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Jmep Paper
ISSN 1059-9495
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JMEPEG ASM International
DOI: 10.1007/s11665-013-0533-z 1059-9495/$19.00
Plasma nitriding under glow discharge nitrogen plasma has been undertaken on laboratory scale for
surface engineering of commercial low carbon steels. The treatment has been shown to confer exceptional
improvement in surface properties, viz., hardness and corrosion resistance. The results have been discussed
in light of microstructural changes occurring on steel surface and its interior as a result of Fickian nitrogen
diffusion and correlated with influences of nitriding-temperature and alloying elements (Mn, Nb, and Si) in
Fig. 1 Photographs showing plasma-nitriding treatment in progress under purple-coloured nitrogen glow discharge plasma in a pre-evacuated
nitriding reactor (Color figure online)
Fig. 3 Composite light optical micrographs of cross section of plasma-nitrided steel coupons (a) 500 C, (b) 450 C, (c) 400 C showing sta-
bilities of various phases (iron-nitrides, austenite and nitrogen pearlite with progressive depth as a function of nitrogen concentration gradient
governed by Fickian diffusion kinetics (Mag: 9500)
Fig. 4 Secondary electron images of phases observed in plasma-nitrided steel coupons: (a) Iron-nitride (e-Fe3N/c¢-Fe4N) at the top of the
micrograph, (b) Austenite (c), (c) Nitrogen-enriched ferrite and granular nitrogen pearlite, (d) ferrite in base steel (Mag: 91000)
Fig. 5 Superimposed XRD spectra of low-carbon steel surface plasma nitrided at 400, 450 and 500 C showing a progressive increase in
formation of iron-nitrides (c¢-Fe4N/e-Fe3N) and even austenite (c-Fe at 500 C) with concomitantly gradual decrease in ferrite (a-Fe) with treat-
ment temperature (Color figure online)
Fig. 7 Auger electron spectra of steel specimens showing significant enrichment of surface with nitrogen due to formation of e-Fe3N/c¢-Fe4N
nitrides in steel surface after plasma nitriding at (a) 500 C, (b) 450 C
Table 4 Potentiodynamic polarization data showing corrosion, passivation and pitting characteristics of plasma-nitrided
experimental low-carbon steel in 3.5% NaCl
Passive current Equilibrium
Treatment Open circuit density at 100 mV, Breakdown corrosion current Corrosion
temperature, °C potential, OCP, mV Ipassive, lA/cm2 potential, Ebd, mV density, Icorr, lA/cm2 rate, mpy
Fig. 9 EIS spectra of plasma-nitrided and untreated low-carbon steel coupons in 3.5% NaCl solution showing higher impedances for nitrogen-
enriched steels indicative of their higher charge transfer (or polarization) resistance: (a) Nyquist plot, (b) Bode magnitude plot, (c) Bode phase
plot (Color figure online)
Fig. 11 Potentiodynamic polarization plots of low-carbon steels and pure iron plasma-nitrided at 450 C showing lower corrosion currents,
nobler corrosion potentials, marked passivity and high pitting potentials in 3.5% NaCl solution (Color figure online)
Fig. 12 Complex plane Nyquist plots of low-carbon steels and pure iron showing dramatic increase in diameters of capacitive loops in electro-
chemical impedance spectra after plasma-nitriding treatment at 450 C in 3.5% NaCl indicative of higher charge transfer (or polarization) resis-
tance (Color figure online)
The potentiodynamic polarization of nitrided steels and iron Nitrogen, both as interstitial element in solid solution in bcc-
in 0.1 N H2SO4 also provides two curious but valuable insights ferrite and as nitride (c¢-Fe4N) in nitrogen pearlite has a
into the specific role of alloying additions such as Mn, Nb, and dominant role in increasing the hardness and corrosion
Si in steel. On the one hand, the plots in Fig. 14 especially resistance (Ref 7, 19, 22, 23). The solubility of nitrogen in
reveal the highly beneficial influence of Mn and Nb in steel on body-centred cubic (bcc) iron (a-Fe) is at least two and five
kinetics and stability of passivation on nitrided steel surface. On times greater than that of carbon at temperatures of 20 and
the other hand, the results also depict the particularly damaging 590 C, respectively (Ref 24), resulting in a decrease in
and deleterious effect of silicon in steel through annulment of tendency for precipitation at a given level of strengthening (Ref 25).
passivity in plasma-nitrided steel. Therefore, nitrogen as an interstitial atom for strengthening of
Table 8 Electrochemical impedance of experimental low-carbon steels plasma-nitrided at 450 °C in 3.5% NaCl
Steel Treatment temperature, °C Double layer capacitance, F/cm2 Charge transfer resistance, X cm2
Fig. 13 (a) Bode magnitude and (b) Bode phase plots of low-carbon steels and pure iron in 3.5% NaCl solution showing higher electrochemi-
cal impedances after plasma-nitriding treatment at 450 C indicative of higher charge transfer (or polarization) resistance (Color figure online)
iron and its alloys is superior to carbon. The powerful have also observed that the active dissolution of nitrides from
strengthening effect of interstitial nitrogen makes high nitrogen nitrided surfaces can promote formation of ammonia (NH3)
steels a specific class of engineering materials. Meanwhile, it or ammonium ions (NH4+) through cathodic reduction of
has been understood that nitrogen can also improve corrosion nitrogen and lead to buffering of pH at corroding steel sur-
properties (in dissolved state) and creep and wear resistance (as face and its passivation.
stable-nitrides) in iron-based alloys (Ref 26). Osazawa and
Okata (Ref 27) were the first to propose that the dissolution of ½N þ 3Hþ þ 3e ! NH3 ðEq 3Þ
nitrogen from steel during corrosion process can lead to
formation of ammonium ions (NH4+), which consume H+ NH3 þ H2 O ! NH4 OH ðEq 4Þ
protons and thereby increase the pH in incipient pits and
promote steel passivation. NH4 þ þ H2 O ! NH4 OH þ Hþ ðEq 5Þ
½N þ 4Hþ þ 3e ! NH4 þ ðEq 2Þ The inhibiting effects of nitrites and nitrates are well known,
and nitrate formation during dissolution could inhibit pit
The presence of NH4+ (or NH3) has been detected in the pas- growth. Mudali and Raj (Ref 23) have proposed mechanisms
sive films on steels by many authors using X-ray photoelec- by which ammonium ions (NH4+) could form inhibiting
tron spectroscopy (XPS) (Ref 19, 23). Likewise, researchers species, such as NO2 or NO3 through following steps:
Fig. 15 Complex plane Nyquist plots of low-carbon steels and pure iron showing increase in diameters of capacitive loops in electrochemical
impedance spectra after plasma-nitriding treatment at 450 C in strongly reducing 0.1 N H2SO4 indicative of higher charge transfer (or polariza-
tion) resistance (Color figure online)
Fig. 16 Bode magnitude plots of low-carbon steels and pure iron in 0.1 N H2SO4 solution showing higher electrochemical impedances after
plasma-nitriding treatment at 450 C indicative of higher charge transfer (or polarization) resistance (Color figure online)
Table 10 Electrochemical impedance of experimental low-carbon steels plasma-nitrided at 450 °C in 0.1 N H2SO4
Steel Treatment temperature, °C Double layer capacitance, F/cm2 Charge transfer resistance, X cm2
4. Conclusions
[1] Plasma nitriding of commercial low-carbon steels has
been carried out under glow discharge nitrogen plasma
at three temperatures viz. 500, 450, and 400 C for
establishing the surface-treatment conditions favorable
for improving the uptake of soluble nitrogen concomi-
Fig. 17 Bode phase plots of low-carbon steels and pure iron in tantly with the formation of ferrite-nitrogen pearlite
0.1 N H2SO4 solution showing higher electrochemical impedances microstructure in steel.
after plasma-nitriding treatment at 450 C indicative of higher charge [2] Layered formation and stabilization of a wide array of
transfer (or polarization) resistance (Color figure online) phases have been found possible through plasma nitrid-
ing of low-carbon steels. The feasible phases comprise
iron nitrides (e-Fe3N/c¢-Fe4N), austenite (c), mixtures of
are, however, confined to ferrite-nitrogen pearlite microstruc- nitrogen-enriched ferrite, and nitrogen pearlite depending
ture achieved through controlled nitriding under glow discharge on nitriding temperature and concentration gradient of
nitrogen plasma and do not call for a comparison with findings ingressed nitrogen governed by Fickian diffusion.
previously published since they reflect the properties for the [3] The most striking aspect of the plasma-nitriding process,
nitrided compound layer composed variously of e-Fe3N and which is discernible from the present study, is that the
hard alloy nitrides of Cr, Al, and Si. formation of conventional steel phases and microstruc-
The beneficial effects of Mn and Nb in steel on kinetics tures such as austenite, pearlite, and interstitially alloyed
and stability of passivation on nitrided steel surface can be ferrite is entirely possible at markedly low-treatment
correlated to the observation that both Mn and Nb increase the temperatures between 400 and 500 C in ferritic domain
solubility of nitrogen in steel (Ref 19, 36). This has been of low-carbon steel. Thus, plasma nitriding can be gain-
attributed to an increase in number of potential interstitial sites fully employed for microstructural evolution, engineer-
for the nitrogen atoms owing to a corresponding increase in ing, and control on surfaces in low-carbon steels,
lattice mismatch resulting from different sizes of Mn, Nb, and besides being used as only a case-hardening heat-treatment
Fe atoms. It is also surmised that the formation of niobium procedure.