Zener breakdown? Remember 6
8. Write the Expressions for the Static and dynamic resistance of a diode? Apply 6
9. List the temperature dependence of Transistor saturation parameters. Remember 6
10. Describe the operation of chopper amplifier? Understand 6
11. Name the circuit in which the output is an exact reproduction of input during Remember 6

selected time interval and zero otherwise?
12. Identify the Specific advantages and disadvantages of diode Sampling gate Understand 6
13. List the other names that are used for describing the Sampling gates? Remember 6
14. Define a pedestal in sampling gate? Apply 6
15. Differentiate between sampling gates and logic gates? Analyze 6

16. Compare Unidirectional and bidirectional Sampling gates Analyze 6
17. Give some applications of Unidirectional Sampling gates Understand 6
18. Illustrate the principle of sampling gates with series and parallel switches Analyze 6
and compare them.
Define Multivibrator? Point out the different types of Multivibrator?
Distinguish between Stable state and a Quasi Stable state in a Multivibrator?
List the other names for describing the Bistable Multivibrator?
Define Settling time, transition time in a Bistable Multivibrator
Justify to state that the resolving time is the sum of the transition time and
the Settling time?
6 Discuss the different methods of Triggering or flip-flop? Understand 3
7 Explain the role of Commutating Capacitors? Evaluate 3
8 Is Bistable multi a flip-flop, justify Apply 3
9 State the difference between Symmetrical and unsymmetrical triggering Apply 3
circuit in Bistable.
10 How the effect of loading over come in Bistable Multivibrator. Understand 3
11 Write the Expression for Maximum frequency of Bistable Multivibrator? Understand 3
12 List the other names for the monostable Multivibrator? Remember 3
13 Classify the Multivibrator based on coupling elements used to generate Understand 3
regenerative feedback?
14 Write any two methods to eliminate the Hysteresis in Schmitt Trigger? Remember 3
15 Write the expression of pulse time in Monostable Multi Remember 3

16 Define terms UTP and LTP? Remember 3

17 Compare the voltage and current time base generator? Give examples Apply 3
18 Define the term Recovery Time for Astable Multivibrator? Remember 3
19 Write the expression of frequency of Oscillations in Astable Multi Apply 3
20 Show that an astable Multivibrator is also called square Wave Apply 3
21 Which amplifier is used in miller time base generator? Apply 4
22 What are commutating capacitors? Why are they required? Apply 3
23 What is the best method of triggering a binary unsymmetrically? Apply 3

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24 Name the circuit whose output is a signal with a duty cycle of 50% for a Remember 3
input signal which is an output of oscillator?
25 Why is monostable multivibrator also called a delay circuit? Remember 3
26 Which device can be used as a switch in sweep circuits? Write the Apply 4
expression for sweep time of sweep circuit constructed with above device?
27 Write the Expression for Sweep speed in the exponential charging of a Apply 4
28 Write the Expression for slope error of a miller time base generator Apply 4

29 Compare the miller time base generator and bootstrap time base generator? Apply 4
30 Write the Expression for slope error of a bootstrap time base generator Apply 4
1 Define Relaxation circuit? Give Some examples. Remember 5
2 Define Synchronization? List the different types of Synchronization? Remember 5

3 Name some negative resistance devices used as relaxation Oscillator? Remember 5
4 Define the terms Sweep time and Restoration time? Remember 5
5 Define phase delay and phase jitter? Remember 5
6 Distinguish between Synchronization and synchronization with frequency Understand 5
Compare Sine wave synchronization with pulse synchronization
Illustrate the condition to be met for pulse synchronization
Give the classification of logic families
Mention the classification of saturated bipolar logic families
Define Fan-out,Fan in, Propagation delay and Power dissipation?
12 Name the three types of TTL gate Understand 7
13 Draw the waveform at the base of the monostable relaxation circuit to show Apply 5
the frequency division.
14 Point out the advantages and disadvantages of totem pole configuration Apply 7

15 Give some merits and demerits of ECL? Apply 7

16 Write the two characteristics of ECL gates? Remember 7
17 Identify the logic family for simple and Most complex fabrication? Apply 7
18 Draw the circuit diagram of diode resistor logic AND gate? Apply 7

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S. No. Question Bloom Course

Taxonomy Outcome
1. Explain the response of RC High Pass circuit for the following input Understand 1
waveforms A) Step B) Pulse

2. Derive the expression for a %tilt of a square wave after passing through a Analyze 1
high pass RC Circuit. (or)
A symmetrical square wave of peak -to-peak amplitude `V' and
frequency `f' is applied to a high pass circuit. Show that the percentage
tilt is given by P = 1- e(-1/2RC) /1+e(-1/2RC) *100%:
3. With the circuit diagram and waveforms explain the operation of RC Evaluate 1

circuits as Integrators and differentiators for a square wave input
4. Explain the response of RC low pass circuit for exponential input signal Understand 1
5. Prove that for any periodic input wave form the average level of the 1
steady state output signal from an RC high pass circuit is always zero. Evaluate
6. a) Explain the response of RL circuit when a step input signal is Understand 1
b) Obtain the response of RC high pass circuit for an exponential i/p


signal. W
Why does a resistive attenuator need to be compensated? Explain
different methods of Compensation. What is the effect of the output
resistance of the generator on an attenuator output
Describe the relationship between rise time and RC time constant of a
low pass RC circuit.


9. Draw the different output waveforms of a RC Low Pass circuit when it is Apply 1
applied with Different inputs like (a) Step-voltage input (b) pulse
input C) Square input
10. When does an RLC circuit function as a ringing circuit? What is the Remember 1
relationship between Quality factor Q and the number of cycles N in the
response of this circuit?
11. Explain about RL and RLC series Circuits When the input is step is Apply 1
12. Explain double differentiator with the help of neat sketches Remember 1
13. a) Compare linear wave shaping with Nonlinear wave shaping. Analyse 1
b) Describe the relationship between rise time and RC time constant of a
low pass RC

1. State and prove the clamping circuit theorem Remember 2

2. Give the circuits of different types of shunt clippers and explain their 2
operation with the help of their transfer characteristics?
3. Explain positive peak clipping without reference voltage. Understand 2
4. Explain about positive peak voltage limiters above reference level. Understand 2
5. Draw the basic circuit diagram of positive peak clamper circuit and 2
explain its operation. Understand 2
6. Draw the basic circuit diagram of a DC restorer circuit and explain its Apply 2
operation. Sketch the output wave form for a sinusoidal input.
7. Explain the response of the clamping circuit when a square wave input is Apply 2

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applied under steady state conditions.

8. Mention the effects of diode characteristics on clamping voltage. Apply 2
9. Give the circuits of different types of shunt clippers and explain their 2
operation with the help of their transfer characteristics. Remember 2
10. Draw the circuit diagram of an emitter-coupled clipping circuit and draw 2
its transfer characteristic indicating all intercepts, slopes and
voltage levels. Apply 2
11. Compare series diode clipper and shunt diode clipper. Analyze 2

12. What is synchronized clamping? Explain. Apply 2
13. Analyze the diode comparator circuit. Draw the response of the circuit 2
to a ramp input Vi=lt. Analyze 2
14. With the help of neat Circuit diagram, explain the working of Transistor 2
Clipper? Apply 2

15. Explain in brief about Practical Clamping? Understand 2
16. Explain the response of the clamping circuit when a square wave input is Understand 2
applied under steady state conditions.
Draw the diode shunt clipper that clips the sine wave signal above +5V Apply 2
17. and below -5V.


Explain the storage and transition times of the diode as a switch.
Describe the switching times of BJT by considering charge distribution
across the base region. Explain this for cut-off, active and saturation

Define the different switching times of a transistor with suitable collector



current Versus time characteristics.
4. Explain the temperature sensitivity parameters of a transistor Evaluate 6
5. Explain the saturation parameters of a transistor Apply 6
6. Illustrate the principle of sampling gates with series and parallel switches Apply 6
and compare them.
7. Explain how a transistor can be used as a switch. Apply 6
(b) Explain the phenomenon of 'Latching" in a transistor switch
8. Explain the operation of Four diode Alternative form bidirectional Understand 6
Sampling gate
9. Derive expressions for gain and minimum control voltages of a Apply 6
bidirectional two- diode sampling gate
10 Illustrate with neat circuit diagram, the operation of unidirectional Understand 6
sampling gate for multiple inputs.
11 a) Why the sampling gates are called linear gates? Understand 6

(b) Compare the unidirectional and bi-directional sampling gates.

12 Explain the effect of control voltage on gate output of unidirectional Understand 6
sampling gate using diode with some example
13 Explain the basic principles of sampling gates using series switch and Understand 6
also give the applications of sampling gate
14 Draw the circuit of two-diode bi-directional sampling gate. Explain its Evaluate 6
operation & derive expressions for gain and minimum control voltage in
the circuit..
15 Explain the operation of chopper Amplifier and Sampling Scope. Remember 6
Draw the circuit of FOUR-DIODE sampling gate. Derive expressions for Understand 6
16 its gain (A) and Vmin.

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1. a)Explain the operation of bistable multivibrator circuit with circuit Understand 3
diagram and waveform
b) Why collector catching diodes are used in multi vibrators?
2. Explain how a compensation circuit improves the linearity of a Bootstrap Understand 3
voltage time base generator.
3. Explain with the help of neat circuit diagram the principle of operation of Understand 3
monostable multivibrator, and derive an expression for pulse width. Draw

the wave forms at collector and Bases of both transistors? What is
monostable multivibrator?
4. Draw the various wave shapes of the astable multi vibrator. 3
5 Explain the basic principles of Miller and Bootstrap time base generators. Understand 4
6 Define the terms slope error, displacement error and transmission error of Remember 4

time-base signal
7 With the help of a neat circuit diagram and waveforms explain the Analyze 4
working of a transistor Miller time base generator.
8 Explain how to draw the various waveforms and calculate their volatage Understand 4
levels in an emitter-coupled monostable multi.
9 An exponential sweep results when a capacitor is charged from a supply Analyze 4
voltageV through a resistor R. If the peak sweep voltage is Vs , derive an



expression for stope error (es).
Draw the circuit of a linear current sweep and explain its operation with
waveforms. Explain the necessity of generating trapezoidal waveform.
Explain the operation of Fixed-Bias Bistable multivibrator with circuit
diagram and waveforms.
Explain the working of a Selfbias Bistable multivibrator circuit with the



help of waveforms and circuit diagram.
13. Distinguish between unsymmetrical and Symmetrical triggering? Why it Analyze 3
is used?
14. Explain different triggering methods of binary circuits. Understand 3

15. Explain how Schmitt trigger circuit act as a switch. Understand 3

16. (a) Draw and clearly indicate the restoration time and flyback time Analyze 4
on the typical waveform of a time base voltage.
(b) Derive the relation between the slope, transmission and
displacement errors
17. Define sweep speed error, transmission error and displacement error Remember 4
pertaining to sweep circuits. Also derive the expressions for the same
with respect to an exponential sweep circuit. How are linearly varying
current waveforms generated?
18. With the help of neat diagram explain the working of transistor Bootstrap Apply 4

time base generator

19. Write the differences between the voltage and current time base Understand 4
20. Draw the circuit diagram of transistor Miller time base generator and Apply 4
explain its working.
21 Derive the expression for gate width of a Monostable Multivibrator Analyze 3
neglecting the reverse saturation current ICBO?
22 With the help of neat circuit diagram and waveforms, explain the Analyze 3
working of a collector coupled Astable Multivibrator? Obtain the
expression for frequency in Astable Multivibrator
23 Explain the operation of Astable multivibrator Understand 3

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1. Explain the three input OR gate and explain its operation. Apply 7
2. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of transistor and diode logic. Evaluate 7
3. Draw a TTL NAND gate and explain its operation Apply 7
4. Draw a three input AND gate and verify its truth table using diodes & Apply 7
5. Draw the inverter using transistor and explain its working. Apply 7

6. Draw the circuit diagram of diode - resistor logic AND and OR gate and Apply 7
explain its operation.
7. What do you mean by a relaxation circuit? Give a few examples of Apply
relaxation circuits. 5
8. With the help of neat waveforms, explain sine wave frequency division Apply 5
with a sweep circuit.

9. Explain the principle of synchronization" and `synchronization with Understand 5
frequency division'.
10. Explain the method of pulse synchronization of relaxation devices, with Understand 5
11. With neat circuit, waveforms explain the frequency division in Apply 5
monostable multivibrator.
12. Define the terms phase delay and phase jitter. What is the condition to be Remember 5


14. a)Compare
met for pulse synchronization?
Compare TTL and RTL logic and Draw the Transistor logic NAND gate
and explain its operation.
with symmetrical signals
pulse synchronization andsynchronization

b)Explain the importance synchronization in digital circuits



15. Draw the circuit diagram of NAND , NOR gate using DTL logic and Apply 7
16. With the help of a circuit diagram and waveforms, explain frequency Apply 7
division of an astable multivibrator with pulse signals.
17. What are tri state and totem pole configurations? Explain? Apply 7


S.No Question Blooms Course

Taxonomy Outcome

1. Design a step input of 10V when applied to the Low Pass RC circuit
produces the output with a Rise time of 200 micro sec. Calculate the
upper 3dB frequency of the circuit if the circuit uses a capacitor of 0.47 Apply 1
micro F, Determine the value of the resistance.
2. A pulse of 5 V amplitude and pulse width of 0.5 msec is applied to a Analyze 1
high pass RC circuit consisting of R=22 K ohms and C= 0.47 micro F.
Sketch the output waveform and determine the percentage tilt in the
3. In an uncompensated attenuator the circuit components values are Rl = 1
Cl=120pF,C2=30pF.Calculate: Understand 1
(i)Rise time when CI is not connected

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(ii)For avoiding overshoot calculate the exact value of CI

4. Prepare an RC differentiator circuit for pulses of 1ms repletion and 10V Apply 1
amplitude. The trigger pulses are to have 8 V amplitude. The source
resistance is 50ohmand load resistance is 500ohm.
5. A 1KHz square wave output from an amplifier has rise time tr = 250 ns Understand 1
and tilt = 10%, determine the upper and lower frequencies.
6. A 10Hz square wave is fed to an amplifier. Calculate and sketch the Evaluate 1
output wave forms under following conditions. The lower 3db
frequency is The lower 3db frequency is i. 0.3Hz

ii. 3Hz
iii. 30Hz
7. A symmetrical square wave whose peak-to-peak amplitude is 2V and 1
whose average value is zero is applied to on RC integrating circuit.
The time constant is equals to half -period of the square wave. Find the Apply 1
peak to peak value of the output amplitude

8. A square wave whose peak-to-peak valve is 1 V, extends 0.5V w.r.t. to Evaluate 1
ground. The half period is 0.1 Sec this voltage impressed upon an RC
differentiating circuit whose time constant is 0.2 sec. Determine the
maximum and minimum values of the o/p voltages in the steady state
9. A 10HZ symmetrical square wave whose peak-to-peak amplitude is 1
2V is applied to a High pass RC circuit whose lower 3-db frequency is Analysis 1
5HZ. Calculate and sketch the output waveform?


Compute and draw to scale the output waveform for C= 100pf,
C=150pf and C=50pf and the input is 25v step with R1=2MΩ,
R2=2MΩ, C2=100PF?
The limited ramp is applied to an RC differentiates. Draw to scale the
output waveform for the case(i)T=RC (ii) T=0.2RC (iii)T=5RC.
Assuming the capacitor to be initially unchanged, determine the output


response of the low pass RC circuit with time constant 0.05ms to the
input waveform shown in fig given below

13. If a square wave of 5KHz is applied to an RC high pass circuit and the 1
resultant waveform measured on a CRO was tilted from 15V to 10V, Evaluate
find the lower 3-dB frequency of the high pass circuit
14. An oscilloscope displays a 5Hz square wave with 6% tilt. The signal Analyze 1

input has no tilt and is The signal input has no tilt and is coupled to the
oscilloscope via a 4.7μF capacitor. Calculate the input resistance of the
A symmetrical square wave is applied to a HP circuit having R = 20 k 1
15. and C = 0.05 μ f. If the frequency of input signal is 1kHz and the signal
swings between +0.5V to -0.5V , draw the output wave shape and Understand
indicate the voltages, also explain what happens if the input signal
frequency is reduced to 100 Hz?
1. A 100V peak square wave with an average value of 0V and a period of Analyze 2
20 ms is to be negatively clamped at 25V. Draw the circuit diagram

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necessary for this purpose. Also, draw the input and output waveforms.
2. The input voltage V to the two
two-level clipper shown in fig2. varies Analyze 2
linearly from 0 to 200V. Sketch the output voltage V to the same scale
0 as the input voltage

3. For the clipper circuit shown in FIgure the input vi = 60 sin !t. Calculate Apply 2
and plot to Scale

i. The transfer characteristic indicating slopes and intercepts. ii. Input /
output on the same scale. Assume ideal diodes.

The input voltage Vito the clipper shown in figure 7b below is a 10 micro
sec pulse whose voltage varies from 0V to 10V.
Apply 2

5. If Rf= 100, Vr= 0.5 V and Rr =/ for the diode, sketch the output wave Understand 2
form V0 and indicate the time constants of the exponential portions.
6. Design the value of Resistance R in clipper circuit when forward Apply 2
Resistance of diode is 10k and reverse resistance of diode is 100k
7. Draw the circuit of a shunt diode positive peak clipper. Assume Analyze 2
Rf=50Ω, Vᵧ=0.6V,
=0.6V, Rr=2MΩ, R=20KΩ and VR=+15V. Sketch the
transfer characteristics when the input voltage varies between -20V and
+20V. Indicate the slopes, voltage levels V0(max) and Vo(min) and the
region where the diode conducts. Also sketch the input/output

rms, if a sine wave of 20V peak is applied as an input.If a load
resistance of 30KΩ is connected across the output terminals, sketch the
transfer characteristics and the output wave for a 20V peak sine wave
8. A symmetrical 10 KHz square wave whose peak-to-peak excursions are Analyze 2
±10V with respect to ground is impressed on the clamping circuit shown
below. Here R=10KΩ, C=1μF, the diode has Rr=∞, Rf=0, V Vᵧ=0 and the
source impedance Rs is zero.
9. The input voltage vi to the two level clipper shown in figure 1 varies Analyze 2
linearly from 0 to 150 V. Sketch the output voltage vo to the same time
scale as the input voltage.
Assume Ideal diodes.

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10. Design a diode clamper circuit to clamp the positive peaks of the input 2

signal at zero level. The frequency of the input signal is 500 Hz? Remember
11. Plot Vo for the circuit shown, assuming ideal diode given Vi=20 sinwt Remember 2
12 A 100V peak square wave with an average value of 0V is to be negatively Apply 2
clamped at 25V. Draw the output waveforms?

13 For the input voltage Vi =100V.Calculate and plot the Steady state output Understand 2
voltage W
(T1= 100µsec,T2 = 1000µsec, C= 0.1 uF , R=100KΩ, Rs= 100Ω,

14 For the circuit shown. Vi is a sinusoidal input voltage of 60V.Assume the Analyze 2
ideal diodes,
Sketch one cycle of output voltage. Determine the maximum diode



1. Design a high speed common emitter transistor switch operating with Analyze 6
two power supplies Vcc=12V and –VBB= -10V. the transistor is
expected to operate at Ic= 8mA, IB= 0.75mA.The static current gain
hFE of the transistor is 30, VBE(sat) = 0.3V, and R2=3R1.Determine the
values of the three resistors Rc, R1 ,R2.
2. A germanium transistor is operated at room temperature in the CE understand 6
configuration. The supply voltage is 6 V, the collector-circuit resistance
is 200 and the base current is 20 percent higher than the minimum value
required to drive the transistor into saturation. Assume the following
transistor parameters: Ico=-5μA, IEO=-2μA, hFE=100, and rbb_=250 .
Find VBE(Sat) and VCE(Sat).

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3. Calculate the output levels of the circuit shown in fig. for the inputs of understand 6
0V & -8v and verify that the circuit is an inverter. What is the minimum
value of hFE required .Neglect the junction Saturation voltages and

assume an ideal diode.

4. The forward voltage across diode is 0.4 V and forward current through Analyze 6

it is 10nA at temperature 27 degree Celsius. For forward voltage of
.42V the current through diode becomes twice. Calculate the value of
5. Design a high speed common emitter transistor switch operating with Remember 6
two power supplies Vcc=12V and –VBB= -10V. the transistor is
expected to operate at Ic= 8mA, IB=0.75mA.The static current gain hFE
of the transistor is 30, VBE(sat) = 0.3V, and R2=3R1.Determine the values


of the three resistors Rc, R1 ,R2.
Design the Transistor switch ( Inverter) for the following specifications
Vin= ±3Vsquare wave, VCC=10V, IC=1mA, hFE=50.Assume Si

Design a transistor inverter circuit (NOT gate) with the following

specifications: VCC = VBB = 10V,ICsat = 10mA; hfemin = 30; the
input is varying between 0 and 10V. Assume typical junction voltages


of npn silicon transistor

9. Assume Vs = 20V, Rf = 25Ω, RL = Rc = 100KΩ. Calculate i) Gain (A) Apply 6
ii) Minimum positive control voltage (VCP)min iii) Minimum negative
control voltage (Vcn)min for four diode sampling gate?
10. Determine the gain A, minimum values Vmin and Vn(min) applicable to Evaluate 6
the four diode bi-directional sampling gate. The signal amplitude
Vs=24v and assume that Rz=2.7k, RL=RC=120K, and the forward
resistance of all the diodes Rf is assumed to be 25. If the biasing
voltage on either side of this circuit full the condition V=Vmin.
Determine the minimum value(Vc)min
1. Design a Schmitt trigger circuit using NPN transistors having Understand 3
hFE(MIN) =60 . VBE cut-off = 0V, VCE(Sat) = 0.2V and VBE(Sat) =

0.7V. Given Vcc=8V and o/p swing = 6V, UTP = 3.5V, LTP = 1.5V,
R1 = 10K AND R2 = 2K.Determine Rc1, Rc2 and Re
2. Design a transistor bootstrap ramp generator to provide an output Apply 3
amplitude of 12V over a time period of 2ms. The input signal is a
negative going pulse with an amplitude of 5 V, a pulse width of 2ms
and the time interval between pulses is 0.5ms. The load resistance is
1K and the ramp is to be linear within 1%. The supply is to be 15V.
take hfe(min) = 80.
3. A fixed bias bistable has the following circuit parameters Rc = 1k, R1 Understand 3
= 3.9k, Vcc = +9v and VBB = -9v. Assume for transistor VCEsat = 0v,
VBEsat = 0.6v and VBE(cutoff) = 0v A the binary, and _nd the stable
state voltages and currents. What is the minimum value of hFE to

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satisfy the ON-OFF

OFF condition? Draw the circuit diagram and
corresponding waveforms at both collections and bases.

4. A collector coupled Fixed bias binary uses NPN transistors with hFE = Analyze 3
100. The circuit parameters are VCC = 12v, VBB = -3v,RC = 1k , R1
= 5k , and R2 = 10 k . Verify that when one transistor is cut cut-off the

other is in saturation. Find the stable state currentsand voltages for the
circuit. Assume for transistors VCE(sat) = 0. 0.3V and VBE(sat) = 0.7V.
5. Design a Schmitt trigger circuit using nn-p-n silicon transistors to meet Apply 3
the following specifications: Vcc=12v, UTP=4v, LTP=2v,hfe=60,
Ic2=3mA. Use relevant assumptions and the empirical relationships
6. Design a collector coupled astable multivibrator to meet the following Apply 3
Specifications: f =10KHZ,V
=10KHZ,VCC =12V,I C (sat)=4mAand h FE

(min)=20.Assume that V CE (sat)=0.3V and V BE (sat)=0.7V.
Design an astable multivibrator to generate 5kHz square wave with a
duty cycle of 40% and if amplitude 12V. Use NPN transistor having
hFE = 100, VBesat = 0.7V, VCEsat = 0.2, ICmax = 100mA. Show the
waveforms seen at both the collector and bases.
Apply 3

8. Design an astable multi for an o/p amplitude of 15V and square wave Apply 3
frequency of 500Hz. Assume hFEmin = 50, ICsat = 5mAand VCEsat =
9. Find the component values of a bootstrap sweep generator, given Understand 4

Vcc=18V, Ic(sat) = 2mA and hfe(min)=30.

10. A transistor bootstrap ramp generator is to produce a 15V, 5ms output Understand 4
to a 2kohms load resistor. The ramp is to be linear within2%. Design a
suitable circuit using Vcc = 22V, −VEE = -22V and transistor with
hfe(min) = 25. The input pulse has an amplitude oof -5V, pulse width =
5ms and space width = 2.5ms.
11. Silicon transistors with h fe = 30 are available. If Understand 3
Vcc = 12V and VBB= 6V, design a fixed bias bistable multivibrator.
12. Consider the Schmitt trigger with germanium transistor having hfe= Evaluate 3
20. The circuit parameter are Vcc = 15V, Rs = 2kΩ, Rc1= 4kΩ, R1=
1 kΩ= 3 kΩ R2 = 10 kΩ and Re= 6 kΩ. Calculate LTP and UTP.

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13. Design an astable multivibrator to generate a 5kHz square wave with a Apply 3
duty cycle of 60% and amplitude 12v. Use NPN silicon transistors
having hFE(min)= 70, VCE(sat) = 0.3v, VBE(sat) = 0.7v, VBE(cutoff)
= 0v and RC = 2K. Drawthe waveforms seen at both collectors and
14. Design a Fixed Bias binary by given fallowing specifications, Understand 3
Vcc=Vbb=12V, hfe(min) = 20,Ic(sat)=4mA Assume npn si-Transistors
15. Design a Self Bias binary using si transistors. Vcc=6V, hfe(min) Apply 3
=30,Assume appropriate junction voltages for your design?

16. The normal self-biased binary uses npn si transistors having worst-case Analyze 3
values of Vce(sat)=0.4V, Vbe(sat)=0.8V and zero base to emitter
voltage for cutoff. The circuit parameters are Vcc
=20V,Rc1=Rc2=4.7kΩ, R1=30 kΩ,R2=15kΩ and Re=390 kΩ
a) Find Stable state Currents and Voltages.
b) Find the minimum value of hfe required to give the values of part(a)

c) As the temperature is increased, what is the maximum value to which
Icbo can increase before the condition is reached where neither
transistor is OFF.
17. A Collector coupled monostable multi using npn si transistors has the Analyze 3
same fallowing parameters. Vcc=12V, Vbb=3V,Rc=2kΩ,
R1=R2=R=20 kΩ, hfe=30,rbb’=200Ω and C=1000pF, neglect Icbo.(a)
Calculate and plot to scale the wave shapes at each base and collector.


(b) Find the width of the output pulse.
Find the pulse width, period and frequency of output of a astable
multivibrator given R1=R2 and 100 kΩ and C1=C2=0.1μF
A bootstrap sweep generator is shown in fig 3. Transistor Q and Q are
silicon with h =30, V = 0.4V and V = 0.8V. Assume a
fe(min) CE(sat) BE(sat) voltage drop of 0.5V across the forward-
biased diode D. Calculate all the quiescent state voltages and currents.


If a periodic gating signal with a frequency of 1 KHz and Tg=0.5ms is

applied, determine the sweep time, sweep amplitude and sweep

20. Design an astable multivibrator to generate a 5kHz square wave with a Apply 3

dutycycle of 60% and amplitude 12v. Use NPN silicon transistors

having hFE(min)= 70, VCE(sat) = 0.3v, VBE(sat) = 0.7v, VBE(cutoff)
= 0v and RC = 2K. Draw the waveforms seen at both collectors and
bases. Find the component values of a bootstrap sweep generator,
given Vcc=18V,Ic(sat) = 2mA and hfe(min)=30
21. Design the Astable Multivibrator to generate 1 KHz square wave. The Apply 3
supply voltage VCC=10V, IC(sat)=10mA, hFE=50 and assume Si
22. Design collector coupled fixed-bias Bistable Multivibrator to operate Apply 3
from ±6Vsupply.Given IC(sat) = 1mA, hFE =35. Assume Si

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1. Design a relaxation oscillator to have 3khz output frequency. Using Apply 5
2N2646 UJT and a 20v supply. Calculate the sweep amplitude. The
specifications from the data sheet are given as _=0.7, Ip=2_A, Iv=1nA
and VEB;SAT=3V.
2. A UJT sweep operates with Vv = 3V, Vp=16V and _=0.5. A Apply 5
sinusoidal synchronizing voltage of 2V peak is applied betweenbases
and the natural frequency of the sweep is 1kHz, over what range of

sync signal frequency will the sweep remain in 1:1synchronism with
the sync signal?
3. In the UJT sweep circuit, VBB = 20V, Vyy = 50V, R=5k, C=0.01 Apply 5
micro F.
UJT has _= 0.5. Calculate
i. amplitude of sweep signal

ii. Slope and displacement errors and
iii. estimated recovery time.
4. The relaxation oscillator when running freely, generates an output Apply 5
sweep amplitude of 100V and frequency 1kHz. Synchronizingpulses
are applied such that at each pulse the breakdown voltage is lowered
by 20V. Over what frequency range may thesynchronizing pulse
frequency be varied if 1:1 synchronization is to result?

Design a transistor inverter circuit (NOT gate) with the following
specifications: VCC = VBB = 10V,ICsat = 10mA; hfemin = 30; the
input is varying between 0 and 10V. Assume typical junction voltages
of npn silicon transistor
A symmetrical astable multivibrator using germanium transistors and
operating from a 10V collector supply voltage has a free period of
1000 nsec.Triggering pulses whose spacing is 750 _sec are applied to


one base through asmall capacitor from a high impedance source. Find
the minimum triggering pulse amplitude required to achieve 1 : 1
synchronization. Assume typical junction voltage of the transistor and
that the timing portion of the base waveform is linear.
7. A UJT sweep operates with Vv = 3V, Vp=16V and _=0.5. A Apply 5
sinusoidal synchronizing voltage of 2V peak is applied between bases
and the natural frequency of the sweep is 1kHz, over what range of
sync signal frequency will the sweep remain in 1:1 synchronism with
the sync signal?
8. The transistor inverter (NOT gate) circuit has hfemin = 40, Vcc = 12V, Apply 7
Rc =2.2k, R1 = 15k and R2 = 100k, VBB = 12V. The input is varying
between 12V and 0V. Assume typical junction voltages of pnp
transistor. Prove that this circuit works as NOT gate.

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