Recruitment: Emilio Aguinaldo College
Recruitment: Emilio Aguinaldo College
Recruitment: Emilio Aguinaldo College
“ Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” –Bill Gates
Steps in Recruitment
1. Study the different company jobs and write its description and specifications.
Job Description – it defines the duties and responsibilities of a particular position.
Help attract the right job candidates;
Describe the major areas of an employee’s job or position;
Serve as a major basis for outlining performance expectations, job training, job
evaluation and career advancement; and
Good Job Description typically begin with a careful analysis of the important facts
about a job such as:
Individual tasks involved;
The methods used to complete the tasks;
The purpose and responsibilities of the job;
The relationship of the job to other jobs; and
Qualifications needed for the job.
Job Description include: (content of Job Description)
Job title
Job objective or overall purpose statement;
Summary of the general nature and level of the job;
Description of the broad function and scope of the position;
List of duties or tasks performed critical to success;
Key functional and relational responsibilities in order of significance; and
Description of the relationships and roles.
Job specifications, standards, and requirements;
Job location where the work will be performed;
Equipment to be used in the performance of the job; and
Salary range.
Job Specification – it gives the specific qualifications required for the such as type
experience needed for the job, special training, skills and physical demands, special
abilities, aptitude, age, physical qualifications and other requirement.
2. Requisition of New Employee – A formal requisition form is required indicating the position
to be filled, date needed, qualifications and other requirements needed for an applicant.
3. Actual recruitment of applicant/s.
Sources of applicants:
1. Internal - employees recruited within the company.
2. External – applicants recruited through advertisement, referrals, placement
agencies, etc.
SELECTION – it is the process through which organizations identify and make decisions
about the applicant/s who will be allowed to join the company.
Steps in Selection
1. Reception of Applicants – it involves screening of applicants by which applicants are
2. Preliminary Interview – the purpose of preliminary interview is to check if the applicant is
qualified for the position and eliminate those applicants who are disqualified.
3. Filling out of Application Form – this serves as a guide in interviewing the applicant to
determine if the applicant matches the job requirements as indicated in the job description and
job specification.
4. Employment Test – is given to measure applicant’s abilities needed for the job.
5. Final Interview by Immediate Supervisor or Department Head – to determine whose among
the applicants should be hired and fitted for the job.
6. Physical and Medical Examination
Medical Exam. – helps to determine if the applicants is fit to work or to find out health
concerns that might hinder his ability to perform the required job.
Pre-employment Test – background check is essential in hiring an employee to obtain
important information of the applicant in terms of work performance and his ability to do a specific
job and other essential information required for the job before deciding to hire an applicant.
7. Hiring – the applicant who passed the selection requirements is sent to the Human Resource
Department for the final completion of the hiring process.
8. Orientation – the new employee/s are oriented on company policies, rules and regulations and
informed or directed about his job by the immediate supervisor or training officer.
This part contains the compensation of the personnel based on their qualifications. After
determining the needed number of the manpower and their qualifications, the next step is to
express it in monetary form. The usual standard in determining wage rates is matching them with
the industry.
Since the law mandates the provisions of benefits to workers, such as allowances,
bonuses, Social Security System (SSS), Pag-ibig, Philhealth contributions and the like; these
should be included in the study. Also, companies provide benefits such as leave benefits,
allowances, bonuses, insurances and retirement benefits. The summary of the compensation
package should be shown in the exhibit.
This section explains the personnel policies that should be implemented in the workplace.
As part of organizing the business, a company manual and code of discipline that contains
information about the company policies, employees’ privileges and benefits should be prepared.
• important communication tool between an employee and employer.
• a guide for employees in the performance of his job and what is being expected of his as
an employee.
The rules and regulations stated are important to achieve total efficiency and harmonious
relationship. Discipline is a key factor in any business undertaking.
I. Proponents – this refers to the originators of the project, its owners or equity holders in the
business. It describes the kind of ownership whether sole proprietorship, partnership, or
II. Management
1. Organization Structure – this refers to the hierarchy in organization ladder and their
corresponding duties and responsibilities and their respective qualification for the position.
2. Personnel Component
a. Pre-operating Period – the persons in charge of activities in the pre-operation
b. Operating Period – this refers to the personnel that will be assigned the task
of handling the day to day operation of the business.
c. Development of Policy Manuals and Procedures – standard operating
procedure must be established to simplify decision making and to pinpoint
accountability for operation.